You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
652 lines
41 KiB
652 lines
41 KiB
var RunTotalFiatValue = '';
var ExecuteShowCoinHistory = '';
var Dashboard = function() {
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": true,
"debug": false,
"positionClass": "toast-top-right",
"showDuration": "5000",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "5000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
var handleWalletWidgets = function() {
var walletDivContent = '';
$.each([ 'basilisk', 'full', 'virtual' ], function( index, value ) {
type: 'GET',
url: '',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var AllcoinsDataOutput = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log('== AllCoins Data OutPut ==');
$.each(AllcoinsDataOutput[value], function(index) {
var coinlogo = '';
var coinname = '';
var modecode = '';
var modetip = '';
var modecolor = '';
if ( value == 'basilisk' ) { modecode = 'B'; modetip = 'Basilisk'; modecolor = 'info'; }
if ( value == 'full' ) { modecode = 'F'; modetip = 'Full'; modecolor = 'success'; }
if ( value == 'virtual' ) { modecode = 'V'; modetip = 'Virtual'; modecolor = 'danger'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'BTC' ) { coinlogo = 'bitcoin'; coinname = 'Bitcoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'BTCD' ) { coinlogo = 'bitcoindark'; coinname = 'BitcoinDark'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'LTC' ) { coinlogo = 'litecoin'; coinname = 'Litecoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'VPN' ) { coinlogo = 'vpncoin'; coinname = 'VPNcoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'SYS' ) { coinlogo = 'syscoin'; coinname = 'Syscoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'ZEC' ) { coinlogo = 'zcash'; coinname = 'Zcash'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'NMC' ) { coinlogo = 'namecoin'; coinname = 'Namecoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'DEX' ) { coinlogo = 'dex'; coinname = 'DEX'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'DOGE' ) { coinlogo = 'dogecoin'; coinname = 'Dogecoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'DGB' ) { coinlogo = 'digibyte'; coinname = 'Digibyte'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'MZC' ) { coinlogo = 'mazacoin'; coinname = 'Mazacoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'UNO' ) { coinlogo = 'unobtanium'; coinname = 'Unobtanium'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'ZET' ) { coinlogo = 'zetacoin'; coinname = 'Zetacoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'KMD' ) { coinlogo = 'komodo'; coinname = 'Komodo (TestNet)'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'BTM' ) { coinlogo = 'bitmark'; coinname = 'Bitmark'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'CARB' ) { coinlogo = 'carboncoin'; coinname = 'Carboncoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'ANC' ) { coinlogo = 'anoncoin'; coinname = 'AnonCoin'; }
if ( AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] == 'FRK' ) { coinlogo = 'franko'; coinname = 'Franko'; }
walletDivContent += '<!-- Begin' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + 'wallet widget -->';
walletDivContent += '<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12 masonry-item">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="widget widget-shadow">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="widget-header wallet-widget-header padding-15 clearfix">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="row no-space">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="col-xs-7">';
walletDivContent += '<a class="avatar avatar-lg pull-left margin-right-20 img-bordered" href="javascript:void(0)" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" data-modecode="' + modecode + '" id="currency-logo" onclick="SwitchBasicliskFull($(this).data())">';
walletDivContent += '<img src="assets/images/cryptologo/' + coinlogo + '.png" alt="">';
walletDivContent += '<span class="badge up badge-' + modecolor + '" id="basfull" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="' + modetip + '">' + modecode + '</span>';
walletDivContent += '</a>';
walletDivContent += '<div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="font-size-20 hidden-xs" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-name">' + coinname + '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="form-material hidden-md hidden-xs">';
/*walletDivContent += '<select class="form-control font-size-12" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-addr" style="width: 235px;">';
walletDivContent += '</select>';*/
walletDivContent += '<div class="font-size-12" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-addr"></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="font-size-12 hidden-xs"></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="col-xs-5">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="row no-space text-center">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Balance">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter-icon"><i class="icon">' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '</i></div>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="counter-number" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-balance">0</span>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
