You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
9.8 KiB

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ScrollView, View } from 'react-native';
import { BlueLoading, BlueSpacing20, SafeBlueArea, BlueCard, BlueText, BlueNavigationStyle } from '../BlueComponents';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { SegwitP2SHWallet, LegacyWallet, HDSegwitP2SHWallet, HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from '../class';
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const BlueCrypto = require('react-native-blue-crypto');
let encryption = require('../encryption');
let BlueElectrum = require('../BlueElectrum');
export default class Selftest extends Component {
static navigationOptions = () => ({
title: 'Self test',
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: true,
async componentDidMount() {
let errorMessage = '';
let isOk = true;
try {
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {
let uniqs = {};
let w = new SegwitP2SHWallet();
for (let c = 0; c < 1000; c++) {
await w.generate();
if (uniqs[w.getSecret()]) {
throw new Error('failed to generate unique private key');
uniqs[w.getSecret()] = 1;
} else {
// skipping RN-specific test
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {
await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected();
let addr4elect = '3GCvDBAktgQQtsbN6x5DYiQCMmgZ9Yk8BK';
let electrumBalance = await BlueElectrum.getBalanceByAddress(addr4elect);
if (electrumBalance.confirmed !== 51432)
throw new Error('BlueElectrum getBalanceByAddress failure, got ' + JSON.stringify(electrumBalance));
let electrumTxs = await BlueElectrum.getTransactionsByAddress(addr4elect);
if (electrumTxs.length !== 1) throw new Error('BlueElectrum getTransactionsByAddress failure, got ' + JSON.stringify(electrumTxs));
} else {
// skipping RN-specific test'
let l = new LegacyWallet();
assertStrictEqual(l.getAddress(), '14YZ6iymQtBVQJk6gKnLCk49UScJK7SH4M');
let utxos = [
txid: 'cc44e933a094296d9fe424ad7306f16916253a3d154d52e4f1a757c18242cec4',
vout: 0,
value: 100000,
let txNew = l.createTransaction(utxos, [{ value: 90000, address: '1GX36PGBUrF8XahZEGQqHqnJGW2vCZteoB' }], 1, l.getAddress());
let txBitcoin = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(txNew.tx.toHex());
assertStrictEqual(txBitcoin.ins.length, 1);
assertStrictEqual(txBitcoin.outs.length, 2);
assertStrictEqual('1GX36PGBUrF8XahZEGQqHqnJGW2vCZteoB', bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(txBitcoin.outs[0].script)); // to address
assertStrictEqual(l.getAddress(), bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(txBitcoin.outs[1].script)); // change address
l = new SegwitP2SHWallet();
if (l.getAddress() !== '34AgLJhwXrvmkZS1o5TrcdeevMt22Nar53') {
throw new Error('failed to generate segwit P2SH address from WIF');
let wallet = new SegwitP2SHWallet();
assertStrictEqual(wallet.getAddress(), '3CKN8HTCews4rYJYsyub5hjAVm5g5VFdQJ');
utxos = [
txid: 'a56b44080cb606c0bd90e77fcd4fb34c863e68e5562e75b4386e611390eb860c',
vout: 0,
value: 300000,
txNew = wallet.createTransaction(utxos, [{ value: 90000, address: '1GX36PGBUrF8XahZEGQqHqnJGW2vCZteoB' }], 1, wallet.getAddress());
let tx = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(txNew.tx.toHex());
assertStrictEqual(tx.ins.length, 1);
assertStrictEqual(tx.outs.length, 2);
assertStrictEqual('1GX36PGBUrF8XahZEGQqHqnJGW2vCZteoB', bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(tx.outs[0].script)); // to address
assertStrictEqual(bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(tx.outs[1].script), wallet.getAddress()); // change address
const data2encrypt = 'really long data string';
let crypted = encryption.encrypt(data2encrypt, 'password');
let decrypted = encryption.decrypt(crypted, 'password');
if (decrypted !== data2encrypt) {
throw new Error('encryption lib is not ok');
let bip39 = require('bip39');
let mnemonic =
'honey risk juice trip orient galaxy win situate shoot anchor bounce remind horse traffic exotic since escape mimic ramp skin judge owner topple erode';
let seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);
let root = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed);
let path = "m/49'/0'/0'/0/0";
let child = root.derivePath(path);
let address = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({
redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({
pubkey: child.publicKey,
network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin,
network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin,
if (address !== '3GcKN7q7gZuZ8eHygAhHrvPa5zZbG5Q1rK') {
throw new Error('bip49 is not ok');
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {
let hd = new HDSegwitP2SHWallet();
let hashmap = {};
for (let c = 0; c < 1000; c++) {
await hd.generate();
let secret = hd.getSecret();
if (hashmap[secret]) {
throw new Error('Duplicate secret generated!');
hashmap[secret] = 1;
if (secret.split(' ').length !== 12 && secret.split(' ').length !== 24) {
throw new Error('mnemonic phrase not ok');
let hd2 = new HDSegwitP2SHWallet();
if (!hd2.validateMnemonic()) {
throw new Error('mnemonic phrase validation not ok');
let hd4 = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet();
hd4._xpub = 'zpub6r7jhKKm7BAVx3b3nSnuadY1WnshZYkhK8gKFoRLwK9rF3Mzv28BrGcCGA3ugGtawi1WLb2vyjQAX9ZTDGU5gNk2bLdTc3iEXr6tzR1ipNP';
await hd4.fetchBalance();
if (hd4.getBalance() !== 200000) throw new Error('Could not fetch HD Bech32 balance');
await hd4.fetchTransactions();
if (hd4.getTransactions().length !== 4) throw new Error('Could not fetch HD Bech32 transactions');
} else {
// skipping RN-specific test
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {
const hex = await BlueCrypto.scrypt('717765727479', '4749345a22b23cf3', 64, 8, 8, 32); // using non-default parameters to speed it up (not-bip38 compliant)
if (hex.toUpperCase() !== 'F36AB2DC12377C788D61E6770126D8A01028C8F6D8FE01871CE0489A1F696A90')
throw new Error('react-native-blue-crypto is not ok');
} catch (Err) {
errorMessage += Err;
isOk = false;
isLoading: false,
render() {
if (this.state.isLoading) {
return <BlueLoading />;
return (
<SafeBlueArea forceInset={{ horizontal: 'always' }} style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<BlueSpacing20 />
{(() => {
if (this.state.isOk) {
return (
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
<BlueText testID="SelfTestOk" h4>
} else {
return (
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
<BlueText h4 numberOfLines={0}>
function assertStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {
if (expected !== actual) {
if (message) throw new Error(message);
throw new Error('Assertion failed that ' + JSON.stringify(expected) + ' equals ' + JSON.stringify(actual));
Selftest.propTypes = {
navigation: PropTypes.shape({
navigate: PropTypes.func,
goBack: PropTypes.func,