@ -29,11 +29,25 @@ var termSignal; |
var gotStdoutEOF = false; |
var gotStderrEOF = false; |
var ping = "42\n"; |
var cat = spawn('cat'); |
// This test sends a signal to a child process.
// There is a potential race here where the signal is delivered
// after the fork() but before execve(). IOW, the signal is sent
// before the child process has truly been started.
// So we wait for a sign of life from the child (the ping response)
// before sending the signal.
cat.stdin.write(ping); |
cat.stdout.addListener('data', function(chunk) { |
assert.ok(false); |
assert.equal(chunk.toString(), ping); |
cat.kill(); |
}); |
cat.stdout.addListener('end', function() { |
@ -53,8 +67,6 @@ cat.addListener('exit', function(code, signal) { |
termSignal = signal; |
}); |
cat.kill(); |
process.addListener('exit', function() { |
assert.strictEqual(exitCode, null); |
assert.strictEqual(termSignal, 'SIGTERM'); |