diff --git a/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardBasilisk.js b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardBasilisk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c3edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardBasilisk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+function SwitchBasicliskFull(switch_data) {
+ var relay_value = '',
+ validate_value = '',
+ mode_value = '';
+ if ( switch_data.modecode == 'B' ) {
+ relay_value = 1;
+ validate_value = 1;
+ mode_value = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ if ( switch_data.modecode == 'F' ) {
+ relay_value = 0;
+ validate_value = 0;
+ mode_value = 'Full';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ SwitchCoinModeData = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'poll': 100,
+ 'immediate':100,
+ 'active': 1,
+ 'newcoin': switch_data.currency,
+ 'startpend': 1,
+ 'endpend': 1,
+ 'services': 128,
+ 'maxpeers': 16,
+ 'RELAY': relay_value,
+ 'VALIDATE': validate_value,
+ 'portp2p': 14631
+ };
+ // Switch selected coins' mode
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ data: SwitchCoinModeData,
+ url: '',
+ dataType: 'text',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var SwitchCoinDataOutput = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === 'coin added') {
+ console.log('coin added');
+ toastr.success(switch_data.currency + ' switched to ' + mode_value + ' Mode', 'Coin Notification');
+ } else if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === 'coin already there') {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ //toastr.info("Looks like" + switch_data.currency + "already running.", "Coin Notification");
+ } else if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === null) {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ //toastr.info("Looks like" + switch_data.currency + "already running.", "Coin Notification");
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed starting BitcoinDark.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ if (xhr.readyState == '0' ) {
+ toastr.error('Unable to connect to Iguana', 'Account Notification');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function ShowBasiliskFetchDataProgress(coin) {
+ var active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache().then(function(result){
+ var _data = JSON.parse(result)
+ var query = _data.result.basilisk
+ coin_exists = true
+ addresses_exists = true
+ getbalance_exists = true
+ listtransactions_exists = true
+ listunspent_exists = true
+ refresh_exists = true
+ getbalance_status = 'NOT FOUND'
+ listtransactions_status = 'NOT FOUND'
+ listunspent_status = 'NOT FOUND'
+ refresh_status = 'NOT FOUND'
+ //console.log(query)
+ if (!query) {
+ //console.log('data not found.')
+ res_data = {"coin":false, "addresses":false, "getbalance": false,"listtransactions": false,"listunspent": false,"refresh": false}
+ //console.log(res_data)
+ } else if (!query[coin]) {
+ //console.log(coin + ' not found.')
+ coin_exists = false
+ res_data = {"coin":coin_exists, "addresses":false, "getbalance": false,"listtransactions": false,"listunspent": false,"refresh": false}
+ //console.log(res_data)
+ } else if (!('addresses' in query[coin])) {
+ //console.log(coin + ' addresses not found.')
+ addresses_exists = false
+ res_data = {"coin":coin_exists, "addresses":false, "getbalance": false,"listtransactions": false,"listunspent": false,"refresh": false}
+ //console.log(res_data)
+ } else {
+ Promise.all(query[coin].addresses.map((coinaddr_value,coinaddr_index) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ //console.log(coinaddr_index)
+ //console.log(coinaddr_value)
+ var data = query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance
+ //console.log(data)
+ if (!('getbalance' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => getbalance not found.')
+ getbalance_exists = false
+ } else {
+ //console.log(query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance.status)
+ getbalance_status = query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance.status
+ }
+ if (!('listtransactions' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => listtransactions not found.')
+ listtransactions_exists = false
+ } else {
+ //console.log(query[coin][coinaddr_value].listtransactions.status)
+ listtransactions_status = query[coin][coinaddr_value].listtransactions.status
+ }
+ if (!('listunspent' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => listunspent not found.')
+ listunspent_exists = false
+ } else {
+ //console.log(query[coin][coinaddr_value].listunspent.status)
+ listunspent_status = query[coin][coinaddr_value].listunspent.status
+ }
+ if (!('refresh' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => refresh not found.')
+ refresh_exists = false
+ } else {
+ //console.log(query[coin][coinaddr_value].refresh.status)
+ refresh_status = query[coin][coinaddr_value].refresh.status
+ }
+ pass_data = {
+ "addr_index":coinaddr_index,
+ "addr_value":coinaddr_value,
+ "getbalance": getbalance_exists,
+ "getbalance_status": getbalance_status,
+ "listtransactions": listtransactions_exists,
+ "listtransactions_status": listtransactions_status,
+ "listunspent": listunspent_exists,
+ "listunspent_status": listunspent_status,
+ "refresh": refresh_exists,
+ "refresh_status": refresh_status
+ }
+ resolve(pass_data)
+ })
+ })).then(result => {
+ //console.log(result)
+ //res_data.coin = coin_exists
+ //res_data.addresses = addresses_exists
+ BasiliskFetchData = ''
+ $.each(result, function(result_index, result_val) {
+ //console.log(result_index)
+ //console.log(result_val)
+ var tmp_listunspent_lable_color = ''
+ var tmp_listtransactions_lable_color = ''
+ var tmp_getbalance_lable_color = ''
+ var tmp_refresh_lable_color = ''
+ switch (result_val.listunspent_status) {
+ case 'waiting':
+ tmp_listunspent_lable_color = 'dark'
+ break;
+ case 'in progress':
+ tmp_listunspent_lable_color = 'primary'
+ break;
+ case 'done':
+ tmp_listunspent_lable_color = 'success'
+ break;
+ case 'NOT FOUND':
+ tmp_listunspent_lable_color = 'danger'
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (result_val.listtransactions_status) {
+ case 'waiting':
+ tmp_listtransactions_lable_color = 'dark'
+ break;
+ case 'in progress':
+ tmp_listtransactions_lable_color = 'primary'
+ break;
+ case 'done':
+ tmp_listtransactions_lable_color = 'success'
+ break;
+ case 'NOT FOUND':
+ tmp_listtransactions_lable_color = 'danger'
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (result_val.getbalance_status) {
+ case 'waiting':
+ tmp_getbalance_lable_color = 'dark'
+ break;
+ case 'in progress':
+ tmp_getbalance_lable_color = 'primary'
+ break;
+ case 'done':
+ tmp_getbalance_lable_color = 'success'
+ break;
+ case 'NOT FOUND':
+ tmp_getbalance_lable_color = 'danger'
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (result_val.refresh_status) {
+ case 'waiting':
+ tmp_refresh_lable_color = 'dark'
+ break;
+ case 'in progress':
+ tmp_refresh_lable_color = 'primary'
+ break;
+ case 'done':
+ tmp_refresh_lable_color = 'success'
+ break;
+ case 'NOT FOUND':
+ tmp_refresh_lable_color = 'danger'
+ break;
+ }
+ BasiliskFetchData += '
+ BasiliskFetchData += ''+ result_val.addr_value.substring(0,5) +'... ';
+ BasiliskFetchData += ''+result_val.listunspent_status+' ';
+ BasiliskFetchData += ''+result_val.listtransactions_status+' ';
+ BasiliskFetchData += ''+result_val.getbalance_status+' ';
+ BasiliskFetchData += ''+result_val.refresh_status+' ';
+ BasiliskFetchData += ' ';
+ $('.tbl_edexcoin_dashboard_basilisk_refresh_status tbody').html(BasiliskFetchData);
+ if (result[result.length-1] == result_val && result_val.listtransactions_status !== 'done' && result_val.getbalance_status !== 'done' ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_dashboard_basilisk_refresh_status').show()
+ } else {
+ $('#edexcoin_dashboard_basilisk_refresh_status').hide()
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardCoinFiat.js b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardCoinFiat.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182a179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardCoinFiat.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+function getCoinBalance(coin) {
+ var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin');
+ EDEXlistunspent(active_edexcoin).then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result)
+ if (result[0] != undefined) {
+ if ( result[0].interest !== undefined ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ).addClass( 'col-lg-4' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result[0].interest);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result[0].totalbalance);
+ $('#edex_total_interest_coincode').text(active_edexcoin);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode').text(active_edexcoin);
+ }
+ if ( result[0].interest === undefined ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ).addClass( 'col-lg-12' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text('-');
+ }
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(result[0].total);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(active_edexcoin);
+ } else {
+ $('span[data-edexcoincode="' + coin + '"][id="edexcoin-balance"]').text('0');
+ }
+ });
+function getBasiliskCoinBalance(coin) {
+ EDEXMainAddr(coin).then(function(result){
+ console.log(result)
+ EDEX_DEXlistunspent(coin, result).then(function(result_listunspent) {
+ console.log(result_listunspent[0].amount);
+ $('span[data-edexcoincode="' + coin + '"][id="edexcoin-balance"]').text(result_listunspent[0].amount);
+ });
+ })
+function StopShowCoinHistory() {
+ clearInterval(ExecuteShowCoinHistory);
+ console.log('Stopped executing History and ProgressBar API.');
+function ShowCoinProgressBar(coin) {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ getinfoValues = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getinfo',
+ 'immediate': 100,
+ 'timeout': 4000
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(getinfoValues),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var CoinInfoData = JSON.parse(data);
+ // TODO: refactor
+ if (typeof CoinInfoData.bundles == 'undefined') {
+ //console.log(coin+' is undefined');
+ } else {
+ if ( parseInt(CoinInfoData.RTheight) != 0 ) {
+ var coin_blocks = parseInt(CoinInfoData.blocks),
+ coin_blocks_plus1 = coin_blocks + 1;
+ sessionStorage.setItem('Activate' + coin + 'History', 'Yes');
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="'+coin+'"][id="currency-progressbars"]').show();
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles"]').width(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('span[data-edexcoin="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles-percent"]').text('(' + coin + ') ' + parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2) + '% - ( ' + coin_blocks_plus1 + ' / '+ CoinInfoData.longestchain + ' ) ==>> RT' + CoinInfoData.RTheight);
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="'+coin+'"][id="additional-progress-bars"]').hide();
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles"]').removeClass( 'progress-bar-info' ).addClass( 'progress-bar-indicating progress-bar-success' );
+ $('#edex-footer').css('height', '11px');
+ resizeDashboardWindow();
+ $('#edexcoin-wallet-waitingrt-alert').hide();
+ }
+ if ( parseInt(CoinInfoData.RTheight) == 0 ) {
+ var coin_blocks = parseInt(CoinInfoData.blocks),
+ coin_blocks_plus1 = coin_blocks + 1;
+ sessionStorage.setItem('Activate' + coin + 'History', 'No');
+ console.log(coin + ': ' + CoinInfoData.bundles);
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="additional-progress-bars"]').show();
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-progressbars"]').show();
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-bundles"]').removeClass( 'progress-bar-indicating progress-bar-success' ).addClass( 'progress-bar-info' );
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-bundles"]').width(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('span[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-bundles-percent"]').text('(' + coin + ') ' + parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2) + '% - ( ' + coin_blocks_plus1 + ' / ' + CoinInfoData.longestchain + ' )');
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-utxo"]').width(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.utxo).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('span[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-utxo-percent"]').text('(' + coin + ') ' + parseFloat(CoinInfoData.utxo).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-balances"]').width(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.balances).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('span[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-balances-percent"]').text('(' + coin + ') '+parseFloat(CoinInfoData.balances).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('div[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-validated"]').width(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.validated).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('span[data-edexcoin="' + coin + '"][id="currency-validated-percent"]').text('(' + coin + ') '+parseFloat(CoinInfoData.validated).toFixed(2) + '%');
+ $('#edex-footer').css('height', '44px');
+ resizeDashboardWindow();
+ $('#edexcoin-wallet-waitingrt-alert').show();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+function TotalFiatValue() {
+ var BTC_balance = $('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="currency-balance"]').text(),
+ BTCD_balance = $('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="currency-balance"]').text(),
+ Fiat_Currency = localStorage.getItem('EasyDEX_FiatCurrency'),
+ BTC_Fiat_pair_value = '',
+ Conversion_Fiat_Pair = '',
+ BTCD_Fiat_pair_value = '';
+ $('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="header_coinname_balance"]').text(BTC_balance + ' BTC');
+ $('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="header_coinname_balance"]').text(BTCD_balance + ' BTCD');
+ if ( Fiat_Currency == 'USD' ) {
+ BTC_Fiat_pair_value = 'BTC/' + Fiat_Currency;
+ Conversion_Fiat_Pair = 'EUR/USD';
+ } else {
+ BTC_Fiat_pair_value = 'BTC/USD';
+ Conversion_Fiat_Pair = Fiat_Currency + '/USD';
+ }
+ var TotalFiatValueData = {
+ 'agent': 'iguana',
+ 'method': 'rates',
+ 'quotes': [
+ BTC_Fiat_pair_value,
+ Conversion_Fiat_Pair
+ ],
+ 'immediate': 100,
+ 'timeout': 5000
+ };
+ if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
+ console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to get Rates.');
+ } else {
+ // Get Rates
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(TotalFiatValueData),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var RatesData = JSON.parse(data),
+ label_color = '',
+ label_icon = '',
+ wallettblContent = '';
+ localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTCD_BTC_pair_value', RatesData.rates[0]['BTCD/BTC']); // e.g BTCD/BTC
+ localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTC_Fiat_pair_value', RatesData.rates[1][BTC_Fiat_pair_value]); // e.g BTC/USD
+ localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_Conversion_Fiat_Pair', Conversion_Fiat_Pair); // e.g EUR/USD
+ localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_Conversion_Fiat_Pair_value', RatesData.rates[2][Conversion_Fiat_Pair]); // e.g EUR/USD: 1.11830926
+ var tmp_btcd_btc = RatesData.rates[0],
+ tmp_btc_fiat = RatesData.rates[1];
+ BTCD_Fiat_pair_value = parseFloat(tmp_btcd_btc['BTCD/BTC']) * parseFloat(tmp_btc_fiat[BTC_Fiat_pair_value]);
+ localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTCD_Fiat_pair_value', BTCD_Fiat_pair_value); // e.g BTCD/USD: 2.0873619962
+ var tmp_btcd_fiat_toal = parseFloat(BTCD_balance) * parseFloat(BTCD_Fiat_pair_value),
+ tmp_btc_fiat_toal = parseFloat(BTC_balance) * parseFloat(tmp_btc_fiat[BTC_Fiat_pair_value]);
+ $('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="header_coinfiatbalance"]').text(tmp_btc_fiat_toal.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Fiat_Currency);
+ $('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="header_coinfiatbalance"]').text(tmp_btcd_fiat_toal.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Fiat_Currency);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+function StopTotalFiatValue() {
+ clearInterval(RunTotalFiatValue);
