const _lang = { 'EN': { 'INDEX': { 'REFRESHING_BASILISK_NET': 'Refreshing Basilisk Network Connections', 'SELECT_A_COIN': 'Select Coin to add to EasyDEX', 'WALLETS': 'Wallets', 'ACTIVATE_COIN': 'Activate Coin', 'WELCOME_PLEASE_ADD': 'Welcome. Please add coin to start.', 'SELECT_SEED_TYPE': 'Please select compatible wallet seed type', 'SELECT': 'Select', 'FULL_MODE': 'Full mode', 'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.', 'BASILISK_MODE': 'Basilisk Mode', 'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.', 'NATIVE_MODE': 'Native Mode' } } };