You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

718 lines
37 KiB

export const _lang = {
'EN': {
'REQ_P1': 'Requirements to accrue interest',
'REQ_P2': 'spend transaction was made at least 1 hour ago, locktime field is set and amount is greater than',
'CLAIM_INTEREST': 'Claim @template@ interest',
'LOADING': 'Loading interest data',
'NO_DATA': 'No data',
'TIP': 'Tip',
'TIP_DESC': 'don\'t attempt to claim interest smaller than 0.01 KMD. A fee you have to pay for transaction will be more or equal to the interest amount.',
'ABOUT': {
'ABOUT_AGAMA': 'About Agama',
'AGAMA_MODES': 'Agama Wallet is a desktop app that you can use to manage multiple cryptocurrency wallets. ' +
'When you set up a wallet, you can configure it to operate in one of the following modes:',
'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'Doesn\'t download the blockchain. Slightly slower transaction performance.',
'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Downloads the full blockchain, which can take a while. Good transaction performance.',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC': 'Only available for a few currencies. Like \'Full Mode\' but provides advanced functionality.',
'AGAMA_CAPABILITIES': 'Agama includes the following capabilities:',
'BARTER_DEX_DESC': 'Easily exchange cryptocurrencies via a shapeshift-like service.',
'ATOMIC_EXPLORER_DESC': 'A universal local explorer ensures you don\'t have query information from a centralized server.',
'AGAMA_NOTE': 'Note: Agama Wallet is still in development. ' +
'It is safe to use, but you should make proper backups. ' +
'We do not recommend using it as the primarily wallet for your cryptocurrencies.',
'TESTERS': 'Testers',
'TESTERS_P1': 'You can help us test Agama. Just',
'TESTERS_P2': 'download and install the latest release',
'TESTERS_P3': 'Then, report any bugs you encounter to our developers on the',
'TESTERS_P4': 'Your help is greatly appreciated!',
'AGAMA_DAPPS': 'Agama also supports the following desktop apps:',
'JUMBLR_DESC': 'A decentralized Bitcoin blockchain tumbler for privacy and lower fees.',
'BARTER_DEX_DESC_ALT': 'A decentralized coin exchange.',
'API': {
'ERROR_SM': 'error',
'ATOMIC_EXPLORER_ERR': 'Atomic Explorer error',
'ADDRESS_ALREADY_REG': 'Address already registered',
'COULDNT_COPY_ADDRESS': 'Couldn\'t copy address to clipboard',
'COULDNT_CREATE_SEED': 'Couldn\'t create new wallet seed',
'WALLETDAT_MISMATCH': 'Your wallet.dat is not matching the blockchain. Please restart the wallet with -reindex param.',
'PEER_ADDED': 'Peer is added',
'ADDNODE_ALREADY_PENDING': 'Addnode connection was already pending',
'PEER_ALREADY_CONN': 'Peer was already connected',
'ADDNODE_NEEDS_COIN': 'Addnode needs active coin',
'PRIVKEY_IN_WALLET': 'Privkey already in wallet',
'ILLEGAL_PRIVKEY': 'Illegal privkey',
'IGUANA_INSTANCE_STOP': 'Iguana instance is stopped',
'NO_ACTIVE_COIN': 'No active coin',
'INDEX': {
'NATIVE_ONLY_MODE': 'Native only mode',
'NORMAL_MODE': 'Normal mode',
'T_FUNDS': 'Transparent funds',
'HASH': 'Hash',
'SYNC_IN_PROGRESS': 'Synchronization is in progress',
'UI_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED': 'UI update downloaded. Verifying',
'UI_UPDATED': 'UI is updated!',
'UI_UPDATE_ERROR': 'Error while verifying update file! Please retry again.',
'CHECKING_UI_UPDATE': 'Checking for UI update',
'NEW_UI_UPDATE': 'New UI update available',
'YOU_HAVE_LATEST_UI': 'You have the lastest UI version',
'DOWNLOADING_UI_UPDATE': 'Downloading UI update',
'LAST_50_LINES': 'last 50 lines',
'IS_DOWN': 'is down',
'REINDEX': 'reindex',
'RESCAN': 'rescan',
'BACKGROUND_PROCESS': 'background process',
'NONE': 'none',
'DAEMON_PARAM': 'Daemon param',
'FILTER_BY_ADDRESS': 'Filter by address',
'RESCANNING_LAST_BLOCKS': 'Rescanning last blocks...',
'NO_DATA_AVAILABLE': 'No data available',
'LOADING': 'Loading',
'ACTIVATING_SM': 'activating',
'DL_BLOCKS': 'downloading blocks',
'RESCAN_SM': 'rescanning blocks',
'REINDEX': 'reindexing blocks from disk',
'BLOCKS_SM': 'blocks',
'LOADING_BLOCKS': 'Loading data please wait...',
'WEAK_SEED': 'Weak seed!',
'YOUR_SEED_MUST_CONTAIN': 'Your seed must contain:',
'YOUR_SEED_MUST_CONTAIN1': '- at least 1 upper case letter',
