/*! * remark (http://getbootstrapadmin.com/remark) * Copyright 2016 amazingsurge * Licensed under the Themeforest Standard Licenses */ (function(window, document, $) { 'use strict'; $.configs.set('tour', { steps: [{ element: "#toggleMenubar", position: "right", intro: "Offcanvas Menu <p class='content'>It is nice custom navigation for desktop users and a seek off-canvas menu for tablet and mobile users</p>" }, { element: "#toggleFullscreen", intro: "Full Screen <p class='content'>Click this button you can view the admin template in full screen</p>" }, { element: "#toggleChat", position: 'left', intro: "Quick Conversations <p class='content'>This is a sidebar dialog box for user conversations list, you can even create a quick conversation with other users</p>" }], skipLabel: "<i class='md-close'></i>", doneLabel: "<i class='md-close'></i>", nextLabel: "Next <i class='md-chevron-right'></i>", prevLabel: "<i class='md-chevron-left'></i>Prev", showBullets: false }); })(window, document, $);