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import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet, SegwitBech32Wallet } from './';
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const BlueElectrum = require('../BlueElectrum');
const reverse = require('buffer-reverse');
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
* Represents transaction of a BIP84 wallet.
* Helpers for RBF, CPFP etc.
export class HDSegwitBech32Transaction {
* @param txhex {string|null} Object is initialized with txhex
* @param txid {string|null} If txhex not present - txid whould be present
* @param wallet {HDSegwitBech32Wallet|null} If set - a wallet object to which transacton belongs
constructor(txhex, txid, wallet) {
if (!txhex && !txid) throw new Error('Bad arguments');
this._txhex = txhex;
this._txid = txid;
if (wallet) {
if (wallet.type === HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type) {
/** @type {HDSegwitBech32Wallet} */
this._wallet = wallet;
} else {
throw new Error('Only HD Bech32 wallets supported');
if (this._txhex) this._txDecoded = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(this._txhex);
this._remoteTx = null;
* If only txid present - we fetch hex
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _fetchTxhexAndDecode() {
let hexes = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid([this._txid], 10, false);
this._txhex = hexes[this._txid];
if (!this._txhex) throw new Error("Transaction can't be found in mempool");
this._txDecoded = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(this._txhex);
* Returns max used sequence for this transaction. Next RBF transaction
* should have this sequence + 1
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async getMaxUsedSequence() {
if (!this._txDecoded) await this._fetchTxhexAndDecode();
let max = 0;
for (let inp of this._txDecoded.ins) {
max = Math.max(inp.sequence, max);
return max;
* Basic check that Sequence num for this TX is replaceable
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async isSequenceReplaceable() {
return (await this.getMaxUsedSequence()) < bitcoin.Transaction.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE;
* If internal extended tx data not set - this is a method
* to fetch and set this data from electrum. Its different data from
* decoded hex - it contains confirmations etc.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _fetchRemoteTx() {
let result = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid([this._txid || this._txDecoded.getId()]);
this._remoteTx = Object.values(result)[0];
* Fetches from electrum actual confirmations number for this tx
* @returns {Promise<Number>}
async getRemoteConfirmationsNum() {
if (!this._remoteTx) await this._fetchRemoteTx();
return this._remoteTx.confirmations || 0; // stupid undefined
* Checks that tx belongs to a wallet and also
* tx value is < 0, which means its a spending transaction
* definately initiated by us, can be RBF'ed.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async isOurTransaction() {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
let found = false;
for (let tx of this._wallet.getTransactions()) {
if (tx.txid === (this._txid || this._txDecoded.getId())) {
// its our transaction, and its spending transaction, which means we initiated it
if (tx.value < 0) found = true;
return found;
* Checks that tx belongs to a wallet and also
* tx value is > 0, which means its a receiving transaction and thus
* can be CPFP'ed.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async isToUsTransaction() {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
let found = false;
for (let tx of this._wallet.getTransactions()) {
if (tx.txid === (this._txid || this._txDecoded.getId())) {
if (tx.value > 0) found = true;
return found;
* Returns all the info about current transaction which is needed to do a replacement TX
* * fee - current tx fee
* * utxos - UTXOs current tx consumes
* * changeAmount - amount of satoshis that sent to change address (or addresses) we control
* * feeRate - sat/byte for current tx
* * targets - destination(s) of funds (outputs we do not control)
* * unconfirmedUtxos - UTXOs created by this transaction (only the ones we control)
* @returns {Promise<{fee: number, utxos: Array, unconfirmedUtxos: Array, changeAmount: number, feeRate: number, targets: Array}>}
async getInfo() {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
if (!this._remoteTx) await this._fetchRemoteTx();
if (!this._txDecoded) await this._fetchTxhexAndDecode();
let prevInputs = [];
for (let inp of this._txDecoded.ins) {
let reversedHash = Buffer.from(reverse(inp.hash));
reversedHash = reversedHash.toString('hex');
let prevTransactions = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid(prevInputs);
// fetched, now lets count how much satoshis went in
let wentIn = 0;
let utxos = [];
for (let inp of this._txDecoded.ins) {
let reversedHash = Buffer.from(reverse(inp.hash));
reversedHash = reversedHash.toString('hex');
if (prevTransactions[reversedHash] && prevTransactions[reversedHash].vout && prevTransactions[reversedHash].vout[inp.index]) {
let value = prevTransactions[reversedHash].vout[inp.index].value;
value = new BigNumber(value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber();
wentIn += value;
let address = SegwitBech32Wallet.witnessToAddress(inp.witness[inp.witness.length - 1]);
utxos.push({ vout: inp.index, value: value, txId: reversedHash, address: address });
// counting how much went into actual outputs
let wasSpent = 0;
for (let outp of this._txDecoded.outs) {
wasSpent += +outp.value;
let fee = wentIn - wasSpent;
let feeRate = Math.floor(fee / (this._txhex.length / 2));
if (feeRate === 0) feeRate = 1;
// lets take a look at change
let changeAmount = 0;
let targets = [];
for (let outp of this._remoteTx.vout) {
let address = outp.scriptPubKey.addresses[0];
let value = new BigNumber(outp.value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber();
if (this._wallet.weOwnAddress(address)) {
changeAmount += value;
} else {
// this is target
targets.push({ value: value, address: address });
// lets find outputs we own that current transaction creates. can be used in CPFP
let unconfirmedUtxos = [];
for (let outp of this._remoteTx.vout) {
let address = outp.scriptPubKey.addresses[0];
let value = new BigNumber(outp.value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber();
if (this._wallet.weOwnAddress(address)) {
vout: outp.n,
value: value,
txId: this._txid || this._txDecoded.getId(),
address: address,
return { fee, feeRate, targets, changeAmount, utxos, unconfirmedUtxos };
* Checks if all outputs belong to us, that
* means we already canceled this tx and we can only bump fees
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async canCancelTx() {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
if (!this._txDecoded) await this._fetchTxhexAndDecode();
// if theres at least one output we dont own - we can cancel this transaction!
