782 lines
31 KiB
782 lines
31 KiB
9 years ago
* jQuery CSS Customizable Scrollbar
* Copyright 2015, Yuriy Khabarov
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* If you found bug, please contact me via email <13real008@gmail.com>
* @author Yuriy Khabarov aka Gromo
* @version 0.2.10
* @url https://github.com/gromo/jquery.scrollbar/
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else {
}(this, function ($) {
'use strict';
// init flags & variables
var debug = false;
var browser = {
data: {
index: 0,
name: 'scrollbar'
macosx: /mac/i.test(navigator.platform),
mobile: /android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
overlay: null,
scroll: null,
scrolls: [],
webkit: /webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/edge\/\d+/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
browser.scrolls.add = function (instance) {
browser.scrolls.remove = function (instance) {
while ($.inArray(instance, this) >= 0) {
this.splice($.inArray(instance, this), 1);
return this;
var defaults = {
"autoScrollSize": true, // automatically calculate scrollsize
"autoUpdate": true, // update scrollbar if content/container size changed
"debug": false, // debug mode
"disableBodyScroll": false, // disable body scroll if mouse over container
"duration": 200, // scroll animate duration in ms
"ignoreMobile": false, // ignore mobile devices
"ignoreOverlay": false, // ignore browsers with overlay scrollbars (mobile, MacOS)
"scrollStep": 30, // scroll step for scrollbar arrows
"showArrows": false, // add class to show arrows
"stepScrolling": true, // when scrolling to scrollbar mousedown position
"scrollx": null, // horizontal scroll element
"scrolly": null, // vertical scroll element
"onDestroy": null, // callback function on destroy,
"onInit": null, // callback function on first initialization
"onScroll": null, // callback function on content scrolling
"onUpdate": null // callback function on init/resize (before scrollbar size calculation)
var BaseScrollbar = function (container) {
if (!browser.scroll) {
browser.overlay = isScrollOverlaysContent();
browser.scroll = getBrowserScrollSize();
$(window).resize(function () {
var forceUpdate = false;
if (browser.scroll && (browser.scroll.height || browser.scroll.width)) {
var scroll = getBrowserScrollSize();
if (scroll.height !== browser.scroll.height || scroll.width !== browser.scroll.width) {
browser.scroll = scroll;
forceUpdate = true; // handle page zoom
this.container = container;
this.namespace = '.scrollbar_' + browser.data.index++;
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, window.jQueryScrollbarOptions || {});
this.scrollTo = null;
this.scrollx = {};
this.scrolly = {};
container.data(browser.data.name, this);
BaseScrollbar.prototype = {
destroy: function () {
if (!this.wrapper) {
// init variables
var scrollLeft = this.container.scrollLeft();
var scrollTop = this.container.scrollTop();
"height": "",
"margin": "",
"max-height": ""
.removeClass('scroll-content scroll-scrollx_visible scroll-scrolly_visible')
if ($.isFunction(this.options.onDestroy)){
this.options.onDestroy.apply(this, [this.container]);
init: function (options) {
// init variables
var S = this,
c = this.container,
cw = this.containerWrapper || c,
namespace = this.namespace,
o = $.extend(this.options, options || {}),
s = {x: this.scrollx, y: this.scrolly},
w = this.wrapper;
var initScroll = {
"scrollLeft": c.scrollLeft(),
"scrollTop": c.scrollTop()
// do not init if in ignorable browser
if ((browser.mobile && o.ignoreMobile)
|| (browser.overlay && o.ignoreOverlay)
|| (browser.macosx && !browser.webkit) // still required to ignore nonWebKit browsers on Mac
) {
return false;
// init scroll container
if (!w) {
this.wrapper = w = $('<div>').addClass('scroll-wrapper').addClass(c.attr('class'))
.css('position', c.css('position') == 'absolute' ? 'absolute' : 'relative')
if (c.is('textarea')) {
this.containerWrapper = cw = $('<div>').insertBefore(c).append(c);
"height": "auto",
"margin-bottom": browser.scroll.height * -1 + 'px',
"margin-right": browser.scroll.width * -1 + 'px',
"max-height": ""
c.on('scroll' + namespace, function (event) {
if ($.isFunction(o.onScroll)) {
o.onScroll.call(S, {
"maxScroll": s.y.maxScrollOffset,
"scroll": c.scrollTop(),
"size": s.y.size,
"visible": s.y.visible
}, {
"maxScroll": s.x.maxScrollOffset,
"scroll": c.scrollLeft(),
"size": s.x.size,
"visible": s.x.visible
s.x.isVisible && s.x.scroll.bar.css('left', c.scrollLeft() * s.x.kx + 'px');
s.y.isVisible && s.y.scroll.bar.css('top', c.scrollTop() * s.y.kx + 'px');
/* prevent native scrollbars to be visible on #anchor click */
w.on('scroll' + namespace, function () {
if (o.disableBodyScroll) {
var handleMouseScroll = function (event) {
isVerticalScroll(event) ?
s.y.isVisible && s.y.mousewheel(event) :
s.x.isVisible && s.x.mousewheel(event);
w.on('MozMousePixelScroll' + namespace, handleMouseScroll);
w.on('mousewheel' + namespace, handleMouseScroll);
if (browser.mobile) {
w.on('touchstart' + namespace, function (event) {
var touch = event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event;
var originalTouch = {
"pageX": touch.pageX,
"pageY": touch.pageY
var originalScroll = {
"left": c.scrollLeft(),
"top": c.scrollTop()
$(document).on('touchmove' + namespace, function (event) {
var touch = event.originalEvent.targetTouches && event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0] || event;
c.scrollLeft(originalScroll.left + originalTouch.pageX - touch.pageX);
c.scrollTop(originalScroll.top + originalTouch.pageY - touch.pageY);
$(document).on('touchend' + namespace, function () {
if ($.isFunction(o.onInit)){
o.onInit.apply(this, [c]);
} else {
"height": "auto",
"margin-bottom": browser.scroll.height * -1 + 'px',
"margin-right": browser.scroll.width * -1 + 'px',
"max-height": ""
// init scrollbars & recalculate sizes
$.each(s, function (d, scrollx) {
var scrollCallback = null;
var scrollForward = 1;
var scrollOffset = (d === 'x') ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
var scrollStep = o.scrollStep;
var scrollTo = function () {
var currentOffset = c[scrollOffset]();
c[scrollOffset](currentOffset + scrollStep);
if (scrollForward == 1 && (currentOffset + scrollStep) >= scrollToValue)
currentOffset = c[scrollOffset]();
if (scrollForward == -1 && (currentOffset + scrollStep) <= scrollToValue)
currentOffset = c[scrollOffset]();
if (c[scrollOffset]() == currentOffset && scrollCallback) {
var scrollToValue = 0;
if (!scrollx.scroll) {
scrollx.scroll = S._getScroll(o['scroll' + d]).addClass('scroll-' + d);
scrollx.mousewheel = function (event) {
if (!scrollx.isVisible || (d === 'x' && isVerticalScroll(event))) {
return true;
if (d === 'y' && !isVerticalScroll(event)) {
return true;
var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta * -1 || event.originalEvent.detail;
var maxScrollValue = scrollx.size - scrollx.visible - scrollx.offset;
if ((delta > 0 && scrollToValue < maxScrollValue) || (delta < 0 && scrollToValue > 0)) {
scrollToValue = scrollToValue + delta;
if (scrollToValue < 0)
scrollToValue = 0;
if (scrollToValue > maxScrollValue)
scrollToValue = maxScrollValue;
S.scrollTo = S.scrollTo || {};
S.scrollTo[scrollOffset] = scrollToValue;
setTimeout(function () {
if (S.scrollTo) {
c.stop().animate(S.scrollTo, 240, 'linear', function () {
scrollToValue = c[scrollOffset]();
S.scrollTo = null;
}, 1);
return false;
.on('MozMousePixelScroll' + namespace, scrollx.mousewheel)
.on('mousewheel' + namespace, scrollx.mousewheel)
.on('mouseenter' + namespace, function () {
scrollToValue = c[scrollOffset]();
// handle arrows & scroll inner mousedown event
scrollx.scroll.find('.scroll-arrow, .scroll-element_track')
.on('mousedown' + namespace, function (event) {
if (event.which != 1) // lmb
return true;
scrollForward = 1;
var data = {
"eventOffset": event[(d === 'x') ? 'pageX' : 'pageY'],
"maxScrollValue": scrollx.size - scrollx.visible - scrollx.offset,
"scrollbarOffset": scrollx.scroll.bar.offset()[(d === 'x') ? 'left' : 'top'],
"scrollbarSize": scrollx.scroll.bar[(d === 'x') ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight']()
var timeout = 0, timer = 0;
if ($(this).hasClass('scroll-arrow')) {
scrollForward = $(this).hasClass("scroll-arrow_more") ? 1 : -1;
scrollStep = o.scrollStep * scrollForward;
scrollToValue = scrollForward > 0 ? data.maxScrollValue : 0;
} else {
scrollForward = (data.eventOffset > (data.scrollbarOffset + data.scrollbarSize) ? 1
: (data.eventOffset < data.scrollbarOffset ? -1 : 0));
scrollStep = Math.round(scrollx.visible * 0.75) * scrollForward;
scrollToValue = (data.eventOffset - data.scrollbarOffset -
(o.stepScrolling ? (scrollForward == 1 ? data.scrollbarSize : 0)
: Math.round(data.scrollbarSize / 2)));
scrollToValue = c[scrollOffset]() + (scrollToValue / scrollx.kx);
S.scrollTo = S.scrollTo || {};
S.scrollTo[scrollOffset] = o.stepScrolling ? c[scrollOffset]() + scrollStep : scrollToValue;
if (o.stepScrolling) {
scrollCallback = function () {
scrollToValue = c[scrollOffset]();
timeout = 0;
timer = 0;
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
timer = setInterval(scrollTo, 40);
}, o.duration + 100);
setTimeout(function () {
if (S.scrollTo) {
c.animate(S.scrollTo, o.duration);
S.scrollTo = null;
}, 1);
return S._handleMouseDown(scrollCallback, event);
// handle scrollbar drag'n'drop
scrollx.scroll.bar.on('mousedown' + namespace, function (event) {
if (event.which != 1) // lmb
return true;
var eventPosition = event[(d === 'x') ? 'pageX' : 'pageY'];
var initOffset = c[scrollOffset]();
$(document).on('mousemove' + namespace, function (event) {
var diff = parseInt((event[(d === 'x') ? 'pageX' : 'pageY'] - eventPosition) / scrollx.kx, 10);
c[scrollOffset](initOffset + diff);
return S._handleMouseDown(function () {
scrollToValue = c[scrollOffset]();
}, event);
// remove classes & reset applied styles
$.each(s, function (d, scrollx) {
var scrollClass = 'scroll-scroll' + d + '_visible';
var scrolly = (d == "x") ? s.y : s.x;
// calculate init sizes
$.each(s, function (d, scrollx) {
$.extend(scrollx, (d == "x") ? {
"offset": parseInt(c.css('left'), 10) || 0,
"size": c.prop('scrollWidth'),
"visible": w.width()
} : {
"offset": parseInt(c.css('top'), 10) || 0,
"size": c.prop('scrollHeight'),
"visible": w.height()
// update scrollbar visibility/dimensions
this._updateScroll('x', this.scrollx);
this._updateScroll('y', this.scrolly);
if ($.isFunction(o.onUpdate)){
o.onUpdate.apply(this, [c]);
// calculate scroll size
$.each(s, function (d, scrollx) {
var cssOffset = (d === 'x') ? 'left' : 'top';
var cssFullSize = (d === 'x') ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight';
var cssSize = (d === 'x') ? 'width' : 'height';
var offset = parseInt(c.css(cssOffset), 10) || 0;
var AreaSize = scrollx.size;
var AreaVisible = scrollx.visible + offset;
var scrollSize = scrollx.scroll.size[cssFullSize]() + (parseInt(scrollx.scroll.size.css(cssOffset), 10) || 0);
if (o.autoScrollSize) {
scrollx.scrollbarSize = parseInt(scrollSize * AreaVisible / AreaSize, 10);
scrollx.scroll.bar.css(cssSize, scrollx.scrollbarSize + 'px');
scrollx.scrollbarSize = scrollx.scroll.bar[cssFullSize]();
scrollx.kx = ((scrollSize - scrollx.scrollbarSize) / (AreaSize - AreaVisible)) || 1;
scrollx.maxScrollOffset = AreaSize - AreaVisible;
* Get scrollx/scrolly object
* @param {Mixed} scroll
* @returns {jQuery} scroll object
_getScroll: function (scroll) {
var types = {
advanced: [
'<div class="scroll-element">',
'<div class="scroll-element_corner"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-arrow scroll-arrow_less"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-arrow scroll-arrow_more"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-element_outer">',
'<div class="scroll-element_size"></div>', // required! used for scrollbar size calculation !
'<div class="scroll-element_inner-wrapper">',
'<div class="scroll-element_inner scroll-element_track">', // used for handling scrollbar click
'<div class="scroll-element_inner-bottom"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-bar">', // required
'<div class="scroll-bar_body">',
'<div class="scroll-bar_body-inner"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-bar_bottom"></div>',
'<div class="scroll-bar_center"></div>',
simple: [
'<div class="scroll-element">',
'<div class="scroll-element_outer">',
'<div class="scroll-element_size"></div>', // required! used for scrollbar size calculation !
'<div class="scroll-element_track"></div>', // used for handling scrollbar click
'<div class="scroll-bar"></div>', // required
if (types[scroll]) {
scroll = types[scroll];
if (!scroll) {
scroll = types['simple'];
if (typeof (scroll) == 'string') {
scroll = $(scroll).appendTo(this.wrapper);
} else {
scroll = $(scroll);
$.extend(scroll, {
bar: scroll.find('.scroll-bar'),
size: scroll.find('.scroll-element_size'),
track: scroll.find('.scroll-element_track')
return scroll;
_handleMouseDown: function(callback, event) {
var namespace = this.namespace;
$(document).on('blur' + namespace, function () {
callback && callback();
$(document).on('dragstart' + namespace, function (event) {
return false;
$(document).on('mouseup' + namespace, function () {
callback && callback();
$('body').on('selectstart' + namespace, function (event) {
return false;
event && event.preventDefault();
return false;
_updateScroll: function (d, scrollx) {
var container = this.container,
containerWrapper = this.containerWrapper || container,
scrollClass = 'scroll-scroll' + d + '_visible',
scrolly = (d === 'x') ? this.scrolly : this.scrollx,
offset = parseInt(this.container.css((d === 'x') ? 'left' : 'top'), 10) || 0,
wrapper = this.wrapper;
var AreaSize = scrollx.size;
var AreaVisible = scrollx.visible + offset;
scrollx.isVisible = (AreaSize - AreaVisible) > 1; // bug in IE9/11 with 1px diff
if (scrollx.isVisible) {
} else {
if (d === 'y') {
if(container.is('textarea') || AreaSize < AreaVisible){
"height": (AreaVisible + browser.scroll.height) + 'px',
"max-height": "none"
} else {
//"height": "auto", // do not reset height value: issue with height:100%!