'YOUR_SEED_MUST_CONTAIN2': '- at least 1 digit',
'YOUR_SEED_MUST_CONTAIN3': '- at least 1 special character',
'YOUR_SEED_MUST_CONTAIN4': '- minimum 10 characters long',
'EXECUTE': 'Execute',
'TYPE_CLI_CMD': 'Type in CLI compatible cmd',
'COIN': 'Coin',
'UPDATE': 'Update',
'UI_UPDATE': 'UI update',
'CHECK_FOR_UPDATE': 'Check for update',
'UPDATE_UI_NOW': 'Update UI now',
'BINS_UPDATE': 'Binaries update',
'UPDATE_BINS_NOW': 'Update binaries now',
'CLI_SELECT_A_COIN': 'Select a coin and type in CLI compatible command',
'CLI_NATIVE_COIN': 'Select native coin',
'IMPORT': 'Import',
'CHECK': 'Check',
'VALIDATE': 'Validate',
'COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD': 'Copy to clipboard',
'EMPTY_DEBUG_LOG': 'Debug.log is empty',
'RESTART': 'Restart',
'WALLET_INFO': 'Wallet Info',
'ADD_COIN': 'Add Coin',
'STOP': 'Stop',
'START': 'Start',
'ACTIVE_ADDRESS': 'active address',
'FETCH_ALL_ADDR': 'Fetch (all addresses)',
'NO_DATA': 'No history available',
'LOADING_HISTORY': 'Loading transaction history',
'FETCHING_NOTARIES_LIST': 'Fetching notaries list data',
'TOTAL_NOTARIES': 'Notaries list. Total nodes count',
'WAIT_UNTIL_SYNCED': 'Transactions history will be available shortly after blockchain data is synced',
'CLOSE': 'Close',
'SHOW': 'Show',
'SHOWING': 'Showing',
'OF': 'of',
'TO_ALT': 'to',
'SEARCH': 'Search',
'PREVIOUS': 'Previous',
'NEXT': 'Next',
'ENTRIES_SM': 'entries',
'SYNC_ERR_BLOCKS': 'Connecting to peers...',
'COIN_IS_BUSY': 'Coin is busy processing',
'REFRESHING_BASILISK_NET': 'Refreshing Basilisk Network Connections',
'SELECT_A_COIN': 'Select Coin to add to Agama Wallet',
'WALLETS': 'Wallets',
'ACTIVATE_COIN': 'Activate Coin',
'WELCOME_PLEASE_ADD': 'Welcome. Please add coin to start.',
'SELECT_SEED_TYPE': 'Please select compatible wallet seed type',
'SELECT': '-Select-',
'FULL_MODE': 'Full mode',
'FULL_MODE_DESC': 'Adding a coin in Full mode will download its complete blockchain to your local machine. ' +
'This is the most optimum mode for performance, but will require higher system requirements to have one or multiple coins running in Full mode on your local machine.',
'BASILISK_MODE': 'Basilisk Mode',
'BASILISK_MODE_DESC': 'In Basilisk Mode, a coin will not download its Full blockchain to the local machine. ' +
'This mode is best if you have less disk space on your machine, or your system has slower performance. ' +
'It will be fully functional, but a bit slower to perform as compared to Full mode.',
'NATIVE_MODE': 'Native Mode',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC1': 'This mode is ONLY available for KOMODO Coin, PAX FIAT Chains, Assetchains, and Geckochains. ' +
'This mode uses the',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC2': 'instead of the',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC3': 'to query blockchain data',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC4': 'is the only mode which allows you to make',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC5': 'Z Transactions',
'NATIVE_MODE_DESC6': 'Private Transactions',
'UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER': 'Uh Oh! Unsupported Web Browser :-(',
'CLOSE': 'Close',
'IE_UNSUPPORTED': 'The current version of Agama Wallet doesn\'t support Internet Explorer',
'PLEASE_USE': 'Please use either',
'OR': 'or',
'TO_USE': 'to use',
'PLEASE_CLICK_ON': 'Please click on browser\'s logo to visit website for installation instructions',
'WELCOME_LOGIN': 'Welcome. Please login',
'WALLET_SEED': 'Wallet Seed',
'SIGN_IN': 'Sign in',
'CREATE_WALLET': 'Create new wallet',
'LOGIN_ANOTHER_WALLET': 'Login to another wallet',
'CONFIRM_SEED': 'Confirm Wallet Seed',
'REGISTER': 'Register',
'BACK_TO_LOGIN': 'Back to Login',
'TOGGLE_NAV': 'Toggle navigation',
'TOGGLE_SEARCH': 'Toggle Search',
'TOGGLE_MENUBAR': 'Toggle menubar',
'SETTINGS': 'Settings',
'LOGOUT': 'Logout',
'DASHBOARD': 'Dashboard',
'WALLET_SETTINGS': 'Wallet Settings',
'KMD_WALLET': 'Komodo Wallet',
'ZC_WALLET': 'Zcash Wallet',
'ACTIVE_COINS': 'Active Coins',
'TRANSACTIONS': 'Transactions',
'SEND': 'Send',
'RECEIVE': 'Receive',
'BUNDLES': 'Bundles',
'BALANCES': 'Balances',
'BALANCE': 'Balance',
'VALIDATED': 'Validated',
'PLEASE_SELECT_A_WALLET': 'Please select a wallet from active coins list on left',
