diff --git a/loc/ZAR_Afr.js b/loc/ZAR_Afr.js index c5a9f6ef..6e906e64 100644 --- a/loc/ZAR_Afr.js +++ b/loc/ZAR_Afr.js @@ -1,221 +1,224 @@ module.exports = { - _: { - storage_is_encrypted: 'U geheue spasie is nou ge-enkripteer. ‘n Wagwoord word benodig om toegang te verkry. ', - enter_password: 'Sleutel wagwoord in', - bad_password: 'Verkeerde wagwoord, probeer weer', - never: 'nooit', - continue: 'Gaan voort', - ok: 'OK', - }, - wallets: { - select_wallet: 'Kies Beursie', - options: 'opsies', - createBitcoinWallet: - 'U het nie huidiglik `n geldige Bitcoin Beursie nie. Skep of voer eers ‘n Bitcoin Beursie in, sodat ‘n Bitcoin Lightning Beursie geskep en bevonds mag word. Wil U voortgaan?', - list: { - app_name: 'BlueWallet', - title: 'beursies', - header: 'U beursie verteenwoordig ‘n sleutelkombinasie, bestaande uit geheims (privaat sleutel) en address' + 'wat u kan gebruik om fondse te ontvang.', - add: 'Skep Beursie', - create_a_wallet: 'Skep ‘n beursie', - create_a_wallet1: "Dit is gratis so skep", - create_a_wallet2: 'soveel as wat u benodig', - latest_transaction: 'laaste transaksie', - empty_txs1: 'U transaksies is hier beskikbaar,', - empty_txs2: 'huidiglik geen transaksies', - tap_here_to_buy: 'Raak hier om Bitcoin te koop', - }, - reorder: { - title: 'Herorganiseer Beursies', - }, - add: { - title: 'skep beursie', - description: - 'U kan ‘n beursie invoer (in WIF - Wallet Import Format), of ‘n nuwe beursie skep. Beursies ondersteun Segwit as standaard.', - scan: 'Skandeer', - create: 'Skep', - label_new_segwit: 'Nuwe SegWit', - label_new_lightning: 'Nuwe Lightning', - wallet_name: 'beursie naam', - wallet_type: 'tipe', - or: 'of', - import_wallet: 'Beursie Invoer', - imported: 'Ingevoer', - coming_soon: 'In die toekoms', - lightning: 'Lightning', - bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', - }, - details: { - title: 'Beursiet', - address: 'AdresAddress', - type: 'Tipe', - label: 'Etiket', - destination: 'bestemming', - description: 'beskrywing', - are_you_sure: 'Is u Seker?', - yes_delete: 'Ja, vernietig', - no_cancel: 'Nee, kanseleerl', - delete: 'Vernietig', - save: 'Berg', - delete_this_wallet: 'Vernietig hierdie beursie', - export_backup: 'voer uit / kopieer', - buy_bitcoin: 'Koop Bitcoin', - show_xpub: 'Wys beursie XPUB', - }, - export: { - title: 'beursie uitvoer', - }, - xpub: { - title: 'beursie XPUB', - copiedToClipboard: 'Gestuur na klipbord.', - }, - import: { - title: 'Invoer', - explanation: - "Sleutel mnemonic, privaat sleutel, WIF, of enige text verwysing. BlueWallet sal die korrekte formaat kies en u beursie importeer ", - imported: 'Invoer suksesvol', - error: 'U invoer het misluk. Maak asseblief seker u data is korrek en geldig.', - success: 'Suksesvol', - do_import: 'Invoer', - scan_qr: 'of skandeer QR kode?', - }, - scanQrWif: { - go_back: 'Gaan Terug', - cancel: 'Kanseleer', - decoding: 'Decoding', - input_password: 'Input password', - password_explain: 'Hierdie is ‘n BIP38 ge-enkripteerde privaat sleutel', - bad_password: 'Wagwoord verkeerd', - wallet_already_exists: 'Hierdie beursie bestaan alreeds', - bad_wif: 'WIF verkeerd', - imported_wif: 'WIF invoer suksesvol ', - with_address: ' met adres ', - imported_segwit: 'Segwit Invoer Suksesvol', - imported_legacy: 'Legacy Invoer', - imported_watchonly: 'Kyk Slegs invoer suksesvol', - }, - }, - transactions: { - list: { - tabBarLabel: 'Transaksies', - title: 'transaksies', - description: 'Lys met inkomende en uitgaande transaksies van u beursies', - conf: 'bev.', - }, - details: { - title: 'Transaksie', - from: 'Inset', - to: 'Resultaat', - copy: 'Kopieer', - transaction_details: 'Transaksie besonderhede', - show_in_block_explorer: 'Wys in blok verkenner', - }, - }, - send: { - header: 'Stuur', - details: { - title: 'skep transaksie', - amount_field_is_not_valid: 'Bedrag is ongeldig', - fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Fooi spasie is ongeldig', - address_field_is_not_valid: 'Adres is ongeldig', - total_exceeds_balance: 