* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// selftest supports against allpairs list
# include "exchanges777.h"
struct instantdex_stateinfo * BTC_states ; int32_t BTC_numstates ;
int64_t instantdex_BTCsatoshis ( uint64_t price , uint64_t volume )
volume * = price ;
volume / = SATOSHIDEN ;
return ( volume ) ;
void instantdex_swapfree ( struct instantdex_accept * A , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
if ( A ! = 0 )
free ( A ) ;
if ( swap ! = 0 )
if ( swap - > deposit ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > deposit ) ;
if ( swap - > payment ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > payment ) ;
if ( swap - > altpayment ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > altpayment ) ;
if ( swap - > myfee ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > myfee ) ;
if ( swap - > otherfee ! = 0 )
free ( swap - > otherfee ) ;
int32_t instantdex_unbasebits ( char * base , uint64_t basebits )
char tmp [ 9 ] ;
unstringbits ( tmp , basebits ) ;
if ( iguana_coinfind ( tmp ) = = 0 )
sprintf ( base , " %lld " , ( long long ) basebits ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
strcmp ( base , tmp ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
uint64_t instantdex_basebits ( char * base )
if ( is_decimalstr ( base ) ! = 0 )
return ( calc_nxt64bits ( base ) ) ;
else return ( stringbits ( base ) ) ;
int32_t instantdex_orderidcmp ( uint64_t orderidA , uint64_t orderidB , int32_t strictflag )
if ( strictflag = = 0 )
//printf("orderidA %llx vs orderidB %llx -> %llx\n",(long long)orderidA,(long long)orderidB,(long long)(orderidA ^ orderidB));
return ( ( orderidA ^ orderidB ) ! = 0 ) ;
uint64_t instantdex_decodehash ( char * base , char * rel , int64_t * pricep , uint64_t * accountp , bits256 encodedhash )
int32_t i ; uint64_t offerid ;
base [ 4 ] = rel [ 4 ] = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
base [ i ] = encodedhash . bytes [ 8 + i ] ;
rel [ i ] = encodedhash . bytes [ 12 + i ] ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 2 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , pricep ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 3 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , accountp ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 0 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 0 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , & offerid ) ;
return ( encodedhash . ulongs [ 0 ] ) ;
bits256 instantdex_encodehash ( char * base , char * rel , int64_t price , uint64_t orderid , uint64_t account )
bits256 encodedhash ; int32_t i ; char _base [ 4 ] , _rel [ 4 ] ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 0 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , & orderid ) ;
memset ( _base , 0 , sizeof ( _base ) ) ;
memset ( _rel , 0 , sizeof ( _rel ) ) ;
strncpy ( _base , base , 4 ) ;
strncpy ( _rel , rel , 4 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
encodedhash . bytes [ 8 + i ] = _base [ i ] ;
encodedhash . bytes [ 12 + i ] = _rel [ i ] ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 2 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , & price ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , ( void * ) & encodedhash . ulongs [ 3 ] , sizeof ( uint64_t ) , & account ) ;
return ( encodedhash ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_defaultprocess ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
uint8_t * serdata = * serdatap ; int32_t serdatalen = * serdatalenp ;
* serdatap = 0 , * serdatalenp = 0 ;
if ( serdata ! = 0 & & serdatalen > 0 )
serdata [ serdatalen - 1 ] = 0 ;
return ( newjson ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_defaulttimeout ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp )
uint8_t * serdata = * serdatap ; int32_t serdatalen = * serdatalenp ;
* serdatap = 0 , * serdatalenp = 0 ;
if ( serdata ! = 0 & & serdatalen > 0 )
serdata [ serdatalen - 1 ] = 0 ;
return ( newjson ) ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo instantdex_errorstate = { " error " , 0 , 0 , instantdex_defaultprocess , instantdex_defaulttimeout } ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo instantdex_timeoutstate = { " timeout " , 1 , 0 , instantdex_defaultprocess , instantdex_defaulttimeout } ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * instantdex_statefind ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t numstates , char * statename )
int32_t i ; struct instantdex_stateinfo * state = 0 ;
if ( states ! = 0 & & statename ! = 0 & & numstates > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numstates ; i + + )
if ( ( state = & states [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & strcmp ( state - > name , statename ) = = 0 )
return ( state ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void instantdex_stateinit ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t numstates , struct instantdex_stateinfo * state , char * name , char * errorstr , char * timeoutstr , void * process_func , void * timeout_func )
struct instantdex_stateinfo * timeoutstate , * errorstate ;
memset ( state , 0 , sizeof ( * state ) ) ;
strcpy ( state - > name , name ) ;
if ( ( errorstate = instantdex_statefind ( states , numstates , errorstr ) ) = = 0 )
errorstate = & instantdex_errorstate ;
state - > errorind = errorstate - > ind ;
if ( ( timeoutstate = instantdex_statefind ( states , numstates , timeoutstr ) ) = = 0 )
timeoutstate = & instantdex_timeoutstate ;
else printf ( " TS.%s " , timeoutstr ) ;
state - > timeoutind = timeoutstate - > ind ;
if ( ( state - > process = process_func ) = = 0 )
state - > process = instantdex_defaultprocess ;
if ( ( state - > timeout = timeout_func ) = = 0 )
state - > timeout = instantdex_defaulttimeout ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * instantdex_statecreate ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t * numstatesp , char * name , cJSON * ( * process_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , cJSON * ( * timeout_func ) ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , cJSON * argjson , cJSON * newjson , uint8_t * * serdatap , int32_t * serdatalenp ) , char * timeoutstr , char * errorstr , int32_t initialstate )
struct instantdex_stateinfo S , * state = 0 ;
if ( ( state = instantdex_statefind ( states , * numstatesp , name ) ) = = 0 )
states = realloc ( states , sizeof ( * states ) * ( * numstatesp + 1 ) ) ;
state = & states [ * numstatesp ] ;
instantdex_stateinit ( states , * numstatesp , state , name , errorstr , timeoutstr , process_func , timeout_func ) ;
state - > initialstate = initialstate ;
printf ( " STATES[%d] %s %p %p %d %d \n " , * numstatesp , state - > name , state - > process , state - > timeout , state - > timeoutind , state - > errorind ) ;
state - > ind = ( * numstatesp ) + + ;
instantdex_stateinit ( states , * numstatesp , & S , name , errorstr , timeoutstr , process_func , timeout_func ) ;
S . ind = state - > ind ;
S . initialstate = initialstate ;
if ( memcmp ( & S , state , sizeof ( S ) - sizeof ( void * ) - sizeof ( int ) ) ! = 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( S ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & S ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " S \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( S ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) state ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " state \n " ) ;
printf ( " %s %p %p %d %d vs %s %p %p %d %d \n " , state - > name , state - > process , state - > timeout , state - > timeoutind , state - > errorind , S . name , S . process , S . timeout , S . timeoutind , S . errorind ) ;
printf ( " statecreate error!!! (%s) already exists \n " , name ) ;
return ( states ) ;
struct instantdex_event * instantdex_addevent ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t numstates , char * statename , char * cmdstr , char * sendcmd , char * nextstatename )
struct instantdex_stateinfo * nextstate , * state ;
if ( ( state = instantdex_statefind ( states , numstates , statename ) ) ! = 0 & & ( nextstate = instantdex_statefind ( states , numstates , nextstatename ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( state - > events = realloc ( state - > events , ( state - > numevents + 1 ) * sizeof ( * state - > events ) ) ) ! = 0 )
memset ( & state - > events [ state - > numevents ] , 0 , sizeof ( state - > events [ state - > numevents ] ) ) ;
strcpy ( state - > events [ state - > numevents ] . cmdstr , cmdstr ) ;
if ( sendcmd ! = 0 )
strcpy ( state - > events [ state - > numevents ] . sendcmd , sendcmd ) ;
state - > events [ state - > numevents ] . nextstateind = nextstate - > ind ;
printf ( " [%d] (%s).%d %s -> %s, send.%s %d \n " , state - > ind , state - > name , state - > numevents , cmdstr , states [ nextstate - > ind ] . name , sendcmd = = 0 ? " " : sendcmd , nextstate - > ind ) ;
state - > numevents + + ;
return ( state - > events ) ;
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numstates ; i + + )
printf ( " %s[%d] " , states [ i ] . name , i ) ;
printf ( " cant add event (%s -> %s) without existing state and nextstate \n " , statename , nextstatename ) ;
iguana_exit ( 0 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
double instantdex_FSMtest ( struct instantdex_stateinfo * states , int32_t numstates , int32_t maxiters )
int32_t i , most , r , r2 , n , m = 0 , initials [ 100 ] , nextstate = - 1 ;
struct instantdex_stateinfo * state ; struct instantdex_event * event ; double sum = 0. ;
if ( maxiters < 1 )
maxiters = 1 ;
for ( i = n = most = 0 ; i < numstates ; i + + )
if ( states [ i ] . initialstate > 0 )
