* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# ifndef xcode_exchanges_h
# define xcode_exchanges_h
# define SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE (512 / 8)
void * curl_post ( void * * cHandlep , char * url , char * userpass , char * postfields , char * hdr0 , char * hdr1 , char * hdr2 , char * hdr3 ) ;
char * exchange_would_submit ( char * postreq , char * hdr1 , char * hdr2 , char * hdr3 , char * hdr4 )
char * data ; cJSON * json ;
json = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( json , " post " , postreq ) ;
if ( hdr1 [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( json , " hdr1 " , hdr1 ) ;
if ( hdr2 [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( json , " hdr2 " , hdr2 ) ;
if ( hdr3 [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( json , " hdr3 " , hdr3 ) ;
if ( hdr4 [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( json , " hdr4 " , hdr4 ) ;
data = jprint ( json , 1 ) ;
json = 0 ;
return ( data ) ;
uint64_t exchange_nonce ( struct exchange_info * exchange )
uint64_t nonce ;
nonce = time ( NULL ) ;
if ( nonce < exchange - > lastnonce )
nonce = exchange - > lastnonce + 1 ;
exchange - > lastnonce = nonce ;
return ( nonce ) ;
int32_t flip_for_exchange ( char * pairstr , char * fmt , char * refstr , int32_t dir , double * pricep , double * volumep , char * base , char * rel )
if ( strcmp ( rel , refstr ) = = 0 )
sprintf ( pairstr , fmt , rel , base ) ;
if ( strcmp ( base , refstr ) = = 0 )
sprintf ( pairstr , fmt , base , rel ) ;
dir = - dir ;
* volumep * = * pricep ;
* pricep = ( 1. / * pricep ) ;
else sprintf ( pairstr , fmt , rel , base ) ;
return ( dir ) ;
int32_t flipstr_for_exchange ( struct exchange_info * exchange , char * pairstr , char * fmt , int32_t dir , double * pricep , double * volumep , char * _base , char * _rel )
int32_t polarity ; char base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] ;
strcpy ( base , _base ) , strcpy ( rel , _rel ) ;
tolowercase ( base ) , tolowercase ( rel ) ;
polarity = ( * exchange - > issue . supports ) ( base , rel ) ;
if ( dir > 0 )
sprintf ( pairstr , fmt , base , rel ) ;
else if ( dir < 0 )
* volumep * = * pricep ;
* pricep = ( 1. / * pricep ) ;
sprintf ( pairstr , fmt , rel , base ) ;
return ( dir ) ;
int32_t cny_flip ( char * market , char * coinname , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double * pricep , double * volumep )
char pairstr [ 512 ] , lbase [ 16 ] , lrel [ 16 ] , * refstr = 0 ;
strcpy ( lbase , base ) , tolowercase ( lbase ) , strcpy ( lrel , rel ) , tolowercase ( lrel ) ;
if ( strcmp ( lbase , " cny " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( lrel , " cny " ) = = 0 )
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s_%s " , " cny " , dir , pricep , volumep , lbase , lrel ) ;
refstr = " cny " ;
else if ( strcmp ( lbase , " btc " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( lrel , " btc " ) = = 0 )
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s_%s " , " btc " , dir , pricep , volumep , lbase , lrel ) ;
refstr = " btc " ;
if ( market ! = 0 & & coinname ! = 0 & & refstr ! = 0 )
strcpy ( market , refstr ) ;
if ( strcmp ( lbase , " refstr " ) ! = 0 )
strcpy ( coinname , lbase ) ;
else strcpy ( coinname , lrel ) ;
touppercase ( coinname ) ;
return ( dir ) ;
char * exchange_extractorderid ( int32_t historyflag , char * status , uint64_t quoteid , char * quoteid_field )
cJSON * array , * item , * json ; int32_t i , n ; uint64_t txid ;
if ( status ! = 0 )
if ( ( array = cJSON_Parse ( status ) ) ! = 0 & & is_cJSON_Array ( array ) ! = 0 & & ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( array , i ) ;
if ( ( txid = juint ( item , quoteid_field ) ) = = quoteid )
json = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( json , " result " , historyflag = = 0 ? " order still pending " : " order completed " ) ;
jadd ( json , " order " , cJSON_Duplicate ( item , 1 ) ) ;
free_json ( array ) ;
return ( jprint ( json , 1 ) ) ;
if ( array ! = 0 )
free_json ( array ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
# ifdef notnow
uint64_t bittrex_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , urlbuf [ 2048 ] , hdr [ 1024 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ; struct destbuf uuidstr ;
uint8_t databuf [ 512 ] ;
uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
cJSON * json , * resultobj ;
int32_t i , j , n ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
// https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/market/selllimit?apikey=API_KEY&market=BTC-LTC&quantity=1.2&rate=1.3
if ( dir = = 0 )
sprintf ( urlbuf , " https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/account/getbalances?apikey=%s&nonce=%llu " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s-%s " , " BTC " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ;
sprintf ( urlbuf , " https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/market/%slimit?apikey=%s&nonce=%llu&market=%s&rate=%.8f&quantity=%.8f " , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , pairstr , price , volume ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , urlbuf ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr , " apisign:%s " , sig ) ;
else hdr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
//printf("cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s)\n",urlbuf,hdr);
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , urlbuf , 0 , 0 , hdr , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",urlbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
// { "success" : true, "message" : "", "result" : { "uuid" : "e606d53c-8d70-11e3-94b5-425861b86ab6" } }
if ( dir = = 0 )
//printf("got balances.(%s)\n",data);
else if ( is_cJSON_True ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " success " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( resultobj = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " result " ) ) ! = 0 )
copy_cJSON ( & uuidstr , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " uuid " ) ) ;
for ( i = j = 0 ; uuidstr . buf [ i ] ! = 0 ; i + + )
if ( uuidstr . buf [ i ] ! = ' - ' )
uuidstr . buf [ j + + ] = uuidstr . buf [ i ] ;
uuidstr . buf [ j ] = 0 ;
n = ( int32_t ) strlen ( uuidstr . buf ) ;
printf ( " -> uuidstr.(%s).%d \n " , uuidstr . buf , n ) ;
decode_hex ( databuf , n / 2 , uuidstr . buf ) ;
if ( n > = 16 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
databuf [ i ] ^ = databuf [ 8 + i ] ;
memcpy ( & txid , databuf , 8 ) ;
printf ( " -> %llx \n " , ( long long ) txid ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t poloniex_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , * extra , * typestr , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " command=returnCompleteBalances&nonce=%llu " , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s_%s " , " BTC " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ;
if ( extra ! = 0 & & strcmp ( extra , " margin " ) = = 0 )
typestr = ( dir > 0 ) ? " marginBuy " : " marginSell " ;
else typestr = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy " : " sell " ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " command=%s&nonce=%ld¤cyPair=%s&rate=%.8f&amount=%.8f " , typestr , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , price , volume ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , cmdbuf ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr2 , " Sign:%s " , sig ) ;
else hdr2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " Key:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
//printf("cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s) h2.(%s)\n",cmdbuf,hdr2,hdr1);