'ADDRESS': 'Address',
'MY': 'My',
'COPY': 'copy',
'ACTIVATING_WALLET_RT': 'Activating wallet once Real Time blocks starts syncing...',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P1': 'An Iguana Full Mode coin synchronizes the blockchain using an entirely different format than traditional blockchain software. ' +
'Iguana\'s Full Mode uses Memory Mapped Files and stores data in bundles. ' +
'That\'s why you see four different colored synchronizing progress bars.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P2': 'Once all these progress bars reach 100%, the Real Time blocks start synchronizing. ' +
'Only after the Real Time sync mode activates will you be able to see current data in your wallet and make any transactions.',
'IGUANA_FULL_MODE_SYNC_P3': 'Please wait for all other progress bars to disappear and the first blue bar turns to green.<br>' +
'That would mean the wallet is in Real Time Sync mode.',
'FETCHING_COIN_DATA': 'Fetching coin data from network. Please wait...',
'INTEREST_EARNED': 'Interest Earned',
'TOTAL_BALANCE': 'Total Balance',
'FETCHING_BASILISK_DATA': 'Fetching Basilisk Data...',
'GET_BALANCE': 'Get Balance',
'REFRESH': 'Refresh',
'LIST_UNSPENT': 'List Unspent',
'LIST_TRANSACTIONS': 'List Transactions',
'BASILISK_ACTIONS': 'Basilisk Actions',
'GET_NOTARY_NODES_LIST': 'Get Notary Nodes List',
'REFRESH_BASILISK_CONNECTIONS': 'Refresh Basilisk Connections',
'FETCH_WALLET_DATA': 'Fetch Wallet Data',
'REFETCH_WALLET_DATA': 'Reset Cache Data',
'VIEW_CACHE_DATA': 'View Cache Data',
'TRANSACTION_HISTORY': 'Transactions History',
'DIRECTION': 'Direction',
'CONFIRMATIONS': 'Confirmations',
'AMOUNT': 'Amount',
'TIME': 'Time',
'DEST_ADDRESS': 'Dest. Address',
'TX_DETAIL': 'Tx Detail',
'FILL_SEND_FORM': 'Fill Send Form',
'FILL_SEND_DETAILS': 'Fill sending transaction details',
'CONFIRMING': 'Confirming',
'CONFIRM_DETAILS': 'Confirm if details are correct',
'PROCESSING_TX': 'Processing Tx',
'PROCESSING_DETAILS': 'Processing and showing details',
'SEND_FROM': 'Send From',
'SEND_TO': 'Send To',
'FEE': 'Fee',
'TOTAL': 'Total',
'AMOUNT_SM': 'amount',
'DONT_SEND': 'Don\'t Send Transaction. Just give me signed transaction bytes.',
'TO': 'To:',
'TX_FEE_REQ': 'Transaction Fee (Required by miners)',
'FROM': 'From:',
'CONFIRM': 'Confirm',
'BACK': 'Back',
'TRANSACTION_RESULT': 'Transaction Result',
'KEY': 'Key',
'VALUE': 'Value',
'INFO': 'Info',
'MAKE_ANOTHER_TX': 'Make Another Transaction',
'RECEIVING_ADDRESS': 'Receiving Addresses',
'TYPE': 'Type',
'INTEREST': 'Interest',
'OOPS_ERROR': 'Opps! Something is not right...',
'OOPS_ERROR_DESC': 'Could not connect to external wallet. Reasons can be:<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon isn\'t running<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon is running, but iguana is not given command to connect to External Wallet/daemon<br>' +
'- Your External Wallet/daemon is setup, but is not setup with config settings like<br>',
'ACTIVATING_CHAIN': 'Activating best chain',
'KMD_STARTED': 'Komodo daemon has been started and is processing.<br>' +
'Please wait while the best chain is being activated.<br>' +
'Tip: in case sync is stuck restart the wallet.',
'CONNECTIONS': 'Connections',
'TRANSPARENT_BALANCE': 'Transparent Balance',
'Z_BALANCE': 'Private (Z) Balance',
'INTEREST_EARNED': 'Interest Earned',
'ZT_BALANCE': 'Total (Z+T) Balance',
'GET_NEW_ADDRESS': 'Get New Address',
'TRANSPARENT_ADDRESS': 'Transparent Address',
'PRIVATE_Z_ADDRESS': 'Private (Z) Address',
'OPERATIONS_STATUSES': 'Operations Statuses',
'STATUS': 'Status',
'RESULT': 'Result',
'WALLET_INFO': 'Wallet Info',
'WALLET_VERSION': 'Wallet Version',
'UNCONFIRMED_BALANCE': 'Unconfirmed Balance',
'IMMATURE_BALANCE': 'Immature Balance',
'TOTAL_TX_COUNT': 'Total Transactions Count',
'INFO': 'Info',
'VERSION': 'Version',
'PROTOCOL_VERSION': 'Protocol Version',
'NOTARIZED': 'Notarized',
'BLOCKS': 'Blocks',
'DIFFICULTY': 'Difficulty',
'PAY_TX_FEE': 'Pay Transaction Fee',
'RELAY_FEE': 'Relay Fee',
'ERRORS': 'Errors',
'ADD_NODE': 'Add Node',
'USE_THIS_SECTION': 'Use this section to check if the node IP you wish to add is allready active as peer of your coin:',
