You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
524 lines
19 KiB
524 lines
19 KiB
(function() {
"use strict";
var hideElement = function(el) {
if (! el) {
var removeThis = function() {
if (el && el.parentNode) {
el.addEventListener("transitionend", removeThis);
// Fallback for no transitions.
function Alertify() {
* Alertify private object
* @type {Object}
var _alertify = {
parent: document.body,
version: "1.0.10",
defaultOkLabel: "Ok",
okLabel: "Ok",
defaultCancelLabel: "Cancel",
cancelLabel: "Cancel",
defaultMaxLogItems: 2,
maxLogItems: 2,
promptValue: "",
promptPlaceholder: "",
closeLogOnClick: false,
closeLogOnClickDefault: false,
delay: 5000,
defaultDelay: 5000,
logContainerClass: "alertify-logs",
logContainerDefaultClass: "alertify-logs",
dialogs: {
buttons: {
holder: "<nav>{{buttons}}</nav>",
ok: "<button class='ok' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>",
cancel: "<button class='cancel' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>"
input: "<input type='text'>",
message: "<p class='msg'>{{message}}</p>",
log: "<div class='{{class}}'>{{message}}</div>"
defaultDialogs: {
buttons: {
holder: "<nav>{{buttons}}</nav>",
ok: "<button class='ok' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>",
cancel: "<button class='cancel' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>"
input: "<input type='text'>",
message: "<p class='msg'>{{message}}</p>",
log: "<div class='{{class}}'>{{message}}</div>"
* Build the proper message box
* @param {Object} item Current object in the queue
* @return {String} An HTML string of the message box
build: function(item) {
var btnTxt = this.dialogs.buttons.ok;
var html = "<div class='dialog'>" + "<div>" + this.dialogs.message.replace("{{message}}", item.message);
if(item.type === "confirm" || item.type === "prompt") {
btnTxt = this.dialogs.buttons.cancel + this.dialogs.buttons.ok;
if (item.type === "prompt") {
html += this.dialogs.input;
html = (html + this.dialogs.buttons.holder + "</div>" + "</div>")
.replace("{{buttons}}", btnTxt)
.replace("{{ok}}", this.okLabel)
.replace("{{cancel}}", this.cancelLabel);
return html;
setCloseLogOnClick: function(bool) {
this.closeLogOnClick = !! bool;
* Close the log messages
* @param {Object} elem HTML Element of log message to close
* @param {Number} wait [optional] Time (in ms) to wait before automatically hiding the message, if 0 never hide
* @return {undefined}
close: function(elem, wait) {
if (this.closeLogOnClick) {
elem.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
wait = wait && !isNaN(+wait) ? +wait : this.delay;
if (wait < 0) {
} else if(wait > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, wait);
* Create a dialog box
* @param {String} message The message passed from the callee
* @param {String} type Type of dialog to create
* @param {Function} onOkay [Optional] Callback function when clicked okay.
* @param {Function} onCancel [Optional] Callback function when cancelled.
* @return {Object}
dialog: function(message, type, onOkay, onCancel) {
return this.setup({
type: type,
message: message,
onOkay: onOkay,
onCancel: onCancel
* Show a new log message box
* @param {String} message The message passed from the callee
* @param {String} type [Optional] Optional type of log message
* @param {Number} wait [Optional] Time (in ms) to wait before auto-hiding the log
* @return {Object}
log: function(message, type, click) {
var existing = document.querySelectorAll(".alertify-logs > div");
if (existing) {
var diff = existing.length - this.maxLogItems;
if (diff >= 0) {
for (var i = 0, _i = diff + 1; i < _i; i++) {
this.close(existing[i], -1);
this.notify(message, type, click);
setLogPosition: function(str) {
this.logContainerClass = "alertify-logs " + str;
setupLogContainer: function() {
var elLog = document.querySelector(".alertify-logs");
var className = this.logContainerClass;
if (! elLog) {
elLog = document.createElement("div");
elLog.className = className;
// Make sure it's positioned properly.
if (elLog.className !== className) {
elLog.className = className;
return elLog;
* Add new log message
* If a type is passed, a class name "{type}" will get added.
* This allows for custom look and feel for various types of notifications.
* @param {String} message The message passed from the callee
* @param {String} type [Optional] Type of log message
* @param {Number} wait [Optional] Time (in ms) to wait before auto-hiding
* @return {undefined}
notify: function(message, type, click) {
var elLog = this.setupLogContainer();
var log = document.createElement("div");
log.className = (type || "default");
if (_alertify.logTemplateMethod) {
log.innerHTML = _alertify.logTemplateMethod(message);
} else {
log.innerHTML = message;
// Add the click handler, if specified.
if ("function" === typeof click) {
log.addEventListener("click", click);
setTimeout(function() {
log.className += " show";
}, 10);
this.close(log, this.delay);
* Initiate all the required pieces for the dialog box
* @return {undefined}
setup: function(item) {
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "alertify hide";
el.innerHTML =;
var btnOK = el.querySelector(".ok");
var btnCancel = el.querySelector(".cancel");
var input = el.querySelector("input");
var label = el.querySelector("label");
// Set default value/placeholder of input
if (input) {
if (typeof this.promptPlaceholder === "string") {
// Set the label, if available, for MDL, etc.
