var KMDWalletDashboard = function ( ) {
var handle_KMD_Dashboard = function ( ) {
var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) ;
$ ( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_dashboard' ) . click ( function ( ) {
//console.log('kmd wallet dashbaord button clicked...');
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpMode' ) === 'Native' ) {
sessionStorage . setItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' , 'start' ) ;
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpMode' ) === 'Basilisk' || sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpMode' ) === 'Full' ) {
sessionStorage . setItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' , 'stop' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . hide ( ) ;
getTotalKMDBalance ( ) ;
KMDfillTxHistoryT ( ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.btn-kmdtxid' ) . click ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'kmd-txid-details-btn button clicked!..' ) ;
console . log ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'txid-type' ) ) ;
console . log ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'txid' ) ) ;
var kmd_addr_txid_info = KMDGetTransactionIDInfo ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'txid' ) ) ;
console . log ( kmd_addr_txid_info ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_amount' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . amount ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_fee' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . fee ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_confirmations' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . confirmations ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_blockhash' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . blockhash ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_blockindex' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . blockindex ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_blocktime' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . blocktime ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_txid' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . txid ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_walletconflicts' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . walletconflicts ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_time' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . time ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_timereceived' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . timereceived ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_vjoinsplit' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . vjoinsplit ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_details' ) . text ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . details ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_txid_info_hex' ) . val ( kmd_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . hex ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
var handle_KMD_Send = function ( ) {
var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) ;
$ ( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_send' ) . click ( function ( ) {
var tmpoptions = '' ;
KMDListAllOPIDs ( ) ;
sessionStorage . setItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' , 'stop' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . hide ( ) ;
var kmd_addr_list_with_balance = KMDlistunspentT ( ) ;
tmpoptions += '<option> - Select Transparent or Private Address - </option>' ;
$ . each ( kmd_addr_list_with_balance , function ( index ) {
tmpoptions += '<option value="' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . addr + '" data-total="' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . total . toFixed ( 8 ) + '">[ ' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . total . toFixed ( 8 ) + ' KMD ]  ' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . addr + '</option>' ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_from' ) . html ( tmpoptions ) ;
} ) ;
var kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance = KMDListaddrZ ( ) ;
$ . each ( kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance , function ( index ) {
if ( kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . total !== 0 ) {
tmpoptions += '<option value="' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . addr + '" data-total="' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . total . toFixed ( 8 ) + '">[ ' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . total . toFixed ( 8 ) + ' KMD ]  ' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance [ index ] . addr + '</option>' ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_from' ) . html ( tmpoptions ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.showkmdwalletaddrs' ) . selectpicker ( { style : 'btn-info' } ) ;
$ ( '.showkmdwalletaddrs' ) . selectpicker ( 'refresh' ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.showkmdwalletaddrs' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var selected = $ ( this ) . find ( "option:selected" ) . val ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
var sum_val1 = parseFloat ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . val ( ) ) ,
sum_val2 = parseFloat ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_fee' ) . val ( ) ) ,
total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2 ,
mdl_send_btn = $ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_total_value' ) . text ( total_minus_currency_fee . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
if ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_from' ) . val ( ) != '- Select Transparent or Private KMD Address -' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . val ( ) != '' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_sendto' ) != '' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_fee' ) != '' ) {
mdl_send_btn . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
mdl_send_btn . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
mdl_send_btn . removeAttr ( 'data-dismiss' ) ;
mdl_send_btn . removeAttr ( 'data-target' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_fee' ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
var sum_val1 = parseFloat ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . val ( ) ) ,
sum_val2 = parseFloat ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_fee' ) . val ( ) ) ,
total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2 ,
mdl_send_btn = $ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_total_value' ) . text ( total_minus_currency_fee . toFixed ( 8 ) ) ;
if ( $ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_from' ) . val ( ) != '- Select Transparent or Private KMD Address -' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . val ( ) != '' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_sendto' ) != '' &&
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_fee' ) != '' ) {
mdl_send_btn . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
mdl_send_btn . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
mdl_send_btn . removeAttr ( 'data-dismiss' ) ;
mdl_send_btn . removeAttr ( 'data-target' ) ;
} ) ;
/ * $ ( ' # k m d _ w a l l e t _ s e n d _ c o i n s _ b t n ' ) . c l i c k ( f u n c t i o n ( ) {
console . log ( 'send button clicked in form...' )
} ) ; * /
$ ( '.extcoin-send-form' ) . validate ( {
// errorElement: 'span', //default input error message container
// errorClass: 'help-block', // default input error message class
// focusInvalid: false, // do not focus the last invalid input
rules : {
kmd_wallet_send_from : {
required : true
} ,
kmd_wallet_sendto : {
required : true
} ,
kmd_wallet_amount : {
required : true
} ,
kmd_wallet_fee : {
required : true
} ,
kmd_wallet_total_value : {
required : true
} ,
messages : {
kmd_wallet_send_from : {
required : 'From Address is required.'