'SELECT_COIN': 'Select Coin',
'CHECK_NODES': 'Check Nodes',
'USE_THIS_SECTION_PEER': 'Use this section to add a peer IP to a selected coin:',
'WALLET_BACKUP': 'Wallet Backup',
'FIAT_CURRENCY': 'Fiat Currency',
'EXPORT_KEYS': 'Export Keys',
'ONLY_ACTIVE_WIF_KEYS': 'Only the active coin wallet WIF keys will be shown here.<br>' +
'If you don\'t see a WIF key for the coin you are looking for please active it by adding it from EasyDEX Dashboard.<br>' +
'You can use these WIF keys to import to another coin wallets.',
'PLEASE_KEEP_KEYS_SAFE': 'Please keep these keys extra safe and secure.',
'PASSPHRASE': 'Passphrase',
'GET_WIF_KEYS': 'Get WIF Keys',
'IMPORT_KEYS': 'Import Keys',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P1': 'This section allows you to import private key of all iguana supported coins, Assetchain, Geckochain, or PAXchain by the wallet.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P2': 'It is not mandatory to have that coin active in the wallet for which you are executing import private key process.',
'IMPORT_KEYS_DESC_P3': 'You\'ll also notice the private key you imported for one coin or chain will also be showing a new address in all other coin wallets\' receiving address section. ' +
'It is normal.',
'INPUT_PRIV_KEY': 'Input Private Key',
'IMPORT_PRIV_KEY': 'Import Private Key',
'DEBUG_LOG': 'Debug',
'DEBUG_LOG_DESC': 'This section allows you to read last N lines from debug log file.',
'DEBUG_LOG_LINES': 'Input number of lines to read',
'TARGET': 'Target',
'LOAD_DEBUG_LOG': 'Load debug log',
'REFRESH_FUNDS': 'Refresh Funds',
'INFO': 'Info',
'ENTER': 'Enter',
'ADDR_SM': 'address',
'ACTIVATING': 'Activating',
'QRCODE': 'Show QR code',
'SCAN_QR_CODE': 'Scan QR Code',
'SCAN_QRCODE_WEBCAM': 'Scan QR Code with webcam',
'TOGGLE_ZERO_ADDRESSES': 'Toggle empty addresses',
'NEXT_PAGE': 'Next Page',
'PREVIOUS_PAGE': 'Previous Page',
'CREATE_INVOICE': 'Create Invoice',
'CREATE_INVOICE_QR': 'Create Invoice QR Code',
'QR_CONTENT': 'QR Content',
'RAW_OUTPUT': 'Raw Output',
'SUBMIT': 'Submit',
'INPUT_PLACEHOLDER': 'addr, txid, blockash etc.',
'SELECT_COMMAND': 'Select Command',
'SYNC_ONLY': 'Sync only',
'SAVE_SELECTION': 'Save Selection',
'LOAD_SELECTION': 'Load Selection',
'ACTIVATE_ALL': 'Activate all',
'ADD_ANOTHER_COIN': 'Add another coin',
'ALREADY_ADDED': 'is already added',
'COIN_ALREADY_ADDED': 'Coin already added',
'IN': 'in',
'MODE': 'mode',
'CRYPTO_CURRENCIES': 'Crypto Currencies',
'ASSETCHAINS': 'Assetchains',
'FIAT_CURRENCIES': 'Fiat Currencies',
'ABOUT': 'About Jumblr',
'JUMBLR_FUNCTIONS': 'Jumblr functions all locally which means no middle man is required to jumble your funds. ' +
'You take control over the whole process.',
'TIP': 'Tip',
'TIP_DESC': 'to achive maximum anonimity setup Jumblr node on a dedicated piece of hardware (laptop or VPS), use a separate IP address for main Jumblr node',
'PUBLIC_NODE': 'Public node',
'PRIVATE_NODE': 'Private node',
'DEPOSIT_ADDRESS': 'Deposit address',
'SECRET_ADDRESS': 'Secret address',
'DEPOSIT_FUNDS': 'Deposit funds',
'HOW_TO_USE': 'How to use Jumblr',
'CREATE_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS': 'Create deposit address',
'CREATE_SECRET_ADDRESS': 'Create secret address',
'SEND_FUNDS_TO_DEPOSIT': 'Send funds to deposit address',
'PLEASE_WRITE_DOWN_PASSPHRASE': 'Please write down your Jumblr passphrase and keept it safe.',
'THIS_IS_YOUR_MAIN_RECOVERY': 'This is your main recovery passphrase.',
'ALL_JUMBLR_ADDRESSES_CAN_BE': 'All Jumblr addresses can be regenrated based on it.',
'DONT_USE_SMART_EDITORS': 'do not use smart editors to store your passphrase as they tend to add extra characters.<br />This may result in passphrase mismatch with the original passphrase.',
'PASSPHRASE_COPIED': 'Passphrase copied',
'CREATE_JUMBLR_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS': 'Create Jumblr deposit address',