+ console.log('Stopped executing Total Fiat Value API with Rates');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardDEX.js b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardDEX.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19eb0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardDEX.js
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+function edexCoinBtnAction() {
+ $('.edexcoin-logo').click(function() {
+ $( '#edexcoin_send_coins_back_btn' ).trigger( 'click' );
+ $('#btn_edexcoin_dashboard').hide();
+ $('#btn_edexcoin_send').show();
+ $('#btn_edexcoin_recieve').show();
+ var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoincode'),
+ selected_coinmode = $(this).data('edexcoinmodecode'),
+ selected_coinname = $(this).data('edexcoinname');
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ).addClass( 'col-lg-12' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpMode', selected_coinmode);
+ resizeDashboardWindow();
+ if ( selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ $('#edex-footer').hide();
+ $('#btn_edexcoin_basilisk').show();
+ $('#edexcoin-wallet-waitingrt-alert').hide();
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start');
+ }
+ if ( selected_coinmode == 'Full' ) {
+ $('#edex-footer').show();
+ $('#btn_edexcoin_basilisk').hide();
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start');
+ }
+ if ( selected_coinmode !== 'Native' ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_dashoard_section').show();
+ $('#header-dashboard').show();
+ $('#wallet-widgets').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_dashboardinfo').show();
+ $('#no_wallet_selected').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_send').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_settings').hide();
+ $('#currency-progressbars').show();
+ // get selected coin's code and populate in easydex wallet widget's html elements
+ var coincode = $(this).data('edexcoincode');
+ $.each($('[data-edexcoin]'), function(index, value) {
+ $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin', coincode);
+ $('[data-edexcoin="' + coincode + '"]');
+ });
+ $.each($('[data-edexcoinmenu]'), function(index, value) {
+ $('[data-edexcoinmenu]').attr('data-edexcoinmenu', coincode);
+ $('[data-edexcoinmenu="' + coincode + '"]');
+ });
+ $('#edexcoin-active').text(selected_coinname);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(coincode);
+ // populate selected coin's address
+ EDEXMainAddr(selected_coin).then(function(result) {
+ $('#edexcoin_active_addr').text(result);
+ $('#edexcoin_active_addr_clipboard').attr('data-clipboard-text', result);
+ })
+ $('#edexcoin_active_addr_clipboard').click(function() {
+ alertify.success('Address Copied.');
+ });
+ var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipboard-edexaddr');
+ clipboard.destroy();
+ var clipboard = null;
+ if ( clipboard != null ) {
+ clipboard.destroy();
+ }
+ var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipboard-edexaddr');
+ clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
+ console.info('Action: ', e.action);
+ console.info('Text: ', e.text);
+ console.info('Trigger: ', e.trigger);
+ e.clearSelection();
+ });
+ clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
+ console.error('Action: ', e.action);
+ console.error('Trigger: ', e.trigger);
+ });
+ // populate selected coin's balance
+ if ( selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'BTC' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'BTCD' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'LTC' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'DOGE' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'DGB' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'SYS' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'MZC' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'UNO' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'ZET' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'BTM' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'CARB' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'ANC' &&
+ selected_coin !== 'FRK') {
+ getDEXGetBalance_cache(selected_coin).then(function(result) {
+ if ( result.interest !== undefined && selected_coin == 'KMD') {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ).addClass( 'col-lg-4' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result.interest);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result.totalbalance);
+ $('#edex_total_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ }
+ if ( result.interest === undefined || selected_coin !== 'KMD') {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ).addClass( 'col-lg-12' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text('-');
+ }
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(result.total);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ });
+ } else if (selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk') {
+ getDEXGetBalance2(selected_coin).then(function(result) {
+ if ( result.interest !== undefined ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ).addClass( 'col-lg-4' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result.interest);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result.totalbalance);
+ $('#edex_total_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ }
+ if ( result.interest === undefined || selected_coin !== 'KMD') {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ).addClass( 'col-lg-12' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text('-');
+ }
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(result.total);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ });
+ } else {
+ EDEXlistunspent(selected_coin).then(function(result) {
+ if (result[0] != undefined) {
+ if ( result[0].interest !== undefined ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').show();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ).addClass( 'col-lg-4' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result[0].interest);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result[0].totalbalance);
+ $('#edex_total_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ }
+ if ( result[0].interest === undefined ) {
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest').hide();
+ $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t').removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ).addClass( 'col-lg-12' );
+ $('#edex_interest_balance').text('-');
+ $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text('-');
+ }
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(result[0].total);
+ $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(selected_coin);
+ } else {
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text('0');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ EdexfillTxHistory(coincode);
+ } else {
+ $('#currency-progressbars').hide();
+ if ( selected_coin == 'KMD' ) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpMode', selected_coinmode);
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start');
+ $( '#nav-komodo-wallet' ).trigger( 'click' );
+ }
+ if ( selected_coin == 'ZEC' ) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpMode', selected_coinmode);
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start');
+ $( '#nav-zcash-wallet' ).trigger( 'click' );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function getActiveEdexcoin() {
+ var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin');
+ return active_edexcoin;
+function EdexfillTxHistory(coin) {
+ $('#edexcoin_txhistory').data('panel-api').load();
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode === 'Basilisk' ) {
+ EdexGetTxList_cache(coin).then(function(result) {
+ var edex_txhistory_table = '';
+ edex_txhistory_table = $('#edex-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: result,
+ 'order': [
+ [ 3, 'desc' ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ edex_txhistory_table.destroy();
+ edex_txhistory_table = $('#edex-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: result,
+ 'order': [
+ [ 3, 'desc' ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ $('#edexcoin_txhistory').data('panel-api').done();
+ $('.panel-loading').remove();
+ });
+ }
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode === 'Full' ) {
+ EdexGetTxList(coin).then(function(result){
+ var edex_txhistory_table = '';
+ edex_txhistory_table = $('#edex-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: result,
+ 'order': [
+ [ 3, 'desc' ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ edex_txhistory_table.destroy();
+ edex_txhistory_table = $('#edex-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: result,
+ 'order': [
+ [ 3, 'desc' ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ $('#edexcoin_txhistory').data('panel-api').done();
+ $('.panel-loading').remove();
+ });
+ }
+function getDEXCoinBalance(coin) {
+ getDEXGetBalance_cache(coin).then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result)
+ });
+function getDEXGetBalance(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getaddressesbyaccount',
+ 'account': '*'
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).then(data => {
+ var total_balance = 0,
+ total_interest = 0;
+ Promise.all(data.result.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ let params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'getbalance',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(params);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(params),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).then(data => {
+ console.log(data);
+ total_balance = total_balance + data.balance;
+ if (data.interest !== undefined) {
+ total_interest = total_interest + data.interest;
+ pass_data = {
+ 'total': total_balance.toFixed(8),
+ 'interest': total_interest.toFixed(8)
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.interest == undefined) {
+ pass_data = { 'total': total_balance };
+ }
+ console.log(pass_data);
+ resolve(pass_data);
+ });
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ resolve(result[result.length-1]);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function getDEXGetBalance_cache(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ Shepherd_CheckBasiliskCacheData(coin).then(function(result) {
+ //console.log(result);
+ //console.log(result.coin);
+ if (result.coin == false || result.addresses == false) {
+ var call_data = {
+ 'allcoins': false,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'calls': 'listtransactions:getbalance'
+ };
+ //console.log(call_data)
+ Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data).then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result);
+ });
+ } else if (result.getbalance == false) {
+ var call_data = {
+ 'allcoins': false,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'calls': 'getbalance:listtransactions'
+ };
+ //console.log(call_data);
+ Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data).then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result);
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache().then(function(result) {
+ var _data = JSON.parse(result),
+ query = _data.result.basilisk,
+ total_balance = 0,
+ total_interest = 0;
+ Promise.all(query[coin].addresses.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if ( query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance.data !== undefined ) {
+ var data = query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance.data;
+ total_balance = parseFloat(total_balance) + parseFloat(data.balance);
+ if (data.interest !== undefined) {
+ total_interest = parseFloat(total_interest) + parseFloat(data.interest);
+ total_final = parseFloat(total_balance) + parseFloat(total_interest);
+ pass_data = {
+ 'total': total_balance.toFixed(8),
+ 'interest': total_interest.toFixed(8),
+ 'totalbalance': total_final.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ if (data.interest == undefined) {
+ if (isNaN(total_balance)) {
+ total_balance = parseFloat(0);
+ }
+ pass_data = { 'total': total_balance.toFixed(8) };
+ }
+ } else {
+ pass_data = { 'total': 0.00000000 };
+ }
+ resolve(pass_data)
+ })
+ })).then(result => {
+ if ( result[result.length - 1].total == 0 ) {
+ resolve(result[result.length - 2]);
+ } else {
+ resolve(result[result.length - 1]);
+ }
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function getDEXGetBalance2(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_1 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'SuperNET',
+ 'method': 'activehandle'
+ },
+ tmp_coin_addr = null
+ ajax_call_1 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_1),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }),
+ ajax_call_2 = ajax_call_1.then(function(data) {
+ // .then() returns a new promise
+ tmp_coin_addr = data[coin];
+ var ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'listunspent',
+ 'address': data[coin],
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ return $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ });
+ ajax_call_2.done(function(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ var tmpcalcnum = 0,
+ tmpcalcinterest = 0,
+ interest_enable = false,
+ tmptotalbalance = 0;
+ $.each(data, function(index) {
+ if ( data[index].interest !== undefined ) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + data[index].amount;
+ tmpcalcinterest = tmpcalcinterest + data[index].interest;
+ interest_enable = true;
+ }
+ if ( data[index].interest === undefined ) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + data[index].amount;
+ }
+ });
+ if ( coin == 'KMD' ) {
+ tmptotalbalance = parseFloat(tmpcalcnum) + parseFloat(tmpcalcinterest);
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': tmp_coin_addr,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum.toFixed(8),
+ 'interest': tmpcalcinterest.toFixed(8),
+ 'totalbalance': tmptotalbalance.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ if ( coin !== 'KMD' ) {
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': tmp_coin_addr,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ console.log(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ if (data == '' ) {
+ tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': tmp_coin_addr,
+ 'total': 0
+ };
+ }
+ resolve(tmp_addr_total_balance_output)
+ NProgress.done();
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardEDEX.js b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardEDEX.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9de9f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/dashboard/DashboardEDEX.js
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+function EdexGetTxList(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getaddressesbyaccount',
+ 'account': '*'
+ },
+ active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).then(data => {
+ var total_utxos = [];
+ let params = '';
+ Promise.all(data.result.map((coinaddr_value,coinaddr_index) => {
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ if ( coin == 'BTC' ||
+ coin == 'BTCD' ||
+ coin == 'LTC' ||
+ coin == 'DOGE' ||
+ coin == 'DGB' ||
+ coin == 'SYS' ||
+ coin == 'MZC' ||
+ coin == 'UNO' ||
+ coin == 'ZET' ||
+ coin == 'BTM' ||
+ coin == 'CARB' ||
+ coin == 'ANC' ||
+ coin == 'FRK') {
+ params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'listtransactions',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'count': 100,
+ 'skip': 0,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ } else {
+ params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'listtransactions2',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'count': 100,
+ 'skip': 0,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'method': 'listtransactions',
+ 'params': [
+ 0,
+ 9999999,
+ []
+ ]
+ };
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(params),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).then(data => {
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Full' ) {
+ data = data.result;
+ }
+ //console.log(data)
+ total_utxos = $.merge(total_utxos, data);
+ resolve(total_utxos);
+ });
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ let result_data = result[result.length - 1];
+ let compiled_result = [];
+ $.each(result_data, function(index, value) {
