jQuery(document).ready(function() { // KMDWalletDashboard.init(); // TODO: refactor var RunNativeProgressBar = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === 'stop' ) { //clearInterval(RunNativeProgressBar); //console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Native Wallet not ative. No need to Run Progress Bar code.'); } else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') !== null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === 'start') { KMD_ProgressBar(); } }, 5000); var RefreshEdexWalletDashboard = setInterval(function() { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === 'stop' ) { clearInterval(RefreshEdexWalletDashboard); //console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.'); } else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('NativeWalletActions') === 'start') { if ( $('[data-data-extcoin]').attr('data-data-extcoin') !== 'COIN' ) { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') !== null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpMode') === 'Native') { if ( sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('edexTmpRefresh') === 'start') { //console.log('it is not COIN. '+'It is: ' + $('[data-data-extcoin]').attr("data-data-extcoin")); var action_btn_code = getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode(); $( '#btn_' + action_btn_code + '_wallet_dashboard' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } } } }, 30000); }); function getHeaderActionMenuButtonCoinCode() { var extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), action_menu_button_code = ''; if ( extcoin == 'KMD') { action_menu_button_code = 'kmd'; }; if ( extcoin == 'ZEC') { action_menu_button_code = 'zec'; }; if (checkAC(extcoin)) { action_menu_button_code = 'acpax'; }; return action_menu_button_code; } function getPassthruAgent() { var extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'); passthru_agent = ''; console.log(extcoin); if ( extcoin == 'KMD') { passthru_agent = 'komodo'; }; if ( extcoin == 'ZEC') { passthru_agent = 'zcash'; }; if (checkAC(extcoin)) { passthru_agent = 'iguana'; }; return passthru_agent; } function CheckIfConnected() { var result = [], extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(), tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'); if (passthru_agent == 'iguana') { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'asset': $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), 'function': 'getinfo', 'hex': '' }; } else { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'function': 'getinfo', 'hex': '' }; } console.log(ajax_data); $.ajax({ async: false, type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '' + config.iguanaPort, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); //console.log('== Data OutPut =='); //console.log(AjaxOutputData); //console.log(AjaxOutputData.error); if ( AjaxOutputData.errors != undefined ) { result.push('connected'); } else if ( AjaxOutputData['error'].message = 'Activating best chain...' ) { result.push('activating'); } else if ( AjaxOutputData.errors == undefined) { result.push('not active'); } else { result.push(AjaxOutputData.errors); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { console.log('failed getting Coin History.'); console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { Iguana_ServiceUnavailable(); } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); } }); return result; } function CheckIfWalletEncrypted() { var result = [], passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(), tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'); if (passthru_agent == 'iguana') { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'asset': $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), 'function': 'walletlock', 'hex': '' }; } else { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'function': 'walletlock', 'hex': '' }; } console.log(ajax_data); $.ajax({ async: false, type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '' + config.iguanaPort, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); console.log('== Data OutPut =='); console.log(AjaxOutputData.error); if ( AjaxOutputData.errors != undefined ) { result.push('encrypted'); } else { result.push(AjaxOutputData.error); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { console.log('failed getting Coin History.'); console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { Iguana_ServiceUnavailable(); } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); } }); return result; } function KMD_getInfo_rtrn() { var result = [], extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), passthru_agent = getPassthruAgent(), tmpIguanaRPCAuth = 'tmpIgRPCUser@' + sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaRPCAuth'); if (passthru_agent == 'iguana') { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'asset': $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), 'function': 'getinfo', 'hex': '' }; } else { var ajax_data = { 'userpass': tmpIguanaRPCAuth, 'agent': passthru_agent, 'method': 'passthru', 'asset': $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), 'function': 'getinfo', 'hex': '' }; } $.ajax({ async: false, type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), url: '' + config.iguanaPort, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var AjaxOutputData = JSON.parse(data); if ( AjaxOutputData.errors != undefined ) { result.push(AjaxOutputData); } else if ( AjaxOutputData['error'].message = 'Activating best chain...' ) { result.push('activating'); } else if ( AjaxOutputData.errors == undefined) { result.push('not active'); } else { result.push(AjaxOutputData.errors); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { console.log('failed getting Coin History.'); console.log(xhr.statusText); if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) { Iguana_ServiceUnavailable(); } console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); } }); return result[0]; } function KMD_ProgressBar() { var result = [], extcoin = $('[data-extcoin]').attr('data-extcoin'), getinfotmp = KMD_getInfo_rtrn(); if (extcoin !== 'ZEC') { if ( getinfotmp == 'activating') { $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]').text(_lang[defaultLang].INDEX.ACTIVATING + '...'); } else { if (getinfotmp.blocks === 0) { $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]').text('No blocks'); $('#extcoin-progressbars .progress-bar').css({ 'width': '100%' }); } else if (getinfotmp.blocks > 0 && getinfotmp.longestchain === 0) { $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]').text('No longestchain'); $('#extcoin-progressbars .progress-bar').css({ 'width': '100%' }); } else { var sync_percent = parseFloat(parseInt(getinfotmp.blocks, 10) * 100) / parseInt(getinfotmp.longestchain, 10); //console.log(sync_percent); console.log('getinfotmp', getinfotmp); $('div[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync"]').width(parseFloat(sync_percent).toFixed(2) + '%'); $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-sync-percent"]').text(parseFloat(sync_percent).toFixed(2) + '%'); $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-synced-blocks"]').text(getinfotmp.blocks); $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-longestchain"]').text(getinfotmp.longestchain); $('span[data-extcoin="' + extcoin + '"][id="extcoin-connections"]').text(getinfotmp.connections); } $('#extcoin-wallet-activating-alert').hide(); } } }