#!/bin/bash # Fetch pubkey pubkey=$(./printkey.py pub) cp m_notary_blank m_notary_staked # Start KMD echo "[KMD] : Starting KMD" komodod -notary -pubkey=$pubkey > /dev/null 2>&1 & # Start assets if [[ $(./assetchains) = "finished" ]]; then echo "Started Assetchains" else echo "Starting Assetchains Failed: help human!" exit fi # Validate Address on KMD + AC, will poll deamon until started then check if address is imported, if not import it. echo "[KMD] : Checking your address and importing it if required." echo "[KMD] : $(./validateaddress.sh KMD)" ./listassetchains.py | while read chain; do # Move our auto generated coins file to the iguana coins dir chmod +x "$chain"_7776 mv "$chain"_7776 iguana/coins cat iguana/coins/"$chain"_7776 >> m_notary_staked echo $'\n' >> m_notary_staked echo "[$chain] : $(./validateaddress.sh $chain)" done echo "sleep 3" >> m_notary_staked echo "cd /home$USER/StakedNotary" >> m_notary_staked echo "./dpowassets.py" >> m_notary_staked mv m_notary_staked /home/$USER/SuperNET/iguana echo "Building Iguana" ./build_iguana echo "pubkey=$pubkey" > iguana/pubkey.txt echo "Finished: Please check ALL your chains are synced before running start_iguana.sh"