var RunTotalFiatValue = '', ExecuteShowCoinHistory = '', active_edexcoin = '', tmp_send_to_addr = '', tmp_send_total_amount = '', edexcoin_send_form_validator = ''; var Dashboard = function() { toastr.options = { 'closeButton': true, 'debug': false, 'positionClass': 'toast-bottom-right', 'showDuration': '15000', 'hideDuration': '1000', 'timeOut': '15000', 'extendedTimeOut': '1000', 'showEasing': 'swing', 'hideEasing': 'linear', 'showMethod': 'fadeIn', 'hideMethod': 'fadeOut' } var handle_edex_wallet = function() { $('#btn_edexcoin_wallet_dashboard').click(function() { console.log('edex wallet dashbaord button clicked...'); console.log($(this).data()); }); } var handle_edex_dashboard = function() { $('.btn_refresh_edexcoin_dashboard').click(function() { $( '#btn_edexcoin_dashboard' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); $('#btn_edexcoin_dashboard').click(function() { $('#btn_edexcoin_dashboard').hide(); $( '#btn_edexcoin_send,' + '#btn_edexcoin_recieve' ) .show(); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'); $( '#edexcoin_getbalance_interest,' + '#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest' ) .hide(); $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t') .removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ) .addClass( 'col-lg-12' ); $( '#edex_interest_balance,' + '#edex_total_balance_interest,' + '#edex_total_balance' ) .text('-'); $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(active_edexcoin); if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Full') { sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'start'); } if ( /*sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Basilisk' ||*/ sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Native' ) { sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop'); } $( '#edexcoin_dashoard_section,' + '#edexcoin_dashboardinfo' ) .show(); $( '#edexcoin_send,' + '#edexcoin_recieve,' + '#edexcoin_recieve_section,' + '#edexcoin_settings' ) .hide(); var selected_coinmode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); if ( selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' ) { getDEXGetBalance_cache(active_edexcoin) .then(function(result) { //console.log(result) if ( result.interest !== undefined && active_edexcoin == 'KMD') { $( '#edexcoin_getbalance_interest,' + '#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest' ) .show(); $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t') .removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ) .addClass( 'col-lg-4' ); $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result.interest); $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result.totalbalance); $( '#edex_total_interest_coincode,' + '#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode' ) .text(active_edexcoin); } if ( result.interest === undefined ) { $( '#edexcoin_getbalance_interest,' + '#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest' ) .hide(); $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t') .removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ) .addClass( 'col-lg-12' ); $( '#edex_interest_balance,' + '#edex_total_balance_interest' ) .text('-'); } $('#edex_total_balance').text(; $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(active_edexcoin); }); } else { EDEXlistunspent(active_edexcoin) .then(function(result) { //console.log(result) if (result[0] != undefined) { //console.log(result[0]) if ( result[0].interest !== undefined ) { $( '#edexcoin_getbalance_interest,' + '#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest' ) .show(); $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t') .removeClass( 'col-lg-12' ) .addClass( 'col-lg-4' ); $('#edex_interest_balance').text(result[0].interest); $('#edex_total_balance_interest').text(result[0].totalbalance); $( '#edex_total_interest_coincode,' + '#edex_total_balance_interest_coincode' ) .text(active_edexcoin); } if ( result[0].interest === undefined ) { $( '#edexcoin_getbalance_interest,' + '#edexcoin_getbalance_total_interest' ) .hide(); $('#edexcoin_getbalance_t') .removeClass( 'col-lg-4' ) .addClass( 