'FULL_MODE_DESC':'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. '+
'This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P1':'An Iguana Full Mode coin synchronizes the blockchain using an entirely different format than traditional blockchain software. '+
'Iguana\'s Full Mode uses Memory Mapped Files and stores data in bundles. '+
'That\'s why you see four different colored synchronizing progress bars.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P2':'Once all these progress bars reach 100%, the Real Time blocks start synchronizing. '+
'Only after the Real Time sync mode activates will you be able to see current data in your wallet and make any transactions.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P1':'This section allows you to import private key of all iguana supported coins, Assetchain, Geckochain, or PAXchain by the wallet.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P2':'It is not mandatory to have that coin active in the wallet for which you are executing import private key process.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P3':'You\'ll also notice the private key you imported for one coin or chain will also be showing a new address in all other coin wallets\' receiving address section. '+
'DESCRIPTION':'Jumblr feature is very experimental and for now, is Only enabled for testing and debugging.'+
'Please use the current version of Jumblr only with small amounts if you are participating in testing this feature.',
'NEED_NATIVE':'Need Native Mode Komodo',
'TO_USE_JUMBLR':'To use Jumblr feature, you need to activate Komodo in Native Mode.',
'IF_YOU_ALREADY_RUNNING':'If you are already running Komodo in either Basilisk Mode or Full Mode, close the wallet and restart again to start Komodo In Native Mode.',
'THIS_SCREEN_DOESNT_REFRESH':'This screen does not auto refresh. '+
'You will need to hit the Refresh button on the top right corner of the screen to get latest Jumblr data.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES':'Few Security Notes for your Privacy and Anonymity of funds',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC1':'Jumblr addresses (BTC Jumbler and KMD Jumbler) addresses are your Private Addresses.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC2':'DO NOT SHARE your Jumblr addresses with anyone.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC3':'Jumblr addresses are like YOUR PASSWORD. Keep them safe, secure and hidden.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC4':'Only YOU should know your Jumblr Address. Nobody else.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC5':'Sharing your Jumblr Addresses with ANYONE will defeat the purpose of using Jumblr, and your funds and transactions will not be private anymore.',
'ACCESS_JUMBLR_FUNDS':'How to Access your Jumblr Funds',
'ADDRESS_ACCESSIBLE_EASILY':'Your Jumbler Addresses are accessible easily. For example you logged into your wallet with passphrase',
'TO_ACCESS':'To access your Jumbler address funds Logout.',
'CLOSE_IAPP':'Close Iguana App.',
'START_IAPP':'Start Iguana App again.',
'START_KMD':'Start Komodo in either Full Mode or Basilisk Mode.',
'WORD_JUMBLR':'Then add word \'jumblr \' before your passphrase.',
'SMALL_LETTERS':'"jumblr" is all in small letters.',
'WHITE_SPACE':'There is a white space after "jumblr ".',
'PER_EXAMPLE':'So as per this example, your Jumbler Addresses are accessible with:',
'LOGIN_WITH_JUMBLR':'You\'ll login with your Jumblr passphrase to access funds and will be able to use it just like any other wallet address.',
'USING_JUMBLR':'Using Jumblr',
'RUN_KMD':'Run Komodo in Native Mode',
'LOGIN_KMD':'Login with your passphrase',
'GO_TO':'Go to Jumblr Menu',
'FIND_DEPOSIT_ADDR':'There find your Deposit Address for coin you want to anonymise your funds. (For a start only KMD is supported. BTC support will come in later versions)',
'YOU_SEND_FUNDS':'You send your funds to deposit address.',
'KEEP_WALLET_OPEN':'Keep your wallet open',
'IMPORTANT_FUNDS':'[IMPORTANT] Funds are processed in lot sizes 100 KMD, 1000 KMD, and 10,000 KMD.',
'LARGE_LOT':'The large lot sizes will process first, and then smaller.',
'EG':'For example, you sent 1393 KMD to KMD Deposit Address.<br>'+
'First it will process 1000 KMD<br>'+
'then 100 KMD<br>'+
'then 100 KMD<br>'+
'then 100 KMD',
'93_KMD':'93 KMD will keep waiting in deposit address.',
'TO_CLEAR_THEM':'To clear them you\'ll have to send 7 KMD more to your KMD Deposit Address.',
'WHEN_IT_TOTALS':'When it totals to 100 KMD, it will process to your KMD Jumblr Address.',