* Copyright © 2014 - 2018 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
struct dpow_entry * dpow_notaryfind ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct dpow_block * bp , int32_t height , int32_t * senderindp , uint8_t * senderpub )
int32_t i ;
* senderindp = - 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
if ( memcmp ( bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey , senderpub , 33 ) = = 0 )
//printf("matches notary.%d\n",i);
* senderindp = i ;
return ( & bp - > notaries [ i ] ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void dpow_utxo2entry ( struct dpow_block * bp , struct dpow_entry * ep , struct dpow_utxoentry * up )
int32_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
bp - > notaries [ i ] . othermask | = up - > othermasks [ i ] ;
ep - > commit = up - > commit ;
ep - > height = up - > height ;
ep - > recvmask | = up - > recvmask ;
ep - > bestk = up - > bestk ;
ep - > src . prev_hash = up - > srchash ;
ep - > dest . prev_hash = up - > desthash ;
ep - > src . prev_vout = up - > srcvout ;
ep - > dest . prev_vout = up - > destvout ;
void dpow_entry2utxo ( struct dpow_utxoentry * up , struct dpow_block * bp , struct dpow_entry * ep )
int32_t i ;
up - > commit = bp - > commit ;
up - > hashmsg = bp - > hashmsg ;
up - > height = bp - > height ;
up - > recvmask = bp - > recvmask ;
up - > bestk = bp - > bestk ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
up - > othermasks [ i ] = bp - > notaries [ i ] . recvmask ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
up - > pubkey [ i ] = ep - > pubkey [ i ] ;
up - > commit = ep - > commit ;
up - > height = ep - > height ;
up - > recvmask = ep - > recvmask ;
up - > bestk = ep - > bestk ;
up - > srchash = ep - > src . prev_hash ;
up - > desthash = ep - > dest . prev_hash ;
up - > srcvout = ep - > src . prev_vout ;
up - > destvout = ep - > dest . prev_vout ;
int32_t dpow_datahandler ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct dpow_info * dp , struct dpow_block * bp , uint8_t nn_senderind , uint32_t channel , uint32_t height , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
int32_t i , src_or_dest , myind = - 1 ; bits256 txid , srchash ; struct iguana_info * coin ; char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ;
memset ( srchash . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( srchash ) ) ;
dpow_notaryfind ( myinfo , bp , height , & myind , dp - > minerkey33 ) ;
if ( myind < 0 )
//printf("couldnt find myind height.%d | this means your pubkey for this node is not registered and needs to be ratified by majority vote of all notaries\n",height);
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
srchash . bytes [ i ] = dp - > minerkey33 [ i + 1 ] ;
if ( channel = = DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL | | channel = = DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL )
src_or_dest = ( channel = = DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL ) ;
coin = ( src_or_dest ! = 0 ) ? bp - > destcoin : bp - > srccoin ;
//printf("bp.%p datalen.%d\n",bp,datalen);
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
srchash . bytes [ i ] = data [ i ] ;
txid = bits256_doublesha256 ( 0 , & data [ 32 ] , datalen - 32 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( bp - > signedtx , & data [ 32 ] , datalen - 32 ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , srchash ) = = 0 )
//printf("verify (%s) it is properly signed! set ht.%d signedtxid to %s\n",coin->symbol,height,bits256_str(str,txid));
/*if ( channel == DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL )
if ( bp - > state < 1000 )
bp - > desttxid = txid ;
bp - > state = 1000 ;
dp - > destupdated = 0 ;
dpow_signedtxgen ( myinfo , dp , bp - > srccoin , bp , bp - > bestk , bp - > bestmask , myind , DPOW_SIGCHANNEL , 0 , bp - > isratify ) ;
if ( bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff )
bp - > srctxid = txid ;