printf ( " initialstate[%d] %d %s \n " , i , states [ i ] . initialstate , states [ i ] . name ) ;
initials [ n + + ] = i ;
if ( n > 0 & & n < sizeof ( initials ) / sizeof ( * initials ) )
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxiters ; i + + )
r = rand ( ) % n ;
state = & states [ initials [ r ] ] ;
if ( state - > name [ 0 ] = = 0 | | state - > ind > = numstates )
printf ( " illegal state.(%s) %d? ind.%d >= numstates.%d \n " , state - > name , nextstate , state - > ind , numstates ) ;
break ;
m = 0 ;
while ( m + + < 1000 & & state - > initialstate > = 0 & & state - > numevents ! = 0 )
if ( ( i % 1000000 ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s " , state - > name ) ;
r2 = rand ( ) % state - > numevents ;
event = & state - > events [ r2 ] ;
if ( ( nextstate = event - > nextstateind ) < 0 )
break ;
if ( event - > nextstateind > = numstates )
printf ( " nextstateind overflow? %d vs %d \n " , event - > nextstateind , numstates ) ;
break ;
state = & states [ event - > nextstateind ] ;
if ( m > most )
most = m ;
sum + = m ;
if ( ( i % 1000000 ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " reached %s m.%d events most.%d ave %.2f \n " , state - > name , m , most , sum / ( i + 1 ) ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " most.%d ave %.2f \n " , most , sum / ( i + 1 ) ) ;
return ( sum / maxiters ) ;
void instantdex_FSMinit ( )
if ( BTC_states = = 0 )
BTC_states = BTC_initFSM ( & BTC_numstates ) ;
cJSON * InstantDEX_argjson ( char * reference , char * message , char * othercoinaddr , char * otherNXTaddr , int32_t iter , int32_t val , int32_t val2 )
cJSON * argjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( reference ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( argjson , " refstr " , reference ) ;
if ( message ! = 0 & & message [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( argjson , " message " , message ) ;
if ( othercoinaddr ! = 0 & & othercoinaddr [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( argjson , " othercoinaddr " , othercoinaddr ) ;
if ( otherNXTaddr ! = 0 & & otherNXTaddr [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( argjson , " otherNXTaddr " , otherNXTaddr ) ;
if ( iter ! = 3 )
if ( val = = 0 )
jaddnum ( argjson , " duration " , val ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " flags " , val2 ) ;
if ( val > 0 )
jaddnum ( argjson , " baseheight " , val ) ;
if ( val2 > 0 )
jaddnum ( argjson , " relheight " , val2 ) ;
return ( argjson ) ;
struct instantdex_msghdr * instantdex_msgcreate ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , int32_t datalen )
bits256 otherpubkey ; uint64_t signerbits ; uint32_t timestamp ; uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ] , * data ;
memset ( & msg - > sig , 0 , sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ) ;
datalen + = ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( * msg ) - sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ) ;
data = ( void * ) ( ( long ) msg + sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ) ;
otherpubkey = acct777_msgpubkey ( data , datalen ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
acct777_sign ( & msg - > sig , myinfo - > privkey , otherpubkey , timestamp , data , datalen ) ;
//printf("signed datalen.%d allocsize.%d crc.%x\n",datalen,msg->sig.allocsize,calc_crc32(0,data,datalen));
if ( ( signerbits = acct777_validate ( & msg - > sig , acct777_msgprivkey ( data , datalen ) , msg - > sig . pubkey ) ) ! = 0 )
//int32_t i;
//char str[65],str2[65];
//for (i=0; i<datalen; i++)
// printf("%02x",data[i]);
//printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validated [%ld] len.%d (%s + %s)\n",(long)data-(long)msg,datalen,bits256_str(str,acct777_msgprivkey(data,datalen)),bits256_str(str2,msg->sig.pubkey));
memset ( buf , 0 , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
acct777_rwsig ( 1 , buf , & msg - > sig ) ;
memcpy ( & msg - > sig , buf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
return ( msg ) ;
} else printf ( " error validating instantdex msg \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
bits256 instantdex_rwoffer ( int32_t rwflag , int32_t * lenp , uint8_t * serialized , struct instantdex_offer * offer )
bits256 orderhash ; int32_t len = 0 ;
if ( rwflag = = 1 )
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , orderhash . bytes , ( void * ) offer , sizeof ( * offer ) ) ;
/*int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( * offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " rwoffer offer \n " ) ; */
memset ( offer , 0 , sizeof ( * offer ) ) ;
len + = iguana_rwvarstr ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > base ) , offer - > base ) ;
len + = iguana_rwvarstr ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > rel ) , offer - > rel ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > price64 ) , & offer - > price64 ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > basevolume64 ) , & offer - > basevolume64 ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > account ) , & offer - > account ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > expiration ) , & offer - > expiration ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > nonce ) , & offer - > nonce ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > myside ) , & offer - > myside ) ;
len + = iguana_rwnum ( rwflag , & serialized [ len ] , sizeof ( offer - > acceptdir ) , & offer - > acceptdir ) ;
if ( rwflag = = 0 )
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , orderhash . bytes , ( void * ) offer , sizeof ( * offer ) ) ;
/*int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , serialized [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " read rwoffer serialized \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( * offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " rwoffer offer \n " ) ; */
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , serialized [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " wrote rwoffer serialized \n " ) ;
} */
* lenp = len ;
return ( orderhash ) ;
char * instantdex_sendcmd ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_offer * offer , cJSON * argjson , char * cmdstr , bits256 desthash , int32_t hops , void * extraser , int32_t extralen , struct iguana_peer * addr , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
cJSON * sendjson ; char * reqstr ; struct instantdex_msghdr * msg ; bits256 orderhash , tmphash ; int32_t i , j , len , serflag , olen , slen , datalen ; uint8_t * buf , * allocptr , space [ 4096 ] , serialized [ sizeof ( * offer ) + sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) + 4096 + INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE * 33 ] ; uint64_t x , nxt64bits ;
orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 1 , & olen , serialized , offer ) ;
if ( 1 )
struct instantdex_offer checkoffer ; bits256 checkhash ; int32_t checklen ;
checkhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 0 , & checklen , serialized , & checkoffer ) ;
if ( checkhash . txid ! = orderhash . txid )
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( checkoffer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & checkoffer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " checklen.%d checktxid.%llx \n " , checklen , ( long long ) checkhash . txid ) ;
jadd64bits ( argjson , " id " , orderhash . txid ) ;
nxt64bits = acct777_nxt64bits ( myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ;
reqstr = jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ;
slen = ( int32_t ) ( strlen ( reqstr ) + 1 ) ;
if ( swap - > otherchoosei < 0 )
extraser = ( void * ) swap - > deck ;
extralen = ( int32_t ) sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ;
serflag = 1 ;
else if ( swap - > otherverifiedcut = = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( swap - > privkeys [ swap - > otherchoosei ] ) = = 0 )
extraser = swap - > privkeys [ 0 ] . bytes ;
extralen = ( int32_t ) sizeof ( swap - > privkeys ) ;
serflag = 2 ;
} else serflag = 0 ;
datalen = ( int32_t ) slen + extralen + olen ;
msg = calloc ( 1 , datalen + sizeof ( * msg ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( msg - > cmd ) ; i + + )
if ( ( msg - > cmd [ i ] = cmdstr [ i ] ) = = 0 )
break ;
memcpy ( msg - > serialized , reqstr , slen ) ;
memcpy ( & msg - > serialized [ slen ] , serialized , olen ) ;
//printf("extralen.%d datalen.%d slen.%d olen.%d\n",extralen,datalen,slen,olen);
if ( extralen > 0 )
memcpy ( & msg - > serialized [ slen + olen ] , extraser , extralen ) ;
len = 0 ;
if ( serflag = = 1 )
//printf("send deck (%llx %llx)\n",(long long)swap->deck[0][0],(long long)swap->deck[0][1]);
while ( len < extralen )
memcpy ( & x , & ( ( uint8_t * ) extraser ) [ len ] , sizeof ( x ) ) ;
iguana_rwnum ( 1 , & ( ( uint8_t * ) extraser ) [ len ] , sizeof ( x ) , & x ) ;
len + = sizeof ( x ) ;
else if ( serflag = = 2 )
while ( len < extralen )
memcpy ( & tmphash , & ( ( uint8_t * ) extraser ) [ len ] , sizeof ( tmphash ) ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 32 ; j + + )
( ( uint8_t * ) extraser ) [ len + + ] = tmphash . bytes [ j ] ;
len + = sizeof ( bits256 ) ;
free ( reqstr ) ;
int32_t delaymillis = 0 , encryptflag = 0 ; uint8_t * data ; uint32_t basilisktag = 0 ;
buf = malloc ( datalen * 2 + 1 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( ( char * ) buf , ( uint8_t * ) msg , datalen ) ;
sendjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( sendjson , " hexmsg " , ( char * ) buf ) ;
free ( buf ) ;
jaddstr ( sendjson , " cmd " , cmdstr ) ;
jaddstr ( sendjson , " handle " , myinfo - > handle ) ;
jaddbits256 ( sendjson , " traderpub " , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ;