} ,
kmd_wallet_sendto : {
required : 'To Address is required.'
} ,
kmd_wallet_amount : {
required : 'Please enter KMD amount to send.'
} ,
kmd_wallet_fee : {
required : 'Make sure you have fee entered. Default value is 0.0001 KMD.'
} ,
kmd_wallet_total_value : {
required : 'Make sure you have both amount and fee entered to calculate final total.'
} ,
submitHandler : function ( form ) {
console . log ( 'Sent control here after clicked in form...' ) ;
KMDZSendManyTransaction ( ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.extcoin-send-form #kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn' ) . keypress ( function ( e ) {
if ( e . which == 13 ) {
if ( $ ( '.extcoin-send-form' ) . validate ( ) . form ( ) ) {
$ ( '.extcoin-send-form' ) . submit ( ) ; // form validation success, call ajax form submit
return false ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_opids_status_btn' ) . click ( function ( ) {
KMDListAllOPIDs ( ) ;
} ) ;
var KMDWalletSettings = function ( ) {
var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) ;
$ ( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_settings' ) . click ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'wallet settings button clicked...' ) ;
sessionStorage . setItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' , 'stop' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . show ( ) ;
getKMDWalletInfo ( ) ;
getKMDInfo ( ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var KMDWalletRecieve = function ( ) {
var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) ;
$ ( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_recieve' ) . click ( function ( ) {
sessionStorage . setItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' , 'stop' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . hide ( ) ;
KMDListAllAddr ( ) ;
clearSendManyFieldData ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_get_new_taddr' ) . click ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'get new T address button clicked...' ) ;
KMDGetNewAddresses ( 'public' ) ;
KMDListAllAddr ( ) ;
toastr . info ( 'Receiving Address list updated' , 'Wallet Notification' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_get_new_zaddr' ) . click ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'get new Z address button clicked...' ) ;
KMDGetNewAddresses ( 'private' ) ;
KMDListAllAddr ( ) ;
toastr . info ( 'Receiving Address list updated' , 'Wallet Notification' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var handleWalletDashboardAlet = function ( ) {
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert-btn' ) . click ( function ( ) {
RunKMDInitFunctions ( ) ;
} ) ;
return {
// main function to initiate the module
init : function ( ) {
handle_KMD_Dashboard ( ) ;
handle_KMD_Send ( ) ;
KMDWalletRecieve ( ) ;
KMDWalletSettings ( ) ;
handleWalletDashboardAlet ( ) ;
} ;
} ( ) ;
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
// KMDWalletDashboard.init();
// TODO: refactor
var RunNativeProgressBar = setInterval ( function ( ) {
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaActiveAccount' ) === null ||
sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === null ||
sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === 'stop' ) {
//console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Native Wallet not ative. No need to Run Progress Bar code.');
} else if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) !== null || sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === 'start' ) {
KMD_ProgressBar ( ) ;
} , 5000 ) ;
var RefreshEdexWalletDashboard = setInterval ( function ( ) {
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaActiveAccount' ) === null ||
sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === null ||
sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === 'stop' ) {
clearInterval ( RefreshEdexWalletDashboard ) ;
//console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.');
} else if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === null || sessionStorage . getItem ( 'NativeWalletActions' ) === 'start' ) {
if ( $ ( '[data-data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( "data-data-extcoin" ) !== 'COIN' ) {
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpMode' ) !== null || sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpMode' ) === 'Native' ) {
if ( sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' ) === null || sessionStorage . getItem ( 'edexTmpRefresh' ) === 'start' ) {
//console.log('it is not COIN. '+'It is: ' + $('[data-data-extcoin]').attr("data-data-extcoin"));
var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) ;
$ ( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_dashboard' ) . trigger ( 'click' ) ;
} , 30000 ) ;
} ) ;
function RunKMDInitFunctions ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var check1 = CheckIfConnected ( ) ;
console . log ( check1 [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( check1 [ 0 ] == 'not active' ) {
console . log ( 'Could not connect to external wallet. Is external wallet running?' ) ;
