* Copyright © 2014 - 2015 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# ifndef hostnet777_h
# define hostnet777_h
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <memory.h>
# include <time.h>
# include "../utils/bits777.c"
# include "../utils/ramcoder.c"
# define CARDS777_MAXCARDS 52
# define CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS 9
# define CARDS777_FOLD -1
# define CARDS777_START 1
# define CARDS777_ANTE 2
# define CARDS777_SMALLBLIND 3
# define CARDS777_BIGBLIND 4
# define CARDS777_CHECK 5
# define CARDS777_CALL 6
# define CARDS777_BET 7
# define CARDS777_RAISE 8
# define CARDS777_FULLRAISE 9
# define CARDS777_SENTCARDS 10
# define CARDS777_ALLIN 11
# define CARDS777_FACEUP 12
# define CARDS777_WINNINGS 13
# define CARDS777_RAKES 14
# define CARDS777_CHANGES 15
# define CARDS777_SNAPSHOT 16
struct cards777_handinfo
bits256 checkprod , * cardpubs , * final , community256 [ 5 ] , cards [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] [ 2 ] ;
uint64_t othercardpubs [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] ;
int64_t havemasks [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] , betsize , hostrake , pangearake , lastraise , bets [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] , snapshot [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS + 1 ] , won [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] ;
uint32_t starttime , handmask , lastbettor , startdecktime , betstarted , finished , encodestarted ;
uint32_t cardi , userinput_starttime , handranks [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] ;
int8_t betstatus [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] , actions [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] , turnis [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] ;
uint8_t numactions , undergun , community [ 5 ] , sharenrs [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] [ 255 ] , hands [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] [ 7 ] ;
} ;
struct hostnet777_mtime { uint32_t starttime ; int64_t millistart ; double millidiff ; } ;
struct cards777_pubdata
int64_t snapshot [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] ;
uint64_t maxrake , hostrake , bigblind , ante , pangearake , summaries , mismatches ;
uint32_t button , readymask , numhands , rakemillis , minbuyin , maxbuyin , summarysize ;
void * table ; struct cards777_handinfo hand ;
char newhand [ 65536 ] , coinstr [ 16 ] ; uint8_t M , N , numcards , summary [ 65536 ] ; bits256 data [ ] ;
} ;
struct cards777_privdata
bits256 holecards [ 2 ] , * audits , * outcards , * xoverz ;
uint8_t * myshares [ CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS ] , * allshares , hole [ 2 ] , cardis [ 2 ] , automuck , autofold ; bits256 data [ ] ;
} ;
struct hostnet777_endpoint { char endpoint [ 128 ] , transport [ 16 ] , ipaddr [ 64 ] ; uint16_t port ; } ;
struct hostnet777_id { bits256 pubkey ; uint64_t nxt64bits ; void * privdata , * pubdata ; int32_t pmsock ; uint32_t lastcontact ; } ;
union hostnet777 { struct hostnet777_server * server ; struct hostnet777_client * client ; } ;
struct hostnet777_hdr
queue_t Q ; bits256 privkey , pubkey ; struct hostnet777_mtime mT ;
void * privdata , * pubdata ; uint64_t nxt64bits ; //,recvhashes[64];
void ( * pollfunc ) ( union hostnet777 * hn ) ;
uint32_t lastping ; int32_t slot , done , state , ind ;
} ;
struct hostnet777_client { struct hostnet777_hdr H ; int32_t subsock ; struct hostnet777_id my ; uint64_t balance , tableid ; } ;
struct hostnet777_server
struct hostnet777_hdr H ;
int32_t num , max , pubsock ; struct hostnet777_endpoint ep ; //queue_t mailboxQ[CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS];
struct hostnet777_id clients [ ] ;
} ;
void hostnet777_msg ( uint64_t destbits , bits256 destpub , union hostnet777 * src , int32_t blindflag , char * jsonstr , int32_t len ) ;
int32_t cards777_testinit ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , int32_t M , struct hostnet777_client * * clients , int32_t N , int32_t numcards ) ;
bits256 cards777_decode ( bits256 * seedp , bits256 * xoverz , int32_t destplayer , bits256 cipher , bits256 * outcards , int32_t numcards , int32_t N ) ;
bits256 cards777_cardpriv ( bits256 playerpriv , bits256 * cardpubs , int32_t numcards , bits256 cipher ) ;
uint8_t * cards777_encode ( bits256 * encoded , bits256 * xoverz , uint8_t * allshares , uint8_t * myshares [ ] , uint8_t * sharenrs , int32_t M , bits256 * ciphers , int32_t numcards , int32_t N ) ;
bits256 cards777_initdeck ( bits256 * cards , bits256 * cardpubs , int32_t numcards , int32_t N , bits256 * playerpubs , bits256 * playerprivs ) ;
int32_t init_sharenrs ( unsigned char sharenrs [ 255 ] , unsigned char * orig , int32_t m , int32_t n ) ;
uint32_t set_handstr ( char * handstr , uint8_t cards [ 7 ] , int32_t verbose ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_idle ( union hostnet777 * hn ) ;
void msleep ( uint32_t milliseconds ) ;
struct cards777_privdata * cards777_allocpriv ( int32_t numcards , int32_t N ) ;
struct cards777_pubdata * cards777_allocpub ( int32_t M , int32_t numcards , int32_t N ) ;
struct hostnet777_server * hostnet777_server ( bits256 srvprivkey , bits256 srvpubkey , char * transport , char * ipaddr , uint16_t port , int32_t maxclients ) ;
struct hostnet777_client * hostnet777_client ( bits256 privkey , bits256 pubkey , char * srvendpoint , int32_t slot ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_register ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 clientpub , int32_t slot ) ;
int32_t cards777_checkcard ( bits256 * cardprivp , int32_t cardi , int32_t slot , int32_t destplayer , bits256 playerpriv , bits256 * cardpubs , int32_t numcards , bits256 card ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_init ( union hostnet777 * hn , bits256 * privkeys , int32_t num , int32_t launchflag ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_sendmsg ( union hostnet777 * ptr , bits256 destpub , bits256 mypriv , bits256 mypub , uint8_t * msg , int32_t len ) ;
int64_t hostnet777_convmT ( struct hostnet777_mtime * mT , int64_t othermillitime ) ;
bits256 cards777_pubkeys ( bits256 * pubkeys , int32_t numcards , bits256 cmppubkey ) ;
int32_t pangea_tableaddr ( struct cards777_pubdata * dp , uint64_t destbits ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_copybits ( int32_t reverse , uint8_t * dest , uint8_t * src , int32_t len ) ;
int32_t cards777_validate ( bits256 cardpriv , bits256 final , bits256 * cardpubs , int32_t numcards , bits256 * audit , int32_t numplayers , bits256 playerpub ) ;
void * hostnet777_idler ( union hostnet777 * ptr ) ;
int32_t nn_socket_status ( int32_t sock , int32_t timeoutmillis ) ;
int32_t nn_createsocket ( char * endpoint , int32_t bindflag , char * name , int32_t type , uint16_t port , int32_t sendtimeout , int32_t recvtimeout ) ;
void free_queueitem ( void * itemptr ) ;
struct pangea_info * pangea_find ( uint64_t tableid , int32_t threadid ) ;
int32_t pangea_ind ( struct pangea_info * sp , int32_t slot ) ;
