import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage'; import RNSecureKeyStore, { ACCESSIBLE } from 'react-native-secure-key-store'; import { HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet, HDSegwitP2SHWallet, HDLegacyP2PKHWallet, WatchOnlyWallet, LegacyWallet, SegwitP2SHWallet, SegwitBech32Wallet, HDSegwitBech32Wallet, } from './'; import { LightningCustodianWallet } from './lightning-custodian-wallet'; import WatchConnectivity from '../WatchConnectivity'; import DeviceQuickActions from './quickActions'; const encryption = require('../encryption'); export class AppStorage { static FLAG_ENCRYPTED = 'data_encrypted'; static LANG = 'lang'; static EXCHANGE_RATES = 'currency'; static LNDHUB = 'lndhub'; static ELECTRUM_HOST = 'electrum_host'; static ELECTRUM_TCP_PORT = 'electrum_tcp_port'; static PREFERRED_CURRENCY = 'preferredCurrency'; static ADVANCED_MODE_ENABLED = 'advancedmodeenabled'; constructor() { /** {Array.} */ this.wallets = []; this.tx_metadata = {}; this.cachedPassword = false; this.settings = { brandingColor: '#ffffff', foregroundColor: '#0c2550', buttonBackgroundColor: '#ccddf9', buttonTextColor: '#0c2550', buttonAlternativeTextColor: '#2f5fb3', buttonDisabledBackgroundColor: '#eef0f4', buttonDisabledTextColor: '#9aa0aa', inputBorderColor: '#d2d2d2', inputBackgroundColor: '#f5f5f5', alternativeTextColor: '#9aa0aa', alternativeTextColor2: '#0f5cc0', buttonBlueBackgroundColor: '#ccddf9', incomingBackgroundColor: '#d2f8d6', incomingForegroundColor: '#37c0a1', outgoingBackgroundColor: '#f8d2d2', outgoingForegroundColor: '#d0021b', successColor: '#37c0a1', failedColor: '#ff0000', shadowColor: '#000000', inverseForegroundColor: '#ffffff', hdborderColor: '#68BBE1', hdbackgroundColor: '#ECF9FF', lnborderColor: '#F7C056', lnbackgroundColor: '#FFFAEF', }; } /** * Wrapper for storage call. Secure store works only in RN environment. AsyncStorage is * used for cli/tests * * @param key * @param value * @returns {Promise|Promise | Promise | * | Promise | void} */ setItem(key, value) { if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { return RNSecureKeyStore.set(key, value, { accessible: ACCESSIBLE.WHEN_UNLOCKED }); } else { return AsyncStorage.setItem(key, value); } } /** * Wrapper for storage call. Secure store works only in RN environment. AsyncStorage is * used for cli/tests * * @param key * @returns {Promise|*} */ getItem(key) { if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { return RNSecureKeyStore.get(key); } else { return AsyncStorage.getItem(key); } } async storageIsEncrypted() { let data; try { data = await this.getItem(AppStorage.FLAG_ENCRYPTED); } catch (error) { return false; } return !!data; } /** * Iterates through all values of `data` trying to * decrypt each one, and returns first one successfully decrypted * * @param data String (serialized array) * @param password */ decryptData(data, password) { data = JSON.parse(data); let decrypted; for (let value of data) { try { decrypted = encryption.decrypt(value, password); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } if (decrypted) { return decrypted; } } return false; } async encryptStorage(password) { // assuming the storage is not yet encrypted await this.saveToDisk(); let data = await this.getItem('data'); // TODO: refactor ^^^ (should not save & load to fetch data) let encrypted = encryption.encrypt(data, password); data = []; data.push(encrypted); // putting in array as we might have many buckets with storages data = JSON.stringify(data); this.cachedPassword = password; await this.setItem('data', data); await this.setItem(AppStorage.FLAG_ENCRYPTED, '1'); DeviceQuickActions.clearShortcutItems(); DeviceQuickActions.removeAllWallets(); } /** * Cleans up all current application data (wallets, tx metadata etc) * Encrypts the bucket and saves it storage * * @returns {Promise.} Success or failure */ async createFakeStorage(fakePassword) { this.wallets = []; this.tx_metadata = {}; let data = { wallets: [], tx_metadata: {}, }; let buckets = await this.getItem('data'); buckets = JSON.parse(buckets); buckets.push(encryption.