'YOUR_JUMBLR_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS': 'Your Jumblr deposit address',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P1': 'Jumblr secret addresses are used for the final z -> t transactions.',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P2': 'In order to allow larger accounts to obtain privacy, up to 777 secret addresses are supported.',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P3': 'Whenever a z -> t stage is activated, a random secret address from the list of the then active secret addresses is selected.',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P4': 'To add a new set of secret addresses enter address count below. The passphrase below is exactly the same you saw on the previous step.',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P5': 'Your Jumblr secret address recovery passphrase will have the following pattern',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_DESC_P6': 'Where XXX any number from 001 to 777',
'NUMBER_OF_SECRET_ADDR': 'Number of secret addresses',
'CREATE_JUMBLR_SECRET_ADDR': 'Create Jumblr secret address(es)',
'SHOW_ADDRESS_LIST': 'Show address list',
'DEPOSIT_FORM_P1': 'Use the form below to send funds to your jumblr deposit address.',
'DEPOSIT_FORM_P2': 'You can also send funds to deposit address from an external service or another wallet.',
'IMPORT_SECRET_ADDRESS': 'Import secret address',
'CHECK_FUNDS': 'Check funds',
'SECRET_REGEN_DESC_P1': 'Enter your Jumblr passphrase you got previously during Public node configuration to import secret address.',
'SECRET_REGEN_DESC_P2': 'Passphrase example',
'SECRET_REGEN_DESC_P3': 'The form below will "regenerate" Jumblr secret address based on passphrase provided.',
'SECRET_REGEN_DESC_P4': 'After this final step expect to see funds processed and credited to your address after 2 days period.',
'IMPORT_JUMLR_SECRET_ADDRESSES': 'Import Jumblr secret address(es)',
'SHOW_ADDRESS_LIST': 'Show address list',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Jumblr feature is very experimental and for now, is Only enabled for testing and debugging. ' +
'Please use the current version of Jumblr only with small amounts if you are participating in testing this feature.',
'NEED_NATIVE': 'Need Native Mode Komodo',
'TO_USE_JUMBLR': 'To use Jumblr feature, you need to activate Komodo in Native Mode.',
'IF_YOU_ALREADY_RUNNING': 'If you are already running Komodo in either Basilisk Mode or Full Mode, close the wallet and restart again to start Komodo In Native Mode.',
'THIS_SCREEN_DOESNT_REFRESH': 'This screen does not auto refresh. ' +
'You will need to hit the Refresh button on the top right corner of the screen to get latest Jumblr data.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES': 'Few Security Notes for your Privacy and Anonymity of funds',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC1': 'Jumblr addresses are your Private Addresses.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC2': 'DO NOT SHARE your Jumblr addresses with anyone.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC3': 'Jumblr addresses are like YOUR PASSWORD. Keep them safe, secure and hidden.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC4': 'Only YOU should know your Jumblr Address. Nobody else.',
'FEW_SECURITY_NOTES_DESC5': 'Sharing your Jumblr Addresses with ANYONE will defeat the purpose of using Jumblr, and your funds and transactions will not be private anymore.',
'ACCESS_JUMBLR_FUNDS': 'How to Access your Jumblr Funds',
'ADDRESS_ACCESSIBLE_EASILY': 'Your Jumbler Addresses are accessible easily. For example you logged into your wallet with passphrase',
'TO_ACCESS': 'To access your Jumbler address funds Logout.',
'CLOSE_IAPP': 'Close Iguana App.',
'START_IAPP': 'Start Iguana App again.',
'START_KMD': 'Start Komodo in either Full Mode or Basilisk Mode.',
'WORD_JUMBLR': 'Then add word \'jumblr \' before your passphrase.',
'SMALL_LETTERS': '"jumblr" is all in small letters.',
'WHITE_SPACE': 'There is a white space after "jumblr ".',
'PER_EXAMPLE': 'So as per this example, your Jumbler Addresses are accessible with:',
'LOGIN_WITH_JUMBLR': 'You\'ll login with your Jumblr passphrase to access funds and will be able to use it just like any other wallet address.',
'USING_JUMBLR': 'Using Jumblr',
'RUN_KMD': 'Run Komodo in Native Mode',
'LOGIN_KMD': 'Login with your passphrase',
'GO_TO': 'Go to Jumblr Menu',
'FIND_DEPOSIT_ADDR': 'There find your Deposit Address for coin you want to anonymise your funds. (For a start only KMD is supported. BTC support will come in later versions)',