printf ( " set state elapsed %d COMPLETED %s.(%s) %s.(%s) \n " , ( int32_t ) ( time ( NULL ) - bp - > starttime ) , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , bp - > desttxid ) , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str2 , txid ) ) ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
} */
init_hexbytes_noT ( bp - > signedtx , data , datalen ) ;
printf ( " txidchannel txid %s mismatch %s (%s) \n " , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , bits256_str ( str2 , srchash ) , bp - > signedtx ) ;
bp - > signedtx [ 0 ] = 0 ;
} //else printf("unhandled channel.%x\n",channel);
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t dpow_checkutxo ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct dpow_info * dp , struct dpow_block * bp , struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 * txidp , int32_t * voutp , char * coinaddr , char * srccoin )
int32_t haveutxo , completed , minutxo , n ; bits256 signedtxid ; cJSON * addresses ; char * rawtx , * sendtx ;
if ( strcmp ( " BTC " , coin - > symbol ) = = 0 )
minutxo = 199 ;
n = 10 ;
else if ( strcmp ( " KMD " , coin - > symbol ) = = 0 )
minutxo = 512 ;
n = 256 ;
minutxo = 49 ;
n = 50 ;
if ( ( haveutxo = dpow_haveutxo ( myinfo , coin , txidp , voutp , coinaddr , srccoin ) ) < = minutxo & & time ( NULL ) > dp - > lastsplit + bp - > duration & & ( bp - > myind ! = 0 | | dp - > ratifying = = 0 ) )
addresses = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
jaddistr ( addresses , coinaddr ) ;
if ( myinfo - > nosplit = = 0 & & ( rawtx = iguana_utxoduplicates ( myinfo , coin , dp - > minerkey33 , DPOW_UTXOSIZE , n , & completed , & signedtxid , 0 , addresses ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( sendtx = dpow_sendrawtransaction ( myinfo , coin , rawtx ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " sendrawtransaction.(%s) \n " , sendtx ) ;
free ( sendtx ) ;
free ( rawtx ) ;
free_json ( addresses ) ;
dp - > lastsplit = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( * txidp ) = = 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
return ( haveutxo ) ;
//uint32_t Numallocated;
int32_t dpow_opreturn_parsesrc ( bits256 * blockhashp , int32_t * heightp , bits256 * txidp , char * symbol , bits256 * MoMp , uint32_t * MoMdepthp , uint8_t * opret , int32_t opretlen , struct komodo_ccdataMoMoM
* mdata )
int32_t i , c , len , offset = 0 ; uint8_t op ;
symbol [ 0 ] = 0 ;
memset ( blockhashp - > bytes , 0 , sizeof ( * blockhashp ) ) ;
memset ( heightp , 0 , sizeof ( * heightp ) ) ;
memset ( txidp - > bytes , 0 , sizeof ( * txidp ) ) ;
memset ( MoMp - > bytes , 0 , sizeof ( * MoMp ) ) ;
memset ( MoMdepthp , 0 , sizeof ( * MoMdepthp ) ) ;
memset ( mdata , 0 , sizeof ( * mdata ) ) ;
if ( opret [ offset + + ] = = 0x6a )
if ( ( op = opret [ offset + + ] ) < 0x4c )
len = op ;
else if ( op = = 0x4c )
len = opret [ offset + + ] ;
else if ( op = = 0x4d )
len = opret [ offset + + ] ;
len = len + ( ( int32_t ) opret [ offset + + ] < < 8 ) ;
} else return ( - 1 ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwbignum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( * blockhashp ) , blockhashp - > bytes ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( * heightp ) , ( uint32_t * ) heightp ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwbignum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( * txidp ) , txidp - > bytes ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 65 ; i + + )
if ( ( c = opret [ offset + + ] ) = = 0 )
symbol [ i ] = 0 ;
break ;
if ( offset > opretlen )
break ;
symbol [ i ] = c ;
if ( offset + sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) < = opretlen )
uint32_t CCid , k ;
offset + = iguana_rwbignum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( * MoMp ) , MoMp - > bytes ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( * MoMdepthp ) , ( uint32_t * ) MoMdepthp ) ;
// MoMoM, depth, numpairs, (notarization ht, MoMoM offset)
if ( offset + 52 < = opretlen )