'Die bedrag is meer as die beskikbare balans.', - create_tx_error: 'Daar was ‘n probleem met die skepping van die transaksie. Bevestig asseblief die adres is geldig.', - address: 'adres', - amount_placeholder: 'bedrag om te stuur (in BTC)', - fee_placeholder: 'plus transaksie fooi (in BTC)', - note_placeholder: 'persoonlike notas', - cancel: 'Kanselleer', - scan: 'Skandeer', - send: 'Stuur', - create: 'Skep', - remaining_balance: 'Oorblywende balans', - }, - confirm: { - header: 'Bevestig', - sendNow: 'Stuur nou', - }, - success: { - done: 'Klaar', - }, - create: { - details: 'Besonderhede', - title: 'skep transaksie', - error: 'Daar is ‘n probleem met die transaksie. Ongeldige adres of bedrag?', - go_back: 'Gaan Terug', - this_is_hex: 'Hierdie is die transaksie hex, geteken en gereed om na die netwerk uitgesaai te word.', - to: 'Aan', - amount: 'Bedrag', - fee: 'Fooi', - tx_size: 'TX groote', - satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi per byte', - memo: 'Memo', - broadcast: 'Saai uit', - not_enough_fee: 'Fooi te laag. Vermeerder die fooi', - }, - }, - receive: { - header: 'Ontvang', - details: { - title: 'Deel adres met krediteur', - share: 'deel', - copiedToClipboard: 'Gekopieer na klipbord.', - label: 'Beskrywing', - create: 'Skep', - setAmount: 'Bedrag ontvang', - }, - }, - buyBitcoin: { - header: 'Koop Bitcoin', - tap_your_address: 'Raak aan die adres om dit na die klipbord the stuur:', - copied: 'Gekopieer na klipbord!', - }, - settings: { - header: 'instellings', + _: { + storage_is_encrypted: 'U geheue spasie is nou ge-enkripteer. ‘n Wagwoord word benodig om toegang te verkry. ', + enter_password: 'Sleutel wagwoord in', + bad_password: 'Verkeerde wagwoord, probeer weer', + never: 'nooit', + continue: 'Gaan voort', + ok: 'OK', + }, + wallets: { + select_wallet: 'Kies Beursie', + options: 'opsies', + createBitcoinWallet: + 'U het nie huidiglik `n geldige Bitcoin Beursie nie. Skep of voer eers ‘n Bitcoin Beursie in, sodat ‘n Bitcoin Lightning Beursie geskep en bevonds mag word. Wil U voortgaan?', + list: { + app_name: 'BlueWallet', + title: 'beursies', + header: + 'U beursie verteenwoordig ‘n sleutelkombinasie, bestaande uit geheims (privaat sleutel) en address' + + 'wat u kan gebruik om fondse te ontvang.', + add: 'Skep Beursie', + create_a_wallet: 'Skep ‘n beursie', + create_a_wallet1: 'Dit is gratis so skep', + create_a_wallet2: 'soveel as wat u benodig', + latest_transaction: 'laaste transaksie', + empty_txs1: 'U transaksies is hier beskikbaar,', + empty_txs2: 'huidiglik geen transaksies', + tap_here_to_buy: 'Raak hier om Bitcoin te koop', + }, + reorder: { + title: 'Herorganiseer Beursies', + }, + add: { + title: 'skep beursie', + description: + 'U kan ‘n beursie invoer (in WIF - Wallet Import Format), of ‘n nuwe beursie skep. Beursies ondersteun Segwit as standaard.', + scan: 'Skandeer', + create: 'Skep', + label_new_segwit: 'Nuwe SegWit', + label_new_lightning: 'Nuwe Lightning', + wallet_name: 'beursie naam', + wallet_type: 'tipe', + or: 'of', + import_wallet: 'Beursie Invoer', + imported: 'Ingevoer', + coming_soon: 'In die toekoms', + lightning: 'Lightning', + bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', + }, + details: { + title: 'Beursiet', + address: 'AdresAddress', + type: 'Tipe', + label: 'Etiket', + destination: 'bestemming', + description: 'beskrywing', + are_you_sure: 'Is u Seker?', + yes_delete: 'Ja, vernietig', + no_cancel: 'Nee, kanseleerl', + delete: 'Vernietig', + save: 'Berg', + delete_this_wallet: 'Vernietig hierdie beursie', + export_backup: 'voer uit / kopieer', + buy_bitcoin: 'Koop Bitcoin', + show_xpub: 'Wys beursie XPUB', + }, + export: { + title: 'beursie uitvoer', + }, + xpub: { + title: 'beursie XPUB', + copiedToClipboard: 'Gestuur na klipbord.', + }, + import: { + title: 'Invoer', + explanation: + 'Sleutel mnemonic, privaat sleutel, WIF, of enige text verwysing. BlueWallet sal die korrekte formaat kies en u beursie importeer ', + imported: 'Invoer suksesvol', + error: 