'col-lg-12' ); $( '#edex_interest_balance,' + '#edex_total_balance_interest' ) .text('-'); } $('#edex_total_balance').text(result[0].total); $('#edex_total_balance_coincode').text(active_edexcoin); } else { $('#edex_total_balance').text('0'); } }); } EdexfillTxHistory(active_edexcoin); $('.edexcoin-send-form')[0].reset(); }); } var handle_edex_send = function() { $('.btn_refresh_edexcoin_send').click(function() { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), call_data = { 'allcoins': false, 'coin': 'KMD', 'calls': 'refresh' }; console.log(call_data); Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data) .then(function(result) { console.log(result);[defaultLang].TOASTR.REFRESHING_FUNDS, _lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.WALLET_NOTIFICATION); }) }); $('#btn_edexcoin_send').click(function() { $( '#btn_edexcoin_dashboard,' + '#btn_edexcoin_recieve' ) .show(); $('#btn_edexcoin_send').hide(); $('#edexcoin_send').show(); $( '#edexcoin_dashboardinfo,' + '#edexcoin_recieve,' + '#edexcoin_recieve_section,' + '#edexcoin_settings' ) .hide(); sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop'); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), selected_coinmode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') // This send from part is only enabled now for Basilisk coins except BTC and SYS. if (selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' && active_edexcoin !== 'BTC' && active_edexcoin !== 'SYS' ) { $('.edexcoin_send_from_for_basilisk').show(); EDEXgetaddrbyaccount_cache(active_edexcoin) .then(function(result){ var tmpoptions = ''; //console.log(result); edexcoin_addr_list_with_balance = result; console.log(edexcoin_addr_list_with_balance); tmpoptions += ''; $.each(edexcoin_addr_list_with_balance, function(index) { tmpoptions += ''; $('#edexcoin_send_from').html(tmpoptions); }); $('.showedexcoinaddrs') .selectpicker({ style: 'btn-info' }) .selectpicker('refresh'); $('.edexcoin_send_coins_btn_step1') .addClass('disabled') .attr('disabled','disabled'); }) } else { $('.edexcoin_send_from_for_basilisk').hide(); $('.edexcoin_send_coins_btn_step1') .removeClass('disabled') .removeAttr('disabled'); } //clearEdexSendFieldData(); $('.edexcoin-send-form')[0].reset(); if ( selected_coinmode == 'Full' ) { EDEXgetinfo(active_edexcoin) .then(function(result) { $('#edexcoin_fee').val(result.kbfee); }); } }); $('.showedexcoinaddrs').on('change', function() { var selected = $(this).find('option:selected').val(); //console.log(selected) }); $('#edexcoin_send_from').change(function() { if ($('#edexcoin_send_from').val() !== '' || $('#edexcoin_send_from').val() !== _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SELECT_ADDRESS) { $('.edexcoin_send_coins_btn_step1') .removeClass('disabled') .prop('disabled', false); Shepherd_GetBasiliskCache() .then(function(result) { var _data = JSON.parse(result), query = _data.result.basilisk, active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), coin_addr = $('#edexcoin_send_from').val(); if (!('refresh' in query[active_edexcoin][coin_addr])) { console.log(active_edexcoin + '>>>' + coin_addr + ' => refresh not found.'); var call_data = { 'allcoins': false, 'coin': active_edexcoin, 'calls': 'refresh' }; Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data) .then(function(result) { console.log(result); }); } else { console.log(query[active_edexcoin][coin_addr].refresh.status); } }) } if ($('#edexcoin_send_from').val() === '' || $('#edexcoin_send_from').val() === _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SELECT_ADDRESS) { $('.edexcoin_send_coins_btn_step1') .addClass(' disabled') .prop('disabled', true); } }) $('#edexcoin_amount').keyup(function() { var sum_val1 = parseFloat($('#edexcoin_amount').val()), sum_val2 = parseFloat($('#edexcoin_fee').val()), total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2, mdl_send_btn = $('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn'); $('#edexcoin_total_value').text(total_minus_currency_fee.toFixed(8)); }); $('#edexcoin_fee').keyup(function() { var sum_val1 = parseFloat($('#edexcoin_amount').val()), sum_val2 = parseFloat($('#edexcoin_fee').val()), total_minus_currency_fee = sum_val1 - sum_val2, mdl_send_btn = $('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn'); //console.log($('#edexcoin_amount').val()); $('#edexcoin_total_value').text(total_minus_currency_fee.toFixed(8)); }); edexcoin_send_form_validator = $('.edexcoin-send-form').validate({ // errorElement: 'span', //default input error message container // errorClass: 'help-block', // default input error message class // focusInvalid: false, // do not focus the last invalid input rules: { edexcoin_send_from: { required: true }, edexcoin_sendto: { required: true }, edexcoin_amount: { required: true }, edexcoin_fee: { required: true }, edexcoin_total_value: { required: true } }, messages: { edexcoin_send_from: { required: _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_FROMADDR_REQ }, edexcoin_sendto: { required: _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_TOADDR_REQ }, edexcoin_amount: { required: _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_AMOUNT_REQ }, edexcoin_fee: { required: _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_FEE_REQ + ' 0.0001.' }, edexcoin_total_value: { required: _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_TOTAL_REQ } }, submitHandler: function(form) { NProgress.done(true); NProgress.configure({ template: templates.nprogressBar }); NProgress.start(); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), selected_coinmode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); console.log('Sent control here after clicked in form...'); if (selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' && active_edexcoin !== 'BTC' && active_edexcoin !== 'SYS' ) { $('#mdl_confirm_currency_sendfrom_addr').text($('#edexcoin_send_from').val()); } else { EDEXMainAddr($('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin')) .then(function(result) { $('#mdl_confirm_currency_sendfrom_addr').text(result); }); } $('#mdl_confirm_currency_sendto_addr').text($('#edexcoin_sendto').val()); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_send_amount').text($('#edexcoin_amount').val()); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_coinname').text($('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin')); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_send_fee').text($('#edexcoin_fee').val()); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_coinname_fee').text($('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin')); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_sendfrom_total_dedcut').text($('#edexcoin_total_value').text()); $('#mdl_confirm_currency_coinname_total').text($('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin')); console.log('==> Before confirming tx to send'); console.log($('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin')); console.log($('#edexcoin_sendto').val()); console.log($('#mdl_confirm_currency_sendfrom_addr').text()); console.log($('#edexcoin_total_value').text()); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), tmp_send_from_addr = $('#edexcoin_send_from').val() tmp_send_to_addr = $('#edexcoin_sendto').val(), tmp_send_total_amount = $('#edexcoin_total_value').text(); $('#edexcoin-send-screen').hide(); $('#edexcoin-send-confirm-screen').show(); $( '#edexcoin_send_step_1,' + '#edexcoin_send_step_3' ) .removeClass( 'current' ) .addClass( '' ); $('#edexcoin_send_step_2') .removeClass( '' ) .addClass( 'current' ); NProgress.done(); } }); $('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn').click(function() { //$('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn').prop('disabled', true); console.log('==> After confirming tx to send') var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), tmp_send_from_addr = $('#edexcoin_send_from').val(), tmp_send_to_addr = $('#edexcoin_sendto').val(), tmp_send_total_amount = $('#edexcoin_total_value').text(), tmp_send_fee = $('#edexcoin_fee').val(), tmp_sendflag = $('#edexcoin_send_sig').is(':checked'); console.log(active_edexcoin); console.log(tmp_send_from_addr); console.log(tmp_send_to_addr); console.log(tmp_send_total_amount); console.log(tmp_send_fee); console.log(tmp_sendflag); var edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl = ''; edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl += '' + '' + _lang[defaultLang].INDEX.INFO + '' + '' + _lang[defaultLang].DASHBOARD.SEND_TX_PROGRESS + '' + ''; $('#edexcoin_sendto_result tbody').html(edexcoin_sendto_result_tbl); $('#edexcoin_send_coins_anothertx_btn').hide(); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), selected_coinmode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); if (selected_coinmode == 'Basilisk' && active_edexcoin !