@ -6,11 +6,20 @@ You must have `node.js` and `npm` installed on your machine.
Clone Agama Desktop App with EasyDEX-GUI submodule
git clone --recursive https://github.com/SuperNETorg/Agama.git
cd gui/EasyDEX-GUI/
git checkout master
git pull
cd ../../
1) git clone https://github.com/supernetorg/agama --recursive --branch pkg_automation_electrum --single-branch
with this command you git clone agama - but explicitly just the pkg_automation_electrum branch (therefore --single-branch) which we also use for the release packages.
2) cd agama & & cd gui/EasyDEX-GUI/
3) git checkout electrum & & git pull origin electrum
4) npm install & & npm install webpack
5) ./binary_artifacts.sh
6) npm start in projects' root folder
7) cd gui/EasyDEX-GUI/react/src
8) npm start
8) toggle dev and debug options in settings
9) restart the app
10) sync komodod and/or asset chains
You're ready to dev
Install Agama App
@ -25,34 +34,6 @@ npm start
### Important dev notes
#### Use the following config.json for dev
Place it in ./iguana folder.
"edexGuiOnly": true,
"iguanaGuiOnly": false,
"manualIguanaStart": false,
"skipBasiliskNetworkCheck": true,
"minNotaries": 8,
"host": "",
"agamaPort": 17777,
"iguanaCorePort": 7778,
"maxDescriptors": {
"darwin": 90000,
"linux": 1000000
"killIguanaOnStart": true,
"dev": true,
"v2": true,
"useBasiliskInstance": true,
"debug": true,
"iguanaAppPort": 17777,
"forks": {
"basilisk": false,
"all": false
#### Sockets.io
In dev mode backend is configured to send/receive messages from/to address. If you open it as http://localhost:3000 sockets server will reject any messages.