@ -96,115 +96,163 @@ function convertNPNProtocols(NPNProtocols, out) {
function unfqdn ( host ) {
return host . replace ( /[.]$/ , '' ) ;
function checkServerIdentity ( host , cert ) {
// Create regexp to much hostnames
function regexpify ( host , wildcards ) {
// Add trailing dot (make hostnames uniform)
if ( ! /\.$/ . test ( host ) ) host += '.' ;
// The same applies to hostname with more than one wildcard,
// if hostname has wildcard when wildcards are not allowed,
// or if there are less than two dots after wildcard (i.e. *.com or *d.com)
// also
// "The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier in
// which the wildcard character comprises a label other than the
// left-most label (e.g., do not match bar.*.example.net)."
// RFC6125
if ( ! wildcards && /\*/ . test ( host ) || /[\.\*].*\*/ . test ( host ) ||
/\*/ . test ( host ) && ! /\*.*\..+\..+/ . test ( host ) ) {
return /$./ ;
function splitHost ( host ) {
// String#toLowerCase() is locale-sensitive so we use
// a conservative version that only lowercases A-Z.
function replacer ( c ) {
return String . fromCharCode ( 32 + c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) ;
} ;
return unfqdn ( host ) . replace ( /[A-Z]/g , replacer ) . split ( '.' ) ;
// Replace wildcard chars with regexp's wildcard and
// escape all characters that have special meaning in regexps
// (i.e. '.', '[', '{', '*', and others)
var re = host . replace (
/\*([a-z0-9\\-_\.])|[\.,\-\\\^\$+?*\[\]\(\):!\|{}]/g ,
function ( all , sub ) {
if ( sub ) return '[a-z0-9\\-_]*' + ( sub === '-' ? '\\-' : sub ) ;
return '\\' + all ;
} ) ;
return new RegExp ( '^' + re + '$' , 'i' ) ;
function check ( hostParts , pattern , wildcards ) {
// Empty strings, null, undefined, etc. never match.
if ( ! pattern )
return false ;
var patternParts = splitHost ( pattern ) ;
if ( hostParts . length !== patternParts . length )
return false ;
// Pattern has empty components, e.g. "bad..example.com".
if ( patternParts . indexOf ( '' ) !== - 1 )
return false ;
// RFC 6125 allows IDNA U-labels (Unicode) in names but we have no
// good way to detect their encoding or normalize them so we simply
// reject them. Control characters and blanks are rejected as well
// because nothing good can come from accepting them.
function isBad ( s ) {
return /[^\u0021-\u007F]/ . test ( s ) ;
var dnsNames = [ ] ,
uriNames = [ ] ,
ips = [ ] ,
matchCN = true ,
valid = false ;
if ( patternParts . some ( isBad ) )
return false ;
// There're several names to perform check against:
// CN and altnames in certificate extension
// (DNS names, IP addresses, and URIs)
// Walk through altnames and generate lists of those names
if ( cert . subjectaltname ) {
cert . subjectaltname . split ( /, /g ) . forEach ( function ( altname ) {
if ( /^DNS:/ . test ( altname ) ) {
dnsNames . push ( altname . slice ( 4 ) ) ;
} else if ( /^IP Address:/ . test ( altname ) ) {
ips . push ( altname . slice ( 11 ) ) ;
} else if ( /^URI:/ . test ( altname ) ) {
var uri = url . parse ( altname . slice ( 4 ) ) ;
if ( uri ) uriNames . push ( uri . hostname ) ;
// Check host parts from right to left first.
for ( var i = hostParts . length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i -= 1 )
if ( hostParts [ i ] !== patternParts [ i ] )
return false ;
var hostSubdomain = hostParts [ 0 ] ;
var patternSubdomain = patternParts [ 0 ] ;
var patternSubdomainParts = patternSubdomain . split ( '*' ) ;
// Short-circuit when the subdomain does not contain a wildcard.
// RFC 6125 does not allow wildcard substitution for components
// containing IDNA A-labels (Punycode) so match those verbatim.
if ( patternSubdomainParts . length === 1 ||
patternSubdomain . indexOf ( 'xn--' ) !== - 1 ) {
return hostSubdomain === patternSubdomain ;
if ( ! wildcards )
return false ;
// More than one wildcard is always wrong.
if ( patternSubdomainParts . length > 2 )
return false ;
// *.tld wildcards are not allowed.