data = basilisk_jsondata ( sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) , & allocptr , space , sizeof ( space ) , & datalen , swap - > mine . offer . base , sendjson , basilisktag ) ;
basilisk_sendcmd ( myinfo , addr - > ipaddr , " DEX " , & basilisktag , encryptflag , delaymillis , data , datalen , 1 , BASILISK_DEFAULTDIFF ) ;
free_json ( sendjson ) ;
if ( allocptr ! = 0 )
free ( allocptr ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
/* if ( instantdex_msgcreate(myinfo,msg,datalen) != 0 )
//printf(">>>>>>>>>>>> instantdex send.(%s) datalen.%d allocsize.%d crc.%x\n",cmdstr,datalen,msg->sig.allocsize,calc_crc32(0,(void *)((long)msg + 8),datalen-8));
if ( addr ! = 0 )
memset ( serialized , 0 , sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) ) ;
memcpy ( & serialized [ sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) ] , ( uint8_t * ) msg , msg - > sig . allocsize ) ;
iguana_queue_send ( addr , 0 , serialized , " InstantDEX " , msg - > sig . allocsize ) ;
printf ( " instantdex_sendcmd: deprecated path \n " ) ;
if ( ( hexstr = malloc ( msg - > sig . allocsize * 2 + 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , ( uint8_t * ) msg , msg - > sig . allocsize ) ;
if ( ( retstr = SuperNET_categorymulticast ( myinfo , 0 , myinfo - > instantdex_category , desthash , hexstr , 0 , hops , 1 , argjson , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
free ( hexstr ) ;
free ( msg ) ;
return ( jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
free ( msg ) ;
printf ( " cant msgcreate datalen.%d \n " , datalen ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt create instantdex message \" } " ) ) ;
} */
int32_t instantdex_bidaskdir ( struct instantdex_offer * offer )
if ( offer - > myside = = 0 & & offer - > acceptdir > 0 ) // base
return ( - 1 ) ;
else if ( offer - > myside = = 1 & & offer - > acceptdir < 0 ) // rel
return ( 1 ) ;
else return ( 0 ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_offerjson ( struct instantdex_offer * offer , uint64_t orderid )
int32_t dir ; cJSON * item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jadd64bits ( item , " orderid " , orderid ) ;
jadd64bits ( item , " account " , offer - > account ) ;
if ( ( dir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( offer ) ) > 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " type " , " bid " ) ;
else if ( dir < 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " type " , " ask " ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " type " , " strange " ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " acceptdir " , offer - > acceptdir ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " myside " , offer - > myside ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " base " , offer - > base ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " rel " , offer - > rel ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " timestamp " , offer - > expiration ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " price " , dstr ( offer - > price64 ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " volume " , dstr ( offer - > basevolume64 ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " minperc " , offer - > minperc ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " nonce " , offer - > nonce ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " expiresin " , offer - > expiration - time ( NULL ) ) ;
return ( item ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_acceptjson ( struct instantdex_accept * ap )
cJSON * item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jadd64bits ( item , " orderid " , ap - > orderid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " pendingvolume " , dstr ( ap - > pendingvolume64 ) ) ;
if ( ap - > dead ! = 0 )
jadd64bits ( item , " dead " , ap - > dead ) ;
jadd ( item , " offer " , instantdex_offerjson ( & ap - > offer , ap - > orderid ) ) ;
return ( item ) ;
void instantdex_statetxjson ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , char * name , struct bitcoin_statetx * tx )
cJSON * item ;
if ( tx ! = 0 )
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " txid " , tx - > txid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " inputsum " , dstr ( tx - > inputsum ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " amount " , dstr ( tx - > amount ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " change " , dstr ( tx - > change ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " txfee " , dstr ( tx - > inputsum ) - dstr ( tx - > amount ) - dstr ( tx - > change ) ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " confirms " , iguana_txidstatus ( coin , tx - > txid ) ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " destaddr " , tx - > destaddr ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " txbytes " , tx - > txbytes ) ;
jadd ( array , name , item ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_statemachinejson ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
cJSON * retjson , * txs ; int32_t isbob , mydir , otherdir ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( swap ! = 0 )
mydir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & swap - > mine . offer ) ;
otherdir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & swap - > other . offer ) ;
isbob = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " isbob " , isbob ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " mydir " , mydir ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherdir " , otherdir ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " expiration " , swap - > expiration ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " insurance " , dstr ( swap - > insurance ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " baseamount " , dstr ( swap - > altsatoshis ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " BTCamount " , dstr ( swap - > BTCsatoshis ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " expiration " , swap - > expiration ) ;
if ( swap - > dead ! = 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " dead " , swap - > dead ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " privAm " , swap - > privAm ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubAm " , swap - > pubAm ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " privBn " , swap - > privBn ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubBn " , swap - > pubBn ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " myorderhash " , swap - > myorderhash ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " choosei " , swap - > choosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " cutverified " , swap - > cutverified ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " othertrader " , swap - > othertrader ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " otherorderhash " , swap - > otherorderhash ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherchoosei " , swap - > otherchoosei ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " otherverifiedcut " , swap - > otherverifiedcut ) ;
if ( isbob = = 0 )
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA0 " , swap - > mypubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA1 " , swap - > mypubs [ 1 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubB0 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubB1 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 1 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubB0 " , swap - > mypubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubB1 " , swap - > mypubs [ 1 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA0 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 0 ] ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " pubA1 " , swap - > otherpubs [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( mydir > 0 & & otherdir < 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " bidid " , swap - > mine . orderid ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " askid " , swap - > other . orderid ) ;
else if ( mydir < 0 & & otherdir > 0 )
jadd64bits ( retjson , " askid " , swap - > mine . orderid ) ;
jadd64bits ( retjson , " bidid " , swap - > other . orderid ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " other " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > other ) ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " mine " , instantdex_acceptjson ( & swap - > mine ) ) ;
if ( swap - > state ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " state " , swap - > state - > name ) ;
txs = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( swap - > coinbtc , txs , " deposit " , swap - > deposit ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( swap - > coinbtc , txs , " payment " , swap - > payment ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( swap - > altcoin , txs , " altpayment " , swap - > altpayment ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( swap - > coinbtc , txs , " myfee " , swap - > myfee ) ;
instantdex_statetxjson ( swap - > coinbtc , txs , " otherfee " , swap - > otherfee ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " txs " , txs ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " status " , swap - > status ) ;
return ( retjson ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_historyjson ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
// need to make sure accepts are put onto history queue when they are completed or deaded
// also to make permanent copy (somewhere)
