const electron = require('electron'), app =, BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow, path = require('path'), url = require('url'), os = require('os'), fsnode = require('fs'), fs = require('fs-extra'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp'), express = require('express'), exec = require('child_process').exec, md5 = require('md5'), pm2 = require('pm2'), readLastLines = require('read-last-lines'), request = require('request'); Promise = require('bluebird'); const fixPath = require('fix-path'); var ps = require('ps-node'), setconf = require('../private/setconf.js'), shepherd = express.Router(); // IGUANA FILES AND CONFIG SETTINGS var iguanaConfsDirSrc = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/deps/confs'), CorsProxyBin = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/corsproxy/bin/corsproxy'); // SETTING OS DIR TO RUN IGUANA FROM // SETTING APP ICON FOR LINUX AND WINDOWS if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { fixPath(); var iguanaBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/iguana'), iguanaDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/iguana', iguanaConfsDir = iguanaDir + '/confs', komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/komodod'), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/komodo-cli'), komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Komodo'; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { var iguanaBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/iguana'), iguanaDir = process.env.HOME + '/.iguana', iguanaConfsDir = iguanaDir + '/confs', iguanaIcon = path.join(__dirname, '/assets/icons/iguana_app_icon_png/128x128.png'), komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/komodod'), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/komodo-cli'), komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/.komodo'; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { var iguanaBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/iguana.exe'); iguanaBin = path.normalize(iguanaBin); iguanaDir = process.env.APPDATA + '/iguana'; iguanaDir = path.normalize(iguanaDir); iguanaConfsDir = process.env.APPDATA + '/iguana/confs'; iguanaConfsDir = path.normalize(iguanaConfsDir); iguanaIcon = path.join(__dirname, '/assets/icons/iguana_app_icon.ico'), iguanaConfsDirSrc = path.normalize(iguanaConfsDirSrc); komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/komodod.exe'), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/komodo-cli.exe'), komodoDir = process.env.APPDATA + '/Komodo'; } shepherd.appConfig = { "edexGuiOnly": true, "iguanaGuiOnly": false, "manualIguanaStart": false, "skipBasiliskNetworkCheck": false, "minNotaries": 50, "host": "", "iguanaAppPort": 17777, "iguanaCorePort": 7778, "maxDescriptors": { "darwin": 90000, "linux": 1000000 } }; console.log('iguana dir: ' + iguanaDir); console.log('iguana bin: ' + iguanaBin); // END IGUANA FILES AND CONFIG SETTINGS shepherd.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.send('Iguana app server'); }); shepherd.get('/appconf', function(req, res, next) { var obj = shepherd.loadLocalConfig(); res.send(obj); });'/getcache', function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.body.pubkey) var obj = shepherd.getCache(req.body.pubkey); console.log('displaying output of request') console.log(obj); res.send(obj); });'/allcoins', function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.body.sessionKey) var sessionKey = req.body.sessionKey, _obj = { 'msg': 'error', 'result': 'error' }, outObj = { basilisk: {} }, pubkey, writeCache = function() { fs.writeFile(iguanaDir + '/cache-' + pubkey + '.json', JSON.stringify(outObj), function(err) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } console.log('file ' + iguanaDir + '/cache-' + pubkey + '.json is updated'); }); }; res.end(JSON.stringify({ 'msg': 'success', 'result': 'call is initiated' })); console.time('allcoins'); request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/SuperNET/activehandle?userpass=' + sessionKey, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { pubkey = JSON.parse(body).pubkey; request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/InstantDEX/allcoins?userpass=' + sessionKey, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { body = JSON.parse(body); // basilisk coins if (body.basilisk.length) { // get coin addresses body.basilisk.forEach(function(coin) { outObj.basilisk[coin] = {}; writeCache(); request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/bitcoinrpc/getaddressesbyaccount?userpass=' + sessionKey + '&coin=' + coin + '&account=*', method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses = JSON.parse(body).result; writeCache(); outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses.forEach(function(address) { console.log('KMD address ' + address); outObj.basilisk[coin][address] = {}; writeCache(); // get