const electron = require('electron'); const app =; const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow; const path = require('path'); const url = require('url'); const os = require('os'); const fsnode = require('fs'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const _fs = require('graceful-fs'); const express = require('express'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const md5 = require('./md5.js'); const request = require('request'); const async = require('async'); const portscanner = require('portscanner'); const aes256 = require('nodejs-aes256'); const AdmZip = require('adm-zip'); const remoteFileSize = require('remote-file-size'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const {shell} = require('electron'); const {execFile} = require('child_process'); const sha256 = require('sha256'); const CoinKey = require('coinkey'); const bitcoinJS = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); const coinSelect = require('coinselect'); const fixPath = require('fix-path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); var ps = require('ps-node'); var setconf = require('../private/setconf.js'); var nativeCoind = require('./nativeCoind.js'); var assetChainPorts = require('./ports.js'); var _appConfig = require('./appConfig.js'); var shepherd = express.Router(); var coindInstanceRegistry = {}; var guiLog = {}; var rpcConf = {}; var appRuntimeLog = []; var lockDownAddCoin = false; var electrumCoins = { auth: false, }; var electrumKeys = {}; const electrumJSCore = require('./electrumjs/electrumjs.core.js'); const electrumJSNetworks = require('./electrumjs/electrumjs.networks.js'); const electrumJSTxDecoder = require('./electrumjs/electrumjs.txdecoder.js'); let electrumServers = { /*zcash: { address: '', port: 50032, proto: 'tcp', },*/ revs: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50050, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'REVS', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, mnz: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50053, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'MNZ', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, wlc: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50052, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'WLC', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, jumblr: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50051, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'JUMBLR', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, komodo: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50011, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'KMD', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, dogecoin: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50015, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 100000000, abbr: 'DOGE', }, viacoin: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50002, proto: 'ssl', txfee: 100000, abbr: 'VIA', }, vertcoin: { address: '', port: 50088, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 100000, abbr: 'VTC', }, namecoin: { address: '', port: 50036, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 100000, abbr: 'NMC', }, monacoin: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50002, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 100000, abbr: 'MONA', }, litecoin: { address: '', port: 50012, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'LTC', }, faircoin: { address: '', port: 50005, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 1000000, abbr: 'FAIR', }, digibyte: { address: '', port: 50022, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 100000, abbr: 'DGB', }, dash: { address: '', port: 50098, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'DASH', }, crown: { address: '', port: 50041, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'CRW', }, bitcoin: { address: '', port: 50001, proto: 'tcp', abbr: 'BTC', }, argentum: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50081, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 50000, abbr: 'ARG', }, chips: { // !estimatefee address: '', port: 50076, proto: 'tcp', txfee: 10000, abbr: 'CHIPS', serverList: [ '', '' ], }, }; const zcashParamsDownloadLinks = { '': { proving: '', verifying: '', }, '': { proving: '', verifying: '', }, }; shepherd.zcashParamsDownloadLinks = zcashParamsDownloadLinks; const CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA = 'connection error or incomplete data'; shepherd.appConfig = _appConfig.config; if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { fixPath(); var agamaDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Agama`; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { var agamaDir = `${process.env.HOME}/.agama`; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { var agamaDir = `${process.env.APPDATA}/Agama`; agamaDir = path.normalize(agamaDir); } shepherd.log = function(msg) { if ( || shepherd.appConfig.debug) { console.log(msg); } appRuntimeLog.push({ time:, msg: msg, }); }; shepherd.writeLog = function(data) { const logLocation = `${agamaDir}/shepherd`; const timeFormatted = new Date('en-US', { hour12: false }); if (shepherd.appConfig.debug) { if (fs.existsSync(`${logLocation}/agamalog.txt`)) { fs.appendFile(`${logLocation}/agamalog.txt`, `${timeFormatted} ${data}\r\n`, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log('error writing log file'); } }); } else { fs.writeFile(`${logLocation}/agamalog.txt`, `${timeFormatted} ${data}\r\n`, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log('error writing log file'); } }); } } } shepherd.loadLocalConfig = function() { if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/config.json`)) { let localAppConfig = fs.readFileSync(`${agamaDir}/config.json`, 'utf8'); shepherd.log('app config set from local file'); shepherd.writeLog('app config set from local file'); // find diff between local and hardcoded configs // append diff to local config const compareJSON = function(obj1, obj2) { let result = {}; for (let i in obj1) { if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(i)) { result[i] = obj1[i]; } } return result; }; if (localAppConfig) { const compareConfigs = compareJSON(shepherd.appConfig, JSON.parse(localAppConfig)); if (Object.keys(compareConfigs).length) { const newConfig = Object.assign(JSON.parse(localAppConfig), compareConfigs); shepherd.log('config diff is found, updating local config'); shepherd.log('config diff:'); shepherd.log(compareConfigs); shepherd.writeLog('aconfig diff is found, updating local config'); shepherd.writeLog('config diff:'); shepherd.writeLog(compareConfigs); shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(newConfig); return newConfig; } else { return JSON.parse(localAppConfig); } } else { return shepherd.appConfig; } } else { shepherd.log('local config file is not found!'); shepherd.writeLog('local config file is not found!'); shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(shepherd.appConfig); return shepherd.appConfig; } }; shepherd.saveLocalAppConf = function(appSettings) { let appConfFileName = `${agamaDir}/config.json`; _fs.access(agamaDir, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (!err) { const FixFilePermissions = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'config.json file permissions updated to Read/Write'; fsnode.chmodSync(appConfFileName, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { shepherd.log(result); shepherd.writeLog(result); resolve(result); }, 1000); }); } const FsWrite = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'config.json write file is done'; fs.writeFile(appConfFileName, JSON.stringify(appSettings) .replace(/,/g, ',\n') // format json in human readable form .replace(/:/g, ': ') .replace(/{/g, '{\n') .replace(/}/g, '\n}'), 'utf8', function(err) { if (err) return shepherd.log(err); }); fsnode.chmodSync(appConfFileName, '0666'); setTimeout(function() { shepherd.log(result); shepherd.log(`app conf.json file is created successfully at: ${agamaDir}`); shepherd.writeLog(`app conf.json file is created successfully at: ${agamaDir}`); resolve(result); }, 2000); }); } FsWrite() .then(FixFilePermissions()); } }); } shepherd.appConfig = shepherd.loadLocalConfig(); if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { fixPath(); var agamaTestDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Agama/test`, komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/komodod'), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/komodo-cli'), komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Komodo`, zcashdBin = '/Applications/', zcashcliBin = '/Applications/', zcashDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Zcash`, zcashParamsDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/ZcashParams`, chipsBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/chipsd'), chipscliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/chips-cli'), chipsDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Chips`, coindRootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/dex/coind'); } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { var agamaTestDir = `${process.env.HOME}/.agama/test`, komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/komodod'), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/komodo-cli'), komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.HOME}/.komodo`, zcashParamsDir = `${process.env.HOME}/.zcash-params`, chipsBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/chipsd'), chipscliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/chips-cli'), chipsDir = `${process.env.HOME}/.chips`, coindRootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/linux64/dex/coind'); } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { var agamaTestDir = `${process.env.APPDATA}/Agama/test`; agamaTestDir = path.normalize(agamaTestDir); komododBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/komodod.exe'), komododBin = path.normalize(komododBin), komodocliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/komodo-cli.exe'), komodocliBin = path.normalize(komodocliBin), komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.APPDATA}/Komodo`, komodoDir = path.normalize(komodoDir); chipsBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/chipsd.exe'), chipsBin = path.normalize(chipsBin), chipscliBin = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/chips-cli.exe'), chipscliBin = path.normalize(chipscliBin), chipsDir = `${process.env.APPDATA}/Chips`, chipsDir = path.normalize(chipsDir); zcashParamsDir = `${process.env.APPDATA}/ZcashParams`; zcashParamsDir = path.normalize(zcashParamsDir); coindRootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/osx/dex/coind'); coindRootDir = path.normalize(coindRootDir); } shepherd.appConfigSchema = _appConfig.schema; shepherd.defaultAppConfig = Object.assign({}, shepherd.appConfig); shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode = false; shepherd.coindInstanceRegistry = coindInstanceRegistry; shepherd.getNetworkData = function(network) { const coin = shepherd.findNetworkObj(network) || shepherd.findNetworkObj(network.toUpperCase()) || shepherd.findNetworkObj(network.toLowerCase()); const coinUC = coin ? coin.toUpperCase() : null; if (coin === 'SUPERNET' || coin === 'REVS' || coin === 'SUPERNET' || coin === 'PANGEA' || coin === 'DEX' || coin === 'JUMBLR' || coin === 'BET' || coin === 'CRYPTO' || coin === 'COQUI' || coin === 'HODL' || coin === 'SHARK' || coin === 'BOTS' || coin === 'MGW' || coin === 'MVP' || coin === 'KV' || coin === 'CEAL' || coin === 'MESH' || coin === 'WLC' || coin === 'MNZ' || coinUC === 'SUPERNET' || coinUC === 'REVS' || coinUC === 'SUPERNET' || coinUC === 'PANGEA' || coinUC === 'DEX' || coinUC === 'JUMBLR' || coinUC === 'BET' || coinUC === 'CRYPTO' || coinUC === 'COQUI' || coinUC === 'HODL' || coinUC === 'SHARK' || coinUC === 'BOTS' || coinUC === 'MGW' || coinUC === 'MVP' || coinUC === 'KV' || coinUC === 'CEAL' || coinUC === 'MESH' || coinUC === 'WLC' || coinUC === 'MNZ') { return electrumJSNetworks.komodo; } else { return electrumJSNetworks[network]; } } shepherd.seedToWif = function(seed, network, iguana) { const bytes = sha256(seed, { asBytes: true }); if (iguana) { bytes[0] &= 248; bytes[31] &= 127; bytes[31] |= 64; } function toHexString(byteArray) { return Array.from(byteArray, function(byte) { return ('0' + (byte & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join(''); } const hex = toHexString(bytes); const key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'), { private: shepherd.getNetworkData(network).wif, public: shepherd.getNetworkData(network).pubKeyHash, }); key.compressed = true; shepherd.log(`seedtowif priv key ${key.privateWif}`); shepherd.log(`seedtowif pub key ${key.publicAddress}`); return { priv: key.privateWif, pub: key.publicAddress, }; } shepherd.get('/electrum/seedtowif', function(req, res, next) { const keys = shepherd.seedToWif(req.query.seed,, req.query.iguana); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { keys, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.findNetworkObj = function(coin) { for (let key in electrumServers) { if (electrumServers[key].abbr === coin) { return key; } } } shepherd.findCoinName = function(network) { for (let key in electrumServers) { if (key === network) { return electrumServers[key].abbr; } } } shepherd.get('/electrum/servers/test', function(req, res, next) { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(req.query.port, req.query.address, 'tcp'); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.serverVersion() .then((serverData) => { ecl.close(); console.log('serverData'); console.log(serverData); if (serverData && typeof serverData === 'string' && serverData.indexOf('Electrum') > -1) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: true, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: false, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/keys', function(req, res, next) { let _matchingKeyPairs = 0; let _electrumKeys = {}; for (let key in electrumServers) { const _abbr = electrumServers[key].abbr; const { priv, pub } = shepherd.seedToWif(req.query.seed, shepherd.findNetworkObj(_abbr), req.query.iguana); if (electrumKeys[_abbr].pub === pub && electrumKeys[_abbr].priv === priv) { _matchingKeyPairs++; } } if ( { _electrumKeys = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(electrumKeys)); for (let key in _electrumKeys) { if (!electrumCoins[key]) { delete _electrumKeys[key]; } } } else { _electrumKeys = electrumKeys; } shepherd.log(JSON.stringify(_electrumKeys, null, '\t')); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: _matchingKeyPairs === Object.keys(electrumKeys).length ? _electrumKeys : false, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/login', function(req, res, next) { for (let key in electrumServers) { const _abbr = electrumServers[key].abbr; const { priv, pub } = shepherd.seedToWif(req.query.seed, shepherd.findNetworkObj(_abbr), req.query.iguana); electrumKeys[_abbr] = { priv, pub, }; } electrumCoins.auth = true; shepherd.log(JSON.stringify(electrumKeys, null, '\t')); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'true', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/dev/logout', function(req, res, next) { electrumCoins.auth = false; electrumKeys = {}; const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'true', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/bip39/seed', function(req, res, next) { // TODO const bip39 = require('bip39'); // npm i -S bip39 const crypto = require('crypto'); // what you describe as 'seed' const randomBytes = crypto.randomBytes(16); // 128 bits is enough // your 12 word phrase const mnemonic = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(randomBytes.toString('hex')); // what is accurately described as the wallet seed // var seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic) // you'll use this in #3 below const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(req.query.seed); console.log(seed); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { servers: electrumServers, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); console.log(bitcoinJS.networks.komodo); const hdMaster = bitcoinJS.HDNode.fromSeedBuffer(seed, electrumJSNetworks.komodo); // seed from above const key1 = hdMaster.derivePath('m/0'); const key2 = hdMaster.derivePath('m/1'); console.log(hdMaster); console.log(key1.keyPair.toWIF()); console.log(key1.keyPair.getAddress()); console.log(key2.keyPair.toWIF()); const hdnode = bitcoinJS.HDNode.fromSeedBuffer(seed, electrumJSNetworks.komodo).deriveHardened(0).derive(0).derive(1); console.log(`address: ${hdnode.getAddress()}`); console.log(`priv (WIF): ${hdnode.keyPair.toWIF()}`); }); // get merkle root shepherd.getMerkleRoot = function(txid, proof, pos) { const reverse = require('buffer-reverse'); let hash = txid; let serialized; const _sha256 = function(data) { return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest(); } console.log(`txid ${txid}`); console.log(`pos ${pos}`); console.log('proof'); console.log(proof); for (i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) { const _hashBuff = new Buffer(hash, 'hex'); const _proofBuff = new Buffer(proof[i], 'hex'); if ((pos & 1) == 0) { serialized = Buffer.concat([reverse(_hashBuff), reverse(_proofBuff)]); } else { serialized = Buffer.concat([reverse(_proofBuff), reverse(_hashBuff)]); } hash = reverse(_sha256(_sha256(serialized))).toString('hex'); pos /= 2; } return hash; } shepherd.verifyMerkle = function(txid, height, serverList, mainServer) { // select random server const getRandomIntInclusive = function(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; // the maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive } const _rnd = getRandomIntInclusive(0, serverList.length - 1); const randomServer = serverList[_rnd]; const _randomServer = randomServer.split(':'); const _mainServer = mainServer.split(':'); let ecl = new electrumJSCore(_mainServer[1], _mainServer[0], 'tcp'); // tcp or tls return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`main server: ${mainServer}`); console.log(`verification server: ${randomServer}`); ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainTransactionGetMerkle(txid, height) .then((merkleData) => { if (merkleData && merkleData.merkle && merkleData.pos) { console.log('electrum getmerkle =>'); console.log(merkleData); ecl.close(); const _res = shepherd.getMerkleRoot(txid, merkleData.merkle, merkleData.pos); console.log(_res); ecl = new electrumJSCore(_randomServer[1], _randomServer[0], 'tcp'); ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainBlockGetHeader(height) .then((blockInfo) => { if (blockInfo && blockInfo['merkle_root']) { ecl.close(); console.log('blockinfo =>'); console.log(blockInfo); console.log(blockInfo['merkle_root']); if (blockInfo && blockInfo['merkle_root']) { if (_res === blockInfo['merkle_root']) { resolve(true); } else { resolve(false); } } else { resolve(CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA); } } else { resolve(CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA); } }); } else { resolve(CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA); } }); }); } shepherd.verifyMerkleByCoin = function(coin, txid, height) { const _serverList = electrumCoins[coin].serverList; console.log(electrumCoins[coin].server); console.log(electrumCoins[coin].serverList); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (_serverList !== 'none') { let _filteredServerList = []; for (let i = 0; i < _serverList.length; i++) { if (_serverList[i] !== electrumCoins[coin].server.ip + ':' + electrumCoins[coin].server.port) { _filteredServerList.push(_serverList[i]); } } shepherd.verifyMerkle(txid, height, _filteredServerList, electrumCoins[coin].server.ip + ':' + electrumCoins[coin].server.port) .then((proof) => { resolve(proof); }); } else { resolve(false); } }); } shepherd.get('/electrum/merkle/verify', function(req, res, next) { shepherd.verifyMerkleByCoin(req.query.coin, req.query.txid, req.query.height) .then((verifyMerkleRes) => { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { merkleProof: verifyMerkleRes, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/servers', function(req, res, next) { if (req.query.abbr) { let _electrumServers = {}; for (let key in electrumServers) { _electrumServers[electrumServers[key].abbr] = electrumServers[key]; } const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { servers: _electrumServers, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { servers: electrumServers, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); shepherd.get('/electrum/coins/server/set', function(req, res, next) { electrumCoins[req.query.coin].server = { ip: req.query.address, port: req.query.port, }; for (let key in electrumServers) { if (electrumServers[key].abbr === req.query.coin) { // a bit risky electrumServers[key].address = req.query.address; electrumServers[key].port = req.query.port; break; } } console.log(JSON.stringify(electrumCoins[req.query.coin]), null, '\t'); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: true, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.addElectrumCoin = function(coin) { for (let key in electrumServers) { if (electrumServers[key].abbr === coin) { electrumCoins[coin] = { name: key, abbr: coin, server: { ip: electrumServers[key].address, port: electrumServers[key].port, }, serverList: electrumServers[key].serverList ? electrumServers[key].serverList : 'none', txfee: 'calculated' /*electrumServers[key].txfee*/, }; return true; } } } shepherd.get('/electrum/coins/remove', function(req, res, next) { delete electrumCoins[req.query.coin]; const successObj = { msg: 'success', result, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/coins/add', function(req, res, next) { const result = shepherd.addElectrumCoin(req.query.coin); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/coins', function(req, res, next) { let _electrumCoins = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(electrumCoins)); // deep cloning for (let key in _electrumCoins) { if (electrumKeys[key]) { _electrumCoins[key].pub = electrumKeys[key].pub; } } const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: _electrumCoins, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.kdmCalcInterest = function(locktime, value) { // value in sats const timestampDiff = Math.floor( / 1000) - locktime - 777; const hoursPassed = Math.floor(timestampDiff / 3600); const minutesPassed = Math.floor((timestampDiff - (hoursPassed * 3600)) / 60); const secondsPassed = timestampDiff - (hoursPassed * 3600) - (minutesPassed * 60); let timestampDiffMinutes = timestampDiff / 60; let interest = 0; console.log(`locktime ${locktime}`); console.log(`minutes converted ${timestampDiffMinutes}`); console.log(`passed ${hoursPassed}h ${minutesPassed}m ${secondsPassed}s`); // calc interest if (timestampDiffMinutes >= 60) { if (timestampDiffMinutes > 365 * 24 * 60) { timestampDiffMinutes = 365 * 24 * 60; } timestampDiffMinutes -= 59; console.log(`minutes if statement ${timestampDiffMinutes}`); // TODO: check if interest is > 5% yr // calc ytd and 5% for 1 yr // const hoursInOneYear = 365 * 24; // const hoursDiff = hoursInOneYear - hoursPassed; interest = ((Number(value) * 0.00000001) / 10512000) * timestampDiffMinutes; console.log(`interest ${interest}`); } return interest; } shepherd.get('/electrum/getbalance', function(req, res, next) { const network = || shepherd.findNetworkObj(req.query.coin); const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainAddressGetBalance(req.query.address) .then((json) => { if (json && json.hasOwnProperty('confirmed') && json.hasOwnProperty('unconfirmed')) { if (network === 'komodo') { ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainAddressListunspent(req.query.address) .then((utxoList) => { if (utxoList && utxoList.length) { // filter out < 10 KMD amounts let _utxo = []; for (let i = 0; i < utxoList.length; i++) { console.log(`utxo ${utxoList[i]['tx_hash']} sats ${utxoList[i].value} value ${Number(utxoList[i].value) * 0.00000001}`); if (Number(utxoList[i].value) * 0.00000001 >= 10) { _utxo.push(utxoList[i]); } } console.log('filtered utxo list =>'); console.log(_utxo); if (_utxo && _utxo.length) { let interestTotal = 0; Promise.all(, index) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(_utxoItem['tx_hash']) .then((_rawtxJSON) => { console.log('electrum gettransaction ==>'); console.log(index + ' | ' + (_rawtxJSON.length - 1)); console.log(_rawtxJSON); // decode tx const _network = shepherd.getNetworkData(network); const decodedTx = electrumJSTxDecoder(_rawtxJSON, _network); if (decodedTx && decodedTx.format && decodedTx.format.locktime > 0) { interestTotal += shepherd.kdmCalcInterest(decodedTx.format.locktime, _utxoItem.value); } console.log('decoded tx =>'); console.log(decodedTx); resolve(true); }); }); })) .then(promiseResult => { ecl.close(); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { balance: Number((0.00000001 * json.confirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmed: Number((0.00000001 * json.unconfirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmedSats: json.unconfirmed, balanceSats: json.confirmed, interest: Number(interestTotal.toFixed(8)), interestSats: Math.floor(interestTotal * 100000000), total: interestTotal > 0 ? Number((0.00000001 * json.confirmed + interestTotal).toFixed(8)) : 0, totalSats: interestTotal > 0 ?json.confirmed + Math.floor(interestTotal * 100000000) : 0, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { balance: Number((0.00000001 * json.confirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmed: Number((0.00000001 * json.unconfirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmedSats: json.unconfirmed, balanceSats: json.confirmed, interest: 0, interestSats: 0, total: 0, totalSats: 0, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { balance: Number((0.00000001 * json.confirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmed: Number((0.00000001 * json.unconfirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmedSats: json.unconfirmed, balanceSats: json.confirmed, interest: 0, interestSats: 0, total: 0, totalSats: 0, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum getbalance ==>'); console.log(json); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { balance: Number((0.00000001 * json.confirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmed: Number((0.00000001 * json.unconfirmed).toFixed(8)), unconfirmedSats: json.unconfirmed, balanceSats: json.confirmed, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } else { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); }); shepherd.sortTransactions = function(transactions) { return transactions.sort(function(b, a) { if (a.height < b.height) { return -1; } if (a.height > b.height) { return 1; } return 0; }); } shepherd.get('/electrum/listtransactions', function(req, res, next) { const network = || shepherd.findNetworkObj(req.query.coin); const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls if (!req.query.full) { ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainAddressGetHistory(req.query.address) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum listtransactions ==>'); console.log(json); json = shepherd.sortTransactions(json); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { listtransactions: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } else { // !expensive call! // TODO: limit e.g. 1-10, 10-20 etc const MAX_TX = req.query.maxlength || 10; ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainNumblocksSubscribe() .then((currentHeight) => { if (currentHeight && Number(currentHeight) > 0) { ecl.blockchainAddressGetHistory(req.query.address) .then((json) => { if (json && json.length) { json = shepherd.sortTransactions(json); json = json.slice(0, MAX_TX); console.log(json.length); let _rawtx = []; Promise.all(, index) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ecl.blockchainBlockGetHeader(transaction.height) .then((blockInfo) => { if (blockInfo && blockInfo.timestamp) { ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(transaction['tx_hash']) .then((_rawtxJSON) => { console.log('electrum gettransaction ==>'); console.log(index + ' | ' + (_rawtxJSON.length - 1)); console.log(_rawtxJSON); // decode tx const _network = shepherd.getNetworkData(network); const decodedTx = electrumJSTxDecoder(_rawtxJSON, _network); let txInputs = []; console.log('decodedtx =>'); console.log(decodedTx.outputs); if (decodedTx && decodedTx.inputs) { Promise.all(, index) => { return new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { if (_decodedInput.txid !== '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(_decodedInput.txid) .then((rawInput) => { console.log('electrum raw input tx ==>'); const decodedVinVout = electrumJSTxDecoder(rawInput, _network); if (decodedVinVout) { console.log(decodedVinVout.outputs[_decodedInput.n]); txInputs.push(decodedVinVout.outputs[_decodedInput.n]); _resolve(true); } else { _resolve(true); } }); } else { _resolve(true); } }); })) .then(promiseResult => { const _parsedTx = { network:, format: decodedTx.format, inputs: txInputs, outputs: decodedTx.outputs, height: transaction.height, timestamp: blockInfo.timestamp, confirmations: currentHeight - transaction.height, }; const formattedTx = shepherd.parseTransactionAddresses(_parsedTx, req.query.address, network); if (formattedTx.type) { _rawtx.push(formattedTx); } else { _rawtx.push(formattedTx[0]); _rawtx.push(formattedTx[1]); } resolve(true); }); } else { const _parsedTx = { network:, format: 'cant parse', inputs: 'cant parse', outputs: 'cant parse', height: transaction.height, timestamp: blockInfo.timestamp, confirmations: currentHeight - transaction.height, }; const formattedTx = shepherd.parseTransactionAddresses(_parsedTx, req.query.address, network); _rawtx.push(formattedTx); resolve(true); } }); } else { const _parsedTx = { network: 'cant parse', format: 'cant parse', inputs: 'cant parse', outputs: 'cant parse', height: transaction.height, timestamp: 'cant get block info', confirmations: currentHeight - transaction.height, }; const formattedTx = shepherd.parseTransactionAddresses(_parsedTx, req.query.address, network); _rawtx.push(formattedTx); resolve(true); } }); }); })) .then(promiseResult => { ecl.close(); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: _rawtx, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: [], }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'cant get current height', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } }); shepherd.get('/electrum/gettransaction', function(req, res, next) { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[].port, electrumServers[].address, electrumServers[].