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( CCid ) , ( uint8_t * ) & CCid ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > kmdstarti ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > kmdendi ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwbignum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( mdata - > MoMoM ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > MoMoM ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > MoMoMdepth ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > numpairs ) ;
mdata - > len + = sizeof ( mdata - > MoMoM ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) * 4 ;
if ( offset + mdata - > numpairs * 8 = = opretlen )
mdata - > pairs = ( struct komodo_ccdatapair * ) calloc ( mdata - > numpairs , sizeof ( * mdata - > pairs ) ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < mdata - > numpairs ; k + + )
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( int32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > pairs [ k ] . notarization_height ) ;
offset + = iguana_rwnum ( 0 , & opret [ offset ] , sizeof ( uint32_t ) , ( uint8_t * ) & mdata - > pairs [ k ] . MoMoMoffset ) ;
mdata - > len + = sizeof ( uint32_t ) * 2 ;
} else if ( mdata - > numpairs > 0 )
printf ( " offset.%d + %d*8 != opretlen.%d \n " , offset , mdata - > numpairs , opretlen ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
bits256 dpow_calcMoM ( uint32_t * MoMdepthp , struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t height )
bits256 MoM ; cJSON * MoMjson , * infojson ; int32_t prevMoMheight ;
* MoMdepthp = 0 ;
memset ( MoM . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( MoM ) ) ;
if ( dpow_smallopreturn ( coin - > symbol ) ! = 0 ) // 80 byte OP_RETURN limit
return ( MoM ) ;
if ( ( infojson = dpow_getinfo ( myinfo , coin ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( prevMoMheight = jint ( infojson , " prevMoMheight " ) ) > = 0 )
if ( prevMoMheight = = 0 )
prevMoMheight = 1 ;
* MoMdepthp = ( height - prevMoMheight ) ;
//printf("%s ht.%d prevMoM.%d -> depth %d\n",coin->symbol,height,prevMoMheight,*MoMdepthp);
if ( * MoMdepthp > 1440 * 30 )
* MoMdepthp = 1440 * 30 ;
if ( * MoMdepthp > 0 & & ( MoMjson = issue_calcMoM ( coin , height , * MoMdepthp ) ) ! = 0 )
MoM = jbits256 ( MoMjson , " MoM " ) ;
free_json ( MoMjson ) ;
free_json ( infojson ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( MoM ) = = 0 )
* MoMdepthp = 0 ;
return ( MoM ) ;
void dpow_statemachinestart ( void * ptr )
void * * ptrs = ptr ;
struct supernet_info * myinfo ; struct dpow_info * dp ; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint ;
int32_t i , j , ht , extralen , destprevvout0 , srcprevvout0 , src_or_dest , numratified = 0 , kmdheight , myind = - 1 , blockindex = 0 ; uint8_t extras [ 10000 ] , pubkeys [ 64 ] [ 33 ] ; cJSON * ratified = 0 , * item ; struct iguana_info * src , * dest ; char * jsonstr , * handle , * hexstr , str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] , srcaddr [ 64 ] , destaddr [ 64 ] ; bits256 zero , MoM , merkleroot , srchash , destprevtxid0 , srcprevtxid0 ; struct dpow_block * bp ; struct dpow_entry * ep = 0 ; uint32_t MoMdepth , duration , minsigs , starttime , srctime ;
char * destlockunspent = 0 , * srclockunspent = 0 , * destunlockunspent = 0 , * srcunlockunspent = 0 ;
memset ( & zero , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
static portable_mutex_t dpowT_mutex ;
portable_mutex_init ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
MoM = zero ;
srcprevtxid0 = destprevtxid0 = zero ;
srcprevvout0 = destprevvout0 = - 1 ;
myinfo = ptrs [ 0 ] ;
dp = ptrs [ 1 ] ;
minsigs = ( uint32_t ) ( long ) ptrs [ 2 ] ;
duration = ( uint32_t ) ( long ) ptrs [ 3 ] ;
jsonstr = ptrs [ 4 ] ;
kmdheight = - 1 ;
memcpy ( & checkpoint , & ptrs [ 5 ] , sizeof ( checkpoint ) ) ;
src = iguana_coinfind ( dp - > symbol ) ;
dest = iguana_coinfind ( dp - > dest ) ;
dpow_getchaintip ( myinfo , & merkleroot , & srchash , & srctime , dp - > desttx , & dp - > numdesttx , dest ) ;
dpow_getchaintip ( myinfo , & merkleroot , & srchash , & srctime , dp - > srctx , & dp - > numsrctx , src ) ;
if ( src = = 0 | | dest = = 0 )
printf ( " null coin ptr? (%s %p or %s %p) \n " , dp - > symbol , src , dp - > dest , dest ) ;
return ;
MoMdepth = 0 ;