toastr . error ( 'Connection Error. Is external wallet running?' , 'Wallet Notification' ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert' ) . show ( ) ;
if ( check1 [ 0 ] == 'null return' ) {
console . log ( 'Could not connect to external wallet. Is iguana connected to external wallet?' ) ;
toastr . error ( 'Connection Error. Is iguana connected to external wallet?' , 'Wallet Notification' ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert' ) . show ( ) ;
if ( check1 [ 0 ] == 'activating' ) {
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-activating-alert' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert' ) . hide ( ) ;
function _ getKMDInfo ( ) {
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getinfo' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData && ! AjaxOutputData . blocks ) {
startBestBlockInterval ( ) ;
} else {
clearInterval ( currentBestBlockInterval ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function getRemoteCurrentHeight ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'GET' ,
url : 'http://localhost:7778/api/dex/getinfo?userpass=tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) + '&symbol=KMD' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
data = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
if ( data && data . blocks ) {
totalBlocksInExplorer = data . blocks ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getinfo from dex api' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
var currentBestBlockInterval ;
function startBestBlockInterval ( ) {
currentBestBlockInterval = setInterval ( function ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : {
'herdname' : 'komodo' ,
'lastLines' : 1
} ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
if ( data . indexOf ( 'UpdateTip' ) > - 1 ) {
var temp = data . split ( ' ' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < temp . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( temp [ i ] . indexOf ( 'height=' ) > - 1 ) {
var currentBestChain = temp [ i ] . replace ( 'height=' , '' ) ;
$ ( '#activating-komodod-tridot' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#activating-komodod-progress' ) . html ( ': ' + Math . floor ( currentBestChain * 100 / totalBlocksInExplorer ) + '% (blocks ' + currentBestChain + ' / ' + totalBlocksInExplorer + ')' ) ;
if ( currentBestChain === totalBlocksInExplorer ) {
clearInterval ( currentBestBlockInterval ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting debug.log' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
getRemoteCurrentHeight ( ) ;
var totalBlocksInExplorer = 0 ,
totalBlocksInExplorerInterval = setInterval ( function ( ) {
getRemoteCurrentHeight ( ) ;
_ getKMDInfo ( ) ;
} , 60000 ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( check1 [ 0 ] == 'connected' ) {
getTotalKMDBalance ( ) ;
KMDfillTxHistoryT ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_send' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_settings' ) . hide ( ) ;
// KMDWalletDashboard.init()
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_recieve_section' ) . hide ( ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
function getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode ( ) {
var extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ,
action_menu_button_code = '' ;
if ( extcoin == 'KMD' ) { action_menu_button_code = 'kmd' ; } ;
if ( extcoin == 'ZEC' ) { action_menu_button_code = 'zec' ; } ;
return action_menu_button_code ;
function getPassthruAgent ( ) {
var extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ;
passthru_agent = '' ;
if ( extcoin == 'KMD' ) { passthru_agent = 'komodo' ; } ;
if ( extcoin == 'ZEC' ) { passthru_agent = 'zcash' ; } ;
return passthru_agent ;
function getTotalKMDBalance ( ) {
var extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ,
passthru_agent = '' ;
console . log ( $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ) ;
if ( extcoin == 'KMD' ) { passthru_agent = 'komodo' ; } ;
if ( extcoin == 'ZEC' ) { passthru_agent = 'zcash' ; } ;
var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_gettotalbalance' ,
'hex' : '3000'
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
//dataType: 'text',
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData . interest != undefined ) {
console . log ( 'show interest..' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_total_interest_balance' ) . text ( parseFloat ( AjaxOutputData . interest ) . toFixed ( 8 ) + ' ' + extcoin ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_i' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t' ) . removeClass ( 'col-lg-4' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z' ) . removeClass ( ' col-lg-4' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi' ) . removeClass ( ' col-lg-4' ) ;
} else {