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(req.query.txid) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum gettransaction ==>'); console.log(json); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { gettransaction: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.parseTransactionAddresses = function(tx, targetAddress, network) { // TODO: - sum vins / sum vouts to the same address // - multi vin multi vout // - detect change address let result = []; let _parse = { inputs: {}, outputs: {}, }; let _sum = { inputs: 0, outputs: 0, }; let _total = { inputs: 0, outputs: 0, }; if (tx.format === 'cant parse') { return { type: 'unknown', amount: 'unknown', address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, } } for (let key in _parse) { if (!tx[key].length) { _parse[key] = []; _parse[key].push(tx[key]); } else { _parse[key] = tx[key]; } for (let i = 0; i < _parse[key].length; i++) { console.log(key + ' ==>'); console.log(_parse[key][i]); console.log(Number(_parse[key][i].value)); _total[key] += Number(_parse[key][i].value); if (_parse[key][i].scriptPubKey && _parse[key][i].scriptPubKey.addresses && _parse[key][i].scriptPubKey.addresses[0] === targetAddress && _parse[key][i].value) { _sum[key] += Number(_parse[key][i].value); } } } if (_sum.inputs > 0 && _sum.outputs > 0) { // vin + change, break into two tx result = [{ // reorder since tx sort by default is from newest to oldest type: 'sent', amount: Number(_sum.inputs.toFixed(8)), address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }, { type: 'received', amount: Number(_sum.outputs.toFixed(8)), address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }]; if (network === 'komodo') { // calc claimed interest amount const vinVoutDiff = _total.inputs - _total.outputs; if (vinVoutDiff < 0) { result[1].interest = Number(vinVoutDiff.toFixed(8)); } } } else if (_sum.inputs === 0 && _sum.outputs > 0) { result = { type: 'received', amount: Number(_sum.outputs.toFixed(8)), address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }; } else if (_sum.inputs > 0 && _sum.outputs === 0) { result = { type: 'sent', amount: Number(_sum.inputs.toFixed(8)), address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }; } else { // (?) result = { type: 'other', amount: 'unknown', address: targetAddress, timestamp: tx.timestamp, txid: tx.format.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }; } console.log('parseTransactionAddresses result ==>'); console.log(_sum); console.log(result); return result; } shepherd.get('/electrum/getblockinfo', function(req, res, next) { shepherd.electrumGetBlockInfo(req.query.height, .then(function(json) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { getblockinfo: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.electrumGetBlockInfo = function(height, network) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainBlockGetHeader(height) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum getblockinfo ==>'); console.log(json); resolve(json); }); }); } shepherd.get('/electrum/getcurrentblock', function(req, res, next) { shepherd.electrumGetCurrentBlock( .then(function(json) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { getcurrentblock: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.electrumGetCurrentBlock = function(network) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainNumblocksSubscribe() .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum currentblock ==>'); console.log(json); resolve(json); }); }); } shepherd.get('/electrum/decoderawtx', function(req, res, next) { const _network = shepherd.getNetworkData(; const _rawtx = req.query.rawtx; // const _rawtx = '0100000001dd6d064f5665f8454293ecaa9dbb55accf4f7e443d35f3b5ab7760f54b6c15fe000000006a473044022056355585a4a501ec9afc96aa5df124cf29ad3ac6454b47cd07cd7d89ec95ec2b022074c4604ee349d30e5336f210598e4dc576bf16ebeb67eeac3f4e82f56e930fee012103b90ba01af308757054e0484bb578765d5df59c4a57adbb94e2419df5e7232a63feffffff0289fc923b000000001976a91424af38fcb13bbc171b0b42bb017244a53b6bb2fa88ac20a10700000000001976a9142f4c0f91fc06ac228c120aee41741d0d3909683288ac49258b58'; const decodedTx = electrumJSTxDecoder(_rawtx, _network); if (req.query.parseonly || decodedTx.inputs[0].txid === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { decodedTx: { network:, format: decodedTx.format, inputs: decodedTx.inputs, outputs: decodedTx.outputs, }, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[].port, electrumServers[].address, electrumServers[].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(decodedTx.inputs[0].txid) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum decoderawtx input tx ==>'); console.log(json); const decodedVin = electrumJSTxDecoder(json, _network); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { decodedTx: { network:, format: decodedTx.format, inputs: decodedVin.outputs[decodedTx.inputs[0].n], outputs: decodedTx.outputs, }, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } }); // deprecated, remove shepherd.findUtxoSet = function(utxoList, target) { let result = []; let sum = 0; function findUtxoSubset() { if (Number(utxoList[0].value) >= Number(target)) { sum = utxoList[0].value; result.push(utxoList[0]); } else { for (let i = 0; i < utxoList.length; i++) { sum += Number(utxoList[i].value); result.push(utxoList[i]); if (sum >= Number(target)) { break; } } } } // search time const startTime = process.hrtime(); const res = findUtxoSubset(); const diff = process.hrtime(startTime); const change = sum - target; // console.log('utxo set search result: ', result); console.log('target: ' + target); console.log('total utxos: ' + utxoList.length); console.log('utxo sum: ' + sum); console.log('change: ' + change); console.log(`Time: ${ (diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1000000} ms`); return { set: result, change }; } shepherd.get('/electrum/subset', function(req, res, next) { const _utxoSet = shepherd.findUtxoSet(null, Number( + Number(electrumServers[].txfee)); // target + txfee const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { utxoSet: _utxoSet.set, change: _utxoSet.change, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); // single sig shepherd.buildSignedTx = function(sendTo, changeAddress, wif, network, utxo, changeValue, spendValue) { let key = bitcoinJS.ECPair.fromWIF(wif, shepherd.getNetworkData(network)); let tx = new bitcoinJS.TransactionBuilder(shepherd.getNetworkData(network)); // console.log(`buildSignedTx priv key ${wif}`); console.log(`buildSignedTx pub key ${key.getAddress().toString()}`); // console.log('buildSignedTx std tx fee ' + electrumServers[network].txfee); for (let i = 0; i < utxo.length; i++) { tx.addInput(utxo[i].txid, utxo[i].vout); } tx.addOutput(sendTo, Number(spendValue)); if (changeValue > 0) { tx.addOutput(changeAddress, Number(changeValue)); } if (network === 'komodo' || network === 'KMD') { const _locktime = Math.floor( / 1000) - 777; tx.setLockTime(_locktime); console.log(`kmd tx locktime set to ${_locktime}`); } console.log('buildSignedTx unsigned tx data vin'); console.log(tx.tx.ins); console.log('buildSignedTx unsigned tx data vout'); console.log(tx.tx.outs); console.log('buildSignedTx unsigned tx data'); console.log(tx); for (let i = 0; i < utxo.length; i++) { tx.sign(i, key); } const rawtx =; console.log('buildSignedTx signed tx hex'); console.log(rawtx); return rawtx; } shepherd.maxSpendBalance = function(utxoList, fee) { let maxSpendBalance = 0; for (let i = 0; i < utxoList.length; i++) { maxSpendBalance += Number(utxoList[i].value); } if (fee) { return Number(maxSpendBalance) - Number(fee); } else { return maxSpendBalance; } } shepherd.get('/electrum/createrawtx', function(req, res, next) { // txid 64 char const network = || shepherd.findNetworkObj(req.query.coin); const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls const outputAddress = req.query.address; const changeAddress = req.query.change; let wif = req.query.wif; const value = Number(req.query.value); const push = req.query.push; const fee = electrumServers[network].txfee; if (req.query.gui) { wif = electrumKeys[req.query.coin].priv; } ecl.connect(); shepherd.listunspent(ecl, changeAddress, network, true, true) .then((utxoList) => { ecl.close(); if (utxoList && utxoList.length) { let utxoListFormatted = []; let totalInterest = 0; let totalInterestUTXOCount = 0; let interestClaimThreshold = 200; let utxoVerified = true; for (let i = 0; i < utxoList.length; i++) { if (network === 'komodo') { utxoListFormatted.push({ txid: utxoList[i].txid, vout: utxoList[i].vout, value: Number(utxoList[i].amountSats), interestSats: Number(utxoList[i].interestSats), verified: utxoList[i].verified ? utxoList[i].verified : false, }); } else { utxoListFormatted.push({ txid: utxoList[i].txid, vout: utxoList[i].vout, value: Number(utxoList[i].amountSats), verified: utxoList[i].verified ? utxoList[i].verified : false, }); } } console.log('electrum listunspent unformatted ==>'); console.log(utxoList); console.log('electrum listunspent formatted ==>'); console.log(utxoListFormatted); const _maxSpendBalance = Number(shepherd.maxSpendBalance(utxoListFormatted)); let targets = [{ address: outputAddress, value: value > _maxSpendBalance ? _maxSpendBalance : value, }]; console.log('targets =>'); console.log(targets); const feeRate = 20; // sats/byte // default coin selection algo blackjack with fallback to accumulative // make a first run, calc approx tx fee // if ins and outs are empty reduce max spend by txfee let { inputs, outputs, fee } = coinSelect(utxoListFormatted, targets, feeRate); console.log('coinselect res =>'); console.log('coinselect inputs =>'); console.log(inputs); console.log('coinselect outputs =>'); console.log(outputs); console.log('coinselect calculated fee =>'); console.log(fee); if (!inputs && !outputs) { targets[0].value = targets[0].value - electrumServers[network].txfee; console.log('second run'); console.log('coinselect adjusted targets =>'); console.log(targets); const secondRun = coinSelect(utxoListFormatted, targets, feeRate); inputs = secondRun.inputs; outputs = secondRun.outputs; fee = secondRun.fee; console.log('coinselect inputs =>'); console.log(inputs); console.log('coinselect outputs =>'); console.log(outputs); console.log('coinselect fee =>'); console.log(fee); } let _change = 0; if (outputs && outputs.length === 2) { _change = outputs[1].value; } // check if any outputs are unverified if (inputs && inputs.length) { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (!inputs[i].verified) { utxoVerified = false; break; } } for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (Number(inputs[i].interestSats) > interestClaimThreshold) { totalInterest += Number(inputs[i].interestSats); totalInterestUTXOCount++; } } } const _maxSpend = shepherd.maxSpendBalance(utxoListFormatted); if (value > _maxSpend) { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: `Spend value is too large. Max available amount is ${Number((_maxSpend * 0.00000001.toFixed(8)))}`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { console.log(`maxspend ${_maxSpend} (${_maxSpend * 0.00000001})`); console.log(`value ${value}`); console.log(`sendto ${outputAddress} amount ${value} (${value * 0.00000001})`); console.log(`changeto ${changeAddress} amount ${_change} (${_change * 0.00000001})`); // account for KMD interest if (network === 'komodo' && totalInterest > 0) { // account for extra vout const _feeOverhead = outputs.length === 1 ? shepherd.estimateTxSize(0, 1) * feeRate : 0; console.log(`max interest to claim ${totalInterest} (${totalInterest * 0.00000001})`); console.log('estimated fee overhead ' + _feeOverhead); console.log(`current change amount ${_change} (${_change * 0.00000001}), boosted change amount ${_change + (totalInterest - _feeOverhead)} (${(_change + (totalInterest - _feeOverhead)) * 0.00000001})`); _change = _change + (totalInterest - _feeOverhead); } if (!inputs && !outputs) { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'Can\'t find best fit utxo. Try lower amount.', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { let vinSum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { vinSum += inputs[i].value; } console.log(`vin sum ${vinSum} (${vinSum * 0.00000001})`); const _estimatedFee = vinSum - outputs[0].value - _change; console.log(`estimatedFee ${_estimatedFee} (${_estimatedFee * 0.00000001})`); const _rawtx = shepherd.buildSignedTx(outputAddress, changeAddress, wif, network, inputs, _change, value); if (!push || push === 'false') { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, // wif, fee, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainTransactionBroadcast(_rawtx) .then((txid) => { ecl.close(); if (txid && txid.indexOf('bad-txns-inputs-spent') > -1) { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'Bad transaction inputs spent', raw: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, fee, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, txid, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { if (txid && txid.length === 64) { if (txid.indexOf('bad-txns-in-belowout') > -1) { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'Bad transaction inputs spent', raw: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, fee, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, txid, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, fee, // wif, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, txid, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } else { if (txid && txid.indexOf('bad-txns-in-belowout') > -1) { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'Bad transaction inputs spent', raw: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, fee, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, txid, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'Can\'t broadcast transaction', raw: { utxoSet: inputs, change: _change, fee, value, outputAddress, changeAddress, network, rawtx: _rawtx, txid, utxoVerified, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } } }); } } } } else { const successObj = { msg: 'error', result: utxoList, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); }); shepherd.get('/electrum/pushtx', function(req, res, next) { const rawtx = req.query.rawtx; const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[].port, electrumServers[].address, electrumServers[].