* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# define _issue_curl(curl_handle,label,url) bitcoind_RPC(curl_handle,label,url,0,0,0)
# define FINISH_HEIGHT 7
# define INSTANTDEX_ACCT "4383817337783094122"
# define INSTANTDEX_FEE ((long)(2.5 * SATOSHIDEN))
# include "../iguana777.h"
# include "InstantDEX_quote.h"
# define INSTANTDEX_LOCALAPI "allorderbooks", "orderbook", "lottostats", "LSUM", "makebasket", "disable", "enable", "peggyrates", "tradesequence", "placebid", "placeask", "orderstatus", "openorders", "cancelorder", "tradehistory", "balance", "allexchanges",
typedef char * ( * json_handler ) ( int32_t localaccess , int32_t valid , char * sender , cJSON * * objs , int32_t numobjs , char * origargstr ) ;
queue_t InstantDEXQ , TelepathyQ , Pending_offersQ ;
cJSON * InstantDEX_lottostats ( ) ;
//#include "NXT_tx.h"
# include "trades.h"
# include "quotes.h"
# include "subatomic.h"
# include "orderbooks.h"
# include "exchangeparse.h"
# include "exchange_trades.h"
# include "exchanges/poloniex.c"
# include "exchanges/bittrex.c"
# include "exchanges/btce.c"
# include "exchanges/bitfinex.c"
# include "exchanges/btc38.c"
# include "exchanges/huobi.c"
# include "exchanges/lakebtc.c"
# include "exchanges/quadriga.c"
# include "exchanges/okcoin.c"
# include "exchanges/coinbase.c"
# include "exchanges/bitstamp.c"
// {"plugin":"InstantDEX","method":"orderbook","baseid":"8688289798928624137","rel":"USD","exchange":"active","allfields":1}
// {"plugin":"InstantDEX","method":"orderbook","baseid":"17554243582654188572","rel":"12071612744977229797","exchange":"active","allfields":1}
// {"plugin":"InstantDEX","method":"orderbook","baseid":"6918149200730574743","rel":"XMR","exchange":"active","allfields":1}
void idle ( )
char * jsonstr , * str ; cJSON * json ; int32_t n = 0 ; uint32_t nonce ;
while ( INSTANTDEX . readyflag = = 0 )
sleep ( 1 ) ;
printf ( " INSTANTDEX.readyflag.%d \n " , INSTANTDEX . readyflag ) ; */
while ( 1 )
if ( n = = 0 )
sleep ( 1 ) ;
n = 0 ;
if ( ( jsonstr = queue_dequeue ( & InstantDEXQ , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " Dequeued InstantDEX.(%s) \n " , jsonstr ) ;
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( str = busdata_sync ( & nonce , jsonstr , " allnodes " , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
free ( str ) ;
free_json ( json ) ;
n + + ;
} else printf ( " error parsing (%s) from InstantDEXQ \n " , jsonstr ) ;
free_queueitem ( jsonstr ) ;
uint32_t _get_NXTheight ( uint32_t * firsttimep )
static uint32_t last , lastheight , lastNXTtime ;
cJSON * json ; uint32_t height = 0 ; char cmd [ 256 ] , * jsonstr ;
if ( time ( NULL ) > last + 10 )
sprintf ( cmd , " requestType=getState " ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST ( cmd ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("(%s) -> (%s)\n",cmd,jsonstr);
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( firsttimep ! = 0 )
lastNXTtime = * firsttimep = ( uint32_t ) get_cJSON_int ( json , " time " ) ;
height = ( int32_t ) get_cJSON_int ( json , " numberOfBlocks " ) ;
if ( height > 0 )
height - - ;
lastheight = height ;
free_json ( json ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
last = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
height = lastheight ;
if ( firsttimep ! = 0 )
* firsttimep = lastNXTtime ;
return ( height ) ;
void idle2 ( )
static double lastmilli ;