console . log ( 'do not show interest...' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_i' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-4' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t' ) . removeClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-4' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z' ) . removeClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi' ) . addClass ( ' col-lg-4' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi' ) . removeClass ( ' col-lg-3' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_transparent_balance' ) . text ( ( AjaxOutputData . transparent ? parseFloat ( AjaxOutputData . transparent ) . toFixed ( 8 ) : 0 ) + ' ' + extcoin ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_private_balance' ) . text ( ( AjaxOutputData . private ? parseFloat ( AjaxOutputData . private ) . toFixed ( 8 ) : 0 ) + ' ' + extcoin ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_total_tz_balance' ) . text ( ( AjaxOutputData . total ? parseFloat ( AjaxOutputData . total ) . toFixed ( 8 ) : 0 ) + ' ' + extcoin ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function getKMDBalanceT ( ) {
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getbalance' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function getKMDBalanceZ ( ) {
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_getbalance' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function getKMDWalletInfo ( ) {
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getwalletinfo' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_walletversion' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . walletversion ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_balance' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . balance ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_unconfirmed_balance' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . unconfirmed_balance ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_immature_balance' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . immature_balance ) ;
$ ( '#KMDTotalTransactionsCount' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . txcount ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function getKMDInfo ( ) {
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getinfo' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_version' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . version ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_protocolversion' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . protocolversion ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_notarized' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . notarized ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_notarizedhash' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . notarizedhash ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_notarizedbtc' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . notarizedbtc ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_blocks' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . blocks ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_connections' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . connections ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_difficulty' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . difficulty ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_testnet' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . testnet ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_paytxfee' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . paytxfee ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_relayfee' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . relayfee ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_errors' ) . text ( AjaxOutputData . errors ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
function KMDlistunspentT ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'listunspent' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
//dataType: 'text',
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) , // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
unique_addresses = _ . keys ( _ . countBy ( AjaxOutputData , function ( data ) { return data . address ; } ) ) ; // This code using underscore.js takes only the address into an array which are unique in that list
// This function calls each unique address and calculates the total amount of coins in it.
$ . each ( unique_addresses , function ( index ) {
var unique_addr_tmp_array = _ . where ( AjaxOutputData , { address : unique_addresses [ index ] } ) ,
tmpcalcnum = 0 ;
$ . each ( unique_addr_tmp_array , function ( index , value ) {
tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + value . amount ;
} ) ;
var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
'addr' : unique_addr_tmp_array [ 0 ] . address ,
'total' : tmpcalcnum
} ;
result . push ( tmp_addr_total_balance_output ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDListaddrZ ( ) {
var result = [ ] ;
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_listaddresses' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ; // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
// This code gets list of all z_addresses into an array
// This function calls each address and then gets the total amount of coins in it.