memset ( & MoM , 0 , sizeof ( MoM ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( src - > symbol , " KMD " ) = = 0 )
kmdheight = checkpoint . blockhash . height ;
else if ( strcmp ( dest - > symbol , " KMD " ) = = 0 )
MoM = dpow_calcMoM ( & MoMdepth , myinfo , src , checkpoint . blockhash . height ) ;
kmdheight = dest - > longestchain ;
if ( ( bp = dpow_heightfind ( myinfo , dp , checkpoint . blockhash . height ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( blockindex = dpow_blockfind ( myinfo , dp ) ) < 0 )
return ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
bp = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * bp ) ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = bp ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
printf ( " blockindex.%i allocate bp for %s ht.%d -> %s \n " , blockindex , src - > symbol , checkpoint . blockhash . height , dest - > symbol ) ;
bp - > MoM = MoM ;
bp - > MoMdepth = MoMdepth ;
bp - > CCid = dp - > fullCCid & 0xffff ;
bp - > minsigs = minsigs ;
bp - > duration = duration ;
bp - > srccoin = src ;
bp - > destcoin = dest ;
bp - > myind = - 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( bp - > notaries ) / sizeof ( * bp - > notaries ) ; i + + )
bp - > notaries [ i ] . bestk = - 1 ;
bp - > opret_symbol = dp - > symbol ;
if ( jsonstr ! = 0 & & ( ratified = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
bp - > isratify = 1 ;
if ( ( numratified = cJSON_GetArraySize ( ratified ) ) > 0 )
if ( numratified > 64 )
fprintf ( stderr , " cant ratify more than 64 notaries ratified has %d \n " , numratified ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numratified ; i + + )
item = jitem ( ratified , i ) ;
hexstr = handle = 0 ;
if ( ( hexstr = jstr ( item , " pubkey " ) ) ! = 0 & & is_hexstr ( hexstr , 0 ) = = 66 )
decode_hex ( bp - > ratified_pubkeys [ i ] , 33 , hexstr ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j + + )
if ( memcmp ( bp - > ratified_pubkeys [ j ] , bp - > ratified_pubkeys [ i ] , 33 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " ratification.%d is the same as %d, reject this donkey \n " , j , i ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( handle = jstr ( item , " handle " ) ) ! = 0 )
safecopy ( bp - > handles [ i ] , handle , sizeof ( bp - > handles [ i ] ) ) ;
if ( i = = 0 )
destprevtxid0 = jbits256 ( item , " destprevtxid0 " ) ;
destprevvout0 = jint ( item , " destprevvout0 " ) ;
srcprevtxid0 = jbits256 ( item , " srcprevtxid0 " ) ;
srcprevvout0 = jint ( item , " srcprevvout0 " ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( destprevtxid0 ) ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( srcprevtxid0 ) ! = 0 )
bp - > require0 = 1 ;
printf ( " break loop hexstr.%p handle.%p \n " , hexstr , handle ) ;
break ;
if ( i = = numratified )
bp - > numratified = numratified ;
bp - > ratified = ratified ;
printf ( " numratified.%d %s \n " , numratified , jprint ( ratified , 0 ) ) ;
} else printf ( " i.%d numratified.%d \n " , i , numratified ) ;
free_json ( ratified ) ;
bp - > pendingbestk = bp - > bestk = - 1 ;
//dp->blocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height] = bp;
dp - > currentbp = bp ;
bp - > beacon = rand256 ( 0 ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , bp - > commit . bytes , bp - > beacon . bytes , sizeof ( bp - > beacon ) ) ;
if ( bp - > isratify ! = 0 & & dp - > ratifying ! = 0 )
printf ( " new ratification starting dp->ratifying.%d \n " , dp - > ratifying ) ;
dp - > ratifying + + ;
while ( dp - > ratifying > 1 )
sleep ( 3 ) ;
printf ( " other ratifications stopped \n " ) ;
if ( dp - > ratifying ! = 0 & & bp - > isratify = = 0 )
printf ( " skip notarization ht.%d when ratifying \n " , bp - > height ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ;
dp - > ratifying + = bp - > isratify ;
if ( strcmp ( src - > chain - > symbol , " HUSH " ) = = 0 )
bitcoin_address_ex ( src - > chain - > symbol , srcaddr , 0x1c , src - > chain - > pubtype , dp - > minerkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( srcaddr , src - > chain - > pubtype , dp - > minerkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( destaddr , dest - > chain - > pubtype , dp - > minerkey33 , 33 ) ;