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data), fakePassword)); this.cachedPassword = fakePassword; const bucketsString = JSON.stringify(buckets); await this.setItem('data', bucketsString); return (await this.getItem('data')) === bucketsString; } /** * Loads from storage all wallets and * maps them to `this.wallets` * * @param password If present means storage must be decrypted before usage * @returns {Promise.} */ async loadFromDisk(password) { try { let data = await this.getItem('data'); if (password) { data = this.decryptData(data, password); if (data) { // password is good, cache it this.cachedPassword = password; } } if (data !== null) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (!data.wallets) return false; let wallets = data.wallets; for (let key of wallets) { // deciding which type is wallet and instatiating correct object let tempObj = JSON.parse(key); let unserializedWallet; switch (tempObj.type) { case SegwitBech32Wallet.type: unserializedWallet = SegwitBech32Wallet.fromJson(key); break; case SegwitP2SHWallet.type: unserializedWallet = SegwitP2SHWallet.fromJson(key); break; case WatchOnlyWallet.type: unserializedWallet = WatchOnlyWallet.fromJson(key); unserializedWallet.init(); break; case HDLegacyP2PKHWallet.type: unserializedWallet = HDLegacyP2PKHWallet.fromJson(key); break; case HDSegwitP2SHWallet.type: unserializedWallet = HDSegwitP2SHWallet.fromJson(key); break; case HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type: unserializedWallet = HDSegwitBech32Wallet.fromJson(key); break; case HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet.type: unserializedWallet = HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet.fromJson(key); break; case LightningCustodianWallet.type: /** @type {LightningCustodianWallet} */ unserializedWallet = LightningCustodianWallet.fromJson(key); let lndhub = false; try { lndhub = await AsyncStorage.getItem(AppStorage.LNDHUB); } catch (Error) { console.warn(Error); } if (unserializedWallet.baseURI) { unserializedWallet.setBaseURI(unserializedWallet.baseURI); // not really necessary, just for the sake of readability console.log('using saved uri for for ln wallet:', unserializedWallet.baseURI); } else if (lndhub) { console.log('using wallet-wide settings ', lndhub, 'for ln wallet'); unserializedWallet.setBaseURI(lndhub); } else { console.log('using default', LightningCustodianWallet.defaultBaseUri, 'for ln wallet'); unserializedWallet.setBaseURI(LightningCustodianWallet.defaultBaseUri); } unserializedWallet.init(); break; case LegacyWallet.type: default: unserializedWallet = LegacyWallet.fromJson(key); break; } // done if (!this.wallets.some(wallet => wallet.getSecret() === unserializedWallet.secret)) { this.wallets.push(unserializedWallet); this.tx_metadata = data.tx_metadata; } } WatchConnectivity.shared.wallets = this.wallets; WatchConnectivity.shared.tx_metadata = this.tx_metadata; WatchConnectivity.shared.fetchTransactionsFunction = async () => { await this.fetchWalletTransactions(); await this.saveToDisk(); }; await WatchConnectivity.shared.sendWalletsToWatch(this.wallets); DeviceQuickActions.setWallets(this.wallets); DeviceQuickActions.setQuickActions(); return true; } else { return false; // failed loading data or loading/decryptin data } } catch (error) { console.warn(error.message); return false; } } /** * Lookup wallet in list by it's secret and * remove it from `this.wallets` * * @param wallet {AbstractWallet} */ deleteWallet(wallet) { let secret = wallet.getSecret(); let tempWallets = []; for (let value of this.wallets) { if (value.getSecret() === secret) { // the one we should delete // nop } else { // the one we must keep tempWallets.push(value); } } this.wallets = tempWallets; } /** * Serializes and saves to storage object data. * If cached password is saved - finds the correct bucket * to save to, encrypts and then saves. * * @returns {Promise} Result of storage save */ async saveToDisk() { let walletsToSave = []; for (let key of this.wallets) { if (typeof key === 'boolean') continue; if (key.prepareForSerialization) key.prepareForSerialization(); walletsToSave.push(JSON.stringify({ ...key, type: key.type })); } let data = { wallets: walletsToSave, tx_metadata: this.tx_metadata, }; if (this.cachedPassword) { // should find the correct bucket, encrypt and then save let buckets = await this.getItem('data'); buckets = JSON.parse(buckets); let newData = []; for (let bucket of buckets) { let decrypted = encryption.decrypt(bucket, this.cachedPassword); if (!decrypted) { // no luck decrypting, its not our bucket newData.push(bucket); } else { // decrypted ok, this is our bucket // we serialize our object's data, encrypt it, and add it to buckets newData.push(encryption.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data), this.cachedPassword)); await this.setItem(AppStorage.FLAG_ENCRYPTED, '1'); } } data = newData; } else { await this.setItem(AppStorage.FLAG_ENCRYPTED, ''); // drop the flag } WatchConnectivity.shared.wallets = this.wallets; WatchConnectivity.shared.tx_metadata = this.tx_metadata; WatchConnectivity.shared.sendWalletsToWatch(); DeviceQuickActions.setWallets(this.wallets); DeviceQuickActions.setQuickActions(); return this.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(data)); } /** * For each wallet, fetches balance from remote endpoint. * Use getter for a specific wallet to get actual balance. * Returns void. * If index is present then fetch only from this specific wallet * * @return {Promise.} */ async fetchWalletBalances(index) { console.log('fetchWalletBalances for wallet#', index); if (index || index === 0) { let c = 0; for (let wallet of this.wallets) { if (c++ === index) { await wallet.fetchBalance(); } } } else { for (let wallet of this.wallets) { await wallet.fetchBalance(); } } } /** * Fetches from remote endpoint all transactions for each wallet. * Returns void. * To access transactions - get them from each respective wallet. * If index is present then fetch only from this specific wallet. * * @param index {Integer} Index of the wallet in this.wallets array, * blank to fetch from all wallets * @return {Promise.} */ async fetchWalletTransactions(index) { console.log('fetchWalletTransactions for wallet#', index); if (index || index === 0) { let c = 0; for (let wallet of this.wallets) { if (c++ === index) { await wallet.fetchTransactions(); if (wallet.fetchPendingTransactions) { await wallet.fetchPendingTransactions(); } if (wallet.fetchUserInvoices) { await wallet.fetchUserInvoices(); } } } } else { for (let wallet of this.wallets) { await wallet.fetchTransactions(); if (wallet.fetchPendingTransactions) { await wallet.fetchPendingTransactions(); } if (wallet.fetchUserInvoices) { await wallet.fetchUserInvoices(); } } } } /** * * @returns {Array.} */ getWallets() { return this.wallets; } /** * Getter for all transactions in all wallets. * But if index is provided - only for wallet with corresponding index * * @param index {Integer|null} Wallet index in this.wallets. Empty (or null) for all wallets. * @param limit {Integer} How many txs return, starting from the earliest. Default: all of them. * @return {Array} */ getTransactions(index, limit = Infinity) { if (index || index === 0) { let txs = []; let c = 0; for (let wallet of this.wallets) { if (c++ === index) { txs = txs.concat(wallet.getTransactions()); } } return txs; } let txs = []; for (let wallet of this.wallets) { let walletTransactions = wallet.getTransactions(); for (let t of walletTransactions) { t.walletPreferredBalanceUnit = wallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit(); } txs = txs.concat(walletTransactions); } for (let t of txs) { t.sort_ts = +new Date(t.received); } return txs .sort(function(a, b) { return b.sort_ts - a.sort_ts; }) .slice(0, limit); } /** * Getter for a sum of all balances of all wallets * * @return {number} */ getBalance() { let finalBalance = 0; for (let wal of this.wallets) { finalBalance += wal.getBalance(); } return finalBalance; } /** * Simple async sleeper function * * @param ms {number} Milliseconds to sleep * @returns {Promise | Promise<*>>} */ async sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } }