- auto open first wallet, and not last wallet from wallet dashboard
- auto update basilisk cache data in backend every 5 minutes
- fixed USD to use raw params for native mode
- added WIRELESS coin to the list. just for fun. ;)
All modes are conditioned to display tx history, balance and receiving
address with balance separately. Full Mode, Basilisk Mode, non KMD, non
Notary Chain coins
Atomic Explorer updated with new dex api calls,
Basilisk Mode monitors iguana and logs out on crash,
all wallet addresses are checked/imported in basilisk mode now,
bug fix applied for adding Native Mode coin
- if user hit on confirm button twice the same amount of transaction
goes twice!
Even while the transaction is being processed at the time!
It is fixed.
- Second bug I found while testing is if I send a transaction and it
completes. And I’m still on that same send transaction screen. I make
second transaction. When I confirm to send this transaction, not just
this transaction is processed to send, but the previous transaction as
It is also fixed.
- send page now calculates amount Plus fee, and not amount Minus fee
- Atomic Explorer linked to Full and Basilisk Mode EasyDEX Wallets in
seamless ways, allows you to click a history transaction and show it’s
full detail within Atomic Explorer inside EasyDEX-GUI.
- Send page now shows output of transaction detail on the same page,
including successful and failed transaction detail. Also linked to
Atomic Explorer to get more details on the txid generated from this new