module . exports = ( shepherd ) => {
shepherd . sortTransactions = ( transactions ) => {
return transactions . sort ( ( b , a ) => {
if ( a . height < b . height ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( a . height > b . height ) {
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
} ) ;
shepherd . get ( '/electrum/listtransactions' , ( req , res , next ) => {
const network = req . query . network || shepherd . findNetworkObj ( req . query . coin ) ;
const ecl = new shepherd . electrumJSCore ( shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . port , shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . address , shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . proto ) ; // tcp or tls
shepherd . log ( 'electrum listtransactions ==>' , true ) ;
if ( ! req . query . full ) {
ecl . connect ( ) ;
ecl . blockchainAddressGetHistory ( req . query . address )
. then ( ( json ) => {
ecl . close ( ) ;
shepherd . log ( json , true ) ;
json = shepherd . sortTransactions ( json ) ;
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : json ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// !expensive call!
// TODO: limit e.g. 1-10, 10-20 etc
const MAX_TX = req . query . maxlength || 10 ;
ecl . connect ( ) ;
ecl . blockchainNumblocksSubscribe ( )
. then ( ( currentHeight ) => {
if ( currentHeight &&
Number ( currentHeight ) > 0 ) {
ecl . blockchainAddressGetHistory ( req . query . address )
. then ( ( json ) => {
if ( json &&
json . length ) {
json = shepherd . sortTransactions ( json ) ;
json = json . slice ( 0 , MAX_TX ) ;
let _ rawtx = [ ] ;
shepherd . log ( json . length , true ) ;
shepherd . Promise . all ( json . map ( ( transaction , index ) => {
return new shepherd . Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
ecl . blockchainBlockGetHeader ( transaction . height )
. then ( ( blockInfo ) => {
if ( blockInfo &&
blockInfo . timestamp ) {
ecl . blockchainTransactionGet ( transaction [ 'tx_hash' ] )
. then ( ( _ rawtxJSON ) => {
shepherd . log ( 'electrum gettransaction ==>' , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( ( index + ' | ' + ( _ rawtxJSON . length - 1 ) ) , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( _ rawtxJSON , true ) ;
// decode tx
const _ network = shepherd . getNetworkData ( network ) ;
const decodedTx = shepherd . electrumJSTxDecoder ( _ rawtxJSON , _ network ) ;
let txInputs = [ ] ;
shepherd . log ( 'decodedtx =>' , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( decodedTx . outputs , true ) ;
if ( decodedTx &&
decodedTx . inputs ) {
shepherd . Promise . all ( decodedTx . inputs . map ( ( _ decodedInput , index ) => {
return new shepherd . Promise ( ( _ resolve , _ reject ) => {
if ( _ decodedInput . txid !== '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ) {
ecl . blockchainTransactionGet ( _ decodedInput . txid )
. then ( ( rawInput ) => {
const decodedVinVout = shepherd . electrumJSTxDecoder ( rawInput , _ network ) ;
shepherd . log ( 'electrum raw input tx ==>' , true ) ;
if ( decodedVinVout ) {
shepherd . log ( decodedVinVout . outputs [ _ decodedInput . n ] , true ) ;
txInputs . push ( decodedVinVout . outputs [ _ decodedInput . n ] ) ;
_ resolve ( true ) ;
} else {
_ resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
_ resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) )
. then ( promiseResult => {
const _ parsedTx = {
network : decodedTx . network ,
format : decodedTx . format ,
inputs : txInputs ,
outputs : decodedTx . outputs ,
height : transaction . height ,
timestamp : Number ( transaction . height ) === 0 ? Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) : blockInfo . timestamp ,
confirmations : Number ( transaction . height ) === 0 ? 0 : currentHeight - transaction . height ,
} ;
const formattedTx = shepherd . parseTransactionAddresses ( _ parsedTx , req . query . address , network ) ;
if ( formattedTx . type ) {
formattedTx . height = transaction . height ;
formattedTx . blocktime = blockInfo . timestamp ;
formattedTx . timereceived = blockInfo . timereceived ;
formattedTx . hex = _ rawtxJSON ;