int32_t pangea_slot ( struct pangea_info * sp , int32_t ind ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_replace ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 clientpub , int32_t slot ) ;
extern int32_t Debuglevel ;
# endif
# else
# ifndef hostnet777_c
# define hostnet777_c
# ifndef hostnet777_h
# include "hostnet777.c"
# endif
# include "../includes/tweetnacl.h"
# include "../includes/curve25519.h"
static const bits256 zeropoint ;
int64_t hostnet777_convmT ( struct hostnet777_mtime * mT , int64_t othermillitime )
int64_t lag , millitime , millis = ( uint64_t ) milliseconds ( ) ;
if ( mT - > starttime = = 0 )
mT - > starttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
mT - > millistart = millis ;
printf ( " set millistart.%p %lld \n " , mT , ( long long ) millis ) ;
//printf("%p millis.%lld - millistart.%lld = %lld\n",mT,(long long)millis,(long long)mT->millistart,(long long)(millis - mT->millistart));
millitime = ( millis - mT - > millistart ) + ( ( long long ) mT - > starttime * 1000 ) ;
if ( othermillitime ! = 0 )
millitime + = mT - > millidiff ;
lag = ( othermillitime - millitime ) ;
mT - > millidiff = ( mT - > millidiff * .9 ) + ( .1 * lag ) ;
return ( millitime ) ;
double hostnet777_updatelag ( uint64_t senderbits , int64_t millitime , int64_t now )
printf ( " updatelag %llu: %lld \n " , ( long long ) senderbits , ( long long ) ( millitime - now ) ) ;
return ( millitime - now ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_send ( int32_t sock , void * ptr , int32_t len )
static int32_t numerrs ;
int32_t j , sendlen = 0 ;
if ( sock > = 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j + + )
if ( ( nn_socket_status ( sock , 100 ) & NN_POLLOUT ) ! = 0 )
break ;
if ( j = = 10 )
printf ( " socket.%d not ready \n " , sock ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j + + )
char * nn_err_strerror ( ) ;
int32_t nn_err_errno ( ) ;
if ( ( sendlen = nn_send ( sock , ptr , len , 0 ) ) = = len )
break ;
if ( numerrs + + < 100 )
printf ( " numerrs.%d retry.%d for sock.%d len.%d vs sendlen.%d (%s) (%s) \n " , numerrs , j , sock , len , sendlen , ( char * ) ( len < 512 ? ptr : " " ) , nn_err_strerror ( nn_err_errno ( ) ) ) ;
msleep ( 100 ) ;
//printf("hostnet777_send.%d j.%d len.%d sendlen.%d\n",sock,j,len,sendlen);
} else printf ( " hostnet777_send neg socket \n " ) ;
return ( sendlen ) ;
struct hostnet777_id * hostnet777_find64 ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , uint64_t senderbits )
int32_t i ;
if ( srv - > num > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < srv - > max ; i + + )
if ( srv - > clients [ i ] . nxt64bits = = senderbits )
return ( & srv - > clients [ i ] ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_sendsock ( union hostnet777 * ptr , uint64_t destbits )
int32_t ind ; //struct hostnet777_id *client;
if ( ( ind = ptr - > client - > H . slot ) ! = 0 )
//printf("client.%p ind.%d: %d %d\n",ptr->client,ind,ptr->client->pushsock,ptr->client->my.pmsock);
//if ( 1 || destbits == 0 )
// return(ptr->client->pushsock);
return ( ptr - > client - > my . pmsock ) ;
//printf("server.%p ind.%d: %d %d\n",ptr->server,ind,ptr->server->pullsock,ptr->server->pubsock);
//if ( destbits == 0 )
return ( ptr - > server - > pubsock ) ;
/*else if ( (client= hostnet777_find64(ptr->server,destbits)) != 0 )
//printf("SERVER -> ind.%d: %d %d\n",ind,ptr->server->pubsock,client->pmsock);
return ( client - > pmsock ) ;
} else printf ( " error cant find %llu in server clients \n " , ( long long ) destbits ) ; */
return ( - 1 ) ;
struct hostnet777_id * hostnet777_find ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 senderpub )
int32_t i ; uint64_t senderbits = acct777_nxt64bits ( senderpub ) ;
if ( srv - > num > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < srv - > max ; i + + )
if ( srv - > clients [ i ] . nxt64bits = = senderbits )
return ( & srv - > clients [ i ] ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void hostnet777_lastcontact ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 senderpub )
struct hostnet777_id * ptr ;
if ( ( ptr = hostnet777_find ( srv , senderpub ) ) ! = 0 )
ptr - > lastcontact = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_copybits ( int32_t reverse , uint8_t * dest , uint8_t * src , int32_t len )
int32_t i ; uint8_t * tmp ;
if ( reverse ! = 0 )
tmp = dest ;
dest = src ;
src = tmp ;
//printf("src.%p dest.%p len.%d\n",src,dest,len);
//for (i=0; i<len; i++)
// dest[i] = 0;
memset ( dest , 0 , len ) ;
len < < = 3 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + )
if ( GETBIT ( src , i ) ! = 0 )
SETBIT ( dest , i ) ;
return ( len > > 3 ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_serialize ( int32_t reverse , bits256 * senderpubp , uint64_t * senderbitsp , bits256 * sigp , uint32_t * timestampp , uint64_t * destbitsp , uint8_t * origbuf )
uint8_t * buf = origbuf ; long extra = sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( uint64_t ) + sizeof ( uint64_t ) ;
buf + = hostnet777_copybits ( reverse , buf , ( void * ) destbitsp , sizeof ( uint64_t ) ) ;
buf + = hostnet777_copybits ( reverse , buf , senderpubp - > bytes , sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
buf + = hostnet777_copybits ( reverse , buf , ( void * ) senderbitsp , sizeof ( uint64_t ) ) ;
buf + = hostnet777_copybits ( reverse , buf , ( void * ) timestampp , sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) , extra + = sizeof ( uint32_t ) ;
if ( * senderbitsp ! = 0 )
buf + = hostnet777_copybits ( reverse , buf , sigp - > bytes , sizeof ( bits256 ) ) , extra + = sizeof ( bits256 ) ;
else memset ( sigp , 0 , sizeof ( * sigp ) ) ;
if ( ( ( long ) buf - ( long ) origbuf ) ! = extra )
printf ( " hostnet777_serialize: extrasize mismatch %ld vs %ld \n " , ( ( long ) buf - ( long ) origbuf ) , extra ) ;
return ( ( int32_t ) extra ) ;
uint8_t * hostnet777_encode ( int32_t * cipherlenp , void * str , int32_t len , bits256 destpubkey , bits256 myprivkey , bits256 mypubkey , uint64_t senderbits , bits256 sig , uint32_t timestamp )
uint8_t * buf , * nonce , * cipher , * ptr ; uint64_t destbits ; int32_t totalsize , hdrlen ; long extra = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + sizeof ( sig ) ;
destbits = ( memcmp ( destpubkey . bytes , GENESIS_PUBKEY . bytes , sizeof ( destpubkey ) ) ! = 0 ) ? acct777_nxt64bits ( destpubkey ) : 0 ;
totalsize = ( int32_t ) ( len + sizeof ( mypubkey ) + sizeof ( senderbits ) + sizeof ( destbits ) + sizeof ( timestamp ) ) ;
* cipherlenp = 0 ;
if ( ( buf = calloc ( 1 , totalsize + extra ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777_encode: outof mem for buf[%ld] \n " , totalsize + extra ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( cipher = calloc ( 1 , totalsize + extra ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777_encode: outof mem for cipher[%ld] \n " , totalsize + extra ) ;
free ( buf ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ptr = cipher ;
hdrlen = hostnet777_serialize ( 0 , & mypubkey , & senderbits , & sig , & timestamp , & destbits , cipher ) ;