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainTransactionBroadcast(rawtx) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum pushtx ==>'); console.log(json); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { txid: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.listunspent = function(ecl, address, network, full, verify) { let _atLeastOneDecodeTxFailed = false; if (full) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainAddressListunspent(address) .then((_utxoJSON) => { if (_utxoJSON && _utxoJSON.length) { let formattedUtxoList = []; let _utxo = []; ecl.blockchainNumblocksSubscribe() .then((currentHeight) => { if (currentHeight && Number(currentHeight) > 0) { // filter out unconfirmed utxos for (let i = 0; i < _utxoJSON.length; i++) { if (Number(currentHeight) - Number(_utxoJSON[i].height) !== 0) { _utxo.push(_utxoJSON[i]); } } if (!_utxo.length) { // no confirmed utxo resolve('no valid utxo'); } else { Promise.all(, index) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ecl.blockchainTransactionGet(_utxoItem['tx_hash']) .then((_rawtxJSON) => { console.log('electrum gettransaction ==>'); console.log(index + ' | ' + (_rawtxJSON.length - 1)); console.log(_rawtxJSON); // decode tx const _network = shepherd.getNetworkData(network); const decodedTx = electrumJSTxDecoder(_rawtxJSON, _network); console.log('decoded tx =>'); console.log(decodedTx); if (!decodedTx) { _atLeastOneDecodeTxFailed = true; resolve('cant decode tx'); } else { if (network === 'komodo') { let interest = 0; if (Number(_utxoItem.value) * 0.00000001 >= 10 && decodedTx.format.locktime > 0) { interest = shepherd.kdmCalcInterest(decodedTx.format.locktime, _utxoItem.value); } let _resolveObj = { txid: _utxoItem['tx_hash'], vout: _utxoItem['tx_pos'], address, amount: Number(_utxoItem.value) * 0.00000001, amountSats: _utxoItem.value, interest: interest, interestSats: Math.floor(interest * 100000000), confirmations: currentHeight - _utxoItem.height, spendable: true, verified: false, }; // merkle root verification agains another electrum server if (verify) { shepherd.verifyMerkleByCoin(shepherd.findCoinName(network), _utxoItem['tx_hash'], _utxoItem.height) .then((verifyMerkleRes) => { if (verifyMerkleRes && verifyMerkleRes === CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA) { verifyMerkleRes = false; } _resolveObj.verified = verifyMerkleRes; resolve(_resolveObj); }); } else { resolve(_resolveObj); } } else { let _resolveObj = { txid: _utxoItem['tx_hash'], vout: _utxoItem['tx_pos'], address, amount: Number(_utxoItem.value) * 0.00000001, amountSats: _utxoItem.value, confirmations: currentHeight - _utxoItem.height, spendable: true, verified: false, }; // merkle root verification agains another electrum server if (verify) { shepherd.verifyMerkleByCoin(shepherd.findCoinName(network), _utxoItem['tx_hash'], _utxoItem.height) .then((verifyMerkleRes) => { if (verifyMerkleRes && verifyMerkleRes === CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA) { verifyMerkleRes = false; } _resolveObj.verified = verifyMerkleRes; resolve(_resolveObj); }); } else { resolve(_resolveObj); } } } }); }); })) .then(promiseResult => { ecl.close(); if (!_atLeastOneDecodeTxFailed) { console.log(promiseResult); resolve(promiseResult); } else { console.log('listunspent error, cant decode tx(s)'); resolve('decode error'); } }); } } else { resolve('cant get current height'); } }); } else { ecl.close(); resolve(CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA); } }); }); } else { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainAddressListunspent(address) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); if (json && json.length) { resolve(json); } else { resolve(CONNECTION_ERROR_OR_INCOMPLETE_DATA); } }); }); } } shepherd.get('/electrum/listunspent', function(req, res, next) { const network = || shepherd.findNetworkObj(req.query.coin); const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[network].port, electrumServers[network].address, electrumServers[network].proto); // tcp or tls if (req.query.full && req.query.full === 'true') { shepherd.listunspent(ecl, req.query.address, network, true, req.query.verify) .then((listunspent) => { console.log('electrum listunspent ==>'); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: listunspent, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } else { shepherd.listunspent(ecl, req.query.address, network) .then((listunspent) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum listunspent ==>'); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: listunspent, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } }); shepherd.get('/electrum/estimatefee', function(req, res, next) { const ecl = new electrumJSCore(electrumServers[].port, electrumServers[].address, electrumServers[].proto); // tcp or tls ecl.connect(); ecl.blockchainEstimatefee(req.query.blocks) .then((json) => { ecl.close(); console.log('electrum estimatefee ==>'); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { estimatefee: json, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); }); shepherd.estimateTxSize = function(numVins, numOuts) { // in x 180 + out x 34 + 10 plus or minus in return numVins * 180 + numOuts * 34 + 11; } /* * list native coind * type: * params: */ shepherd.get('/coind/list', function(req, res, next) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: shepherd.nativeCoindList, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.scanNativeCoindBins = function() { let nativeCoindList = {}; // check if coind bins are present in agama for (let key in nativeCoind) { nativeCoindList[key] = { name: nativeCoind[key].name, port: nativeCoind[key].port, bin: nativeCoind[key].bin, bins: { daemon: false, cli: false, }, }; if (fs.existsSync(`${coindRootDir}/${key}/${nativeCoind[key].bin}d${os.platform() === 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''}`)) { nativeCoindList[key].bins.daemon = true; } if (fs.existsSync(`${coindRootDir}/${key}/${nativeCoind[key].bin}-cli${os.platform() === 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''}`)) { nativeCoindList[key].bins.cli = true; } } return nativeCoindList; } shepherd.getAppRuntimeLog = function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(appRuntimeLog); }); }; shepherd.startSPV = function(coin) { if (coin === 'KMD+REVS+JUMBLR') { shepherd.addElectrumCoin('KMD'); shepherd.addElectrumCoin('REVS'); shepherd.addElectrumCoin('JUMBLR'); } else { shepherd.addElectrumCoin(coin); } } shepherd.startKMDNative = function(selection, isManual) { if (isManual) { shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode = true; } if (selection === 'KMD') { const herdData = { 'ac_name': 'komodod', 'ac_options': [ '-daemon=0', '-addnode=', ], }; const options = { url: `${shepherd.appConfig.agamaPort}/shepherd/herd`, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ herd: 'komodod', options: herdData, }) }; request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { //resolve(body); } else { //resolve(body); } }); } else { const herdData = [{ 'ac_name': 'komodod', 'ac_options': [ '-daemon=0', '-addnode=', ] }, { 'ac_name': 'REVS', 'ac_options': [ '-daemon=0', '-server', `-ac_name=REVS`, '-addnode=', '-ac_supply=1300000' ] }, { 'ac_name': 'JUMBLR', 'ac_options': [ '-daemon=0', '-server', `-ac_name=JUMBLR`, '-addnode=', '-ac_supply=999999' ] }]; for (let i = 0; i < herdData.length; i++) { setTimeout(() => { const options = { url: `${shepherd.appConfig.agamaPort}/shepherd/herd`, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ herd: 'komodod', options: herdData[i], }) }; request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { //resolve(body); } else { //resolve(body); } }); }, 100); } } }; /* * Combined native dashboard update same as in gui * type: GET * params: coin */'/native/dashboard/update', function(req, res, next) { let _returnObj; let _promiseStack; const _coin = req.body.coin; if (_coin === 'CHIPS') { _returnObj = { getinfo: {}, listtransactions: [], getbalance: {}, listunspent: {}, addresses: {}, }; _promiseStack = [ 'getinfo', 'listtransactions', 'getbalance', ]; } else { _returnObj = { getinfo: {}, listtransactions: [], z_gettotalbalance: {}, z_getoperationstatus: {}, listunspent: {}, addresses: {}, }; _promiseStack = [ 'getinfo', 'listtransactions', 'z_gettotalbalance', 'z_getoperationstatus' ]; } function getAddressesNative(coin) { const type = [ 'public', 'private' ]; if (coin === 'CHIPS') { type.pop(); } Promise.all(, index) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _bitcoinRPC( coin, _type === 'public' ? 'getaddressesbyaccount' : 'z_listaddresses', [''] ).then(function(_json) { if (_json === 'Work queue depth exceeded' || !_json) { resolve({ error: 'daemon is busy' }); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(_json).result); } }); }); })) .then(result => { if (result[0] && result[0].length) { function calcBalance(result, json) { if (json && json.length) { const allAddrArray = => res.address).filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) == i); for (let a = 0; a < allAddrArray.length; a++) { const filteredArray = json.filter(res => res.address === allAddrArray[a]).map(res => res.amount); let isNewAddr = true; for (let x = 0; x < result.length && isNewAddr; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < result[x].length && isNewAddr; y++) { if (allAddrArray[a] === result[x][y]) { isNewAddr = false; } } } if (isNewAddr && (allAddrArray[a].substring(0, 2) === 'zc' || allAddrArray[a].substring(0, 2) === 'zt')) { result[1][result[1].length] = allAddrArray[a]; } else { result[0][result[0].length] = allAddrArray[a]; } } } // remove addr duplicates if (result[0] && result[0].length) { result[0] = result[0].filter(function(elem, pos) { return result[0].indexOf(elem) === pos; }); } if (result[1] && result[1].length) { result[1] = result[1].filter(function(elem, pos) { return result[1].indexOf(elem) === pos; }); } let newAddressArray = []; for (let a = 0; a < result.length; a++) { newAddressArray[a] = []; if (result[a]) { for (let b = 0; b < result[a].length; b++) { let filteredArray; filteredArray = json.filter(res => res.address === result[a][b]).map(res => res.amount); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < filteredArray.length; i++) { sum += filteredArray[i]; } newAddressArray[a][b] = { address: result[a][b], amount: sum, type: a === 0 ? 'public': 'private', }; } } } // get zaddr balance if (result[1] && result[1].length) { Promise.all(result[1].map((_address, index) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _bitcoinRPC(coin, 'z_getbalance', [_address]) .then(function(__json) { __json = JSON.parse(__json); if (__json && __json.error) { resolve(0); } else { resolve(__json.result) newAddressArray[1][index] = { address: _address, amount: __json.result, type: 'private', }; } }); }); })) .then(zresult => { _returnObj.addresses = { public: newAddressArray[0], private: newAddressArray[1], }; const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: _returnObj, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); }); } else { _returnObj.addresses = { public: newAddressArray[0], private: newAddressArray[1], }; const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: _returnObj, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); } } _bitcoinRPC(coin, 'listunspent') .then(function(__json) { if (__json === 'Work queue depth exceeded' || !__json) { const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: _returnObj, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); } else { _returnObj.listunspent = JSON.parse(__json); calcBalance( result, JSON.parse(__json).result ); } }); } else { _returnObj.addresses = { public: {}, private: {}, }; const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: _returnObj, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); } }) } function _bitcoinRPC(coin, cmd, params) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let _payload; if (params) { _payload = { mode: null, chain: coin, cmd: cmd, params: params, }; } else { _payload = { mode: null, chain: coin, cmd: cmd, }; } const options = { url: `${shepherd.appConfig.agamaPort}/shepherd/cli`, method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ payload: _payload }), timeout: 120000, }; request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { resolve(body); } else { resolve(body); } }); }); } Promise.all(, index) => { let _params; if (_call === 'listtransactions') { _params = [ '', 300, 0 ]; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _bitcoinRPC( _coin, _call, _params ) .then(function(json) { if (json === 'Work queue depth exceeded' || !json) { _returnObj[_call] = { error: 'daemon is busy' }; } else { _returnObj[_call] = JSON.parse(json); } resolve(json); }); }); })) .then(result => { getAddressesNative(_coin); }); }); shepherd.testClearAll = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.removeSync(`${iguanaTestDir}`); resolve('done'); }); } shepherd.testBins = function(daemonName) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const _bins = { komodod: komododBin, komodoCli: komodocliBin, }; const _arg = null; let _pid; shepherd.log('testBins exec ' + _bins[daemonName]); if (!fs.existsSync(agamaTestDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(agamaTestDir); } try { _fs.access(`${agamaTestDir}/${daemonName}Test.log`, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (!err) { try { _fs.unlinkSync(`${agamaTestDir}/${daemonName}Test.log`); } catch (e) {} } else { shepherd.log(`path ${agamaTestDir}/${daemonName}Test.log doesnt exist`); } }); } catch (e) {} if (daemonName === 'komodod') { try { _fs.access(`${iguanaTestDir}/debug.log`, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (!err) { _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/db.log`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/debug.log`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/komodo.conf`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/komodostate`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/realtime`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/wallet.dat`); _fs.unlinkSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/.lock`); fs.removeSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/blocks`); fs.removeSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/chainstate`); fs.removeSync(`${iguanaTestDir}/database`); execKomodod(); } else { shepherd.log(`test: nothing to remove in ${iguanaTestDir}`); execKomodod(); } }); } catch (e) {} function execKomodod() { let _komododTest = { port: 'unknown', start: 'unknown', getinfo: 'unknown', errors: { assertFailed: false, zcashParams: false, }, }; const _komodoConf = 'rpcuser=user83f3afba8d714993\n' + 'rpcpassword=0d4430ca1543833e35bce5a0cc9e16b3\n' + 'server=1\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n' + 'addnode=\n'; fs.writeFile(`${iguanaTestDir}/komodo.conf`, _komodoConf, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log(`test: error writing komodo conf in ${iguanaTestDir}`); } }); portscanner.checkPortStatus('7771', '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'closed') { _komododTest.port = 'passed'; } else { _komododTest.port = 'failed'; } }); /*pm2.connect(true,function(err) { //start up pm2 god if (err) { shepherd.error(err); process.exit(2); } pm2.start({ script: komododBin, // path to binary name: 'komodod', exec_mode : 'fork', args: [ '-daemon=0', '-addnode=', `-datadir=${iguanaTestDir}/` ], output: `${iguanaTestDir}/komododTest.log`, mergeLogs: true, }, function(err, apps) { if (apps[0] && apps[0].process && apps[0] { _komododTest.start = 'success'; shepherd.log(`test: got komodod instance pid = ${apps[0]}`); shepherd.writeLog(`test: komodod started with pid ${apps[0]}`); } else { _komododTest.start = 'failed'; shepherd.log(`unable to start komodod`); } pm2.disconnect(); // Disconnect from PM2 if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`test: error starting komodod`); shepherd.log(`komodod fork err: ${err}`); // throw err; } }); });*/ setTimeout(function() { const options = { url: `http://localhost:7771`, method: 'POST', auth: { user: 'user83f3afba8d714993', pass: '0d4430ca1543833e35bce5a0cc9e16b3', }, body: JSON.stringify({ agent: 'bitcoinrpc', method: 'getinfo', }), }; request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { // res.end(body); shepherd.