uint32_t NXTblock ;
//while ( INSTANTDEX.readyflag == 0 )
// sleep(1);
while ( 1 )
if ( milliseconds ( ) < ( lastmilli + 5000 ) )
sleep ( 1 ) ;
NXTblock = _get_NXTheight ( 0 ) ;
if ( 1 & & NXTblock ! = prices777_NXTBLOCK )
prices777_NXTBLOCK = NXTblock ;
//fprintf(stderr,"done idle NXT\n");
lastmilli = milliseconds ( ) ;
cJSON * InstantDEX_lottostats ( )
char cmdstr [ 1024 ] , NXTaddr [ 64 ] , buf [ 1024 ] , * jsonstr ; struct destbuf receiverstr ;
cJSON * json , * array , * txobj ; int32_t i , n , totaltickets = 0 ; uint64_t amount , senderbits ; uint32_t timestamp = 0 ;
if ( timestamp = = 0 )
timestamp = 38785003 ;
sprintf ( cmdstr , " requestType=getBlockchainTransactions&account=%s×tamp=%u&type=0&subtype=0 " , INSTANTDEX_ACCT , timestamp ) ;
if ( ( jsonstr = issue_NXTPOST ( cmdstr ) ) ! = 0 )
// printf("jsonstr.(%s)\n",jsonstr);
// mm string.({"requestProcessingTime":33,"transactions":[{"fullHash":"2a2aab3b84dadf092cf4cedcd58a8b5a436968e836338e361c45651bce0ef97e","confirmations":203,"signatureHash":"52a4a43d9055fe4861b3d13fbd03a42fecb8c9ad4ac06a54da7806a8acd9c5d1","transaction":"711527527619439146","amountNQT":"1100000000","transactionIndex":2,"ecBlockHeight":360943,"block":"6797727125503999830","recipientRS":"NXT-74VC-NKPE-RYCA-5LMPT","type":0,"feeNQT":"100000000","recipient":"4383817337783094122","version":1,"sender":"423766016895692955","timestamp":38929220,"ecBlockId":"10121077683890606382","height":360949,"subtype":0,"senderPublicKey":"4e5bbad625df3d536fa90b1e6a28c3f5a56e1fcbe34132391c8d3fd7f671cb19","deadline":1440,"blockTimestamp":38929430,"senderRS":"NXT-8E6V-YBWH-5VMR-26ESD","signature":"4318f36d9cf68ef0a8f58303beb0ed836b670914065a868053da5fe8b096bc0c268e682c0274e1614fc26f81be4564ca517d922deccf169eafa249a88de58036"}]})
if ( ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( array = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( json , " transactions " ) ) ! = 0 & & is_cJSON_Array ( array ) ! = 0 & & ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
txobj = cJSON_GetArrayItem ( array , i ) ;
copy_cJSON ( & receiverstr , cJSON_GetObjectItem ( txobj , " recipient " ) ) ;
if ( strcmp ( receiverstr . buf , INSTANTDEX_ACCT ) = = 0 )
if ( ( senderbits = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( txobj , " sender " ) ) ) ! = 0 )
expand_nxt64bits ( NXTaddr , senderbits ) ;
amount = get_API_nxt64bits ( cJSON_GetObjectItem ( txobj , " amountNQT " ) ) ;
if ( amount = = INSTANTDEX_FEE )
totaltickets + + ;
else if ( amount > = 2 * INSTANTDEX_FEE )
totaltickets + = 2 ;
free_json ( json ) ;
free ( jsonstr ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " { \" result \" : \" lottostats \" , \" totaltickets \" : \" %d \" } " , totaltickets ) ;
return ( cJSON_Parse ( buf ) ) ;
void set_best_amounts ( int64_t * baseamountp , int64_t * relamountp , double price , double volume )
double checkprice , checkvol , distA , distB , metric , bestmetric = ( 1. / SMALLVAL ) ;
uint64_t baseamount , relamount , bestbaseamount = 0 , bestrelamount = 0 ;
int32_t i , j ;
baseamount = volume * SATOSHIDEN ;
relamount = ( ( price * volume ) * SATOSHIDEN ) ;
//*baseamountp = baseamount, *relamountp = relamount;
for ( i = - 1 ; i < = 1 ; i + + )
for ( j = - 1 ; j < = 1 ; j + + )
checkprice = prices777_price_volume ( & checkvol , baseamount + i , relamount + j ) ;
distA = ( checkprice - price ) ;
distA * = distA ;