'YOU_SEND_FUNDS': 'You send your funds to deposit address.',
'KEEP_WALLET_OPEN': 'Keep your wallet open',
'IMPORTANT_FUNDS': '[IMPORTANT] Funds are processed in lot sizes 100 KMD, 1000 KMD, and 10,000 KMD.',
'LARGE_LOT': 'The large lot sizes will process first, and then smaller.',
'EG': 'For example, you sent 1393 KMD to KMD Deposit Address.<br>' +
'First it will process 1000 KMD<br>' +
'then 100 KMD<br>' +
'then 100 KMD<br>' +
'then 100 KMD',
'93_KMD': '93 KMD will keep waiting in deposit address.',
'TO_CLEAR_THEM': 'To clear them you\'ll have to send 7 KMD more to your KMD Deposit Address.',
'WHEN_IT_TOTALS': 'When it totals to 100 KMD, it will process to your KMD Jumblr Address.',
'JADDR': 'Jumblr Addresses',
'BTC_DEPOSIT': 'BTC Deposit',
'SHOW_HIDE': 'Show/Hide',
'HIDDEN': 'Hidden for security reason.',
'KMD_DEPOSIT': 'KMD Deposit',
'JSTATUS': 'Jumblr Status',
'RESULT': 'Result',
'DEPOSITED': 'Deposited',
'PUB_TO_PRIV': 'Public to Private',
'PRIV_TO_PRIV': 'Private to Private',
'PRIV_TO_PUB': 'Private to Public',
'FINISHED': 'Finished',
'PENDING': 'Pending',
'SELECT_ADDRESS': '- Select Address -',
'SEND_TOADDR_REQ': 'To Address is required.',
'SEND_FROMADDR_REQ': 'From Address is required.',
'SEND_AMOUNT_REQ': 'Please enter amount to send.',
'SEND_FEE_REQ': 'Make sure you have fee entered. Default value is',
'SEND_TOTAL_REQ': 'Make sure you have both amount and fee entered to calculate final total.',
'SEND_TX_PROGRESS': 'The transaction submitted is processing. Once processed the transaction details will be displayed here.',
'UNKNOWN': 'Unknown',
'IN': 'IN',
'OUT': 'OUT',
'MINED': 'Mined',
'IMMATURE': 'Immature',
'ZADDR_NOT_LISTED': 'Z Address not listed by wallet',
'ADDR_COPIED': 'Address Copied',
'QR_ERR_NO_VIDEO_DEVICE': 'Error: No video input devices found!',
'QR_ERR_UNKNOWN': 'Error: unknown error!',
'KOMODO_DATADIR_INVALID': 'Komodo datadir path is invalid',
'KOMODO_DATADIR_NOT_DIR': 'Komodo datadir path is not a directory',
'INVALID_ADDRESS': 'Invalid @template@ address',
'RESTART_AGAMA_WITH_REINDEX_PARAM': 'Restart Agama and run Komodo with -reindex param',
'JUMBLR_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS_SET': 'Jumblr deposit address is set',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_ADDRESSES_IMPORTED': 'Jumblr secret addresses imported',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_ADDRESS_IMPORTED': 'Jumblr secret address imported',
'JUMBLR_WRONG_PASSPHRASE': 'Provided passphrase has wrong format',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_ADDRESS_SET': 'Jumblr secret address is set',
'JUMBLR_SECRET_ADDRESSES_SET': 'Jumblr secret addresses are set',
'ENTER_CORRECT_ADDR_COUNT': 'Enter a correct address count value',
'TXID_COPIED': 'Transaction ID copied',
'CLAIM_INTEREST_BALANCE_SENT_P1': 'Your full balance is sent to address',
'CLAIM_INTEREST_BALANCE_SENT_P2': 'Check back your new balance in a few minutes.',
'BASILISK_CONN_ERROR': 'Basilisk connection error',
'SETTINGS_RESET': 'Settings are reset to default',
'SETTINGS_SAVED': 'Settings are saved',
'TRANSACTION_FAILED': 'Transaction failed',
'WALLET_NOTIFICATION': 'Wallet Notification',
'ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATION': 'Account Notification',
'BASILISK_NOTIFICATION': 'Basilisk Notification',
'COIN_NOTIFICATION': 'Coin Notification',
'TX_NOTIFICATION': 'Transaction Notification',
'SERVICE_NOTIFICATION': 'Service Notification',
'LOGIN_NOTIFICATION': 'Login Notification',
'SETTINGS_NOTIFICATION': 'Settings Notification',
'RECADDR_UPDATED': 'Receiving Address list updated',
'IGUANA_CONN_ERR': 'Unable to connect to Iguana',
'FETCHING_DATA': 'Fetching Data. Please wait for a minute to complete this task.',
'LESS_RESPONSES_REQ': 'Less than required responses. Please try again.',
'LESS_RESPONSES_REQ_FOR': 'Less than required responses for',
'BASILISK_CON_REFRESHED': 'Basilisk nodes connections refreshed',
'SWITCHED_TO': 'switched to',
'MODE': 'Mode',
'TX_SENT': 'Transaction Sent',
'TX_SEND_ERR': 'Unable to complete transaction',
'LOOKS_LIKE': 'Looks like',
'ALREADY_RUNNING': 'already running',
'STARTED_IN': 'started in',
'IGUANA_CONN_ERR_ALT': 'Unable to connect with iguana service.',