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, '\t')); } else { // res.end(body); shepherd.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, '\t')); } }); }, 10000); setTimeout(function() { pm2.delete('komodod'); resolve(_komododTest); }, 20000); } // komodod debug.log hooks //"{\"result\":{\"version\":1000850,\"protocolversion\":170002,\"KMDversion\":\"0.1.1\",\"notarized\":0,\"notarizedhash\":\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\",\"notarizedtxid\":\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\",\"notarizedtxid_height\":\"mempool\",\"notarized_confirms\":0,\"walletversion\":60000,\"balance\":0.00000000,\"interest\":0.00000000,\"blocks\":128,\"longestchain\":472331,\"timeoffset\":0,\"tiptime\":1473827710,\"connections\":1,\"proxy\":\"\",\"difficulty\":1,\"testnet\":false,\"keypoololdest\":1504118047,\"keypoolsize\":101,\"paytxfee\":0.00000000,\"relayfee\":0.00000100,\"errors\":\"\"},\"error\":null,\"id\":null}\n" //2017-08-30 17:51:33 Error: Cannot find the Zcash network parameters in the following directory: //"/home/pbca/.zcash-params" //Please run 'zcash-fetch-params' or './zcutil/' and then restart. //EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error //Assertion failed. //2017-08-30 17:51:14 Using config file /home/pbca/.iguana/test/komodo.conf //2017-08-30 18:23:43 UpdateTip: new best=0a47c1323f393650f7221c217d19d149d002d35444f47fde61be2dd90fbde8e6 height=1 log2_work=5.0874628 tx=2 date=2016-09-13 19:04:01 progress=0.000001 cache=0.0MiB(1tx) //2017-08-30 18:23:43 UpdateTip: new best=05076a4e1fc9af0f5fda690257b17ae20c12d4796dfba1624804d012c9ec00be height=2 log2_work=5.6724253 tx=3 date=2016-09-13 19:05:28 progress=0.000001 cache=0.0MiB(2tx) /*execFile(`${komododBin}`, _arg, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 10000 // 10 mb }, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.writeLog(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.writeLog(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { console.log(`exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec error: ${error}`); if (error.toString().indexOf('using -reindex') > -1) {'service', { komodod: { error: 'run -reindex', } }); } } });*/ } }); } // komodod datadir location test shepherd.testLocation = function(path) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.lstat(path, (err, stats) => { if (err) { shepherd.log(`error testing path ${path}`); resolve(-1); } else { if (stats.isDirectory()) { resolve(true); } else { shepherd.log(`error testing path ${path} not a folder`); resolve(false); } } }); }); } // osx and linux shepherd.binFixRights = function() { const osPlatform = os.platform(); const _bins = [ komododBin, komodocliBin ]; if (osPlatform === 'darwin' || osPlatform === 'linux') { for (let i = 0; i < _bins.length; i++) { _fs.stat(_bins[i], function(err, stat) { if (!err) { if (parseInt(stat.mode.toString(8), 10) !== 100775) { shepherd.log(`${_bins[i]} fix permissions`); fsnode.chmodSync(_bins[i], '0775'); } } else { shepherd.log(`error: ${_bins[i]} not found`); } }); } } } shepherd.killRogueProcess = function(processName) { // kill rogue process copies on start let processGrep; const osPlatform = os.platform(); switch (osPlatform) { case 'darwin': processGrep = "ps -p $(ps -A | grep -m1 " + processName + " | awk '{print $1}') | grep -i " + processName; break; case 'linux': processGrep = 'ps -p $(pidof ' + processName + ') | grep -i ' + processName; break; case 'win32': processGrep = 'tasklist'; break; } exec(processGrep, function(error, stdout, stderr) { if (stdout.indexOf(processName) > -1) { const pkillCmd = osPlatform === 'win32' ? `taskkill /f /im ${processName}.exe` : `pkill -15 ${processName}`; shepherd.log(`found another ${processName} process(es)`); shepherd.writeLog(`found another ${processName} process(es)`); exec(pkillCmd, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.log(`${pkillCmd} is issued`); shepherd.writeLog(`${pkillCmd} is issued`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`${pkillCmd} exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`${pkillCmd} exec error: ${error}`); }; }); } if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`${processGrep} exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`${processGrep} exec error: ${error}`); }; }); } shepherd.zcashParamsExist = function() { let _checkList = { rootDir: _fs.existsSync(zcashParamsDir), provingKey: _fs.existsSync(`${zcashParamsDir}/sprout-proving.key`), provingKeySize: false, verifyingKey: _fs.existsSync(`${zcashParamsDir}/sprout-verifying.key`), verifyingKeySize: false, errors: false, }; if (_checkList.rootDir && _checkList.provingKey || _checkList.verifyingKey) { // verify each key size const _provingKeySize = _checkList.provingKey ? fs.lstatSync(`${zcashParamsDir}/sprout-proving.key`) : 0; const _verifyingKeySize = _checkList.verifyingKey ? fs.lstatSync(`${zcashParamsDir}/sprout-verifying.key`) : 0; if (Number(_provingKeySize.size) === 910173851) { // bytes _checkList.provingKeySize = true; } if (Number(_verifyingKeySize.size) === 1449) { _checkList.verifyingKeySize = true; } shepherd.log('zcashparams exist'); } else { shepherd.log('zcashparams doesnt exist'); } if (!_checkList.rootDir || !_checkList.provingKey || !_checkList.verifyingKey || !_checkList.provingKeySize || !_checkList.verifyingKeySize) { _checkList.errors = true; } return _checkList; } shepherd.readVersionFile = function() { // read app version const rootLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); const localVersionFile = fs.readFileSync(`${rootLocation}version`, 'utf8'); return localVersionFile; } shepherd.createAgamaDirs = function() { if (!fs.existsSync(agamaDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(agamaDir); if (fs.existsSync(agamaDir)) { shepherd.log(`created agama folder at ${agamaDir}`); shepherd.writeLog(`created agama folder at ${agamaDir}`); } } else { shepherd.log('agama folder already exists'); } if (!fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd`); if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd`)) { shepherd.log(`created shepherd folder at ${agamaDir}/shepherd`); shepherd.writeLog(`create shepherd folder at ${agamaDir}/shepherd`); } } else { shepherd.log('agama/shepherd folder already exists'); } if (!fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`); if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`)) { shepherd.log(`created pin folder at ${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`); shepherd.writeLog(`create pin folder at ${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`); } } else { shepherd.log('shepherd/pin folder already exists'); } } /* * type: POST * params: none */'/encryptkey', function(req, res, next) { if (req.body.key && req.body.string && req.body.pubkey) { const encryptedString = aes256.encrypt(req.body.key, req.body.string); // test pin security // - at least 1 char in upper case // - at least 1 digit // - at least one special character // - min length 8 const _pin = req.body.key; const _pinTest = _pin.match('^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^<>{}\"/|;:.,~!?@#$%^=&*\\]\\\\()\\[_+]*$)(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z]).{8}$'); fs.writeFile(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin/${req.body.pubkey}.pin`, encryptedString, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log('error writing pin file'); } const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: encryptedString, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); }); } else { let errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: '', }; const _paramsList = [ 'key', 'string', 'pubkey' ]; let _errorParamsList = []; for (let i = 0; i < _paramsList.length; i++) { if (!req.query[_paramsList[i]]) { _errorParamsList.push(_paramsList[i]); } } errorObj.result = `missing param ${_errorParamsList.join(', ')}`; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } });'/decryptkey', function(req, res, next) { if (req.body.key && req.body.pubkey) { if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin/${req.body.pubkey}.pin`)) { fs.readFile(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin/${req.body.pubkey}.pin`, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const encryptedKey = aes256.decrypt(req.body.key, data); // test if stored encrypted passphrase is decrypted correctly // if not then the key is wrong const _regexTest = encryptedKey.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z ]+$/g); let returnObj; if (!_regexTest) { returnObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'wrong key', }; } else { returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: encryptedKey, }; } res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: `file ${req.query.pubkey}.pin doesnt exist`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'missing key or pubkey param', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } }); shepherd.get('/getpinlist', function(req, res, next) { if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`)) { fs.readdir(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/pin`, function(err, items) { let _pins = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].substr(items[i].length - 4, 4) === '.pin') { _pins.push(items[i].substr(0, items[i].length - 4)); } } if (!items.length) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no pins', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: _pins, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'pin folder doesnt exist', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } }); /** * Promise based download file method */ function downloadFile(configuration) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Save variable to know progress let receivedBytes = 0; let totalBytes = 0; let req = request({ method: 'GET', uri: configuration.remoteFile, agentOptions: { keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 15000, }, }); let out = fs.createWriteStream(configuration.localFile); req.pipe(out); req.on('response', function(data) { // Change the total bytes value to get progress later. totalBytes = parseInt(data.headers['content-length']); }); // Get progress if callback exists if (configuration.hasOwnProperty('onProgress')) { req.on('data', function(chunk) { // Update the received bytes receivedBytes += chunk.length; configuration.onProgress(receivedBytes, totalBytes); }); } else { req.on('data', function(chunk) { // Update the received bytes receivedBytes += chunk.length; }); } req.on('end', function() { resolve(); }); }); } const remoteBinLocation = { win32: '', darwin: '', linux: '', }; const localBinLocation = { win32: 'assets/bin/win64/', darwin: 'assets/bin/osx/', linux: 'assets/bin/linux64/', }; const latestBins = { win32: [ 'komodo-cli.exe', 'komodod.exe', 'libcrypto-1_1.dll', 'libcurl-4.dll', 'libcurl.dll', 'libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll', 'libnanomsg.dll', 'libssl-1_1.dll', 'libwinpthread-1.dll', 'nanomsg.dll', 'pthreadvc2.dll', ], darwin: [ 'komodo-cli', 'komodod', 'libgcc_s.1.dylib', 'libgomp.1.dylib', 'libnanomsg.5.0.0.dylib', 'libstdc++.6.dylib', // encode %2B ], linux: [ 'komodo-cli', 'komodod', ], }; let binsToUpdate = []; /* * Check bins file size * type: * params: */ // TODO: promises shepherd.get('/update/bins/check', function(req, res, next) { const rootLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'bins', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); const _os = os.platform(); shepherd.log(`checking bins: ${_os}`);'patch', { patch: { type: 'bins-check', status: 'progress', message: `checking bins: ${_os}`, }, }); // get list of bins/dlls that can be updated to the latest for (let i = 0; i < latestBins[_os].length; i++) { remoteFileSize(remoteBinLocation[_os] + latestBins[_os][i], function(err, remoteBinSize) { const localBinSize = fs.statSync(rootLocation + localBinLocation[_os] + latestBins[_os][i]).size; shepherd.log('remote url: ' + (remoteBinLocation[_os] + latestBins[_os][i]) + ' (' + remoteBinSize + ')'); shepherd.log('local file: ' + (rootLocation + localBinLocation[_os] + latestBins[_os][i]) + ' (' + localBinSize + ')'); if (remoteBinSize !== localBinSize) { shepherd.log(`${latestBins[_os][i]} can be updated`); binsToUpdate.push({ name: latestBins[_os][i], rSize: remoteBinSize, lSize: localBinSize, }); } if (i === latestBins[_os].length - 1) {'patch', { patch: { type: 'bins-check', status: 'done', fileList: binsToUpdate, }, }); } }); } }); /* * Update bins * type: * params: */ shepherd.get('/update/bins', function(req, res, next) { const rootLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); const _os = os.platform(); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: { filesCount: binsToUpdate.length, list: binsToUpdate, }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); for (let i = 0; i < binsToUpdate.length; i++) { downloadFile({ remoteFile: remoteBinLocation[_os] + binsToUpdate[i].name, localFile: `${rootLocation}${localBinLocation[_os]}patch/${binsToUpdate[i].name}`, onProgress: function(received, total) { const percentage = (received * 100) / total; if (percentage.toString().indexOf('.10') > -1) {'patch', { msg: { type: 'bins-update', status: 'progress', file: binsToUpdate[i].name, bytesTotal: total, bytesReceived: received, }, }); // shepherd.log(`${binsToUpdate[i].name} ${percentage}% | ${received} bytes out of ${total} bytes.`); } } }) .then(function() { // verify that remote file is matching to DL'ed file const localBinSize = fs.statSync(`${rootLocation}${localBinLocation[_os]}patch/${binsToUpdate[i].name}`).size; shepherd.log('compare dl file size'); if (localBinSize === binsToUpdate[i].rSize) {'patch', { msg: { type: 'bins-update', file: binsToUpdate[i].name, status: 'done', }, }); shepherd.log(`file ${binsToUpdate[i].name} succesfully downloaded`); } else {'patch', { msg: { type: 'bins-update', file: binsToUpdate[i].name, message: 'size mismatch', }, }); shepherd.log(`error: ${binsToUpdate[i].name} file size doesnt match remote!