formattedTx . inputs = decodedTx . inputs ;
formattedTx . outputs = decodedTx . outputs ;
formattedTx . locktime = decodedTx . format . locktime ;
_ rawtx . push ( formattedTx ) ;
} else {
formattedTx [ 0 ] . height = transaction . height ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . blocktime = blockInfo . timestamp ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . timereceived = blockInfo . timereceived ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . hex = _ rawtxJSON ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . inputs = decodedTx . inputs ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . outputs = decodedTx . outputs ;
formattedTx [ 0 ] . locktime = decodedTx . format . locktime ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . height = transaction . height ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . blocktime = blockInfo . timestamp ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . timereceived = blockInfo . timereceived ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . hex = _ rawtxJSON ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . inputs = decodedTx . inputs ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . outputs = decodedTx . outputs ;
formattedTx [ 1 ] . locktime = decodedTx . format . locktime ;
_ rawtx . push ( formattedTx [ 0 ] ) ;
_ rawtx . push ( formattedTx [ 1 ] ) ;
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const _ parsedTx = {
network : decodedTx . network ,
format : 'cant parse' ,
inputs : 'cant parse' ,
outputs : 'cant parse' ,
height : transaction . height ,
timestamp : Number ( transaction . height ) === 0 ? Math . floor ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) : blockInfo . timestamp ,
confirmations : Number ( transaction . height ) === 0 ? 0 : currentHeight - transaction . height ,
} ;
const formattedTx = shepherd . parseTransactionAddresses ( _ parsedTx , req . query . address , network ) ;
_ rawtx . push ( formattedTx ) ;
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const _ parsedTx = {
network : 'cant parse' ,
format : 'cant parse' ,
inputs : 'cant parse' ,
outputs : 'cant parse' ,
height : transaction . height ,
timestamp : 'cant get block info' ,
confirmations : Number ( transaction . height ) === 0 ? 0 : currentHeight - transaction . height ,
} ;
const formattedTx = shepherd . parseTransactionAddresses ( _ parsedTx , req . query . address , network ) ;
_ rawtx . push ( formattedTx ) ;
resolve ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) )
. then ( promiseResult => {
ecl . close ( ) ;
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : _ rawtx ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : [ ] ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const successObj = {
msg : 'error' ,
result : 'cant get current height' ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
shepherd . get ( '/electrum/gettransaction' , ( req , res , next ) => {
const network = req . query . network || shepherd . findNetworkObj ( req . query . coin ) ;
const ecl = new shepherd . electrumJSCore ( shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . port , shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . address , shepherd . electrumServers [ network ] . proto ) ; // tcp or tls
shepherd . log ( 'electrum gettransaction =>' , true ) ;
ecl . connect ( ) ;
ecl . blockchainTransactionGet ( req . query . txid )
. then ( ( json ) => {
ecl . close ( ) ;
shepherd . log ( json , true ) ;
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : json ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
shepherd . parseTransactionAddresses = ( tx , targetAddress , network ) => {
// TODO: - sum vins / sum vouts to the same address
// - multi vin multi vout
// - detect change address
let result = [ ] ;
let _ parse = {
inputs : { } ,
outputs : { } ,
} ;
let _ sum = {
inputs : 0 ,
outputs : 0 ,
} ;
let _ total = {
inputs : 0 ,
outputs : 0 ,
} ;
shepherd . log ( 'parseTransactionAddresses result ==>' , true ) ;
if ( tx . format === 'cant parse' ) {
return {
type : 'unknown' ,
amount : 'unknown' ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