'U invoer het misluk. Maak asseblief seker u data is korrek en geldig.', + success: 'Suksesvol', + do_import: 'Invoer', + scan_qr: 'of skandeer QR kode?', + }, + scanQrWif: { + go_back: 'Gaan Terug', + cancel: 'Kanseleer', + decoding: 'Decoding', + input_password: 'Input password', + password_explain: 'Hierdie is ‘n BIP38 ge-enkripteerde privaat sleutel', + bad_password: 'Wagwoord verkeerd', + wallet_already_exists: 'Hierdie beursie bestaan alreeds', + bad_wif: 'WIF verkeerd', + imported_wif: 'WIF invoer suksesvol ', + with_address: ' met adres ', + imported_segwit: 'Segwit Invoer Suksesvol', + imported_legacy: 'Legacy Invoer', + imported_watchonly: 'Kyk Slegs invoer suksesvol', + }, + }, + transactions: { + list: { + tabBarLabel: 'Transaksies', + title: 'transaksies', + description: 'Lys met inkomende en uitgaande transaksies van u beursies', + conf: 'bev.', + }, + details: { + title: 'Transaksie', + from: 'Inset', + to: 'Resultaat', + copy: 'Kopieer', + transaction_details: 'Transaksie besonderhede', + show_in_block_explorer: 'Wys in blok verkenner', + }, + }, + send: { + header: 'Stuur', + details: { + title: 'skep transaksie', + amount_field_is_not_valid: 'Bedrag is ongeldig', + fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Fooi spasie is ongeldig', + address_field_is_not_valid: 'Adres is ongeldig', + total_exceeds_balance: 'Die bedrag is meer as die beskikbare balans.', + create_tx_error: 'Daar was ‘n probleem met die skepping van die transaksie. Bevestig asseblief die adres is geldig.', + address: 'adres', + amount_placeholder: 'bedrag om te stuur (in BTC)', + fee_placeholder: 'plus transaksie fooi (in BTC)', + note_placeholder: 'persoonlike notas', + cancel: 'Kanselleer', + scan: 'Skandeer', + send: 'Stuur', + create: 'Skep', + remaining_balance: 'Oorblywende balans', + }, + confirm: { + header: 'Bevestig', + sendNow: 'Stuur nou', + }, + success: { + done: 'Klaar', + }, + create: { + details: 'Besonderhede', + title: 'skep transaksie', + error: 'Daar is ‘n probleem met die transaksie. Ongeldige adres of bedrag?', + go_back: 'Gaan Terug', + this_is_hex: 'Hierdie is die transaksie hex, geteken en gereed om na die netwerk uitgesaai te word.', + to: 'Aan', + amount: 'Bedrag', + fee: 'Fooi', + tx_size: 'TX groote', + satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi per byte', + memo: 'Memo', + broadcast: 'Saai uit', + not_enough_fee: 'Fooi te laag. Vermeerder die fooi', + }, + }, + receive: { + header: 'Ontvang', + details: { + title: 'Deel adres met krediteur', + share: 'deel', + copiedToClipboard: 'Gekopieer na klipbord.', + label: 'Beskrywing', + create: 'Skep', + setAmount: 'Bedrag ontvang', + }, + }, + buyBitcoin: { + header: 'Koop Bitcoin', + tap_your_address: 'Raak aan die adres om dit na die klipbord the stuur:', + copied: 'Gekopieer na klipbord!', + }, + settings: { + header: 'instellings', plausible_deniability: 'Geloofwaardige ontkenbaarheid...', - storage_not_encrypted: 'Berging: Nie-geenkripteer nie', - storage_encrypted: 'Berging: Ge-enkripteer', - password: 'Wagwoord', - password_explain: 'Skep die wagwoord wat u sal gebruik om u berging te de-enkripteer', - retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', - passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde stem nie oor een nie', - encrypt_storage: 'Enkripteer Berging', - lightning_settings: 'Lightning Instellings', - lightning_settings_explain: - 'Om u eie LND node te konnekteer, installeer asseblief LndHub' + - ' and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank om die standaard LndHub' + + storage_not_encrypted: 'Berging: Nie-geenkripteer nie', + storage_encrypted: 'Berging: Ge-enkripteer', + password: 'Wagwoord', + password_explain: 'Skep die wagwoord wat u sal gebruik om u berging te de-enkripteer', + retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', + passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde stem nie oor een nie', + encrypt_storage: 'Enkripteer Berging', + lightning_settings: 'Lightning