if ( kmdheight > = 0 )
ht = kmdheight ; ///strcmp("KMD",src->symbol) == 0 ? kmdheight : bp->height;
if ( strcmp ( " KMD " , dest - > symbol ) = = 0 )
bp - > numnotaries = komodo_notaries ( dest - > symbol , pubkeys , ht ) ;
if ( ht = = 0 )
ht = strcmp ( " KMD " , src - > symbol ) = = 0 ? src - > longestchain : dest - > longestchain ;
bp - > numnotaries = komodo_notaries ( src - > symbol , pubkeys , ht ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > numnotaries ; i + + )
//int32_t j; for (j=0; j<33; j++)
// printf("%02x",pubkeys[i][j]);
//printf(" <= pubkey[%d]\n",i);
memcpy ( bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey , pubkeys [ i ] , 33 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " KMD " , src - > symbol ) = = 0 )
memcpy ( myinfo - > notaries [ i ] , pubkeys [ i ] , 33 ) ;
if ( memcmp ( bp - > notaries [ i ] . pubkey , dp - > minerkey33 , 33 ) = = 0 )
myind = i ;
ep = & bp - > notaries [ myind ] ;
//for (j=0; j<33; j++)
// printf("%02x",dp->minerkey33[j]);
//printf(" MYIND.%d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n",myind);
if ( strcmp ( " KMD " , src - > symbol ) = = 0 )
myinfo - > numnotaries = bp - > numnotaries ;
if ( myind < 0 | | ep = = 0 )
printf ( " minerkey33-> " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , dp - > minerkey33 [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " statemachinestart this node %s %s is not official notary numnotaries.%d kmdht.%d bpht.%d \n " , srcaddr , destaddr , bp - > numnotaries , kmdheight , bp - > height ) ;
dp - > ratifying - = bp - > isratify ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ;
printf ( " statemachinestart no kmdheight.%d \n " , kmdheight ) ;
dp - > ratifying - = bp - > isratify ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ;
bp - > myind = myind ;
printf ( " [%d] notarize %s->%s %s ht.%d minsigs.%d duration.%d start.%u MoM[%d] %s CCid.%u \n " , bp - > myind , dp - > symbol , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str , checkpoint . blockhash . hash ) , checkpoint . blockhash . height , minsigs , duration , checkpoint . timestamp , bp - > MoMdepth , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > MoM ) , bp - > CCid ) ;
if ( bp - > isratify ! = 0 & & memcmp ( bp - > notaries [ 0 ] . pubkey , bp - > ratified_pubkeys [ 0 ] , 33 ) ! = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , bp - > notaries [ 0 ] . pubkey [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " current vs " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , bp - > ratified_pubkeys [ 0 ] [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " new, cant change notary0 \n " ) ;
dp - > ratifying - = bp - > isratify ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
return ;
//printf(" myind.%d myaddr.(%s %s)\n",myind,srcaddr,destaddr);
if ( myind = = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( destprevtxid0 ) ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( srcprevtxid0 ) ! = 0 & & destprevvout0 > = 0 & & srcprevvout0 > = 0 )
ep - > dest . prev_hash = destprevtxid0 ;
ep - > dest . prev_vout = destprevvout0 ;
ep - > src . prev_hash = srcprevtxid0 ;
ep - > src . prev_vout = srcprevvout0 ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifysrcutxo = srcprevtxid0 ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifysrcvout = srcprevvout0 ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifydestutxo = destprevtxid0 ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifydestvout = destprevvout0 ;
printf ( " Use override utxo %s/v%d %s/v%d \n " , bits256_str ( str , destprevtxid0 ) , destprevvout0 , bits256_str ( str2 , srcprevtxid0 ) , srcprevvout0 ) ;
if ( dpow_haveutxo ( myinfo , bp - > destcoin , & ep - > dest . prev_hash , & ep - > dest . prev_vout , destaddr , src - > symbol ) > 0 )
if ( ( strcmp ( " KMD " , dest - > symbol ) = = 0 ) & & ( ep - > dest . prev_vout ! = - 1 ) )
// lock the dest utxo if destination coin is KMD.