if ( senderbits ! = 0 )
totalsize + = sizeof ( sig ) ; //, printf("totalsize.%d extra.%ld add %ld\n",totalsize-len,extra,(long)(sizeof(sig) + sizeof(timestamp)));
if ( destbits ! = 0 & & senderbits ! = 0 )
totalsize + = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ; //, printf("totalsize.%d extra.%ld add %d\n",totalsize-len,extra,crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES);
nonce = & cipher [ hdrlen ] ;
randombytes ( nonce , crypto_box_NONCEBYTES ) ;
cipher = & nonce [ crypto_box_NONCEBYTES ] ;
//printf("len.%d -> %d %d\n",len,len+crypto_box_ZEROBYTES,len + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
memset ( cipher , 0 , len + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ) ;
memset ( buf , 0 , crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ) ;
memcpy ( buf + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES , str , len ) ;
crypto_box ( cipher , buf , len + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES , nonce , destpubkey . bytes , myprivkey . bytes ) ;
hdrlen + = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ;
else memcpy ( & cipher [ hdrlen ] , str , len ) ;
if ( totalsize ! = len + hdrlen )
printf ( " unexpected totalsize.%d != len.%d + hdrlen.%d %d \n " , totalsize , len , hdrlen , len + hdrlen ) ;
free ( buf ) ;
* cipherlenp = totalsize ;
return ( ptr ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_decode ( uint64_t * senderbitsp , bits256 * sigp , uint32_t * timestampp , uint64_t * destbitsp , uint8_t * str , uint8_t * cipher , int32_t * lenp , uint8_t * myprivkey )
bits256 srcpubkey ; uint8_t * nonce ; int i , hdrlen , err = 0 , len = * lenp ;
hdrlen = hostnet777_serialize ( 1 , & srcpubkey , senderbitsp , sigp , timestampp , destbitsp , cipher ) ;
cipher + = hdrlen , len - = hdrlen ;
if ( * destbitsp ! = 0 & & * senderbitsp ! = 0 )
nonce = cipher ;
cipher + = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES , len - = crypto_box_NONCEBYTES ;
err = crypto_box_open ( ( uint8_t * ) str , cipher , len , nonce , srcpubkey . bytes , myprivkey ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ; i + + )
str [ i ] = str [ i + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ] ;
* lenp = len - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES ;
} else memcpy ( str , cipher , len ) ;
return ( err ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_decrypt ( bits256 * senderpubp , uint64_t * senderbitsp , uint32_t * timestampp , bits256 mypriv , bits256 mypub , uint8_t * dest , int32_t maxlen , uint8_t * src , int32_t len )
bits256 seed , sig , msgpriv ; uint64_t my64bits , destbits , senderbits , sendertmp , desttmp ;
uint8_t * buf ; int32_t hdrlen , i , diff , newlen = - 1 ; HUFF H , * hp = & H ; struct acct777_sig checksig ;
* senderbitsp = 0 ;
my64bits = acct777_nxt64bits ( mypub ) ;
if ( ( buf = calloc ( 1 , maxlen ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777_decrypt cant allocate maxlen.%d \n " , maxlen ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
hdrlen = hostnet777_serialize ( 1 , senderpubp , & senderbits , & sig , timestampp , & destbits , src ) ;
if ( destbits ! = 0 & & my64bits ! = destbits & & destbits ! = acct777_nxt64bits ( GENESIS_PUBKEY ) )
free ( buf ) ;
printf ( " hostnet777_decrypt received destination packet.%llu when my64bits.%llu len.%d \n " , ( long long ) destbits , ( long long ) my64bits , len ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( memcmp ( mypub . bytes , senderpubp - > bytes , sizeof ( mypub ) ) = = 0 )
if ( destbits ! = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777: got my own msg? \n " ) ;
//printf("decrypt(%d) destbits.%llu my64.%llu mypriv.%llx mypub.%llx senderpub.%llx shared.%llx\n",len,(long long)destbits,(long long)my64bits,(long long)mypriv.txid,(long long)mypub.txid,(long long)senderpubp->txid,(long long)seed.txid);
if ( hostnet777_decode ( & sendertmp , & sig , timestampp , & desttmp , ( void * ) buf , src , & len , mypriv . bytes ) = = 0 )
if ( ( diff = ( * timestampp - ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ) ) < 0 )
diff = - diff ;
if ( 0 & & diff > HOSTNET777_MAXTIMEDIFF )
printf ( " diff.%d > %d %u vs %u \n " , diff , HOSTNET777_MAXTIMEDIFF , * timestampp , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
if ( 1 )
memset ( seed . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( seed ) ) ;
for ( i = ' 0 ' ; i < = ' 9 ' ; i + + )
SETBIT ( seed . bytes , i ) ;
for ( i = ' a ' ; i < = ' f ' ; i + + )
SETBIT ( seed . bytes , i ) ;
_init_HUFF ( hp , len , buf ) , hp - > endpos = ( len < < 3 ) ;
newlen = ramcoder_decoder ( 0 , 1 , dest , maxlen , hp , & seed ) ;
else memcpy ( dest , buf , len ) , newlen = len ;
//printf("T%d decrypted newlen.%d\n",threadid,newlen);
if ( senderbits ! = 0 & & senderpubp - > txid ! = 0 )
* senderbitsp = senderbits ;
if ( destbits = = 0 )
else msgpriv = mypriv ;
acct777_sign ( & checksig , msgpriv , * senderpubp , * timestampp , dest , newlen ) ;
if ( memcmp ( checksig . sigbits . bytes , & sig , sizeof ( checksig . sigbits ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " sender.%llu sig %llx compare error vs %llx using sig->pub from %llu, broadcast.%d \n " , ( long long ) senderbits , ( long long ) sig . txid , ( long long ) checksig . sigbits . txid , ( long long ) senderbits , destbits = = 0 ) ;
} //else printf("SIG VERIFIED newlen.%d (%llu -> %llu)\n",newlen,(long long)senderbits,(long long)destbits);
else printf ( " %llu: hostnet777_decrypt skip: decode_cipher error len.%d -> newlen.%d \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( mypub ) , len , newlen ) ;
free ( buf ) ;
return ( newlen ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_hashes ( uint64_t * hashes , int32_t n , uint8_t * msg , int32_t len )
int32_t i , firsti = - 1 ; bits256 hash ;
calc_sha256 ( 0 , hash . bytes , msg , len ) ;
printf ( " msg.%p len.%d hash.%llx \n " , msg , len , ( long long ) hash . txid ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( hashes [ i ] = = 0 & & firsti < 0 )
firsti = i ;
if ( hash . txid = = hashes [ i ] )
printf ( " filter duplicate msg %llx \n " , ( long long ) hash . txid ) ;
return ( i ) ;
if ( firsti > = 0 )
hashes [ firsti ] = hash . txid ;
for ( i = n - 1 ; i > 0 ; i - - )
hashes [ i ] = hashes [ i - 1 ] ;
hashes [ 0 ] = hash . txid ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
void hostnet777_processmsg ( uint64_t * destbitsp , bits256 * senderpubp , queue_t * Q , bits256 mypriv , bits256 mypub , uint8_t * msg , int32_t origlen , int32_t pmflag , struct hostnet777_mtime * mT )
char * jsonstr = 0 ; bits256 sig ; uint32_t timestamp ; int32_t len ; uint64_t senderbits , now , millitime ; uint8_t * ptr = 0 ; cJSON * json ; long extra ;
extra = sizeof ( * senderpubp ) + sizeof ( * destbitsp ) + sizeof ( sig ) + sizeof ( senderbits ) + sizeof ( timestamp ) ;
if ( ( len = origlen ) > extra )
//printf("got msglen.%d\n",origlen);
