const fs = require('fs-extra'); const request = require('request'); const async = require('async'); var cache = {}; var inMemCache; var inMemPubkey; cache.setVar = function(variable, value) { cache[variable] = value; } /* * cache data is dumped to disk before app quit or after call is finished */ cache.dumpCacheBeforeExit = function() { if (inMemCache) { console.log('dumping cache before exit'); fs.writeFileSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${inMemPubkey}.json`, JSON.stringify(inMemCache), 'utf8'); } } cache.get = function(req, res, next) { const pubkey = req.query.pubkey; if (pubkey) { inMemPubkey = pubkey; if (!inMemCache) { console.log('serving cache from disk'); if (fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${pubkey}.json`)) { fs.readFile(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${pubkey}.json`, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { // deprecated try { const parsedJSON = JSON.parse(data); const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: parsedJSON, }; inMemCache = parsedJSON; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } catch (e) { console.log('JSON parse error while reading cache data from disk:'); console.log(e); if (e.toString().indexOf('at position') > -1) { const errorPos = e.toString().split(' '); console.log(`JSON error ---> ${data.substring(errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] - 20, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] + 20)} | error sequence: ${data.substring(errorPos[errorPos.length - 1], errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] + 1)}`); console.log('attempting to recover JSON data'); fs.writeFile(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${pubkey}.json`, data.substring(0, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1]), function(err) { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: data.substring(0, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1]), }; inMemCache = JSON.parse(data.substring(0, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1])); res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); }); } } } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: `no file with handle ${pubkey}`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: inMemCache, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no pubkey provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } cache.groomGet = function(req, res, next) { const _filename = req.query.filename; if (_filename) { if (fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${_filename}.json`)) { fs.readFile(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${_filename}.json`, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: data ? JSON.parse(data) : '', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: `no file with name ${_filename}`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no file name provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } cache.groomDelete = function(req, res, next) { const _filename = req.body.filename; if (_filename) { if (fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${_filename}.json`)) { inMemCache = null; fs.unlink(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${_filename}.json`, function(err) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'deleted', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: `no file with name ${_filename}`, }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no file name provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } cache.groomPost = function(req, res) { const _filename = req.body.filename; const _payload = req.body.payload; if (!cacheCallInProgress) { cacheCallInProgress = true; if (_filename) { if (!_payload) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no payload provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { inMemCache = JSON.parse(_payload); console.log('appending groom post to in mem cache'); console.log('appending groom post to on disk cache'); fs.writeFile(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${_filename}.json`, _payload, function (err) { if (err) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: err, }; cacheCallInProgress = false; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } else { const successObj = { msg: 'success', result: 'done', }; cacheCallInProgress = false; res.end(JSON.stringify(successObj)); } }); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no file name provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } else { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'another job is in progress', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); } } var cacheCallInProgress = false; const cacheGlobLifetime = 600; // sec // TODO: reset calls' states on new /cache call start var mock = require('./mock'); var callStack = {}; const checkCallStack = function() { let total = 0; for (let coin in callStack) { total =+ callStack[coin]; } if (total / Object.keys(callStack).length === 1) { cache.dumpCacheBeforeExit(); cacheCallInProgress = false;'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'done', resp: 'success', }, }, }); } }; /* * type: GET * params: userpass, pubkey, coin, address, skip */ = function(req, res, next) { if (req.query.pubkey && !fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${req.query.pubkey}.json`)) { cacheCallInProgress = false; } if (cacheCallInProgress) { checkCallStack(); } if (!cacheCallInProgress) { cache.dumpCacheBeforeExit(); if (fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${req.query.pubkey}.json`)) { let _data = fs.readFileSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${req.query.pubkey}.json`, 'utf8'); if (_data) { inMemCache = JSON.parse(_data); _data = _data.replace('waiting', 'failed'); cache.dumpCacheBeforeExit(); } } // TODO: add check to allow only one cache call/sequence in progress cacheCallInProgress = true; let sessionKey = req.query.userpass; let coin = req.query.coin; let address = req.query.address; let addresses = req.query.addresses && req.query.addresses.indexOf(':') > -1 ? req.query.addresses.split(':') : null; let pubkey = req.query.pubkey; let mock = req.query.mock; let skipTimeout = req.query.skip; let callsArray = req.query.calls.split(':'); let iguanaCorePort = req.query.port ? req.query.port : cache.appConfig.iguanaCorePort; let errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'error', }; let outObj = {}; const writeCache = function(timeStamp) { if (timeStamp) { outObj.timestamp = timeStamp; } inMemCache = outObj; }; const checkTimestamp = function(dateToCheck) { const currentEpochTime = new Date( / 1000; const secondsElapsed = Number(currentEpochTime) - Number(dateToCheck / 1000); return Math.floor(secondsElapsed); }; let internalError = false; inMemPubkey = pubkey; callStack[coin] = 1; console.log(callsArray); console.log(`iguana core port ${iguanaCorePort}`); if (!sessionKey) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no session key provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); internalError = true; } if (!pubkey) { const errorObj = { msg: 'error', result: 'no pubkey provided', }; res.end(JSON.stringify(errorObj)); internalError = true; } console.log('cache-one call started'); function fixJSON(data) { if (data && data.length) { try { const parsedJSON = JSON.parse(data); return parsedJSON; } catch (e) { console.log(e); if (e.toString().indexOf('at position') > -1) { const errorPos = e.toString().split(' '); console.log(`JSON error ---> ${data.substring(errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] - 20, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] + 20)} | error sequence: ${data.substring(errorPos[errorPos.length - 1], errorPos[errorPos.length - 1] + 1)}`); console.log('attempting to recover JSON data'); return JSON.parse(data.substring(0, errorPos[errorPos.length - 1])); } if (e.toString().indexOf('Unexpected end of JSON input')) { return {}; } } } else { return {}; } } if (fs.existsSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${pubkey}.json`) && coin !== 'all') { if (inMemCache) { console.log('cache one from mem'); outObj = inMemCache; } else { const _file = fs.readFileSync(`${cache.iguanaDir}/shepherd/cache-${pubkey}.json`, 'utf8'); console.log('cache one from disk'); outObj = fixJSON(_file); } if (!outObj || !outObj.basilisk) { console.log('no local basilisk info'); outObj['basilisk'] = {}; outObj['basilisk'][coin] = {}; } else { if (!outObj['basilisk'][coin]) { console.log('no local coin info'); outObj['basilisk'][coin] = {}; } } } else { outObj['basilisk'] = {}; outObj['basilisk'][coin] = {}; } res.end(JSON.stringify({ msg: 'success', result: 'call is initiated', })); if (!internalError) {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', }, }, }); function execDEXRequests(coin, address) { let dexUrls = { listunspent: `http://${}:${iguanaCorePort}/api/dex/listunspent?userpass=${sessionKey}&symbol=${coin}&address=${address}`, listtransactions: `http://${}:${iguanaCorePort}/api/dex/listtransactions?userpass=${sessionKey}&count=100&skip=0&symbol=${coin}&address=${address}`, getbalance: `http://${}:${iguanaCorePort}/api/dex/getbalance?userpass=${sessionKey}&symbol=${coin}&address=${address}`, refresh: `http://${}:${iguanaCorePort}/api/basilisk/refresh?userpass=${sessionKey}&symbol=${coin}&address=${address}` }; let _dexUrls = {}; for (let a = 0; a < callsArray.length; a++) { _dexUrls[callsArray[a]] = dexUrls[callsArray[a]]; } if (coin === 'BTC' || coin === 'SYS') { delete _dexUrls.refresh; delete _dexUrls.getbalance; } console.log(`${coin} address ${address}`); if (!outObj.basilisk[coin][address]) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address] = {}; writeCache(); } // set current call status async.forEachOf(_dexUrls, function(dexUrl, key) { if (!outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key]) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key] = {}; outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'waiting'; } else { outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'waiting'; } }); writeCache(); async.forEachOf(_dexUrls, function(dexUrl, key) { var tooEarly = false; if (outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key] && outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].timestamp && (!skipTimeout && checkTimestamp(outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].timestamp) < cacheGlobLifetime)) { tooEarly = true; outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'done';'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: key, coin: coin, address: address, status: 'done', resp: 'too early', }, }, }, }); } if (!tooEarly) {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: key, coin: coin, address: address, status: 'in progress', }, }, }, }); outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'in progress'; request({ url: mock ? `http://localhost:17777/shepherd/mock?url=${dexUrl}` : dexUrl, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: key, coin: coin, address: address, status: 'done', resp: body, }, }, }, }); // basilisk