@ -578,13 +578,16 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer, ABC):
return balance
def get_onchain_history ( self , * , domain = None ) :
monotonic_timestamp = 0
for hist_item in self . get_history ( domain = domain ) :
monotonic_timestamp = max ( monotonic_timestamp , ( hist_item . tx_mined_status . timestamp or float ( ' inf ' ) ) )
yield {
' txid ' : hist_item . txid ,
' fee_sat ' : hist_item . fee ,
' height ' : hist_item . tx_mined_status . height ,
' confirmations ' : hist_item . tx_mined_status . conf ,
' timestamp ' : hist_item . tx_mined_status . timestamp ,
' monotonic_timestamp ' : monotonic_timestamp ,
' incoming ' : True if hist_item . delta > 0 else False ,
' bc_value ' : Satoshis ( hist_item . delta ) ,
' bc_balance ' : Satoshis ( hist_item . balance ) ,
@ -724,29 +727,35 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer, ABC):
def get_full_history ( self , fx = None , * , onchain_domain = None , include_lightning = True ) :
transactions = OrderedDictWithIndex ( )
transactions_tmp = OrderedDictWithIndex ( )
# add on-chain txns
onchain_history = self . get_onchain_history ( domain = onchain_domain )
for tx_item in onchain_history :
txid = tx_item [ ' txid ' ]
transactions [ txid ] = tx_item
transactions_tmp [ txid ] = tx_item
# add LN txns
if self . lnworker and include_lightning :
lightning_history = self . lnworker . get_history ( )
else :
lightning_history = [ ]
for i , tx_item in enumerate ( lightning_history ) :
txid = tx_item . get ( ' txid ' )
ln_value = Decimal ( tx_item [ ' amount_msat ' ] ) / 1000
if txid and txid in transactions :
item = transactions [ txid ]
if txid and txid in transactions_tmp :
item = transactions_tmp [ txid ]
item [ ' label ' ] = tx_item [ ' label ' ]
item [ ' ln_value ' ] = Satoshis ( ln_value )
else :
tx_item [ ' lightning ' ] = True
tx_item [ ' ln_value ' ] = Satoshis ( ln_value )
tx_item [ ' txpos ' ] = i # for sorting
key = tx_item . get ( ' txid ' ) or tx_item [ ' payment_hash ' ]
transactions [ key ] = tx_item
transactions_tmp [ key ] = tx_item
# sort on-chain and LN stuff into new dict, by timestamp
# (we rely on this being a *stable* sort)
transactions = OrderedDictWithIndex ( )
for k , v in sorted ( list ( transactions_tmp . items ( ) ) ,
key = lambda x : x [ 1 ] . get ( ' monotonic_timestamp ' ) or x [ 1 ] . get ( ' timestamp ' ) or float ( ' inf ' ) ) :
transactions [ k ] = v
now = time . time ( )
balance = 0
for item in transactions . values ( ) :