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iguana core cleanup #2

pbca26 8 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 70


@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ function mapStateToProps(state) {
Main: state.Main,
Dashboard: state.Dashboard,
ActiveCoin: state.ActiveCoin,
Atomic: state.Atomic,
Settings: state.Settings,
Interval: state.Interval,
SyncOnly: state.SyncOnly,


@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ class AppSettingsPanel extends React.Component {
<tr key={ `kmd-main-sync-only` }>
<td className="padding-15">
KMD main sync only
className="icon fa-question-circle settings-help"
title="Fetch block synchronization data only. Skip any other requests that can deteriorate sync speed."></i>
title={ translate('SETTINGS.RPC_FETCH_ONLY_DESC') }></i>
<td className="padding-15">
<span className="pointer toggle">
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class AppSettingsPanel extends React.Component {
className="btn btn-primary waves-effect waves-light margin-left-30"
onClick={ this._resetAppConfig }>Reset to default</button>
onClick={ this._resetAppConfig }>{ translate('SETTINGS.RESET_TO_DEFAULT') }</button>


@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// TODO: clean old placeholders
export const _lang = {
'EN': {
@ -31,12 +33,9 @@ export const _lang = {
'ABOUT_AGAMA': 'About Agama',
'AGAMA_MODES': 'Agama Wallet is a desktop app that you can use to manage multiple cryptocurrency wallets. ' +
'When you set up a wallet, you can configure it to operate in one of the following modes:',
'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'Doesn\'t download the blockchain. Slightly slower transaction performance.',
'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Downloads the full blockchain, which can take a while. Good transaction performance.',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC': 'Only available for a few currencies. Like \'Full Mode\' but provides advanced functionality.',
'AGAMA_CAPABILITIES': 'Agama includes the following capabilities:',
'BARTER_DEX_DESC': 'Easily exchange cryptocurrencies via a shapeshift-like service.',
'ATOMIC_EXPLORER_DESC': 'A universal local explorer ensures you don\'t have query information from a centralized server.',
'AGAMA_NOTE': 'Note: Agama Wallet is still in development. ' +
'It is safe to use, but you should make proper backups. ' +
'We do not recommend using it as the primarily wallet for your cryptocurrencies.',
@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'API': {
'ERROR_SM': 'error',
'ATOMIC_EXPLORER_ERR': 'Atomic Explorer error',
'ADDRESS_ALREADY_REG': 'Address already registered',
'COULDNT_COPY_ADDRESS': 'Couldn\'t copy address to clipboard',
'COULDNT_CREATE_SEED': 'Couldn\'t create new wallet seed',
@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'ADDNODE_NEEDS_COIN': 'Addnode needs active coin',
'PRIVKEY_IN_WALLET': 'Privkey already in wallet',
'ILLEGAL_PRIVKEY': 'Illegal privkey',
'IGUANA_INSTANCE_STOP': 'Iguana instance is stopped',
'NO_ACTIVE_COIN': 'No active coin',
'INDEX': {
@ -127,14 +124,9 @@ export const _lang = {
'ADD_COIN': 'Add Coin',
'STOP': 'Stop',
'START': 'Start',
'ACTIVE_ADDRESS': 'active address',
'FETCH_ALL_ADDR': 'Fetch (all addresses)',
'NO_DATA': 'No history available',
'LOADING_HISTORY': 'Loading transaction history',
'FETCHING_NOTARIES_LIST': 'Fetching notaries list data',
'TOTAL_NOTARIES': 'Notaries list. Total nodes count',
'WAIT_UNTIL_SYNCED': 'Transactions history will be available shortly after blockchain data is synced',
'CLOSE': 'Close',
'SHOW': 'Show',
'SHOWING': 'Showing',
@ -145,21 +137,12 @@ export const _lang = {
'NEXT': 'Next',
'ENTRIES_SM': 'entries',
'SYNC_ERR_BLOCKS': 'Connecting to peers...',
'COIN_IS_BUSY': 'Coin is busy processing',
'REFRESHING_BASILISK_NET': 'Refreshing Basilisk Network Connections',
'SELECT_A_COIN': 'Select Coin to add to Agama Wallet',
'WALLETS': 'Wallets',
'ACTIVATE_COIN': 'Activate Coin',
'WELCOME_PLEASE_ADD': 'Welcome. Please add a coin to start.',
'SELECT_SEED_TYPE': 'Please select compatible wallet seed type',
'SELECT': '-Select-',
'FULL_MODE': 'Full mode',