== 'BTC' && active_edexcoin !== 'SYS' ) { var tmp_json_data = { 'coin': active_edexcoin, 'sendfrom': tmp_send_from_addr, 'sendtoaddr': tmp_send_to_addr, 'amount': tmp_send_total_amount, 'txfee': tmp_send_fee, 'sendsig': tmp_sendflag }; console.log(tmp_json_data); EDEXSendutxoRawTx(tmp_json_data); } else { var tmp_json_data = { 'coin': active_edexcoin, 'sendtoaddr': tmp_send_to_addr, 'amount': tmp_send_total_amount }; console.log(tmp_json_data); EDEXSendToAddr(tmp_json_data); } $('.edexcoin-send-form')[0].reset(); $('#edexcoin_total_value').text('0.000'); $('#edexcoin-send-confirm-screen').hide(); $('#edexcoin-send-txdetails-screen') .show() .data('panel-api') .load(); edexcoin_send_form_validator.resetForm(); $( '#edexcoin_send_step_1,' + '#edexcoin_send_step_2' ) .removeClass( 'current' ) .addClass( '' ); $('#edexcoin_send_step_3') .removeClass( '' ) .addClass( 'current' ); }); $('#edexcoin_send_coins_back_btn').click(function() { $( '#edexcoin-send-confirm-screen,' + '#edexcoin-send-txdetails-screen' ) .hide(); $('#edexcoin-send-screen').show(); var active_edexcoin = '', tmp_send_to_addr = '', tmp_send_total_amount = ''; edexcoin_send_form_validator.resetForm(); $('#edexcoin_send_step_1') .removeClass( '' ) .addClass( 'current' ); $( '#edexcoin_send_step_2,' + '#edexcoin_send_step_3' ) .removeClass( 'current' ) .addClass( '' ); }); $('#edexcoin_send_coins_anothertx_btn').click(function() { $( '#edexcoin_send_coins_back_btn' ).trigger( 'click' ); var active_edexcoin = '', tmp_send_to_addr = '', tmp_send_total_amount = ''; $('#edexcoin_send_coins_btn').prop('disabled', false); edexcoin_send_form_validator.resetForm(); }); $('.edexcoin_sendto_result').on('click', '.edexcoin_sendto_output_result', function(e) { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'), selected_coin_mode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); $( '#nav-iguana-atomic-explorer' ).trigger( 'click' ); $('#atomic_explorer_select_coin_options option[value=' + selected_coin + ']').attr('selected', 'selected'); if ( selected_coin_mode == 'Full') { $('#atomic_explorer_select_command_options option[value=gettransaction]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } if ( selected_coin_mode == 'Basilisk') { $('#atomic_explorer_select_command_options option[value=dex_gettransaction]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } $('#atomic_explorer_input_data').val($(this).data('sendtotxresult')); $( '#atomic_explorer_getcoinpeers_btn' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); } var handle_edex_recieve = function() { $('#btn_edexcoin_recieve').click(function() { $( '#btn_edexcoin_dashboard,' + '#btn_edexcoin_send' ) .show(); $('#btn_edexcoin_recieve').hide(); var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'); sessionStorage.setItem('edexTmpRefresh', 'stop'); $( '#edexcoin_dashboardinfo,' + '#edexcoin_dashoard_section,' + '#edexcoin_send,' + '#edexcoin_settings' ) .hide(); $( '#edexcoin_recieve,' + '#edexcoin_recieve_section' ) .show(); EdexListAllAddr(active_edexcoin); $('.edexcoin-send-form')[0].reset(); }); $('#edexcoin_get_new_addr').click(function() { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'); console.log('get new T address button clicked...'); EdexListAllAddr(active_edexcoin);[defaultLang].TOASTR.RECADDR_UPDATED, _lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.WALLET_NOTIFICATION); }); }; var handleWalletWidgets = function() { var walletDivContent = '', AddColumnDiv = 0; $.each([ 'native', 'basilisk', 'full' ], function( index, value ) { var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'), ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': 'InstantDEX', 'method': 