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , " https://poloniex.com/tradingApi " , 0 , cmdbuf , hdr2 , hdr1 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = ( get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " orderNumber " ) ) < < 32 ) | get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " tradeID " ) ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
/*uint64_t bter_trade(char **retstrp,struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,int32_t dir,double price,double volume)
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , buf [ 512 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , hdr1 [ 1024 ] , hdr2 [ 1024 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ;
cJSON * json ; uint64_t txid = 0 ;
dir = cny_flip ( 0 , 0 , base , rel , dir , & price , & volume ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " type=%s&nonce=%ld&pair=%s&rate=%.8f&amount=%.8f " , dir > 0 ? " BUY " : " SELL " , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , price , volume ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , cmdbuf ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr2 , " SIGN:%s " , sig ) ;
else hdr2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " KEY:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
printf ( " cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s) h2.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf , hdr2 , hdr1 ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , " https://bter.com/api/1/private/placeorder " , 0 , cmdbuf , hdr2 , hdr1 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " cmd.(%s) [%s] \n " , cmdbuf , data ) ;
//{ "result":"true", "order_id":"123456", "msg":"Success" }
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
copy_cJSON ( buf , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " result " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( buf , " true " ) ! = 0 )
copy_cJSON ( buf , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " msg " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( buf , " Success " ) ! = 0 )
txid = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " order_id " ) ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
} */
uint64_t btce_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/*Authentication is made by sending the following HTTP headers:
Key — API key . API key examples : 46 G9R9D6 - WJ77XOIP - XH9HH5VQ - A3XN3YOZ - 8 T1R8I8T
API keys are created in the Profile in the API keys section .
Sign — Signature . POST - parameters ( ? nonce = 1 & param0 = val0 ) , signed with a Secret key using HMAC - SHA512 */
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , payload [ 8192 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ; cJSON * json , * resultobj ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " Key:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
sprintf ( payload , " method=getInfo&nonce=%llu " , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s_%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
sprintf ( payload , " method=Trade&nonce=%ld&pair=%s&type=%s&rate=%.3f&amount=%.6f " , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , price , volume ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , payload ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr2 , " Sign:%s " , sig ) ;
else hdr2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
//printf("cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s) h2.(%s)\n",payload,hdr2,hdr1);
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , " https://btc-e.com/tapi " , 0 , payload , hdr2 , hdr1 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",payload,data);
//{ "success":1, "return":{ "received":0.1, "remains":0, "order_id":0, "funds":{ "usd":325, "btc":2.498, } } }
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( juint ( json , " success " ) > 0 & & ( resultobj = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " return " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txid = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " order_id " ) ) ) = = 0 )
if ( get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " remains " ) ) = = 0 )
txid = _crc32 ( 0 , payload , strlen ( payload ) ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t kraken_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
//API-Key = API key
//API-Sign = Message signature using HMAC-SHA512 of (URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data)) and base64 decoded secret API key
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , url [ 512 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , buf [ 8192 ] , postbuf [ 1024 ] , payload [ 8192 ] , sha256 [ 65 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , encode64 [ 4096 ] , decode64 [ 4096 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ;
cJSON * json , * resultobj ; uint8_t hash [ 32 ] ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ; int32_t n ;
if ( _base ! = 0 & & _rel ! = 0 )
strcpy ( base , _base ) , strcpy ( rel , _rel ) ;
touppercase ( base ) , touppercase ( rel ) ;
if ( strcmp ( base , " BTC " ) = = 0 )
strcpy ( base , " XBT " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( rel , " BTC " ) = = 0 )
strcpy ( rel , " XBT " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( base , " DOGE " ) = = 0 )
strcpy ( base , " XDG " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( rel , " DOGE " ) = = 0 )
strcpy ( rel , " XDG " ) ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " API-Key:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
n = nn_base64_decode ( ( void * ) exchange - > apisecret , strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , ( void * ) decode64 , sizeof ( decode64 ) ) ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
sprintf ( postbuf , " nonce=%llu " , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.kraken.com/0/private/Balance " ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s_%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
//dir = flip_for_exchange(pairstr,"%s_%s","BTC",dir,&price,&volume,base,rel);
sprintf ( payload , " method=Trade&nonce=%ld&pair=%s&type=%s&rate=%.6f&amount=%.6f " , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , price , volume ) ; */
sprintf ( buf , " %s " , postbuf ) ;
calc_sha256 ( sha256 , hash , ( uint8_t * ) buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
sprintf ( payload , " %s%s " , url , sha256 ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , decode64 , n , payload ) ) ! = 0 )
n = nn_base64_encode ( ( void * ) sig , n , ( void * ) encode64 , sizeof ( encode64 ) ) ;
sprintf ( hdr2 , " API-Sign:%s " , encode64 ) ;
else hdr2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
//printf("cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s) h2.(%s)\n",postbuf,hdr2,hdr1);
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , postbuf , hdr1 , hdr2 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",payload,data);
//{ "success":1, "return":{ "received":0.1, "remains":0, "order_id":0, "funds":{ "usd":325, "btc":2.498, } } }
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( juint ( json , " success " ) > 0 & & ( resultobj = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " return " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txid = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " order_id " ) ) ) = = 0 )
if ( get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " remains " ) ) = = 0 )
txid = _crc32 ( 0 , payload , strlen ( payload ) ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t bitfinex_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/* POST https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/order/new
void * curl_post ( CURL * * cHandlep , char * url , char * userpass , char * postfields , char * hdr0 , char * hdr1 , char * hdr2 )
With a payload of
" request " : " /v1/order/new " ,
" nonce " : " 1234 " ,
" option1 " : . . .
The nonce provided must be strictly increasing .
To authenticate a request , use the following :
payload = parameters - dictionary - > JSON encode - > base64
signature = HMAC - SHA384 ( payload , api - secret ) as hexadecimal
send ( api - key , payload , signature )
These are encoded as HTTP headers named :
/* POST /order/new
Key Type Description
symbol [ string ] The name of the symbol ( see ` / symbols ` ) .
amount [ decimal ] Order size : how much to buy or sell .
price [ price ] Price to buy or sell at . Must be positive . Use random number for market orders .
exchange [ string ] " bitfinex "
side [ string ] Either " buy " or " sell " .
type [ string ] Either " market " / " limit " / " stop " / " trailing-stop " / " fill-or-kill " / " exchange market " / " exchange limit " / " exchange stop " / " exchange trailing-stop " / " exchange fill-or-kill " . ( type starting by " exchange " are exchange orders , others are margin trading orders )
is_hidden [ bool ] true if the order should be hidden . Default is false . */
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , hdr3 [ 4096 ] , url [ 512 ] , * extra , * typestr , * method , req [ 4096 ] , base [ 16 ] , rel [ 16 ] , payload [ 4096 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ 1024 + 1 ] ;
cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
memset ( req , 0 , sizeof ( req ) ) ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
method = " balances " ;
sprintf ( req , " { \" request \" : \" /v1/%s \" , \" nonce \" : \" %llu \" } " , method , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
method = " order/new " ;
//Either "market" / "limit" / "stop" / "trailing-stop" / "fill-or-kill" / "exchange market" / "exchange limit" / "exchange stop" / "exchange trailing-stop" / "exchange fill-or-kill". (type starting by "exchange " are exchange orders, others are margin trading orders)
if ( ( typestr = extra ) = = 0 )
typestr = " exchange limit " ;
sprintf ( req , " { \" request \" : \" /v1/%s \" , \" nonce \" : \" %llu \" , \" exchange \" : \" bitfinex \" , \" side \" : \" %s \" , \" type \" : \" %s \" , \" price \" : \" %.8f \" , \" amount \" : \" %.8f \" , \" symbol \" : \" %s \" } " , method , ( long long ) nonce , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , typestr , price , volume , pairstr ) ;
nn_base64_encode ( ( void * ) req , strlen ( req ) , payload , sizeof ( payload ) ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha384_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , payload ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr1 , " X-BFX-APIKEY:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
sprintf ( hdr2 , " X-BFX-PAYLOAD:%s " , payload ) ;
sprintf ( hdr3 , " X-BFX-SIGNATURE:%s " , sig ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/%s " , method ) ;
//printf("bitfinex req.(%s) -> (%s) [%s %s %s]\n",req,payload,hdr1,hdr2,hdr3);
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , req , hdr1 , hdr2 , hdr3 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txid = j64bits ( json , " order_id " ) ) = = 0 )
if ( dir ! = 0 )
printf ( " bitfinex: no txid error \n " ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t btc38_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/* $ Stamp = $ date-> getTimestamp ();
type , 1 for the purchase of Entry , 2 entry order to sell , can not be empty / the type of the order
$ Mdt = " _ public here to write here write here to write user ID_ private _ " $ stamp . ;
$ Mdt = md5 ( $ mdt ) ;
$ Data = array ( " key " = > " here to write public " , " time " = > $ stamp , " md5 " = > $ mdt , " type " = > 1 , " mk_type " = > " cny " ,
" Price " = > " 0.0001 " , " amount " = > " 100 " , " coinname " = > " XRP " ) ;
// $ Data_string = json_encode ($ data);
$ Ch = curl_init ( ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_URL , ' http : //www.btc38.com/trade/t_api/submitOrder.php');
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $ data ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , 0 ) ; */
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * data , * path , url [ 1024 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , buf [ 512 ] , digest [ 33 ] , market [ 16 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , coinname [ 16 ] , fmtstr [ 512 ] , * pricefmt , * volfmt = " %.3f " ;
cJSON * json , * resultobj ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
if ( _base ! = 0 & & _rel ! = 0 )
strcpy ( base , _base ) , strcpy ( rel , _rel ) ;
touppercase ( base ) , touppercase ( rel ) ;
if ( btc38_supports ( base , rel ) = = 0 )
* retstrp = clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" invalid contract pair \" } " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " %s_%s_%s_%llu " , exchange - > apikey , exchange - > userid , exchange - > apisecret , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
* retstrp = 0 ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
path = " getMyBalance.php " ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " key=%s&time=%llu&md5=%s " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , digest ) ;
if ( ( dir = cny_flip ( market , coinname , base , rel , dir , & price , & volume ) ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " btc38_trade illegal base.(%s) or rel.(%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( market , " cny " ) = = 0 )
pricefmt = " %.5f " ;
else pricefmt = " %.6f " ;
sprintf ( fmtstr , " key=%%s&time=%%llu&md5=%%s&type=%%s&mk_type=%%s&coinname=%%s&price=%s&amount=%s " , pricefmt , volfmt ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , fmtstr , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , digest , dir > 0 ? " 1 " : " 2 " , market , coinname , price , volume ) ;
path = " submitOrder.php " ;
sprintf ( url , " http://www.btc38.com/trade/t_api/%s " , path ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( juint ( json , " success " ) > 0 & & ( resultobj = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " return " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( txid = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " order_id " ) ) ) = = 0 )
if ( get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( resultobj , " remains " ) ) = = 0 )
txid = _crc32 ( 0 , cmdbuf , strlen ( cmdbuf ) ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " submit err cmd.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 & & data ! = 0 )
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) = = 0 )
json = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( json , " result " , data ) ;
data = jprint ( json , 1 ) ;
} else free_json ( json ) ;
//printf("btc38 returning.(%s) in %p\n",data,data);
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t huobi_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * data , * extra , * method , pricestr [ 64 ] , pairstr [ 64 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , url [ 1024 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , buf [ 512 ] , digest [ 33 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ; int32_t type ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
pricestr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
method = " get_account_info " ;
sprintf ( buf , " access_key=%s&created=%llu&method=%s&secret_key=%s " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , method , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " access_key=%s&created=%llu&method=%s&sign=%s " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , method , digest ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( extra ! = 0 & & strcmp ( extra , " market " ) = = 0 )
method = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy_market " : " sell_market " ;
else method = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy " : " sell " , sprintf ( pricestr , " &price=%.2f " , price ) ;
if ( strcmp ( pairstr , " btccny " ) = = 0 )
type = 1 ;
else if ( strcmp ( pairstr , " ltccny " ) = = 0 )
type = 2 ;
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " access_key=%s&amount=%.4f&coin_type=%d&created=%llu&method=%s%s&secret_key=%s " , exchange - > apikey , volume , type , ( long long ) nonce , method , pricestr , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " access_key=%s&amount=%.4f&coin_type=%d&created=%llu&method=%s%s&sign=%s " , exchange - > apikey , volume , type , ( long long ) nonce , method , pricestr , digest ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.huobi.com/apiv3 " ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , " Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded " , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = j64bits ( json , " order_id " ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " submit err cmd.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t bityes_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * data , * extra , * method , pricestr [ 64 ] , pairstr [ 64 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , url [ 1024 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , buf [ 512 ] , digest [ 33 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ; int32_t type ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
pricestr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
method = " get_account_info " ;
sprintf ( buf , " access_key=%s&created=%llu&method=%s&secret_key=%s " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , method , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " access_key=%s&created=%llu&method=%s&sign=%s " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , method , digest ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( extra ! = 0 & & strcmp ( extra , " market " ) = = 0 )
method = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy_market " : " sell_market " ;
else method = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy " : " sell " , sprintf ( pricestr , " &price=%.2f " , price ) ;
if ( strcmp ( pairstr , " btcusd " ) = = 0 )
type = 1 ;
else if ( strcmp ( pairstr , " ltcusd " ) = = 0 )
type = 2 ;
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
/* access_key Required Access Key
amount Required Order Amount
coin_type Required Type 1 - BTC 2 - LTC
created Required Submit 10 digits timestamp
method Required Request method : buy_market
sign Required MD5 Signature
Encryption Instance sign = md5 ( access_key = xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxx & amount = 10 & coin_type = 1 & created = 1386844119 & method = buy_market & secret_key = xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxx )
trade_password Optional No sign signature , payment password is required .
