`${translate('SEND.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS')} max available balance is ${(0.00000001*(_balanceSats-_fees[this.props.ActiveCoin.coin])).toFixed(8)}${this.props.ActiveCoin.coin}`,
'FIND_DEPOSIT_ADDR':'There find your Deposit Address for coin you want to anonymise your funds. (For a start only KMD is supported. BTC support will come in later versions)',
'YOU_SEND_FUNDS':'You send your funds to deposit address.',
'KEEP_WALLET_OPEN':'Keep your wallet open',
'IMPORTANT_FUNDS':'[IMPORTANT] Funds are processed in lot sizes 100 KMD, 1000 KMD, and 10,000 KMD.',
'IMPORTANT_FUNDS':'[IMPORTANT] Funds are processed in lot sizes 10 KMD, 100 KMD, 1000 KMD, and 10,000 KMD.',
'LARGE_LOT':'The large lot sizes will process first, and then smaller.',
'EG':'For example, you sent 1393 KMD to KMD Deposit Address.<br>'+
'First it will process 1000 KMD<br>'+
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ export const _lang = {
'then 100 KMD',
'93_KMD':'93 KMD will keep waiting in deposit address.',
'TO_CLEAR_THEM':'To clear them you\'ll have to send 7 KMD more to your KMD Deposit Address.',
'WHEN_IT_TOTALS':'When it totals to 100 KMD, it will process to your KMD Jumblr Address.',
'WHEN_IT_TOTALS':'When it totals to 10/100/1000 KMD, it will process to your KMD Jumblr Address.',