if ( patternParts . length <= 2 )
return false ;
var prefix = patternSubdomainParts [ 0 ] ;
var suffix = patternSubdomainParts [ 1 ] ;
if ( prefix . length + suffix . length > hostSubdomain . length )
return false ;
if ( prefix . length > 0 && hostSubdomain . slice ( 0 , prefix . length ) !== prefix )
return false ;
if ( suffix . length > 0 && hostSubdomain . slice ( - suffix . length ) !== suffix )
return false ;
return true ;
function _ checkServerIdentity ( host , cert ) {
var subject = cert . subject ;
var altNames = cert . subjectaltname ;
var dnsNames = [ ] ;
var uriNames = [ ] ;
var ips = [ ] ;
host = '' + host ;
if ( altNames ) {
altNames . split ( ', ' ) . forEach ( function ( name ) {
if ( /^DNS:/ . test ( name ) ) {
dnsNames . push ( name . slice ( 4 ) ) ;
} else if ( /^URI:/ . test ( name ) ) {
var uri = url . parse ( name . slice ( 4 ) ) ;
uriNames . push ( uri . hostname ) ; // TODO(bnoordhuis) Also use scheme.
} else if ( /^IP Address:/ . test ( name ) ) {
ips . push ( name . slice ( 11 ) ) ;
} ) ;
// If hostname is an IP address, it should be present in the list of IP
// addresses.
var valid = false ;
var reason = 'Unknown reason' ;
if ( net . isIP ( host ) ) {
valid = ips . some ( function ( ip ) {
return ip === host ;
} ) ;
} else {
// Transform hostname to canonical form
if ( ! /\.$/ . test ( host ) ) host += '.' ;
valid = ips . indexOf ( host ) !== - 1 ;
if ( ! valid )
reason = 'IP: ' + host + ' is not in the cert\'s list: ' + ips . join ( ', ' ) ;
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Also check URI SANs that are IP addresses.
} else if ( subject ) {
host = unfqdn ( host ) ; // Remove trailing dot for error messages.
var hostParts = splitHost ( host ) ;
function wildcard ( pattern ) {
return check ( hostParts , pattern , true ) ;
// Otherwise check all DNS/URI records from certificate
// (with allowed wildcards)
dnsNames = dnsNames . map ( function ( name ) {
return regexpify ( name , true ) ;
} ) ;
function noWildcard ( pattern ) {
return check ( hostParts , pattern , false ) ;
// Wildcards ain't allowed in URI names
uriNames = uriNames . map ( function ( name ) {
return regexpify ( name , false ) ;
} ) ;
// Match against Common Name only if no supported identifiers are present.
if ( dnsNames . length === 0 && ips . length === 0 && uriNames . length === 0 ) {
var cn = subject . CN ;
dnsNames = dnsNames . concat ( uriNames ) ;
if ( dnsNames . length > 0 ) matchCN = false ;
// Match against Common Name (CN) only if no supported identifiers are
// present.
// "As noted, a client MUST NOT seek a match for a reference identifier
// of CN-ID if the presented identifiers include a DNS-ID, SRV-ID,
// URI-ID, or any application-specific identifier types supported by the
// client."
// RFC6125
if ( matchCN ) {
var commonNames = cert . subject . CN ;
if ( Array . isArray ( commonNames ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 , k = commonNames . length ; i < k ; ++ i ) {
dnsNames . push ( regexpify ( commonNames [ i ] , true ) ) ;
} else {
dnsNames . push ( regexpify ( commonNames , true ) ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( cn ) )
valid = cn . some ( wildcard ) ;
else if ( cn )
valid = wildcard ( cn ) ;
if ( ! valid )
reason = 'Host: ' + host + '. is not cert\'s CN: ' + cn ;
} else {
valid = dnsNames . some ( wildcard ) || uriNames . some ( noWildcard ) ;
if ( ! valid ) {
reason =
'Host: ' + host + '. is not in the cert\'s altnames: ' + altNames ;
} else {
reason = 'Cert is empty' ;
valid = dnsNames . some ( function ( re ) {
return re . test ( host ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! valid ) {
var err = new Error ( 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s altnames' ) ;
err . reason = reason ;
err . host = host ;
err . cert = cert ;
return err ;
exports . _ checkServerIdentity = _ checkServerIdentity ;
return valid ;
function checkServerIdentity ( host , cert ) {
return ! ! _ checkServerIdentity ( host , cert ) ;
exports . checkServerIdentity = checkServerIdentity ;
@ -1384,12 +1432,8 @@ exports.connect = function(/* [port, host], options, cb */) {
// Verify that server's identity matches it's certificate's names
if ( ! verifyError ) {
var validCert = checkServerIdentity ( hostname ,
pair . cleartext . getPeerCertificate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! validCert ) {
verifyError = new Error ( 'Hostname/IP doesn\'t match certificate\'s ' +
'altnames' ) ;
verifyError = _ checkServerIdentity ( hostname ,
pair . cleartext . getPeerCertificate ( ) ) ;
if ( verifyError ) {