if ( dpow_lockunspent ( myinfo , bp - > destcoin , destaddr , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > dest . prev_hash ) , ep - > dest . prev_vout ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " >>>> LOCKED %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , dest - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > dest . prev_hash ) , ep - > dest . prev_vout ) ;
printf ( " <<<< FAILED TO LOCK %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , dest - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > dest . prev_hash ) , ep - > dest . prev_vout ) ;
if ( dpow_haveutxo ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , & ep - > src . prev_hash , & ep - > src . prev_vout , srcaddr , " " ) > 0 )
if ( ( strcmp ( " KMD " , src - > symbol ) = = 0 ) & & ( ep - > src . prev_vout ! = - 1 ) )
// lock the src coin selected utxo if the source coin is KMD.
if ( dpow_lockunspent ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , srcaddr , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > src . prev_hash ) , ep - > src . prev_vout ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " >>>> LOCKED %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , src - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > src . prev_hash ) , ep - > src . prev_vout ) ;
printf ( " <<<< FAILED TO LOCK %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , src - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > src . prev_hash ) , ep - > src . prev_vout ) ;
if ( bp - > isratify ! = 0 )
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifysrcutxo = ep - > src . prev_hash ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifysrcvout = ep - > src . prev_vout ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifydestutxo = ep - > dest . prev_hash ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . ratifydestvout = ep - > dest . prev_vout ;
bp - > mysrcutxo = ep - > src . prev_hash ;
bp - > mydestutxo = ep - > dest . prev_hash ;
/*if ( strcmp(dp->symbol,"CHIPS") == 0 && myind == 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
printf ( " >>>>>>> CHIPS myind.%d %s/v%d \n " , myind , bits256_str ( str , bp - > notaries [ myind ] . src . prev_hash ) , bp - > notaries [ myind ] . src . prev_vout ) ;
bp - > desttxid = bp - > notaries [ myind ] . src . prev_hash ;
dpow_signedtxgen ( myinfo , dp , src , bp , bp - > myind , 1LL < < bp - > myind , bp - > myind , DPOW_SIGCHANNEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
} */
bp - > recvmask | = ( 1LL < < myind ) ;
bp - > notaries [ myind ] . othermask | = ( 1LL < < myind ) ;
dp - > checkpoint = checkpoint ;
bp - > height = checkpoint . blockhash . height ;
bp - > timestamp = checkpoint . timestamp ;
bp - > hashmsg = checkpoint . blockhash . hash ;
bp - > myind = myind ;
while ( bp - > isratify = = 0 & & dp - > destupdated = = 0 )
if ( dp - > checkpoint . blockhash . height > checkpoint . blockhash . height ) //(checkpoint.blockhash.height % 100) != 0 &&
//printf("abort %s ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",dp->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height);
dp - > ratifying - = bp - > isratify ;
goto end ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
starttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( bp - > isratify = = 0 )
bp - > starttime = starttime ;
if ( strcmp ( bp - > destcoin - > symbol , " KMD " ) = = 0 )
src_or_dest = 0 ;
else src_or_dest = 1 ;
extralen = dpow_paxpending ( myinfo , extras , sizeof ( extras ) , & bp - > paxwdcrc , bp - > MoM , bp - > MoMdepth , bp - > CCid , src_or_dest , bp ) ;
bp - > notaries [ bp - > myind ] . paxwdcrc = bp - > paxwdcrc ;
printf ( " PAXWDCRC.%x myind.%d isratify.%d DPOW.%s statemachine checkpoint.%d %s start.%u+dur.%d vs %ld MoM[%d] %s \n " , bp - > paxwdcrc , bp - > myind , bp - > isratify , src - > symbol , checkpoint . blockhash . height , bits256_str ( str , checkpoint . blockhash . hash ) , starttime , bp - > duration , time ( NULL ) , bp - > MoMdepth , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > MoM ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( srchash ) ; i + + )
srchash . bytes [ i ] = dp - > minerkey33 [ i + 1 ] ;
//printf("start utxosync start.%u %u\n",starttime,(uint32_t)time(NULL));
//printf("done utxosync start.%u %u\n",starttime,(uint32_t)time(NULL));
while ( time ( NULL ) < starttime + bp - > duration & & src ! = 0 & & dest ! = 0 & & bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff )
if ( bp - > isratify = = 0 )
if ( myinfo - > DPOWS [ 0 ] - > ratifying ! = 0 )
printf ( " break due to already ratifying \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( strcmp ( bp - > destcoin - > symbol , " KMD " ) = = 0 )
src_or_dest = 0 ;
else src_or_dest = 1 ;
extralen = dpow_paxpending ( myinfo , extras , sizeof ( extras ) , & bp - > paxwdcrc , bp - > MoM , bp - > MoMdepth , bp - > CCid , src_or_dest , bp ) ;
// This is no longer be needed... It can stop notarizations dead if they have not happened for 1440 blocks.