return ( instantdex_statemachinejson ( swap ) ) ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * instantdex_historyfind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap , * tmp , * retswap = 0 ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutexH ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > history , swap , tmp )
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( swap - > mine . orderid , orderid , 0 ) = = 0 )
retswap = swap ;
break ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutexH ) ;
return ( retswap ) ;
void instantdex_historyadd ( struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutexH ) ;
DL_APPEND ( exchange - > history , swap ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutexH ) ;
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * instantdex_statemachinefind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , uint64_t orderid )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * tmp , * swap , * retswap = 0 ; uint32_t now ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutexS ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > statemachines , swap , tmp )
//printf("%p search for orderid.%llx in (%llx/%llx) %u %u\n",exchange->statemachines,(long long)orderid,(long long)swap->mine.orderid,(long long)swap->other.orderid,swap->mine.dead,swap->other.dead);
if ( now < swap - > expiration & & swap - > mine . dead = = 0 & & swap - > other . dead = = 0 )
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( swap - > mine . orderid , orderid , 0 ) = = 0 | | instantdex_orderidcmp ( swap - > other . orderid , orderid , 0 ) = = 0 )
retswap = swap ;
break ;
strcpy ( swap - > status , " expired " ) ;
printf ( " expired pending, need to take action, send timeout event \n " ) ;
DL_DELETE ( exchange - > statemachines , swap ) ;
instantdex_historyadd ( exchange , swap ) ;
//printf("found statemachine.%p\n",retswap);
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutexS ) ;
return ( retswap ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_offerfind ( struct supernet_info * ignore , struct exchange_info * exchange , cJSON * bids , cJSON * asks , uint64_t orderid , char * base , char * rel , int32_t report )
struct instantdex_accept * tmp , * ap , * retap = 0 ; uint32_t now ; cJSON * item , * offerobj ; char * type ;
if ( exchange = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > offers , ap , tmp )
if ( now < ap - > offer . expiration & & ap - > dead = = 0 )
//printf("%d %d find cmps %d %d %d %d %d %d me.%llu vs %llu o.%llx | vs %llu\n",instantdex_bidaskdir(&ap->offer),ap->offer.expiration-now,strcmp(base,"*") == 0,strcmp(base,ap->offer.base) == 0,strcmp(rel,"*") == 0,strcmp(rel,ap->offer.rel) == 0,orderid == 0,orderid == ap->orderid,(long long)myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits,(long long)ap->offer.account,(long long)ap->orderid,(long long)orderid);
if ( ( report = = 0 | | ap - > reported = = 0 ) & & ( strcmp ( base , " * " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( base , ap - > offer . base ) = = 0 ) & & ( strcmp ( rel , " * " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( rel , ap - > offer . rel ) = = 0 ) & & ( orderid = = 0 | | instantdex_orderidcmp ( ap - > orderid , orderid , 0 ) = = 0 ) )
if ( report ! = 0 & & ap - > reported = = 0 )
ap - > reported = 1 ;
printf ( " MARK as reported %llx \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
retap = ap ;
if ( ( bids ! = 0 | | asks ! = 0 ) & & ( item = instantdex_acceptjson ( ap ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( offerobj = jobj ( item , " offer " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( type = jstr ( offerobj , " type " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( bids ! = 0 & & strcmp ( type , " bid " ) = = 0 )
jaddi ( bids , jduplicate ( offerobj ) ) ;
else if ( asks ! = 0 & & strcmp ( type , " ask " ) = = 0 )
jaddi ( asks , jduplicate ( offerobj ) ) ;
free_json ( item ) ;
DL_DELETE ( exchange - > offers , ap ) ;
free ( ap ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
//printf("offerfind -> retap.%p Qsize.%d\n",retap,queue_size(&exchange->acceptableQ));
return ( retap ) ;
void instantdex_statemachineadd ( struct exchange_info * exchange , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap )
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutexS ) ;
DL_APPEND ( exchange - > statemachines , swap ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutexS ) ;
void instantdex_offeradd ( struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap )
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
DL_APPEND ( exchange - > offers , ap ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
int32_t instantdex_peerhas_clear ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr )
struct instantdex_accept * tmp , * ap ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; int32_t ind , num = 0 ;
if ( addr ! = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("clear all bits for addrind.%d\n",addr->addrind);
ind = addr - > addrind ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > offers , ap , tmp )
CLEARBIT ( ap - > peerhas , ind ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
return ( num ) ;
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_acceptable ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * A , double minperc )
struct instantdex_accept * tmp , * ap , * retap = 0 ; double aveprice ; uint64_t minvol , bestprice64 = 0 ; uint32_t now ; int32_t offerdir ;
if ( exchange = = 0 )
printf ( " instantdex_acceptable null exchange \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
aveprice = 0 ; //instantdex_avehbla(myinfo,retvals,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,dstr(A->offer.basevolume64));
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir ( & A - > offer ) ;
minvol = ( ( A - > offer . basevolume64 * minperc ) / 100 ) ;
//printf("instantdex_acceptable offerdir.%d (%s/%s) minperc %.3f minvol %.8f vs %.8f\n",offerdir,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,minperc,dstr(minvol),dstr(A->offer.basevolume64));
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > offers , ap , tmp )
//printf("ap.%p account.%llu dir.%d\n",ap,(long long)ap->offer.account,offerdir);
if ( now > ap - > offer . expiration | | ap - > dead ! = 0 | | A - > offer . account = = ap - > offer . account )
printf ( " now.%u skip expired %u/dead.%u or my order orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , now , ap - > offer . expiration , ap - > dead , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
else if ( A - > offer . account ! = myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits & & ap - > offer . account ! = myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits )
printf ( " skip offer as neither side matches account \n " ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( ap - > offer . base , A - > offer . base ) ! = 0 | | strcmp ( ap - > offer . rel , A - > offer . rel ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " skip mismatched.(%s/%s) orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
else if ( offerdir * instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) > 0 )
printf ( " skip same direction %d orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
else if ( minvol > ap - > offer . basevolume64 - ap - > pendingvolume64 )
printf ( " skip too small order %.8f vs %.8f orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , dstr ( minvol ) , dstr ( ap - > offer . basevolume64 ) - dstr ( ap - > pendingvolume64 ) , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
else if ( ( offerdir > 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 > A - > offer . price64 ) | | ( offerdir < 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 < A - > offer . price64 ) )
printf ( " skip out of band dir.%d offer %.8f vs %.8f orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , offerdir , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( A - > offer . price64 ) , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
if ( bestprice64 = = 0 | | ( offerdir > 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 < bestprice64 ) | | ( offerdir < 0 & & ap - > offer . price64 > bestprice64 ) )
printf ( " >>>> %llx MATCHED better price dir.%d offer %.8f vs %.8f orderid.%llx from %llu \n " , ( long long ) A - > orderid , offerdir , dstr ( ap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( A - > offer . price64 ) , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
bestprice64 = ap - > offer . price64 ;
retap = ap ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
//printf("after acceptable Qsize.%d retap.%p\n",queue_size(&exchange->acceptableQ),retap);
return ( retap ) ;
/*int32_t instantdex_inv2data(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_peer *addr,struct exchange_info *exchange)
struct instantdex_accept * tmp , * ap ; uint32_t now , n = 0 , len ; bits256 encodedhash , hashes [ 100 ] ; uint8_t serialized [ 100 * 36 + 1024 ] ;
//printf("instantdex_inv2data exchange.%p (%s)\n",exchange,addr->ipaddr);
if ( exchange = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
DL_FOREACH_SAFE ( exchange - > offers , ap , tmp )
if ( now < ap - > offer . expiration & & ap - > dead = = 0 )
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( 0 , exchange , ap - > orderid ) = = 0 & & instantdex_historyfind ( 0 , exchange , ap - > orderid ) = = 0 )
encodedhash = instantdex_encodehash ( ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , ap - > offer . price64 * instantdex_bidaskdir ( & ap - > offer ) , ( ap - > orderid & INSTANTDEX_ORDERSTATE_ORDERIDMASK ) | ap - > state , ap - > offer . account ) ;
if ( n < sizeof ( hashes ) / sizeof ( * hashes ) & & GETBIT ( ap - > peerhas , addr - > addrind ) = = 0 )
