You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
301 lines
12 KiB
301 lines
12 KiB
import React from 'react';
import { translate } from '../../../translate/translate';
import WalletsBasiliskRefresh from '../walletsBasiliskRefresh/walletsBasiliskRefresh';
import WalletsBasiliskConnection from '../walletsBasiliskConnection/walletsBasiliskConnection';
import WalletsNotariesList from '../walletsNotariesList/walletsNotariesList';
import WalletsCacheData from '../walletsCacheData/walletsCacheData';
import ReactTable from 'react-table';
import TablePaginationRenderer from './pagination';
import { formatValue } from '../../../util/formatValue';
import Config from '../../../config';
export const AddressTypeRender = function() {
return (
<span className="label label-default">
<i className="icon fa-eye"></i>
{ translate('IAPI.PUBLIC_SM') }
export const TransactionDetailRender = function(transactionIndex) {
return (
className="btn btn-xs white btn-info waves-effect waves-light btn-kmdtxid"
onClick={ () => this.toggleTxInfoModal(!this.props.ActiveCoin.showTransactionInfo, transactionIndex) }>
<i className="icon fa-search"></i>
export const AddressRender = function(tx) {
if (!tx.address) {
return (
<i className="icon fa-bullseye"></i>
<span className="label label-dark">
return tx.address;
export const AddressItemRender = function(address, type, amount, coin) {
return (
className={ address === this.state.currentAddress ? 'selected' : '' }>
<a onClick={ () => this.updateAddressSelection(address) }>
<i className={ 'icon fa-eye' + (type === 'public' ? '' : '-slash') }></i>
<span className="text">[ { amount } { coin } ] { address }</span>
<span className="glyphicon glyphicon-ok check-mark"></span>
export const AddressListRender = function() {
const isMultiPublicAddress = this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses && this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses.public && this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses.public.length > 1;
const isMultiPrivateAddress = this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses && this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses.private && this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses.private.length > 1;
if (isMultiPublicAddress ||
isMultiPrivateAddress) {
return (
<div className={ `btn-group bootstrap-select form-control form-material showkmdwalletaddrs show-tick ${(this.state.addressSelectorOpen ? 'open margin-bottom-10' : 'margin-bottom-10')}` }>
className="btn dropdown-toggle btn-info"
title={ `${translate('KMD_NATIVE.SELECT_ADDRESS')}` }
onClick={ this.openDropMenu }>
<span className="filter-option pull-left">{ this.renderSelectorCurrentLabel() } </span>
<span className="bs-caret">
<span className="caret"></span>
<div className="dropdown-menu open">
<ul className="dropdown-menu inner">
<li className="no--hover">
<a><span className="text">{ this.props.ActiveCoin.mode === 'basilisk' ? translate('INDEX.FILTER_BY_ADDRESS') : translate('KMD_NATIVE.SELECT_ADDRESS') }</span></a>
{ this.props.ActiveCoin.mode === 'native' &&
<li className={ !this.state.currentAddress ? 'selected' : '' }>
<a onClick={ () => this.updateAddressSelection('') }>
<span className="text">All</span>
<span className="glyphicon glyphicon-ok check-mark"></span>
{ this.renderAddressByType('public') }
} else {
return null;
export const TxTypeRender = function(category) {
if (category === 'send' ||
category === 'sent') {
return (
<span className="label label-danger">
<i className="icon fa-arrow-circle-left"></i> <span>{ translate('DASHBOARD.OUT') }</span>
if (category === 'receive' ||
category === 'received') {
return (
<span className="label label-success">
<i className="icon fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> <span>{ translate('DASHBOARD.IN') } </span>
if (category === 'generate') {
return (
<i className="icon fa-cogs"></i> <span>{ translate('DASHBOARD.MINED') }</span>
if (category === 'immature') {
return (
<i className="icon fa-clock-o"></i> <span>{ translate('DASHBOARD.IMMATURE') }</span>
if (category === 'unknown') {
return (
<i className="icon fa-meh-o"></i> <span>{ translate('DASHBOARD.UNKNOWN') }</span>
export const TxAmountRender = function(tx) {
let _amountNegative;
if ((tx.category === 'send' ||
tx.category === 'sent') ||
(tx.type === 'send' ||
tx.type === 'sent')) {
_amountNegative = -1;
} else {
_amountNegative = 1;
if (Config.roundValues) {
return (
<span title={ tx.amount * _amountNegative }>{ formatValue(tx.amount) * _amountNegative || translate('DASHBOARD.UNKNOWN') }</span>