sprintf ( buf , " access_key=%s&amount=%.4f&coin_type=%d&created=%llu&method=%s%s&secret_key=%s " , exchange - > apikey , volume , type , ( long long ) nonce , method , pricestr , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " access_key=%s&amount=%.4f&coin_type=%d&created=%llu&method=%s%s&sign=%s " , exchange - > apikey , volume , type , ( long long ) nonce , method , pricestr , digest ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.bityes.com/apiv2 " ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , " Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded " , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = j64bits ( json , " order_id " ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " submit err cmd.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t okcoin_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * data , * path , * typestr , * extra , pricestr [ 64 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , pairstr [ 64 ] , url [ 1024 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , buf [ 512 ] , digest [ 33 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
path = " userinfo.do " ;
sprintf ( buf , " api_key=%s&secret_key=%s " , exchange - > apikey , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
touppercase ( digest ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " api_key=%s&sign=%s " , exchange - > apikey , digest ) ;
path = " trade.do " ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s_%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( extra ! = 0 & & strcmp ( extra , " market " ) = = 0 )
typestr = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy_market " : " sell_market " , sprintf ( pricestr , " &price=%.2f " , price ) ; // docs say market orders put volume in price
else typestr = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy " : " sell " , sprintf ( pricestr , " &price=%.2f " , price ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " amount=%.4f&api_key=%s%ssymbol=%s&type=%s&secret_key=%s " , volume , exchange - > apikey , pricestr , pairstr , typestr , exchange - > apisecret ) ;
calc_md5 ( digest , buf , ( int32_t ) strlen ( buf ) ) ;
touppercase ( digest ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " amount=%.4f&api_key=%s%s&symbol=%s&type=%s&sign=%s " , volume , exchange - > apikey , pricestr , pairstr , typestr , digest ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://www.okcoin.com/api/v1/%s " , path ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 ) // "{\"Content-type\":\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"}","{\"User-Agent\":\"OKCoin Javascript API Client\"}"
//printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",cmdbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = j64bits ( json , " order_id " ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " submit err cmd.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t lakebtc_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/* LakeBTC provides trading JSON-RPC API interface. HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is employed as our authentication mechanisms. You need at 0.1 BTC in your account to retrieve your private key.
Besides your private key , the client needs to prepare the following attributes
tonce ( timestamp in microseconds , i . e . , unixtime × 1000000 , make sure your clock is correctly adjusted )
accesskey ( your registered email address at LakeBTC )
requestmethod ( post )
id ( JSON - RPC request id , an integer )
method ( JSON - RPC method )
params ( JSON - RPC parameters )
Concatenate the above parameters with & , in that order . Parameters can be blank . For example , $ signature =
tonce = 1389067414466757 & accesskey = foo @ bar . com & requestmethod = post & id = 123 & method = ticker & params =
Create HMAC signature with your private key by using SHA1 . $ hash =
hash_hmac ( ' sha1 ' , $ signature , $ privatetkey ) # php
Join your email and the hash signature with colon ( : ) , and sign with Base64 . $ b64 =
base64_encode ( " foo@bar.com:<hash> " ) # php YXRjQHF3amlhbi5jb206ZmEzM2UzYzg5MDZjg5MzdiYzFiYw = =
Set HTTP Header . Note tonce is the same as that in Step 2.
Json - Rpc - Tonce : 1389067414466757 # HTTP HEADER
Authorization : Basic YXRjQHF3amlhbi5jb206ZmEzM2UzYzg5MDZjg5MzdiYzFiYw = = # HTTP HEADER
POST params data in JSON format to this url :
https : //www.LakeBTC.com/api_v1
API Methods
method = getAccountInfo
params = ( i . e . , blank ) */
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * data , * method , buf64 [ 4096 ] , paramstr [ 128 ] , jsonbuf [ 1024 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , pairstr [ 64 ] , params [ 1024 ] , dest [ 512 ] , url [ 1024 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , * sig , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , buf [ 4096 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t tonce , nonce , txid = 0 ;
* retstrp = 0 ;
params [ 0 ] = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
tonce = ( nonce * 1000000 + ( ( uint64_t ) milliseconds ( ) % 1000 ) * 1000 ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
method = " getAccountInfo " ;
sprintf ( buf , " tonce=%llu&accesskey=%s&requestmethod=post&id=1&method=%s¶ms= " , ( long long ) tonce , exchange - > userid , method ) ;
sprintf ( jsonbuf , " { \" method \" : \" %s \" , \" params \" :[ \" %s \" ], \" id \" :1} " , method , params ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s_%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
method = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buyOrder " : " sellOrder " ;
touppercase ( rel ) ;
sprintf ( paramstr , " %.2f,%.4f,%s " , price , volume , rel ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " tonce=%llu&accesskey=%s&requestmethod=post&id=1&method=%s¶ms=%s " , ( long long ) tonce , exchange - > userid , method , paramstr ) ;
sprintf ( jsonbuf , " { \" method \" : \" %s \" , \" params \" :[ \" %s \" ], \" id \" :1} " , method , paramstr ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha1_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , buf ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " %s:%s " , exchange - > userid , sig ) ;
nn_base64_encode ( ( void * ) cmdbuf , strlen ( cmdbuf ) , buf64 , sizeof ( buf64 ) ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://www.lakebtc.com/api_v1 " ) ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " Authorization:Basic %s " , buf64 ) ;
sprintf ( hdr2 , " Json-Rpc-Tonce: %llu " , ( long long ) tonce ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , jsonbuf , hdr1 , hdr2 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("submit cmd.(%s) [%s]\n",jsonbuf,data);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = j64bits ( json , " order_id " ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " submit err cmd.(%s) \n " , cmdbuf ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t quadriga_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * _base , char * _rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/* You need to POST 3 fields as a JSON payload to the API in order to perform authentication.
key – The API Key as shown above
nonce – an integer that must be unique for each API call ( we recommend using a UNIX timestamp )
signature – HMAC_SHA256 encrypted string
The signature has to be created using a concatenation of the nonce , your client id , the API key and using the MD5 hash of the API Secret as key . The pseudo - algorithm is shown below and you will find code examples in the Appendix .
