let _configCopy; function toggleDropdown() { const _dropdown = $('.dropdown-menu'); if (_dropdown.hasClass('hide')) { _dropdown.removeClass('hide'); } else { _dropdown.addClass('hide'); } } function initSettingsForm() { const remote = require('electron').remote; let appConf = remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfig; let appConfSchema = remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfigSchema; _configCopy = Object.assign({}, appConf); let _htmlOut = ''; for (let key in appConf) { if (appConfSchema[key] && appConfSchema[key].initDisplay) { _htmlOut = ` ${_htmlOut} `; } else if (appConfSchema[key].type === 'string' || appConfSchema[key].type === 'folder') { _htmlOut = ` ${_htmlOut} `; } else if (appConfSchema[key].type === 'boolean') { _htmlOut = `${_htmlOut} `; } } } _htmlOut = ` ${_htmlOut}
${appConfSchema[key].displayName}`; if (appConfSchema[key].info) { _htmlOut = ` ${_htmlOut}
`; } if (appConfSchema[key].type === 'number') { _htmlOut = ` ${_htmlOut}
`; $('#agamaConfigBlock').html(_htmlOut); } function hideToastImmediate() { $('#toast-container').addClass('hide'); } function hideToast() { setTimeout(function() { $('#toast-container').addClass('hide'); }, 5000); } function showToast(type, message) { $('#toast-container .toast').removeClass('toast-success').removeClass('toast-error'); $('#toast-container .toast').addClass(`toast-${type}`); $('#toast-container .toast-message').html(message); $('#toast-container').removeClass('hide'); hideToast(); } function setDefaultAppSettings() { const remote = require('electron').remote; remote.getCurrentWindow().setDefaultAppSettings(); remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfig = remote.getCurrentWindow().defaultAppSettings; initSettingsForm(); showToast('success', 'App settings are reset to default'); } function testBins(binName) { const remote = require('electron').remote; remote.getCurrentWindow().testBins(binName). then(function(res) { $('#debugOut').html(JSON.stringify(res, null, '\t')); }); } function handleSaveSettings() { if (_configCopy.dataDir && _configCopy.dataDir.length) { const remote = require('electron').remote; remote.getCurrentWindow().testLocation(_configCopy.dataDir) .then(function(res) { $('#debugOut').html(res + ' | ' + _configCopy.dataDir); if (res === -1) { showToast('error', 'Komodo datadir path is invalid'); } else if (res === false) { showToast('error', 'Komodo datadir path is not a directory'); } else { // save settings remote.getCurrentWindow().updateAppSettings(_configCopy); remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfig = _configCopy; showToast('success', 'Settings saved'); } }); } else { // save settings const remote = require('electron').remote; remote.getCurrentWindow().updateAppSettings(_configCopy); remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfig = _configCopy; showToast('success', 'Settings saved'); } } function handleInput(key) { const _value = $(`#${key}`).val(); _configCopy[key] = _value; } function settingsToggle(key) { const _value = $(`#${key} .cb`).prop('checked'); _configCopy[key] = _value; } function closeSettingsWindow() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); toggleDropdown(); window.destroyAppSettingsWindow(); } function reloadSettingsWindow() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); window.reloadSettingsWindow(); } function openSettingsWindow() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); $('.dropdown-menu').addClass('hide'); window.createAppSettingsWindow(); } function startKMDPassive() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); $('.dropdown-menu').addClass('hide'); disableModeButtons(); window.startKMDNative('KMD', true); window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } function closeMainWindow(isKmdOnly, isCustom) { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); $('.dropdown-menu').addClass('hide'); disableModeButtons(); if (!isCustom) { window.startKMDNative(isKmdOnly ? 'KMD' : null); setTimeout(function() { window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); }, 3000); } window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } function quitApp() { const remote = require('electron').remote; const window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); window.forseCloseApp(); } function disableModeButtons() { $('#nativeOnlyBtn').attr('disabled', true); $('#normalStartBtn').attr('disabled', true); $('#settingsBtn').attr('disabled', true); $('#nativeOnlyBtnCarret').attr('disabled', true); } function normalStart() { const remote = require('electron').remote; let appConf = remote.getCurrentWindow().appConfig; appConf.iguanaLessMode = false; $('.dropdown-menu').addClass('hide'); disableModeButtons(); // run iguana-less mode with no daemons startup if (appConf && appConf.iguanaLessMode) { // do something } else { // run normal mode with 2 iguana instances started prior loading GUI if (appConf && !appConf.manualIguanaStart) { StartIguana(); } var portcheck; function startcheck() { portcheck = setInterval(function() { Iguana_activehandle(appConf).then(function(result){ console.log(result); if (result !