if ( ( ptr = malloc ( len * 4 + 8192 + sizeof ( struct queueitem ) - extra ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777_processmsg cant alloc queueitem \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ( len = hostnet777_decrypt ( senderpubp , & senderbits , & timestamp , mypriv , mypub , & ptr [ sizeof ( struct queueitem ) ] , len * 4 , msg , len ) ) > 1 & & len < len * 4 )
jsonstr = ( char * ) & ptr [ sizeof ( struct queueitem ) ] ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
millitime = j64bits ( json , " millitime " ) ;
now = hostnet777_convmT ( mT , millitime ) ;
//printf("now.%lld vs millitime.%lld lag.%lld\n",(long long)now,(long long)millitime,(long long)(millitime - now));
if ( pmflag ! = 0 & & juint ( json , " timestamp " ) ! = timestamp & & juint ( json , " timestamp " ) + 1 ! = timestamp )
printf ( " msg.(%s) timestamp.%u mismatch | now.%ld \n " , jsonstr , timestamp , ( long ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
else if ( pmflag ! = 0 & & j64bits ( json , " sender " ) ! = senderbits )
printf ( " msg.(%ld) sender.%llu mismatch vs json.%llu \n " , ( long ) strlen ( jsonstr ) , ( long long ) senderbits , ( long long ) j64bits ( json , " sender " ) ) ;
//printf("%llu: QUEUE msg.%d\n",(long long)acct777_nxt64bits(mypub),len);
//if ( hostnet777_hashes(recvhashes,64,ptr,len) < 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " host777 " , Q , ( void * ) ptr , 0 ) ;
ptr = 0 ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else printf ( " parse error.(%s) \n " , jsonstr ) ;
} else printf ( " decrypt error len.%d origlen.%d \n " , len , origlen ) ;
} else printf ( " origlen.%d \n " , origlen ) ;
if ( ptr ! = 0 )
free ( ptr ) ;
/*void hostnet777_mailboxQ(queue_t *mailboxQ,void *cipher,int32_t cipherlen)
uint16_t * ptr ; struct queueitem * item = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( struct queueitem ) + cipherlen + sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
ptr = ( uint16_t * ) ( ( long ) item + sizeof ( struct queueitem ) ) ;
ptr [ 0 ] = cipherlen ;
memcpy ( & ptr [ 1 ] , cipher , cipherlen ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " mailboxQ " , mailboxQ , item ) ;
} */
# define hostnet777_broadcast(ptr,mypriv,mypub,msg,len) hostnet777_sendmsg(ptr,zeropoint,mypriv,mypub,msg,len)
# define hostnet777_blindcast(ptr,msg,len) hostnet777_sendmsg(ptr,zeropoint,zeropoint,zeropoint,msg,len)
# define hostnet777_signedPM(ptr,destpub,mypriv,mypub,msg,len) hostnet777_sendmsg(ptr,destpub,mypriv,mypub,msg,len)
# define hostnet777_blindPM(ptr,destpub,msg,len) hostnet777_sendmsg(ptr,destpub,zeropoint,zeropoint,msg,len)
int32_t hostnet777_sendmsg ( union hostnet777 * ptr , bits256 destpub , bits256 mypriv , bits256 mypub , uint8_t * msg , int32_t len )
int32_t cipherlen , datalen , sendsock , i ; bits256 seed ; uint8_t * data = 0 , * cipher ; uint64_t destbits ; struct acct777_sig sig ; HUFF H , * hp = & H ;
if ( destpub . txid ! = 0 )
destbits = acct777_nxt64bits ( destpub ) ;
destbits = 0 ;
destpub = GENESIS_PUBKEY ;
//printf("hostnet777_sendmsg dest.%llu destpub.%llx priv.%llx pub.%llx\n",(long long)destbits,(long long)destpub.txid,(long long)mypriv.txid,(long long)mypub.txid);
memset ( & sig , 0 , sizeof ( sig ) ) ;
if ( mypub . txid = = 0 | | mypriv . txid = = 0 )
mypriv = curve25519_keypair ( & mypub ) , sig . timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
else acct777_sign ( & sig , mypriv , destpub , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) , msg , len ) ;
if ( ( sendsock = hostnet777_sendsock ( ptr , mypriv . txid ! = 0 ? destbits : 0 ) ) < 0 )
printf ( " %llu: ind.%d no sendsock for %llx -> %llu \n " , ( long long ) ptr - > client - > H . nxt64bits , ptr - > client - > H . slot , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( mypub ) , ( long long ) destbits ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( 1 )
memset ( seed . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( seed ) ) ;
data = calloc ( 1 , len * 2 ) ;
_init_HUFF ( hp , len * 2 , data ) ;
for ( i = ' 0 ' ; i < = ' 9 ' ; i + + )
SETBIT ( seed . bytes , i ) ;
for ( i = ' a ' ; i < = ' f ' ; i + + )
SETBIT ( seed . bytes , i ) ;
ramcoder_encoder ( 0 , 1 , msg , len , hp , 0 , & seed ) ;
datalen = hconv_bitlen ( hp - > bitoffset ) ;
else data = msg , datalen = len ;
if ( ( cipher = hostnet777_encode ( & cipherlen , data , datalen , destpub , mypriv , mypub , sig . signer64bits , sig . sigbits , sig . timestamp ) ) ! = 0 )
hostnet777_send ( sendsock , cipher , cipherlen ) ;
free ( cipher ) ;
if ( data ! = msg )
free ( data ) ;
return ( cipherlen ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_idle ( union hostnet777 * hn )
int32_t len , slot , sock , n = 0 ; bits256 senderpub , mypriv , mypub ; uint64_t destbits ; uint8_t * msg ;
long extra = sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( uint64_t ) ;
if ( ( slot = hn - > client - > H . slot ) ! = 0 )
mypriv = hn - > client - > H . privkey , mypub = hn - > client - > H . pubkey ;
if ( ( sock = hn - > client - > subsock ) > = 0 & & ( len = nn_recv ( sock , & msg , NN_MSG , 0 ) ) > extra )
hostnet777_copybits ( 1 , msg , ( void * ) & destbits , sizeof ( uint64_t ) ) ;
//printf("client got pub len.%d\n",len);
if ( destbits = = 0 | | destbits = = hn - > client - > H . nxt64bits )
hostnet777_processmsg ( & destbits , & senderpub , & hn - > client - > H . Q , mypriv , mypub , msg , len , 0 , & hn - > client - > H . mT ) , n + + ;
nn_freemsg ( msg ) ;
} else if ( hn - > client - > H . pollfunc ! = 0 )
( * hn - > client - > H . pollfunc ) ( hn ) ;
//printf("server idle %.0f\n",milliseconds());
mypriv = hn - > server - > H . privkey , mypub = hn - > server - > H . pubkey ;
for ( slot = 1 ; slot < hn - > server - > num ; slot + + )
//printf("check ind.%d %.0f\n",ind,milliseconds());
if ( ( sock = hn - > server - > clients [ slot ] . pmsock ) > = 0 & & ( len = nn_recv ( sock , & msg , NN_MSG , 0 ) ) > extra )
//printf("server got pm[%d] %d\n",slot,len);
hostnet777_copybits ( 1 , msg , ( void * ) & destbits , sizeof ( uint64_t ) ) ;
if ( destbits = = 0 | | destbits = = hn - > server - > H . nxt64bits )
hostnet777_processmsg ( & destbits , & senderpub , & hn - > server - > H . Q , mypriv , mypub , msg , len , 1 , & hn - > server - > H . mT ) ;
hostnet777_lastcontact ( hn - > server , senderpub ) ;
hostnet777_send ( hn - > server - > pubsock , msg , len ) ;
nn_freemsg ( msg ) ;
if ( hn - > server - > H . pollfunc ! = 0 )
( * hn - > server - > H . pollfunc ) ( hn ) ;
return ( n ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_replace ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 clientpub , int32_t slot )
char endpoint [ 128 ] , buf [ 128 ] ; uint64_t nxt64bits = acct777_nxt64bits ( clientpub ) ;
sprintf ( endpoint , " %s://%s:%u " , srv - > ep . transport , srv - > ep . ipaddr , srv - > ep . port + slot + 1 ) ;
//sprintf(buf,"%s://",srv->ep.transport,srv->ep.port + slot + 1);
strcpy ( buf , endpoint ) ;
if ( srv - > clients [ slot ] . pmsock < 0 )
srv - > clients [ slot ] . pmsock = nn_createsocket ( buf , 1 , " NN_PULL " , NN_PULL , srv - > ep . port + slot + 1 , 10 , 10 ) ;