Instellings', + lightning_settings_explain: + 'Om u eie LND node te konnekteer, installeer asseblief LndHub' + + ' and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank om die standaard LndHub' + '(lndhub.io) te gebruik', - save: 'stoor', - about: 'info', - language: 'Taal', - currency: 'Geldeenheid', - }, - plausibledeniability: { - title: 'Geloofwaardige Ontkenbaarheid', - help: 'Onder sekere omstandighede mag u dalk geforseer word om u ' + - 'wagwoord te deel teen u wil. Om u te beskerm kan Bluewallet ‘n ' + - 'tweede “fantasie” beursie skep wat as skerm kan dien. Indien u ' + - 'hierdie wagwoord deel sal die 3de party nie toegang tot u hoof fondse kry nie.', - help2: 'Fantasie berging is heeltemal funksioneel', - create_fake_storage: 'Skep fantasie berging wagwoord', - go_back: 'Gaan terug', - create_password: 'Skep ‘n wagwoord', - create_password_explanation: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging', - password_should_not_match: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging.', - retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', - passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde vergelyk nie, probeer weer', - success: 'Sukses', - }, - lnd: { - title: 'bestuur fondse', - choose_source_wallet: 'Kies ‘n bron beursie', - refill_lnd_balance: 'Herlaai Lightning beursie', - refill: 'Herlaai', - withdraw: 'Ontrek', - expired: 'Verval', - placeholder: 'Faktuur', - sameWalletAsInvoiceError: 'U kan nie ‘n faktuur betaal met die selfde beursie waarmee die faktuur geksep is nie.', - }, - pleasebackup: { + save: 'stoor', + about: 'info', + language: 'Taal', + currency: 'Geldeenheid', + }, + plausibledeniability: { + title: 'Geloofwaardige Ontkenbaarheid', + help: + 'Onder sekere omstandighede mag u dalk geforseer word om u ' + + 'wagwoord te deel teen u wil. Om u te beskerm kan Bluewallet ‘n ' + + 'tweede “fantasie” beursie skep wat as skerm kan dien. Indien u ' + + 'hierdie wagwoord deel sal die 3de party nie toegang tot u hoof fondse kry nie.', + help2: 'Fantasie berging is heeltemal funksioneel', + create_fake_storage: 'Skep fantasie berging wagwoord', + go_back: 'Gaan terug', + create_password: 'Skep ‘n wagwoord', + create_password_explanation: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging', + password_should_not_match: 'Die wagwoord vir fantasie berging moet verskil van die wagwoord vir hoof berging.', + retype_password: 'Hervoer wagwoord', + passwords_do_not_match: 'Wagwoorde vergelyk nie, probeer weer', + success: 'Sukses', + }, + lnd: { + title: 'bestuur fondse', + choose_source_wallet: 'Kies ‘n bron beursie', + refill_lnd_balance: 'Herlaai Lightning beursie', + refill: 'Herlaai', + withdraw: 'Ontrek', + expired: 'Verval', + placeholder: 'Faktuur', + sameWalletAsInvoiceError: 'U kan nie ‘n faktuur betaal met die selfde beursie waarmee die faktuur geksep is nie.', + }, + pleasebackup: { title: 'Your wallet is created...', text: "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop (https://electrum.org/) to restore the same wallet.", @@ -230,4 +233,4 @@ additional_info: 'Additional Information', open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:', }, -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; diff --git a/loc/ZAR_Xho.js b/loc/ZAR_Xho.js index cd810437..8359421e 100644 --- a/loc/ZAR_Xho.js +++ b/loc/ZAR_Xho.js @@ -1,222 +1,227 @@ module.exports = { - _: { - storage_is_encrypted: 'Ukugcinwa kwakho kubhaliwe. Inombolo yokuvula iyadingeka ukuba ichithwe', - enter_password: 'Faka inombolo yokuvula', - bad_password: 'Iphasiwedi engalunganga, zama kwakhona', - never: 'Ungalingi', - continue: 'Qhubeka', - ok: 'OK', - }, - wallets: { - select_wallet: 'Khetha ingxowa', - options: 'Ukhetho', - createBitcoinWallet: - 'Okwangoku awunayo ingxowa yebitcoin. Ukuze kuxhaswe ingxowa ekhawulezayo, Ingxowa yeBitcoin kufuneka idalwe okanye ikhutshelwe. Ungathanda ukuqhubeka ?', - list: { - app_name: 'BlueWallet', - title: 'Ingxowa', - header: 'Ingxowa imele ukuba