$ . each ( AjaxOutputData , function ( index , value ) {
var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + value + '",0]' ,
tmpZaddrs_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_zaddrbalance = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_getbalance' ,
'hex' : tmpZaddrs_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_zaddrbalance ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData . hasOwnProperty ( 'error' ) ) {
AjaxOutputData = 0 ;
var tmp_Zaddr_total_balance_output = {
'addr' : value ,
'total' : AjaxOutputData
} ;
result . push ( tmp_Zaddr_total_balance_output ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetPublicTransactions ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'listtransactions' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ; // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
$ . each ( AjaxOutputData , function ( index , value ) {
var tmp_category = '' ,
tmp_addr = AjaxOutputData [ index ] . address ;
if ( ! ( 'address' in AjaxOutputData [ index ] ) ) {
tmp_addr = '<i class="icon fa-bullseye"></i> <span class="label label-dark">Z Address not listed by wallet!</span>' ;
var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . time ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . category == 'send' ) {
tmp_category = '<i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-left"></i> OUT' ;
if ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . category == 'receive' ) {
tmp_category = '<i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> IN' ;
if ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . category == 'generate' ) {
tmp_category = '<i class="icon fa-cogs"></i> Mined' ;
if ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . category == 'immature' ) {
tmp_category = '<i class="icon fa-clock-o"></i> Immature' ;
tmplisttransactions = [
'<span class="label label-default">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> public' +
'</span>' ,
tmp_category ,
AjaxOutputData [ index ] . confirmations ,
AjaxOutputData [ index ] . amount ,
tmp_secondsToString ,
tmp_addr ,
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs white btn-info waves-effect waves-light btn-kmdtxid" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#kmd_txid_info_mdl" id="kmd-txid-details-btn" data-txid-type="public" data-txid="' + AjaxOutputData [ index ] . txid + '"><i class="icon fa-search"></i></button>'
] ;
result . push ( tmplisttransactions ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetProtectedTransactions ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
get_zaddr_list = KMDListaddrZ ( ) ;
$ . each ( get_zaddr_list , function ( index , value ) {
var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + value . addr + '",0]' ,
tmpzaddr_hex_input = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@ ' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
"agent" : passthru_agent ,
"method" : "passthru" ,
"function" : "z_listreceivedbyaddress" ,
"hex" : tmpzaddr_hex_input
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ; // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
$ . each ( AjaxOutputData , function ( index , txidvalue ) {
var tmp_category = '<i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> IN' ;
var tmp_addr = value . addr . slice ( 0 , 30 ) + '...' ;
if ( ! ( 'amount' in txidvalue ) ) {
var tmp_amount = 0 ;
} else {
var tmp_amount = txidvalue . amount ;
var tmp_addr_txid_info = KMDGetTransactionIDInfo ( AjaxOutputData [ index ] . txid ) ,
tmp_confirmations = tmp_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . confirmations ,
tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString ( tmp_addr_txid_info [ 0 ] . time ) ,
tmplistZtransactions = [
'<span class="label label-dark">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye-slash"></i> private' +
'</span>' ,
tmp_category ,
tmp_confirmations ,
tmp_amount ,
tmp_secondsToString ,
tmp_addr ,
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs white btn-info waves-effect waves-light" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#kmd_txid_info_mdl" id="kmd-txid-details-btn" data-txid-type="private" data-txid="' + txidvalue . txid + '"><i class="icon fa-search"></i></button>'
] ;
result . push ( tmplistZtransactions ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDfillTxHistoryT ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var txhistorydataT = KMDGetPublicTransactions ( ) ;
//var txhistorydataZ = KMDGetProtectedTransactions();
//var txhistorydata = $.merge( txhistorydataT, txhistorydataZ );
var txhistorydata = txhistorydataT ,
kmd_txhistory_table = '' ;
kmd_txhistory_table = $ ( '#kmd-tx-history-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : txhistorydata ,
'order' : [
4 ,
] ,
select : true ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
kmd_txhistory_table . destroy ( ) ;
kmd_txhistory_table = $ ( '#kmd-tx-history-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : txhistorydata ,
'order' : [
4 ,
] ,
select : true ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
function KMDListAddresses ( pubpriv ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
ajax_data_to_hex = '' ,
ajax_function_input = '' ,