/*walletDivContent += '<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Unconfirmed">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter-icon"><i class="icon fa-spinner"></i></div>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="counter-number" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-unconfirmed">0</span>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';*/
walletDivContent += '<div class="col-md-6 hidden-xs hidden-sm">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="No. of Transactions">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="counter-icon"><i class="icon fa-book"></i></div>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="counter-number" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-nooftransactions">0</span>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="widget-content history-body hidden-sm hidden-xs">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="height-200 scrollbar-dynamic" id="tblscroll">';
walletDivContent += '<div data-role="container">';
walletDivContent += '<div data-role="content">';
walletDivContent += '<table class="table font-size-12" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-tbl">';
walletDivContent += '<tbody>';
walletDivContent += '</tbody>';
walletDivContent += '</table>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="widget-footer text-center">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="row no-space ">';
walletDivContent += '<div data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-progressbars" style="display: none;">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress progress-sm">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info progress-bar-striped active" style="width: 0%; font-size: 80%;" role="progressbar" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-bundles">Bundles <span data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-bundles-percent">0%</span></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="additional-progress-bars">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress progress-sm">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning progress-bar-striped active" style="width: 0%; font-size: 80%;" role="progressbar" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-utxo">utxo <span data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-utxo-percent">0%</span></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress progress-sm">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger progress-bar-striped active" style="width: 0%; font-size: 80%;" role="progressbar" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-balances">Balances <span data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-balances-percent">0%</span></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress progress-sm">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success progress-bar-striped active" style="width: 0%; font-size: 80%;" role="progressbar" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-validated">Validated <span data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-validated-percent">0%</span></div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div><!-- END additional-progress-bars -->';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">';
walletDivContent += '<div class="btn-group" role="group">';
walletDivContent += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs bg-blue-grey-200 grey-800 waves-effect waves-light" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-send" onclick="sendCurrency($(this).data())" data-target="#SendCoinModelStep1" data-toggle="modal">';
walletDivContent += '<i class="icon wb-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
walletDivContent += '<br>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="text-uppercase hidden-xs">Send</span>';
walletDivContent += '</button>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="btn-group" role="group">';
walletDivContent += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs bg-blue-grey-100 grey-800 waves-effect waves-light" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-receive" onclick="ReceiveCurrency($(this).data())" data-target="#ReceiveCoinModel" data-toggle="modal">';
walletDivContent += '<i class="icon wb-download " aria-hidden="true"></i>';
walletDivContent += '<br>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="text-uppercase hidden-xs">Receive</span>';
walletDivContent += '</button>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<div class="btn-group" role="group">';
walletDivContent += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs bg-blue-grey-300 grey-800 waves-effect waves-light" data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '" id="currency-trade">';
walletDivContent += '<i class="icon wb-graph-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
walletDivContent += '<br>';
walletDivContent += '<span class="text-uppercase hidden-xs">Trade</span>';
walletDivContent += '</button>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '</div>';
walletDivContent += '<!-- End' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + 'wallet widget -->';
$('.scrollbar-dynamic').scrollbar(); //Make sure widget-body has scrollbar for transactions history
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); //Make sure tooltips are working for wallet widgets and anywhere else in wallet.
//console.log('' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '&account=*');
//List coin addresses as drop down menu