distB = ( checkvol - volume ) ;
distB * = distB ;
metric = sqrt ( distA + distB ) ;
if ( metric < bestmetric )
bestmetric = metric ;
bestbaseamount = baseamount + i ;
bestrelamount = relamount + j ;
//printf("i.%d j.%d metric. %f\n",i,j,metric);
* baseamountp = bestbaseamount ;
* relamountp = bestrelamount ;
int32_t bidask_parse ( int32_t localaccess , struct destbuf * exchangestr , struct destbuf * name , struct destbuf * base , struct destbuf * rel , struct destbuf * gui , struct InstantDEX_quote * iQ , cJSON * json )
uint64_t basemult , relmult , baseamount , relamount ; double price , volume ; int32_t exchangeid , keysize , flag ; char key [ 1024 ] , buf [ 64 ] , * methodstr ;
memset ( iQ , 0 , sizeof ( * iQ ) ) ;
iQ - > s . baseid = j64bits ( json , " baseid " ) ; iQ - > s . relid = j64bits ( json , " relid " ) ;
iQ - > s . baseamount = j64bits ( json , " baseamount " ) , iQ - > s . relamount = j64bits ( json , " relamount " ) ;
iQ - > s . vol = jdouble ( json , " volume " ) ; iQ - > s . price = jdouble ( json , " price " ) ;
copy_cJSON ( exchangestr , jobj ( json , " exchange " ) ) ;
if ( exchangestr - > buf [ 0 ] = = 0 | | find_exchange ( & exchangeid , exchangestr - > buf ) = = 0 )
exchangeid = - 1 ;
iQ - > exchangeid = exchangeid ;
copy_cJSON ( base , jobj ( json , " base " ) ) ;
copy_cJSON ( rel , jobj ( json , " rel " ) ) ;
copy_cJSON ( name , jobj ( json , " name " ) ) ;
methodstr = jstr ( json , " method " ) ;
if ( methodstr ! = 0 & & ( strcmp ( methodstr , " placeask " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( methodstr , " ask " ) = = 0 ) )
iQ - > s . isask = 1 ;
if ( iQ - > s . vol < 0. )
iQ - > s . vol = - iQ - > s . vol ;
iQ - > s . isask ^ = 1 ;
if ( methodstr ! = 0 & & strcmp ( exchangestr - > buf , " wallet " ) = = 0 & & ( iQ - > s . baseid = = NXT_ASSETID | | strcmp ( base - > buf , " NXT " ) = = 0 ) )
flag = 1 ;
if ( strcmp ( methodstr , " placeask " ) = = 0 )
methodstr = " placebid " ;
else if ( strcmp ( methodstr , " placebid " ) = = 0 )
methodstr = " placeask " ;
else if ( strcmp ( methodstr , " ask " ) = = 0 )
methodstr = " bid " ;
else if ( strcmp ( methodstr , " bid " ) = = 0 )
methodstr = " ask " ;
else flag = 0 ;
if ( flag ! = 0 )
iQ - > s . baseid = iQ - > s . relid , iQ - > s . relid = NXT_ASSETID ;
strcpy ( base - > buf , rel - > buf ) , strcpy ( rel - > buf , " NXT " ) ;
baseamount = iQ - > s . baseamount ;
iQ - > s . baseamount = iQ - > s . relamount , iQ - > s . relamount = baseamount ;
name - > buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( iQ - > s . vol > SMALLVAL & & iQ - > s . price > SMALLVAL )
iQ - > s . vol * = iQ - > s . price ;
iQ - > s . price = 1. / iQ - > s . price ;
iQ - > s . isask ^ = 1 ;
printf ( " INVERT \n " ) ;
if ( ( iQ - > s . timestamp = juint ( json , " timestamp " ) ) = = 0 )
iQ - > s . timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
copy_cJSON ( gui , jobj ( json , " gui " ) ) , strncpy ( iQ - > gui , gui - > buf , sizeof ( iQ - > gui ) - 1 ) ;
iQ - > s . automatch = juint ( json , " automatch " ) ;
iQ - > s . minperc = juint ( json , " minperc " ) ;
if ( ( iQ - > s . duration = juint ( json , " duration " ) ) = = 0 | | iQ - > s . duration > ORDERBOOK_EXPIRATION )
iQ - > s . duration = ORDERBOOK_EXPIRATION ;
InstantDEX_name ( key , & keysize , exchangestr - > buf , name - > buf , base - > buf , & iQ - > s . baseid , rel - > buf , & iQ - > s . relid ) ;
