@ -801,6 +801,96 @@ export function getSyncInfo(coin) {
function getKMDAddressesNativeState ( json ) {
return {
addresses : json ,
export function getKMDAddressesNative ( coin , pubpriv ) {
var payload ,
ajax_data_to_hex = '' ,
ajax_function_input = '' ,
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '' ,
passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent ( coin ) ,
tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage . getItem ( 'IguanaRPCAuth' ) ;
if ( pubpriv === 'public' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'getaddressesbyaccount' ;
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '222200' ;
if ( pubpriv === 'private' ) {
ajax_function_input = 'z_listaddresses' ;
tmplistaddr_hex_input = '' ;
if ( passthru_agent === 'iguana' ) {
payload = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'asset' : coin ,
'function' : ajax_function_input ,
'hex' : tmplistaddr_hex_input
} ;
} else {
payload = {
'userpass' : tmpIguanaRPCAuth ,
'agent' : passthru_agent ,
'method' : 'passthru' ,
'function' : ajax_function_input ,
'hex' : tmplistaddr_hex_input
} ;
return dispatch => {
return fetch ( '' + Config . iguanaCorePort , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : JSON . stringify ( payload ) ,
} )
. catch ( function ( error ) {
console . log ( error ) ;
dispatch ( triggerToaster ( true , 'getKMDAddressesNative' , 'Error' , 'error' ) ) ;
} )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( json => dispatch ( getKMDAddressesNativeState ( json , dispatch ) ) )
/ * f u n c t i o n K M D L i s t A d d r e s s e s ( p u b p r i v ) {
NProgress . done ( true ) ;
NProgress . configure ( {
template : templates . nprogressBar
} ) ;
NProgress . start ( ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
async : false ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( ajax_data ) ,
url : '' + config . iguanaPort ,
success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) {
var AjaxOutputData = JSON . parse ( data ) ; // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
result = AjaxOutputData ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , textStatus , error ) {
console . log ( 'failed getting Coin History.' ) ;
console . log ( xhr . statusText ) ;
if ( xhr . readyState == 0 ) {
Iguana_ServiceUnavailable ( ) ;
console . log ( textStatus ) ;
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
NProgress . done ( ) ;
return result ;
} * /
function getDebugLogState ( json ) {
const _ data = json . result . replace ( '\n' , '\r\n' ) ;