@ -83,19 +83,25 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
updateSocketsData ( data ) {
if ( data && data . message && data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI &&
if ( data &&
data . message &&
data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI &&
data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI . totalStackLength ) {
this . setState ( Object . assign ( { } , this . state , {
totalStackLength : data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI . totalStackLength ,
} ) ) ;
if ( data && data . message && data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI &&
if ( data &&
data . message &&
data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI &&
data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI . currentStackLength ) {
this . setState ( Object . assign ( { } , this . state , {
currentStackLength : data . message . shepherd . iguanaAPI . currentStackLength ,
} ) ) ;
if ( data && data . message && data . message . shepherd . method &&
if ( data &&
data . message &&
data . message . shepherd . method &&
data . message . shepherd . method === 'cache-one' &&
data . message . shepherd . status === 'done' ) {
Store . dispatch ( basiliskRefresh ( false ) ) ;
@ -108,6 +114,7 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
'allcoins' : false ,
'coin' : this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ,
'calls' : 'listtransactions:getbalance' ,
'address' : this . state . currentAddress ,
} ) ) ;
@ -119,13 +126,6 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
'calls' : 'refresh' ,
'address' : this . state . currentAddress ,
} ) ) ;
console . log ( '_fetchUtxoCache' , {
'pubkey' : this . props . Dashboard . activeHandle . pubkey ,
'allcoins' : false ,
'coin' : this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ,
'calls' : 'refresh' ,
'address' : this . state . currentAddress ,
} ) ;
toggleBasiliskActionsMenu ( ) {
@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
componentWillReceiveProps ( props ) {
if ( ! this . state . currentAddress && this . props . ActiveCoin . activeAddress ) {
if ( ! this . state . currentAddress &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . activeAddress ) {
this . setState ( Object . assign ( { } , this . state , {
currentAddress : this . props . ActiveCoin . activeAddress ,
} ) ) ;
@ -191,7 +192,9 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory !== 'loading' &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory !== 'no data' &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length ) {
if ( ! this . state . itemsList || ( this . state . itemsList && ! this . state . itemsList . length ) || ( props . ActiveCoin . txhistory !== this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory ) ) {
if ( ! this . state . itemsList ||
( this . state . itemsList && ! this . state . itemsList . length ) ||
( props . ActiveCoin . txhistory !== this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory ) ) {
let historyToSplit = sortByDate ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory ) ;
historyToSplit = historyToSplit . slice ( ( this . state . activePage - 1 ) * this . state . itemsPerPage , this . state . activePage * this . state . itemsPerPage ) ;
@ -201,7 +204,8 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory && this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory === 'no data' ) {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory === 'no data' ) {
this . setState ( Object . assign ( { } , this . state , {
itemsList : 'no data' ,
} ) ) ;
@ -227,8 +231,13 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < Math . ceil ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length / this . state . itemsPerPage ) ; i ++ ) {
items . push (
< li key = { i + '-pagination-link' } className = { this . state . activePage === i + 1 ? 'paginate_button active' : 'paginate_button' } >
< a aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl" data - dt - idx = "1" tabIndex = "0" key = { i + '-pagination' } onClick = { this . state . activePage !== ( i + 1 ) ? ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( i + 1 ) : null } > { i + 1 } < / a >
< li
key = { ` ${ i } -pagination-link ` }
className = { this . state . activePage === i + 1 ? 'paginate_button active' : 'paginate_button' } >
< a
aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl"
tabIndex = "0" key = { ` ${ i } -pagination ` }
onClick = { this . state . activePage !== ( i + 1 ) ? ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( i + 1 ) : null } > { i + 1 } < / a >
< / l i >
) ;
@ -237,18 +246,24 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
renderPaginationItemsPerPageSelector ( ) {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory && this . state . itemsList !== 'loading' && this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length > 10 ) {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory &&
this . state . itemsList !== 'loading' &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length > 10 ) {