//printf(">>>>>>>>>>>> BASE.(%s) REL.(%s)\n",base->buf,rel->buf);
iQ - > s . basebits = stringbits ( base - > buf ) ;
iQ - > s . relbits = stringbits ( rel - > buf ) ;
safecopy ( iQ - > base , base - > buf , sizeof ( iQ - > base ) ) ;
safecopy ( iQ - > rel , rel - > buf , sizeof ( iQ - > rel ) ) ;
iQ - > s . offerNXT = j64bits ( json , " offerNXT " ) ;
iQ - > s . quoteid = j64bits ( json , " quoteid " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( exchangestr - > buf , " jumblr " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( exchangestr - > buf , " pangea " ) = = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( exchangestr - > buf , " pangea " ) = = 0 )
if ( juint ( json , " rakemillis " ) ! = 0 )
iQ - > s . minperc = juint ( json , " rakemillis " ) ;
if ( j64bits ( json , " bigblind " ) ! = 0 )
iQ - > s . baseamount = j64bits ( json , " bigblind " ) ;
iQ - > s . vol = ( ( double ) iQ - > s . baseamount / SATOSHIDEN ) ;
if ( j64bits ( json , " ante " ) ! = 0 )
iQ - > s . relamount = j64bits ( json , " ante " ) ;
iQ - > s . minbuyin = juint ( json , " minbuyin " ) ;
iQ - > s . maxbuyin = juint ( json , " maxbuyin " ) ;
/*if ( (iQ->s.maxrake= j64bits(json,"maxrake")) != 0 )
if ( strcmp ( base - > buf , " BTC " ) = = 0 & & iQ - > s . maxrake < SATOSHIDEN / 10 )
iQ - > s . maxrake = SATOSHIDEN / 10 ;
else if ( iQ - > s . maxrake < 10 * SATOSHIDEN )
iQ - > s . maxrake = 10 * SATOSHIDEN ;
} */
if ( iQ - > s . price = = 0. )
iQ - > s . price = 1. ;
if ( iQ - > s . vol = = 0. )
iQ - > s . vol = 1. ;
if ( iQ - > s . baseamount = = 0 )
iQ - > s . baseamount = iQ - > s . vol * SATOSHIDEN ;
if ( localaccess ! = 0 & & strcmp ( exchangestr - > buf , " jumblr " ) = = 0 )
# ifdef later
struct coin777 * coin ; int32_t maxamount ;
if ( ( coin = coin777_find ( base - > buf , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( coin - > jvin = = 0 & & coin - > jvinaddr [ 0 ] = = 0 )
coin - > jvin = - 1 ;
printf ( " initial state for jumblr.%s detected \n " , coin - > name ) ;
sleep ( 5 ) ;
if ( coin - > jvin < 0 )
printf ( " no %s unspents available for jumblr/pangea jvin.%d %.8f \n " , coin - > name , coin - > jvin , dstr ( coin - > junspent ) ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
maxamount = coin - > junspent - coin - > mgw . txfee * 2 - ( coin - > junspent > > 10 ) ;
if ( iQ - > s . baseamount > maxamount )
iQ - > s . baseamount = maxamount ;
else if ( iQ - > s . baseamount < coin - > mgw . txfee )
printf ( " jumblr/pangea amount %.8f less than txfee %.8f \n " , dstr ( iQ - > s . baseamount ) , dstr ( coin - > mgw . txfee ) ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
printf ( " %s not initialized for jumblr \n " , base - > buf ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
if ( iQ - > s . baseamount = = 0 | | iQ - > s . relamount = = 0 )
if ( iQ - > s . price < = SMALLVAL | | iQ - > s . vol < = SMALLVAL )
return ( - 1 ) ;
set_best_amounts ( & iQ - > s . baseamount , & iQ - > s . relamount , iQ - > s . price , iQ - > s . vol ) ;
if ( iQ - > s . quoteid = = 0 )
iQ - > s . quoteid = calc_quoteid ( iQ ) ;
else if ( iQ - > s . quoteid ! = calc_quoteid ( iQ ) )
printf ( " bidask_parse quoteid.%llu != calc.%llu \n " , ( long long ) iQ - > s . quoteid , ( long long ) calc_quoteid ( iQ ) ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( iQ - > s . price > SMALLVAL & & iQ - > s . vol > SMALLVAL & & iQ - > s . baseid ! = 0 & & iQ - > s . relid ! = 0 )