for (let outp of this._txDecoded.outs) {
if (!this._wallet.weOwnAddress(SegwitBech32Wallet.scriptPubKeyToAddress(outp.script))) return true;
return false;
* Creates an RBF transaction that can replace previous one and basically cancel it (rewrite
* output to the one our wallet controls). Note, this cannot add more utxo in RBF transaction if
* newFeerate is too high
* @param newFeerate {number} Sat/byte. Should be greater than previous tx feerate
* @returns {Promise<{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number}>}
async createRBFcancelTx(newFeerate) {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
if (!this._remoteTx) await this._fetchRemoteTx();
let { feeRate, utxos } = await this.getInfo();
if (newFeerate <= feeRate) throw new Error('New feerate should be bigger than the old one');
let myAddress = await this._wallet.getChangeAddressAsync();
return this._wallet.createTransaction(
[{ address: myAddress }],
/* meaningless in this context */ myAddress,
(await this.getMaxUsedSequence()) + 1,
* Creates an RBF transaction that can bumps fee of previous one. Note, this cannot add more utxo in RBF
* transaction if newFeerate is too high
* @param newFeerate {number} Sat/byte
* @returns {Promise<{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number}>}
async createRBFbumpFee(newFeerate) {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
if (!this._remoteTx) await this._fetchRemoteTx();
let { feeRate, targets, changeAmount, utxos } = await this.getInfo();
if (newFeerate <= feeRate) throw new Error('New feerate should be bigger than the old one');
let myAddress = await this._wallet.getChangeAddressAsync();
if (changeAmount === 0) delete targets[0].value;
// looks like this was sendMAX transaction (because there was no change), so we cant reuse amount in this
// target since fee wont change. removing the amount so `createTransaction` will sendMAX correctly with new feeRate
if (targets.length === 0) {
// looks like this was cancelled tx with single change output, so it wasnt included in `this.getInfo()` targets
// so we add output paying ourselves:
targets.push({ address: this._wallet._getInternalAddressByIndex(this._wallet.next_free_change_address_index) });
// not checking emptiness on purpose: it could unpredictably generate too far address because of unconfirmed tx.
return this._wallet.createTransaction(utxos, targets, newFeerate, myAddress, (await this.getMaxUsedSequence()) + 1);
* Creates a CPFP transaction that can bumps fee of previous one (spends created but not confirmed outputs
* that belong to us). Note, this cannot add more utxo in CPFP transaction if newFeerate is too high
* @param newFeerate {number} sat/byte
* @returns {Promise<{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number}>}
async createCPFPbumpFee(newFeerate) {
if (!this._wallet) throw new Error('Wallet required for this method');
if (!this._remoteTx) await this._fetchRemoteTx();
let { feeRate, fee: oldFee, unconfirmedUtxos } = await this.getInfo();
if (newFeerate <= feeRate) throw new Error('New feerate should be bigger than the old one');
let myAddress = await this._wallet.getChangeAddressAsync();
// calculating feerate for CPFP tx so that average between current and CPFP tx will equal newFeerate.
// this works well if both txs are +/- equal size in bytes
const targetFeeRate = 2 * newFeerate - feeRate;
let add = 0;
while (add <= 128) {
var { tx, inputs, outputs, fee } = this._wallet.createTransaction(
[{ address: myAddress }],
targetFeeRate + add,
let combinedFeeRate = (oldFee + fee) / (this._txhex.length / 2 + tx.toHex().length / 2); // avg
if (Math.round(combinedFeeRate) < newFeerate) {
add *= 2;
if (!add) add = 2;
} else {
// reached target feerate
return { tx, inputs, outputs, fee };