"max-height": (AreaVisible + browser.scroll.height) + 'px'
if (scrollx.size != container.prop('scrollWidth')
|| scrolly.size != container.prop('scrollHeight')
|| scrollx.visible != wrapper.width()
|| scrolly.visible != wrapper.height()
|| scrollx.offset != (parseInt(container.css('left'), 10) || 0)
|| scrolly.offset != (parseInt(container.css('top'), 10) || 0)
) {
$.extend(this.scrollx, {
"offset": parseInt(container.css('left'), 10) || 0,
"size": container.prop('scrollWidth'),
"visible": wrapper.width()
$.extend(this.scrolly, {
"offset": parseInt(container.css('top'), 10) || 0,
"size": this.container.prop('scrollHeight'),
"visible": wrapper.height()
this._updateScroll(d === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x', scrolly);
var CustomScrollbar = BaseScrollbar;
* Extend jQuery as plugin
* @param {Mixed} command to execute
* @param {Mixed} arguments as Array
* @return {jQuery}
$.fn.scrollbar = function (command, args) {
if (typeof command !== 'string') {
args = command;
command = 'init';
if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
args = [];
if (!$.isArray(args)) {
args = [args];
this.not('body, .scroll-wrapper').each(function () {
var element = $(this),
instance = element.data(browser.data.name);
if (instance || command === 'init') {
if (!instance) {
instance = new CustomScrollbar(element);
if (instance[command]) {
instance[command].apply(instance, args);
return this;
* Connect default options to global object
$.fn.scrollbar.options = defaults;
* Check if scroll content/container size is changed
var updateScrollbars = (function () {
var timer = 0,
timerCounter = 0;
return function (force) {
var i, container, options, scroll, wrapper, scrollx, scrolly;
for (i = 0; i < browser.scrolls.length; i++) {
scroll = browser.scrolls[i];
container = scroll.container;
options = scroll.options;
wrapper = scroll.wrapper;
scrollx = scroll.scrollx;
scrolly = scroll.scrolly;
if (force || (options.autoUpdate && wrapper && wrapper.is(':visible') &&
(container.prop('scrollWidth') != scrollx.size || container.prop('scrollHeight') != scrolly.size || wrapper.width() != scrollx.visible || wrapper.height() != scrolly.visible))) {
if (options.debug) {
window.console && console.log({
scrollHeight: container.prop('scrollHeight') + ':' + scroll.scrolly.size,
scrollWidth: container.prop('scrollWidth') + ':' + scroll.scrollx.size,
visibleHeight: wrapper.height() + ':' + scroll.scrolly.visible,
visibleWidth: wrapper.width() + ':' + scroll.scrollx.visible
}, true);
if (debug && timerCounter > 10) {
window.console && console.log('Scroll updates exceed 10');
updateScrollbars = function () {};
} else {
timer = setTimeout(updateScrollbars, 300);
* Get native browser scrollbar size (height/width)
* @param {Boolean} actual size or CSS size, default - CSS size
* @returns {Object} with height, width
function getBrowserScrollSize(actualSize) {
if (browser.webkit && !actualSize) {
return {
"height": 0,
"width": 0
if (!browser.data.outer) {
var css = {
"border": "none",
"box-sizing": "content-box",
"height": "200px",
"margin": "0",
"padding": "0",
"width": "200px"
browser.data.inner = $("<div>").css($.extend({}, css));
browser.data.outer = $("<div>").css($.extend({
"left": "-1000px",
"overflow": "scroll",
"position": "absolute",
"top": "-1000px"
}, css)).append(browser.data.inner).appendTo("body");
return {
"height": Math.ceil((browser.data.outer.offset().top - browser.data.inner.offset().top) || 0),
"width": Math.ceil((browser.data.outer.offset().left - browser.data.inner.offset().left) || 0)
* Check if native browser scrollbars overlay content
* @returns {Boolean}
function isScrollOverlaysContent() {
var scrollSize = getBrowserScrollSize(true);
return !(scrollSize.height || scrollSize.width);
function isVerticalScroll(event) {
var e = event.originalEvent;
if (e.axis && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)
return false;
if (e.wheelDeltaX)
return false;
return true;
* Extend AngularJS as UI directive
* and expose a provider for override default config
if (window.angular) {
(function (angular) {
angular.module('jQueryScrollbar', [])
.provider('jQueryScrollbar', function () {
var defaultOptions = defaults;
return {
setOptions: function (options) {
angular.extend(defaultOptions, options);
$get: function () {
return {
options: angular.copy(defaultOptions)
.directive('jqueryScrollbar', ['jQueryScrollbar', '$parse', function (jQueryScrollbar, $parse) {
return {
"restrict": "AC",
"link": function (scope, element, attrs) {
var model = $parse(attrs.jqueryScrollbar),
options = model(scope);
element.scrollbar(options || jQueryScrollbar.options)
.on('$destroy', function () {