return (
< div className = "dataTables_length" id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_length" >
< label >
Show & nbsp ;
< select name = "itemsPerPage" aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl" className = "form-control input-sm" onChange = { this . updateInput } >
{ translate ( 'INDEX.SHOW' ) } & nbsp ;
< select
name = "itemsPerPage"
aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl"
className = "form-control input-sm"
onChange = { this . updateInput } >
< option value = "10" > 10 < / o p t i o n >
< option value = "25" > 25 < / o p t i o n >
< option value = "50" > 50 < / o p t i o n >
< option value = "100" > 100 < / o p t i o n >
< / s e l e c t > & n b s p ;
{ translate ( 'INDEX.ENTRIES_SM' ) }
< / l a b e l >
< / d i v >
) ;
@ -258,21 +273,40 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
renderPagination ( ) {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory && this . state . itemsList !== 'loading' && this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length > 10 ) {
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory &&
this . state . itemsList !== 'loading' &&
this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length > 10 ) {
const _ paginationFrom = ( ( this . state . activePage - 1 ) * this . state . itemsPerPage ) + 1 ;
const _ paginationTo = this . state . activePage * this . state . itemsPerPage ;
return (
< div className = "row unselectable" >
< div className = "col-sm-5" >
< div className = "dataTables_info" id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_info" role = "status" aria - live = "polite" > Showing { ( ( this . state . activePage - 1 ) * this . state . itemsPerPage ) + 1 } to { this . state . activePage * this . state . itemsPerPage } of { this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length } entries < / d i v >
< div
className = "dataTables_info"
id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_info"
role = "status"
aria - live = "polite" > { translate ( 'INDEX.SHOWING' ) } { _ paginationFrom } { translate ( 'INDEX.TO' ) } { _ paginationTo } { translate ( 'INDEX.OF' ) } { this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length } { translate ( 'INDEX.ENTRIES_SM' ) } < / d i v >
< / d i v >
< div className = "col-sm-7" >
< div className = "dataTables_paginate paging_simple_numbers" id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_paginate" >
< ul className = "pagination" >
< li className = { this . state . activePage === 1 ? 'paginate_button previous disabled' : 'paginate_button previous' } id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_previous" >
< a aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl" data - dt - idx = "0" tabIndex = "0" onClick = { ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( this . state . activePage - 1 ) } > Previous < / a >
< li
className = { this . state . activePage === 1 ? 'paginate_button previous disabled' : 'paginate_button previous' }
id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_previous" >
< a
aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl"
tabIndex = "0"
onClick = { ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( this . state . activePage - 1 ) } > { translate ( 'INDEX.PREVIOUS' ) } < / a >
< / l i >
{ this . renderPaginationItems ( ) }
< li className = { this . state . activePage > Math . floor ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length / this . state . itemsPerPage ) ? 'paginate_button next disabled' : 'paginate_button next' } id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_next" >
< a aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl" data - dt - idx = "2" tabIndex = "0" onClick = { ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( this . state . activePage + 1 ) } > Next < / a >
{ this . renderPaginationItems ( ) }
< li
className = { this . state . activePage > Math . floor ( this . props . ActiveCoin . txhistory . length / this . state . itemsPerPage ) ? 'paginate_button next disabled' : 'paginate_button next' }
id = "kmd-tx-history-tbl_next" >
< a
aria - controls = "kmd-tx-history-tbl"
tabIndex = "0"
onClick = { ( ) => this . updateCurrentPage ( this . state . activePage + 1 ) } > { translate ( 'INDEX.NEXT' ) } < / a >
< / l i >
< / u l >
< / d i v >
@ -285,38 +319,40 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
renderTxType ( category ) {
if ( category === 'send' || category === 'sent' ) {
if ( category === 'send' ||
category === 'sent' ) {
return (
< span className = "label label-danger" >
< i className = "icon fa-arrow-circle-left" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . O U T ' ) } < / s p a n >
< i className = "icon fa-arrow-circle-left" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . O U T ' ) } < / s p a n >
< / s p a n >
) ;
if ( category === 'receive' || category === 'received' ) {
if ( category === 'receive' ||
category === 'received' ) {
return (
< span className = "label label-success" >