hashes [ n + + ] = encodedhash ;
printf ( " (%d %llx) " , n , ( long long ) ( ap - > orderid & INSTANTDEX_ORDERSTATE_ORDERIDMASK ) | ap - > state ) ;
DL_DELETE ( exchange - > offers , ap ) ;
free ( ap ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & exchange - > mutex ) ;
if ( n > 0 )
printf ( " nhashes for (%s) \n " , addr - > ipaddr ) ;
len = iguana_inv2packet ( serialized , sizeof ( serialized ) , MSG_QUOTE , hashes , n ) ;
//printf("Send inv2[%d] -> (%s)\n",n,addr->ipaddr);
return ( iguana_queue_send ( addr , 0 , serialized , " inv2 " , len ) ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
} */
struct instantdex_accept * instantdex_quotefind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , bits256 encodedhash )
char base [ 9 ] , rel [ 9 ] ; int64_t pricetoshis ; uint64_t orderid , account ;
orderid = instantdex_decodehash ( base , rel , & pricetoshis , & account , encodedhash ) ;
//printf("search for orderid.%llx (%s/%s) %.8f from %llu\n",(long long)orderid,base,rel,dstr(pricetoshis),(long long)account);
return ( instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) , 0 , 0 , orderid , base , rel , 0 ) ) ;
struct iguana_bundlereq * instantdex_recvquotes ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundlereq * req , bits256 * quotes , int32_t n )
int32_t i , len , state , m = 0 ; uint8_t serialized [ 10000 ] ; struct instantdex_accept * ap ; struct exchange_info * exchange ;
exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ;
if ( req - > addr = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
//printf("received quotehashes.%d from (%s)\n",n,req->addr->ipaddr);
for ( i = 1 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( ( ap = instantdex_quotefind ( 0 , coin , req - > addr , quotes [ i ] ) ) ! = 0 )
SETBIT ( ap - > peerhas , req - > addr - > addrind ) ;
state = ( quotes [ i ] . txid & ( ~ INSTANTDEX_ORDERSTATE_ORDERIDMASK ) ) ;
if ( state > ap - > state )
ap - > state = state ;
if ( ap - > state = = 0 )
continue ;
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( 0 , exchange , quotes [ i ] . ulongs [ 0 ] ) ! = 0 | | instantdex_historyfind ( 0 , exchange , quotes [ i ] . ulongs [ 0 ] ) ! = 0 )
continue ;
quotes [ m + + ] = quotes [ i ] ;
if ( m > 0 )
len = iguana_getdata ( coin , serialized , MSG_QUOTE , quotes , m ) ;
printf ( " send getdata for %d of %d quotes to %s \n " , m , n , req - > addr - > ipaddr ) ;
iguana_send ( coin , req - > addr , serialized , len ) ;
return ( req ) ;
int32_t instantdex_quoterequest ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , uint8_t * serialized , int32_t maxlen , struct iguana_peer * addr , bits256 encodedhash )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; int32_t olen , checklen ; struct instantdex_offer checkoffer ; bits256 orderhash , checkhash ;
if ( ( ap = instantdex_quotefind ( myinfo , coin , addr , encodedhash ) ) ! = 0 )
orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 1 , & olen , serialized , & ap - > offer ) ;
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( orderhash . ulongs [ 0 ] , ap - > orderid , 0 ) = = 0 )
checkhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 0 , & checklen , serialized , & checkoffer ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( checkhash , orderhash ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " %llx vs %llx, %d vs %d \n " , ( long long ) checkhash . txid , ( long long ) orderhash . txid , checklen , olen ) ;
return ( olen ) ;
else return ( - 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t instantdex_quotep2p ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , uint8_t * serialized , int32_t recvlen )
bits256 orderhash , encodedhash ; int32_t state = 0 , added , checklen ; struct instantdex_accept A , * ap ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; char * retstr ; cJSON * argjson ; uint64_t txid ;
exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ;
memset ( & A , 0 , sizeof ( A ) ) ;
orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 0 , & checklen , serialized , & A . offer ) ;
A . orderid = orderhash . txid & INSTANTDEX_ORDERSTATE_ORDERIDMASK ;
if ( checklen = = recvlen )
encodedhash = instantdex_encodehash ( A . offer . base , A . offer . rel , A . offer . price64 * instantdex_bidaskdir ( & A . offer ) , A . orderid , A . offer . account ) ;
//printf("before quotefind.%d\n",queue_size(&exchange->acceptableQ));
if ( ( ap = instantdex_quotefind ( myinfo , coin , addr , encodedhash ) ) = = 0 )
//printf("add quote here! Qsize.%d\n",queue_size(&exchange->acceptableQ));
if ( exchange ! = 0 )
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid ) = = 0 & & instantdex_historyfind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid ) = = 0 )
ap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
* ap = A ;
SETBIT ( ap - > peerhas , addr - > addrind ) ;
argjson = cJSON_Parse ( " {} " ) ;
//printf("before checkoffer Qsize.%d\n",queue_size(&exchange->acceptableQ));
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_checkoffer ( myinfo , & added , & txid , exchange , ap , argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
if ( added = = 0 )
free ( ap ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
printf ( " instantdex_quote: got %llx which was already there (%p %p) state(%d vs %d) \n " , ( long long ) encodedhash . txid , ap , addr , ap - > state , state ) ;
if ( state > ap - > state )
ap - > state = state ;
SETBIT ( ap - > peerhas , addr - > addrind ) ;
} else printf ( " instantdex_quote: checklen.%d != recvlen.%d \n " , checklen , recvlen ) ;
return ( checklen ) ;
void instantdex_propagate ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap )
bits256 orderhash ; uint8_t serialized [ 8192 ] ; int32_t i , len ; struct iguana_peer * addr ; struct iguana_info * coin ; uint32_t basilisktag = 0 ;
orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 1 , & len , & serialized [ 64 + sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) ] , & ap - > offer ) ;
if ( ( coin = iguana_coinfind ( " BTCD " ) ) ! = 0 & & coin - > peers ! = 0 & & coin - > peers - > numranked > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > peers - > numranked ; i + + )
if ( ( addr = coin - > peers - > ranked [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & addr - > supernet ! = 0 & & addr - > usock > = 0 & & GETBIT ( ap - > peerhas , addr - > addrind ) = = 0 & & strcmp ( " " , addr - > ipaddr ) ! = 0 & & strcmp ( " " , addr - > ipaddr ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " send quote.(%s) <- [%d] %s %llx \n " , addr - > ipaddr , len , bits256_str ( str , orderhash ) , ( long long ) orderhash . txid ) ;
basilisk_sendcmd ( myinfo , addr - > ipaddr , " DEX " , & basilisktag , 0 , 0 , & serialized [ 64 + sizeof ( struct iguana_msghdr ) ] , len , 1 , BASILISK_DEFAULTDIFF ) ;
// NXTrequest:
// sends NXT assetid, volume and desired
// request:
// other node sends (othercoin, othercoinaddr, otherNXT and reftx that expires well before phasedtx)
// proposal:
// NXT node submits phasedtx that refers to it, but it wont confirm
// approve:
// other node verifies unconfirmed has phasedtx and broadcasts cltv, also to NXT node, releases trigger
// confirm:
// NXT node verifies bitcoin txbytes has proper payment and cashes in with onetimepubkey
// BTC* node approves phased tx with onetimepubkey
bits256 instantdex_acceptset ( struct instantdex_accept * ap , char * base , char * rel , int32_t duration , int32_t myside , int32_t acceptdir , double price , double volume , uint64_t account , uint32_t nonce , uint8_t minperc )
bits256 hash ;
memset ( ap , 0 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
safecopy ( ap - > offer . base , base , sizeof ( ap - > offer . base ) ) ;
safecopy ( ap - > offer . rel , rel , sizeof ( ap - > offer . rel ) ) ;
if ( nonce = = 0 )
OS_randombytes ( ( uint8_t * ) & ap - > offer . nonce , sizeof ( ap - > offer . nonce ) ) ;
else ap - > offer . nonce = nonce ;
if ( duration < 1000000000 )
ap - > offer . expiration = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) + duration ;
else ap - > offer . expiration = duration ;
ap - > offer . account = account ;
ap - > offer . myside = myside ;
ap - > offer . acceptdir = acceptdir ;
ap - > offer . minperc = minperc ;
ap - > offer . price64 = price * SATOSHIDEN ;
ap - > offer . basevolume64 = volume * SATOSHIDEN ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , hash . bytes , ( void * ) & ap - > offer , sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ) ;
ap - > orderid = hash . txid ;
//int32_t i;
//for (i=0; i<sizeof(ap->offer); i++)
// printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)&ap->offer)[i]);
//printf("\n(%s/%s) %.8f %.8f acceptdir.%d myside.%d\n",base,rel,price,volume,acceptdir,myside);
return ( hash ) ;
int32_t instantdex_acceptextract ( struct instantdex_accept * ap , cJSON * argjson )
char * base , * rel ; bits256 hash , traderpub ; double price , volume ; int32_t baserel , acceptdir , minperc ;
memset ( ap , 0 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
if ( ( base = jstr ( argjson , " base " ) ) ! = 0 )
volume = jdouble ( argjson , " volume " ) ;
if ( ( minperc = juint ( argjson , " minperc " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
else if ( minperc > 100 )
minperc = 100 ;
if ( ( rel = jstr ( argjson , " rel " ) ) ! = 0 )
safecopy ( ap - > offer . rel , rel , sizeof ( ap - > offer . rel ) ) ;
if ( ( price = jdouble ( argjson , " maxprice " ) ) > SMALLVAL )
baserel = 1 ;
acceptdir = - 1 ;
else if ( ( price = jdouble ( argjson , " minprice " ) ) > SMALLVAL )
baserel = 0 ;
acceptdir = 1 ;
} else return ( - 1 ) ;