'allcoins' }; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '' + config.iguanaPort, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var AllcoinsDataOutput = JSON.parse(data); $.each(AllcoinsDataOutput[value], function(index) { var coinlogo = '', coinname = '', modecode = '', modetip = '', modecolor = ''; switch (value) { case 'native': modecode = 'Native'; modetip = 'Native'; modecolor = 'primary'; break; case 'basilisk': modecode = 'Basilisk'; modetip = 'Basilisk'; modecolor = 'info'; break; case 'full': modecode = 'Full'; modetip = 'Full'; modecolor = 'success'; break; case 'virtual': modecode = 'Virtual'; modetip = 'Virtual'; modecolor = 'danger'; break; case 'notarychains': modecode = 'Notarychains'; modetip = 'Notarychains'; modecolor = 'dark'; break; } switch (AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index]) { case 'BTC': coinlogo = 'bitcoin'; coinname = 'Bitcoin'; break; case 'BTCD': coinlogo = 'bitcoindark'; coinname = 'BitcoinDark'; break; case 'LTC': coinlogo = 'litecoin'; coinname = 'Litecoin'; break; case 'VPN': coinlogo = 'vpncoin'; coinname = 'VPNcoin'; break; case 'SYS': coinlogo = 'syscoin'; coinname = 'Syscoin'; break; case 'ZEC': coinlogo = 'zcash'; coinname = 'Zcash'; break; case 'NMC': coinlogo = 'namecoin'; coinname = 'Namecoin'; break; case 'DEX': coinlogo = 'dex'; coinname = 'InstantDEX'; break; case 'DOGE': coinlogo = 'dogecoin'; coinname = 'Dogecoin'; break; case 'DGB': coinlogo = 'digibyte'; coinname = 'Digibyte'; break; case 'MZC': coinlogo = 'mazacoin'; coinname = 'Mazacoin'; break; case 'UNO': coinlogo = 'unobtanium'; coinname = 'Unobtanium'; break; case 'ZET': coinlogo = 'zetacoin'; coinname = 'Zetacoin'; break; case 'KMD': coinlogo = 'komodo'; coinname = 'Komodo'; break; case 'BTM': coinlogo = 'bitmark'; coinname = 'Bitmark'; break; case 'CARB': coinlogo = 'carboncoin'; coinname = 'Carboncoin'; break; case 'ANC': coinlogo = 'anoncoin'; coinname = 'AnonCoin'; break; case 'FRK': coinlogo = 'franko'; coinname = 'Franko'; break; case 'SUPERNET': coinlogo = 'SUPERNET'; coinname = 'SUPERNET'; break; case 'REVS': coinlogo = 'REVS'; coinname = 'REVS'; break; case 'WIRELESS': coinlogo = 'WIRELESS'; coinname = 'WIRELESS'; break; case 'PANGEA': coinlogo = 'PANGEA'; coinname = 'PANGEA'; break; case 'JUMBLR': coinlogo = 'JUMBLR'; coinname = 'JUMBLR'; break; case 'BET': coinlogo = 'BET'; coinname = 'BET'; break; case 'CRYPTO': coinlogo = 'CRYPTO'; coinname = 'CRYPTO'; break; case 'HODL': coinlogo = 'HODL'; coinname = 'HODL'; break; case 'SHARK': coinlogo = 'SHARK'; coinname = 'SHARK'; break; case 'BOTS': coinlogo = 'BOTS'; coinname = 'BOTS'; break; case 'MGW': coinlogo = 'MGW'; coinname = 'MultiGateway'; break; case 'MVP': coinlogo = 'MVP'; coinname = 'MVP Lineup'; break; case 'KV': coinlogo = 'KV'; coinname = 'KV'; break; case 'CEAL': coinlogo = 'CEAL'; coinname = 'CEAL NET'; break; case 'MESH': coinlogo = 'MESH'; coinname = 'SpaceMesh'; break; case 'USD': coinlogo = 'USD'; coinname = 'US Dollar'; break; case 'RON': coinlogo = 'RON'; coinname = 'Romanian Leu'; break; case 'EUR': coinlogo = 'EUR'; coinname = 'Euro'; break; case 'JPY': coinlogo = 'JPY'; coinname = 'Japanese Yen'; break; case 'GBP': coinlogo = 'GBP'; coinname = 'British Pound'; break; case 'AUD': coinlogo = 'AUD'; coinname = 'Australian Dollar'; break; case 'CAD': coinlogo = 'CAD'; coinname = 'Canadian Dollar'; break; case 'CHF': coinlogo = 'CHF'; coinname = 'Swiss Franc'; break; case 'NZD': coinlogo = 'NZD'; coinname = 'New Zealand Dollar'; break; case 'CNY': coinlogo = 'CNY'; coinname = 'Chinese Yuan'; break; case 'RUB': coinlogo = 'RUB'; coinname = 'Russian Ruble'; break; case 'MXN': coinlogo = 'MXN'; coinname = 'Mexican peso'; break; case 'BRL': coinlogo = 'BRL'; coinname = 'Brazilian Real'; break; case 'INR': coinlogo = 'INR'; coinname = 'Indian Rupee'; break; case 'HKD': coinlogo = 'HKD'; coinname = 'Hong Kong Dollar'; break; case 'TRY': coinlogo = 'TRY'; coinname = 'Turkish Lira'; break; case 'ZAR': coinlogo = 'ZAR'; coinname = 'South African Rand'; break; case 'PLN': coinlogo = 'PLN'; coinname = 'Polish Zloty'; break; case 'NOK': coinlogo = 'NOK'; coinname = 'Norwegian Krone'; break; case 'SEK': coinlogo = 'SEK'; coinname = 