//if ( extralen == -1 )
// break;
bp - > notaries [ bp - > myind ] . paxwdcrc = bp - > paxwdcrc ;
if ( dp - > checkpoint . blockhash . height > checkpoint . blockhash . height ) //(checkpoint.blockhash.height % 100) != 0 &&
if ( bp - > isratify = = 0 )
//printf("abort %s ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",dp->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height);
break ;
if ( dp - > ratifying > 1 )
printf ( " new ratification started. abort ht.%d \n " , bp - > height ) ;
break ;
if ( bp - > isratify = = 0 )
bits256 checkhash ;
checkhash = dpow_getblockhash ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , bp - > height ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( checkhash , bp - > hashmsg ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " %s ht.%d %s got reorged to %s, abort notarization \n " , bp - > srccoin - > symbol , bp - > height , bits256_str ( str , bp - > hashmsg ) , bits256_str ( str2 , checkhash ) ) ;
break ;
if ( bp - > state ! = 0xffffffff )
dpow_send ( myinfo , dp , bp , srchash , bp - > hashmsg , 0 , bp - > height , ( void * ) " ping " , 0 ) ;
dpow_nanomsg_update ( myinfo ) ;
dp - > lastnotarized = checkpoint . blockhash . hash ;
printf ( " notarized %s %s \n " , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , checkpoint . blockhash . hash ) ) ;
if ( 0 & & dp - > cancelratify ! = 0 & & bp - > isratify ! = 0 )
printf ( " abort pending ratify \n " ) ;
break ;
sleep ( 30 ) ;
printf ( " END isratify.%d:%d bestk.%d %llx sigs.%llx state.%x machine ht.%d completed state.%x %s.%s %s.%s recvmask.%llx paxwdcrc.%x %p %p \n " , bp - > isratify , dp - > ratifying , bp - > bestk , ( long long ) bp - > bestmask , ( long long ) ( bp - > bestk > = 0 ? bp - > destsigsmasks [ bp - > bestk ] : 0 ) , bp - > state , bp - > height , bp - > state , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str , bp - > desttxid ) , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > srctxid ) , ( long long ) bp - > recvmask , bp - > paxwdcrc , src , dest ) ;
dp - > lastrecvmask = bp - > recvmask ;
dp - > ratifying - = bp - > isratify ;
// We need to wait for notarized confirm here. If the notarization is reorged for any reason we need to rebroadcast it,
// because the mempool is stupid after the sapling update, or Alright might be playing silly games.
int8_t dest_confs = 0 , src_confs = 0 , destnotarized = 0 , srcnotarized = 0 , firstloop = 0 ;
char desttx [ 32768 ] = { 0 } , srctx [ 32768 ] = { 0 } ;
while ( destnotarized = = 0 | | srcnotarized = = 0 )
// If the round was sucessful and both notarization transactions were created successfully we will make sure they are in the chain.
if ( bits256_cmp ( bp - > desttxid , zero ) = = 0 )
break ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( bp - > srctxid , zero ) = = 0 )
break ;
int8_t send_dest = 0 , send_src = 0 ; char rettx [ 32768 ] = { 0 } ;
if ( firstloop = = 0 )
sleep ( ( rand ( ) % ( 120 - 60 ) ) + 60 ) ;
firstloop = 1 ;
// random sleep here so all nodes are checking/rebroadcasting at diffrent times.