var getaddrlist = {"agent":"SuperNET","method":"activehandle"};
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(getaddrlist),
url: '',
//dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var addrlistData = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log('== Address List Data OutPut ==');
$('div[data-currency="' + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + '"][id="currency-addr"]').text(addrlistData[AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index]])
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
//Get coin history and pupulate balance and other info to wallet widget
var historyvalues = {"timeout":20000,"immediate":100,"agent":"basilisk","method":"history","vals":{"coin":"" + AllcoinsDataOutput[value][index] + ""}};
var ExecuteShowCoinHistory = setInterval(function() {
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === "stop" ) {
console.log('=> No wallet logged in, or Dashboard not ative. No need to Run History.');
} else if ( sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === null || sessionStorage.getItem('DashboardActions') === "start") {
if ( value == "basilisk" ) {
//console.log("ShowCoinHistory and ShowCoinProgressBar not executing for basilisk...");
} else {
//console.log('wallet widget refereshed (every 1 seconds)');
//Show Coin Progress Bars
}, 1000);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed starting BitcoinDark.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
//swal("Oops...", "Something went wrong!", "error");
if (xhr.readyState == '0' ) {
toastr.error("Unable to connect to Iguana", "Account Notification")
var handleWalletSendRec = function() {
$('#currency-logo').click(function() {
return {
//main function to initiate the module
init: function() {
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to run Dashboard JS.');
} else {
/*setInterval(function() {
console.log('wallet widget refereshed (every 15 seconds)');
}, 15000);*/
RunTotalFiatValue = setInterval(function() {
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to get Rates.');
} else {
//console.log('Get Rates (every 60 seconds)');
}, 1000);
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function ShowCoinHistory(getData) {
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
console.log('There\'s no active wallet logged in. Please Login.');
} else {
var CheckLoginData = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount'));
if ( JSON.parse(CheckLoginData).pubkey != Iguana_activehandle_output.pubkey ) {
console.log("ShowCoinHistory: sessionStorage data and activehandle data doesn't match");
//ClearOnLogout(true, true);
if ( JSON.parse(CheckLoginData).status === 'unlocked' ) {
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(getData),
url: '',
//dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var CoinHistoryData = JSON.parse(data);
var label_color = '';
var label_icon = '';
var wallettblContent = '';
//console.log('== Coin History Data OutPut ==');
//console.log('Coin History API Executed');
//console.log(getData.vals['coin']+': '+CoinHistoryData.balance);
//var testhistory = '';
$('span[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="currency-balance"]').text(CoinHistoryData.balance);
//Update Dashboard Header values as well
if ( getData.vals['coin'] == 'BTC' || getData.vals['coin'] == 'BTCD' ) {
$('span[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="header_coinbalance"]').text(CoinHistoryData.balance);
//Calculate Total Fiat Value of BTC/BTCD in Fiat and disaply on Dashboard
var show_coin_history_unspents = CoinHistoryData.unspents[0]; //Store unspents array output in variable.
var show_coin_history_spends = CoinHistoryData.spends[0]; //Store spends array output in variable.
//var show_coin_history = testhistory; //Enable to get history from just test variable.
//if ( sessionStorage.getItem('PrevHistoryLength_'+getData.vals['coin']) != CoinHistoryData.history.length ) {
$.each(show_coin_history_unspents, function(coin_history_index){
var label_class = '';
var icon_arrow_direction = '';
var balance_text_color = '';
//if ('vin' in show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].details) { label_class = 'label-danger'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-right'; balance_text_color = '#f44336'; }
//if ('vout' in show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].unspent) { label_class = 'label-success'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-left'; balance_text_color = '#4caf50'; }
label_class = 'label-success'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-left'; balance_text_color = '#4caf50';
wallettblContent += '<tr>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span class="label label-xs ' + label_class + '"><i class="icon ' + icon_arrow_direction + '"></i></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '<td class="hidden-xs">' + show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].address + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td>' + secondsToString(show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].timestamp) + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span style="color: ' + balance_text_color + ';"><a data-txid="'+show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].txid+'" href="#">' + show_coin_history_unspents[coin_history_index].amount + '</a></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '</tr>';