printf ( " NN_PULL.%d for slot.%d \n " , srv - > clients [ slot ] . pmsock , slot ) ;
srv - > clients [ slot ] . pubkey = clientpub ;
srv - > clients [ slot ] . nxt64bits = nxt64bits ;
srv - > clients [ slot ] . lastcontact = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
return ( srv - > clients [ slot ] . pmsock ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_register ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , bits256 clientpub , int32_t slot )
int32_t i , n ; struct hostnet777_id * ptr ;
if ( slot < 0 )
if ( ( ptr = hostnet777_find ( srv , clientpub ) ) ! = 0 )
slot = ( int32_t ) ( ( ( long ) ptr - ( long ) srv - > clients ) / sizeof ( * srv - > clients ) ) ;
//printf("hostnet777_register: deregister slot.%d\n",slot);
if ( ptr - > pmsock > = 0 )
nn_shutdown ( ptr - > pmsock , 0 ) ;
memset ( ptr , 0 , sizeof ( * ptr ) ) ;
ptr - > pmsock = - 1 ;
srv - > num - - ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( slot = 1 ; slot < srv - > max ; slot + + )
if ( srv - > clients [ slot ] . nxt64bits = = 0 )
break ;
if ( srv - > num > = srv - > max )
printf ( " hostnet777_register: cant register anymore num.%d vs max.%d \n " , srv - > num , srv - > max ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( ptr = hostnet777_find ( srv , clientpub ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " hostnet777_register: cant register duplicate %llu \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( clientpub ) ) ;
return ( ( int32_t ) ( ( ( long ) ptr - ( long ) srv - > clients ) / sizeof ( * srv - > clients ) ) ) ;
if ( slot ! = srv - > num )
printf ( " hostnet777_register: cant register slot.%d vs num.%d vs max.%d \n " , slot , srv - > num , srv - > max ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
hostnet777_replace ( srv , clientpub , slot ) ;
srv - > num + + ;
for ( i = n = 0 ; i < srv - > max ; i + + )
if ( srv - > clients [ i ] . nxt64bits ! = 0 )
n + + ;
if ( n ! = srv - > num )
printf ( " mismatched nonz nxt64bits n.%d vs %d \n " , n , srv - > num ) ;
srv - > num = n ;
return ( slot ) ;
struct hostnet777_client * hostnet777_client ( bits256 privkey , bits256 pubkey , char * srvendpoint , int32_t slot )
char endbuf [ 128 ] , endbuf2 [ 128 ] ; uint16_t port ; struct hostnet777_client * ptr ;
ptr = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * ptr ) ) ;
ptr - > H . slot = slot ;
ptr - > H . privkey = privkey , ptr - > H . pubkey = ptr - > my . pubkey = pubkey ;
ptr - > H . nxt64bits = ptr - > my . nxt64bits = acct777_nxt64bits ( pubkey ) ;
ptr - > my . lastcontact = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
strcpy ( endbuf , srvendpoint ) ;
endbuf [ strlen ( endbuf ) - 4 ] = 0 ;
port = atoi ( & srvendpoint [ strlen ( endbuf ) ] ) ;
sprintf ( endbuf2 , " %s%u " , endbuf , port + 1 + slot ) ;
ptr - > my . pmsock = nn_createsocket ( endbuf2 , 0 , " NN_PUSH " , NN_PUSH , 0 , 10 , 100 ) ;
printf ( " NN_PUSH %d from (%s) port.%d \n " , ptr - > my . pmsock , endbuf2 , port + 1 + slot ) ;
sprintf ( endbuf2 , " %s%u " , endbuf , port ) ;
ptr - > subsock = nn_createsocket ( endbuf2 , 0 , " NN_SUB " , NN_SUB , 0 , 10 , 100 ) ;
printf ( " SUB %d from (%s) port.%d \n " , ptr - > subsock , endbuf2 , port ) ;
nn_setsockopt ( ptr - > subsock , NN_SUB , NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE , " " , 0 ) ;
//ptr->pushsock = nn_createsocket(endbuf2,0,"NN_PUSH",NN_PUSH,0,10,1);
//printf("PUSH %d to (%s)\n",ptr->pushsock,endbuf2);
return ( ptr ) ;
void hostnet777_freeclient ( struct hostnet777_client * client )
client - > H . done = 1 ;
if ( client - > subsock > = 0 )
nn_shutdown ( client - > subsock , 0 ) ;
//if ( client->pushsock >= 0 )
// nn_shutdown(client->pushsock,0);
if ( client - > my . pmsock > = 0 )
nn_shutdown ( client - > my . pmsock , 0 ) ;
void hostnet777_freeserver ( struct hostnet777_server * srv )
int32_t ind ;
srv - > H . done = 1 ;
//if ( srv->pullsock >= 0 )
// nn_shutdown(srv->pullsock,0);
if ( srv - > pubsock > = 0 )
nn_shutdown ( srv - > pubsock , 0 ) ;
for ( ind = 1 ; ind < srv - > max ; ind + + )
if ( srv - > clients [ ind ] . pmsock > = 0 )
nn_shutdown ( srv - > clients [ ind ] . pmsock , 0 ) ;
struct hostnet777_server * hostnet777_server ( bits256 srvprivkey , bits256 srvpubkey , char * transport , char * ipaddr , uint16_t port , int32_t maxclients )
struct hostnet777_server * srv ; int32_t i ; struct hostnet777_endpoint * ep ; char buf [ 128 ] ;
srv = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * srv ) + maxclients * sizeof ( struct hostnet777_id ) ) ;
srv - > max = maxclients ;
ep = & srv - > ep ;
if ( ( ep - > port = port ) = = 0 )
ep - > port = port = 8000 + ( rand ( ) % 1000 ) ;
if ( transport = = 0 | | transport [ 0 ] = = 0 )
transport = TEST_TRANSPORT ;
if ( ipaddr = = 0 | | ipaddr [ 0 ] = = 0 )
ipaddr = " " ;
strcpy ( ep - > transport , transport ) , strcpy ( ep - > ipaddr , ipaddr ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxclients ; i + + )
srv - > clients [ i ] . pmsock = - 1 ;
srv - > H . privkey = srvprivkey ;
srv - > H . pubkey = srv - > clients [ 0 ] . pubkey = srvpubkey ;
srv - > H . nxt64bits = srv - > clients [ 0 ] . nxt64bits = acct777_nxt64bits ( srvpubkey ) ;
sprintf ( ep - > endpoint , " %s://%s:%u " , transport , ipaddr , port ) ;
if ( strcmp ( transport , " tcpmux " ) = = 0 )
strcat ( ep - > endpoint , " /pangea " ) ;
strcpy ( buf , ep - > endpoint ) ;
srv - > pubsock = nn_createsocket ( buf , 1 , " NN_PUB " , NN_PUB , port , 10 , 100 ) ;
printf ( " PUB.%d to (%s) pangeaport.%d \n " , srv - > pubsock , ep - > endpoint , port ) ;
srv - > num = 1 ;
return ( srv ) ;
void * hostnet777_idler ( union hostnet777 * ptr )
while ( ptr - > client - > H . done = = 0 )
if ( hostnet777_idle ( ptr ) = = 0 )
msleep ( 1 ) ;
//printf("hostnet777_idler ind.%d done\n",ptr->client->H.slot);
sleep ( 1 ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void hostnet777_msg ( uint64_t destbits , bits256 destpub , union hostnet777 * src , int32_t blindflag , char * jsonstr , int32_t len )
if ( destbits = = 0 )
//printf(">>>>>>>>> blind.%d broadcast from %llu, len.%d\n",blindflag,(long long)src->client->H.nxt64bits,len);
if ( blindflag ! = 0 )
hostnet777_blindcast ( src , ( uint8_t * ) jsonstr , len ) ;
else hostnet777_broadcast ( src , src - > client - > H . privkey , src - > client - > H . pubkey , ( uint8_t * ) jsonstr , len ) ;
if ( src - > server - > H . slot = = 0 )
queue_enqueue ( " loopback " , & src - > client - > H . Q , queueitem ( jsonstr ) , 1 ) ;
else if ( destbits ! = src - > client - > H . nxt64bits )
//printf(">>>>>>>>> blind.%d PM from %llu to %llu\n",blindflag,(long long)src->client->H.nxt64bits,(long long)destbits);
if ( blindflag ! = 0 )
hostnet777_blindPM ( src , destpub , ( uint8_t * ) jsonstr , len ) ;
else hostnet777_signedPM ( src , destpub , src - > client - > H . privkey , src - > client - > H . pubkey , ( uint8_t * ) jsonstr , len ) ;
else queue_enqueue ( " loopback " , & src - > client - > H . Q , queueitem ( jsonstr ) , 1 ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_init ( union hostnet777 * hn , bits256 * privkeys , int32_t num , int32_t launchflag )