== 'error') { stopcheck(); if (appConf && appConf.useBasiliskInstance) { StartIguana_Cache(); } $('#loading_status_text').text('Connecting to Basilisk Network...'); EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll(appConf.skipBasiliskNetworkCheck, appConf.minNotaries, appConf); } }) }, 2000); } function stopcheck() { clearInterval(portcheck); } startcheck(); } } function IguanaAJAX(url, ajax_data, timeout) { return $.ajax({ data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', timeout: timeout ? timeout : 120000 //beforeSend: showLoadingImgFn }) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) { // handle request failures }); } function Iguana_activehandle(appConf) { return new Promise((resolve) => { var ajax_data = { 'agent': 'SuperNET', 'method': 'activehandle' }, AjaxOutputData = IguanaAJAX('' + appConf.iguanaCorePort, ajax_data).done(function(data) { //$('#loading_status_text').text('Retrieving active handle...'); //console.log(AjaxOutputData.responseText); AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(AjaxOutputData.responseText) //console.log(AjaxOutputData); resolve(AjaxOutputData); }) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) { // $('#loading_status_text').text('Retrieving active handle error!'); // handle request failures console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); }); }); } //Iguana_activehandle().then(function(result){ //console.log(result) //}) function StartIguana() { var ajax_data = { 'herd': 'iguana'}; console.log(ajax_data); $('#agamaModeStatus').text('Starting main iguana instance...'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '', dataType: 'xml/html/script/json', // expected format for response contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); console.log('== ActiveHandle Data OutPut =='); console.log(AjaxOutputData); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); } }); } function StartIguana_Cache() { $('#agamaModeStatus').text('Starting basilisk iguana instance...'); var ajax_data = { 'mode': 'basilisk', 'coin': 'all' }; var start_iguana_cache= $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '', contentType: 'application/json', // send as JSON }) start_iguana_cache.done(function(data) { _data = JSON.parse(data); console.log(_data.result); sessionStorage.setItem('IguanaCachePort', _data.result); }); } function EDEX_DEXgetinfoAll(skip, minNotaries, appConf) { const remote = require('electron').remote; var window = remote.getCurrentWindow(); if (!skip) { var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'), ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': 'dpow', 'method': 'notarychains' }, tmp_index = 0, tmp_index_failed = 0, get_dex_notarychains = IguanaAJAX('' + appConf.iguanaCorePort, ajax_data, 10000).done(function(data) { get_dex_notarychains = JSON.parse(get_dex_notarychains.responseText); if (minNotaries > get_dex_notarychains.length) { // if config value exceeds total num of notaries minNotaries = get_dex_notarychains.length; } get_dex_notarychains = get_dex_notarychains.splice(0, minNotaries); $.each(get_dex_notarychains, function( coin_index, coin_value ) { console.log(coin_index + ': ' + coin_value); var tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'), ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': 'dex', 'method': 'getinfo', 'symbol': coin_value }; console.log(ajax_data); if (coin_value !== 'MESH' || coin_value !== 'CEAL') { var getinfo_each_chain = IguanaAJAX('' + appConf.iguanaCorePort, ajax_data, 10000).done(function(data) { getinfo_each_chain = JSON.parse(getinfo_each_chain.responseText); console.log(getinfo_each_chain); tmp_index++; $('#loading_sub_status_text').text('Connection status... ' + tmp_index + '/' + get_dex_notarychains.length + ': ' + coin_value); if (getinfo_each_chain.error === 'less than required responses') { $('#loading_sub_status_output_text').text('Output: ' + getinfo_each_chain.error); } else { $('#loading_sub_status_output_text').text('Output: Connected'); } if ( tmp_index + tmp_index_failed === minNotaries ) { console.log('min notaries connected'); window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } }) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, error) { tmp_index_failed++; if ( tmp_index + tmp_index_failed === minNotaries ) { console.log('min notaries connected'); window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } // handle request failures console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); }); } }); }); } else { window.createWindow('open'); window.hide(); } }