$('table[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="currency-tbl"] tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//$('#currency-tbl tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//sessionStorage.setItem('PrevHistoryLength_'+getData.vals['coin'], CoinHistoryData.history.length);
$.each(show_coin_history_spends, function(coin_history_index){
var label_class = '';
var icon_arrow_direction = '';
var balance_text_color = '';
//if ('vin' in show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].details) { label_class = 'label-danger'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-right'; balance_text_color = '#f44336'; }
//if ('vout' in show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].unspent) { label_class = 'label-success'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-left'; balance_text_color = '#4caf50'; }
label_class = 'label-success'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-left'; balance_text_color = '#4caf50';
wallettblContent += '<tr>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span class="label label-xs ' + label_class + '"><i class="icon ' + icon_arrow_direction + '"></i></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '<td class="hidden-xs">' + show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].address + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td>' + secondsToString(show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].timestamp) + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span style="color: ' + balance_text_color + ';"><a href="#">' + show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].amount + '</a></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '</tr>';
$('table[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="currency-tbl"] tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//$('#currency-tbl tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//sessionStorage.setItem('PrevHistoryLength_'+getData.vals['coin'], CoinHistoryData.history.length);
$.each(show_coin_history_spends, function(coin_history_index){
var label_class = '';
var icon_arrow_direction = '';
var balance_text_color = '';
//if ('vin' in show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].details) { label_class = 'label-danger'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-right'; balance_text_color = '#f44336'; }
//if ('vout' in show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].unspent) { label_class = 'label-success'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-left'; balance_text_color = '#4caf50'; }
label_class = 'label-danger'; icon_arrow_direction = 'fa-arrow-right'; balance_text_color = '#f44336';
wallettblContent += '<tr>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span class="label label-xs ' + label_class + '"><i class="icon ' + icon_arrow_direction + '"></i></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '<td class="hidden-xs">' + Object.keys(show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].dest.vouts[0]) + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td>' + secondsToString(show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].dest.timestamp) + '</td>';
wallettblContent += '<td><span style="color: ' + balance_text_color + ';"><a href="#">' + show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].dest.vouts[0][Object.keys(show_coin_history_spends[coin_history_index].dest.vouts[0])] + '</a></span></td>';
wallettblContent += '</tr>';
$('table[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="currency-tbl"] tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//$('#currency-tbl tbody').html(wallettblContent);
//sessionStorage.setItem('PrevHistoryLength_'+getData.vals['coin'], CoinHistoryData.history.length);
//$('span[data-currency="' + getData.vals['coin'] + '"][id="currency-nooftransactions"]').text(show_coin_history_spends.length);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
ClearOnLogout(true, true);
} else if ( JSON.parse(CheckLoginData).status === 'locked' ) {
console.log('Wallet is Locked.');
$('#login-welcome').text('Wallet Locked. Please login');
function StopShowCoinHistory() {
console.log('Stopped executing History API.');
function SwitchBasicliskFull(switch_data) {
var relay_value = '';
var validate_value = '';
var mode_value = '';
if ( switch_data.modecode == 'B' ) { relay_value = 1; validate_value = 1; mode_value = 'Basilisk'; }
if ( switch_data.modecode == 'F' ) { relay_value = 0; validate_value = 0; mode_value = 'Full'; }
var SwitchCoinModeData = {
"poll": 100,
"active": 1,
"newcoin": switch_data.currency,
"startpend": 1,
"endpend": 1,
"services": 128,
"maxpeers": 16,
"RELAY": relay_value,
"VALIDATE": validate_value,
"portp2p": 14631
//Switch selected coins' mode
type: 'GET',
data: SwitchCoinModeData,
url: '',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var SwitchCoinDataOutput = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log('== Data OutPut ==');
if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === 'coin added') {
console.log('coin added');
toastr.success(switch_data.currency + " switched to " + mode_value + " Mode", "Coin Notification");
} else if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === 'coin already there') {
console.log('coin already there');
//"Looks like" + switch_data.currency + "already running.", "Coin Notification");
} else if (SwitchCoinDataOutput.result === null) {
console.log('coin already there');