return (
<span>{ tx.amount * _amountNegative || translate('DASHBOARD.UNKNOWN') }</span>
export const TxHistoryListRender = function() {
return (
data={ this.state.filteredItemsList }
columns={ this.state.itemsListColumns }
sortable={ true }
className="-striped -highlight"
PaginationComponent={ TablePaginationRenderer }
nextText={ translate('INDEX.NEXT_PAGE') }
previousText={ translate('INDEX.PREVIOUS_PAGE') }
showPaginationBottom={ this.state.showPagination }
pageSize={ this.pageSize }
defaultSortMethod={ this.tableSorting }
defaultSorted={[{ // default sort
id: 'timestamp',
desc: true,
onPageSizeChange={ (pageSize, pageIndex) => this.onPageSizeChange(pageSize, pageIndex) } />
export const WalletsDataRender = function() {
let _basiliskProgressBarWidth = 100 - (this.state.currentStackLength * 100 / this.state.totalStackLength);
_basiliskProgressBarWidth = _basiliskProgressBarWidth < 20 ? 20 : _basiliskProgressBarWidth;
return (
<WalletsBasiliskRefresh {...this.props} />
<WalletsBasiliskConnection {...this.props} />
<WalletsNotariesList {...this.props} />
<WalletsCacheData {...this.props} />
<div id="edexcoin_dashboardinfo">
<div className="col-xs-12 margin-top-20 backround-gray">
<div className="panel nav-tabs-horizontal">
<div className="col-xlg-12 col-lg-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div className="panel">
{ this.props.ActiveCoin.mode === 'basilisk' &&
<div className={ 'margin-bottom-3 basilisk-progress-bar ' + (this.state.currentStackLength === 1 || (this.state.currentStackLength === 0 && this.state.totalStackLength === 0) ? 'hide' : 'progress progress-sm') }>
className="progress-bar progress-bar-striped active progress-bar-indicating progress-bar-success font-size-80-percent"
style={{ width: `${_basiliskProgressBarWidth}%` }}>
{ translate('SEND.PROCESSING_REQ') }: { this.state.currentStackLength } / { this.state.totalStackLength }
<header className="panel-heading z-index-10">
className={ 'icon fa-refresh manual-txhistory-refresh pointer' + (this.state.currentStackLength === 1 || (this.state.currentStackLength === 0 && this.state.totalStackLength === 0) ? '' : ' hide') }
onClick={ this.refreshTxHistory }></i>
<div className={ 'panel-actions' + (this.props.ActiveCoin.mode === 'basilisk' ? '' : ' hide') }>
{ !this.isNativeMode() ?
className={ 'dropdown basilisk-actions' + (this.state.basiliskActionsMenu ? ' open' : '') }
onClick={ this.toggleBasiliskActionsMenu }>
<a className="dropdown-toggle btn-xs btn-default">
<i className="icon fa-magic margin-right-10"></i> { translate('INDEX.BASILISK_ACTIONS') }
<span className="caret"></span>
<ul className="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
<li className="hide">
<a onClick={ this.getDexNotariesAction }>
<i className="icon fa-sitemap"></i> { translate('INDEX.GET_NOTARY_NODES_LIST') }
<li className="hide">
<a onClick={ this.basiliskConnectionAction }>
<i className="icon wb-refresh"></i> { translate('INDEX.REFRESH_BASILISK_CONNECTIONS') }
<li className={ !this.state.useCache ? 'hide' : '' }>
<a onClick={ this.basiliskRefreshActionOne }>
<i className="icon fa-cloud-download"></i> { translate('INDEX.FETCH_WALLET_DATA') }
({ translate('INDEX.ACTIVE_ADDRESS') })
<li className={ !this.state.useCache || this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses
&& this.props.ActiveCoin.addresses.public.length === 1 ? 'hide' : '' }>
<a onClick={ this.basiliskRefreshAction }>
<i className="icon fa-cloud-download"></i> { translate('INDEX.FETCH_ALL_ADDR') }
<li className={ !this.state.useCache ? 'hide' : '' }>
<a onClick={ this.removeAndFetchNewCache }>
<i className="icon fa-history"></i> { translate('INDEX.REFETCH_WALLET_DATA') }
<li className={ 'hide ' + (!this.state.useCache ? 'hide' : '') }>
<a onClick={ this.restartBasiliskInstance }>
<i className="icon fa-refresh"></i> Restart Basilisk Instance (unsafe!)
<li className="hide">
<a onClick={ this._toggleViewCacheModal }>
<i className="icon fa-list-alt"></i> { translate('INDEX.VIEW_CACHE_DATA') }
<h4 className="panel-title">{ translate('INDEX.TRANSACTION_HISTORY') }</h4>
<div className="panel-body">
<div className="row padding-bottom-30 padding-top-10">
{ this.shouldDisplayAddressList() &&
<div className="col-sm-8 no-padding-left">
{ this.renderAddressList() }
{ this.props.ActiveCoin.txhistory !== 'loading' &&
<div className="col-sm-4 search-box">
onChange={ e => this.onSearchTermChange( }
placeholder="Search" />
<div className="row">
{ this.renderTxHistoryList() }