listunspent request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/dex/listunspent?userpass=' + sessionKey + '&symbol=' + coin + '&address=' + address, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address].listunspent = JSON.parse(body); console.log(body); writeCache(); } }); // get listtransactions request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/dex/listtransactions?userpass=' + sessionKey + '&count=100&skip=0&symbol=' + coin + '&address=' + address, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address].listtransactions = JSON.parse(body); console.log(body); writeCache(); } }); // get listtransactions2 request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/dex/listtransactions2?userpass=' + sessionKey + '&count=100&skip=0&symbol=' + coin + '&address=' + address, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address].listtransactions2 = JSON.parse(body); console.log(body); writeCache(); } }); // get refresh request({ url: 'http://' + + ':' + shepherd.appConfig.iguanaCorePort + '/api/basilisk/refresh?userpass=' + sessionKey + '&timeout=600000&symbol=' + coin + '&address=' + address, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address].refresh = JSON.parse(body); console.log(body); writeCache(); } }); }); console.timeEnd('allcoins'); // !not an actual time taken by the call! } else { // TODO: error } }); }); } else { // TODO: error } } else { // TODO: error } }); } else { // TODO: error } }); });'/debuglog', function(req, res) { var _herd = req.body.herdname, _lastNLines = req.body.lastLines, _location; if (_herd === 'iguana') { _location = iguanaDir; } else if (_herd === 'komodo') { _location = komodoDir; } shepherd.readDebugLog(_location + '/debug.log', _lastNLines) .then(function(result) { var _obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': result }; res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }, function(result) { var _obj = { 'msg': 'error', 'result': result }; res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }); });'/herd', function(req, res) { console.log('======= req.body ======='); //console.log(req); console.log(req.body); //console.log(req.body.herd); //console.log(req.body.options); herder(req.body.herd, req.body.options); var obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': 'result' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); });'/herdlist', function(req, res) { //console.log('======= req.body ======='); //console.log(req); //console.log(req.body); console.log(req.body.herdname); //console.log(req.body.options); pm2.connect(true, function(err) { if (err) throw err; // TODO: proper error handling pm2.describe(req.body.herdname, function(err, list) { pm2.disconnect(); // disconnect after getting proc info list if (err) throw err; // TODO: proper error handling console.log(list[0].pm2_env.status) // print status of IGUANA proc console.log(list[0].pid) // print pid of IGUANA proc var obj = { 'herdname': req.body.herdname, 'status': list[0].pm2_env.status, 'pid': list[0].pid }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); }); }); });'/slay', function(req, res) { console.log('======= req.body ======='); //console.log(req); console.log(req.body); //console.log(req.body.slay); slayer(req.body.slay); var obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': 'result' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); });'/setconf', function(req, res) { console.log('======= req.body ======='); //console.log(req); console.log(req.body); //console.log(req.body.chain); setConf(req.body.chain); var obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': 'result' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); });'/getconf', function(req, res) { console.log('======= req.body ======='); //console.log(req); console.log(req.body); //console.log(req.body.chain); var confpath = getConf(req.body.chain); console.log('got conf path is:'); console.log(confpath); var obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': confpath }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); }); shepherd.loadLocalConfig = function() { if (fs.existsSync(iguanaDir + '/config.json')) { var localAppConfig = fs.readFileSync(iguanaDir + '/config.json', 'utf8'); console.log('app config set from local file'); // find diff between local and hardcoded configs // append diff to local config var compareJSON = function(obj1, obj2) { var result = {}; for (var i in obj1) { if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(i)) { result[i] = obj1[i]; } } return result; }; var compareConfigs = compareJSON(shepherd.appConfig, JSON.parse(localAppConfig)); if (Object.keys(compareConfigs).length) { var newConfig = Object.assign(JSON.parse(localAppConfig), compareConfigs); console.log('config diff is found, updating local config'); console.log('config