//"Looks like" + switch_data.currency + "already running.", "Coin Notification");
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed starting BitcoinDark.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
//swal("Oops...", "Something went wrong!", "error");
if (xhr.readyState == '0' ) {
toastr.error("Unable to connect to Iguana", "Account Notification")
function TotalFiatValue() {
var BTC_balance = $('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="currency-balance"]').text();
var BTCD_balance = $('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="currency-balance"]').text();
var Fiat_Currency = localStorage.getItem('EasyDEX_FiatCurrency');
var BTC_Fiat_pair_value = '';
var Conversion_Fiat_Pair = '';
var BTCD_Fiat_pair_value = '';
$('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="header_coinname_balance"]').text(BTC_balance + ' BTC');
$('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="header_coinname_balance"]').text(BTCD_balance + ' BTCD' );
if ( Fiat_Currency == 'USD' ) {
BTC_Fiat_pair_value = 'BTC/'+Fiat_Currency;
Conversion_Fiat_Pair = 'EUR/USD';
} else {
BTC_Fiat_pair_value = 'BTC/USD';
Conversion_Fiat_Pair = Fiat_Currency+'/USD';
//console.log(BTC_balance); console.log(BTCD_balance);
var TotalFiatValueData = {"agent":"iguana","method":"rates","quotes":["BTCD/BTC", BTC_Fiat_pair_value, Conversion_Fiat_Pair],"immediate":100,"timeout":5000};
if ( sessionStorage.getItem('IguanaActiveAccount') === null ) {
console.log('=> No wallet logged in. No need to get Rates.');
} else {
//Get Rates
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(TotalFiatValueData),
url: '',
//dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var RatesData = JSON.parse(data);
var label_color = '';
var label_icon = '';
var wallettblContent = '';
//console.log('== Rates Data OutPut ==');
localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTCD_BTC_pair_value', RatesData.rates[0]['BTCD/BTC']); //e.g BTCD/BTC
localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTC_Fiat_pair_value', RatesData.rates[1][BTC_Fiat_pair_value]); //e.g BTC/USD
localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_Conversion_Fiat_Pair', Conversion_Fiat_Pair); //e.g EUR/USD
localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_Conversion_Fiat_Pair_value', RatesData.rates[2][Conversion_Fiat_Pair]); //e.g EUR/USD: 1.11830926
var tmp_btcd_btc = RatesData.rates[0];
var tmp_btc_fiat = RatesData.rates[1];
//console.log(tmp_btcd_btc['BTCD/BTC']); console.log(tmp_btc_fiat[BTC_Fiat_pair_value]);
BTCD_Fiat_pair_value = parseFloat(tmp_btcd_btc['BTCD/BTC']) * parseFloat(tmp_btc_fiat[BTC_Fiat_pair_value]);
localStorage.setItem('EasyDEX_BTCD_Fiat_pair_value', BTCD_Fiat_pair_value); //e.g BTCD/USD: 2.0873619962
var tmp_btcd_fiat_toal = parseFloat(BTCD_balance) * parseFloat(BTCD_Fiat_pair_value);
var tmp_btc_fiat_toal = parseFloat(BTC_balance) * parseFloat(tmp_btc_fiat[BTC_Fiat_pair_value]);
//console.log('total btc btcd usd value')
//console.log(tmp_btcd_fiat_toal); console.log(tmp_btc_fiat_toal);
$('span[data-currency="BTC"][id="header_coinfiatbalance"]').text(tmp_btc_fiat_toal.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Fiat_Currency);
$('span[data-currency="BTCD"][id="header_coinfiatbalance"]').text(tmp_btcd_fiat_toal.toFixed(2) + ' ' + Fiat_Currency);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {
function StopTotalFiatValue() {
console.log('Stopped executing Total Fiat Value API with Rates');
function secondsToString(seconds) {
var a = new Date(seconds * 1000);
var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
var year = a.getFullYear();
var month = months[a.getMonth()];
var date = a.getDate();
var hour = a.getHours();
var min = a.getMinutes();
var sec = a.getSeconds();
var time = date + ' ' + month + ' ' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec ;
return time;
function ShowCoinProgressBar(coin) {
//console.log('Showing Prgoress bar of '+coin);
var getinfoValues = {"coin":coin,"agent":"bitcoinrpc","method":"getinfo","immediate":100,"timeout":4000};
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(getinfoValues),
url: '',
//dataType: 'text',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var CoinInfoData = JSON.parse(data);
//console.log('== Coin Info Data OutPut ==');
if (typeof CoinInfoData.bundles == 'undefined') {
//console.log(coin+' is undefined');
} else {
if ( parseInt(CoinInfoData.RTheight) != 0 ) {
var coin_blocks = parseInt(CoinInfoData.blocks);
var coin_blocks_plus1 = coin_blocks + 1;
//console.log(coin+' is less than 99.98% complete.');
$('span[data-currency="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles-percent"]').text(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2)+'% - ( '+coin_blocks_plus1+' / '+CoinInfoData.longestchain+' ) ==>> RT'+CoinInfoData.RTheight);
$('div[data-currency="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles"]').removeClass( "progress-bar-info" ).addClass( "progress-bar-indicating progress-bar-success" );
if ( parseInt(CoinInfoData.RTheight) == 0 ) {
console.log(coin+': '+CoinInfoData.bundles);
var coin_blocks = parseInt(CoinInfoData.blocks);
var coin_blocks_plus1 = coin_blocks + 1;
$('span[data-currency="'+coin+'"][id="currency-bundles-percent"]').text(parseFloat(CoinInfoData.bundles).toFixed(2)+'% - ( '+coin_blocks_plus1+' / '+CoinInfoData.longestchain+' )');
error: function(xhr, textStatus, error) {
console.log('failed getting Coin History.');
if ( xhr.readyState == 0 ) {