HMAC_SHA256 ( nonce + client + key , MD5 ( secret ) )
Please note the HMAC_SHA256 and MD5 strings are both lower case .
Using the API shown in Figure 2 , the JSON payload will be :
key : " JJHlXeDcFM " ,
nonce : 1391683499 ,
signature : " cdbf5cc64c70e1485fcf976cdf367960c2b28cfc28080973ce677cebb6db9681 "
The signature being calculated using :
HMAC_SHA256 ( 1391683499 + 3 + JJHlXeDcFM , MD5 ( * 9 q ( ; 5 ] necq [ otcCTfBeiI_Ug ; ErCt ] Ywjgg ^ G ; t ) )
HMAC_SHA256 ( 13916834993 JJHlXeDcFM , 230664 ae53cbe5a07c6c389910540729 )
= cdbf5cc64c70e1485fcf976cdf367960c2b28cfc28080973ce677cebb6db9681
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $ data_string ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true ) ;
curl_setopt ( $ ch , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , array (
' Content - Type : application / json ; charset = utf - 8 ' ,
' Content - Length : ' . strlen ( $ data_string ) )
) ;
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * extra , * sig , * data , * path , pairstr [ 64 ] , base [ 64 ] , rel [ 64 ] , hdr3 [ 4096 ] , url [ 512 ] , md5secret [ 128 ] , req [ 4096 ] , payload [ 4096 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , dest [ 1024 + 1 ] ;
cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
memset ( payload , 0 , sizeof ( payload ) ) ;
if ( ( extra = * retstrp ) ! = 0 )
* retstrp = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
sprintf ( payload , " %llu%s%s " , ( long long ) nonce , exchange - > userid , exchange - > apikey ) ;
calc_md5 ( md5secret , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha256_str ( dest , md5secret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( md5secret ) , payload ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( dir = = 0 )
path = " balance " ;
sprintf ( req , " { \" key \" : \" %s \" , \" nonce \" :%llu, \" signature \" : \" %s \" } " , exchange - > apikey , ( long long ) nonce , sig ) ;
if ( ( dir = flipstr_for_exchange ( exchange , pairstr , " %s_%s " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant find baserel (%s/%s) \n " , base , rel ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
path = ( dir > 0 ) ? " buy " : " sell " ;
/*key - API key
signature - signature
nonce - nonce
amount - amount of major currency
price - price to buy at
book - optional , if not specified , will default to btc_cad */
sprintf ( req , " { \" key \" : \" %s \" , \" amount \" :%.6f, \" price \" :%.3f, \" book \" : \" %s_%s \" , \" nonce \" :%llu, \" signature \" : \" %s \" } " , exchange - > apikey , volume , price , base , rel , ( long long ) nonce , sig ) ;
//dir = flip_for_exchange(pairstr,"%s_%s","BTC",dir,&price,&volume,base,rel);
sprintf ( hdr1 , " Content-Type:application/json " ) , sprintf ( hdr2 , " charset=utf-8 " ) , sprintf ( hdr3 , " Content-Length:%ld " , ( long ) strlen ( req ) ) ;
printf ( " quadriga req.(%s) -> (%s) [%s %s sig.%s] \n " , req , payload , md5secret , payload , sig ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.quadrigacx.com/v2/%s " , path ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , req , hdr1 , hdr2 , hdr3 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " [%s] \n " , data ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t bitstamp_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/*signature is a HMAC-SHA256 encoded message containing: nonce, customer ID (can be found here) and API key. The HMAC-SHA256 code must be generated using a secret key that was generated with your API key. This code must be converted to it's hexadecimal representation (64 uppercase characters).Example (Python):
message = nonce + customer_id + api_key
signature = hmac . new ( API_SECRET , msg = message , digestmod = hashlib . sha256 ) . hexdigest ( ) . upper ( )
key - API key
signature - signature
nonce - nonce
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , * path , url [ 512 ] , req [ 4096 ] , payload [ 2048 ] , dest [ 1024 + 1 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
memset ( payload , 0 , sizeof ( payload ) ) ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
sprintf ( payload , " %llu%s%s " , ( long long ) nonce , exchange - > userid , exchange - > apikey ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
path = " balance " ;
//dir = flip_for_exchange(pairstr,"%s_%s","BTC",dir,&price,&volume,base,rel);
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha256_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , payload ) ) ! = 0 )
touppercase ( sig ) ;
sprintf ( req , " { \" key \" : \" %s \" , \" signature \" : \" %s \" , \" nonce \" :%llu} " , exchange - > apikey , sig , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://www.bitstamp.net/api/%s/ " , path ) ;
printf ( " bitstamp.(%s) -> \n " , req ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , req , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " [%s] \n " , data ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t coinbase_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/*All REST requests must contain the following headers:
CB - ACCESS - KEY The api key as a string .
CB - ACCESS - SIGN The base64 - encoded signature ( see Signing a Message ) .
CB - ACCESS - TIMESTAMP A timestamp for your request .
CB - ACCESS - PASSPHRASE The passphrase you specified when creating the API key .
All request bodies should have content type application / json and be valid JSON .
Signing a Message
The CB - ACCESS - SIGN header is generated by creating a sha256 HMAC using the base64 - decoded
secret key on the prehash string timestamp + method + requestPath + body ( where + represents string concatenation )
and base64 - encode the output . The timestamp value is the same as the CB - ACCESS - TIMESTAMP header .
The body is the request body string or omitted if there is no request body ( typically for GET requests ) .
The method should be UPPER CASE
Remember to first base64 - decode the alphanumeric secret string ( resulting in 64 bytes ) before using it as the key for HMAC . Also , base64 - encode the digest output before sending in the header .