`); } }); } }); /* * DL app patch * type: GET * params: patchList */ shepherd.get('/update/patch', function(req, res, next) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'dl started' }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); shepherd.updateAgama(); }); shepherd.updateAgama = function() { const rootLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); downloadFile({ remoteFile: '', localFile: `${rootLocation}`, onProgress: function(received, total) { const percentage = (received * 100) / total; if (percentage.toString().indexOf('.10') > -1) {'patch', { msg: { status: 'progress', type: 'ui', progress: percentage, bytesTotal: total, bytesReceived: received, }, }); //shepherd.log(`patch ${percentage}% | ${received} bytes out of ${total} bytes.`); } } }) .then(function() { remoteFileSize('', function(err, remotePatchSize) { // verify that remote file is matching to DL'ed file const localPatchSize = fs.statSync(`${rootLocation}`).size; shepherd.log('compare dl file size'); if (localPatchSize === remotePatchSize) { const zip = new AdmZip(`${rootLocation}`); shepherd.log('patch succesfully downloaded'); shepherd.log('extracting contents'); if ( { if (!fs.existsSync(`${rootLocation}/patch`)) { fs.mkdirSync(`${rootLocation}/patch`); } } zip.extractAllTo(/*target path*/rootLocation + ( ? '/patch' : ''), /*overwrite*/true); // TODO: extract files in chunks'patch', { msg: { type: 'ui', status: 'done', }, }); fs.unlinkSync(`${rootLocation}`); } else {'patch', { msg: { type: 'ui', status: 'error', message: 'size mismatch', }, }); shepherd.log('patch file size doesnt match remote!'); } }); }); } /* * check latest version * type: * params: */ shepherd.get('/update/patch/check', function(req, res, next) { const rootLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); const options = { url: '', method: 'GET', }; request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { const remoteVersion = body.split('\n'); const localVersionFile = fs.readFileSync(`${rootLocation}version`, 'utf8'); let localVersion; if (localVersionFile.indexOf('\r\n') > -1) { localVersion = localVersionFile.split('\r\n'); } else { localVersion = localVersionFile.split('\n'); } if (remoteVersion[0] === localVersion[0]) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'latest', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'update', version: { local: localVersion[0], remote: remoteVersion[0], }, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } else { res.end({ err: 'error getting update', }); } }); }); /* * unpack zip * type: * params: */ shepherd.get('/unpack', function(req, res, next) { const dlLocation = path.join(__dirname, '../'); const zip = new AdmZip(`${dlLocation}`); zip.extractAllTo(/*target path*/ `${dlLocation}/patch/unpack`, /*overwrite*/true); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'unpack started', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); /* * Update bins * type: * params: */ shepherd.get('/zcparamsdl', function(req, res, next) { // const dlLocation = zcashParamsDir + '/test'; const dlLocation = zcashParamsDir; const dlOption = req.query.dloption; const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'zcash params dl started', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); for (let key in zcashParamsDownloadLinks[dlOption]) { downloadFile({ remoteFile: zcashParamsDownloadLinks[dlOption][key], localFile: dlLocation + '/' + 'sprout-' + key + '.key', onProgress: function(received, total) { const percentage = (received * 100) / total; if (percentage.toString().indexOf('.10') > -1) {'zcparams', { msg: { type: 'zcpdownload', status: 'progress', file: key, bytesTotal: total, bytesReceived: received, progress: percentage, }, }); // shepherd.log(`${key} ${percentage}% | ${received} bytes out of ${total} bytes.`); } } }) .then(function() { const checkZcashParams = shepherd.zcashParamsExist(); shepherd.log(`${key} dl done`); if (checkZcashParams.error) {'zcparams', { msg: { type: 'zcpdownload', file: key, status: 'error', message: 'size mismatch', progress: 100, }, }); } else {'zcparams', { msg: { type: 'zcpdownload', file: key, progress: 100, status: 'done', }, }); shepherd.log(`file ${key} succesfully downloaded`); } }); } }); /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/coinslist', function(req, res, next) { if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/coinslist.json`)) { fs.readFile(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/coinslist.json`, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: data ? JSON.parse(data) : '', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'coin list doesn\'t exist', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } }); /* * type: POST * params: payload */'/guilog', function(req, res, next) { const logLocation = `${agamaDir}/shepherd`; if (!guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash]) { guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash] = {}; } if (guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash][req.body.timestamp]) { guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash][req.body.timestamp].status = req.body.status; guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash][req.body.timestamp].response = req.body.response; } else { guiLog[shepherd.appSessionHash][req.body.timestamp] = { function: req.body.function, type: req.body.type, url: req.body.url, payload: req.body.payload, status: req.body.status, }; } fs.writeFile(`${logLocation}/agamalog.json`, JSON.stringify(guiLog), function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog('error writing gui log file'); } const returnObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'gui log entry is added', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(returnObj)); }); }); /* * type: GET * params: type */ shepherd.get('/getlog', function(req, res, next) { const logExt = req.query.type === 'txt' ? 'txt' : 'json'; if (fs.existsSync(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/agamalog.${logExt}`)) { fs.readFile(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/agamalog.${logExt}`, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: data ? JSON.parse(data) : '', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: `agama.${logExt} doesnt exist`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } }); /* * type: POST * params: payload */'/coinslist', function(req, res, next) { const _payload = req.body.payload; if (!_payload) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no payload provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { fs.writeFile(`${agamaDir}/shepherd/coinslist.json`, JSON.stringify(_payload), function(err) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'done', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } }); // TODO: check if komodod is running shepherd.quitKomodod = function(timeout = 100) { // if komodod is under heavy load it may not respond to cli stop the first time // exit komodod gracefully let coindExitInterval = {}; lockDownAddCoin = true; for (let key in coindInstanceRegistry) { const chain = key !== 'komodod' ? key : null; let _coindQuitCmd = komodocliBin; // any coind if (shepherd.nativeCoindList[key.toLowerCase()]) { _coindQuitCmd = `${coindRootDir}/${key.toLowerCase()}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[key.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}-cli`; } if (key === 'CHIPS') { _coindQuitCmd = chipscliBin; } function execCliStop() { let _arg = []; if (chain && !shepherd.nativeCoindList[key.toLowerCase()] && key !== 'CHIPS') { _arg.push(`-ac_name=${chain}`); } _arg.push('stop'); execFile(`${_coindQuitCmd}`, _arg, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (stdout.indexOf('EOF reached') > -1 || stderr.indexOf('EOF reached') > -1 || (error && error.toString().indexOf('Command failed') > -1 && !stderr) || // win "special snowflake" case stdout.indexOf('connect to server: unknown (code -1)') > -1 || stderr.indexOf('connect to server: unknown (code -1)') > -1) { delete coindInstanceRegistry[key]; clearInterval(coindExitInterval[key]); } // workaround for AGT-65 const _port = assetChainPorts[key]; portscanner.checkPortStatus(_port, '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'closed') { delete coindInstanceRegistry[key]; clearInterval(coindExitInterval[key]); } }); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); } if (key === 'CHIPS') { setTimeout(function() { shepherd.killRogueProcess('chips-cli'); }, 100); } else { setTimeout(function() { shepherd.killRogueProcess('komodo-cli'); }, 100); } }); } execCliStop(); coindExitInterval[key] = setInterval(function() { execCliStop(); }, timeout); } } shepherd.getConf = function(chain) { let _confLocation = chain === 'komodod' ? `${komodoDir}/komodo.conf` : `${komodoDir}/${chain}/${chain}.conf`; _confLocation = chain === 'CHIPS' ? `${chipsDir}/chips.conf` : _confLocation; // any coind if (shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()]) { const _osHome = os.platform === 'win32' ? process.env.APPDATA : process.env.HOME; let coindDebugLogLocation = `${_osHome}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}/debug.log`; _confLocation = `${_osHome}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}.conf`; } if (fs.existsSync(_confLocation)) { let _port = assetChainPorts[chain]; const _rpcConf = fs.readFileSync(_confLocation, 'utf8'); // any coind if (shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()]) { _port = shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()].port; } if (_rpcConf.length) { let _match; let parsedRpcConfig = { user: '', pass: '', port: _port, }; if (_match = _rpcConf.match(/rpcuser=\s*(.*)/)) { parsedRpcConfig.user = _match[1]; } if ((_match = _rpcConf.match(/rpcpass=\s*(.*)/)) || (_match = _rpcConf.match(/rpcpassword=\s*(.*)/))) { parsedRpcConfig.pass = _match[1]; } if (shepherd.nativeCoindList[chain.toLowerCase()]) { rpcConf[chain] = parsedRpcConfig; } else { rpcConf[chain === 'komodod' ? 'KMD' : chain] = parsedRpcConfig; } } else { shepherd.log(`${_confLocation} is empty`); } } else { shepherd.log(`${_confLocation} doesnt exist`); } } /* * type: POST * params: payload */'/cli', function(req, res, next) { if (!req.body.payload) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no payload provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else if (!req.body.payload.cmd.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z _\,\.\[\]"'/\\]+$/g)) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'wrong cli string format', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const _mode = req.body.payload.mode === 'passthru' ? 'passthru' : 'default'; const _chain = req.body.payload.chain === 'KMD' ? null : req.body.payload.chain; let _cmd = req.body.payload.cmd; const _params = req.body.payload.params ? ` ${req.body.payload.params}` : ''; if (!rpcConf[_chain]) { shepherd.getConf(req.body.payload.chain === 'KMD' ? 'komodod' : req.body.payload.chain); } if (_mode === 'default') { /*let _body = { agent: 'bitcoinrpc', method: _cmd, }; if (req.body.payload.params) { _body = { agent: 'bitcoinrpc', method: _cmd, params: req.body.payload.params === ' ' ? [''] : req.body.payload.params, }; } const options = { url: `http://localhost:${rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].port}`, method: 'POST', auth: { user: rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].user, pass: rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].pass, }, body: JSON.stringify(_body) }; // send back body on both success and error // this bit replicates iguana core's behaviour request(options, function(error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { res.end(body); } else { res.end(body); } });*/ if (_cmd === 'debug' && _chain !== 'CHIPS') { if (shepherd.nativeCoindList[_chain.toLowerCase()]) { const _osHome = os.platform === 'win32' ? process.env.APPDATA : process.env.HOME; let coindDebugLogLocation; if (_chain === 'CHIPS') { coindDebugLogLocation = `${chipsDir}/debug.log`; } else { coindDebugLogLocation = `${_osHome}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[_chain.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}/debug.log`; } shepherd.readDebugLog(coindDebugLogLocation, 1) .then(function(result) { const _obj = { 'msg': 'success', 'result': result, }; // shepherd.log('bitcoinrpc debug ====>'); // console.log(result); res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }, function(result) { const _obj = { error: result, result: 'error', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }); } else { res.end({ error: 'bitcoinrpc debug error', result: 'error', }); // console.log('bitcoinrpc debug error'); } } else { if (_chain === 'CHIPS' && _cmd === 'debug') { _cmd = 'getblockchaininfo'; } let _body = { 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc', 'method': _cmd, }; if (req.body.payload.params) { _body = { 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc', 'method': _cmd, 'params': req.body.payload.params === ' ' ? [''] : req.body.payload.params, }; } const options = { url: `http://localhost:${rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].port}`, method: 'POST', auth: { 'user': rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].user, 'pass': rpcConf[req.body.payload.chain].pass }, body: JSON.stringify(_body) }; // send back body on both success and error // this bit replicates iguana core's behaviour request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { res.end(body); } else { res.end(body); } }); } } else { let _coindCliBin = komodocliBin; if (shepherd.nativeCoindList && _chain && shepherd.nativeCoindList[_chain.toLowerCase()]) { _coindCliBin = `${coindRootDir}/${_chain.toLowerCase()}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[_chain.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}-cli`; } let _arg = (_chain ? ' -ac_name=' + _chain : '') + ' ' + _cmd + _params; _arg = _arg.trim().split(' '); execFile(_coindCliBin, _arg, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); } let responseObj; if (stderr) { responseObj = { msg: 'error', result: stderr, }; } else { responseObj = { msg: 'success', result: stdout, }; } res.end(JSON.stringify(responseObj)); shepherd.killRogueProcess('komodo-cli'); }); } } }); /* * type: POST * params: payload */'/appconf', function(req, res, next) { if (!req.body.payload) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no payload provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(req.body.payload); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'config saved', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); /* * type: POST * params: none */'/appconf/reset', function(req, res, next) { shepherd.saveLocalAppConf(shepherd.defaultAppConfig); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'config saved', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); shepherd.log(`agama dir: ${agamaDir}`); shepherd.log('--------------------------') shepherd.log(`komodo dir: ${komododBin}`); shepherd.log(`komodo bin: ${komodoDir}`); shepherd.writeLog(`agama dir: ${agamaDir}`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodo dir: ${komododBin}`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodo bin: ${komodoDir}`); // default route shepherd.