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Full' ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTC') ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTCD' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'LTC' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'DOGE' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'DGB' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'SYS' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'MZC' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'UNO' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'ZET' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTM' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'CARB' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'ANC' ) ||
+ ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'FRK' ) ) {
+ var tmp_category = '',
+ tmp_amount = result_data[index].amount;
+ if (!('amount' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_amount = 'Unknown ';
+ }
+ var tmp_addr = result_data[index].address;
+ if (!('address' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! ';
+ }
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(result_data[index].blocktime);
+ if ( result_data[index].category == 'send' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].category == 'receive' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].category == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }if ( result_data[index].category == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].category == 'unknown' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ tmplisttransactions = [
+ tmp_category,
+ result_data[index].confirmations,
+ tmp_amount,
+ tmp_secondsToString,
+ tmp_addr,
+ '' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' '
+ ];
+ compiled_result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ }
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' &&
+ coin !== 'BTC' &&
+ coin !== 'BTCD' &&
+ coin !== 'LTC' &&
+ coin !== 'DOGE' &&
+ coin !== 'DGB' &&
+ coin !== 'SYS' &&
+ coin !== 'MZC' &&
+ coin !== 'UNO' &&
+ coin !== 'ZET' &&
+ coin !== 'BTM' &&
+ coin !== 'CARB' &&
+ coin !== 'ANC' &&
+ coin !== 'FRK' ) {
+ var tmp_category = '',
+ tmp_amount = result_data[index].amount;
+ if (!('amount' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_amount = 'Unknown ';
+ }
+ var tmp_addr = null
+ if (!('paid' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! ';
+ }
+ if (('paid' in result_data[index])) {
+ var first_addr = Object.keys(result_data[index].paid['vouts'][0]),
+ tmp_addr = first_addr[0];
+ }
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(result_data[index].timestamp);
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'sent' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'received' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'unknown' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if (!('confirmations' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if (('confirmations' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = result_data[index].confirmations;
+ }
+ tmplisttransactions = [
+ tmp_category,
+ tmp_confirms,
+ tmp_amount,
+ tmp_secondsToString,
+ tmp_addr,
+ '' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' '
+ ];
+ compiled_result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ }
+ });
+ resolve(compiled_result);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function EdexGetTxList_cache(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache().then(function(result) {
+ var _data = JSON.parse(result)
+ query = _data.result.basilisk,
+ active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'),
+ total_utxos = [];
+ Promise.all(query[coin].addresses.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var data = query[coin][coinaddr_value].listtransactions.data;
+ total_utxos = $.merge(total_utxos, data);
+ resolve(total_utxos);
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ let result_data = result[result.length - 1];
+ let compiled_result = [];
+ $.each(result_data, function(index, value) {
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin !== 'BTC' && coin !== 'SYS') {
+ var tmp_category = '',
+ tmp_amount = result_data[index].amount;
+ if (!('amount' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_amount = 'Unknown ';
+ }
+ var tmp_addr = null
+ if (!('paid' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! ';
+ }
+ if (('paid' in result_data[index])) {
+ var first_addr = Object.keys(result_data[index].paid['vouts'][0]),
+ tmp_addr = first_addr[0];
+ }
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(result_data[index].timestamp);
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'sent' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'received' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ if ( result_data[index].type == 'unknown' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if (!('confirmations' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if (('confirmations' in result_data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = result_data[index].confirmations;
+ }
+ tmplisttransactions = [
+ tmp_category,
+ tmp_confirms,
+ tmp_amount,
+ tmp_secondsToString,
+ tmp_addr,
+ '' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' '
+ ];
+ compiled_result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ }
+ })
+ resolve(compiled_result);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+/*function EdexGetTxList(coin) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) =>{
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@'+sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ var ajax_data_1 = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"agent":"SuperNET","method":"activehandle"}
+ var tmp_coin_addr = null
+ var active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ var ajax_call_1 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_1),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ }),
+ ajax_call_2 = ajax_call_1.then(function(data) {
+ // .then() returns a new promise
+ tmp_coin_addr = data[coin]
+ //console.log(tmp_coin_addr);
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ if ( coin == 'BTC'
+ || coin == 'BTCD'
+ || coin == 'LTC'
+ || coin == 'DOGE'
+ || coin == 'DGB'
+ || coin == 'SYS'
+ || coin == 'MZC'
+ || coin == 'UNO'
+ || coin == 'ZET'
+ || coin == 'BTM'
+ || coin == 'CARB'
+ || coin == 'ANC'
+ || coin == 'FRK') {
+ var ajax_data_2 = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"agent":"dex","method":"listtransactions","address":data[coin],"count":100,"skip":0,"symbol":coin}
+ } else {
+ var ajax_data_2 = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"agent":"dex","method":"listtransactions2","address":data[coin],"count":100,"skip":0,"symbol":coin}
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ajax_data_2 = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"coin":coin,"method":"listtransactions","params":[0, 9999999, []]}
+ }
+ console.log(ajax_data_2)
+ return $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ });
+ });
+ ajax_call_2.done(function(data) {
+ //console.log(tmp_coin_addr);
+ //console.log(data);
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Full' ) {
+ data = data.result;
+ }
+ var result = [];
+ $.each(data, function(index, value) {
+ //console.log(value);
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Full'
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTC')
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTCD' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'LTC' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'DOGE' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'DGB' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'SYS' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'MZC' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'UNO' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'ZET' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'BTM' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'CARB' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'ANC' )
+ || ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' && coin == 'FRK' ) ) {
+ var tmp_category = '';
+ var tmp_amount = data[index].amount;
+ if(!("amount" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_amount = 'Unknown '
+ }
+ var tmp_addr = data[index].address;
+ if(!("address" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! '
+ }
+ //tmp_secondsToString = ' Unknown'
+ //if(("blocktime" in data[index])) {
+ //console.log('blocktime FOUND');
+ //var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(data[index].blocktime)
+ //}
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(data[index].blocktime)
+ if (isNaN(tmp_secondsToString)) {
+ //tmp_secondsToString = 'Unknown';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].category == 'send' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].category == 'receive' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].category == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }if ( data[index].category == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].category == 'unknown' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ //console.log(tmp_addr);
+ //tmplisttransactions = {"category": data[index].category,"confirmations": data[index].confirmations,"amount": data[index].amount,"time": data[index].time,"address": data[index].address,"txid": data[index].txid}
+ tmplisttransactions = [tmp_category,data[index].confirmations,tmp_amount,tmp_secondsToString,tmp_addr,' ']
+ //console.log(tmplisttransactions);
+ result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ }
+ if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk'
+ && coin !== 'BTC'
+ && coin !== 'BTCD'
+ && coin !== 'LTC'
+ && coin !== 'DOGE'
+ && coin !== 'DGB'
+ && coin !== 'SYS'
+ && coin !== 'MZC'
+ && coin !== 'UNO'
+ && coin !== 'ZET'
+ && coin !== 'BTM'
+ && coin !== 'CARB'
+ && coin !== 'ANC'
+ && coin !== 'FRK' ) {
+ var tmp_category = '';
+ var tmp_amount = data[index].amount;
+ if(!("amount" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_amount = 'Unknown '
+ }
+ var tmp_addr = null
+ if(!("paid" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! '
+ }
+ if(("paid" in data[index])) {
+ var first_addr = Object.keys(data[index].paid['vouts'][0]);
+ var tmp_addr = first_addr[0];
+ //console.log(data[index].paid['vouts'][0])
+ }
+ //tmp_secondsToString = ' Unknown'
+ //if(("blocktime" in data[index])) {
+ //console.log('blocktime FOUND');
+ //var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(data[index].blocktime)
+ //}
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(data[index].timestamp)
+ if (isNaN(tmp_secondsToString)) {
+ //tmp_secondsToString = 'Unknown';
+ }
+ console.log(data[index].type)
+ if ( data[index].type == 'sent' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].type == 'received' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].type == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }if ( data[index].type == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ if ( data[index].type == 'unknown' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if(!("confirmations" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = ' Unknown';
+ }
+ if(("confirmations" in data[index])) {
+ tmp_confirms = data[index].confirmations
+ }
+ //console.log(tmp_addr);
+ //tmplisttransactions = {"category": data[index].category,"confirmations": data[index].confirmations,"amount": data[index].amount,"time": data[index].time,"address": data[index].address,"txid": data[index].txid}
+ tmplisttransactions = [tmp_category,tmp_confirms,tmp_amount,tmp_secondsToString,tmp_addr,' ']
+ //console.log(tmplisttransactions);
+ result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ }
+ });
+ //console.log(result)
+ resolve(result);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ });
+function clearEdexSendFieldData() {
+ //$('.showedexcoinaddrs').selectpicker('refresh');
+ //$('#edexcoin_sendto').val('');
+ //$('#edexcoin_total_value').text('');
+ //$('#edexcoin_amount').val('');
+function EdexListAllAddr(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ EDEXgetaddrbyaccount(coin).then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result);
+ var only_reciving_addr_data = [];
+ $.each(result, function(index, value) {
+ if (value.interest == undefined || coin !== 'KMD') {
+ console.log('interest is undefined');
+ tmp_interest = 'NA';
+ } else {
+ tmp_interest = value.interest;
+ }
+ only_reciving_addr_data.push([
+ value.label,
+ value.addr,
+ value.total,
+ tmp_interest
+ ]);
+ });
+ console.log(only_reciving_addr_data);
+ var edexcoin_recieve_table = '';
+ edexcoin_recieve_table = $('#edexcoin-recieve-addr-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: only_reciving_addr_data,
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ edexcoin_recieve_table.destroy();
+ edexcoin_recieve_table = $('#edexcoin-recieve-addr-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: only_reciving_addr_data,
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+function refreshEDEXCoinWalletList() {
+ var walletDivContent = '',
+ AddColumnDiv = 0;
+ $.each([
+ 'native',
+ 'basilisk',
+ 'full'
+ ], function( index, value ) {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'InstantDEX',
+ 'method': 'allcoins'
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AllcoinsDataOutput = JSON.parse(data);
+ $.each(AllcoinsDataOutput[value], function(index) {
+ var coinlogo = '',
+ coinname = '',
+ modecode = '',
+ modetip = '',
+ modecolor = '';
+ switch (value) {
+ case 'native':
+ modecode = 'Native';
+ modetip = 'Native';
+ modecolor = 'primary';
+ break;
+ case 'basilisk':
+ modecode = 'Basilisk';
+ modetip = 'Basilisk';
+ modecolor = 'info';
+ break;
+ case 'full':
+ modecode = 'Full';
+ modetip = 'Full';
+ modecolor = 'success';
+ break;
+ case 'virtual':
+ modecode = 'Virtual';
+ modetip = 'Virtual';
+ modecolor = 'danger';
+ break;
+ case 'notarychains':
+ modecode = 'Notarychains';
+ modetip = 'Notarychains';
+ modecolor = 'dark';
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index]) {
+ case 'BTC':
+ coinlogo = 'bitcoin';
+ coinname = 'Bitcoin';
+ break;
+ case 'BTCD':
+ coinlogo = 'bitcoindark';
+ coinname = 'BitcoinDark';
+ break;
+ case 'LTC':
+ coinlogo = 'litecoin';
+ coinname = 'Litecoin';
+ break;
+ case 'VPN':
+ coinlogo = 'vpncoin';
+ coinname = 'VPNcoin';
+ break;
+ case 'SYS':
+ coinlogo = 'syscoin';
+ coinname = 'Syscoin';
+ break;
+ case 'ZEC':
+ coinlogo = 'zcash';
+ coinname = 'Zcash';
+ break;
+ case 'NMC':
+ coinlogo = 'namecoin';
+ coinname = 'Namecoin';
+ break;
+ case 'DEX':
+ coinlogo = 'dex';
+ coinname = 'DEX';
+ break;
+ case 'DOGE':
+ coinlogo = 'dogecoin';
+ coinname = 'Dogecoin';
+ break;
+ case 'DGB':
+ coinlogo = 'digibyte';
+ coinname = 'Digibyte';
+ break;
+ case 'MZC':
+ coinlogo = 'mazacoin';
+ coinname = 'Mazacoin';
+ break;
+ case 'UNO':
+ coinlogo = 'unobtanium';
+ coinname = 'Unobtanium';
+ break;
+ case 'ZET':
+ coinlogo = 'zetacoin';
+ coinname = 'Zetacoin';
+ break;
+ case 'KMD':
+ coinlogo = 'komodo';
+ coinname = 'Komodo';
+ break;
+ case 'BTM':
+ coinlogo = 'bitmark';
+ coinname = 'Bitmark';
+ break;
+ case 'CARB':
+ coinlogo = 'carboncoin';
+ coinname = 'Carboncoin';
+ break;
+ case 'ANC':
+ coinlogo = 'anoncoin';
+ coinname = 'AnonCoin';
+ break;
+ case 'FRK':
+ coinlogo = 'franko';
+ coinname = 'Franko';
+ break;
+ case 'SUPERNET':
+ coinlogo = 'SUPERNET';
+ coinname = 'SUPERNET';
+ break;
+ case 'REVS':
+ coinlogo = 'REVS';
+ coinname = 'REVS';
+ break;
+ case 'WIRELESS':
+ coinlogo = 'WIRELESS';
+ coinname = 'WIRELESS';
+ break;
+ case 'USD':
+ coinlogo = 'USD';
+ coinname = 'USD';
+ break;
+ }
+ walletDivContent += '';
+ walletDivContent += '';
+ walletDivContent += '';
+ $('.wallet-widgets-row').html(walletDivContent);
+ //getCoinBalance(AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index]);
+ //getCoinBalance_altfn('KMD');
+ //getCoinBalance('KMD');
+ /*if ( modecode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ $('span[data-edexcoincode="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '"][id="edexcoin-balance"]').parent().hide();
+ //getBasiliskCoinBalance(AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index])
+ }*/
+ $('.scrollbar-dynamic').scrollbar(); //Make sure widget-body has scrollbar for transactions history
+ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); //Make sure tooltips are working for wallet widgets and anywhere else in wallet.