'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. ' +
'This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.',
'BASILISK_MODE': 'Basilisk Mode',
'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. ' +
'This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. ' +
'It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.',
'NATIVE_MODE': 'Native Mode',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC1': 'This mode is ONLY available for KOMODO Coin, PAX FIAT Chains, Assetchains, and Geckochains. ' +
'This mode uses the',
@ -168,13 +151,10 @@ export const _lang = {
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC4': 'is the only mode which allows you to make',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC5': 'Z Transactions',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC6': 'Private Transactions',
'UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER': 'Uh Oh! Unsupported Web Browser :-(',
'CLOSE': 'Close',
'IE_UNSUPPORTED': 'The current version of Agama Wallet doesn\'t support Internet Explorer',
'PLEASE_USE': 'Please use either',
'OR': 'or',
'TO_USE': 'to use',
'PLEASE_CLICK_ON': 'Please click on browser\'s logo to visit website for installation instructions',
'WELCOME_LOGIN': 'Welcome. Please login',
'WALLET_SEED': 'Wallet Seed',
'SIGN_IN': 'Sign in',
@ -205,28 +185,12 @@ export const _lang = {
'ADDRESS': 'Address',
'MY': 'My',
'COPY': 'copy',
'ACTIVATING_WALLET_RT': 'Activating wallet once Real Time blocks starts syncing...',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P1': 'An Iguana Full Mode coin synchronizes the blockchain using an entirely different format than traditional blockchain software. ' +
'Iguana\'s Full Mode uses Memory Mapped Files and stores data in bundles. ' +
'That\'s why you see four different colored synchronizing progress bars.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P2': 'Once all these progress bars reach 100%, the Real Time blocks start synchronizing. ' +
'Only after the Real Time sync mode activates will you be able to see current data in your wallet and make any transactions.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P3': 'Please wait for all other progress bars to disappear and the first blue bar turns to green.<br>' +
'That would mean the wallet is in Real Time Sync mode.',
'FETCHING_COIN_DATA': 'Fetching coin data from network. Please wait...',
'INTEREST_EARNED': 'Interest Earned',
'TOTAL_BALANCE': 'Total Balance',
'FETCHING_BASILISK_DATA': 'Fetching Basilisk Data...',
'GET_BALANCE': 'Get Balance',
'REFRESH': 'Refresh',
'LIST_UNSPENT': 'List Unspent',
'LIST_TRANSACTIONS': 'List Transactions',
'BASILISK_ACTIONS': 'Basilisk Actions',
'GET_NOTARY_NODES_LIST': 'Get Notary Nodes List',
'REFRESH_BASILISK_CONNECTIONS': 'Refresh Basilisk Connections',
'FETCH_WALLET_DATA': 'Fetch Wallet Data',
'REFETCH_WALLET_DATA': 'Reset Cache Data',
'VIEW_CACHE_DATA': 'View Cache Data',
'TRANSACTION_HISTORY': 'Transactions History',
'DIRECTION': 'Direction',
'CONFIRMATIONS': 'Confirmations',
@ -259,11 +223,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'RECEIVING_ADDRESS': 'Receiving Addresses',
'TYPE': 'Type',
'INTEREST': 'Interest',
'OOPS_ERROR': 'Opps! Something is not right...',
'OOPS_ERROR_DESC': 'Could not connect to external wallet. Reasons can be:<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon isn\'t running<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon is running, but iguana is not given command to connect to External Wallet/daemon<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon is setup, but is not setup with config settings like<br>',
'ACTIVATING_CHAIN': 'Activating best chain',
'KMD_STARTED': 'Komodo daemon has been started and is processing.<br>' +
'Please wait while the best chain is being activated.<br>' +
@ -488,24 +447,17 @@ export const _lang = {
'TXID_COPIED': 'Transaction ID copied',
'CLAIM_INTEREST_BALANCE_SENT_P1': 'Your full balance is sent to address',
'CLAIM_INTEREST_BALANCE_SENT_P2': 'Check back your new balance in a few minutes.',
'BASILISK_CONN_ERROR': 'Basilisk connection error',
'SETTINGS_RESET': 'Settings are reset to default',
