import { AbstractHDWallet } from './abstract-hd-wallet'; import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; import bip39 from 'bip39'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import b58 from 'bs58check'; const BlueElectrum = require('../BlueElectrum'); const bitcoin5 = require('bitcoinjs5'); const HDNode = require('bip32'); const coinSelectAccumulative = require('coinselect/accumulative'); const coinSelectSplit = require('coinselect/split'); const { RNRandomBytes } = NativeModules; /** * HD Wallet (BIP39). * In particular, BIP84 (Bech32 Native Segwit) * @see */ export class HDSegwitBech32Wallet extends AbstractHDWallet { static type = 'HDsegwitBech32'; static typeReadable = 'HD SegWit (BIP84 Bech32 Native)'; constructor() { super(); this._balances_by_external_index = {}; // 0 => { c: 0, u: 0 } // confirmed/unconfirmed this._balances_by_internal_index = {}; this._txs_by_external_index = {}; this._txs_by_internal_index = {}; this._utxo = []; } allowBatchSend() { return true; } /** * @inheritDoc */ getBalance() { let ret = 0; for (let bal of Object.values(this._balances_by_external_index)) { ret += bal.c; } for (let bal of Object.values(this._balances_by_internal_index)) { ret += bal.c; } return ret + this.getUnconfirmedBalance(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ timeToRefreshTransaction() { for (let tx of this.getTransactions()) { if (tx.confirmations < 7) return true; } return false; } getUnconfirmedBalance() { let ret = 0; for (let bal of Object.values(this._balances_by_external_index)) { ret += bal.u; } for (let bal of Object.values(this._balances_by_internal_index)) { ret += bal.u; } return ret; } allowSend() { return true; } async generate() { let that = this; return new Promise(function(resolve) { if (typeof RNRandomBytes === 'undefined') { // CLI/CI environment // crypto should be provided globally by test launcher return crypto.randomBytes(32, (err, buf) => { // eslint-disable-line if (err) throw err; that.secret = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(buf.toString('hex')); resolve(); }); } // RN environment RNRandomBytes.randomBytes(32, (err, bytes) => { if (err) throw new Error(err); let b = Buffer.from(bytes, 'base64').toString('hex'); that.secret = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(b); resolve(); }); }); } _getExternalWIFByIndex(index) { return this._getWIFByIndex(false, index); } _getInternalWIFByIndex(index) { return this._getWIFByIndex(true, index); } /** * Get internal/external WIF by wallet index * @param {Boolean} internal * @param {Number} index * @returns {*} * @private */ _getWIFByIndex(internal, index) { const mnemonic = this.secret; const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); const root = HDNode.fromSeed(seed); const path = `m/84'/0'/0'/${internal ? 1 : 0}/${index}`; const child = root.derivePath(path); return child.toWIF(); } _getNodeAddressByIndex(node, index) { index = index * 1; // cast to int if (node === 0) { if (this.external_addresses_cache[index]) return this.external_addresses_cache[index]; // cache hit } if (node === 1) { if (this.internal_addresses_cache[index]) return this.internal_addresses_cache[index]; // cache hit } if (node === 0 && !this._node0) { const xpub = this.constructor._zpubToXpub(this.getXpub()); const hdNode = HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); this._node0 = hdNode.derive(node); } if (node === 1 && !this._node1) { const xpub = this.constructor._zpubToXpub(this.getXpub()); const hdNode = HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); this._node1 = hdNode.derive(node); } let address; if (node === 0) { address = this.constructor._nodeToBech32SegwitAddress(this._node0.derive(index)); } if (node === 1) { address = this.constructor._nodeToBech32SegwitAddress(this._node1.derive(index)); } if (node === 0) { return (this.external_addresses_cache[index] = address); } if (node === 1) { return (this.internal_addresses_cache[index] = address); } } _getExternalAddressByIndex(index) { return this._getNodeAddressByIndex(0, index); } _getInternalAddressByIndex(index) { return this._getNodeAddressByIndex(1, index); } /** * Returning zpub actually, not xpub. Keeping same method name * for compatibility. * * @return {String} zpub */ getXpub() { if (this._xpub) { return this._xpub; // cache hit } // first, getting xpub const mnemonic = this.secret; const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); const root = HDNode.fromSeed(seed); const path = "m/84'/0'/0'"; const child = root.derivePath(path).neutered(); const xpub = child.toBase58(); // bitcoinjs does not support zpub yet, so we just convert it from xpub let data = b58.decode(xpub); data = data.slice(4); data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('04b24746', 