//printf("price %f vol %f baserel.%d acceptdir.%d\n",price,volume,baserel,acceptdir);
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
hash = instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME * 2 , baserel , acceptdir , price , volume , traderpub . txid , 0 , minperc ) ;
if ( ( base = jstr ( argjson , " b " ) ) ! = 0 )
safecopy ( ap - > offer . base , base , sizeof ( ap - > offer . base ) ) ;
if ( ( rel = jstr ( argjson , " r " ) ) ! = 0 )
safecopy ( ap - > offer . rel , rel , sizeof ( ap - > offer . rel ) ) ;
ap - > offer . nonce = juint ( argjson , " n " ) ;
ap - > offer . expiration = juint ( argjson , " e " ) ;
ap - > offer . myside = juint ( argjson , " s " ) ;
ap - > offer . acceptdir = jint ( argjson , " d " ) ;
ap - > offer . account = j64bits ( argjson , " o " ) ;
ap - > offer . price64 = j64bits ( argjson , " p " ) ;
ap - > offer . basevolume64 = j64bits ( argjson , " v " ) ;
if ( ( ap - > offer . minperc = juint ( argjson , " m " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
ap - > offer . minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , hash . bytes , ( void * ) & ap - > offer , sizeof ( ap - > offer ) ) ;
ap - > orderid = j64bits ( argjson , " id " ) ;
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( hash . txid , ap - > orderid , 0 ) ! = 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( * ap ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) ap ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " instantdex_acceptextract warning %llx != %llx \n " , ( long long ) hash . txid , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
# include "swaps/iguana_BTCswap.c"
# include "swaps/iguana_ALTswap.c"
# include "swaps/iguana_NXTswap.c"
# include "swaps/iguana_PAXswap.c"
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * bitcoin_swapinit ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * myap , struct instantdex_accept * otherap , int32_t aminitiator , cJSON * argjson , char * statename )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ; int32_t i , deckflag = 1 ;
swap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( struct bitcoin_swapinfo ) ) ;
swap - > coinbtc = iguana_coinfind ( " BTC " ) ;
swap - > altcoin = iguana_coinfind ( myap - > offer . base ) ;
if ( swap - > coinbtc = = 0 | | swap - > altcoin = = 0 )
printf ( " missing BTC.%p or missing altcoin.%p \n " , swap - > coinbtc , swap - > altcoin ) ;
free ( swap ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
portable_mutex_init ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
swap - > state = instantdex_statefind ( BTC_states , BTC_numstates , statename ) ;
swap - > mine = * myap , swap - > other = * otherap ;
swap - > expiration = ( otherap - > offer . expiration < myap - > offer . expiration ) ? otherap - > offer . expiration : myap - > offer . expiration ;
swap - > locktime = swap - > expiration + INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME ;
swap - > choosei = swap - > otherchoosei = - 1 ;
strcpy ( swap - > status , " pending " ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , swap - > myorderhash . bytes , ( void * ) & swap - > mine . offer , sizeof ( swap - > mine . offer ) ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , swap - > otherorderhash . bytes , ( void * ) & swap - > other . offer , sizeof ( swap - > other . offer ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
swap - > bothorderhash . ulongs [ i ] = ( swap - > myorderhash . ulongs [ i ] ^ swap - > otherorderhash . ulongs [ i ] ) ;
swap - > mypubkey = myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ;
swap - > othertrader = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
swap - > altsatoshis = myap - > offer . basevolume64 ;
swap - > BTCsatoshis = instantdex_BTCsatoshis ( myap - > offer . price64 , myap - > offer . basevolume64 ) ;
swap - > btcconfirms = 0 * ( 1 + sqrt ( dstr ( swap - > BTCsatoshis ) * .1 ) ) ;
swap - > altconfirms = swap - > btcconfirms * 3 ;
swap - > insurance = ( swap - > BTCsatoshis / INSTANTDEX_INSURANCEDIV ) ;
swap - > altinsurance = ( swap - > altsatoshis / INSTANTDEX_INSURANCEDIV ) ;
if ( myap - > offer . myside ! = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) | | otherap - > offer . myside = = instantdex_isbob ( swap ) )
printf ( " isbob error.(%d %d) %d \n " , myap - > offer . myside , otherap - > offer . myside , instantdex_isbob ( swap ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( instantdex_pubkeyargs ( myinfo , swap , 2 + deckflag * INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE , myinfo - > persistent_priv , swap - > myorderhash , 0x02 + instantdex_isbob ( swap ) ) ! = 2 + deckflag * INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE )
printf ( " couldnt generate privkeys \n " ) ;
instantdex_statemachineadd ( exchange , swap ) ;
return ( swap ) ;
char * instantdex_checkoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , int32_t * addedp , uint64_t * txidp , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * ap , cJSON * argjson )
struct instantdex_accept * otherap , * tmp ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; cJSON * newjson ; int32_t isbob = 0 ; char * retstr = 0 ;
* addedp = 0 ;
if ( exchange = = 0 )
printf ( " instantdex_checkoffer null exchange \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , ap - > orderid ) ! = 0 | | instantdex_historyfind ( myinfo , exchange , ap - > orderid ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " instantdex_checkoffer already have statemachine or history \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
* txidp = ap - > orderid ;
if ( ( otherap = instantdex_acceptable ( myinfo , exchange , ap , ap - > offer . minperc ) ) = = 0 )
if ( instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , 0 , 0 , ap - > orderid , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , 0 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " instantdex_checkoffer add.%llx from.%llx to acceptableQ \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid , ( long long ) ap - > offer . account ) ;
instantdex_offeradd ( exchange , ap ) ;
* addedp = 1 ;
if ( instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , 0 , 0 , ap - > orderid , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , 0 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find %llu just added to acceptableQ \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
return ( jprint ( instantdex_offerjson ( & ap - > offer , ap - > orderid ) , 1 ) ) ;
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , otherap - > orderid ) ! = 0 | | instantdex_historyfind ( myinfo , exchange , otherap - > orderid ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " instantdex_checkoffer no acceptable, but already have statemachine or history \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( otherap - > offer . account = = myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits )
tmp = otherap ;
otherap = ap ;
ap = tmp ;
//printf("SWAP otherap\n");
else if ( ap - > offer . account ! = myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits )
printf ( " checkoffer unexpected account missing \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
isbob = ap - > offer . myside ;
swap = bitcoin_swapinit ( myinfo , exchange , ap , otherap , 1 , argjson , " BTC_waitdeck " ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
//printf("ISBOB.%d vs %d\n",isbob,instantdex_isbob(swap));
if ( swap ! = 0 )
printf ( " STATEMACHINEQ.(%llx / %llx) \n " , ( long long ) swap - > mine . orderid , ( long long ) swap - > other . orderid ) ;
* addedp = 1 ;
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_checkoffer null newjson \" } " ) ) ;
if ( swap - > pollevent ! = 0 )
instantdex_eventfree ( swap - > pollevent ) ;
swap - > pollevent = instantdex_event ( " poll " , argjson , newjson , ( void * ) swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ;
retstr = instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & swap - > mine . offer , newjson , " BTCoffer " , GENESIS_PUBKEY , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) , 0 , swap ) ;
free_json ( newjson ) ;
} else printf ( " error creating statemachine \n " ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_gotoffer ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct exchange_info * exchange , struct instantdex_accept * myap , struct instantdex_accept * otherap , struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr , uint64_t signerbits , uint8_t * serdata , int32_t serdatalen ) // receiving side
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ; bits256 traderpub ; struct iguana_info * coinbtc , * altcoin ; cJSON * newjson = 0 ; char * retstr = 0 ; int32_t isbob ;
coinbtc = iguana_coinfind ( " BTC " ) ;
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) = = 0 )
printf ( " got my own gotoffer packet orderid.%llx/%llx \n " , ( long long ) myap - > orderid , ( long long ) otherap - > orderid ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" got my own packet \" } " ) ) ;
if ( 0 )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( otherap - > offer ) ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , ( ( uint8_t * ) & otherap - > offer ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " gotoffer.%llx \n " , ( long long ) otherap - > orderid ) ;
printf ( " >>>>>>>>> GOTOFFER T.%d got (%s/%s) %.8f vol %.8f %llx offerside.%d offerdir.%d decksize.%d/datalen.%d \n " , bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) , myap - > offer . base , myap - > offer . rel , dstr ( myap - > offer . price64 ) , dstr ( myap - > offer . basevolume64 ) , ( long long ) myap - > orderid , myap - > offer . myside , myap - > offer . acceptdir , ( int32_t ) sizeof ( swap - > deck ) , serdatalen ) ;