+ edexCoinBtnAction();
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed starting BitcoinDark.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ if (xhr.readyState == '0' ) {
+ toastr.error('Unable to connect to Iguana', 'Account Notification');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api.js
index 74cf9e5..b6c06f8 100644
--- a/assets/scripts/iguana_api.js
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api.js
@@ -976,7 +976,6 @@ function Iguana_HashHex(data) {
return result;
function EDEXlistunspent(coin, addr) {
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaAddcoin.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaAddcoin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9143712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaAddcoin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+function Iguana_addcoinLogin(addcoin_data) {
+ var tmpinternval = 0;
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'BTC' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Bitcoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'prefetchlag': 5,
+ 'poll': 1,
+ 'active': 1,
+ 'agent': "iguana",
+ 'method': "addcoin",
+ 'newcoin': "BTC",
+ 'startpend': 64,
+ 'endpend': 2,
+ 'services': 128,
+ 'maxpeers': 512,
+ 'RELAY': addcoin_data.mode,
+ 'VALIDATE': addcoin_data.mode,
+ 'portp2p': 8333
+ };
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'BTCD' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'BitcoinDark',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'prefetchlag': -1,
+ 'poll': 50,
+ 'active': 1,
+ 'agent': 'iguana',
+ 'method': 'addcoin',
+ 'newcoin': 'BTCD',
+ 'startpend': 8,
+ 'endpend': 4,
+ 'services': 129,
+ 'maxpeers': 64,
+ 'RELAY': addcoin_data.mode,
+ 'VALIDATE': addcoin_data.mode,
+ 'portp2p': 14631,
+ 'rpc': 14632
+ };
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'KMD' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Komodo',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('komodod');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('komodod');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('komodod', {
+ 'ac_name': 'komodod',
+ 'ac_options': [ '-addnode=' ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"komodo.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":8,"endpend":8,"services":0,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"KMD","name":"Komodo","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"f9eee48d","p2p":7770,"rpc":7771,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":32,"endpend":32,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"KMD","name":"Komodo","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"f9eee48d","p2p":7770,"rpc":7771,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'SUPERNET' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'SUPERNET',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('SUPERNET');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('SUPERNET');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('SUPERNET', {
+ 'ac_name': 'SUPERNET',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-server',
+ '-ac_name=SUPERNET',
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"SUPERNET.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"SUPERNET","name":"SUPERNET","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"cc55d9d4","p2p":11340,"rpc":11341,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"SUPERNET","name":"SUPERNET","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"cc55d9d4","p2p":11340,"rpc":11341,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(AddCoinData),
+ url: '',
+ //dataType: 'text',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var addcoinData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (addcoinData.result === 'coin added') {
+ console.log('coin added');
+ toastr.success(logincoinfullname + ' started in ' + logincoinmodeinfo + ' Mode', 'Coin Notification');
+ //if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
+ $( '.login-form' ).submit();
+ console.log('There was no wallet logged in. Logged in now.');
+ //}
+ } else if (addcoinData.result === 'coin already there') {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ toastr.info('Looks like ' + logincoinfullname + ' already running.', 'Coin Notification');
+ } else if (addcoinData.result === null) {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ toastr.info('Looks like ' + logincoinfullname + ' already running.', 'Coin Notification');
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }, tmpinternval);
+function Iguana_addcoin(addcoin_data) {
+ var tmpinternval = 0;
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'BTC' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Bitcoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"prefetchlag":5,"poll":1,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","newcoin":"BTC","startpend":64,"endpend":2,"services":128,"maxpeers":512,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"portp2p":8333}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'BTCD' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'BitcoinDark',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":50,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","newcoin":"BTCD","startpend":8,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":64,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"portp2p":14631,"rpc":14632}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'LTC' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Litecoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":8,"endpend":8,"services":129,"maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"LTC","name":"Litecoin","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"fbc0b6db","p2p":9333,"rpc":9332,"pubval":48,"p2shval":5,"wifval":176,"txfee_satoshis":"100000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2","genesis":{"hashalgo":"scrypt","version":1,"timestamp":1317972665,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":2084524493,"merkle_root":"97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9"},"alertpubkey":"040184710fa689ad5023690c80f3a49c8f13f8d45b8c857fbcbc8bc4a8e4d3eb4b10f4d4604fa08dce601aaf0f470216fe1b51850b4acf21b179c45070ac7b03a9","protover":70002}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'DOGE' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Dogecoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@'+sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"startpend":8,"endpend":4,"services":129,"auxpow":1,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"DOGE","name":"Dogecoin","netmagic":"C0C0C0C0","p2p":22556,"rpc":22555,"pubval":30,"p2shval":5,"wifval":128,"txfee_satoshis":"100000000","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"1a91e3dace36e2be3bf030a65679fe821aa1d6ef92e7c9902eb318182c355691","genesis":{"hashalgo": "scrypt","version":1,"timestamp":1386325540,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":99943,"merkle_root":"5b2a3f53f605d62c53e62932dac6925e3d74afa5a4b459745c36d42d0ed26a69"},"alertpubkey":"04d4da7a5dae4db797d9b0644d57a5cd50e05a70f36091cd62e2fc41c98ded06340be5a43a35e185690cd9cde5d72da8f6d065b499b06f51dcfba14aad859f443a"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'DGB' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Digibyte',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"startpend":16,"endpend":8,"services":129,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"DGB","name":"Digibyte","netmagic":"FAC3B6DA","p2p":12024,"rpc":14022,"pubval":30,"p2shval":5,"wifval":128,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"7497ea1b465eb39f1c8f507bc877078fe016d6fcb6dfad3a64c98dcc6e1e8496","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1389388394,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":2447652,"merkle_root":"72ddd9496b004221ed0557358846d9248ecd4c440ebd28ed901efc18757d0fad"},"alertpubkey":"04F04441C4757F356290A37C313C3772C5BC5003E898EB2E0CF365795543A7BF690C8BBBFA32EE3A3325477CE2000B7D0453EFBB203329D0F9DF34D5927D022BC9"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'MZC' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'MazaCoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"services":129,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"MZC","name":"MazaCoin","netmagic":"f8b503df","p2p":12835,"rpc":12832,"pubval":50,"p2shval":9,"wifval":224,"txfee_satoshis":"0","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"00000c7c73d8ce604178dae13f0fc6ec0be3275614366d44b1b4b5c6e238c60c","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1390747675,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":2091390249,"merkle_root":"62d496378e5834989dd9594cfc168dbb76f84a39bbda18286cddc7d1d1589f4f"},"alertpubkey":"04f09702847840aaf195de8442ebecedf5b095cdbb9bc716bda9110971b28a49e0ead8564ff0db22209e0374782c093bb899692d524e9d6a6956e7c5ecbcd68284"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'SYS' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'SysCoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":18,"endpend":18,"services":129,"maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"SYS","name":"SysCoin","hasheaders":0,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"f9beb4d9","p2p":8369,"rpc":8370,"pubval":0,"p2shval":5,"wifval":128,"txfee_satoshis":"100000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"0000072d66e51ab87de265765cc8bdd2d229a4307c672a1b3d5af692519cf765","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1450473723,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":5258726,"merkle_root":"5215c5a2af9b63f2550b635eb2b354bb13645fd8fa31275394eb161944303065"},"protover":70012,"auxpow":1}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'UNO' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Unobtanium',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"services":129,"auxpow":1,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"UNO","name":"Unobtanium","netmagic":"03d5b503","p2p":65534,"rpc":65535,"pubval":130,"p2shval":30,"wifval":224,"txfee_satoshis":"1000000","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"000004c2fc5fffb810dccc197d603690099a68305232e552d96ccbe8e2c52b75","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1375548986,"nBits":"1e0fffff","nonce":1211565,"merkle_root":"36a192e90f70131a884fe541a1e8a5643a28ba4cb24cbb2924bd0ee483f7f484"},"alertpubkey":"04fd68acb6a895f3462d91b43eef0da845f0d531958a858554feab3ac330562bf76910700b3f7c29ee273ddc4da2bb5b953858f6958a50e8831eb43ee30c32f21d"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'ZET' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Zetacoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"services":129,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"ZET","name":"Zetacoin","netmagic":"fab503df","p2p":17333,"rpc":17335,"pubval":80,"p2shval":9,"wifval":224,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"000006cab7aa2be2da91015902aa4458dd5fbb8778d175c36d429dc986f2bff4","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1375548986,"nBits":"1e0fffff","nonce":2089928209,"merkle_root":"d0227b8c3e3d07bce9656b3d9e474f050d23458aaead93357dcfdac9ab9b79f9"},"alertpubkey":"045337216002ca6a71d63edf062895417610a723d453e722bf4728996c58661cdac3d4dec5cecd449b9086e9602b35cc726a9e0163e1a4d40f521fbdaebb674658"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'KMD' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Komodo',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('komodod');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('komodod');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('komodod', {
+ 'ac_name': 'komodod',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"komodo.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":8,"endpend":8,"services":0,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"KMD","name":"Komodo","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"f9eee48d","p2p":7770,"rpc":7771,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":32,"endpend":32,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"KMD","name":"Komodo","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"f9eee48d","p2p":7770,"rpc":7771,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'BTM' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Bitmark',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"BTM","name":"Bitmark","netmagic":"f9beb4d9","p2p":9265,"rpc":9266,"pubval":85,"p2shval":5,"wifval":213,"txfee_satoshis":"0","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"c1fb746e87e89ae75bdec2ef0639a1f6786744639ce3d0ece1dcf979b79137cb","genesis":{"hashalgo":"scrypt","version":1,"timestamp":1405274442,"nBits":"1d00ffff","nonce":14385103,"merkle_root":"d4715adf41222fae3d4bf41af30c675bc27228233d0f3cfd4ae0ae1d3e760ba8"},"alertpubkey":"04bf5a75ff0f823840ef512b08add20bb4275ff6e097f2830ad28645e28cb5ea4dc2cfd0972b94019ad46f331b45ef4ba679f2e6c87fd19c864365fadb4f8d2269"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'CARB' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Carboncoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"CARB","name":"Carboncoin","netmagic":"abccbbdf","p2p":9350,"rpc":9351,"pubval":47,"p2shval":5,"wifval":175,"txfee_satoshis":"0","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"a94f1aae8c409a0bd1e53cbca92d7e506b61c51d955cf56f76da501718d48d6c","genesis":{"hashalgo":"scrypt","version":1,"timestamp":1389199888,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":605268,"merkle_root":"074bbb9d355731bfa8f67130e2179db7518d1387ad52e55309d4debe7d4e6383"},"alertpubkey":"046d6918a7c0c053aa942dbb8861499be4bd915c8bfb6a2b77b3787e207097cc2734b9321226ff107c1a95dae98570a66baec66e350d78ceba091b54411654d33f"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'ANC' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'AnonCoin',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"ANC","name":"AnonCoin","netmagic":"facabada","p2p":9377,"rpc":28332,"pubval":23,"p2shval":5,"wifval":151,"txfee_satoshis":"2000000","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"00000be19c5a519257aa921349037d55548af7cabf112741eb905a26bb73e468","genesis":{"version":1,"timestamp":1370190760,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":347089008,"merkle_root":"7ce7004d764515f9b43cb9f07547c8e2e00d94c9348b3da33c8681d350f2c736"},"alertpubkey":"04c6db35c11724e526f6725cc5bd5293b4bc9382397856e1bcef7111fb44ce357fd12442b34c496d937a348c1dca1e36ae0c0e128905eb3d301433887e8f0b4536"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'FRK' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'Franko',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ } else {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":10,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","maxpeers":256,"newcoin":"FRK","name":"Franko","netmagic":"7defaced","p2p":7912,"rpc":7913,"pubval":35,"p2shval":5,"wifval":163,"txfee_satoshis":"0","minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"19225ae90d538561217b5949e98ca4964ac91af39090d1a4407c892293e4f44f","genesis":{"hashalgo":"scrypt","version":1,"timestamp":1368144664,"nBits":"1e0ffff0","nonce":731837,"merkle_root":"b78f79f1d10029cc45ed3d5a1db7bd423d4ee170c03baf110a62565d16a21dca"},"alertpubkey":"04d4da7a5dae4db797d9b0644d57a5cd50e05a70f36091cd62e2fc41c98ded06340be5a43a35e185690cd9cde5d72da8f6d065b499b06f51dcfba14aad859f443a"}
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'SUPERNET' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'SUPERNET',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('SUPERNET');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('SUPERNET');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('SUPERNET', {
+ 'ac_name': 'SUPERNET',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-server',
+ '-ac_name=SUPERNET',
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"SUPERNET.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"SUPERNET","name":"SUPERNET","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"cc55d9d4","p2p":11340,"rpc":11341,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":32,"newcoin":"SUPERNET","name":"SUPERNET","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"cc55d9d4","p2p":11340,"rpc":11341,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'REVS' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'REVS',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('REVS');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('REVS');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('REVS', {
+ 'ac_name': 'REVS',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-server',
+ '-ac_name=REVS',
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"REVS.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"REVS","name":"REVS","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"905c3498","p2p":10195,"rpc":10196,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"REVS","name":"REVS","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"905c3498","p2p":10195,"rpc":10196,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'WIRELESS' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'WIRELESS',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '';
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) { logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk'; }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('WIRELESS');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('WIRELESS');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('WIRELESS', {