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * data , * path , sig64 [ 1024 ] , body [ 4096 ] , method [ 64 ] , prehash64 [ 512 ] , prehash [ 512 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , url [ 1024 ] , decodedsecret [ 128 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , hdr3 [ 4096 ] , hdr4 [ 4096 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ; cJSON * json ; int32_t n ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
cmdbuf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
body [ 0 ] = 0 ;
n = nn_base64_decode ( ( void * ) exchange - > apisecret , strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , ( void * ) decodedsecret , sizeof ( decodedsecret ) ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
path = " accounts " , strcpy ( method , " GET " ) ;
path = " trade " , strcpy ( method , " POST " ) ;
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s_%s " , " BTC " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " method=Trade&nonce=%ld&pair=%s&type=%s&rate=%.6f&amount=%.6f " , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , price , volume ) ;
touppercase ( method ) ;
sprintf ( prehash , " %llu%s/%s%s " , ( long long ) nonce , method , path , body ) ;
nn_base64_encode ( ( void * ) prehash , strlen ( prehash ) , prehash64 , sizeof ( prehash64 ) ) ;
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha256_str ( dest , decodedsecret , n , prehash64 ) ) ! = 0 )
nn_base64_encode ( ( void * ) sig , strlen ( sig ) , sig64 , sizeof ( sig64 ) ) ;
//CB-ACCESS-KEY The api key as a string.
//CB-ACCESS-SIGN The base64-encoded signature (see Signing a Message).
//CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP A timestamp for your request.
//CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE The passphrase you specified when creating the API key.
sprintf ( hdr1 , " CB-ACCESS-KEY:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
sprintf ( hdr2 , " CB-ACCESS-SIGN:%s " , sig64 ) ;
sprintf ( hdr3 , " CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:%llu " , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
//sprintf(hdr4,"CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:%s; content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8",exchange->userid);
sprintf ( hdr4 , " CB-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:%s " , exchange - > userid ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.exchange.coinbase.com/%s " , path ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , hdr1 , hdr2 , hdr3 , hdr4 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " cmd.(%s) prehash.(%s) n.%d [%s] \n " , cmdbuf , prehash , n , data ) ;
//{ "success":1, "return":{ "received":0.1, "remains":0, "order_id":0, "funds":{ "usd":325, "btc":2.498, } } }
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
# ifdef enable_exmo
uint64_t exmo_trade ( char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
/* $req['nonce'] = $NONCE;
// generate the POST data string
$ post_data = http_build_query ( $ req , ' ' , ' & ' ) ;
$ sign = hash_hmac ( ' sha512 ' , $ post_data , $ secret ) ;
// generate the extra headers
$ headers = array (
' Sign : ' . $ sign ,
' Key : ' . $ key ,
) ;
static CURL * cHandle ;
char * sig , * method , * data , url [ 512 ] , cmdbuf [ 8192 ] , hdr1 [ 4096 ] , hdr2 [ 4096 ] , pairstr [ 512 ] , dest [ SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2 + 1 ] ; cJSON * json ; uint64_t nonce , txid = 0 ;
nonce = exchange_nonce ( exchange ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 )
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " nonce=%llu?method=get_info " , ( long long ) nonce ) ;
method = " get_info " ;
method = " notyet " ;
dir = flip_for_exchange ( pairstr , " %s_%s " , " BTC " , dir , & price , & volume , base , rel ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " method=Trade&nonce=%ld&pair=%s&type=%s&rate=%.6f&amount=%.6f " , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pairstr , dir > 0 ? " buy " : " sell " , price , volume ) ;
//printf("cmdbuf.(%s) h1.(%s) h2.(%s)\n",cmdbuf,hdr2,hdr1);
if ( ( sig = hmac_sha512_str ( dest , exchange - > apisecret , ( int32_t ) strlen ( exchange - > apisecret ) , cmdbuf ) ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( hdr2 , " Sign:%s " , sig ) ;
else hdr2 [ 0 ] = 0 ;
sprintf ( hdr1 , " Key:%s " , exchange - > apikey ) ;
sprintf ( url , " https://api.exmo.com/api_v2/%s " , method ) ;
sprintf ( cmdbuf , " { \" method \" : \" get_info \" } " ) ;
if ( ( data = curl_post ( & cHandle , url , 0 , cmdbuf , hdr1 , hdr2 , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " cmd.(%s) [%s] \n " , cmdbuf , data ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( data ) ) ! = 0 )
free_json ( json ) ;
if ( retstrp ! = 0 )
* retstrp = data ;
else if ( data ! = 0 )
free ( data ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
# endif
# endif
uint64_t submit_triggered_nxtae ( int32_t dotrade , char * * retjsonstrp , int32_t is_MS , char * bidask , uint64_t nxt64bits , char * NXTACCTSECRET , uint64_t assetid , uint64_t qty , uint64_t NXTprice , char * triggerhash , char * comment , uint64_t otherNXT , uint32_t triggerheight )
int32_t deadline = 1 + 20 ; uint64_t txid = 0 ; struct destbuf errstr ; char cmd [ 4096 ] , secret [ 8192 ] , * jsonstr ; cJSON * json ;
if ( retjsonstrp ! = 0 )
* retjsonstrp = 0 ;
if ( triggerheight ! = 0 )
escape_code ( secret , NXTACCTSECRET ) ;
if ( dotrade = = 0 )
strcpy ( secret , " <secret> " ) ;
sprintf ( cmd , " requestType=%s&secretPhrase=%s&feeNQT=%llu&deadline=%d " , bidask , secret , ( long long ) MIN_NQTFEE , deadline ) ;
sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &%s=%llu&%s=%llu " , is_MS ! = 0 ? " units " : " quantityQNT " , ( long long ) qty , is_MS ! = 0 ? " currency " : " asset " , ( long long ) assetid ) ;
if ( NXTprice ! = 0 )
if ( is_MS ! = 0 )
sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &rateNQT=%llu " , ( long long ) NXTprice ) ;
else sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &priceNQT=%llu " , ( long long ) NXTprice ) ;