if ( exchange = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap null exchange ptr \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ( altcoin = iguana_coinfind ( myap - > offer . base ) ) = = 0 | | coinbtc = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap cant find btc or other coin info \" } " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( myap - > offer . rel , " BTC " ) ! = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer non BTC rel \" } " ) ) ;
if ( 0 ) //myap->offer.expiration < (time(NULL) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION) || otherap->offer.expiration < (time(NULL) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION) )
printf ( " too close to expiration: %u >= %lu \n " , otherap - > offer . expiration , ( time ( NULL ) + INSTANTDEX_DURATION ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer too close to expiration \" } " ) ) ;
isbob = myap - > offer . myside ;
swap = bitcoin_swapinit ( myinfo , exchange , myap , otherap , 0 , argjson , " BTC_waitdeck " ) ;
if ( swap = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt allocate statemachine \" } " ) ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
//printf("ISBOB.%d vs %d\n",isbob,instantdex_isbob(swap));
if ( ( newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 1 ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error parsing argjson \n " ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" instantdex_BTCswap offer null newjson \" } " ) ) ;
printf ( " create statemachine isbob.%d \n " , isbob ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_choosei ( swap , newjson , argjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 )
free_json ( newjson ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
if ( swap - > pollevent ! = 0 )
instantdex_eventfree ( swap - > pollevent ) ;
swap - > pollevent = instantdex_event ( " poll " , argjson , newjson , ( void * ) swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) ) ;
retstr = instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & swap - > mine . offer , newjson , " BTCoffer " , traderpub , INSTANTDEX_HOPS , swap - > deck , sizeof ( swap - > deck ) , 0 , swap ) ;
free_json ( newjson ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & swap - > mutex ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_parse ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_msghdr * msg , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr , uint64_t signerbits , struct instantdex_offer * offer , bits256 orderhash , uint8_t * serdata , int32_t serdatalen )
char cmdstr [ 16 ] , * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange = 0 ; struct instantdex_accept A , * ap = 0 ; bits256 traderpub ; cJSON * newjson ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; struct bitcoin_eventitem * ptr ;
exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ;
memset ( cmdstr , 0 , sizeof ( cmdstr ) ) , memcpy ( cmdstr , msg - > cmd , sizeof ( msg - > cmd ) ) ;
if ( argjson ! = 0 )
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
memset ( & A , 0 , sizeof ( A ) ) ;
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( j64bits ( argjson , " id " ) , orderhash . txid , 0 ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " orderhash %llx (%s) \n " , ( long long ) orderhash . txid , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" orderhash mismatch \" } " ) ) ;
A . offer = * offer ;
A . orderid = orderhash . txid ;
if ( strcmp ( " poll " , cmdstr ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " got.(%s) have.%x for %llx account.%llu serdatalen.%d \n " , cmdstr , juint ( argjson , " have " ) , ( long long ) A . orderid , ( long long ) A . offer . account , serdatalen ) ;
if ( ( A . offer . minperc = jdouble ( argjson , " p " ) ) < INSTANTDEX_MINPERC )
A . offer . minperc = INSTANTDEX_MINPERC ;
else if ( A . offer . minperc > 100 )
A . offer . minperc = 100 ;
if ( ( swap = instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( signerbits = = swap - > othertrader . txid )
swap - > expiration + = INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION ;
printf ( " OTHER SIDE sent packet \n " ) ;
instantdex_privkeyextract ( myinfo , swap , serdata , serdatalen ) ;
//printf("found existing state machine %llx choosei.%d other.%d\n",(long long)A.orderid,swap->choosei,swap->otherchoosei);
newjson = instantdex_parseargjson ( myinfo , exchange , swap , argjson , 0 ) ;
if ( serdatalen = = sizeof ( swap - > otherdeck ) & & swap - > choosei < 0 & & ( retstr = instantdex_choosei ( swap , newjson , argjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error choosei \n " ) ;
if ( newjson ! = 0 )
free_json ( newjson ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
if ( ( ptr = instantdex_event ( cmdstr , argjson , newjson , serdata , serdatalen ) ) ! = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " eventQ " , & swap - > eventsQ , & ptr - > DL , 0 ) ;
free_json ( newjson ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" updated statemachine \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " BTCoffer " ) = = 0 ) // incoming
//printf("BTCoffer state exchange.%p serdatalen.%d\n",exchange,serdatalen);
if ( ( ap = instantdex_acceptable ( myinfo , exchange , & A , A . offer . minperc ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , ap - > orderid ) = = 0 & & instantdex_historyfind ( myinfo , exchange , ap - > orderid ) = = 0 & & instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid ) = = 0 & & instantdex_historyfind ( myinfo , exchange , A . orderid ) = = 0 )
retstr = instantdex_gotoffer ( myinfo , exchange , ap , & A , msg , argjson , remoteaddr , signerbits , serdata , serdatalen ) ;
if ( retstr ! = 0 ) // adds to statemachine if no error
printf ( " from GOTOFFER.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" gotoffer error \" } " ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" reject preexisting orderid \" } " ) ) ;
printf ( " no matching trade for %s %llx -> InstantDEX_minaccept isbob.%d \n " , cmdstr , ( long long ) A . orderid , A . offer . myside ) ;
if ( instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , 0 , 0 , A . orderid , " * " , " * " , 0 ) = = 0 )
ap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
* ap = A ;
printf ( " acceptableQ <- %llx \n " , ( long long ) ap - > orderid ) ;
instantdex_offeradd ( exchange , ap ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" added new order to orderbook \" } " ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" order was already in orderbook \" } " ) ) ;
//printf("cant find existing order.%llx that matches\n",(long long)A.orderid);
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find matching order \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" request needs argjson \" } " ) ) ;
char * InstantDEX_hexmsg ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct gecko_chain * cat , void * ptr , int32_t len , char * remoteaddr )
struct instantdex_msghdr * msg = ptr ; int32_t olen , slen , datalen , newlen , flag = 0 ;
uint8_t * serdata ; struct instantdex_offer rawoffer ; // struct supernet_info *myinfos[64];
uint64_t signerbits ; uint8_t tmp [ sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ] ; char * retstr = 0 ;
bits256 orderhash , traderpub ; cJSON * retjson , * item , * argjson = 0 ;
datalen = len - ( int32_t ) sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ;
serdata = ( void * ) ( ( long ) msg + sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ) ;
//printf("a signed datalen.%d allocsize.%d crc.%x\n",datalen,msg->sig.allocsize,calc_crc32(0,serdata,datalen));
acct777_rwsig ( 0 , ( void * ) & msg - > sig , ( void * ) tmp ) ;
memcpy ( & msg - > sig , tmp , sizeof ( msg - > sig ) ) ;
// printf("b signed datalen.%d allocsize.%d crc.%x\n",datalen,msg->sig.allocsize,calc_crc32(0,serdata,datalen));
if ( ( remoteaddr = = 0 | | remoteaddr [ 0 ] = = 0 | | strcmp ( " " , remoteaddr ) = = 0 ) & & ( ( uint8_t * ) msg ) [ len - 1 ] = = 0 & & ( argjson = cJSON_Parse ( ( char * ) msg ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " string instantdex_hexmsg RESULT.(%s) \n " , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" string base packets deprecated \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( ( signerbits = acct777_validate ( & msg - > sig , acct777_msgprivkey ( serdata , datalen ) , msg - > sig . pubkey ) ) ! = 0 )
flag + + ;
if ( signerbits = = myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits )
printf ( " filter out self-messages \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
//printf("InstantDEX_hexmsg <<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%d VALIDATED [%ld] len.%d t%u allocsize.%d (%s) [%d]\n",(int32_t)sizeof(msg->sig),(long)serdata-(long)msg,datalen,msg->sig.timestamp,msg->sig.allocsize,(char *)msg->serialized,serdata[datalen-1]);
newlen = ( int32_t ) ( msg - > sig . allocsize - ( ( long ) msg - > serialized - ( long ) msg ) ) ;
serdata = msg - > serialized ;
//printf("newlen.%d diff.%ld alloc.%d datalen.%d\n",newlen,((long)msg->serialized - (long)msg),msg->sig.allocsize,datalen);
if ( ( argjson = cJSON_Parse ( ( char * ) serdata ) ) ! = 0 )
slen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( ( char * ) serdata ) + 1 ;
serdata = & serdata [ slen ] ;
newlen - = slen ;
if ( newlen > 0 )
orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer ( 0 , & olen , serdata , & rawoffer ) ;
newlen - = olen ;
//newlen -= ((long)msg->serialized - (long)msg);
serdata = & serdata [ olen ] ;