bits256 pubkey ; int32_t slot , threadid ; struct hostnet777_server * srv = 0 ;
for ( threadid = 0 ; threadid < num ; threadid + + )
pubkey = acct777_pubkey ( privkeys [ threadid ] ) ;
if ( threadid = = 0 )
if ( ( srv = hostnet777_server ( privkeys [ threadid ] , pubkey , 0 , 0 , 0 , num ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant create hostnet777 server \n " ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
hn [ 0 ] . server = srv ;
srv - > H . privkey = privkeys [ threadid ] , srv - > H . pubkey = pubkey ;
if ( launchflag ! = 0 & & portable_thread_create ( ( void * ) hostnet777_idler , & hn [ 0 ] ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error launching server thread \n " ) ;
if ( ( slot = hostnet777_register ( srv , pubkey , - 1 ) ) > = 0 )
if ( ( hn [ threadid ] . client = hostnet777_client ( privkeys [ threadid ] , pubkey , srv - > ep . endpoint , slot ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error creating clients[%d] \n " , threadid ) ;
hn [ threadid ] . client - > H . privkey = privkeys [ threadid ] , hn [ threadid ] . client - > H . pubkey = pubkey ;
printf ( " slot.%d client.%p -> %llu pubkey.%llx \n " , slot , hn [ threadid ] . client , ( long long ) hn [ threadid ] . client - > H . nxt64bits , ( long long ) hn [ threadid ] . client - > H . pubkey . txid ) ;
if ( launchflag ! = 0 & & portable_thread_create ( ( void * ) hostnet777_idler , & hn [ threadid ] ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error launching clients[%d] thread \n " , threadid ) ;
return ( num ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_block ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , uint64_t * senderbitsp , uint32_t * timestampp , union hostnet777 * hn , uint8_t * data , int32_t len , uint8_t * buf , int32_t maxmicro , int32_t blind , int32_t revealed )
static int32_t errs ;
char * jsonstr , * hexstr , * cmdstr , * handstr , tmp [ 128 ] ; cJSON * json ; void * val ; struct cards777_privdata * priv ; struct cards777_pubdata * dp ;
int32_t i , j , cardi , bestj , destplayer , card , senderslot , retval = - 1 ; bits256 cardpriv ; uint32_t rank , bestrank ; struct pangea_info * sp ;
* senderbitsp = 0 ;
if ( hn = = 0 | | hn - > client = = 0 )
printf ( " null hn.%p %p \n " , hn , hn ! = 0 ? hn - > client : 0 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
dp = srv - > clients [ hn - > client - > H . slot ] . pubdata ;
sp = dp - > table ;
priv = srv - > clients [ hn - > client - > H . slot ] . privdata ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxmicro ; i + + )
if ( ( jsonstr = queue_dequeue ( & hn - > client - > H . Q , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
* senderbitsp = j64bits ( json , " sender " ) ;
* timestampp = juint ( json , " timestamp " ) ;
if ( ( hexstr = jstr ( json , " data " ) ) ! = 0 & & strlen ( hexstr ) = = ( juint ( json , " n " ) < < 1 ) )
decode_hex ( buf , len , hexstr ) ;
if ( memcmp ( buf , data , len ) = = 0 )
val = hostnet777_find64 ( srv , * senderbitsp ) ;
//printf("blind.%d val.%p\n",blind,val);
if ( ( blind = = 0 & & val ! = 0 ) | | ( blind ! = 0 & & val = = 0 ) )
if ( ( cmdstr = jstr ( json , " cmd " ) ) ! = 0 )
cardi = juint ( json , " cardi " ) ;
destplayer = juint ( json , " dest " ) ;
senderslot = juint ( json , " myslot " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " pubstr " ) = = 0 )
//printf("player.%d got pubstr\n",hn->client->H.slot);
memcpy ( dp - > hand . cardpubs , buf , len ) ;
//if ( (nrs= jstr(json,"sharenrs")) != 0 )
// decode_hex(dp->hand.sharenrs,(int32_t)strlen(nrs)>>1,nrs);
memset ( dp - > hand . handranks , 0 , sizeof ( dp - > hand . handranks ) ) ;
memset ( priv - > hole , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > hole ) ) ;
memset ( priv - > holecards , 0 , sizeof ( priv - > holecards ) ) ;
memset ( dp - > hand . community , 0 , sizeof ( dp - > hand . community ) ) ;
dp - > hand . handmask = 0 ;
dp - > numhands + + ;
dp - > button + + ;
if ( dp - > button > = dp - > N )
dp - > button = 0 ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
printf ( " deprecated \n " ) ;
//sp->balances[pangea_slot(dp->button)]--, dp->balances[(pangea_slot(dp->button) + 1) % dp->N] -= 2;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " encode " ) = = 0 )
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf ( " player.%d encodes \n " , hn - > client - > H . slot ) ;
cards777_encode ( priv - > outcards , priv - > xoverz , priv - > allshares , priv - > myshares , dp - > hand . sharenrs [ pangea_ind ( dp - > table , hn - > client - > H . slot ) ] , dp - > M , ( void * ) buf , dp - > numcards , dp - > N ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " final " ) = = 0 )
memcpy ( dp - > hand . final , buf , sizeof ( * dp - > hand . final ) * dp - > N * dp - > numcards ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " decode " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( card = cards777_checkcard ( & cardpriv , cardi , pangea_ind ( dp - > table , hn - > client - > H . slot ) , destplayer , hn - > client - > H . privkey , dp - > hand . cardpubs , dp - > numcards , * ( bits256 * ) buf ) ) > = 0 )
printf ( " ERROR: player.%d got card.[%d] \n " , hn - > client - > H . slot , card ) ;
printf ( " deprecated incards, change to audits \n " ) ;
//memcpy(&priv->incards[cardi*dp->N + destplayer],buf,sizeof(bits256));
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " card " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( card = cards777_checkcard ( & cardpriv , cardi , pangea_ind ( dp - > table , hn - > client - > H . slot ) , destplayer , hn - > client - > H . privkey , dp - > hand . cardpubs , dp - > numcards , * ( bits256 * ) buf ) ) > = 0 )
//printf("player.%d got card.[%d]\n",hn->client->H.slot,card);
printf ( " deprecated incards, change to audits \n " ) ;
//memcpy(&priv->incards[cardi*dp->N + destplayer],cardpriv.bytes,sizeof(bits256));
else printf ( " ERROR player.%d got no card \n " , hn - > client - > H . slot ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " facedown " ) = = 0 )
//printf("player.%d sees that destplayer.%d got card\n",hn->client->H.slot,destplayer);
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " faceup " ) = = 0 )
if ( revealed < 0 | | revealed ! = buf [ 1 ] )
printf ( " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR " ) ;
//printf("player.%d was REVEALED.[%d] (%s) cardi.%d\n",hn->client->H.slot,buf[1],hexstr,cardi);
dp - > hand . community [ cardi - 2 * dp - > N ] = buf [ 1 ] ;
else if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " showdown " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( handstr = jstr ( json , " hand " ) ) ! = 0 )
rank = set_handstr ( tmp , buf , 0 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( handstr , tmp ) ! = 0 | | rank ! = juint ( json , " rank " ) )
printf ( " checkhand.(%s) != (%s) || rank.%u != %u \n " , tmp , handstr , rank , juint ( json , " rank " ) ) ;
//printf("sender.%d (%s) (%d %d)\n",senderslot,handstr,buf[5],buf[6]);