'Swedish Krona'; break; case 'DKK': coinlogo = 'DKK'; coinname = 'Danish Krone'; break; case 'CZK': coinlogo = 'CZK'; coinname = 'Czech Koruna'; break; case 'HUF': coinlogo = 'HUF'; coinname = 'Hungarian Forint'; break; case 'ILS': coinlogo = 'ILS'; coinname = 'Israeli Shekel'; break; case 'KRW': coinlogo = 'KRW'; coinname = 'Korean Won'; break; case 'MYR': coinlogo = 'MYR'; coinname = 'Malaysian Ringgit'; break; case 'PHP': coinlogo = 'PHP'; coinname = 'Philippine Peso'; break; case 'SGD': coinlogo = 'SGD'; coinname = 'Singapore Dollar'; break; case 'THB': coinlogo = 'THB'; coinname = 'Thai Baht'; break; case 'BGN': coinlogo = 'BGN'; coinname = 'Bulgarian Lev'; break; case 'IDR': coinlogo = 'IDR'; coinname = 'Indonesian Rupiah'; break; case 'HRK': coinlogo = 'HRK'; coinname = 'Croatian Kuna'; break; } walletDivContent += '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + ''; $('.wallet-widgets-row').html(walletDivContent); $('.scrollbar-dynamic').scrollbar(); // Make sure widget-body has scrollbar for transactions history $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Make sure tooltips are working for wallet widgets and anywhere else in wallet. edexCoinBtnAction(); }); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { console.log('failed starting BitcoinDark.'); console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { Iguana_ServiceUnavailable(); } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); if (xhr.readyState == '0' ) { toastr.error(_lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.IGUANA_CONN_ERR, _lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATION); } } }); }); } var handleWalletWidgetBtns = function() { $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('disabled', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode').prop('disabled', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode') .prop('disabled', true) .prop('checked', false); $('.mdl_addcoin_done_btn').click(function(){ ExecuteAddCoinFn(); }); $( '#addcoin_select_coin_mdl_options' ).change(function() { var tmp_coin_val = $('#addcoin_select_coin_mdl_options').val(); if (tmp_coin_val !== 'KMD' || tmp_coin_val !== 'KMD' ) { $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('disabled', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode').prop('disabled', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode') .prop('disabled', false) .prop('checked', true); } if (tmp_coin_val == 'KMD') { $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('disabled', false); $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode') .prop('disabled', false) .prop('checked', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode').prop('disabled', false); } if (tmp_coin_val == 'SUPERNET' || tmp_coin_val == 'REVS' || tmp_coin_val == 'WIRELESS' || tmp_coin_val == 'DEX' || tmp_coin_val == 'PANGEA' || tmp_coin_val == 'JUMBLR' || tmp_coin_val == 'BET' || tmp_coin_val == 'CRYPTO' || tmp_coin_val == 'HODL' || tmp_coin_val == 'SHARK' || tmp_coin_val == 'BOTS' || tmp_coin_val == 'MGW' || tmp_coin_val == 'MVP' || tmp_coin_val == 'KV' || tmp_coin_val == 'CEAL' || tmp_coin_val == 'MESH' || tmp_coin_val == 'USD' || tmp_coin_val == 'RON' || tmp_coin_val == 'EUR' || tmp_coin_val == 'JPY' || tmp_coin_val == 'GBP' || tmp_coin_val == 'AUD' || tmp_coin_val == 'CAD' || tmp_coin_val == 'CHF' || tmp_coin_val == 'NZD' || tmp_coin_val == 'CNY' || tmp_coin_val == 'RUB' || tmp_coin_val == 'MXN' || tmp_coin_val == 'BRL' || tmp_coin_val == 'INR' || tmp_coin_val == 'HKD' || tmp_coin_val == 'TRY' || tmp_coin_val == 'ZAR' || tmp_coin_val == 'PLN' || tmp_coin_val == 'NOK' || tmp_coin_val == 'SEK' || tmp_coin_val == 'DKK' || tmp_coin_val == 'CZK' || tmp_coin_val == 'HUF' || tmp_coin_val == 'ILS' || tmp_coin_val == 'KRW' || tmp_coin_val == 'MYR' || tmp_coin_val == 'PHP' || tmp_coin_val == 'SGD' || tmp_coin_val == 'THB' || tmp_coin_val == 'BGN' || tmp_coin_val == 'IDR' || tmp_coin_val == 'HRK') { $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('disabled', false); $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode') .prop('disabled', false) .prop('checked', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode').prop('disabled', true); } if (tmp_coin_val == 'BTC') { $('#addcoin_mdl_basilisk_mode') .prop('disabled', false) .prop('checked', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_native_mode').prop('disabled', true); $('#addcoin_mdl_full_mode').prop('disabled', false); } }); } var handleBasiliskWalletActions = function() { $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_getnotaries').click(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); $( '#nav-iguana-atomic-explorer' ).trigger( 'click' ); $('#atomic_explorer_select_coin_options option[value=' + selected_coin + ']').attr('selected', 'selected'); $('#atomic_explorer_select_command_options option[value=dex_getnotaries]').attr('selected', 'selected'); $( '#atomic_explorer_getcoinpeers_btn' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_register').click(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); EDEXMainAddr(selected_coin) .then(function(result){ Iguana_DEXImportAllWalletAddr(selected_coin); }); }); $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_fetchdata').click(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); Shepherd_CheckBasiliskCacheData(selected_coin) .then(function(result) { var call_data = { 'allcoins': false, 'coin': selected_coin, 'calls': 'listtransactions:getbalance' }; console.log(result); console.log(result.coin); console.log(call_data); Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data) .then(function(result) { console.log(result);[defaultLang].TOASTR.FETCHING_DATA, _lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.BASILISK_NOTIFICATION); }); }); }); $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_refetchdata').click(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); Shepherd_GroomData_Delete() .then(function(result) { var call_data = { 'allcoins': false, 'coin': selected_coin, 'calls': 'listtransactions:getbalance' }; console.log(call_data); Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data) .then(function(result) { console.log(result);[defaultLang].TOASTR.FETCHING_DATA, _lang[defaultLang].TOASTR.BASILISK_NOTIFICATION); }); }); }); $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_refresh_basilisk_conn').click(function() { var show_mdl = setTimeout(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); $('#RefreshBasiliskConnectionsMdl').modal('show'); }, 0), start_refresh = setTimeout(function() { EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll(); }, 3000); Promise.all([show_mdl, start_refresh]) .then(function() { console.log('all promises executed!!!'); }); }); $('.btn_edexcoin_dashboard_validate').click(function() { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'); EDEXMainAddr(selected_coin) .then(function(result) { Iguana_DEXValidateAddr(selected_coin, result); }); }); } var handleWalletToAtomicExplorer = function() { $('#edex-tx-history-tbl').on('click', '.kmd-txid-details-btn', function(e) { var selected_coin = $(this).data('edexcoin'), selected_coin_mode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'), selected_txid = $(this).data('txid'); $( '#nav-iguana-atomic-explorer' ).trigger( 'click' ); $('#atomic_explorer_select_coin_options option[value=' + selected_coin + ']').attr('selected', 'selected'); if ( selected_coin_mode == 'Full') { $('#atomic_explorer_select_command_options option[value=gettransaction]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } if ( selected_coin_mode == 'Basilisk') { $('#atomic_explorer_select_command_options option[value=dex_gettransaction]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } $('#atomic_explorer_input_data').val(selected_txid); $( '#atomic_explorer_getcoinpeers_btn' ).trigger( 'click' ); }) } var handleEdexWalletInfo = function() { // Get coin history and pupulate balance and other info to wallet widget var ExecuteShowCoinHistory = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'stop' ) { clearInterval(ExecuteShowCoinHistory); console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.'); } else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'start') { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); // TODO: refactor