+ 'ac_name': 'WIRELESS',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-server',
+ '-ac_name=WIRELESS',
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"WIRELESS.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":0,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"WIRELESS","name":"WIRELESS","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"62071ed3","p2p":11666,"rpc":11667,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData =
+ {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"WIRELESS","name":"WIRELESS","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"62071ed3","p2p":11666,"rpc":11667,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ }
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.coin == 'USD' ) {
+ var logincoinfullname = 'USD',
+ logincoinmodeinfo = '',
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Full';
+ var AddCoinData = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'iguana',
+ 'method': 'paxfiats',
+ 'mask': 1
+ };
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '0' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Basilisk';
+ var AddCoinData = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'basilisk',
+ 'method': 'paxfiats',
+ 'mask': 1
+ };
+ }
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ logincoinmodeinfo = 'Native';
+ var confpath = Shepherd_getConf('USD');
+ console.log(confpath[0].path);
+ }
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if ( addcoin_data.mode == '-1' ) {
+ var setconfig = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_setConf('USD');
+ var result = 'setconfig: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ var startcoin = function() {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ Shepherd_herd('USD', {
+ 'ac_name': 'USD',
+ 'ac_options': [
+ '-server',
+ '-ac_name=USD',
+ '-addnode='
+ ]
+ });
+ var result = 'startcoin: DONE';
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ });
+ }
+ setconfig()
+ .then(function(result) {
+ return startcoin();
+ });
+ var tmpinternval = 6000,
+ AddCoinData = {"conf":"USD.conf","path":confpath[0].path,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":-1,"VALIDATE":1,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"USD","name":"USD","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"2d8e7803","p2p":13966,"rpc":13967,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ } else {
+ var AddCoinData = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"unitval":"20","zcash":1,"RELAY":addcoin_data.mode,"VALIDATE":addcoin_data.mode,"prefetchlag":-1,"poll":100,"active":1,"agent":"iguana","method":"addcoin","startpend":4,"endpend":4,"services":129,"maxpeers":8,"newcoin":"USD","name":"USD","hasheaders":1,"useaddmultisig":0,"netmagic":"2d8e7803","p2p":13966,"rpc":13967,"pubval":60,"p2shval":85,"wifval":188,"txfee_satoshis":"10000","isPoS":0,"minoutput":10000,"minconfirms":2,"genesishash":"027e3758c3a65b12aa1046462b486d0a63bfa1beae327897f56c5cfb7daaae71","protover":170002,"genesisblock":"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","debug":0,"seedipaddr":""}
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(AddCoinData),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var addcoinData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (addcoinData.result === 'coin added') {
+ Iguana_Setactivehandle();
+ console.log('coin added');
+ toastr.success(logincoinfullname + ' started in ' + logincoinmodeinfo + ' Mode', 'Coin Notification');
+ if (addcoin_data.logincmd == undefined) {
+ console.log('command NOT executed from login. RELOADING WALLET WIDGETS...');
+ refreshEDEXCoinWalletList();
+ //Iguana_DEXImportAll();
+ Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData().then(function(result) {
+ console.log(result);
+ });
+ //EDEXMainAddr(addcoin_data.coin).then(function(result){
+ //console.log(result)
+ //Iguana_DEXImportAddr(addcoin_data.coin,result);
+ //})
+ //Iguana_DEXImportAllWalletAddr(addcoin_data.coin)
+ //$(document).ready(function() { window.location.reload(); });
+ } else {
+ Iguana_CheckActiveCoins().then(function(result) {
+ if (result.length !== 0 ) {
+ $('#section-login-addcoin-btn').hide();
+ $('#section-login').show();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#addcoin_select_coin_mdl_options').val('-Select-');
+ } else if (addcoinData.result === 'coin already there') {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ toastr.info('Looks like ' + logincoinfullname + ' already running.', 'Coin Notification');
+ } else if (addcoinData.result === null) {
+ console.log('coin already there');
+ toastr.info('Looks like ' + logincoinfullname + ' already running.', 'Coin Notification');
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }, tmpinternval);
+function ExecuteAddCoinFn() {
+ var addcoin_selected_mode_val = $('input[name="addcoin_select_mode_mdl"]:checked').val(),
+ addcoin_selected_coinname_code_val = $('option:selected', '#addcoin_select_coin_mdl_options').val(),
+ ExecAddCoinData = {
+ 'coin': addcoin_selected_coinname_code_val,
+ 'mode': addcoin_selected_mode_val
+ };
+ Iguana_addcoin(ExecAddCoinData);
+function ExecuteAddCoinLoginFn() {
+ var addcoin_selected_mode_val = $('input[name="addcoin_select_mode_mdl-login"]:checked').val(),
+ addcoin_selected_coinname_code_val = $('option:selected', '#addcoin_select_coin_mdl_options-login').val(),
+ ExecAddCoinData = {
+ 'coin': addcoin_selected_coinname_code_val,
+ 'mode': addcoin_selected_mode_val,
+ 'logincmd': 1
+ };
+ Iguana_addcoin(ExecAddCoinData);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaDEX.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaDEX.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55ec862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaDEX.js
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+function Iguana_DEXgetNotaries(coin) {
+ var result = [];
+ // Get parameters values from confirm dialog and send currency
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'getnotaries',
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result[0];
+function Iguana_DEXImportAddr(coin,addr) {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_1 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'checkaddress',
+ 'address': addr,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ ajax_call_1 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_1),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ var ajax_call_2 = ajax_call_1.then(function(data) {
+ if (('error' in data)) {
+ var ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'importaddress',
+ 'address': addr,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ return $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ } else {
+ var tmp_result = 'already in list';
+ return tmp_result;
+ }
+ });
+ ajax_call_2.done(function(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data == 'already in list') {
+ toastr.info(coin + ' address already registered on network.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ } else {
+ if (data.iswatchonly == true) {
+ toastr.success('Registered ' + coin + ' address on network.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == false) {
+ toastr.success(coin + ' address Registeration failed. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == undefined) {
+ toastr.error('Invalid query sent for ' + coin + '. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ if (data.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function Iguana_DEXImportAllWalletAddr(coin) {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getaddressesbyaccount',
+ 'account': '*'
+ },
+ tmp_coin_addr = null,
+ ajax_call_2 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }),
+ ajax_call_3 = ajax_call_2.then(function(data) {
+ $.each(data.result, function(coinaddr_index, coinaddr_value) {
+ console.log(coinaddr_index)
+ console.log(coinaddr_value)
+ var ajax_data_4 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'checkaddress',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ ajax_call_4 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_4),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ });
+ var ajax_call_5 = ajax_call_4.then(function(data) {
+ console.log(data)
+ console.log(coinaddr_value);
+ if (('error' in data) || !('address' in data)) {
+ var ajax_data_4 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'importaddress',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ return $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_4),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ } else {
+ var tmp_result = 'already in list';
+ return tmp_result;
+ }
+ });
+ ajax_call_5.done(function(data) {
+ console.log(coin)
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data == 'already in list') {
+ toastr.info(coinaddr_value + ' already registered on network.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + coin);
+ } else {
+ if (data.iswatchonly == true) {
+ toastr.success('Registered ' + coinaddr_value + ' on network.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + coin);
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == false) {
+ toastr.success(coinaddr_value + ' Registeration failed. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + coin);
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == undefined) {
+ toastr.error('Invalid query sent for ' + coinaddr_value + '. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + coin);
+ }
+ if (data.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + coin);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function Iguana_DEXImportAll() {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_1 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'InstantDEX',
+ 'method': 'allcoins'
+ },
+ ajax_call_1 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_1),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ ajax_call_1.done(function(data) {
+ $.each([ 'basilisk','full' ], function(data_index,data_value) {
+ $.each(data[data_value], function(mode_index,mode_value) {
+ var ajax_data_2 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': mode_value,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getaddressesbyaccount',
+ 'account': '*'
+ },
+ tmp_coin_addr = null,
+ ajax_call_2 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_2),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }),
+ ajax_call_3 = ajax_call_2.then(function(data) {
+ $.each(data.result, function(coinaddr_index, coinaddr_value) {
+ console.log(coinaddr_index)
+ console.log(coinaddr_value)
+ var ajax_data_4 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'checkaddress',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': mode_value
+ },
+ ajax_call_4 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_4),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }),
+ ajax_call_5 = ajax_call_4.then(function(data) {
+ console.log(data)
+ console.log(coinaddr_value);
+ if (('error' in data) || !('address' in data)) {
+ var ajax_data_4 = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'importaddress',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': mode_value
+ };
+ return $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_4),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ });
+ } else {
+ var tmp_result = 'already in list';
+ return tmp_result;
+ }
+ });
+ ajax_call_5.done(function(data) {
+ console.log(mode_value)
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data == 'already in list') {
+ toastr.info(coinaddr_value + ' already registered on network.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + mode_value);
+ } else {
+ if (data.iswatchonly == true) {
+ toastr.success('Registered ' + coinaddr_value + ' on network.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + mode_value);
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == false) {
+ toastr.success(coinaddr_value + ' Registeration failed. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + mode_value);
+ }
+ if (data.iswatchonly == undefined) {
+ toastr.error('Invalid query sent for ' + coinaddr_value + '. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + mode_value);
+ }
+ if (data.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification - ' + mode_value);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ ajax_call_3.done(function() {
+ console.log('Registered addresses from all active coin wallets.');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+function Iguana_DEXCheckAddr(coin,addr) {
+ var result = [];
+ // Get parameters values from confirm dialog and send currency
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'checkaddress',
+ 'address': addr,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function Iguana_DEXValidateAddr(coin, addr) {
+ var result = [];
+ // Get parameters values from confirm dialog and send currency
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'validateaddress',
+ 'address': addr,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.iswatchonly == true) {
+ toastr.success('Validation Success on Network', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ if (AjaxOutputData.iswatchonly == false) {
+ toastr.info('Address isn\'t Registered on Network. Please Register', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ if (AjaxOutputData.iswatchonly == undefined) {
+ toastr.error('Invalid query sent. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function EDEX_DEXlistunspent(coin, addr) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'listunspent',
+ 'address': addr,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ },
+ AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('',ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText)
+ if (AjaxOutputData == '' ) {
+ result.push([{ 'amount': 0 }]);
+ }
+ if (AjaxOutputData.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ resolve(AjaxOutputData);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+function EDEX_DEXnotarychains() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dpow',
+ 'method': 'notarychains'
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ console.log('== EDEX_DEXnotarychains Data OutPut ==');
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result[0];
+function EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dpow',
+ 'method': 'notarychains'
+ },
+ get_dex_notarychains = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ get_dex_notarychains = JSON.parse(get_dex_notarychains.responseText);
+ var refresh_percent = '';
+ $.each(get_dex_notarychains, function( coin_index, coin_value ) {
+ console.log(coin_index + ': ' + coin_value);
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'getinfo',
+ 'symbol': coin_value
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ if (coin_value !== 'MESH') {
+ var getinfo_each_chain = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ getinfo_each_chain = JSON.parse(getinfo_each_chain.responseText);
+ console.log('== EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll Data OutPut ==');
+ console.log(getinfo_each_chain);
+ var tmp_index = parseInt(coin_index) + 1,
+ refresh_percent = parseFloat(parseInt(coin_index, 10) * 100) / parseInt(get_dex_notarychains.length, 10);
+ console.log(refresh_percent)
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-title').text('Connection status... ' + tmp_index + '/' + get_dex_notarychains.length + ': ' + coin_value);
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-percent').text(refresh_percent + '%');
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-progress-bar').width(refresh_percent + '%')
+ if (getinfo_each_chain == '' ) {
+ result.push([{ 'amount': 0 }]);
+ }
+ result.push(getinfo_each_chain);
+ if (getinfo_each_chain.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.info('Less than required responses for ' + coin_value + '.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-status-output').text('Output: ' + getinfo_each_chain.error);
+ } else {
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-status-output').text('Output: Connected');
+ }
+ if ( tmp_index == get_dex_notarychains.length-1 ) {
+ $('#basilisk-connections-refresh-progress-bar').width('100%');
+ $('#RefreshBasiliskConnectionsMdl').modal('hide');
+ toastr.success('Basilsk nodes connections refreshed.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result[0];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaEDEX.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaEDEX.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..140665b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaEDEX.js
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+function EDEXlistunspent(coin, addr) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ if (addr == undefined) {
+ addr = '';
+ var ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'method': 'listunspent',
+ 'params': [
+ 1,
+ 9999999,
+ []
+ ]
+ };
+ } else {
+ var ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'method': 'listunspent',
+ 'params': [
+ 1,
+ 9999999,
+ [addr]
+ ]
+ };
+ }
+ var active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ var ajaxCall = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ ajaxCall.done(function(data) {
+ var result = [];
+ // This code using undscore.js takes only the address into an array which are unique in that list
+ var unique_addresses = _.keys(_.countBy(data, function(data) { return data.address; }));
+ // This function calls each unique address and calculates the total amount of coins in it.
