/*! * remark (http://getbootstrapadmin.com/remark) * Copyright 2016 amazingsurge * Licensed under the Themeforest Standard Licenses */ !function(window,document,$){"use strict";$.configs.set("tour",{steps:[{element:"#toggleMenubar",position:"right",intro:"Offcanvas Menu
It is nice custom navigation for desktop users and a seek off-canvas menu for tablet and mobile users
"},{element:"#toggleFullscreen",intro:"Full ScreenClick this button you can view the admin template in full screen
"},{element:"#toggleChat",position:"left",intro:"Quick ConversationsThis is a sidebar dialog box for user conversations list, you can even create a quick conversation with other users
"}],skipLabel:"",doneLabel:"",nextLabel:"Next ",prevLabel:"Prev",showBullets:!1})}(window,document,$);