dp - > hand . handranks [ senderslot ] = rank ;
memcpy ( dp - > hand . hands [ senderslot ] , buf , 7 ) ;
dp - > hand . handmask | = ( 1 < < senderslot ) ;
if ( dp - > hand . handmask = = ( 1 < < dp - > N ) - 1 )
bestj = 0 ;
bestrank = dp - > hand . handranks [ 0 ] ;
for ( j = 1 ; j < dp - > N ; j + + )
if ( dp - > hand . handranks [ j ] > bestrank )
bestrank = dp - > hand . handranks [ j ] ;
bestj = j ;
rank = set_handstr ( tmp , dp - > hand . hands [ bestj ] , 0 ) ;
if ( rank = = bestrank )
for ( j = 0 ; j < dp - > N ; j + + )
rank = set_handstr ( tmp , dp - > hand . hands [ j ] , 0 ) ;
if ( tmp [ strlen ( tmp ) - 1 ] = = ' ' )
tmp [ strlen ( tmp ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
printf ( " %14s| " , tmp [ 0 ] ! = ' ' ? tmp : tmp + 1 ) ;
//printf("(%2d %2d).%d ",dp->hands[j][5],dp->hands[j][6],(int32_t)dp->balances[j]);
rank = set_handstr ( tmp , dp - > hand . hands [ bestj ] , 0 ) ;
printf ( " deprecated \n " ) ;
/*dp->balances[bestj] += 3;
printf ( " ->P%d $%-5lld %s N%d p%d $%d \n " , bestj , ( long long ) dp - > balances [ bestj ] , tmp , dp - > numhands , hn - > client - > H . slot , ( int32_t ) dp - > balances [ pangea_ind ( dp - > table , hn - > client - > H . slot ) ] ) ; */
} else printf ( " bestrank.%u mismatch %u \n " , bestrank , rank ) ;
//printf("player.%d got rank %u (%s) from %d\n",hn->client->H.slot,rank,handstr,senderslot);
retval = 0 ;
} else printf ( " NXT.%llu data mismatch %08x [%llx] vs [%llx] %08x len.%d (%s) \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( hn - > client - > H . pubkey ) , _crc32 ( 0 , data , len ) , * ( long long * ) data , * ( long long * ) buf , _crc32 ( 0 , buf , len ) , len , jsonstr ) ;
} else printf ( " NXT.%llu invalid hexstr.%p %ld %d \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( hn - > client - > H . pubkey ) , jsonstr , hexstr ! = 0 ? ( long ) strlen ( hexstr ) : 0 , len ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
} else printf ( " NXT.%llu cant parse.(%s) \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( hn - > client - > H . pubkey ) , jsonstr ) ;
free_queueitem ( jsonstr ) ;
break ;
usleep ( 1 ) ;
if ( i = = maxmicro )
printf ( " NXT.%llu timeout.%d \n " , ( long long ) acct777_nxt64bits ( hn - > client - > H . pubkey ) , i ) ;
static uint64_t sum , count , max ;
sum + = ( i + 1 ) ;
count + + ;
if ( i > max )
max = i ;
if ( ( count % 10000 ) = = 9999 )
printf ( " us.%-6d completed | ave %.1f %llu max.%llu errs.%d \n " , i , ( double ) sum / count , ( long long ) count , ( long long ) max , errs ) ;
if ( retval ! = 0 )
errs + + ;
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_testresult ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , struct hostnet777_client * * clients , int32_t numclients , union hostnet777 * src , union hostnet777 * dest , int32_t blind , uint8_t * data , int32_t len , void * buf , int32_t revealed )
uint64_t senderbits ; uint32_t timestamp , maxmicro = 100000 ; int32_t i , n , retval = - 1 ; union hostnet777 hn ;
if ( dest ! = 0 & & dest - > client ! = 0 )
//printf("PM call block on %d %llu\n",dest->client->H.slot,(long long)dest->client->H.nxt64bits);
if ( hostnet777_block ( srv , & senderbits , & timestamp , dest , data , len , buf , maxmicro , blind , revealed ) = = 0 )
retval = 0 ;
else if ( dest = = 0 | | dest - > client = = 0 )
if ( dest = = 0 )
dest = & hn , dest - > server = 0 ;
for ( i = n = 0 ; i < numclients ; i + + )
if ( i = = 0 )
dest - > server = srv ;
else dest - > client = clients [ i ] ;
//printf("broadcast call block on %d %llu\n",i,(long long)dest->client->H.nxt64bits);
if ( hostnet777_block ( srv , & senderbits , & timestamp , dest , data , len , buf , maxmicro , blind , revealed ) = = 0 )
n + + ; //, printf("verified.%d\n",i);
if ( n = = numclients )
retval = 0 ;
if ( retval ! = 0 )
for ( i = 1 ; i < numclients ; i + + )
printf ( " %llu " , ( long long ) clients [ i ] - > H . nxt64bits ) ;
printf ( " <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< srv.%llu ERROR.(%s) \n \n " , ( long long ) srv - > H . nxt64bits , ( char * ) buf ) ;
} // else printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PASS\n\n");
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t hostnet777_testiter ( struct hostnet777_server * srv , struct hostnet777_client * * clients , int32_t numclients , int32_t mode , int32_t iter )
int32_t s , d , blindflag , len , n , i , j , k , hexlen , cardi , destplayer , revealed , retval = - 1 ; uint32_t rank ; cJSON * json ;
union hostnet777 src , dest ; uint64_t srcbits ; char * cmdstr , * hex , pubstr [ 52 * 9 * 64 + 1 ] , nrs [ 512 ] , handstr [ 128 ] ;
uint8_t data [ 32768 ] ; struct cards777_privdata * priv ; struct cards777_pubdata * dp ; bits256 destpub , card , seed ;
hex = malloc ( sizeof ( data ) * 3 + 1024 ) ;
revealed = - 1 ;
rank = pubstr [ 0 ] = nrs [ 0 ] = handstr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( mode = = 0 )
cmdstr = " test " ;
cardi = destplayer = - 1 ;
if ( ( s = ( rand ( ) % numclients ) ) = = 0 )
src . server = srv ;
else src . client = clients [ s ] ;
i = s ;
srcbits = src . client - > H . nxt64bits ;
if ( ( d = ( rand ( ) % ( numclients + 1 ) ) ) = = 0 )
dest . server = srv , destpub = srv - > H . pubkey ;
else if ( d < numclients )
dest . client = clients [ d ] , destpub = clients [ d ] - > H . pubkey ;
else dest . client = 0 ;
if ( ( blindflag = ( ( rand ( ) & 256 ) ! = 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
srcbits = 0 ;
len = ( rand ( ) % ( sizeof ( data ) - 10 ) ) + 10 ;
randombytes ( data , len ) ;
blindflag = 0 ;
cardi = destplayer = - 1 ;
if ( ( i = iter ) < numclients )
dp = srv - > clients [ i ] . pubdata ;
priv = srv - > clients [ i ] . privdata ;
if ( i < numclients - 1 )
if ( iter = = 0 )
printf ( " deprecated \n " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/*bits256 playerpubs[CARDS777_MAXPLAYERS];
for ( i = 0 ; i < dp - > N ; i + + )
playerpubs [ i ] = * dp - > playerpubs [ i ] ;
dp - > hand . checkprod = cards777_initdeck ( priv - > outcards , dp - > hand . cardpubs , dp - > numcards , dp - > N , playerpubs , 0 ) ; */
cmdstr = " pubstr " ;
srcbits = srv - > H . nxt64bits ;
len = dp - > numcards * sizeof ( bits256 ) ;
sprintf ( hex , " { \" cmd \" : \" %s \" , \" cardi \" :%d, \" dest \" :%d, \" sender \" : \" %llu \" , \" timestamp \" : \" %lu \" , \" n \" :%u, \" data \" : \" " , cmdstr , cardi , destplayer , ( long long ) srcbits , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , len ) ;
n = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hex ) ;
memcpy ( data , dp - > hand . cardpubs , len ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( & hex [ n ] , data , len ) ;
strcat ( hex , " \" } " ) ;
hexlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hex ) + 1 ;
dest . client = 0 , memset ( destpub . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( destpub ) ) ;
src . server = srv ;
hostnet777_msg ( 0 , destpub , & src , blindflag , hex , hexlen ) ;
hostnet777_testresult ( srv , clients , numclients , & src , & dest , blindflag , data , len , hex , revealed ) ;