< i className = "icon fa-arrow-circle-right" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . I N ' ) } < / s p a n >
< i className = "icon fa-arrow-circle-right" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . I N ' ) } < / s p a n >
< / s p a n >
) ;
if ( category === 'generate' ) {
if ( category === 'generate' ) {
return (
< span >
< i className = "icon fa-cogs" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . M I N E D ' ) } < / s p a n >
< i className = "icon fa-cogs" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . M I N E D ' ) } < / s p a n >
< / s p a n >
) ;
if ( category === 'immature' ) {
if ( category === 'immature' ) {
return (
< span >
< i className = "icon fa-clock-o" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . I M M A T U R E ' ) } < / s p a n >
< i className = "icon fa-clock-o" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . I M M A T U R E ' ) } < / s p a n >
< / s p a n >
) ;
if ( category === 'unknown' ) {
if ( category === 'unknown' ) {
return (
< span >
< i className = "icon fa-meh-o" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . U N K N O W N ' ) } < / s p a n >
< i className = "icon fa-meh-o" > < / i > < s p a n > { t r a n s l a t e ( ' D A S H B O A R D . U N K N O W N ' ) } < / s p a n >
< / s p a n >
) ;
@ -325,23 +361,30 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
renderTxHistoryList ( ) {
if ( this . state . itemsList === 'loading' ) {
return (
< div > Loading history ... < / d i v >
< div > { translate ( 'INDEX.LOADING_HISTORY' ) } ... < / d i v >
) ;
} else if ( this . state . itemsList === 'no data' ) {
return (
< div > No data < / d i v >
< div > { translate ( 'INDEX.NO_DATA' ) } < / d i v >
) ;
} else {
if ( this . state . itemsList && this . state . itemsList . length && this . state . itemsList !== 'no data' ) {
if ( this . state . itemsList &&
this . state . itemsList . length &&
this . state . itemsList !== 'no data' ) {
return this . state . itemsList . map ( ( tx , index ) =>
< tr key = { tx . txid + tx . amount } >
< td > { this . renderTxType ( tx . category || tx . type ) } < / t d >
< td > { tx . confirmations } < / t d >
< td > { tx . amount || translate ( 'DASHBOARD.UNKNOWN' ) } < / t d >
< td > { secondsToString ( tx . blocktime || tx . timestamp ) } < / t d >
< td > { tx . address } < / t d >
< tr key = { tx . txid + tx . amount } >
< td > { this . renderTxType ( tx . category || tx . type ) } < / t d >
< td > { tx . confirmations } < / t d >
< td > { tx . amount || translate ( 'DASHBOARD.UNKNOWN' ) } < / t d >
< td > { secondsToString ( tx . blocktime || tx . timestamp ) } < / t d >
< td > { tx . address } < / t d >
< td >
< button type = "button" className = "btn btn-xs white btn-info waves-effect waves-light btn-kmdtxid" onClick = { ( ) => this . toggleTxInfoModal ( ! this . props . ActiveCoin . showTransactionInfo , index ) } > < i className = "icon fa-search" > < / i > < / b u t t o n >
< button
type = "button"
className = "btn btn-xs white btn-info waves-effect waves-light btn-kmdtxid"
onClick = { ( ) => this . toggleTxInfoModal ( ! this . props . ActiveCoin . showTransactionInfo , index ) } >
< i className = "icon fa-search" > < / i >
< / b u t t o n >
< / t d >
< / t r >
) ;
@ -408,7 +451,7 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
return (
< div className = "col-sm-2" >
< div className = "pull-left margin-right-10" >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "edexcoin_cache_api" checked = { this . state . useCache } data - plugin = "switchery" data - size = "small" / >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "edexcoin_cache_api" checked = { this . state . useCache } / >
< / d i v >
< label className = "padding-top-3" htmlFor = "edexcoin_cache_api" onClick = { this . toggleCacheApi } > Use cache < / l a b e l >
< / d i v >
@ -429,7 +472,7 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
let _ amount = address . amount ;
if ( this . props . ActiveCoin . mode === 'basilisk' ) {
_ amount = this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data . balance ? this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data . balance : 'N/A' ;
_ amount = this . props . ActiveCoin . cache && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data . balance ? this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address . address ] . getbalance . data . balance : 'N/A' ;
items . push (
@ -455,7 +498,7 @@ class WalletsData extends React.Component {
return this . props . ActiveCoin . addresses . public [ i ] . amount ;
} else {
const address = this . props . ActiveCoin . addresses . public [ i ] . address ;
const _ amount = this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data . balance ? this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data . balance : 'N/A' ;
const _ amount = this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data && this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data . balance ? this . props . ActiveCoin . cache [ this . props . ActiveCoin . coin ] [ address ] . getbalance . data . balance : 'N/A' ;
return _ amount ;