'SETTINGS_SAVED': 'Settings are saved',
'TRANSACTION_FAILED': 'Transaction failed',
'WALLET_NOTIFICATION': 'Wallet Notification',
'ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATION': 'Account Notification',
'BASILISK_NOTIFICATION': 'Basilisk Notification',
'COIN_NOTIFICATION': 'Coin Notification',
'TX_NOTIFICATION': 'Transaction Notification',
'SERVICE_NOTIFICATION': 'Service Notification',
'LOGIN_NOTIFICATION': 'Login Notification',
'SETTINGS_NOTIFICATION': 'Settings Notification',
'RECADDR_UPDATED': 'Receiving Address list updated',
'IGUANA_CONN_ERR': 'Unable to connect to Iguana',
'FETCHING_DATA': 'Fetching Data. Please wait for a minute to complete this task.',
'LESS_RESPONSES_REQ': 'Less than required responses. Please try again.',
'LESS_RESPONSES_REQ_FOR': 'Less than required responses for',
'BASILISK_CON_REFRESHED': 'Basilisk nodes connections refreshed',
'SWITCHED_TO': 'switched to',
'MODE': 'Mode',
'TX_SENT': 'Transaction Sent',
@ -513,9 +465,7 @@ export const _lang = {
'LOOKS_LIKE': 'Looks like',
'ALREADY_RUNNING': 'already running',
'STARTED_IN': 'started in',
'IGUANA_CONN_ERR_ALT': 'Unable to connect with iguana service.',
'KOMODO_ERR': 'Unable to start Komodod',
'IGUANA_ARE_YOU_SURE': 'Are you sure Iguana is running?',
'SIGNED_TX_GENERATED': 'Signed transaction generated',
'SIGNED_TX_GENERATED_FAIL': 'Signed transaction Failed to generate',
'SENDING_TX': 'Sending Transaction to Network',
@ -537,7 +487,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'KMD_NATIVE_CON_ERROR': 'Connection Error. Is external wallet running?',
'KMD_IGUANA_CON_ERROR': 'Connection Error. Is iguana connected to external wallet?',
'LOGIN_SUCCESSFULL': 'Login Successfull',
'NO_COIN_RUNNING': 'Seems like there\'s no coin running. Activating BTC.',
'OPPS': 'Opps... Something went wrong!',
'INVALID_PASSPHRASE': 'Invalid Passphrase. Make sure your passphrase is correct, or create new wallet.',
'WALLET_CREATED_SUCCESFULLY': 'Wallet created successfully',
@ -545,15 +494,10 @@ export const _lang = {
'WALLET_LOCKED': 'Wallet Locked Successfully',
'PRIV_KEY_IMPORTED': 'Private Key Imported Successfully!',
'PRIV_KEY_NOT_IMPORTED': 'Private Key is not imported.',
'NULL RETURN': 'null return from iguana_bitcoinRPC',
'ADDED_TO': 'added to',
'SUCCESSFULLY': 'Successfully',
'FAILED_TO_ADDCOIN': 'Failed to add iguana coin',
'FAILED_SHEPHERD_HERD': 'Failed to get execute shepherd herd',
'COIN_SELECTION': 'Coin Selection',
'SELECTION_NOT_FOUND': 'Local coin list is not found',
'LOCAL_UTXO_UPDATED': 'Local UTXO data is updated. Ready to send new transaction.',
'AWAITING_TX_RESP': 'Awaiting transaction data response',
@ -598,7 +542,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'UNLOCK': 'Unlock',
'SIGN_IN': 'Sign In',
'WELCOME': 'Welcome',
'DISPLAY_SYNC_ONLY': 'Display sync only coins progress',
'ENTER_VALUE_AGAIN': 'Please enter the same value again',
'CUSTOM_WALLET_SEED': 'Custom wallet seed',
'MUST_ENTER_SEED': 'You must enter a seed',
@ -619,6 +562,9 @@ export const _lang = {
'JUMBLR_MOTTO': 'Secure, Native and Decentralised Coin Anonymizer',
'KMD_MAIN_SYNC_ONLY': 'KMD main sync only',
'RPC_FETCH_ONLY_DESC': 'Fetch block synchronization data only. Skip any other requests that can deteriorate sync speed.',
'RESET_TO_DEFAULT': 'Reset to default',
'PROGRESS': 'Progress',
'SUPPORT_TICKETS': 'Support tickets',
'GET_SLACK_INVITE': 'Get Slack invite',
@ -658,11 +604,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'CONFIRMATIONS': 'confirmations',
'SEND': {
'PRESS_UPDATE_BTN': 'N/A. Press update button.',
'TOTAL_UTXO_AVAILABLE': 'Total UTXO available',
'LAST_UPDATED': 'Last updated',
'NEXT_UPDATE_IN': 'Next update available in',
'AGO': 'ago',
'PROCESSING_REQ': 'Processing requests',
'LOCKED_PLEASE_WAIT': 'Locked, please wait',
'UPDATE': 'Update',
@ -674,7 +615,6 @@ export const _lang = {
'WAITING': 'Waiting',
'PROCESSING_TRANSACTION': 'Processing transaction',
'NOTE_IT_WILL_TAKE': 'Note: it may take a few minutes to complete the transaction',
'SEND_VIA': 'Alternative send method',
'ENTER_AN_ADDRESS': 'Enter an address',
'YOU_PICKED_OPT': 'You picked option',
'PLEASE_WAIT': 'Please wait',