sleep ( ( rand ( ) % ( 77 - 33 ) ) + 33 ) ;
// get the confirms for desttxid
if ( destnotarized = = 0 )
if ( ( dest_confs = dpow_txconfirms ( myinfo , bp - > destcoin , bp - > desttxid , rettx ) ) ! = - 1 )
if ( desttx [ 0 ] = = 0 & & rettx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
// save the transaction once we fetch it once, as its possible we wil not be able to always see it.
memcpy ( desttx , rettx , strlen ( rettx ) + 1 ) ;
if ( dest_confs > 2 )
// tx is notarized. or it has 100+ raw confirms. Its now final and cannot be lost, no longer need to check.
fprintf ( stderr , " [dest.%s] txid.%s is notarized. confirms.%d srcnotarized.%i \n " , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str , bp - > desttxid ) , dest_confs , srcnotarized ) ;
destnotarized = 1 ;
else if ( dest_confs = = 0 )
// not confirmed, rebroadcast it.
fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] txid.%s is not confirmed rebroadcasting.... \n " , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str , bp - > desttxid ) ) ;
if ( desttx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
send_dest = 1 ;
else if ( desttx [ 0 ] ! = 0 ) // we have the tranxation hex saved, and the tx is not in the local mempool or a block, so resend it.
fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] Cant find tx.%s rebroadcasting... \n " , dp - > dest , bits256_str ( str , bp - > desttxid ) ) ;
send_dest = 1 ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] get raw transaction error \n " , dp - > dest ) ;
if ( send_src = = 1 )
char * tmpstr = dpow_sendrawtransaction ( myinfo , bp - > destcoin , desttx ) ;
free ( tmpstr ) ;
// get the confirms for srctxid
memset ( rettx , 0 , sizeof ( rettx ) ) ; // zero out rettx!
if ( srcnotarized = = 0 )
if ( ( src_confs = dpow_txconfirms ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , bp - > srctxid , rettx ) ) ! = - 1 )
if ( srctx [ 0 ] = = 0 & & rettx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
memcpy ( srctx , rettx , strlen ( rettx ) + 1 ) ;
if ( src_confs > 2 )
fprintf ( stderr , " [src.%s] txid.%s is notarized. confirms.%i destnotarized.%i \n " , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , bp - > srctxid ) , src_confs , destnotarized ) ;
srcnotarized = 1 ;
else if ( src_confs = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] txid.%s is not confirmed rebroadcasting.... \n " , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , bp - > srctxid ) ) ;
if ( srctx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
send_src = 1 ;
else if ( srctx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] Cant find tx.%s rebroadcasting... \n " , dp - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , bp - > srctxid ) ) ;
send_src = 1 ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " [%s] get raw transaction error \n " , dp - > symbol ) ;
if ( send_src = = 1 )
char * tmpstr = dpow_sendrawtransaction ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , srctx ) ;
free ( tmpstr ) ;
# endif
end :
// unlock the dest utxo on KMD.
if ( ep ! = 0 & & strcmp ( " KMD " , dest - > symbol ) = = 0 & & ep - > dest . prev_vout ! = - 1 )
if ( dpow_unlockunspent ( myinfo , bp - > destcoin , destaddr , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > dest . prev_hash ) , ep - > dest . prev_vout ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " >>>> UNLOCKED %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , dest - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > dest . prev_hash ) , ep - > dest . prev_vout ) ;
// unlock the src selected utxo on KMD.
if ( ep ! = 0 & & strcmp ( " KMD " , src - > symbol ) = = 0 & & ep - > src . prev_vout ! = - 1 )
if ( dpow_unlockunspent ( myinfo , bp - > srccoin , srcaddr , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > src . prev_hash ) , ep - > src . prev_vout ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " >>>> UNLOCKED %s UTXO.(%s) vout.(%d) \n " , src - > symbol , bits256_str ( str2 , ep - > src . prev_hash ) , ep - > src . prev_vout ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
dp - > blocks [ blockindex ] = 0 ;
bp - > state = 0xffffffff ;
free ( bp ) ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & dpowT_mutex ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;