function KMDlistunspentT ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var result = [ ] ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'listunspent' ,
'hex' : ''
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' + config . iguanaPort ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) , // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
unique_addresses = _ . keys ( _ . countBy ( AjaxOutputData , function ( data ) { return data . address ; } ) ) ; // This code using underscore.js takes only the address into an array which are unique in that list
// This function calls each unique address and calculates the total amount of coins in it.
$ . each ( unique_addresses , function ( index ) {
var unique_addr_tmp_array = _ . where ( AjaxOutputData , { address : unique_addresses [ index ] } ) ,
tmpcalcnum = 0 ;
$ . each ( unique_addr_tmp_array , function ( index , value ) {
tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + value . amount ;
} ) ;
var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
'addr' : unique_addr_tmp_array [ 0 ] . address ,
'total' : tmpcalcnum
} ;
result . push ( tmp_addr_total_balance_output ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetTransactionIDInfo ( txid ) {
var result = [ ] ,
ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + txid + '"]' ,
tmptxid_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_txid_input = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'gettransaction' ,
'hex' : tmptxid_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_txid_input ) ,
url : '' + config . iguanaPort ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
result . push ( AjaxOutputData ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMDGetOPIDInfo ( opid ) {
var result = [ ] ,
tmpopid_output = '' ;
if ( opid === undefined ) {
tmpopid_output = '' ;
} else {
var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + opid + '"]' ,
tmpopid_output = Iguana_HashHex ( ajax_data_to_hex ) ;
var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ,
ajax_data_txid_input = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : 'z_getoperationstatus' ,
'hex' : tmpopid_output
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data_txid_input ) ,
url : '' + config . iguanaPort ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
result . push ( AjaxOutputData ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function KMDListAllOPIDs ( ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : '<div class="bar nprogress-bar-header nprogress-bar-info" role="bar"></div>' +
'<div class="spinner" role="spinner">' +
'<div class="spinner-icon"></div>' +
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
var opids_statuses_data = [ ] ,
listOPIDs = KMDGetOPIDInfo ( ) ,
tmp_results = 'Waiting...' ,
tmp_status_label = '' ,
tmp_creation_time = '' ,
tmp_id = '' ;
console . log ( listOPIDs ) ;
$ . each ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] , function ( index , value ) {
tmp_id = listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . id ;
tmp_creation_time = secondsToString ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . creation_time ) ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'queued' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-warning">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> ' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . QUEUED +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<i>' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . PLEASE_REFRESH + '...</i>' ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'executing' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-info">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> ' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . EXECUTING +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<i>' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . PLEASE_REFRESH + '...</i>' ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'failed' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-danger">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> ' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . FAILED +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<b>Error Code:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . error . code + '<br> <b>' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . MESSAGE + ':</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . error . message ;
if ( listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . status === 'success' ) {
tmp_status_label = '<span class="label label-success">' +
'<i class="icon fa-eye"></i> ' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . SUCCESS +
'</span>' ;
tmp_results = '<b>txid:</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . result . txid + '<br> <b>' + _ lang [ defaultLang ] . KMD_NATIVE . EXECUTION_SECONDS + ':</b> ' + listOPIDs [ 0 ] [ index ] . execution_secs ;
opids_statuses_data . push ( [
tmp_status_label ,
tmp_id ,
tmp_creation_time ,
] ) ;
} ) ;
var kmd_opids_statuses_table = '' ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table = $ ( '#kmd-opid-status-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : opids_statuses_data ,
'order' : [
2 ,
] ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table . destroy ( ) ;
kmd_opids_statuses_table = $ ( '#kmd-opid-status-tbl' ) . DataTable ( {
data : opids_statuses_data ,
'order' : [
2 ,
] ,
select : false ,
retrieve : true
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return opids_statuses_data ;