'hex'), data]); this._xpub = b58.encode(data); return this._xpub; } /** * @inheritDoc */ async fetchTransactions() { // if txs are absent for some internal address in hierarchy - this is a sign // we should fetch txs for that address // OR if some address has unconfirmed balance - should fetch it's txs // OR some tx for address is unconfirmed // OR some tx has < 7 confirmations for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { // external addresses first let hasUnconfirmed = false; this._txs_by_external_index[c] = this._txs_by_external_index[c] || []; for (let tx of this._txs_by_external_index[c]) hasUnconfirmed = hasUnconfirmed || !tx.confirmations || tx.confirmations < 7; if (hasUnconfirmed || this._txs_by_external_index[c].length === 0 || this._balances_by_external_index[c].u !== 0) { this._txs_by_external_index[c] = await BlueElectrum.getTransactionsFullByAddress(this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c)); } } for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { // next, internal addresses let hasUnconfirmed = false; this._txs_by_internal_index[c] = this._txs_by_internal_index[c] || []; for (let tx of this._txs_by_internal_index[c]) hasUnconfirmed = hasUnconfirmed || !tx.confirmations || tx.confirmations < 7; if (hasUnconfirmed || this._txs_by_internal_index[c].length === 0 || this._balances_by_internal_index[c].u !== 0) { this._txs_by_internal_index[c] = await BlueElectrum.getTransactionsFullByAddress(this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c)); } } this._lastTxFetch = +new Date(); } getTransactions() { let txs = []; for (let addressTxs of Object.values(this._txs_by_external_index)) { txs = txs.concat(addressTxs); } for (let addressTxs of Object.values(this._txs_by_internal_index)) { txs = txs.concat(addressTxs); } let ret = []; for (let tx of txs) { tx.received = tx.blocktime * 1000; if (!tx.blocktime) tx.received = +new Date() - 30 * 1000; // unconfirmed tx.confirmations = tx.confirmations || 0; // unconfirmed tx.hash = tx.txid; tx.value = 0; for (let vin of tx.inputs) { // if input (spending) goes from our address - we are loosing! if (vin.address && this.weOwnAddress(vin.address)) { tx.value -= new BigNumber(vin.value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber(); } } for (let vout of tx.outputs) { // when output goes to our address - this means we are gaining! if (vout.addresses && vout.addresses[0] && this.weOwnAddress(vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[0])) { tx.value += new BigNumber(vout.value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber(); } } ret.push(tx); } // now, deduplication: let usedTxIds = {}; let ret2 = []; for (let tx of ret) { if (!usedTxIds[tx.txid]) ret2.push(tx); usedTxIds[tx.txid] = 1; } return ret2.sort(function(a, b) { return b.received - a.received; }); } async _fetchBalance() { // probing future addressess in hierarchy whether they have any transactions, in case // our 'next free addr' pointers are lagging behind let tryAgain = false; let txs = await BlueElectrum.getTransactionsByAddress( this._getExternalAddressByIndex(this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit - 1), ); if (txs.length > 0) { // whoa, someone uses our wallet outside! better catch up this.next_free_address_index += this.gap_limit; tryAgain = true; } txs = await BlueElectrum.getTransactionsByAddress( this._getInternalAddressByIndex(this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit - 1), ); if (txs.length > 0) { this.next_free_change_address_index += this.gap_limit; tryAgain = true; } // FIXME: refactor me ^^^ can be batched in single call. plus not just couple of addresses, but all between [ next_free .. (next_free + gap_limit) ] if (tryAgain) return this._fetchBalance(); // next, business as usuall. fetch balances let addresses2fetch = []; // generating all involved addresses. // basically, refetch all from index zero to maximum. doesnt matter // since we batch them 100 per call // external for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { addresses2fetch.push(this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c)); } // internal for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { addresses2fetch.push(this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c)); } let balances = await BlueElectrum.multiGetBalanceByAddress(addresses2fetch); // converting to a more compact internal format for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { let addr = this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c); if (balances.addresses[addr]) { // first, if balances differ from what we store - we delete transactions for that // address so next fetchTransactions() will refetch everything if (this._balances_by_external_index[c]) { if ( this._balances_by_external_index[c].c !