+ $.each(unique_addresses, function(index) {
+ var unique_addr_tmp_array = _.where(data, { address: unique_addresses[index] }),
+ tmpcalcnum = 0,
+ tmpcalcinterest = 0,
+ interest_enable = false,
+ tmptotalbalance = 0;
+ $.each(data, function(index) {
+ if ( data[index].interest !== undefined ) {
+ // console.log('interest is available for this currency. Adding to total balance.');
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + data[index].amount;
+ tmpcalcinterest = tmpcalcinterest + data[index].interest;
+ interest_enable = true;
+ }
+ if ( data[index].interest === undefined ) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + data[index].amount;
+ }
+ });
+ if ( coin == 'KMD' ) {
+ tmptotalbalance = parseFloat(tmpcalcnum) + parseFloat(tmpcalcinterest);
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': unique_addr_tmp_array[0].address,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum.toFixed(8),
+ 'interest': tmpcalcinterest.toFixed(8),
+ 'totalbalance': tmptotalbalance.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ if ( coin !== 'KMD' ) {
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': unique_addr_tmp_array[0].address,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ /*var tmpcalcnum = 0;
+ $.each(unique_addr_tmp_array, function(index, value) {
+ //console.log(value.amount);
+ if ( value.interest !== undefined ) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + value.amount + value.interest;
+ }
+ if ( value.interest === undefined ) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + value.amount;
+ }
+ });
+ //console.log(tmpcalcnum);
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {"addr": unique_addr_tmp_array[0].address, "total": tmpcalcnum};*/
+ //console.log(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ result.push(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ });
+ resolve(result);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+function clearEdexSendFieldData() {
+ $('.showedexcoinaddrs').selectpicker('refresh');
+ $('#edexcoin_sendto').val('');
+ $('#edexcoin_total_value').text('');
+ $('#edexcoin_amount').val('');
+function EDEXMainAddr(coin) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'SuperNET',
+ 'method': 'activehandle'
+ };
+ var ajaxCall = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ });
+ ajaxCall.done(function(data) {
+ tmp_coin_addr = data[coin];
+ resolve(tmp_coin_addr);
+ NProgress.done();
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ });
+function EDEXgetBalance(coin) {
+ // comment
+ var result = [],
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getbalance',
+ 'coin': coin
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData['result']);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function EDEXSendToAddr(data) {
+ var result = [],
+ confirm_coinname_to_send = data.coin,
+ confirm_send_amount = data.amount,
+ confirm_sendto_address = data.sendtoaddr;
+ // Get parameters values from confirm dialog and send currency
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ sendtoaddrvalues = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': confirm_coinname_to_send,
+ 'method': 'sendtoaddress',
+ 'params': [
+ confirm_sendto_address,
+ confirm_send_amount,
+ 'EasyDEX',
+ 'EasyDEXTransaction'
+ ]};
+ console.log(sendtoaddrvalues);
+ console.log(sendtoaddrvalues.params);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(sendtoaddrvalues),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var SendToAddrData = JSON.parse(data),
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl = '';
+ result.push(SendToAddrData);
+ if ( SendToAddrData.error !== undefined ) {
+ toastr.error('Sent Transaction failed. Please check send Transaction page for details.', 'Wallet Notification');
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' +
+ 'error ' +
+ '' +
+ '' + SendToAddrData.error + ' ' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' ';
+ $('#edexcoin_sendto_result tbody').html(edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl);
+ $('#edexcoin_send_coins_anothertx_btn').show();
+ }
+ if ( SendToAddrData.complete !== undefined ) {
+ var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin');
+ toastr.success('Transaction sent successfully. Check send section for details.', 'Wallet Notification');
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' +
+ 'complete ' +
+ '' +
+ '' + SendToAddrData.complete + ' ' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' ';
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' +
+ 'result ' +
+ '' +
+ '' + SendToAddrData.result + ' ' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' ';
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' +
+ 'sendrawtransaction ' +
+ '' +
+ '' + SendToAddrData.sendrawtransaction + ' ' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' ';
+ edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' +
+ 'signedtx ' +
+ '' +
+ '' + SendToAddrData.signedtx + ' ' +
+ ' ' +
+ ' ';
+ $('#edexcoin_sendto_result tbody').html(edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl);
+ $('#edexcoin_send_coins_anothertx_btn').show();
+ }
+ var selected_coinmode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ if ( selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin');
+ getDEXGetBalance(active_edexcoin).then(function(result){
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(result.total);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'),
+ tmp_get_coin_balance = EDEXlistunspent(active_edexcoin);
+ if (tmp_get_coin_balance[0] != undefined) {
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text(tmp_get_coin_balance[0].total.toFixed(8));
+ } else {
+ $('#edex_total_balance').text('0');
+ }
+ }
+ $('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn').prop('disabled', false);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function EDEXgetinfo(coin) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getinfo',
+ 'immediate': 100,
+ 'timeout': 4000
+ },
+ AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('',ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText)
+ resolve(AjaxOutputData);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ })
+function EDEXgetaddrbyaccount(coin) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getaddressesbyaccount',
+ 'account': '*'
+ },
+ tmp_addr_label = '' +
+ ' public' +
+ ' ';
+ active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode');
+ var AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ data = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText);
+ console.log(data);
+ if (active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' &&
+ coin !== 'BTC' &&
+ coin !== 'BTCD' &&
+ coin !== 'LTC' &&
+ coin !== 'DOGE' &&
+ coin !== 'DGB' &&
+ coin !== 'SYS' &&
+ coin !== 'MZC' &&
+ coin !== 'UNO' &&
+ coin !== 'ZET' &&
+ coin !== 'BTM' &&
+ coin !== 'CARB' &&
+ coin !== 'ANC' &&
+ coin !== 'FRK' ) {
+ Promise.all(data.result.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ let params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'getbalance',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(params);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(params),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).then(data => {
+ if (data.interest !== undefined) {
+ var pass_data = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': data.balance.toFixed(8),
+ 'interest': data.interest.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ if (data.interest == undefined) {
+ var pass_data = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': data.balance.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ }
+ resolve(pass_data);
+ });
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ resolve(result);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ } else if (active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' ) {
+ Promise.all(data.result.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ let params = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'dex',
+ 'method': 'listunspent',
+ 'address': coinaddr_value,
+ 'symbol': coin
+ };
+ console.log(params)
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(params),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ })
+ .then(data => {
+ console.log(coinaddr_value);
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data.error === 'less than required responses') {
+ toastr.error('Less than required responses. Please try again.', 'Basilisk Notification');
+ }
+ var tmpcalcnum = 0;
+ $.each(data, function(index) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + data[index].amount;
+ });
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum.toFixed(8)
+ };
+ console.log(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ if (data == '' ) {
+ tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': 0
+ };
+ }
+ resolve(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ });
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ resolve(result);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ }
+ if (active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Full' &&
+ coin !== 'BTC' &&
+ coin !== 'BTCD' &&
+ coin !== 'LTC' &&
+ coin !== 'DOGE' &&
+ coin !== 'DGB' &&
+ coin !== 'SYS' &&
+ coin !== 'MZC' &&
+ coin !== 'UNO' &&
+ coin !== 'ZET' &&
+ coin !== 'BTM' &&
+ coin !== 'CARB' &&
+ coin !== 'ANC' &&
+ coin !== 'FRK' ) {
+ Promise.all(data.result.map((coinaddr_value, coinaddr_index) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ EDEXlistunspent(coin, coinaddr_value).then(function(data) {
+ var pass_data;
+ console.log(data);
+ if (data.length !== 0) {
+ if (data[0].interest !== undefined) {
+ pass_data = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': data[0].total,
+ 'interest': data[0].interest
+ };
+ }
+ if (data[0].interest == undefined) {
+ pass_data = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': data[0].total
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ pass_data = {
+ 'label': tmp_addr_label,
+ 'addr': coinaddr_value,
+ 'total': 0.00000000
+ };
+ }
+ console.log(pass_data);
+ resolve(pass_data);
+ });
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ console.log(result);
+ resolve(result);
+ NProgress.done();
+ });
+ }
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ })
+ });
+function EDEXgetnewaddress(coin) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'coin': coin,
+ 'agent': 'bitcoinrpc',
+ 'method': 'getnewaddress',
+ 'account': ''
+ },
+ AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText);
+ resolve(AjaxOutputData.result);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ });
+function EDEXimportprivkey(params_data) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'method': 'importprivkey',
+ 'params': [
+ params_data,
+ 'imported'
+ ]
+ },
+ AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText);
+ resolve(AjaxOutputData);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaHandle.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaHandle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6417a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaHandle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+function Iguana_rmd160conv(rmd160conv_data) {
+ // comment
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'SuperNET',
+ 'method': 'rmd160conv',
+ 'rmd160': rmd160conv_data.rmd160,
+ 'coin': rmd160conv_data.coin
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ console.log('== Data OutPut ==');
+ console.log(AjaxOutputData);
+ return AjaxOutputData;
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+function Iguana_activehandle(callback) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'SuperNET',
+ 'method': 'activehandle'
+ },
+ AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('', ajax_data).done(function(data) {
+ AjaxOutputData = AjaxOutputData && AjaxOutputData.responseText ? JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText) : '';
+ resolve(AjaxOutputData);
+ }).fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ // handle request failures
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ });
+ });
+function Iguana_Setactivehandle() {
+ //comment
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': 'SuperNET',
+ 'method': 'activehandle'
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data),
+ AjaxOutputDataToStore = JSON.stringify(data);
+ sessionStorage.setItem('IguanaActiveAccount', AjaxOutputDataToStore);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return 'Executed Iguana_activehandle. Check Iguana_activehandle_output var value.';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaShepherd.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaShepherd.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc421f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaShepherd.js
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+function Shepherd_getConf(coin) {
+ var result = [],
+ ajax_data = { 'chain': coin };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ console.log(AjaxOutputData['result']);
+ result.push({ 'path': AjaxOutputData['result'] });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ //console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ //if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ //}
+ //console.log(textStatus);
+ //console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function Shepherd_setConf(coin) {
+ var result = [],
+ ajax_data = { 'chain': coin };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ console.log(AjaxOutputData);
+ result.push({ 'result': AjaxOutputData['msg'] });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ //console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ //if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ //}
+ //console.log(textStatus);
+ //console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function Shepherd_herd(coin,herd_data) {
+ var result = [];
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'herd': coin,
+ 'options': herd_data
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ console.log(AjaxOutputData);
+ result.push({ 'result': AjaxOutputData['msg'] });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ //console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ //if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ //}
+ //console.log(textStatus);
+ //console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function Shepherd_herdlist(data) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var ajax_data_1 = { 'herdname': data },
+ ajax_call_1 = $.ajax({
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_1),
+ url: '',
+ type: 'POST',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ });
+ ajax_call_1.done(function(data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ });
+function Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(req_data) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ parse_session_data = sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount');
+ parse_session_data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(parse_session_data));
+ var session_pubkey = parse_session_data.pubkey,
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'pubkey': session_pubkey
+ };
+ console.log(req_data)
+ if (req_data.allcoins !== false ) {
+ var req_url = '';
+ } else {
+ var req_url = '';
+ ajax_data.coin = req_data.coin;
+ ajax_data.calls = req_data.calls;
+ }
+ console.log(ajax_data)
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ data: ajax_data,
+ url: req_url,
+ contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON
+ }).done(function(data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ });
+function Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var parse_session_data = sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount');
+ parse_session_data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(parse_session_data));
+ var session_pubkey = parse_session_data.pubkey,
+ ajax_data = { 'pubkey': session_pubkey };
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ data: ajax_data,
+ url: '',
+ contentType: 'application/json' // send as JSON
+ }).done(function(data) {
+ resolve(data);
+ });
+ });
+function Shepherd_CheckBasiliskCacheData(coin) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache().then(function(result) {
+ var _data = JSON.parse(result),
+ query = _data.result.basilisk,
+ coin_exists = true,
+ addresses_exists = true,
+ getbalance_exists = true,
+ listtransactions_exists = true,
+ listunspent_exists = true,
+ refresh_exists = true;
+ if (!query) {
+ console.log('data not found.');
+ var res_data = {
+ 'coin': false,
+ 'addresses': false,
+ 'getbalance': false,
+ 'listtransactions': false,
+ 'listunspent': false,
+ 'refresh': false
+ };
+ resolve(res_data);
+ } else if (!query[coin]) {
+ console.log(coin + ' not found.');
+ coin_exists = false;
+ var res_data = {
+ 'coin': coin_exists,
+ 'addresses': false,
+ 'getbalance': false,
+ 'listtransactions': false,
+ 'listunspent': false,
+ 'refresh': false
+ };
+ resolve(res_data);
+ } else if (!('addresses' in query[coin])) {
+ console.log(coin + ' addresses not found.');
+ addresses_exists = false;
+ res_data = {
+ 'coin': coin_exists,
+ 'getbalance': false,
+ 'listtransactions': false,
+ 'listunspent': false,
+ 'refresh': false
+ };
+ resolve(res_data)
+ } else {
+ Promise.all(query[coin].addresses.map((coinaddr_value,coinaddr_index) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var data = query[coin][coinaddr_value].getbalance;
+ if (!('getbalance' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => getbalance not found.')
+ getbalance_exists = false;
+ }
+ if (!('listtransactions' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => listtransactions not found.')
+ listtransactions_exists = false;
+ }
+ if (!('listunspent' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => listunspent not found.')
+ listunspent_exists = false;
+ }
+ if (!('refresh' in query[coin][coinaddr_value])) {
+ //console.log(coin + '>>>' + coinaddr_value + ' => refresh not found.')
+ refresh_exists = false;
+ }
+ pass_data = {
+ 'getbalance': getbalance_exists,
+ 'listtransactions': listtransactions_exists,
+ 'listunspent': listunspent_exists,
+ 'refresh': refresh_exists
+ };
+ resolve(pass_data);
+ });
+ })).then(result => {
+ var res_data = result[result.length - 1];
+ res_data.coin = coin_exists;
+ res_data.addresses = addresses_exists;
+ resolve(res_data);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaUnused.js b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaUnused.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab87e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/iguana_api/IguanaUnused.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/*var Iguana_activehandle_output = ''; //Storing activehandle output this variable. accessible globally.
+function Iguana_activehandle() {
+ //comment
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@'+sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth');
+ var ajax_data = {'userpass':tmpIguanaRPCAuth,"agent":"SuperNET","method":"activehandle"};
+ //console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ //dataType: 'text',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ //console.log('== ActiveHandle Data OutPut ==');
+ //console.log(AjaxOutputData);
+ Iguana_activehandle_output = AjaxOutputData;
+ return true;
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return 'Executed Iguana_activehandle. Check Iguana_activehandle_output var value.';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDAddress.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDAddress.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d96b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDAddress.js
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+function KMDListaddrZ() {
+ var result = [],
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_listaddresses',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ // This code gets list of all z_addresses into an array
+ // This function calls each address and then gets the total amount of coins in it.