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.send('Agama app server'); }); /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/appconf', function(req, res, next) { const obj = shepherd.loadLocalConfig(); res.send(obj); }); /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/sysinfo', function(req, res, next) { const obj = shepherd.SystemInfo(); res.send(obj); }); /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/appinfo', function(req, res, next) { const obj = shepherd.appInfo(); res.send(obj); }); // expose sockets obj shepherd.setIO = function(io) { = io; }; shepherd.setVar = function(_name, _body) { shepherd[_name] = _body; }; /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/InstantDEX/allcoins', function(req, res, next) { let successObj; let nativeCoindList = []; let electrumCoinsList = []; for (let key in electrumCoins) { if (key !== 'auth') { electrumCoinsList.push(electrumCoins[key].abbr); } } for (let key in coindInstanceRegistry) { nativeCoindList.push(key === 'komodod' ? 'KMD' : key); } successObj = { native: nativeCoindList, spv: electrumCoinsList, total: Object.keys(electrumCoins).length - 1 + Object.keys(nativeCoindList).length, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); /* * type: GET * */ shepherd.get('/auth/status', function(req, res, next) { // not finished let successObj; let _status = false; if (Object.keys(coindInstanceRegistry).length) { if (Object.keys(electrumCoins).length > 1 && electrumCoins.auth) { _status = true; } else if (Object.keys(electrumCoins).length === 1 && !electrumCoins.auth) { _status = true; } } else if (Object.keys(electrumCoins).length > 1 && electrumCoins.auth) { _status = true; } else if (Object.keys(electrumCoins).length === 1 && !Object.keys(coindInstanceRegistry).length) { _status = true; } successObj = { pubkey: 'nativeonly', result: 'success', handle: '', status: _status ? 'unlocked' : 'locked', duration: 2507830, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); /* * type: GET * params: herd, lastLines */'/debuglog', function(req, res) { let _herd = req.body.herdname; let _ac =; let _lastNLines = req.body.lastLines; let _location; if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/Komodo`; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.HOME}/.komodo`; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { komodoDir = shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length ? shepherd.appConfig.dataDir : `${process.env.APPDATA}/Komodo`; komodoDir = path.normalize(komodoDir); } if (_herd === 'komodo') { _location = komodoDir; } if (_ac) { _location = `${komodoDir}/${_ac}`; if (_ac === 'CHIPS') { _location = chipsDir; } } shepherd.readDebugLog(`${_location}/debug.log`, _lastNLines) .then(function(result) { const _obj = { msg: 'success', result: result, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }, function(result) { const _obj = { msg: 'error', result: result, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(_obj)); }); }); /* * type: POST * params: herd */'/herd', function(req, res) { shepherd.log('======= req.body ======='); shepherd.log(req.body); if (req.body.options && !shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode) { function testCoindPort(skipError) { if (!lockDownAddCoin) { const _port = assetChainPorts[req.body.options.ac_name]; portscanner.checkPortStatus(_port, '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'open') { if (!skipError) { shepherd.log(`komodod service start error at port ${_port}, reason: port is closed`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodod service start error at port ${_port}, reason: port is closed`);'service', { komodod: { error: `error starting ${req.body.herd} ${req.body.options.ac_name} daemon. Port ${_port} is already taken!`, }, }); const obj = { msg: 'error', result: `error starting ${req.body.herd} ${req.body.options.ac_name} daemon. Port ${_port} is already taken!`, }; res.status(500); res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); } else { shepherd.log(`komodod service start success at port ${_port}`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodod service start success at port ${_port}`); } } else { if (!skipError) { herder(req.body.herd, req.body.options); const obj = { msg: 'success', result: 'result', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); } else { shepherd.log(`komodod service start error at port ${_port}, reason: unknown`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodod service start error at port ${_port}, reason: unknown`); } } }); } } if (req.body.herd === 'komodod') { // check if komodod instance is already running testCoindPort(); setTimeout(function() { testCoindPort(true); }, 10000); } else { herder(req.body.herd, req.body.options, req.body.coind); const obj = { msg: 'success', result: 'result', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); } } else { // (?) herder(req.body.herd, req.body.options); const obj = { msg: 'success', result: 'result', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); } }); /* * type: POST */'/setconf', function(req, res) { shepherd.log('======= req.body ======='); shepherd.log(req.body); if (os.platform() === 'win32' && req.body.chain == 'komodod') { setkomodoconf = spawn(path.join(__dirname, '../assets/bin/win64/genkmdconf.bat')); } else { setConf(req.body.chain); } const obj = { msg: 'success', result: 'result', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); }); /* * type: POST */'/getconf', function(req, res) { shepherd.log('======= req.body ======='); shepherd.log(req.body); const confpath = getConf(req.body.chain, req.body.coind); shepherd.log('got conf path is:'); shepherd.log(confpath); shepherd.writeLog('got conf path is:'); shepherd.writeLog(confpath); const obj = { msg: 'success', result: confpath, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(obj)); }); /* * type: GET * params: coin, type * TODO: reorganize to work with coind */ shepherd.get('/kick', function(req, res, next) { const _coin = req.query.coin; const _type = req.query.type; if (!_coin) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no coin name provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } if (!_type) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no type provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } const kickStartDirs = { soft: [ { name: 'DB/[coin]', type: 'pattern', match: 'balancecrc.', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/utxoaddrs', type: 'file', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/accounts', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/fastfind', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'tmp/[coin]', type: 'folder', } ], hard: [ { name: 'DB/[coin]', type: 'pattern', match: 'balancecrc.', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/utxoaddrs', type: 'file', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]', type: 'pattern', match: 'utxoaddrs.', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/accounts', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/fastfind', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'DB/[coin]/spends', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'tmp/[coin]', type: 'folder', } ], brutal: [ // delete all coin related data { name: 'DB/[coin]', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'DB/purgeable/[coin]', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'DB/ro/[coin]', type: 'folder', }, { name: 'tmp/[coin]', type: 'folder', } ] }; if (_coin && _type) { for (let i = 0; i < kickStartDirs[_type].length; i++) { let currentKickItem = kickStartDirs[_type][i]; shepherd.log('deleting ' + currentKickItem.type + (currentKickItem.match ? ' ' + currentKickItem.match : '') + ' ' + iguanaDir + '/' +'[coin]', _coin)); if (currentKickItem.type === 'folder' || currentKickItem.type === 'file') { /*rimraf(`${iguanaDir}/${'[coin]', _coin)}`, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`kickstart err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`kickstart err: ${err}`); } });*/ } else if (currentKickItem.type === 'pattern') { let dirItems = fs.readdirSync(`${iguanaDir}/'[coin]', _coin)`); if (dirItems && dirItems.length) { for (let j = 0; j < dirItems.length; j++) { if (dirItems[j].indexOf(currentKickItem.match) > -1) { /*rimraf(`${iguanaDir}/${'[coin]', _coin)}/${dirItems[j]}`, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`kickstart err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`kickstart err: ${err}`); } });*/ shepherd.log(`deleting ${dirItems[j]}`); } } } } } const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'kickstart: brutal is executed', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); shepherd.readDebugLog = function(fileLocation, lastNLines) { return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) { if (lastNLines) { try { _fs.access(fileLocation, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log(`error reading ${fileLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`error reading ${fileLocation}`); reject(`readDebugLog error: ${err}`); } else { shepherd.log(`reading ${fileLocation}`); _fs.readFile(fileLocation, 'utf-8', function(err, data) { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`readDebugLog err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`readDebugLog err: ${err}`); } const lines = data.trim().split('\n'); const lastLine = lines.slice(lines.length - lastNLines, lines.length).join('\n'); resolve(lastLine); }); } }); } catch (e) { reject(`readDebugLog error: ${e}`); } } else { reject('readDebugLog error: lastNLines param is not provided!'); } } ); }; function herder(flock, data, coind) { if (data === undefined) { data = 'none'; shepherd.log('it is undefined'); } shepherd.log('herder ' + flock + ' ' + coind); shepherd.log(`selected data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')}`); // TODO: notify gui that reindex/rescan param is used to reflect on the screen // asset chain debug.log unlink if (flock === 'komodod') { let kmdDebugLogLocation = (data.ac_name !== 'komodod' ? komodoDir + '/' + data.ac_name : komodoDir) + '/debug.log'; shepherd.log('komodod flock selected...'); shepherd.log('selected data: ' + JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')); shepherd.writeLog('komodod flock selected...'); shepherd.writeLog(`selected data: ${data}`); // truncate debug.log if (!shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode) { try { const _confFileAccess = _fs.accessSync(kmdDebugLogLocation, fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK); if (_confFileAccess) { shepherd.log(`error accessing ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`error accessing ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); } else { try { fs.unlinkSync(kmdDebugLogLocation); shepherd.log(`truncate ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`truncate ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); } catch (e) { shepherd.log('cant unlink debug.log'); } } } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`komodod debug.log access err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`komodod debug.log access err: ${e}`); } } // get komodod instance port const _port = assetChainPorts[data.ac_name]; try { // check if komodod instance is already running portscanner.checkPortStatus(_port, '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'closed') { // start komodod via exec const _customParamDict = { silent: '&', reindex: '-reindex', change: '-pubkey=', datadir: '-datadir=', rescan: '-rescan', }; let _customParam = ''; if (data.ac_custom_param === 'silent' || data.ac_custom_param === 'reindex' || data.ac_custom_param === 'rescan') { _customParam = ` ${_customParamDict[data.ac_custom_param]}`; } else if (data.ac_custom_param === 'change' && data.ac_custom_param_value) { _customParam = ` ${_customParamDict[data.ac_custom_param]}${data.ac_custom_param_value}`; } if (shepherd.appConfig.dataDir.length) { _customParam = _customParam + ' -datadir=' + shepherd.appConfig.dataDir + '/' + data.ac_name; } shepherd.log(`exec ${komododBin} ${data.ac_options.join(' ')}${_customParam}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec ${komododBin} ${data.ac_options.join(' ')}${_customParam}`); const isChain = data.ac_name.match(/^[A-Z]*$/); const coindACParam = isChain ? ` -ac_name=${data.ac_name} ` : ''; shepherd.log(`daemon param ${data.ac_custom_param}`); coindInstanceRegistry[data.ac_name] = true; if (!shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode) { let _arg = `${coindACParam}${data.ac_options.join(' ')}${_customParam}`; _arg = _arg.trim().split(' '); execFile(`${komododBin}`, _arg, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1000000 // 1000 mb }, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.writeLog(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.writeLog(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec error: ${error}`); if (error.toString().indexOf('using -reindex') > -1) {'service', { komodod: { error: 'run -reindex', }, }); } } }); } } else { if (shepherd.kmdMainPassiveMode) { coindInstanceRegistry[data.ac_name] = true; } shepherd.log(`port ${_port} (${data.ac_name}) is already in use`); shepherd.writeLog(`port ${_port} (${data.ac_name}) is already in use`); } }); } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`failed to start komodod err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`failed to start komodod err: ${e}`); } } if (flock === 'chipsd') { let kmdDebugLogLocation = chipsDir + '/debug.log'; shepherd.log('chipsd flock selected...'); shepherd.log('selected data: ' + JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')); shepherd.writeLog('chipsd flock selected...'); shepherd.writeLog(`selected data: ${data}`); // truncate debug.log try { const _confFileAccess = _fs.accessSync(kmdDebugLogLocation, fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK); if (_confFileAccess) { shepherd.log(`error accessing ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`error accessing ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); } else { try { fs.unlinkSync(kmdDebugLogLocation); shepherd.log(`truncate ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`truncate ${kmdDebugLogLocation}`); } catch (e) { shepherd.log('cant unlink debug.log'); } } } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`chipsd debug.log access err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`chipsd debug.log access err: ${e}`); } // get komodod instance port const _port = assetChainPorts.chipsd; try { // check if komodod instance is already running portscanner.checkPortStatus(_port, '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'closed') { // start komodod via exec const _customParamDict = { silent: '&', reindex: '-reindex', change: '-pubkey=', rescan: '-rescan', }; let _customParam = ''; if (data.ac_custom_param === 'silent' || data.ac_custom_param === 'reindex' || data.ac_custom_param === 'rescan') { _customParam = ` ${_customParamDict[data.ac_custom_param]}`; } else if (data.ac_custom_param === 'change' && data.ac_custom_param_value) { _customParam = ` ${_customParamDict[data.ac_custom_param]}${data.ac_custom_param_value}`; } shepherd.log(`exec ${chipsBin} ${_customParam}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec ${chipsBin} ${_customParam}`); shepherd.log(`daemon param ${data.ac_custom_param}`); coindInstanceRegistry['CHIPS'] = true; let _arg = `${_customParam}`; _arg = _arg.trim().split(' '); if (_arg && _arg.length > 1) { execFile(`${chipsBin}`, _arg, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1000000 // 1000 mb }, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.writeLog(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.writeLog(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec error: ${error}`); if (error.toString().indexOf('using -reindex') > -1) {'service', { komodod: { error: 'run -reindex', }, }); } } }); } else { execFile(`${chipsBin}`, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1000000 // 1000 mb }, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.writeLog(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.writeLog(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec error: ${error}`); if (error.toString().indexOf('using -reindex') > -1) {'service', { komodod: { error: 'run -reindex', }, }); } } }); } } }); } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`failed to start chipsd err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`failed to start chipsd err: ${e}`); } } if (flock === 'zcashd') { // TODO: fix(?) let kmdDebugLogLocation = `${zcashDir}/debug.log`; shepherd.log('zcashd flock selected...'); shepherd.log(`selected data: ${data}`); shepherd.writeLog('zcashd flock selected...'); shepherd.writeLog(`selected data: ${data}`); /*pm2.connect(true, function(err) { // start up pm2 god if (err) { shepherd.error(err); process.exit(2); } pm2.start({ script: zcashdBin, // path to binary name: data.ac_name, // REVS, USD, EUR etc. exec_mode: 'fork', cwd: zcashDir, args: data.ac_options }, function(err, apps) { shepherd.writeLog(`zcashd fork started ${data.ac_name} ${JSON.stringify(data.ac_options)}`); pm2.disconnect(); // Disconnect from PM2 if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`pm2.disconnect err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`pm2.disconnect err: ${err}`); } // throw err; }); });*/ } if (flock === 'coind') { const _osHome = os.platform === 'win32' ? process.env.APPDATA : process.env.HOME; let coindDebugLogLocation = `${_osHome}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}/debug.log`; shepherd.log(`coind ${coind} flock selected...`); shepherd.log(`selected data: ${JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')}`); shepherd.writeLog(`coind ${coind} flock selected...`); shepherd.writeLog(`selected data: ${data}`); // truncate debug.log try { _fs.access(coindDebugLogLocation, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log(`error accessing ${coindDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`error accessing ${coindDebugLogLocation}`); } else { shepherd.log(`truncate ${coindDebugLogLocation}`); shepherd.writeLog(`truncate ${coindDebugLogLocation}`); fs.unlink(coindDebugLogLocation); } }); } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`coind ${coind} debug.log access err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`coind ${coind} debug.log access err: ${e}`); } // get komodod instance port const _port = shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].port; const coindBin = `${coindRootDir}/${coind.toLowerCase()}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}d`; try { // check if coind instance is already running portscanner.checkPortStatus(_port, '', function(error, status) { // Status is 'open' if currently in use or 'closed' if available if (status === 'closed') { shepherd.log(`exec ${coindBin} ${data.ac_options.join(' ')}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec ${coindBin} ${data.ac_options.join(' ')}`); coindInstanceRegistry[coind] = true; let _arg = `${data.ac_options.join(' ')}`; _arg = _arg.trim().split(' '); execFile(`${coindBin}`, _arg, { maxBuffer: 1024 * 1000000 // 1000 mb }, function(error, stdout, stderr) { shepherd.writeLog(`stdout: ${stdout}`); shepherd.writeLog(`stderr: ${stderr}`); if (error !== null) { shepherd.log(`exec error: ${error}`); shepherd.writeLog(`exec error: ${error}`); } }); } else { shepherd.log(`port ${_port} (${coind}) is already in use`); shepherd.writeLog(`port ${_port} (${coind}) is already in use`); } }); } catch(e) { shepherd.log(`failed to start ${coind} err: ${e}`); shepherd.writeLog(`failed to start ${coind} err: ${e}`); } } } shepherd.setConfKMD = function(isChips) { // check if kmd conf exists _fs.access(isChips ? `${chipsDir}/chips.conf` : `${komodoDir}/komodo.conf`, fs.constants.R_OK, function(err) { if (err) { shepherd.log(isChips ? 'creating chips conf' : 'creating komodo conf'); shepherd.writeLog(isChips ? `creating chips conf in ${chipsDir}/chips.conf` : `creating komodo conf in ${komodoDir}/komodo.conf`); setConf(isChips ? 'chipsd' : 'komodod'); } else { const _confSize = fs.lstatSync(isChips ? `${chipsDir}/chips.conf` : `${komodoDir}/komodo.conf`); if (_confSize.size === 0) { shepherd.log(isChips ? 'err: chips conf file is empty, creating chips conf' : 'err: komodo conf file is empty, creating komodo conf'); shepherd.writeLog(isChips ? `creating chips conf in ${chipsDir}/chips.conf` : `creating komodo conf in ${komodoDir}/komodo.conf`); setConf(isChips ? 'chipsd' : 'komodod'); } else { shepherd.writeLog(isChips ? 'chips conf exists' : 'komodo conf exists'); shepherd.log(isChips ? 'chips conf exists' : 'komodo conf exists'); } } }); } function setConf(flock, coind) { let nativeCoindDir; let DaemonConfPath; shepherd.log(flock); shepherd.writeLog(`setconf ${flock}`); if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { nativeCoindDir = coind ? `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin}` : null; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { nativeCoindDir = coind ? `${process.env.HOME}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}` : null; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { nativeCoindDir = coind ? `${process.env.APPDATA}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin}` : null; } switch (flock) { case 'komodod': DaemonConfPath = `${komodoDir}/komodo.conf`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; case 'zcashd': DaemonConfPath = `${ZcashDir}/zcash.conf`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; case 'chipsd': DaemonConfPath = `${chipsDir}/chips.conf`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; case 'coind': DaemonConfPath = `${nativeCoindDir}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}.conf`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; default: DaemonConfPath = `${komodoDir}/${flock}/${flock}.conf`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } } shepherd.log(DaemonConfPath); shepherd.writeLog(`setconf ${DaemonConfPath}`); const CheckFileExists = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'Check Conf file exists is done'; const confFileExist = fs.ensureFileSync(DaemonConfPath); if (confFileExist) { shepherd.log(result); shepherd.writeLog(`setconf ${result}`); resolve(result); } else { shepherd.log('conf file doesnt exist'); resolve('conf file doesnt exist'); } }); } const FixFilePermissions = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'Conf file permissions updated to Read/Write'; fsnode.chmodSync(DaemonConfPath, '0666'); shepherd.log(result); shepherd.writeLog(`setconf ${result}`); resolve(result); }); } const RemoveLines = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'RemoveLines is done'; fs.readFile(DaemonConfPath, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`setconf error ${err}`); return shepherd.log(err); } const rmlines = data.replace(/(?:(?:\r\n|\r|\n)\s*){2}/gm, '\n'); fs.writeFile(DaemonConfPath, rmlines, 'utf8', function(err) { if (err) return shepherd.log(err); fsnode.chmodSync(DaemonConfPath, '0666'); shepherd.writeLog(`setconf ${result}`); shepherd.log(result); resolve(result); }); }); }); } const CheckConf = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'CheckConf is done'; setconf.status(DaemonConfPath, function(err, status) { const rpcuser = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'checking rpcuser...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('rpcuser')) { shepherd.log('rpcuser: OK'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcuser: OK'); } else { const randomstring = md5((Math.random() * Math.random() * 999).toString()); shepherd.log('rpcuser: NOT FOUND'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcuser: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, `\nrpcuser=user${randomstring.substring(0, 16)}`, (err) => { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); } // throw err; shepherd.log('rpcuser: ADDED'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcuser: ADDED'); }); } resolve(result); }); } const rpcpass = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'checking rpcpassword...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('rpcpassword')) { shepherd.log('rpcpassword: OK'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcpassword: OK'); } else { var randomstring = md5((Math.random() * Math.random() * 999).toString()); shepherd.log('rpcpassword: NOT FOUND'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcpassword: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, `\nrpcpassword=${randomstring}`, (err) => { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); } // throw err; shepherd.log('rpcpassword: ADDED'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcpassword: ADDED'); }); } resolve(result); }); } const rpcbind = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'checking rpcbind...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('rpcbind')) { shepherd.log('rpcbind: OK'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcbind: OK'); } else { shepherd.log('rpcbind: NOT FOUND'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcbind: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\nrpcbind=', (err) => { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); } // throw err; shepherd.log('rpcbind: ADDED'); shepherd.writeLog('rpcbind: ADDED'); }); } resolve(result); }); } const server = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'checking server...'; if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('server')) { shepherd.log('server: OK'); shepherd.writeLog('server: OK'); } else { shepherd.log('server: NOT FOUND'); shepherd.writeLog('server: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, '\nserver=1', (err) => { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); } // throw err; shepherd.log('server: ADDED'); shepherd.writeLog('server: ADDED'); }); } resolve(result); }); } const addnode = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const result = 'checking addnode...'; if (flock === 'chipsd' || flock === 'komodod') { if (status[0].hasOwnProperty('addnode')) { shepherd.log('addnode: OK'); shepherd.writeLog('addnode: OK'); } else { let nodesList; if (flock === 'chipsd') { nodesList = '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode='; } else if (flock === 'komodod') { nodesList = '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode=' + '\naddnode='; } shepherd.log('addnode: NOT FOUND'); fs.appendFile(DaemonConfPath, nodesList, (err) => { if (err) { shepherd.writeLog(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); shepherd.log(`append daemon conf err: ${err}`); } // throw err; shepherd.log('addnode: ADDED'); shepherd.writeLog('addnode: ADDED'); }); } } else { result = 'skip addnode'; } resolve(result); }); } rpcuser() .then(function(result) { return rpcpass(); }) .then(server) .then(rpcbind) .then(addnode); }); shepherd.log(result); shepherd.writeLog(`checkconf addnode ${result}`); resolve(result); }); } CheckFileExists() .then(function(result) { return FixFilePermissions(); }) .then(RemoveLines) .then(CheckConf); } function getConf(flock, coind) { let DaemonConfPath = ''; let nativeCoindDir; if (flock === 'CHIPS') { flock = 'chipsd'; } shepherd.log(flock); shepherd.log(`getconf coind ${coind}`); shepherd.writeLog(`getconf flock: ${flock}`); if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { nativeCoindDir = `${process.env.HOME}/Library/Application Support/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin}`; } if (os.platform() === 'linux') { nativeCoindDir = coind ? `${process.env.HOME}/.${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin.toLowerCase()}` : null; } if (os.platform() === 'win32') { nativeCoindDir = coind ? `${process.env.APPDATA}/${shepherd.nativeCoindList[coind.toLowerCase()].bin}` : null; } switch (flock) { case 'komodod': DaemonConfPath = komodoDir; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); shepherd.log('===>>> SHEPHERD API OUTPUT ===>>>'); } break; case 'zcashd': DaemonConfPath = ZcashDir; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; case 'chipsd': DaemonConfPath = chipsDir; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } break; case 'coind': DaemonConfPath = os.platform() === 'win32' ? path.normalize(`${coindRootDir}/${coind.toLowerCase()}`) : `${coindRootDir}/${coind.toLowerCase()}`; break; default: DaemonConfPath = `${komodoDir}/${flock}`; if (os.platform() === 'win32') { DaemonConfPath = path.normalize(DaemonConfPath); } } shepherd.writeLog(`getconf path: ${DaemonConfPath}`); shepherd.log(`daemon path: ${DaemonConfPath}`); return DaemonConfPath; } function formatBytes(bytes, decimals) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1000; const dm = (decimals + 1) || 3; const sizes = [ 'Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' ]; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`; } shepherd.SystemInfo = function() { const os_data = { 'totalmem_bytes': os.totalmem(), 'totalmem_readable': formatBytes(os.totalmem()), 'arch': os.arch(), 'cpu': os.cpus()[0].model, 'cpu_cores': os.cpus().length, 'platform': os.platform(), 'os_release': os.release(), 'os_type': os.type(), }; return os_data; } shepherd.appInfo = function() { const sysInfo = shepherd.SystemInfo(); const releaseInfo = shepherd.appBasicInfo; const dirs = { agamaDir, komodoDir, komododBin, configLocation: `${agamaDir}/config.json`, cacheLocation: `${agamaDir}/shepherd`, }; return { sysInfo, releaseInfo, dirs, appSession: shepherd.appSessionHash, }; } module.exports = shepherd;