== balances.addresses[addr].confirmed || this._balances_by_external_index[c].u !== balances.addresses[addr].unconfirmed ) { delete this._txs_by_external_index[c]; } } // update local representation of balances on that address: this._balances_by_external_index[c] = { c: balances.addresses[addr].confirmed, u: balances.addresses[addr].unconfirmed, }; } } for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { let addr = this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c); if (balances.addresses[addr]) { // first, if balances differ from what we store - we delete transactions for that // address so next fetchTransactions() will refetch everything if (this._balances_by_internal_index[c]) { if ( this._balances_by_internal_index[c].c !== balances.addresses[addr].confirmed || this._balances_by_internal_index[c].u !== balances.addresses[addr].unconfirmed ) { delete this._txs_by_internal_index[c]; } } // update local representation of balances on that address: this._balances_by_internal_index[c] = { c: balances.addresses[addr].confirmed, u: balances.addresses[addr].unconfirmed, }; } } this._lastBalanceFetch = +new Date(); } async fetchUtxo() { // considering only confirmed balance let addressess = []; for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._balances_by_external_index[c] && this._balances_by_external_index[c].c && this._balances_by_external_index[c].c > 0) { addressess.push(this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c)); } } for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._balances_by_internal_index[c] && this._balances_by_internal_index[c].c && this._balances_by_internal_index[c].c > 0) { addressess.push(this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c)); } } this._utxo = []; for (let arr of Object.values(await BlueElectrum.multiGetUtxoByAddress(addressess))) { this._utxo = this._utxo.concat(arr); } } getUtxo() { return this._utxo; } weOwnAddress(address) { for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c) === address) return true; } for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c) === address) return true; } return false; } createTx(utxos, amount, fee, address) { throw new Error('Deprecated'); } /** * * @param utxos {Array.<{vout: Number, value: Number, txId: String, address: String}>} List of spendable utxos * @param targets {Array.<{value: Number, address: String}>} Where coins are going. If theres only 1 target and that target has no value - this will send MAX to that address (respecting fee rate) * @param feeRate {Number} satoshi per byte * @param changeAddress {String} Excessive coins will go back to that address * @param sequence {Number} Used in RBF * @returns {{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number}} */ createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence) { if (!changeAddress) throw new Error('No change address provided'); sequence = sequence || 0; let algo = coinSelectAccumulative; if (targets.length === 1 && targets[0] && !targets[0].value) { // we want to send MAX algo = coinSelectSplit; } let { inputs, outputs, fee } = algo(utxos, targets, feeRate); // .inputs and .outputs will be undefined if no solution was found if (!inputs || !outputs) { throw new Error('Not enough balance. Try sending smaller amount'); } let txb = new bitcoin5.TransactionBuilder(); let c = 0; let keypairs = {}; let values = {}; inputs.forEach(input => { const keyPair = bitcoin5.ECPair.fromWIF(this._getWifForAddress(input.address)); keypairs[c] = keyPair; values[c] = input.value; c++; if (!input.address || !this._getWifForAddress(input.address)) throw new Error('Internal error: no address or WIF to sign input'); const p2wpkh = bitcoin5.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey }); txb.addInput(input.txId, input.vout, sequence, p2wpkh.output); // NOTE: provide the prevOutScript! }); outputs.forEach(output => { // if output has no address - this is change output if (!output.address) { output.address = changeAddress; } txb.addOutput(output.address, output.value); }); for (let cc = 0; cc < c; cc++) { txb.sign(cc, keypairs[cc], null, null, values[cc]); // NOTE: no redeem script } const tx =; return { tx, inputs, outputs, fee }; } /** * Creates Segwit Bech32 Bitcoin address * * @param hdNode * @returns {String} */ static _nodeToBech32SegwitAddress(hdNode) { return bitcoin5.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: hdNode.publicKey, }).address; } /** * Converts zpub to xpub * * @param {String} zpub * @returns {String} xpub */ static _zpubToXpub(zpub) { let data = b58.decode(zpub); data = data.slice(4); data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('0488b21e', 'hex'), data]); return b58.encode(data); } }