//printf("received orderhash.%llx olen.%d slen.%d newlen.%d\n",(long long)orderhash.txid,olen,slen,newlen);
} else olen = 0 ;
if ( newlen < = 0 )
serdata = 0 , newlen = 0 ;
if ( serdata ! = 0 | | argjson ! = 0 )
//printf("CALL instantdex_parse.(%s)\n",argjson!=0?jprint(argjson,0):"");
retjson = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
/*if ( (num= SuperNET_MYINFOS(myinfos,sizeof(myinfos)/sizeof(*myinfos))) == 0 )
myinfos [ 0 ] = myinfo ;
num = 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + ) */
//myinfo = myinfos[i];
//char str[65]; printf("i.%d of %d: %s\n",i,num,bits256_str(str,myinfo->myaddr.persistent));
traderpub = jbits256 ( argjson , " traderpub " ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( traderpub , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_parse ( myinfo , msg , argjson , remoteaddr , signerbits , & rawoffer , orderhash , serdata , newlen ) ) ! = 0 )
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " result " , retstr ) ;
if ( myinfo - > handle [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " handle " , myinfo - > handle ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " traderpub " , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ;
jaddi ( retjson , item ) ;
retstr = jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ;
} else printf ( " sig err datalen.%d \n " , datalen ) ;
if ( argjson ! = 0 )
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * instantdex_createaccept ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct instantdex_accept * * aptrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , double price , double basevolume , int32_t acceptdir , char * mysidestr , int32_t duration , uint64_t account , uint8_t minperc )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; int32_t myside ; char * retstr ;
* aptrp = 0 ;
if ( exchange ! = 0 )
* aptrp = ap = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * ap ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( mysidestr , base ) = = 0 )
myside = 0 ;
else if ( strcmp ( mysidestr , rel ) = = 0 )
myside = 1 ;
myside = - 1 ;
printf ( " myside.(%s) != base.%s or rel.%s \n " , mysidestr , base , rel ) ;
instantdex_acceptset ( ap , base , rel , duration , myside , acceptdir , price , basevolume , account , 0 , minperc ) ;
if ( instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , 0 , 0 , ap - > orderid , ap - > offer . base , ap - > offer . rel , 0 ) = = 0 )
instantdex_propagate ( myinfo , exchange , ap ) ;
retstr = jprint ( instantdex_acceptjson ( ap ) , 1 ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( 0 ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" invalid exchange \" } " ) ) ;
void instantdex_update ( struct supernet_info * myinfo )
/*struct instantdex_msghdr *pm; struct category_msg *m; char *str,remote[64]; queue_t *Q; struct queueitem *item; struct gecko_chain *cat;
//char str2[65]; printf("myinfo->instantdex_category.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str2,myinfo->instantdex_category));
if ( ( Q = category_Q ( & cat , myinfo - > instantdex_category , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent ) ) ! = 0 & & queue_size ( Q ) > 0 & & ( item = Q - > list ) ! = 0 )
m = queue_dequeue ( Q , 0 ) ;
pm = ( struct instantdex_msghdr * ) m - > msg ;
if ( m - > remoteipbits ! = 0 )
expand_ipbits ( remote , m - > remoteipbits ) ;
else remote [ 0 ] = 0 ;
char hexstr [ 3000 ] ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , ( uint8_t * ) pm , m - > len ) ;
printf ( " instantdex_update.(%s) len.%d remote.(%s) %p \n " , hexstr , m - > len , remote , remote ) ;
if ( ( str = InstantDEX_hexmsg ( myinfo , cat , pm , m - > len , remote ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( str ) ;
free ( m ) ;
} */
# include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h"
TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES ( InstantDEX , maxaccept , base , rel , maxprice , basevolume )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; int32_t added ; char * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; uint64_t txid ;
myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind ( json ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_createaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchange , base , rel , maxprice , basevolume , - 1 , rel , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , juint ( json , " minperc " ) ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
retstr = instantdex_checkoffer ( myinfo , & added , & txid , exchange , ap , json ) ;
if ( added = = 0 )
free ( ap ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES ( InstantDEX , minaccept , base , rel , minprice , basevolume )
struct instantdex_accept * ap ; int32_t added ; char * retstr ; struct exchange_info * exchange ; uint64_t txid ;
myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind ( json ) ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_createaccept ( myinfo , & ap , exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) , base , rel , minprice , basevolume , 1 , base , INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION , myinfo - > myaddr . nxt64bits , juint ( json , " minperc " ) ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( retstr ) ;
retstr = instantdex_checkoffer ( myinfo , & added , & txid , exchange , ap , json ) ;
if ( added = = 0 )
free ( ap ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" InstantDEX API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
char * instantdex_statemachineget ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct bitcoin_swapinfo * * swapp , cJSON * argjson , char * remoteaddr )
struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap ; uint64_t orderid , otherorderid ; struct exchange_info * exchange ;
* swapp = 0 ;
if ( remoteaddr = = 0 & & ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
orderid = j64bits ( argjson , " myorderid " ) ;
otherorderid = j64bits ( argjson , " otherid " ) ;
if ( ( swap = instantdex_statemachinefind ( myinfo , exchange , orderid ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( instantdex_orderidcmp ( swap - > other . orderid , otherorderid , 0 ) ! = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" statemachine otherid mismatch \" } " ) ) ;
* swapp = swap ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" statemachine not found \" } " ) ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" atomic API request only local usage! \" } " ) ) ;
THREE_STRINGS ( atomic , approve , myorderid , otherid , txname )
char * retstr , virtualevent [ 16 ] ; cJSON * newjson ; struct bitcoin_statetx * tx ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_statemachineget ( myinfo , & swap , json , remoteaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
else if ( ( tx = instantdex_getstatetx ( swap , txname ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find txname \" } " ) ) ;
strcpy ( virtualevent , txname ) ;
strcat ( virtualevent , " found " ) ;
newjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_sendcmd ( myinfo , & swap - > mine . offer , newjson , virtualevent , myinfo - > myaddr . persistent , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , swap ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
free_json ( newjson ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" statemachine sent found event \" } " ) ) ;
THREE_STRINGS ( atomic , claim , myorderid , otherid , txname )
char * retstr ; struct bitcoin_statetx * tx ; struct bitcoin_swapinfo * swap = 0 ;
if ( ( retstr = instantdex_statemachineget ( myinfo , & swap , json , remoteaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
return ( retstr ) ;
else if ( ( tx = instantdex_getstatetx ( swap , txname ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find txname \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" statemachine should claim tx \" } " ) ) ;
cJSON * instantdex_reportjson ( cJSON * item , char * name )
cJSON * newjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ; uint64_t dateval ;
dateval = juint ( item , " timestamp " ) , dateval * = 1000 ;
newjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jadd ( newjson , name , jduplicate ( jobj ( item , " price " ) ) ) ;
jadd ( newjson , " volume " , jduplicate ( jobj ( item , " volume " ) ) ) ;
jadd ( newjson , " orderid " , jduplicate ( jobj ( item , " orderid " ) ) ) ;
jadd ( newjson , " account " , jduplicate ( jobj ( item , " account " ) ) ) ;
jaddnum ( newjson , " date " , dateval ) ;
jaddnum ( newjson , " s " , dateval % 60 ) ;
jaddnum ( newjson , " m " , ( dateval / 60 ) % 60 ) ;
jaddnum ( newjson , " h " , ( dateval / 3600 ) % 24 ) ;
return ( newjson ) ;
TWO_STRINGS ( InstantDEX , events , base , rel )
cJSON * bids , * asks , * array , * item ; int32_t i , n ; struct exchange_info * exchange ;
array = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
if ( ( exchange = exchanges777_find ( " bitcoin " ) ) ! = 0 )
bids = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
asks = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
instantdex_offerfind ( myinfo , exchange , bids , asks , 0 , base , rel , 1 ) ;
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( bids ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( bids , i ) ;
jaddi ( array , instantdex_reportjson ( item , " bid " ) ) ;
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( asks ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( asks , i ) ;
jaddi ( array , instantdex_reportjson ( item , " ask " ) ) ;
free_json ( bids ) ;
free_json ( asks ) ;
return ( jprint ( array , 1 ) ) ;
# include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"