if ( otherNXT ! = 0 )
sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &recipient=%llu " , ( long long ) otherNXT ) ;
if ( triggerhash ! = 0 & & triggerhash [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( triggerheight = = 0 )
sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &referencedTransactionFullHash=%s " , triggerhash ) ;
else sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &referencedTransactionFullHash=%s&phased=true&phasingFinishHeight=%u&phasingVotingModel=4&phasingQuorum=1&phasingLinkedFullHash=%s " , triggerhash , triggerheight , triggerhash ) ;
if ( comment ! = 0 & & comment [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
sprintf ( cmd + strlen ( cmd ) , " &message=%s " , comment ) ;
if ( dotrade = = 0 )
if ( retjsonstrp ! = 0 )
json = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( json , " submit " , cmd ) ;
* retjsonstrp = jprint ( json , 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST ( cmd ) ) ! = 0 )
_stripwhite ( jsonstr , ' ' ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
copy_cJSON ( & errstr , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " error " ) ) ;
if ( errstr . buf [ 0 ] = = 0 )
copy_cJSON ( & errstr , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " errorDescription " ) ) ;
if ( errstr . buf [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
printf ( " submit_triggered_bidask.(%s) -> (%s) \n " , cmd , jsonstr ) ;
if ( retjsonstrp ! = 0 )
* retjsonstrp = clonestr ( errstr . buf ) ;
else txid = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " transaction " ) ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
int32_t get_assettype ( int32_t * numdecimalsp , char * assetidstr )
cJSON * json ; char name [ 64 ] , * jsonstr ; uint64_t assetid ; int32_t ap_type = - 1 ; //struct assethash *ap,A;
* numdecimalsp = - 1 ;
name [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( is_native_crypto ( name , calc_nxt64bits ( assetidstr ) ) > 0 )
//printf("found native crypto.(%s) name.(%s)\n",assetidstr,name);
ap_type = 0 ;
* numdecimalsp = 8 ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( assetid = calc_nxt64bits ( assetidstr ) ) = = NXT_ASSETID )
//printf("found NXT_ASSETID.(%s)\n",assetidstr);
ap_type = 0 ;
* numdecimalsp = 8 ;
return ( 0 ) ;
/*if ( (ap= find_asset(assetid)) != 0 )
* numdecimalsp = ap - > decimals ;
return ( ap - > type ) ;
} */
memset ( name , 0 , sizeof ( name ) ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = _issue_getAsset ( assetidstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( get_cJSON_int ( json , " errorCode " ) = = 0 )
if ( extract_cJSON_str ( name , 16 , json , " name " ) < = 0 )
* numdecimalsp = - 1 ;
else * numdecimalsp = ( int32_t ) get_cJSON_int ( json , " decimals " ) ;
ap_type = 2 ;
} //else printf("errorcode.%lld (%s)\n",(long long)get_cJSON_int(json,"errorCode"),jsonstr);
free_json ( json ) ;
} else printf ( " cant parse.(%s) \n " , jsonstr ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
} else printf ( " couldnt getAsset.(%s) \n " , assetidstr ) ;
if ( ap_type < 0 )
if ( ( jsonstr = _issue_getCurrency ( assetidstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( get_cJSON_int ( json , " errorCode " ) = = 0 )
if ( extract_cJSON_str ( name , 16 , json , " name " ) < = 0 )
* numdecimalsp = - 1 ;
else * numdecimalsp = ( int32_t ) get_cJSON_int ( json , " decimals " ) ;
ap_type = 5 ;
free_json ( json ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
A . assetid = assetid ;
A . minvol = A . mult = calc_decimals_mult ( * numdecimalsp ) ;
A . decimals = * numdecimalsp ;
A . type = ap_type ;
strcpy ( A . name , name ) ;
create_asset ( assetid , & A ) ; */
return ( ap_type ) ;
uint64_t assetmult ( char * assetidstr )
int32_t ap_type , decimals ; uint64_t mult = 0 ;
ap_type = get_assettype ( & decimals , assetidstr ) ;
if ( decimals > = 0 & & decimals < = 8 )
mult = calc_decimals_mult ( decimals ) ;
return ( mult ) ;
int32_t assetdecimals ( char * assetidstr )
int32_t ap_type , decimals = 0 ;
ap_type = get_assettype ( & decimals , assetidstr ) ;
if ( ap_type = = 0 )
return ( 8 ) ;
return ( decimals ) ;
uint64_t min_asset_amount ( uint64_t assetid )
char assetidstr [ 64 ] ;
if ( assetid = = NXT_ASSETID )
return ( 1 ) ;
expand_nxt64bits ( assetidstr , assetid ) ;
return ( assetmult ( assetidstr ) ) ;
int32_t get_assetdecimals ( uint64_t assetid )
char assetidstr [ 64 ] ;
if ( assetid = = NXT_ASSETID )
return ( 8 ) ;
expand_nxt64bits ( assetidstr , assetid ) ;
return ( assetdecimals ( assetidstr ) ) ;
uint64_t get_assetmult ( uint64_t assetid )
char assetidstr [ 64 ] ;
expand_nxt64bits ( assetidstr , assetid ) ;
return ( assetmult ( assetidstr ) ) ;
double get_minvolume ( uint64_t assetid )
return ( dstr ( get_assetmult ( assetid ) ) ) ;
int64_t get_asset_quantity ( int64_t * unconfirmedp , char * NXTaddr , char * assetidstr )
char cmd [ 2 * MAX_JSON_FIELD ] , * jsonstr ; struct destbuf assetid ; int32_t i , n , iter ; cJSON * array , * item , * obj , * json ; int64_t quantity , qty = 0 ;
uint64_t assetidbits = calc_nxt64bits ( assetidstr ) ;
quantity = * unconfirmedp = 0 ;
if ( assetidbits = = NXT_ASSETID )
sprintf ( cmd , " requestType=getBalance&account=%s " , NXTaddr ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST ( cmd ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
qty = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " balanceNQT " ) ) ;
* unconfirmedp = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " unconfirmedBalanceNQT " ) ) ;
printf ( " (%s) \n " , jsonstr ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
return ( qty ) ;
sprintf ( cmd , " requestType=getAccount&account=%s " , NXTaddr ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST ( cmd ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
qty = 0 ;
array = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , iter = = 0 ? " assetBalances " : " unconfirmedAssetBalances " ) ;
if ( is_cJSON_Array ( array ) ! = 0 )
