module.exports = { _: { storage_is_encrypted: 'Your storage is encrypted. Password is required to decrypt it', enter_password: 'Enter password', bad_password: 'Bad pasword, try again', months_ago: 'months ago', days_ago: 'days ago', hours_ago: 'hours ago', minutes_ago: 'minutes ago', never: 'never', }, wallets: { options: 'options', list: { app_name: 'Blue Wallet', title: 'wallets', header: 'A wallet represents a pair of a secret (private key) and an address' + 'you can share to receive coins.', add: 'Add Wallet', create_a_wallet: 'Create a wallet', create_a_wallet1: "It's free and you can create", create_a_wallet2: 'as many as you like', latest_transaction: 'latest transaction', empty_txs1: 'Your transactions will appear here,', empty_txs2: 'none at the moment', }, add: { title: 'add wallet', description: 'You can either scan backup paper wallet (in WIF - Wallet Import Format), or create a new wallet. Segwit wallets supported by default.', scan: 'Scan', create: 'Create', label_new_segwit: 'New SegWit', wallet_name: 'wallet name', wallet_type: 'type', or: 'or', import_wallet: 'Import wallet', imported: 'Imported', coming_soon: 'Coming soon', lightning: 'Lightning', bitcoin: 'Bitcoin', }, details: { title: 'wallet details', address: 'Address', type: 'Type', label: 'Label', destination: 'destination', description: 'description', are_you_sure: 'Are you sure?', yes_delete: 'Yes, delete', no_cancel: 'No, cancel', delete_this_wallet: 'Delete this wallet', export_backup: 'Export / backup', }, export: { title: 'wallet export', }, import: { title: 'import', explanation: "Write here you mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do it's best to guess the correct format and import your wallet", imported: 'Imported', error: 'Failed to import. Is it event valid?', success: 'Success', do_import: 'Import', scan_qr: 'or scan QR code instead?', }, scanQrWif: { go_back: 'Go Back', cancel: 'Cancel', decoding: 'Decoding', input_password: 'Input password', password_explain: 'This is BIP38 encrypted private key', bad_password: 'Bad password', wallet_already_exists: 'Such wallet already exists', bad_wif: 'Bad WIF', imported_wif: 'Imported WIF ', with_address: ' with address ', imported_segwit: 'Imported SegWit', imported_legacy: 'Imported Legacy', imported_watchonly: 'Imported Watch-only', }, }, transactions: { list: { tabBarLabel: 'Transactions', title: 'transactions', description: 'A list of ingoing or outgoing transactions of your wallets', conf: 'conf', }, details: { title: 'transaction details', from: 'Input', to: 'Output', copy: 'Copy', }, }, send: { header: 'Send', details: { title: 'create transaction', amount_field_is_not_valid: 'Amount field is not valid', fee_field_is_not_valid: 'Fee field is not valid', address_field_is_not_valid: 'Address field is not valid', total_exceeds_balance: 'The sending amount exceeds the available balance.', address: 'address', amount_placeholder: 'amount to send (in BTC)', fee_placeholder: 'plus transaction fee (in BTC)', note_placeholder: 'note to self', cancel: 'Cancel', scan: 'Scan', send: 'Send', create: 'Create', remaining_balance: 'Remaining balance', }, create: { title: 'create transaction', error: 'Error creating transaction. Invalid address or send amount?', go_back: 'Go Back', this_is_hex: 'This is transaction hex, signed and ready to be broadcast to the network.', to: 'To', amount: 'Amount', fee: 'Fee', tx_size: 'TX size', satoshi_per_byte: 'Satoshi per byte', memo: 'Memo', broadcast: 'Broadcast', not_enough_fee: 'Not enough fee. Increase the fee', }, }, receive: { header: 'Receive', details: { title: 'Share this address with payer', share: 'share', copiedToClipboard: 'Copied to clipboard.', }, }, settings: { header: 'settings', plausible_deniability: 'Plausible deniability...', storage_not_encrypted: 'Storage: not encrypted', storage_encrypted: 'Storage: encrypted', password: 'Password', password_explain: 'Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage', retype_password: 'Re-type password', passwords_do_not_match: 'Passwords do not match', encrypt_storage: 'Encrypt storage', about: 'About', language: 'Language', currency: 'Currency', }, plausibledeniability: { title: 'Plausible Deniability', help: 'Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a ' + 'password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another ' + 'encrypted storage, with a different password. Under the pressure, ' + 'you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in ' + "BlueWallet, it will unlock new 'fake' storage. This will seem " + 'legit to a 3rd party, but will secretly keep your main storage ' + 'with coins safe.', help2: 'New storage will be fully functional, and you can store some ' + 'minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.', create_fake_storage: 'Create fake encrypted storage', go_back: 'Go Back', create_password: 'Create a password', create_password_explanation: 'Password for fake storage should not match password for your main storage', password_should_not_match: 'Password for fake storage should not match password for your main storage', retype_password: 'Retype password', passwords_do_not_match: 'Passwords do not match, try again', success: 'Success', }, lnd: { title: 'manage funds', choose_source_wallet: 'Choose a source wallet', refill_lnd_balance: 'Refill Lightning wallet balance', refill: 'Refill', withdraw: 'Withdraw', }, };