if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk' || active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Native' ) { //console.log(active_edexcoinmodecode) //console.log('No need to show Progress bar for Native or Basilisk mode.') } else { ShowCoinProgressBar(active_edexcoin); } } }, 1000); var CheckIfIguanaRunning = setInterval(function() { // TODO: refactor var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) { //clearInterval(CheckIfIguanaRunning); //console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.'); } else { Iguana_activehandle() .then(function(result){ //console.log(result) //console.log("Iguana is running"); }); } }, 1000); var FetchBasiliskData = setInterval(function() { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); // TODO: refactor if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) { //clearInterval(FetchBasiliskData); //console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.'); } else { if ( active_edexcoinmodecode == 'Basilisk') { var call_data = { 'allcoins': false, 'coin': active_edexcoin, 'calls': 'listtransactions:getbalance' }; //console.log(call_data) if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === 'start') { Shepherd_FetchBasiliskData(call_data) .then(function(result) { console.log(result); }); } } } }, 300000); var RefreshEdexWalletDashboard = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'stop' ) { clearInterval(RefreshEdexWalletDashboard); } else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'start') { if ( $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin') !== 'COIN' ) { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') !== null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Full') { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === 'start') { $( '#btn_edexcoin_dashboard' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } } } }, 30000); var RefreshBasiliskTable = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'stop' ) { clearInterval(RefreshBasiliskTable); } else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === 'start') { if ( $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin') !== 'COIN' ) { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') !== null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Basilisk') { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === 'start') { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'), active_edexcoinmodecode = sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode'); if (active_edexcoinmodecode === 'Basilisk') { ShowBasiliskFetchDataProgress(active_edexcoin); } } } } } }, 1000); } return { // main function to initiate the module init: function() { resizeDashboardWindow(); handle_edex_wallet(); handle_edex_dashboard(); handle_edex_send(); handle_edex_recieve(); window.onresize = function(event) { resizeDashboardWindow(); }; if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) { console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to run Dashboard JS.'); } else { handleWalletWidgets(); handleWalletWidgetBtns(); handleEdexWalletInfo(); handleBasiliskWalletActions(); handleWalletToAtomicExplorer(); //TotalFiatValue(); } /*setInterval(function() { handleWalletWidgets(); console.log('wallet widget refereshed (every 15 seconds)'); }, 15000);*/ /*RunTotalFiatValue = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) { //console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to get Rates.'); //StopTotalFiatValue(); } else { //TotalFiatValue(); //console.log('Get Rates (every 60 seconds)'); } }, 60000);*/ } }; }(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { Dashboard.init(); }); function resizeDashboardWindow() { /* set default map height */ var navbarH = $('.site-navbar').outerHeight(), edexDashH = $('.edexcoin_dashoard_section_main_div').outerHeight(), mapH = $(window).height() - navbarH; $('.page-main').outerHeight(mapH); $('.scrollable-container').outerHeight(mapH); } function getActiveEdexcoin() { var active_edexcoin = $('[data-edexcoin]').attr('data-edexcoin'); return active_edexcoin; } /*function hideExtCoinsinEdexDashboard(coin) { var tmp_getinfo = EDEXgetinfo(coin); console.log(tmp_getinfo); }*/