nemfihlelo yokuyivula nekheli kwaye unokuyisebenzisa ukwamkela imali.', - add: 'Yongeza Ingxowa', - create_a_wallet: 'Yenza ingxowa', - create_a_wallet1: "Ayihlawulelwa kwaye ungayenza", - create_a_wallet2: 'Ungenza zibeninzi indlela zokuhlawula', - latest_transaction: 'Utshintsho olutsha', - empty_txs1: 'Intengiso yakho iya kubonakala apha,', - empty_txs2: 'akuho nanye okwangoku', - tap_here_to_buy: 'Cofa apha ukuthenga ibitcoin', - }, - reorder: { - title: 'Yenza kwakhona ingxowa', - }, - add: { - title: 'yongeza ingxowa', - description: - 'Unokukhangela ingxowa yephepha yokugcinwa kwephepha ( kwi-WIF – indlela lokungenisa ingxowa), okanye wenze ingxowa entsha. Ingxowa yeSegwit exhaswa yi-default.', - scan: 'Ukuqondisa', - create: 'Yakha', - label_new_segwit: 'SegWit entsha', - label_new_lightning: 'Umbane omtsha', - wallet_name: 'igama lengxowa', - wallet_type: 'uhlobo', - or: 'okanye', - import_wallet: 'Ukungenisa ingxowa', - imported: 'ngeniswa', - coming_soon: 'Kuza ngokukhawuleza', - lightning: 'Umbane', - bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', - }, - details: { - title: 'Ingxowa', - address: 'Ikheli', - type: 'Uhlobo', - label: 'Igama', - destination: 'ukuya kuyo', - description: 'ukuya kuyo', - are_you_sure: 'Ingaba uqinisekile?', - yes_delete: 'Ewe, yisuse', - no_cancel: 'Hayi, rhoxisa', - delete: 'Cima', - save: 'Gcina', - delete_this_wallet: 'Cima le ngxowa', - export_backup: 'Ukuthumela ngaphandle / yokugcina', - buy_bitcoin: 'Thenga ibitcoin', - show_xpub: 'Bonise ingxowa XPUB', - }, - export: { - title: 'ukuthunyelwa kweebhanki ', - }, - xpub: { - title: 'ingxowa XPUB', - copiedToClipboard: 'Ikopishwe kwi-clipboard', - }, - import: { - title: 'ukungenisa', - explanation: - "Bhale apha imnemonic yakho, ngundoqo, WIF , okanye nantoni na onayo. BlueWallet uya kwenza konke okusemandleni ukuqiqa ifomathi efanelekileyo kwaye ingenise ingxowa yakho", - imported: 'Ngenisiwe', - error: 'Ayiphumelelanga ukungenisa. Nceda, uqiniseka ukuba idata ehlinzekiweyo iyasebenza.', - success: 'Iphumelele', - do_import: 'Ngeniswe', - scan_qr: 'okanye ukukhangela iQR code?', - }, - scanQrWif: { - go_back: 'Buya Umva', - cancel: 'Rhoxisa', - decoding: 'Ukumisela', - input_password: 'Igama lokungena', - password_explain: 'Yi le BIP38 ikhifidi yangasese itsixe', - bad_password: 'Inombolo yokuvula eli ngalunganga ', - wallet_already_exists: 'Ikhredithi enjalo sele ikhona', - bad_wif: 'Ezimbi WIF', - imported_wif: 'Ngeniswa WIF ', - with_address: ' Nge dilesi ', - imported_segwit: 'Ngeniswa SegWit', - imported_legacy: 'Ngeniswa ilifa', - imported_watchonly: 'Ngeniswa bukele-kuphela', - }, - }, - transactions: { - list: { - tabBarLabel: 'Ngeniswa', - title: 'ngeniswa', - description: 'Uluhlu lokungena okanye ukuphuma kweekhredithi zakho', - conf: 'conf', - }, - details: { - title: 'Ngeniswa', - from: 'Negalelo', - to: 'Mveliso', - copy: 'Ikopi', - transaction_details: 'Iinkcukacha zentengiselwano', - show_in_block_explorer: 'Bonisa ibhloko umhloi', - }, - }, - send: { - header: 'Thumela', - details: { - title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', - amount_field_is_not_valid: 'intsimi yexabiso ayivumelekanga', - fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yentlawulo ayivumelekanga ', - address_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yeedilesi ayivumelekanga', - total_exceeds_balance: 'Imali yokuthumela idlula imali ekhoyo.', - create_tx_error: 'Kukho impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Nceda, qinisekisa ukuba idilesi iyasebenza.', - address: 'idilesi', - amount_placeholder: 'inani lokuthumela (nge BTC)', - fee_placeholder: 'kunye nentlawulo yokuthengiswa (nge BTC)', - note_placeholder: 'inqaku kumntu', - cancel: 'Rhoxisa', - scan: 'Ukutshekisha', - send: 'Thumela', - create: 'Yenza', - remaining_balance: 'Ibhalansi eseleyo', - }, - confirm: { - header: 'Qiniseka', - sendNow: 'Thumela ngoku', - }, - success: { - done: 'Kwenzekile', - }, - create: { - details: 