if (label) {
label.textContent = this.promptPlaceholder;
} else {
input.placeholder = this.promptPlaceholder;
if (typeof this.promptValue === "string") {
input.value = this.promptValue;
function setupHandlers(resolve) {
if ("function" !== typeof resolve) {
// promises are not available so resolve is a no-op
resolve = function () {};
if (btnOK) {
btnOK.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
if (item.onOkay && "function" === typeof item.onOkay) {
if (input) {
item.onOkay(input.value, ev);
} else {
if (input) {
buttonClicked: "ok",
inputValue: input.value,
event: ev
} else {
buttonClicked: "ok",
event: ev
if (btnCancel) {
btnCancel.addEventListener("click", function(ev) {
if (item.onCancel && "function" === typeof item.onCancel) {
buttonClicked: "cancel",
event: ev
var promise;
if (typeof Promise === "function") {
promise = new Promise(setupHandlers);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
if(input && item.type && item.type === "prompt") {
} else {
if (btnOK) {
}, 100);
return promise;
okBtn: function(label) {
this.okLabel = label;
return this;
setDelay: function(time) {
time = time || 0;
this.delay = isNaN(time) ? this.defaultDelay : parseInt(time, 10);
return this;
cancelBtn: function(str) {
this.cancelLabel = str;
return this;
setMaxLogItems: function(num) {
this.maxLogItems = parseInt(num || this.defaultMaxLogItems);
theme: function(themeStr) {
switch(themeStr.toLowerCase()) {
case "bootstrap":
this.dialogs.buttons.ok = "<button class='ok btn btn-primary' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>";
this.dialogs.buttons.cancel = "<button class='cancel btn btn-default' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>";
this.dialogs.input = "<input type='text' class='form-control'>";
case "purecss":
this.dialogs.buttons.ok = "<button class='ok pure-button' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>";
this.dialogs.buttons.cancel = "<button class='cancel pure-button' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>";
case "mdl":
case "material-design-light":
this.dialogs.buttons.ok = "<button class='ok mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>";
this.dialogs.buttons.cancel = "<button class='cancel mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>";
this.dialogs.input = "<div class='mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield'><input class='mdl-textfield__input'><label class='md-textfield__label'></label></div>";
case "angular-material":
this.dialogs.buttons.ok = "<button class='ok md-primary md-button' tabindex='1'>{{ok}}</button>";
this.dialogs.buttons.cancel = "<button class='cancel md-button' tabindex='2'>{{cancel}}</button>";
this.dialogs.input = "<div layout='column'><md-input-container md-no-float><input type='text'></md-input-container></div>";
case "default":
this.dialogs.buttons.ok = this.defaultDialogs.buttons.ok;
this.dialogs.buttons.cancel = this.defaultDialogs.buttons.cancel;
this.dialogs.input = this.defaultDialogs.input;
reset: function() {
this.parent = document.body;
this.promptValue = "";
this.promptPlaceholder = "";
this.delay = this.defaultDelay;
this.setLogPosition("bottom left");
this.logTemplateMethod = null;
injectCSS: function() {
if (!document.querySelector("#alertifyCSS")) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var css = document.createElement("style");
css.type = "text/css";
| = "alertifyCSS";
css.innerHTML = "/* style.css */";
head.insertBefore(css, head.firstChild);
removeCSS: function() {
var css = document.querySelector("#alertifyCSS");
if (css && css.parentNode) {
return {
_$$alertify: _alertify,
parent: function(elem) {
_alertify.parent = elem;
reset: function() {
return this;
alert: function(message, onOkay, onCancel) {
return _alertify.dialog(message, "alert", onOkay, onCancel) || this;
confirm: function(message, onOkay, onCancel) {
return _alertify.dialog(message, "confirm", onOkay, onCancel) || this;
prompt: function(message, onOkay, onCancel) {
return _alertify.dialog(message, "prompt", onOkay, onCancel) || this;
log: function(message, click) {
_alertify.log(message, "default", click);
return this;
theme: function(themeStr) {
return this;
success: function(message, click) {
_alertify.log(message, "success", click);
return this;
error: function(message, click) {
_alertify.log(message, "error", click);
return this;
cancelBtn: function(label) {
return this;
okBtn: function(label) {
return this;
delay: function(time) {
return this;
placeholder: function(str) {
_alertify.promptPlaceholder = str;
return this;
defaultValue: function(str) {
_alertify.promptValue = str;
return this;
maxLogItems: function(num) {
return this;
closeLogOnClick: function(bool) {
_alertify.setCloseLogOnClick(!! bool);
return this;
logPosition: function(str) {
_alertify.setLogPosition(str || "");
return this;
setLogTemplate: function(templateMethod) {
_alertify.logTemplateMethod = templateMethod;
return this;
clearLogs: function() {
_alertify.setupLogContainer().innerHTML = "";
return this;
version: _alertify.version
// AMD, window, and NPM support
if ("undefined" !== typeof module && !! module && !! module.exports) {
// Preserve backwards compatibility
module.exports = function() {
return new Alertify();
var obj = new Alertify();
for (var key in obj) {
module.exports[key] = obj[key];
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return new Alertify();
} else {
window.alertify = new Alertify();