diff:'); console.log(compareConfigs); shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(newConfig); return newConfig; } else { return JSON.parse(localAppConfig); } } else { console.log('local config file is not found!'); shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(shepherd.appConfig); return shepherd.appConfig; } }; shepherd.getCache = function(_key) { console.log(_key); if (fs.existsSync(iguanaDir + '/cache-'+_key+'.json')) { var WalletCacheFile = fs.readFileSync(iguanaDir + '/cache-'+_key+'.json', 'utf8'); console.log(WalletCacheFile) console.log('Cache file found. serving it.'); //return JSON.parse(WalletCacheFile); return WalletCacheFile; } else { console.log('Cache file not found. yet.'); return {"error":"file not found"}; } }; shepherd.readDebugLog = function(fileLocation, lastNLines) { return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) { if (lastNLines) { if (fs.existsSync(fileLocation)) { console.log('reading ' + fileLocation); readLastLines .read(fileLocation, lastNLines) .then((lines) => resolve(lines)); } else { reject('file ' + fileLocation + ' doesn\'t exist!'); } } else { reject('readDebugLog error: lastNLines param is not provided!'); } } ); }; function herder(flock, data) { //console.log(flock); //console.log(data); if (data == undefined) { data = 'none'; console.log('it is undefined'); } if (flock === 'iguana') { console.log('iguana flock selected...'); console.log('selected data: ' + data); //Make sure iguana isn't running before starting new process, kill it dammit! // A simple pid lookup /*ps.lookup({ command: 'iguana', //arguments: '--debug', }, function(err, resultList ) { if (err) { throw new Error( err ); } resultList.forEach(function( process ){ if( process ){ console.log( 'PID: %s, COMMAND: %s, ARGUMENTS: %s',, process.command, process.arguments ); console.log(; // A simple pid lookup ps.kill(, function( err ) { if (err) { throw new Error( err ); } else { console.log( 'Process %s has been killed!', ); } }); } }); });*/ // MAKE SURE IGUANA DIR IS THERE FOR USER mkdirp(iguanaDir, function(err) { if (err) console.error(err); else fs.readdir(iguanaDir, (err, files) => { files.forEach(file => { //console.log(file); }); }) }); // COPY CONFS DIR WITH PEERS FILE TO IGUANA DIR, AND KEEP IT IN SYNC fs.copy(iguanaConfsDirSrc, iguanaConfsDir, function (err) { if (err) return console.error(err); console.log('confs files copied successfully at: ' + iguanaConfsDir); }); pm2.connect(true,function(err) { //start up pm2 god if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(2); } pm2.start({ script: iguanaBin, // path to binary name: 'IGUANA', exec_mode : 'fork', cwd: iguanaDir //set correct iguana directory }, function(err, apps) { pm2.disconnect(); // Disconnect from PM2 if (err) throw err; }); }); } if (flock === 'komodod') { console.log('komodod flock selected...'); console.log('selected data: ' + data); pm2.connect(true, function(err) { // start up pm2 god if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(2); } pm2.start({ script: komododBin, // path to binary name: data.ac_name, // REVS, USD, EUR etc. exec_mode : 'fork', cwd: komodoDir, args: data.ac_options //args: ["-server", "-ac_name=USD", "-addnode="], //separate the params with commas }, function(err, apps) { pm2.disconnect(); // Disconnect from PM2 if (err) throw err; }); }); } if (flock === 'corsproxy') { console.log('corsproxy flock selected...'); console.log('selected data: ' + data); pm2.connect(true,function(err) { //start up pm2 god if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(2); } pm2.start({ script: CorsProxyBin, // path to binary name: 'CORSPROXY', exec_mode : 'fork', cwd: iguanaDir }, function(err, apps) { pm2.disconnect(); // Disconnect from PM2 if (err) throw err; }); }); } } function slayer(flock) { console.log(flock); pm2.delete(flock, function(err, ret) { //console.log(err); pm2.disconnect(); console.log(ret); }); } shepherd.saveLocalAppConf = function(appSettings) { var appConfFileName = iguanaDir + '/config.json'; var FixFilePermissions = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'config.json file permissions updated to Read/Write'; fsnode.chmodSync(appConfFileName, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 1000); }); } var FsWrite = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'config.json write file is done' fs.writeFile(appConfFileName, JSON.stringify(appSettings) .replace(/,/g, ',\n') // format json in human readable form .replace(/:/g, ': ') .replace(/{/g, '{\n') .replace(/}/g, '\n}'), 'utf8', function(err) { if (err) return console.log(err); }); fsnode.chmodSync(appConfFileName, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); console.log('app conf.json file is created successfully at: ' + iguanaConfsDir); resolve(result); }, 2000); }); } FsWrite() .then(FixFilePermissions()); // not really required now } function setConf(flock) { console.log(flock); if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { var komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Komodo', ZcashDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Zcash'; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { var komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/.komodo', ZcashDir = process.env.HOME + '/.zcash'; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { var komodoDir = process.env.APPDATA + '/Komodo', ZcashDir = process.env.APPDATA + '/Zcash'; } switch (flock) { case 'komodod': var DaemonConfPath = komodoDir + '/komodo.conf'; break; case 'zcashd': var DaemonConfPath = ZcashDir + '/zcash.conf'; break; default: var DaemonConfPath = komodoDir + '/' + flock + '/' + flock + '.conf'; } console.log(DaemonConfPath); var CheckFileExists = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'Check Conf file exists is done' fs.ensureFile(DaemonConfPath, function(err) { console.log(err); // => null }); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 2000); }); } var FixFilePermissions = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'Conf file permissions updated to Read/Write'; fsnode.chmodSync(DaemonConfPath, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 1000); }); } var RemoveLines = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'RemoveLines is done' fs.readFile(DaemonConfPath, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } var rmlines = data.replace(/(?:(?:\r\n|\r|\n)\s*){2}/gm, '\n'); fs.writeFile(DaemonConfPath, rmlines, 'utf8', function(err) { if (err) return console.log(err); }); }); fsnode.chmodSync(DaemonConfPath, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 2000); }); } var CheckConf = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'CheckConf is done'; setconf.status(DaemonConfPath, function(err, status) { //console.log(status[0]); //console.log(status[0].rpcuser); var rpcuser = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'checking rpcuser...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('rpcuser')) { console.log('rpcuser: OK'); } else { console.log('rpcuser: NOT FOUND'); var randomstring = md5(Math.random() * Math.random() * 999); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\nrpcuser=user' + randomstring.substring(0, 16), (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log('rpcuser: ADDED'); }); } //console.log(result) resolve(result); }); } var rpcpass = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'checking rpcpass...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('rpcpass')) { console.log('rpcpass: OK'); } else { console.log('rpcpass: NOT FOUND'); var randomstring = md5(Math.random() * Math.random() * 999); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\nrpcpass=' + randomstring + '\nrpcpassword=' + randomstring, (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log('rpcpass: ADDED'); }); } //console.log(result) resolve(result); }); } var server = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'checking server...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('server')) { console.log('server: OK'); } else { console.log('server: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\nserver=1', (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log('server: ADDED'); }); } //console.log(result) resolve(result); }); } var addnode = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'checking addnode...'; if(status[0].hasOwnProperty('addnode')) { console.log('addnode: OK'); } else { console.log('addnode: NOT FOUND') fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=', (err) => { if (err) throw err; console.log('addnode: ADDED'); }); } //console.log(result) resolve(result); }); } rpcuser() .then(function(result) { return rpcpass(); }) .then(server) .then(addnode) }); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 2000); }); } var MakeConfReadOnly = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = 'Conf file permissions updated to Read Only'; fsnode.chmodSync(DaemonConfPath, '0400'); setTimeout(function() { console.log(result); resolve(result); }, 1000); }); } CheckFileExists() .then(function(result) { return FixFilePermissions(); }) .then(RemoveLines) .then(CheckConf) .then(MakeConfReadOnly); } function getConf(flock) { console.log(flock); if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { var komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Komodo', ZcashDir = process.env.HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Zcash'; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { var komodoDir = process.env.HOME + '/.komodo', ZcashDir = process.env.HOME + '/.zcash'; } switch (flock) { case 'komodod': var DaemonConfPath = komodoDir; break; case 'zcashd': var DaemonConfPath = ZcashDir; break; default: var DaemonConfPath = komodoDir + '/' + flock; } console.log(DaemonConfPath); return DaemonConfPath; } module.exports = shepherd;