'receiving':(None,"--receiving","Show only receiving addresses"),
'change':(None,"--change","Show only change addresses"),
'frozen':(None,"--frozen","Show only frozen addresses"),
'unused':(None,"--unused","Show only unused addresses"),
'funded':(None,"--funded","Show only funded addresses"),
'show_balance':("-b","--balance","Show the balances of listed addresses"),
'show_labels':("-l","--labels","Show the labels of listed addresses"),
'nocheck':(None,"--nocheck","Do not verify aliases"),
'imax':(None,"--imax","Maximum number of inputs"),
'tx_fee':("-f","--fee","Transaction fee (in BTC)"),
'from_addr':("-F","--from","Source address. If it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet."),
'change_addr':("-c","--change","Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet"),
'nbits':(None,"--nbits","Number of bits of entropy"),
'entropy':(None,"--entropy","Custom entropy"),
'segwit':(None,"--segwit","Create segwit seed"),
'language':("-L","--lang","Default language for wordlist"),
'gap_limit':("-G","--gap","Gap limit"),
'privkey':(None,"--privkey","Private key. Set to '?' to get a prompt."),
'unsigned':("-u","--unsigned","Do not sign transaction"),
'memo':("-m","--memo","Description of the request"),
'expiration':(None,"--expiration","Time in seconds"),
'timeout':(None,"--timeout","Timeout in seconds"),
'force':(None,"--force","Create new address beyond gap limit, if no more addresses are available."),
'pending':(None,"--pending","Show only pending requests."),
'expired':(None,"--expired","Show only expired requests."),
'paid':(None,"--paid","Show only paid requests."),
'new_password':(None,"New Password"),
'receiving':(None,"Show only receiving addresses"),
'change':(None,"Show only change addresses"),
'frozen':(None,"Show only frozen addresses"),
'unused':(None,"Show only unused addresses"),
'funded':(None,"Show only funded addresses"),
'balance':("-b","Show the balances of listed addresses"),
'labels':("-l","Show the labels of listed addresses"),
'nocheck':(None,"Do not verify aliases"),
'imax':(None,"Maximum number of inputs"),
'fee':("-f","Transaction fee (in BTC)"),
'from_addr':("-F","Source address. If it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet."),
'change_addr':("-c","Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet"),
'nbits':(None,"Number of bits of entropy"),
'entropy':(None,"Custom entropy"),
'segwit':(None,"Create segwit seed"),
'language':("-L","Default language for wordlist"),
'privkey':(None,"Private key. Set to '?' to get a prompt."),
'unsigned':("-u","Do not sign transaction"),
'rbf':(None,"Replace-by-fee transaction"),
'locktime':(None,"Set locktime block number"),
'domain':("-D","List of addresses"),
'memo':("-m","Description of the request"),
'expiration':(None,"Time in seconds"),
'timeout':(None,"Timeout in seconds"),
'force':(None,"Create new address beyond gap limit, if no more addresses are available."),