'Iinkcukacha', - title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', - error: 'Impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Idilesi engavumelekanga okanye imali yokuthumela?', - go_back: 'Buya umva', - this_is_hex: 'Le yi ntengo hex, ityikityiwe ilungele ukukhutshelwa kumnatha.', - to: 'Iya ku', - amount: 'Isixa', - fee: 'Ntlawulo', - tx_size: 'TX ubungakanani', - satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi nge-byte', - memo: 'Memo', - broadcast: 'Sasazwa', - not_enough_fee: 'Akukho mali e neleyo. UKwandisa intlawulo ', - }, - }, - receive: { - header: 'Fumana', - details: { - title: 'Wabelane ngale dilesi nomhlawuli', - share: 'yabelana', - copiedToClipboard: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard', - label: 'Inkcazo', - create: 'Yenza', - setAmount: 'Fumana ngexabiso', - }, - }, - buyBitcoin: { - header: 'Thenga Ibitcoin', - tap_your_address: 'Thepha idilesi yakho ukuyikopisha kwi-clipboard:', - copied: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard!', - }, - settings: { - header: 'Izicwangciso', - plausible_deniability: 'Ukuphika...', - storage_not_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: hayi ngekhodi', - storage_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: ngekhodi', - password: 'Inombolo yokuvula', - password_explain: 'Ukudala iinombolo yokuvula oyisebenzisayo ukucima ukugcina', - retype_password: 'Phina inombolo yokuvula', - passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula azifani', - encrypt_storage: 'Kubhala u kubhala', - lightning_settings: 'Izixhobo zokukhanyisa', - lightning_settings_explain: - 'Ukuxhuma kwi-node yakho ye-LND nceda ufake iLndHub' + ' kwaye ufake iURL apha izicwangciso. Shiya kungenanto yokusebenzisa iLndHub (Indhub.io)', - save: 'ndoloza', - about: 'Malunga', - language: 'Ulwimi', - currency: 'Lwemali', - }, - plausibledeniability: { - title: 'Ukuphika', - help: - 'Phantsi kweemeko unokunyaneliswa ukuba uchaze a ' + - 'inombolo yokuvula. BlueWallet ukugcina imali yakho ikhuselekile, unokudala enye ' + - 'ukugcinwa kwekhowudi, ngegama eligqithisiweyo. Phantsi kwefuthe, ' + - 'unako ukutyhila le phasiwedi kumntu wesithatu. Ukuba ungenayo ' + - "BlueWallet, iya kuvula ukugcinwa kwetyala ‘entsha’. Oku kuya kubonakala " + - 'Umlenze kumntu wesithathu kodwa uza kugcina ngasese ukugcinwa kwakho ' +'ngemali ekhuselekile..', - help2: 'Igumbi lokugcina elitsha liza kusebenza ngokupheleleyo, kwaye unako ukugcina okunye ‘ + ‘lxabiso elincinci apho likhangeleka ngakumbi.', - create_fake_storage: 'Ukudala igumbi lokugcina elifihlakeleyo', - go_back: 'Buya Umva', - create_password: 'Yenza inombolo yokuvula', - create_password_explanation: 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', - password_should_not_match: 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', - retype_password: 'Phinda inombolo yokuvula', - passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula ayihambelani, zama kwakhona', - success: 'Iphumelele', - }, - lnd: { - title: 'lawula imali', - choose_source_wallet: 'Ukhethe ingxowa yomthombo', - refill_lnd_balance: 'Gcwalisa ingxowa yakho yemali', - refill: 'Gcwalisa', - withdraw: 'Khupha imali', - expired: 'Iphelewe lixesha', - placeholder: 'Invoyisi', - sameWalletAsInvoiceError: ': Awukwazi ukuhlawula i-invoyisi kunye ngengxowa oyisebenzisile ukudala leyo invoyisi.', - }, - pleasebackup: { + _: { + storage_is_encrypted: 'Ukugcinwa kwakho kubhaliwe. Inombolo yokuvula iyadingeka ukuba ichithwe', + enter_password: 'Faka inombolo yokuvula', + bad_password: 'Iphasiwedi engalunganga, zama kwakhona', + never: 'Ungalingi', + continue: 'Qhubeka', + ok: 'OK', + }, + wallets: { + select_wallet: 'Khetha ingxowa', + options: 'Ukhetho', + createBitcoinWallet: + 'Okwangoku awunayo ingxowa yebitcoin. Ukuze kuxhaswe ingxowa ekhawulezayo, Ingxowa yeBitcoin kufuneka idalwe okanye ikhutshelwe. Ungathanda ukuqhubeka ?', + list: { + app_name: 'BlueWallet', + title: 'Ingxowa', + header: 'Ingxowa imele ukuba nemfihlelo