balance fallback const _parsedJSON = JSON.parse(body); if (key === 'getbalance' && coin === 'KMD'/* && ((_parsedJSON && _parsedJSON.balance === 0) || body === [])*/) { console.log('fallback to kmd explorer ======>'); request({ url: `${address}/?noTxList=1`, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { console.log(JSON.stringify(body)); /*'messages', { 'message': { 'shepherd': { 'method': 'cache-one', 'status': 'in progress', 'iguanaAPI': { 'method': key, 'coin': coin, 'address': address, 'status': 'done', 'resp': body } } } });*/ } else { } }); } outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key] = {}; outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].data = JSON.parse(body); outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].timestamp =; // add timestamp outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'done'; console.log(dexUrl); console.log(body); callStack[coin]--; console.log(`${coin} _stack len ${callStack[coin]}`);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { currentStackLength: callStack[coin], }, }, }, }); checkCallStack(); writeCache(); } if (error || !body || !response) { outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key] = {}; outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].data = { 'error': 'request failed' }; outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].timestamp = 1471620867 // add timestamp outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].status = 'done'; callStack[coin]--; console.log(`${coin} _stack len ${callStack[coin]}`);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { currentStackLength: callStack[coin], }, }, }, }); checkCallStack(); writeCache(); } }); } else { console.log(`${key} is fresh, check back in ${(cacheGlobLifetime - checkTimestamp(outObj.basilisk[coin][address][key].timestamp))}s`); callStack[coin]--; console.log(`${coin} _stack len ${callStack[coin]}`);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { currentStackLength: callStack[coin], }, }, }, }); checkCallStack(); } }); } function parseAddresses(coin, addrArray) {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: 'getaddressesbyaccount', coin: coin, status: 'done', resp: addrArray, }, }, }, }); outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses = addrArray; console.log(addrArray); writeCache(); const addrCount = outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses ? outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses.length : 0; let callsArrayBTC = callsArray.length; if (callsArray.indexOf('getbalance') > - 1) { callsArrayBTC--; } if (callsArray.indexOf('refresh') > - 1) { callsArrayBTC--; } callStack[coin] = callStack[coin] + addrCount * (coin === 'BTC' || coin === 'SYS' ? callsArrayBTC : callsArray.length); console.log(`${coin} stack len ${callStack[coin]}`);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { totalStackLength: callStack[coin], }, }, }, }); async.each(outObj.basilisk[coin].addresses, function(address) { execDEXRequests(coin, address); }); } function getAddresses(coin) { if (addresses) { parseAddresses(coin, addresses); } else { const tempUrl = `http://${}:${cache.appConfig.iguanaCorePort}/api/bitcoinrpc/getaddressesbyaccount?userpass=${sessionKey}&coin=${coin}&account=*`; request({ url: mock ? `http://localhost:17777/shepherd/mock?url=${tempUrl}` : tempUrl, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { parseAddresses(coin, JSON.parse(body).result); } else { // TODO: error } }); } } // update all available coin addresses if (!address) {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: 'getaddressesbyaccount', coin: coin, status: 'in progress', }, }, }, }); if (coin === 'all') { const tempUrl = `http://${}:${cache.appConfig.iguanaCorePort}/api/InstantDEX/allcoins?userpass=${sessionKey}`; request({ url: mock ? `http://localhost:17777/shepherd/mock?url=${tempUrl}` : tempUrl, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode === 200) { console.log(JSON.parse(body).basilisk);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: 'allcoins', status: 'done', resp: body, }, }, }, }); body = JSON.parse(body); // basilisk coins if (body.basilisk && body.basilisk.length) { // get coin addresses async.each(body.basilisk, function(coin) { callStack[coin] = 1; }); async.each(body.basilisk, function(coin) { outObj.basilisk[coin] = {}; writeCache();'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { method: 'getaddressesbyaccount', coin: coin, status: 'in progress', }, }, }, }); getAddresses(coin); }); } } if (error) { // stop further requests on failure, exit callStack[coin] = 1; checkCallStack(); } }); } else { getAddresses(coin); } } else { let callsArrayBTC = callsArray.length; // restrict BTC and SYS only to listunspent and listtransactions calls if (callsArray.indexOf('getbalance') > - 1) { callsArrayBTC--; } if (callsArray.indexOf('refresh') > - 1) { callsArrayBTC--; } callStack[coin] = callStack[coin] + (coin === 'BTC' || coin === 'SYS' ? callsArrayBTC : callsArray.length); console.log(`${coin} stack len ${callStack[coin]}`);'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-one', status: 'in progress', iguanaAPI: { totalStackLength: callStack[coin], currentStackLength: callStack[coin], }, }, }, }); execDEXRequests(coin, address); } } else {'messages', { message: { shepherd: { method: 'cache-all', status: 'done', resp: 'internal error', }, }, }); cacheCallInProgress = false; } } else { res.end(JSON.stringify({ msg: 'error', result: 'another call is in progress already', })); } }; module.exports = cache;