'KOMODO_ERR': 'Unable to start Komodod',
'IGUANA_ARE_YOU_SURE': 'Are you sure Iguana is running?',
'SIGNED_TX_GENERATED': 'Signed transaction generated',
'SIGNED_TX_GENERATED_FAIL': 'Signed transaction Failed to generate',
'SENDING_TX': 'Sending Transaction to Network',
'SIGNED_TX_SENT': 'Signed transaction sent successfully',
'GETTING_TXID_INFO': 'Getting txid info for updating funds data',
'REFRESHING_FUNDS': 'Refreshing Wallet Funds',
'TX_FAILED': 'Sent Transaction failed. Please check send Transaction page for details.',
'TX_SENT_ALT': 'Transaction sent successfully. Check send section for details.',
'COIN_STARTED': 'coin started',
'ADDR_ALREADY_REG': 'address already registered on network.',
'REG': 'Registered',
'REG_ADDR': 'address on network.',
'REG_ADDR_FAILED': 'address Registeration failed. Please try again.',
'INVALID_QUERY': 'Invalid query sent for',
'TRY_AGAIN': 'Please try again.',
'ADDR_ISNT_REG': 'Address isn\'t Registered on Network. Please Register',
'INVALID_QUERY_ALT': 'Invalid query sent. Please try again.',
'VALIDATION_SUCCESS': 'Validation Success on Network',
'KMD_NATIVE_CON_ERROR': 'Connection Error. Is external wallet running?',
'KMD_IGUANA_CON_ERROR': 'Connection Error. Is iguana connected to external wallet?',
'LOGIN_SUCCESSFULL': 'Login Successfull',
'NO_COIN_RUNNING': 'Seems like there\'s no coin running. Activating BTC.',
'OPPS': 'Opps... Something went wrong!',
'INVALID_PASSPHRASE': 'Invalid Passphrase. Make sure your passphrase is correct, or create new wallet.',
'WALLET_CREATED_SUCCESFULLY': 'Wallet created successfully',
'LOGOUT_SUCCESSFULL': 'Logout Successfull',
'WALLET_LOCKED': 'Wallet Locked Successfully',
'PRIV_KEY_IMPORTED': 'Private Key Imported Successfully!',
'PRIV_KEY_NOT_IMPORTED': 'Private Key is not imported.',
'NULL RETURN': 'null return from iguana_bitcoinRPC',
'ADDED_TO': 'added to',
'SUCCESSFULLY': 'Successfully',
'FAILED_TO_ADDCOIN': 'Failed to add iguana coin',
'FAILED_SHEPHERD_HERD': 'Failed to get execute shepherd herd',
'COIN_SELECTION': 'Coin Selection',
'SELECTION_NOT_FOUND': 'Local coin list is not found',
'LOCAL_UTXO_UPDATED': 'Local UTXO data is updated. Ready to send new transaction.',
'AWAITING_TX_RESP': 'Awaiting transaction data response',
'TX_FAILED': 'Transaction Failed',
'TX_SUCCESS': 'Transaction Successful',
'TX': 'Transaction',
'IAPI': {
'PUBLIC_SM': 'public',
'CON_STATUS': 'Connection status',
'SELECT_ADDRESS': 'Select Transparent or Private Address',
'SELECT_ADDRESS_ALT': 'Select Transparent or Private KMD Address',
'PRIVATE': 'private',
'NEW_ADDR_GENERATED': 'New address generated successfully',
'QUEUED': 'Queued',
'PLEASE_REFRESH': 'Please press refresh button in a minute or so to see updated status',
'EXECUTING': 'Executing',
'FAILED': 'Failed',
'SUCCESS': 'Success',
'MESSAGE': 'Message',
'EXECUTION_SECONDS': 'Execution Seconds',
'WAIT_UNTIL_SYNCED': 'Transaction history is unavailable during synchronization progresss',
'TXID': 'Transaction ID',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING': 'Zcash params are missing or incomplete:',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING_ROOT_DIR': '- missing root folder',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING_PROVING_KEY': '- missing proving key',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING_VERIFYING_KEY': '- missing verifying key',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING_PROVING_KEY_SIZE': '- proving key size is incorrect',
'ZCASH_PARAMS_MISSING_VERIFYING_KEY_SIZE': '- verifying key size is incorrect',
'LOGIN': {
'QUICK_ACCESS': 'Quick access',
'PWD_REQ': 'Password is required.',
'WALLET_SEED_REQ': 'Wallet seed is required.',
'SAVED_WALLET_SEED': 'Have you saved your wallet seed?',
'SEED_MAKE_SURE_BACKUP': 'Make sure you have it backed up. Without this seed you won\'t be able to access your wallet in the future!',
'YES_I_BACKUP': 'Yes, I have taken backup.',
'WALLET_LOCKED_LOGIN': 'Wallet Locked. Please login.',
'CANCEL': 'Cancel',
'UNLOCK': 'Unlock',
'SIGN_IN': 'Sign In',
'WELCOME': 'Welcome',
'DISPLAY_SYNC_ONLY': 'Display sync only coins progress',
'ENTER_VALUE_AGAIN': 'Please enter the same value again',
'CUSTOM_WALLET_SEED': 'Custom wallet seed',