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '' ;
if ( pubpriv === 'public' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'getaddressesbyaccount' ;
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '222200' ;
if ( pubpriv === 'private' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'z_listaddresses' ;
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '' ;
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : ajax_function_input ,
'hex' : tmplistaddr_hex_input
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ; // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
result = AjaxOutputData ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetNewAddresses ( pubpriv ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
ajax_function_input = '' ;
if ( pubpriv === 'public' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'getnewaddress' ;
if ( pubpriv === 'private' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'z_getnewaddress' ;
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : ajax_function_input ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
result = data ;
toastr . success ( 'New address generated successfully' , 'Wallet Notification' ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDListAllAddr ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div><div class="spinner" role="spinner"><div class="spinner-icon"></div></div>'
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var only_reciving_addr_data = [ ] ,
listTaddr = KMDListAddresses ( 'public' ) ,
listZaddr = KMDListAddresses ( 'private' ) ,
listAlladdr = $ . merge ( listTaddr , listZaddr ) ;
$ . each ( listAlladdr , function ( index , value ) {
tmp_addr_label = '<span class="label label-default">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> public' +
'</span>' ;
if ( listAlladdr [ index ] . slice ( 0 , 2 ) == 'zc' || listAlladdr [ index ] . slice ( 0 , 2 ) == 'zt' ) {
tmp_addr_label = '<span class="label label-dark">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye-slash"></i> private' +
'</span>' ;
//var tmp_addr_action_button = '<button></button>';
only_reciving_addr_data . push ( [
tmp_addr_label ,
listAlladdr [ index ]
] ) ;
} ) ;
var kmd_recieve_table = '' ;
kmd_recieve_table = $ ( '#kmd-recieve-addr-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : only_reciving_addr_data ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
kmd_recieve_table . destroy ( ) ;
kmd_recieve_table = $ ( '#kmd-recieve-addr-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : only_reciving_addr_data ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return only_reciving_addr_data ;
function KMDGetTransactionIDInfo ( txid ) {
var result = [ ] ,
ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + txid + '"]' ,
tmptxid_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_txid_input = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'gettransaction' ,
'hex' : tmptxid_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_txid_input ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
result . push ( AjaxOutputData ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetOPIDInfo ( opid ) {
var result = [ ] ,
tmpopid_output = '' ;
if ( opid === undefined ) {
tmpopid_output = '' ;
} else {
var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + opid + '"]' ,
tmpopid_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ;
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_txid_input = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_getoperationstatus' ,
'hex' : tmpopid_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_txid_input ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
result . push ( AjaxOutputData ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMDListAllOPIDs ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var opids_statuses_data = [ ] ,
listOPIDs = KMDGetOPIDInfo ( ) ,
tmp_results = 'Waiting...' ,
tmp_status_label = '' ,
tmp_creation_time = '' ,
tmp_id = '' ;
console . log ( listOPIDs ) ;
$ . each ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] , function ( index , value ) {
tmp_id = listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . id ;
tmp_creation_time = secondsToString ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . creation_time ) ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'queued' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-warning">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> Queued' +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<i>Please press refresh button in a minute or so to see updated status...</i>' ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'executing' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-info">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> Executing' +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<i>Please press refresh button in a minute or so to see updated status...</i>' ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'failed' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-danger">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> Failed' +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<b>Error Code:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . error . code + '<br> <b>Message:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . error . message ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'success' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-success">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> Success' +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<b>txid:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . result . txid + '<br> <b>Execution Seconds:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . execution_secs ;