+ $.each(AjaxOutputData, function(index, value) {
+ var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + value + '",0]',
+ tmpZaddrs_output = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex),
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_zaddrbalance = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_getbalance',
+ 'hex': tmpZaddrs_output
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_zaddrbalance),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
+ AjaxOutputData = 0;
+ }
+ var tmp_Zaddr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': value,
+ 'total': AjaxOutputData
+ };
+ result.push(tmp_Zaddr_total_balance_output);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function KMDListAddresses(pubpriv) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ ajax_data_to_hex = '""',
+ ajax_function_input = '',
+ tmplistaddr_hex_input = '';
+ if ( pubpriv === 'public' ) {
+ ajax_function_input = 'getaddressesbyaccount';
+ tmplistaddr_hex_input = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex);
+ }
+ if ( pubpriv === 'private' ) {
+ ajax_function_input = 'z_listaddresses';
+ tmplistaddr_hex_input = '';
+ }
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': ajax_function_input,
+ 'hex': tmplistaddr_hex_input
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ result = AjaxOutputData;
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result;
+function KMDGetNewAddresses(pubpriv) {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ ajax_function_input = '';
+ if ( pubpriv === 'public' ) {
+ ajax_function_input = 'getnewaddress';
+ }
+ if ( pubpriv === 'private' ) {
+ ajax_function_input = 'z_getnewaddress';
+ }
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': ajax_function_input,
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ result = data;
+ toastr.success('New address generated successfully', 'Wallet Notification');
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result;
+function KMDListAllAddr() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var only_reciving_addr_data = [],
+ listTaddr = KMDListAddresses('public'),
+ listZaddr = KMDListAddresses('private'),
+ listAlladdr = $.merge( listTaddr, listZaddr );
+ $.each(listAlladdr, function(index, value) {
+ tmp_addr_label = '' +
+ ' public' +
+ ' ';
+ if ( listAlladdr[index].slice(0, 2) == 'zc' || listAlladdr[index].slice(0, 2) == 'zt' ) {
+ tmp_addr_label = '' +
+ ' private' +
+ ' ';
+ }
+ //var tmp_addr_action_button = ' ';
+ only_reciving_addr_data.push([
+ tmp_addr_label,
+ listAlladdr[index]
+ ]);
+ });
+ var kmd_recieve_table = '';
+ kmd_recieve_table = $('#kmd-recieve-addr-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: only_reciving_addr_data,
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ kmd_recieve_table.destroy();
+ kmd_recieve_table = $('#kmd-recieve-addr-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: only_reciving_addr_data,
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return only_reciving_addr_data;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDBalance.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDBalance.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776192c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDBalance.js
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+function getTotalKMDBalance() {
+ var extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'),
+ passthru_agent = '';
+ console.log($('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'));
+ if ( extcoin == 'KMD') { passthru_agent = 'komodo'; };
+ if ( extcoin == 'ZEC') { passthru_agent = 'zcash'; };
+ var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_gettotalbalance',
+ 'hex': '3000'
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ //dataType: 'text',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (AjaxOutputData.interest != undefined) {
+ console.log('show interest..');
+ $('#kmd_total_interest_balance').text(parseFloat(AjaxOutputData.interest).toFixed(8) + ' ' + extcoin);
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_i').show();
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t').addClass(' col-lg-3');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t').removeClass('col-lg-4');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z').addClass(' col-lg-3');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z').removeClass(' col-lg-4');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi').addClass(' col-lg-3');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi').removeClass(' col-lg-4');
+ } else {
+ console.log('do not show interest...');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_i').hide();
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t').addClass(' col-lg-4');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_t').removeClass(' col-lg-3');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z').addClass(' col-lg-4');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_z').removeClass(' col-lg-3');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi').addClass(' col-lg-4');
+ $('#kmd_widget_get_total_balance_tzi').removeClass(' col-lg-3');
+ }
+ $('#kmd_transparent_balance').text((AjaxOutputData.transparent ? parseFloat(AjaxOutputData.transparent).toFixed(8) : 0) + ' ' + extcoin);
+ $('#kmd_private_balance').text((AjaxOutputData.private ? parseFloat(AjaxOutputData.private).toFixed(8) : 0) + ' ' + extcoin);
+ $('#kmd_total_tz_balance').text((AjaxOutputData.total ? parseFloat(AjaxOutputData.total).toFixed(8) : 0) + ' ' + extcoin);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+function getKMDBalanceT() {
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'getbalance',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+function getKMDBalanceZ() {
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_getbalance',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDGetinfo.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDGetinfo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d516df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDGetinfo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+function getKMDWalletInfo() {
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'getwalletinfo',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ $('#kmd_walletversion').text(AjaxOutputData.walletversion);
+ $('#kmd_balance').text(AjaxOutputData.balance);
+ $('#kmd_unconfirmed_balance').text(AjaxOutputData.unconfirmed_balance);
+ $('#kmd_immature_balance').text(AjaxOutputData.immature_balance);
+ $('#KMDTotalTransactionsCount').text(AjaxOutputData.txcount);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+function getKMDInfo() {
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'getinfo',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ $('#kmd_version').text(AjaxOutputData.version);
+ $('#kmd_protocolversion').text(AjaxOutputData.protocolversion);
+ $('#kmd_notarized').text(AjaxOutputData.notarized);
+ $('#kmd_notarizedhash').text(AjaxOutputData.notarizedhash);
+ $('#kmd_notarizedbtc').text(AjaxOutputData.notarizedbtc);
+ $('#kmd_blocks').text(AjaxOutputData.blocks);
+ $('#kmd_connections').text(AjaxOutputData.connections);
+ $('#kmd_difficulty').text(AjaxOutputData.difficulty);
+ $('#kmd_testnet').text(AjaxOutputData.testnet);
+ $('#kmd_paytxfee').text(AjaxOutputData.paytxfee);
+ $('#kmd_relayfee').text(AjaxOutputData.relayfee);
+ $('#kmd_errors').text(AjaxOutputData.errors);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDInit.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDInit.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24528fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDInit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+function RunKMDInitFunctions() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var check1 = CheckIfConnected();
+ console.log(check1[0]);
+ if ( check1[0] == 'not active' ) {
+ console.log('Could not connect to external wallet. Is external wallet running?');
+ toastr.error('Connection Error. Is external wallet running?', 'Wallet Notification');
+ $('#extcoin-wallet').hide();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert').show();
+ }
+ if ( check1[0] == 'null return' ) {
+ console.log('Could not connect to external wallet. Is iguana connected to external wallet?');
+ toastr.error('Connection Error. Is iguana connected to external wallet?', 'Wallet Notification');
+ $('#extcoin-wallet').hide();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert').show();
+ }
+ if ( check1[0] == 'activating' ) {
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-activating-alert').show();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet').show();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert').hide();
+ function _getKMDInfo() {
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'getinfo',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ console.log(ajax_data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (AjaxOutputData && !AjaxOutputData.blocks) {
+ startBestBlockInterval();
+ } else {
+ clearInterval(currentBestBlockInterval);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function getRemoteCurrentHeight() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: 'http://localhost:7778/api/dex/getinfo?userpass=tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth') + '&symbol=KMD',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (data && data.blocks) {
+ totalBlocksInExplorer = data.blocks;
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getinfo from dex api');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var currentBestBlockInterval;
+ function startBestBlockInterval() {
+ currentBestBlockInterval = setInterval(function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: {
+ 'herdname': 'komodo',
+ 'lastLines': 1
+ },
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ if (data.indexOf('UpdateTip') > -1) {
+ var temp = data.split(' ');
+ for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
+ if (temp[i].indexOf('height=') > -1) {
+ var currentBestChain = temp[i].replace('height=', '');
+ $('#activating-komodod-tridot').hide();
+ $('#activating-komodod-progress').html(': ' + Math.floor(currentBestChain * 100 / totalBlocksInExplorer) + '% (blocks ' + currentBestChain + ' / ' + totalBlocksInExplorer + ')');
+ if (currentBestChain === totalBlocksInExplorer) {
+ //clearInterval(totalBlocksInExplorerInterval);
+ clearInterval(currentBestBlockInterval);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting debug.log');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ }, 30000);
+ }
+ getRemoteCurrentHeight();
+ var totalBlocksInExplorer = 0,
+ totalBlocksInExplorerInterval = setInterval(function() {
+ getRemoteCurrentHeight();
+ _getKMDInfo();
+ }, 60000);
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').hide();
+ }
+ if ( check1[0] == 'connected') {
+ getTotalKMDBalance();
+ KMDfillTxHistoryT();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet').show();
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').hide();
+ }
+ // KMDWalletDashboard.init()
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ NProgress.done();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDSendTx.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDSendTx.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47ff29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDSendTx.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+function KMDZSendManyTransaction() {
+ var result = [],
+ zsendmoney_output = '',
+ tmp_zsendmany_from_addr = $('#kmd_wallet_send_from').val(),
+ tmp_zsendmany_to_addr = $('#kmd_wallet_sendto').val(),
+ tmp_zsendmany_total_amount = $('#kmd_wallet_total_value').text(),
+ ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + tmp_zsendmany_from_addr + '",[{"address":"' + tmp_zsendmany_to_addr + '","amount":' + tmp_zsendmany_total_amount + '}]]',
+ zsendmoney_output = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex),
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_txid_input = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_sendmany',
+ 'hex': zsendmoney_output
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_txid_input),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ console.log('== Data OutPut of z_sendmany ==');
+ console.log(data);
+ result.push(data);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ KMDListAllOPIDs();
+ return result;
+function clearSendManyFieldData() {
+ $('.showkmdwalletaddrs').selectpicker('refresh');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_sendto').val('');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_total_value').text('');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_amount').val('');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransaction.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransaction.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce9fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransaction.js
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+function KMDGetPublicTransactions() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'listtransactions',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ console.log(AjaxOutputData);
+ $.each(AjaxOutputData, function(index, value) {
+ var tmp_category = '',
+ tmp_addr = AjaxOutputData[index].address;
+ if (!('address' in AjaxOutputData[index])) {
+ tmp_addr = ' Z Address not listed by wallet! ';
+ }
+ var tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(AjaxOutputData[index].time);
+ if ( AjaxOutputData[index].category == 'send' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' OUT';
+ }
+ if ( AjaxOutputData[index].category == 'receive' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' IN';
+ }
+ if ( AjaxOutputData[index].category == 'generate' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Mined';
+ }
+ if ( AjaxOutputData[index].category == 'immature' ) {
+ tmp_category = ' Immature';
+ }
+ tmplisttransactions = [
+ '' +
+ ' public' +
+ ' ',
+ tmp_category,
+ AjaxOutputData[index].confirmations,
+ AjaxOutputData[index].amount,
+ tmp_secondsToString,
+ tmp_addr,
+ ' '
+ ];
+ result.push(tmplisttransactions);
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result;
+function KMDGetProtectedTransactions() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ get_zaddr_list = KMDListaddrZ();
+ $.each(get_zaddr_list, function(index, value) {
+ var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + value.addr + '",0]',
+ tmpzaddr_hex_input = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex),
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@ '+ sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ "agent": passthru_agent,
+ "method": "passthru",
+ "function": "z_listreceivedbyaddress",
+ "hex": tmpzaddr_hex_input
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ $.each(AjaxOutputData, function(index, txidvalue) {
+ var tmp_category = ' IN';
+ var tmp_addr = value.addr.slice(0, 30) + '...';
+ if (!('amount' in txidvalue)) {
+ var tmp_amount = 0;
+ } else {
+ var tmp_amount = txidvalue.amount;
+ }
+ var tmp_addr_txid_info = KMDGetTransactionIDInfo(AjaxOutputData[index].txid),
+ tmp_confirmations = tmp_addr_txid_info[0].confirmations,
+ tmp_secondsToString = secondsToString(tmp_addr_txid_info[0].time),
+ tmplistZtransactions = [
+ '' +
+ ' private' +
+ ' ',
+ tmp_category,
+ tmp_confirmations,
+ tmp_amount,
+ tmp_secondsToString,
+ tmp_addr,
+ ' '
+ ];
+ result.push(tmplistZtransactions);
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result;
+function KMDfillTxHistoryT() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var txhistorydataT = KMDGetPublicTransactions();
+ //var txhistorydataZ = KMDGetProtectedTransactions();
+ //var txhistorydata = $.merge( txhistorydataT, txhistorydataZ );
+ var txhistorydata = txhistorydataT,
+ kmd_txhistory_table = '';
+ kmd_txhistory_table = $('#kmd-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: txhistorydata,
+ 'order': [
+ [
+ 4,
+ 'desc'
+ ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ kmd_txhistory_table.destroy();
+ kmd_txhistory_table = $('#kmd-tx-history-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: txhistorydata,
+ 'order': [
+ [
+ 4,
+ 'desc'
+ ]
+ ],
+ select: true,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransactionInfo.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransactionInfo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e16adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDTransactionInfo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+function KMDlistunspentT() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var result = [],
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'listunspent',
+ 'hex': ''
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data),
+ url: '',
+ //dataType: 'text',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data), // Ajax output gets the whole list of unspent coin with addresses
+ unique_addresses = _.keys(_.countBy(AjaxOutputData, function(data) { return data.address; })); // This code using underscore.js takes only the address into an array which are unique in that list
+ // This function calls each unique address and calculates the total amount of coins in it.