'MUST_ENTER_SEED': 'You must enter a seed',
'INVALID_SEED': 'Invalid Seed',
'SEED_NOT_OF_TYPE': 'The inserted seed is not of type',
'IGUANA_SEED': 'Iguana (256 bits)',
'WAVES_SEED': 'Waves',
'SEED_COPIED': 'Seed copied',
'SEED_SUCCESSFULLY_COPIED': 'The seed was successfully copied',
'ENCRYPT_SEED': 'Encrypt login seed',
'PUBKEY': 'pubkey',
'ENCRYPT_KEY': 'Encrypt key',
'DECRYPT_KEY': 'Decrypt key'
'EDEX_MOTTO': 'Most Secure, Easy and Native Decentralised Exchange',
'JUMBLR_MOTTO': 'Secure, Native and Decentralised Coin Anonymizer',
'PROGRESS': 'Progress',
'SUPPORT_TICKETS': 'Support tickets',
'GET_SLACK_INVITE': 'Get Slack invite',
'ADDRESS_LIST': 'Address list',
'WIF_KEY_LIST': 'WIF (Wallet Import Format) key list',
'CLI_RESPONSE': 'CLI response',
'PASSPHRASE_REQ': 'Passphrase is required.',
'SAVE_APP_CONFIG': 'Save app config',
'CONFIG_RESTART_REQUIRED': 'Most changes to app config require wallet restart!',
'APP_CONFIG': 'App Config',
'APP_INFO': 'App Info',
'APP_RELEASE': 'App Release',
'NAME': 'Name',
'VERSION': 'Version',
'SYS_INFO': 'System Info',
'ARCH': 'Architecture',
'OS_TYPE': 'OS Type',
'OS_PLATFORM': 'OS Platfrom',
'OS_RELEASE': 'OS Release',
'CPU': 'CPU',
'CPU_CORES': 'CPU Cores',
'MEM': 'Memory',
'LOCATIONS': 'Locations',
'CACHE': 'Cache',
'CONFIG': 'Config',
'BIN': 'Bin',
'DIR': 'Dir',
'ADD_PEER_IP': 'Add Peer IP',
'APP_SESSION': 'App Session',
'EXPORT_KEYS_NOTE': 'Note: it\'s important that you provide the same passphrase you used to login to the wallet!<br>' +
'In case passphrases will not match wallet is going to log you out of current session.',
'TX_INFO': {
'ADDRESS': 'address',
'AMOUNT': 'amount',
'CATEGORY': 'category',
'CONFIRMATIONS': 'confirmations',
'SEND': {
'PRESS_UPDATE_BTN': 'N/A. Press update button.',
'TOTAL_UTXO_AVAILABLE': 'Total UTXO available',
'LAST_UPDATED': 'Last updated',
'NEXT_UPDATE_IN': 'Next update available in',
'AGO': 'ago',
'PROCESSING_REQ': 'Processing requests',
'LOCKED_PLEASE_WAIT': 'Locked, please wait',
'UPDATE': 'Update',
'SELECT_T_OR_Z_ADDR': 'Select Transparent or Private Address',
'ENTER_T_OR_Z_ADDR': 'Enter Transparent or Private address',
'AWAITING': 'Awaiting in queue',
'PROCESSING': 'Processing',
'ERROR_CODE': 'Error Code',
'WAITING': 'Waiting',
'PROCESSING_TRANSACTION': 'Processing transaction',
'NOTE_IT_WILL_TAKE': 'Note: it may take a few minutes to complete the transaction',
'SEND_VIA': 'Alternative send method',
'ENTER_AN_ADDRESS': 'Enter an address',
'YOU_PICKED_OPT': 'You picked option',
'PLEASE_WAIT': 'Please wait',
'SEND_TO_ADDRESS_MIN_LENGTH': 'Send to address must be at least 34 characters long',
'AMOUNT_POSITIVE_NUMBER': 'Amount must be a positive number',
'FEE_POSITIVE_NUMBER': 'Fee must be a positive number',
'TOTAL_AMOUNT_POSITIVE_NUMBER': 'Total amount (amount - fee) must be a positive number',
'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS': 'You don\'t have the necessary funds to make this transaction',
'SELECT_SOURCE_ADDRESS': 'Select source (from) address',
'AUD': 'Australian Dollar (AUD)',
'BRL': 'Brazilian Real (BRL)',
'GBP': 'British Pound (GBP)',
'BGN': 'Bulgarian Lev (BGN)',
'CAD': 'Canadian Dollar (CAD)',
'HRK': 'Croatian Kuna (HRK)',
'CZK': 'Czech Koruna (CZK)',
'CNY': 'Chinese Yuan (CNY)',
'DKK': 'Danish Krone (DKK)',
'EUR': 'Euro (EUR)',
'HKD': 'Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)',
'HUF': 'Hungarian Forint (HUF)',
'INR': 'Indian Rupee (INR)',
'IDR': 'Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)',
'ILS': 'Israeli Shekel (ILS)',
'JPY': 'Japanese Yen (JPY)',
'KRW': 'Korean Won (KRW)',
'MYR': 'Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)',
'MXN': 'Mexican peso (MXN)',
'NZD': 'New Zealand Dollar (NZD)',
'NOK': 'Norwegian Krone (NOK)',
'PHP': 'Philippine Peso (PHP)',
'PLN': 'Polish Zloty (PLN)',
'RON': 'Romanian Leu (RON)',
'RUB': 'Russian Ruble (RUB)',
'SGD': 'Singapore Dollar (SGD)',
'ZAR': 'South African Rand (ZAR)',
'SEK': 'Swedish Krona (SEK)',
'CHF': 'Swiss Franc (CHF)',
'THB': 'Thai Baht (THB)',
'TRY': 'Turkish Lira (TRY)',
'USD': 'US Dollar (USD)',
'BET': 'BET (BET)',
'DEX': 'DEX (DEX)',
'KV': 'KV (KV)',
'MGW': 'MultiGateway (MGW)',
'MVP': 'MVP Lineup (MVP)',
'MESH': 'SpaceMesh (MESH)',