j = i + 1 , cmdstr = " encode " ;
else j = - 1 , cmdstr = " final " ;
len = sizeof ( bits256 ) * dp - > N * dp - > numcards ;
memcpy ( data , priv - > outcards , len ) ;
cardi = ( iter / numclients ) - 1 ;
dp = srv - > clients [ 0 ] . pubdata ;
destplayer = ( ( cardi + dp - > button ) % numclients ) ;
if ( cardi < numclients * 2 + 5 )
i = ( numclients - 1 ) - ( iter % numclients ) ;
if ( i > 1 )
j = i - 1 , cmdstr = " decode " ;
else if ( i = = 1 )
j = destplayer , cmdstr = " card " ;
else //if ( i == 0 )
j = - 1 ;
i = destplayer ;
if ( cardi < numclients * 2 )
cmdstr = " facedown " ;
else cmdstr = " faceup " ;
j = - 1 ;
i = ( iter % numclients ) ;
cmdstr = " showdown " ;
dp = srv - > clients [ i ] . pubdata ;
priv = srv - > clients [ i ] . privdata ;
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " showdown " ) = = 0 )
len = 7 ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < 5 ; k + + )
data [ k ] = dp - > hand . community [ k ] ;
data [ k + + ] = priv - > hole [ 0 ] ;
data [ k + + ] = priv - > hole [ 1 ] ;
rank = set_handstr ( handstr , data , 0 ) ;
card = priv - > audits [ ( cardi * numclients + destplayer ) * numclients ] ;
if ( j > = 0 )
card = cards777_decode ( & seed , priv - > xoverz , destplayer , card , priv - > outcards , dp - > numcards , numclients ) ;
if ( strcmp ( cmdstr , " facedown " ) = = 0 )
priv - > hole [ cardi / numclients ] = card . bytes [ 1 ] ;
priv - > holecards [ cardi / numclients ] = card ;
memset ( card . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( card ) ) ;
revealed = card . bytes [ 1 ] ;
//printf("cmd.%s player.%d %llx (cardi.%d destplayer.%d) card.[%d]\n",cmdstr,i,(long long)card.txid,cardi,destplayer,card.bytes[1]);
len = sizeof ( bits256 ) ;
memcpy ( data , card . bytes , len ) ;
//printf("iter.%d i.%d cardi.%d destplayer.%d j.%d\n",iter,i,cardi,destplayer,j);
if ( i = = 0 )
src . server = srv ;
else src . client = clients [ i ] ;
dp = srv - > clients [ i ] . pubdata ;
priv = srv - > clients [ i ] . privdata ;
if ( j < 0 )
dest . client = 0 ;
else if ( j = = 0 )
dest . server = srv , destpub = srv - > H . pubkey ;
else dest . client = clients [ j ] , destpub = clients [ j ] - > H . pubkey ;
srcbits = src . client - > H . nxt64bits ;
sprintf ( hex , " { \" cmd \" : \" %s \" , \" myslot \" :%d, \" hand \" : \" %s \" , \" rank \" :%u, \" cardi \" :%d, \" dest \" :%d, \" sender \" : \" %llu \" , \" timestamp \" : \" %lu \" , \" pubstr \" : \" %s \" , \" nrs \" : \" %s \" , \" n \" :%u, \" data \" : \" " , cmdstr , i , handstr , rank , cardi , destplayer , ( long long ) srcbits , ( long ) time ( NULL ) , pubstr , nrs , len ) ;
n = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hex ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( & hex [ n ] , data , len ) ;
//printf("hex.%p n.%d len.%d\n",hex,n,len);
strcat ( hex , " \" } " ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( hex ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error creating json \n " ) ;
free ( hex ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
hexlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hex ) + 1 ;
hostnet777_msg ( dest . client = = 0 ? 0 : dest . client - > H . nxt64bits , destpub , & src , blindflag , hex , hexlen ) ;
//printf("d.%d %p, s.%d %p len.%d blind.%d | dest.%p src.%p srv.%p | crc %08x\n",d,dest.client,s,src.client,len,blindflag,&dest,&src,srv,_crc32(0,hex,hexlen));
retval = hostnet777_testresult ( srv , clients , numclients , & src , & dest , blindflag , data , len , hex , revealed ) ;
free ( hex ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
void hostnet777_test ( int32_t numclients , int32_t numiters , int32_t mode )
void * portable_thread_create ( void * funcp , void * argp ) ;
int32_t i , slot , modval , errs = 0 ; union hostnet777 * hn ; struct hostnet777_server * srv ; bits256 srvpubkey , srvprivkey , pubkey , privkey ;
struct hostnet777_client * * clients ; uint32_t starttime ; uint64_t addrs [ 64 ] ; struct cards777_pubdata * dp ;
srvprivkey = curve25519_keypair ( & srvpubkey ) ;
if ( ( srv = hostnet777_server ( srvprivkey , srvpubkey , 0 , 0 , 0 , numclients ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " cant create hostnet777 server \n " ) ;
return ;
hn = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * hn ) ) ;
hn - > server = srv ;
if ( portable_thread_create ( ( void * ) hostnet777_idler , hn ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error launching server thread \n " ) ;
clients = calloc ( numclients + 1 , sizeof ( * clients ) ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < = numclients ; i + + ) // generate one error
privkey = curve25519_keypair ( & pubkey ) ;
if ( ( slot = hostnet777_register ( srv , pubkey , - 1 ) ) > = 0 )
if ( ( clients [ i ] = hostnet777_client ( privkey , pubkey , srv - > ep . endpoint , slot ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error creating clients[%d] \n " , i ) ;
hn = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * hn ) ) ;
hn - > client = clients [ i ] ;
clients [ i ] - > H . pubdata = cards777_allocpub ( ( numclients > > 1 ) + 1 , 52 , numclients ) ;
//dp->addrs = addrs;
printf ( " slot.%d client.%p -> hn.%p %llu pubkey.%llx \n " , slot , clients [ i ] , hn , ( long long ) clients [ i ] - > H . nxt64bits , ( long long ) clients [ i ] - > H . pubkey . txid ) ;
if ( portable_thread_create ( ( void * ) hostnet777_idler , hn ) = = 0 )
printf ( " error launching clients[%d] thread \n " , i ) ;
printf ( " hostnet777_test: error creating client.%d \n " , i ) ;
break ;
//printf("iter.%d server.%p: %d %d\n",i,srv,srv->pullsock,srv->pubsock);
//printf("client sendmsg.%d [%p] (%d %d %d)\n",clients[i]->H.slot,clients[i],clients[i]->pushsock,clients[i]->subsock,clients[i]->my.pmsock);
dp = srv - > H . pubdata = cards777_allocpub ( ( numclients > > 1 ) + 1 , 52 , numclients ) ;
//dp->addrs = addrs;
addrs [ 0 ] = srv - > H . nxt64bits ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < numclients ; i + + )
if ( clients [ i ] ! = 0 )
addrs [ i ] = clients [ i ] - > H . nxt64bits ;
if ( mode ! = 0 )
cards777_testinit ( srv , numclients / 2 + 1 , clients , numclients , 52 ) ;
printf ( " srv.%p %llu M.%d N.%d \n " , srv , ( long long ) srv - > H . nxt64bits , numclients / 2 + 1 , numclients ) ;
if ( i > = numclients )
starttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
modval = ( numclients + numclients * ( numclients * 2 + 5 + 1 ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numiters ; i + + )
errs + = hostnet777_testiter ( srv , clients , numclients , mode , i % modval ) ;
printf ( " hostnet777 numerrs %d of %d | %ld seconds, ave %.3f millis \n " , errs , numiters , ( long ) ( time ( NULL ) - starttime ) , 1000. * ( double ) ( time ( NULL ) - starttime ) / numiters ) ;
for ( slot = 1 ; slot < numclients ; slot + + )
if ( clients [ slot ] ! = 0 )
hostnet777_register ( srv , clients [ slot ] - > H . pubkey , - 1 ) ;
hostnet777_freeclient ( clients [ slot ] ) ;
free ( clients ) ;
hostnet777_freeserver ( srv ) ;
# endif
# endif