+ $.each(unique_addresses, function(index) {
+ var unique_addr_tmp_array = _.where(AjaxOutputData, { address: unique_addresses[index] }),
+ tmpcalcnum = 0;
+ $.each(unique_addr_tmp_array, function(index, value) {
+ tmpcalcnum = tmpcalcnum + value.amount;
+ });
+ var tmp_addr_total_balance_output = {
+ 'addr': unique_addr_tmp_array[0].address,
+ 'total': tmpcalcnum
+ };
+ result.push(tmp_addr_total_balance_output);
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return result;
+function KMDGetTransactionIDInfo(txid) {
+ var result = [],
+ ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + txid + '"]',
+ tmptxid_output = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex),
+ passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_txid_input = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'gettransaction',
+ 'hex': tmptxid_output
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_txid_input),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function KMDGetOPIDInfo(opid) {
+ var result = [],
+ tmpopid_output = '';
+ if ( opid === undefined ) {
+ tmpopid_output = '';
+ } else {
+ var ajax_data_to_hex = '["' + opid + '"]',
+ tmpopid_output = Iguana_HashHex(ajax_data_to_hex);
+ }
+ var passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(),
+ tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'),
+ ajax_data_txid_input = {
+ 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth,
+ 'agent': passthru_agent,
+ 'method': 'passthru',
+ 'function': 'z_getoperationstatus',
+ 'hex': tmpopid_output
+ };
+ $.ajax({
+ async: false,
+ type: 'POST',
+ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data_txid_input),
+ url: '',
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data);
+ result.push(AjaxOutputData);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
+ console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
+ console.log(xhr.statusText);
+ if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
+ Iguana_ServiceUnavailable();
+ }
+ console.log(textStatus);
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+function KMDListAllOPIDs() {
+ NProgress.done(true);
+ NProgress.configure({
+ template: '' +
+ ''
+ });
+ NProgress.start();
+ var opids_statuses_data = [],
+ listOPIDs = KMDGetOPIDInfo(),
+ tmp_results = 'Waiting...',
+ tmp_status_label = '',
+ tmp_creation_time = '',
+ tmp_id = '';
+ console.log(listOPIDs);
+ $.each(listOPIDs[0], function(index, value) {
+ tmp_id = listOPIDs[0][index].id;
+ tmp_creation_time = secondsToString(listOPIDs[0][index].creation_time);
+ if (listOPIDs[0][index].status === 'queued') {
+ tmp_status_label = '' +
+ ' Queued' +
+ ' ';
+ tmp_results = 'Please press refresh button in a minute or so to see updated status... ';
+ }
+ if (listOPIDs[0][index].status === 'executing') {
+ tmp_status_label = '' +
+ ' Executing' +
+ ' ';
+ tmp_results = 'Please press refresh button in a minute or so to see updated status... ';
+ }
+ if (listOPIDs[0][index].status === 'failed') {
+ tmp_status_label = '' +
+ ' Failed' +
+ ' ';
+ tmp_results = 'Error Code: ' + listOPIDs[0][index].error.code + ' Message: ' + listOPIDs[0][index].error.message;
+ }
+ if (listOPIDs[0][index].status === 'success') {
+ tmp_status_label = '' +
+ ' Success' +
+ ' ';
+ tmp_results = 'txid: ' + listOPIDs[0][index].result.txid + ' Execution Seconds: ' + listOPIDs[0][index].execution_secs;
+ }
+ opids_statuses_data.push([
+ tmp_status_label,
+ tmp_id,
+ tmp_creation_time,
+ tmp_results
+ ]);
+ });
+ var kmd_opids_statuses_table = '';
+ kmd_opids_statuses_table = $('#kmd-opid-status-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: opids_statuses_data,
+ 'order': [
+ [
+ 2,
+ 'desc'
+ ]
+ ],
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ kmd_opids_statuses_table.destroy();
+ kmd_opids_statuses_table = $('#kmd-opid-status-tbl').DataTable({
+ data: opids_statuses_data,
+ 'order': [
+ [
+ 2,
+ 'desc'
+ ]
+ ],
+ select: false,
+ retrieve: true
+ });
+ NProgress.done();
+ return opids_statuses_data;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDWalletDashboard.js b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDWalletDashboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f01edb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/kmd_wallet/KMDWalletDashboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+var KMDWalletDashboard = function() {
+ var handle_KMD_Dashboard = function() {
+ var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode();
+ $('#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_dashboard').click(function() {
+ console.log('kmd wallet dashbaord button clicked...');
+ console.log($(this).data());
+ if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Native') {
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start');
+ }
+ if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Basilisk' || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Full' ) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop');
+ }
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').hide();
+ getTotalKMDBalance();
+ KMDfillTxHistoryT();
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ });
+ $('.btn-kmdtxid').click(function() {
+ console.log('kmd-txid-details-btn button clicked!..');
+ console.log($(this).data('txid-type'));
+ console.log($(this).data('txid'));
+ var kmd_addr_txid_info = KMDGetTransactionIDInfo($(this).data('txid'));
+ console.log(kmd_addr_txid_info);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_amount').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].amount);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_fee').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].fee);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_confirmations').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].confirmations);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_blockhash').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].blockhash);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_blockindex').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].blockindex);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_blocktime').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].blocktime);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_txid').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].txid);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_walletconflicts').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].walletconflicts);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_time').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].time);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_timereceived').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].timereceived);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_vjoinsplit').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].vjoinsplit);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_details').text(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].details);
+ $('#kmd_txid_info_hex').val(kmd_addr_txid_info[0].hex);
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ });
+ }
+ var handle_KMD_Send = function() {
+ var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode();
+ $('#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_send').click(function() {
+ var tmpoptions = '';
+ KMDListAllOPIDs();
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').hide();
+ var kmd_addr_list_with_balance = KMDlistunspentT();
+ tmpoptions += ' - Select Transparent or Private Address - ';
+ $.each(kmd_addr_list_with_balance, function(index) {
+ tmpoptions += '[ ' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance[index].total.toFixed(8) + ' KMD ] ' + kmd_addr_list_with_balance[index].addr + ' ';
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send_from').html(tmpoptions);
+ });
+ var kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance = KMDListaddrZ();
+ $.each(kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance, function(index) {
+ if (kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance[index].total !== 0) {
+ tmpoptions += '[ ' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance[index].total.toFixed(8) + ' KMD ] ' + kmd_z_addr_list_with_balance[index].addr + ' ';
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send_from').html(tmpoptions);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.showkmdwalletaddrs').selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info' });
+ $('.showkmdwalletaddrs').selectpicker('refresh');
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ });
+ $('.showkmdwalletaddrs').on('change', function(){
+ var selected = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
+ });
+ $('#kmd_wallet_amount').keyup(function() {
+ var sum_val1 = parseFloat($('#kmd_wallet_amount').val()),
+ sum_val2 = parseFloat($('#kmd_wallet_fee').val()),
+ total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2,
+ mdl_send_btn = $('#kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_total_value').text(total_minus_currency_fee.toFixed(8));
+ if ($('#kmd_wallet_send_from').val() != '- Select Transparent or Private KMD Address -' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_amount').val() != '' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_sendto') != '' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_fee') != '' ) {
+ mdl_send_btn.removeClass('disabled');
+ //mdl_send_btn.attr('data-dismiss','modal');
+ //mdl_send_btn.attr('data-target','#SendCoinModelStep2');
+ } else {
+ mdl_send_btn.addClass('disabled');
+ mdl_send_btn.removeAttr('data-dismiss');
+ mdl_send_btn.removeAttr('data-target');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#kmd_wallet_fee').keyup(function() {
+ var sum_val1 = parseFloat($('#kmd_wallet_amount').val()),
+ sum_val2 = parseFloat($('#kmd_wallet_fee').val()),
+ total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2,
+ mdl_send_btn = $('#kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_total_value').text(total_minus_currency_fee.toFixed(8));
+ if ($('#kmd_wallet_send_from').val() != '- Select Transparent or Private KMD Address -' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_amount').val() != '' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_sendto') != '' &&
+ $('#kmd_wallet_fee') != '' ) {
+ mdl_send_btn.removeClass('disabled');
+ //mdl_send_btn.attr('data-dismiss','modal');
+ //mdl_send_btn.attr('data-target','#SendCoinModelStep2');
+ } else {
+ mdl_send_btn.addClass('disabled');
+ mdl_send_btn.removeAttr('data-dismiss');
+ mdl_send_btn.removeAttr('data-target');
+ }
+ });
+ /*$('#kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn').click(function() {
+ console.log('send button clicked in form...')
+ });*/
+ $('.extcoin-send-form').validate({
+ // errorElement: 'span', //default input error message container
+ // errorClass: 'help-block', // default input error message class
+ // focusInvalid: false, // do not focus the last invalid input
+ rules: {
+ kmd_wallet_send_from: {
+ required: true
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_sendto: {
+ required: true
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_amount: {
+ required: true
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_fee: {
+ required: true
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_total_value: {
+ required: true
+ }
+ },
+ messages: {
+ kmd_wallet_send_from: {
+ required: 'From Address is required.'
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_sendto: {
+ required: 'To Address is required.'
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_amount: {
+ required: 'Please enter KMD amount to send.'
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_fee: {
+ required: 'Make sure you have fee entered. Default value is 0.0001 KMD.'
+ },
+ kmd_wallet_total_value: {
+ required: 'Make sure you have both amount and fee entered to calculate final total.'
+ }
+ },
+ submitHandler: function(form) {
+ console.log('Sent control here after clicked in form...');
+ KMDZSendManyTransaction();
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ }
+ });
+ $('.extcoin-send-form #kmd_wallet_send_coins_btn').keypress(function(e) {
+ if (e.which == 13) {
+ if ($('.extcoin-send-form').validate().form()) {
+ $('.extcoin-send-form').submit(); // form validation success, call ajax form submit
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ $('#kmd_opids_status_btn').click(function(){
+ KMDListAllOPIDs();
+ });
+ }
+ var KMDWalletSettings = function() {
+ var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode();
+ $('#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_settings').click(function() {
+ console.log('wallet settings button clicked...');
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').show();
+ getKMDWalletInfo();
+ getKMDInfo();
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ });
+ };
+ var KMDWalletRecieve = function() {
+ var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode();
+ $('#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_recieve').click(function() {
+ sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop');
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashboardinfo').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_dashoard_section').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_send').hide();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_recieve_section').show();
+ $('#kmd_wallet_settings').hide();
+ KMDListAllAddr();
+ clearSendManyFieldData();
+ });
+ $('#kmd_get_new_taddr').click(function() {
+ console.log('get new T address button clicked...');
+ KMDGetNewAddresses('public');
+ KMDListAllAddr();
+ toastr.info('Receiving Address list updated', 'Wallet Notification');
+ });
+ $('#kmd_get_new_zaddr').click(function() {
+ console.log('get new Z address button clicked...');
+ KMDGetNewAddresses('private');
+ KMDListAllAddr();
+ toastr.info('Receiving Address list updated', 'Wallet Notification');
+ });
+ };
+ var handleWalletDashboardAlet = function() {
+ $('#extcoin-wallet-connection-alert-btn').click(function() {
+ RunKMDInitFunctions();
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ // main function to initiate the module
+ init: function() {
+ handle_KMD_Dashboard();
+ //KMDfillTxHistoryT();
+ handle_KMD_Send();
+ KMDWalletRecieve();
+ KMDWalletSettings();
+ //RunKMDInitFunctions();
+ handleWalletDashboardAlet();
+ }
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/lang.js b/assets/scripts/lang.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4b2ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/lang.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+var defaultLang = 'EN';
+function lang() {
+ var htmlItems = $('[data-lang]');
+ for (var i = 0; i < htmlItems.length; i++) {
+ var langIDComponents = $(htmlItems[i]).attr('data-lang').split('.');
+ if (langIDComponents.length !== 2) {
+ console.log('lang placeholder ' + $(htmlItems[i]).attr('data-lang') + ' needs to be named as PARENT.CHILD in ' + defaultLang.toLowerCase() + '.js file');
+ } else {
+ if (_lang && langIDComponents.length === 2 && _lang[defaultLang][langIDComponents[0]][langIDComponents[1]]) {
+ $(htmlItems[i]).text(_lang[defaultLang][langIDComponents[0]][langIDComponents[1]]);
+ } else {
+ $(htmlItems[i]).text('{{ ' + langIDComponents.join('.') + ' }}');
+ console.log('Missing translation in lang/' + defaultLang.toLowerCase() + '.js ' + langIDComponents.join('.'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(htmlItems.length + ' translation placeholders');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/scripts/lang/en.js b/assets/scripts/lang/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec37ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/scripts/lang/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+const _lang = {
+ 'EN': {
+ 'INDEX': {
+ 'REFRESHING_BASILISK_NET': 'Refreshing Basilisk Network Connections',
+ 'SELECT_A_COIN': 'Select Coin to add to EasyDEX',
+ 'WALLETS': 'Wallets',
+ 'ACTIVATE_COIN': 'Activate Coin',
+ 'WELCOME_PLEASE_ADD': 'Welcome. Please add coin to start.',
+ 'SELECT_SEED_TYPE': 'Please select compatible wallet seed type',
+ 'SELECT': 'Select',
+ 'FULL_MODE': 'Full mode',
+ 'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.',
+ 'BASILISK_MODE': 'Basilisk Mode',
+ 'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.',
+ 'NATIVE_MODE': 'Native Mode'
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 73a46ad..497f8f8 100755
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
- Refreshing Basilisk Network Connections...
+ ...
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@
Select Coin to add to EasyDEX
- -Select-
+ - -
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
- Activate Coin
Full Mode: Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.
Basilisk Mode: In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.
Native Mode: This mode is ONLY available for KOMODO Coin, PAX FIAT Chains, Assetchains, and Geckochains. This mode uses the Komodo Daemon instead of the Iguana Daemon to query blockchain data.
: >
: This mode is ONLY available for KOMODO Coin, PAX FIAT Chains, Assetchains, and Geckochains. This mode uses the Komodo Daemon instead of the Iguana Daemon to query blockchain data.
Native Mode is the so far mode which will allow you to do
Z Transactions , the
Private Transactions .
@@ -325,18 +325,17 @@
Welcome. Please add coin to start.
- Activate Coin