'FULL_MODE_DESC':'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.',
'BASILISK_MODE':'Basilisk Mode',
'BASILISK_MODE_DESC':'In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC1':'This mode is ONLY available for KOMODO Coin, PAX FIAT Chains, Assetchains, and Geckochains. This mode uses the',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC2':'instead of the',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC3':'to query blockchain data',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC4':'is the so far mode which will allow you to do',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC5':'Z Transactions',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC6':'Private Transactions',
'UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER':'Uh Oh! Unsupported Web Browser :-(',
'IE_UNSUPPORTED':'The current version of EasyDEX-GUI doesn\'t support Internet Explorer',
'PLEASE_USE':'Please use either',
'TO_USE':'to use',
'PLEASE_CLICK_ON':'Please click on browser\'s logo to visit website for installation instructions',
'WELCOME_LOGIN':'Welcome. Please login',
'WALLET_SEED':'Wallet Seed',
'SIGN_IN':'Sign in',
'CREATE_WALLET':'Create new wallet',
'LOGIN_ANOTHER_WALLET':'Login to another wallet',
'CONFIRM_SEED':'Confirm Wallet Seed',
'BACK_TO_LOGIN':'Back to Login',
'TOGGLE_NAV':'Toggle navigation',
'TOGGLE_SEARCH':'Toggle Search',
'TOGGLE_MENUBAR':'Toggle menubar',
'ABOUT_IGUANA':'About Iguana',
'WALLET_SETTINGS':'Wallet Settings',
'KMD_WALLET':'Komodo Wallet',
'ZC_WALLET':'Zcash Wallet',
'ACTIVE_COINS':'Active Coins',
'PLEASE_SELECT_A_WALLET':'Please select a wallet from active coins list on left',
'ACTIVATING_WALLET_RT':'Activating wallet once Real Time blocks starts syncing...',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P1':'An Iguana Full Mode coin synchronizes the blockchain using an entirely different format than traditional blockchain software. Iguana\'s Full Mode uses Memory Mapped Files and stores data in bundles. That\'s why you see four different colored synchronizing progress bars.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P2':'Once all these progress bars reach 100%, the Real Time blocks start synchronizing. Only after the Real Time sync mode activates will you be able to see current data in your wallet and make any transactions.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P1':'This section allows you to import private key of all iguana supported coins, Assetchain, Geckochain, or PAXchain by the wallet.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P2':'It is not mandatory to have that coin active in the wallet for which you are executing import private key process.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P3':'You\'ll also notice the private key you imported for one coin or chain will also be showing a new address in all other coin wallets\' receiving address section. It is normal.',