opids_statuses_data . push ( [
tmp_status_label ,
tmp_id ,
tmp_creation_time ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
var kmd_opids_statuses_table = '' ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table = $ ( '#kmd-opid-status-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : opids_statuses_data ,
'order' : [
2 ,
] ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table . destroy ( ) ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table = $ ( '#kmd-opid-status-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : opids_statuses_data ,
'order' : [
2 ,
] ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return opids_statuses_data ;
function KMDZSendManyTransaction ( ) {
var result = [ ] ,
zsendmoney_output = '' ,
tmp_zsendmany_from_addr = $ ( '#kmd_wallet_send_from' ) . val ( ) ,
tmp_zsendmany_to_addr = $ ( '#kmd_wallet_sendto' ) . val ( ) ,
tmp_zsendmany_total_amount = $ ( '#kmd_wallet_total_value' ) . text ( ) ,
ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + tmp_zsendmany_from_addr + '",[{"address":"' + tmp_zsendmany_to_addr + '","amount":' + tmp_zsendmany_total_amount + '}]]' ,
zsendmoney_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_txid_input = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_sendmany' ,
'hex' : zsendmoney_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_txid_input ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
console . log ( '== Data OutPut of z_sendmany ==' ) ;
console . log ( data ) ;
result . push ( data ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
KMDListAllOPIDs ( ) ;
return result ;
function clearSendManyFieldData ( ) {
$ ( '.showkmdwalletaddrs' ) . selectpicker ( 'refresh' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_sendto' ) . val ( '' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_total_value' ) . text ( '' ) ;
$ ( '#kmd_wallet_amount' ) . val ( '' ) ;
function CheckIfConnected ( ) {
var result = [ ] ,
extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getinfo' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
//console.log('== Data OutPut ==');
if ( AjaxOutputData . errors != undefined ) {
result . push ( 'connected' ) ;
} else if ( AjaxOutputData [ 'error' ] . message = 'Activating best chain...' ) {
result . push ( 'activating' ) ;
} else if ( AjaxOutputData . errors == undefined ) {
result . push ( 'not active' ) ;
} else {
result . push ( AjaxOutputData . errors ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function CheckIfWalletEncrypted ( ) {
var result = [ ] ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'walletlock' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
console . log ( ajax_data ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
console . log ( '== Data OutPut ==' ) ;
console . log ( AjaxOutputData . error ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData . errors != undefined ) {
result . push ( 'encrypted' ) ;
} else {
result . push ( AjaxOutputData . error ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMD_getInfo_rtrn ( ) {
var result = [ ] ,
extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'getinfo' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
if ( AjaxOutputData . errors != undefined ) {
result . push ( AjaxOutputData ) ;
} else if ( AjaxOutputData [ 'error' ] . message = 'Activating best chain...' ) {
result . push ( 'activating' ) ;
} else if ( AjaxOutputData . errors == undefined ) {
result . push ( 'not active' ) ;
} else {
result . push ( AjaxOutputData . errors ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result [ 0 ] ;
function KMD_ProgressBar ( ) {
var result = [ ] ,
extcoin = $ ( '[data-extcoin]' ) . attr ( 'data-extcoin' ) ,
getinfotmp = KMD_getInfo_rtrn ( ) ;
if ( getinfotmp == 'activating' ) {
$ ( 'span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]' ) . text ( 'Activating...' ) ;
} else {
var sync_percent = parseFloat ( parseInt ( getinfotmp . blocks , 10 ) * 100 ) / parseInt ( getinfotmp . longestchain , 10 ) ;
$ ( 'div[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync"]' ) . width ( parseFloat ( sync_percent ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + '%' ) ;
$ ( 'span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]' ) . text ( parseFloat ( sync_percent ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + '%' ) ;
$ ( 'span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-synced-blocks"]' ) . text ( getinfotmp . blocks ) ;
$ ( 'span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-longestchain"]' ) . text ( getinfotmp . longestchain ) ;
$ ( 'span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-connections"]' ) . text ( getinfotmp . connections ) ;