$(document).ready(function() { const remote = require('electron').remote; var window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); $('#pulse').jRoll({ radius: 100, animation: 'pulse' }); GetAppConf(inititalWalletLoading); $('#loading_status_text').text('Starting Wallet. Please wait...'); function inititalWalletLoading(appConf) { // run iguana-less mode with no daemons startup if (appConf && appConf.iguanaLessMode) { window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } else { // run normal mode with 2 iguana instances started prior loading GUI if (appConf && !appConf.manualIguanaStart) { StartIguana(); } var portcheck; function startcheck() { portcheck = setInterval(function(){ Iguana_activehandle(appConf).then(function(result){ console.log(result); if (result !== 'error') { stopcheck(); if (appConf && appConf.useBasiliskInstance) { StartIguana_Cache(); } $('#loading_status_text').text('Connecting to Basilisk Network...'); EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll(appConf.skipBasiliskNetworkCheck, appConf.minNotaries, appConf); } }) }, 2000); } function stopcheck() { clearInterval(portcheck); } startcheck(); } } });