yokuyivula nekheli kwaye unokuyisebenzisa ukwamkela imali.', + add: 'Yongeza Ingxowa', + create_a_wallet: 'Yenza ingxowa', + create_a_wallet1: 'Ayihlawulelwa kwaye ungayenza', + create_a_wallet2: 'Ungenza zibeninzi indlela zokuhlawula', + latest_transaction: 'Utshintsho olutsha', + empty_txs1: 'Intengiso yakho iya kubonakala apha,', + empty_txs2: 'akuho nanye okwangoku', + tap_here_to_buy: 'Cofa apha ukuthenga ibitcoin', + }, + reorder: { + title: 'Yenza kwakhona ingxowa', + }, + add: { + title: 'yongeza ingxowa', + description: + 'Unokukhangela ingxowa yephepha yokugcinwa kwephepha ( kwi-WIF – indlela lokungenisa ingxowa), okanye wenze ingxowa entsha. Ingxowa yeSegwit exhaswa yi-default.', + scan: 'Ukuqondisa', + create: 'Yakha', + label_new_segwit: 'SegWit entsha', + label_new_lightning: 'Umbane omtsha', + wallet_name: 'igama lengxowa', + wallet_type: 'uhlobo', + or: 'okanye', + import_wallet: 'Ukungenisa ingxowa', + imported: 'ngeniswa', + coming_soon: 'Kuza ngokukhawuleza', + lightning: 'Umbane', + bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', + }, + details: { + title: 'Ingxowa', + address: 'Ikheli', + type: 'Uhlobo', + label: 'Igama', + destination: 'ukuya kuyo', + description: 'ukuya kuyo', + are_you_sure: 'Ingaba uqinisekile?', + yes_delete: 'Ewe, yisuse', + no_cancel: 'Hayi, rhoxisa', + delete: 'Cima', + save: 'Gcina', + delete_this_wallet: 'Cima le ngxowa', + export_backup: 'Ukuthumela ngaphandle / yokugcina', + buy_bitcoin: 'Thenga ibitcoin', + show_xpub: 'Bonise ingxowa XPUB', + }, + export: { + title: 'ukuthunyelwa kweebhanki ', + }, + xpub: { + title: 'ingxowa XPUB', + copiedToClipboard: 'Ikopishwe kwi-clipboard', + }, + import: { + title: 'ukungenisa', + explanation: + 'Bhale apha imnemonic yakho, ngundoqo, WIF , okanye nantoni na onayo. BlueWallet uya kwenza konke okusemandleni ukuqiqa ifomathi efanelekileyo kwaye ingenise ingxowa yakho', + imported: 'Ngenisiwe', + error: 'Ayiphumelelanga ukungenisa. Nceda, uqiniseka ukuba idata ehlinzekiweyo iyasebenza.', + success: 'Iphumelele', + do_import: 'Ngeniswe', + scan_qr: 'okanye ukukhangela iQR code?', + }, + scanQrWif: { + go_back: 'Buya Umva', + cancel: 'Rhoxisa', + decoding: 'Ukumisela', + input_password: 'Igama lokungena', + password_explain: 'Yi le BIP38 ikhifidi yangasese itsixe', + bad_password: 'Inombolo yokuvula eli ngalunganga ', + wallet_already_exists: 'Ikhredithi enjalo sele ikhona', + bad_wif: 'Ezimbi WIF', + imported_wif: 'Ngeniswa WIF ', + with_address: ' Nge dilesi ', + imported_segwit: 'Ngeniswa SegWit', + imported_legacy: 'Ngeniswa ilifa', + imported_watchonly: 'Ngeniswa bukele-kuphela', + }, + }, + transactions: { + list: { + tabBarLabel: 'Ngeniswa', + title: 'ngeniswa', + description: 'Uluhlu lokungena okanye ukuphuma kweekhredithi zakho', + conf: 'conf', + }, + details: { + title: 'Ngeniswa', + from: 'Negalelo', + to: 'Mveliso', + copy: 'Ikopi', + transaction_details: 'Iinkcukacha zentengiselwano', + show_in_block_explorer: 'Bonisa ibhloko umhloi', + }, + }, + send: { + header: 'Thumela', + details: { + title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', + amount_field_is_not_valid: 'intsimi yexabiso ayivumelekanga', + fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yentlawulo ayivumelekanga ', + address_field_is_not_valid: 'Intsimi yeedilesi ayivumelekanga', + total_exceeds_balance: 'Imali yokuthumela idlula imali ekhoyo.', + create_tx_error: 'Kukho impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Nceda, qinisekisa ukuba idilesi iyasebenza.', + address: 'idilesi', + amount_placeholder: 'inani lokuthumela (nge BTC)', + fee_placeholder: 'kunye nentlawulo yokuthengiswa (nge BTC)', + note_placeholder: 'inqaku kumntu', + cancel: 'Rhoxisa', + scan: 'Ukutshekisha', + send: 'Thumela', + create: 'Yenza', + remaining_balance: 'Ibhalansi eseleyo', + }, + confirm: { + header: 'Qiniseka', + sendNow: 'Thumela ngoku', + }, + success: { + done: 'Kwenzekile', + }, + create: { + details: 'Iinkcukacha', + title: 'ukudala ukuthenga', + error: 'Impazamo yokudala ukuthengiselana. Idilesi engavumelekanga okanye imali yokuthumela?', + go_back: 'Buya umva', + this_is_hex: 'Le yi ntengo hex, ityikityiwe ilungele ukukhutshelwa kumnatha.', + to: 'Iya ku', + amount: 'Isixa', + fee: 'Ntlawulo', + tx_size: 'TX ubungakanani', + satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi nge-byte', + memo: 'Memo', + broadcast: 'Sasazwa', + not_enough_fee: 'Akukho mali e neleyo. UKwandisa intlawulo ', + }, + }, + receive: { + header: 'Fumana', + details: { + title: 'Wabelane ngale dilesi nomhlawuli', + share: 'yabelana', + copiedToClipboard: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard', + label: 'Inkcazo', + create: 'Yenza', + setAmount: 'Fumana ngexabiso', + }, + }, + buyBitcoin: { + header: 'Thenga Ibitcoin', + tap_your_address: 'Thepha idilesi yakho ukuyikopisha kwi-clipboard:', + copied: 'Ikhutshelwe kwi-clipboard!', + }, + settings: { + header: 'Izicwangciso', + plausible_deniability: 'Ukuphika...', + storage_not_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: hayi ngekhodi', + storage_encrypted: 'Ukugciwa: ngekhodi', + password: 'Inombolo yokuvula', + password_explain: 'Ukudala iinombolo yokuvula oyisebenzisayo ukucima ukugcina', + retype_password: 'Phina inombolo yokuvula', + passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula azifani', + encrypt_storage: 'Kubhala u kubhala', + lightning_settings: 'Izixhobo zokukhanyisa', + lightning_settings_explain: + 'Ukuxhuma kwi-node yakho ye-LND nceda ufake iLndHub' + + ' kwaye ufake iURL apha izicwangciso. Shiya kungenanto yokusebenzisa iLndHub (Indhub.io)', + save: 'ndoloza', + about: 'Malunga', + language: 'Ulwimi', + currency: 'Lwemali', + }, + plausibledeniability: { + title: 'Ukuphika', + help: + 'Phantsi kweemeko unokunyaneliswa ukuba uchaze a ' + + 'inombolo yokuvula. BlueWallet ukugcina imali yakho ikhuselekile, unokudala enye ' + + 'ukugcinwa kwekhowudi, ngegama eligqithisiweyo. Phantsi kwefuthe, ' + + 'unako ukutyhila le phasiwedi kumntu wesithatu. Ukuba ungenayo ' + + 'BlueWallet, iya kuvula ukugcinwa kwetyala ‘entsha’. Oku kuya kubonakala ' + + 'Umlenze kumntu wesithathu kodwa uza kugcina ngasese ukugcinwa kwakho ' + + 'ngemali ekhuselekile..', + help2: + 'Igumbi lokugcina elitsha liza kusebenza ngokupheleleyo, kwaye unako ukugcina okunye ‘ + ‘lxabiso elincinci apho likhangeleka ngakumbi.', + create_fake_storage: 'Ukudala igumbi lokugcina elifihlakeleyo', + go_back: 'Buya Umva', + create_password: 'Yenza inombolo yokuvula', + create_password_explanation: + 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', + password_should_not_match: + 'Inombolo yakho yokuvula igumbi lokugcina inkohliso akumele ifane ne nombolo yokuvula igumbi lakho elinyanisekileyo', + retype_password: 'Phinda inombolo yokuvula', + passwords_do_not_match: 'Inombolo yokuvula ayihambelani, zama kwakhona', + success: 'Iphumelele', + }, + lnd: { + title: 'lawula imali', + choose_source_wallet: 'Ukhethe ingxowa yomthombo', + refill_lnd_balance: 'Gcwalisa ingxowa yakho yemali', + refill: 'Gcwalisa', + withdraw: 'Khupha imali', + expired: 'Iphelewe lixesha', + placeholder: 'Invoyisi', + sameWalletAsInvoiceError: ': Awukwazi ukuhlawula i-invoyisi kunye ngengxowa oyisebenzisile ukudala leyo invoyisi.', + }, + pleasebackup: { title: 'Your wallet is created...', text: "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device. You can use Electrum wallet on desktop (https://electrum.org/) to restore the same wallet.", @@ -231,4 +236,4 @@ additional_info: 'Additional Information', open_direct_channel: 'Open direct channel with this node:', }, -}; \ No newline at end of file +}; diff --git a/loc/index.js b/loc/index.js index b54a6a73..9aed5752 100644 --- a/loc/index.js +++ b/loc/index.js @@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ strings = new Localization({ sv_se: require('./sv_SE.js'), nb_no: require('./nb_NO.js'), tr_tr: require('./tr_TR.js'), - zar_afr: require('./zar_AFR.js'), zar_xho: require('./zar_XHO.js'), });