for ( let key in _ parse ) {
if ( ! tx [ key ] . length ) {
_ parse [ key ] = [ ] ;
_ parse [ key ] . push ( tx [ key ] ) ;
} else {
_ parse [ key ] = tx [ key ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < _ parse [ key ] . length ; i ++ ) {
shepherd . log ( ` key ==> ` , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( _ parse [ key ] [ i ] , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( Number ( _ parse [ key ] [ i ] . value ) , true ) ;
_ total [ key ] += Number ( _ parse [ key ] [ i ] . value ) ;
if ( _ parse [ key ] [ i ] . scriptPubKey &&
_ parse [ key ] [ i ] . scriptPubKey . addresses &&
_ parse [ key ] [ i ] . scriptPubKey . addresses [ 0 ] === targetAddress &&
_ parse [ key ] [ i ] . value ) {
_ sum [ key ] += Number ( _ parse [ key ] [ i ] . value ) ;
if ( _ sum . inputs > 0 &&
_ sum . outputs > 0 ) {
// vin + change, break into two tx
result = [ { // reorder since tx sort by default is from newest to oldest
type : 'sent' ,
amount : Number ( _ sum . inputs . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
} , {
type : 'received' ,
amount : Number ( _ sum . outputs . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
} ] ;
if ( network === 'komodo' ) { // calc claimed interest amount
const vinVoutDiff = _ total . inputs - _ total . outputs ;
if ( vinVoutDiff < 0 ) {
result [ 1 ] . interest = Number ( vinVoutDiff . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
} else if ( _ sum . inputs === 0 && _ sum . outputs > 0 ) {
result = {
type : 'received' ,
amount : Number ( _ sum . outputs . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
} ;
} else if ( _ sum . inputs > 0 && _ sum . outputs === 0 ) {
result = {
type : 'sent' ,
amount : Number ( _ sum . inputs . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
} ;
} else {
// (?)
result = {
type : 'other' ,
amount : 'unknown' ,
address : targetAddress ,
timestamp : tx . timestamp ,
txid : tx . format . txid ,
confirmations : tx . confirmations ,
} ;
shepherd . log ( _ sum , true ) ;
shepherd . log ( result , true ) ;
return result ;
shepherd . get ( '/electrum/decoderawtx' , ( req , res , next ) => {
const _ network = shepherd . getNetworkData ( req . query . network ) ;
const _ rawtx = req . query . rawtx ;
// const _rawtx = '0100000001dd6d064f5665f8454293ecaa9dbb55accf4f7e443d35f3b5ab7760f54b6c15fe000000006a473044022056355585a4a501ec9afc96aa5df124cf29ad3ac6454b47cd07cd7d89ec95ec2b022074c4604ee349d30e5336f210598e4dc576bf16ebeb67eeac3f4e82f56e930fee012103b90ba01af308757054e0484bb578765d5df59c4a57adbb94e2419df5e7232a63feffffff0289fc923b000000001976a91424af38fcb13bbc171b0b42bb017244a53b6bb2fa88ac20a10700000000001976a9142f4c0f91fc06ac228c120aee41741d0d3909683288ac49258b58';
const decodedTx = shepherd . electrumJSTxDecoder ( _ rawtx , _ network ) ;
shepherd . log ( 'electrum decoderawtx input tx ==>' , true ) ;
if ( req . query . parseonly ||
decodedTx . inputs [ 0 ] . txid === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ) {
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : {
network : decodedTx . network ,
format : decodedTx . format ,
inputs : decodedTx . inputs ,
outputs : decodedTx . outputs ,
} ,
} ;
shepherd . log ( successObj . result , true ) ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} else {
const ecl = new shepherd . electrumJSCore ( shepherd . electrumServers [ req . query . network ] . port , shepherd . electrumServers [ req . query . network ] . address , shepherd . electrumServers [ req . query . network ] . proto ) ; // tcp or tls
ecl . connect ( ) ;
ecl . blockchainTransactionGet ( decodedTx . inputs [ 0 ] . txid )
. then ( ( json ) => {
ecl . close ( ) ;
shepherd . log ( json , true ) ;
const decodedVin = shepherd . electrumJSTxDecoder ( json , _ network ) ;
const successObj = {
msg : 'success' ,
result : {
network : decodedTx . network ,
format : decodedTx . format ,
inputs : decodedVin . outputs [ decodedTx . inputs [ 0 ] . n ] ,
outputs : decodedTx . outputs ,
} ,
} ;
res . end ( JSON . stringify ( successObj ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return shepherd ;
} ;