n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = cJSON_GetArrayItem ( array , i ) ;
obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( item , " asset " ) ;
copy_cJSON ( & assetid , obj ) ;
//printf("i.%d of %d: %s(%s)\n",i,n,assetid,cJSON_Print(item));
if ( strcmp ( assetid . buf , assetidstr ) = = 0 )
qty = get_cJSON_int ( item , iter = = 0 ? " balanceQNT " : " unconfirmedBalanceQNT " ) ;
break ;
if ( iter = = 0 )
quantity = qty ;
else * unconfirmedp = qty ;
free_json ( json ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
return ( quantity ) ;
uint64_t calc_asset_qty ( uint64_t * availp , uint64_t * priceNQTp , char * NXTaddr , int32_t checkflag , uint64_t assetid , double price , double vol )
char assetidstr [ 64 ] ;
uint64_t ap_mult , priceNQT , quantityQNT = 0 ;
int64_t unconfirmed , balance ;
* priceNQTp = * availp = 0 ;
if ( assetid ! = NXT_ASSETID )
expand_nxt64bits ( assetidstr , assetid ) ;
if ( ( ap_mult = get_assetmult ( assetid ) ) ! = 0 )
//price = (double)get_satoshi_obj(srcitem,"priceNQT") / ap_mult;
//vol = (double)get_satoshi_obj(srcitem,"quantityQNT") * ((double)ap_mult / SATOSHIDEN);
priceNQT = ( price * ap_mult + ( ap_mult / 2 ) / SATOSHIDEN ) ;
quantityQNT = ( vol * SATOSHIDEN ) / ap_mult ;
balance = get_asset_quantity ( & unconfirmed , NXTaddr , assetidstr ) ;
//printf("%s balance %.8f unconfirmed %.8f vs price %llu qty %llu for asset.%s | price_vol.(%f * %f) * (%lld / %llu)\n",NXTaddr,dstr(balance),dstr(unconfirmed),(long long)priceNQT,(long long)quantityQNT,assetidstr,price,vol,(long long)SATOSHIDEN,(long long)ap_mult);
if ( checkflag ! = 0 & & ( balance < quantityQNT | | unconfirmed < quantityQNT ) )
printf ( " balance %.8f < qty %.8f || unconfirmed %.8f < qty %llu \n " , dstr ( balance ) , dstr ( quantityQNT ) , dstr ( unconfirmed ) , ( long long ) quantityQNT ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
* priceNQTp = priceNQT ;
* availp = unconfirmed ;
} else printf ( " %llu null apmult \n " , ( long long ) assetid ) ;
* priceNQTp = price * SATOSHIDEN ;
quantityQNT = vol ;
return ( quantityQNT ) ;
char * fill_nxtae ( int32_t dotrade , uint64_t * txidp , uint64_t nxt64bits , char * secret , int32_t dir , double price , double volume , uint64_t baseid , uint64_t relid )
uint64_t txid , assetid , avail , qty , priceNQT , ap_mult ; char retbuf [ 512 ] , * errstr ;
if ( nxt64bits ! = IGUANA_MY64BITS )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" must use your NXT address \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( baseid = = NXT_ASSETID )
dir = - dir , assetid = relid ;
else if ( relid = = NXT_ASSETID )
assetid = baseid ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" NXT AE order without NXT \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ( ap_mult = get_assetmult ( assetid ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" assetid not found \" } " ) ) ;
qty = calc_asset_qty ( & avail , & priceNQT , secret , 0 , assetid , price , volume ) ;
txid = submit_triggered_nxtae ( dotrade , & errstr , 0 , dir > 0 ? " placeBidOrder " : " placeAskOrder " , nxt64bits , secret , assetid , qty , priceNQT , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( errstr ! = 0 )
sprintf ( retbuf , " { \" error \" : \" %s \" } " , errstr ) , free ( errstr ) ;
else sprintf ( retbuf , " { \" result \" : \" success \" , \" txid \" : \" %llu \" } " , ( long long ) txid ) ;
if ( txidp ! = 0 )
* txidp = txid ;
return ( clonestr ( retbuf ) ) ;
uint64_t submit_to_exchange ( void * * cHandlep , int32_t dotrade , int32_t exchangeid , char * * jsonstrp , uint64_t assetid , uint64_t qty , uint64_t priceNQT , int32_t dir , uint64_t nxt64bits , char * NXTACCTSECRET , char * triggerhash , char * comment , uint64_t otherNXT , char * base , char * rel , double price , double volume , uint32_t triggerheight )
uint64_t txid = 0 ;
char assetidstr [ 64 ] , * cmd , * retstr = 0 ;
int32_t ap_type , decimals ;
struct exchange_info * exchange ;
* jsonstrp = 0 ;
expand_nxt64bits ( assetidstr , assetid ) ;
ap_type = get_assettype ( & decimals , assetidstr ) ;
if ( dir = = 0 | | priceNQT = = 0 )
cmd = ( ap_type = = 2 ? " transferAsset " : " transferCurrency " ) , priceNQT = 0 ;
else cmd = ( ( dir > 0 ) ? ( ap_type = = 2 ? " placeBidOrder " : " currencyBuy " ) : ( ap_type = = 2 ? " placeAskOrder " : " currencySell " ) ) , otherNXT = 0 ;
if ( exchangeid = = INSTANTDEX_NXTAEID | | exchangeid = = INSTANTDEX_UNCONFID )
if ( assetid ! = NXT_ASSETID & & qty ! = 0 & & ( dir = = 0 | | priceNQT ! = 0 ) )
printf ( " submit to exchange.%s (%s) dir.%d \n " , Exchanges [ exchangeid ] . name , comment , dir ) ;
txid = submit_triggered_nxtae ( dotrade , jsonstrp , ap_type = = 5 , cmd , nxt64bits , NXTACCTSECRET , assetid , qty , priceNQT , triggerhash , comment , otherNXT , triggerheight ) ;
if ( * jsonstrp ! = 0 )
txid = 0 ;
else if ( exchangeid < MAX_EXCHANGES & & ( exchange = & Exchanges [ exchangeid ] ) ! = 0 & & exchange - > exchangeid = = exchangeid & & exchange - > issue . trade ! = 0 )
printf ( " submit_to_exchange.(%d) dir.%d price %f vol %f | inv %f %f (%s) \n " , exchangeid , dir , price , volume , 1. / price , price * volume , comment ) ;
if ( ( txid = ( * exchange - > issue . trade ) ( cHandlep , dotrade , & retstr , exchange , base , rel , dir , price , volume ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error trading (%s/%s) dir.%d price %f vol %f ret.(%s) \n " , base , rel , dir , price , volume , retstr ! = 0 ? retstr : " " ) ;
if ( jsonstrp ! = 0 )
* jsonstrp = retstr ;
return ( txid ) ;
uint64_t InstantDEX_tradestub ( void * * cHandlep , int32_t dotrade , char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
printf ( " this is just a InstantDEX_tradestub \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
uint64_t NXT_tradestub ( void * * cHandlep , int32_t dotrade , char * * retstrp , struct exchange_info * exchange , char * base , char * rel , int32_t dir , double price , double volume )
printf ( " this is just a NXT_tradestub \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
# endif