buf [ 0 ] = 0 , _set_assetname ( & basemult , buf , 0 , iQ - > s . baseid ) ;
printf ( " baseid.%llu -> %s mult.%llu \n " , ( long long ) iQ - > s . baseid , buf , ( long long ) basemult ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 , _set_assetname ( & relmult , buf , 0 , iQ - > s . relid ) ;
printf ( " relid.%llu -> %s mult.%llu \n " , ( long long ) iQ - > s . relid , buf , ( long long ) relmult ) ;
//basemult = get_assetmult(iQ->baseid), relmult = get_assetmult(iQ->relid);
baseamount = ( iQ - > s . baseamount + basemult / 2 ) / basemult , baseamount * = basemult ;
relamount = ( iQ - > s . relamount + relmult / 2 ) / relmult , relamount * = relmult ;
if ( iQ - > s . price ! = 0. & & iQ - > s . vol ! = 0 )
price = prices777_price_volume ( & volume , baseamount , relamount ) ;
if ( fabs ( iQ - > s . price - price ) / price > 0.001 )
printf ( " cant create accurate price ref.(%f %f) -> (%f %f) \n " , iQ - > s . price , iQ - > s . vol , price , volume ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
char * InstantDEX ( char * jsonstr , char * remoteaddr , int32_t localaccess )
char * prices777_allorderbooks ( ) ;
char * InstantDEX_tradehistory ( cJSON * json , int32_t firsti , int32_t endi ) ;
char * InstantDEX_cancelorder ( cJSON * json , char * activenxt , char * secret , uint64_t sequenceid , uint64_t quoteid ) ;
struct destbuf exchangestr , method , gui , name , base , rel ; double balance ;
char * retstr = 0 , key [ 512 ] , retbuf [ 1024 ] , * activenxt , * secret , * coinstr ; struct InstantDEX_quote iQ ; struct exchange_info * exchange ;
cJSON * json ; uint64_t assetbits , sequenceid ; uint32_t maxdepth ; int32_t invert = 0 , keysize , allfields ; struct prices777 * prices = 0 ;
//if ( INSTANTDEX.readyflag == 0 )
// return(0);
if ( jsonstr ! = 0 & & ( json = cJSON_Parse ( jsonstr ) ) ! = 0 )
// test: asset/asset, asset/external, external/external, autofill and automatch
// peggy integration
if ( bidask_parse ( localaccess , & exchangestr , & name , & base , & rel , & gui , & iQ , json ) < 0 & & ( strcmp ( exchangestr . buf , " jumblr " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( exchangestr . buf , " pangea " ) = = 0 ) )
//return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid parameters\"}"));
if ( iQ . s . offerNXT = = 0 )
iQ . s . offerNXT = IGUANA_MY64BITS ;
printf ( " isask.%d base.(%s) rel.(%s) \n " , iQ . s . isask , base . buf , rel . buf ) ;
copy_cJSON ( & method , jobj ( json , " method " ) ) ;
if ( ( sequenceid = j64bits ( json , " orderid " ) ) = = 0 )
sequenceid = j64bits ( json , " sequenceid " ) ;
allfields = juint ( json , " allfields " ) ;
if ( ( maxdepth = juint ( json , " maxdepth " ) ) < = 0 )
maxdepth = MAX_DEPTH ;
if ( exchangestr . buf [ 0 ] = = 0 )
if ( iQ . s . baseid ! = 0 & & iQ . s . relid ! = 0 )
strcpy ( exchangestr . buf , " nxtae " ) ;
else strcpy ( exchangestr . buf , " basket " ) ;
assetbits = InstantDEX_name ( key , & keysize , exchangestr . buf , name . buf , base . buf , & iQ . s . baseid , rel . buf , & iQ . s . relid ) ;
//printf("2nd isask.%d base.(%s) rel.(%s)\n",iQ.s.isask,base.buf,rel.buf);
exchange = exchange_find ( exchangestr . buf ) ;
secret = jstr ( json , " secret " ) , activenxt = jstr ( json , " activenxt " ) ;
if ( secret = = 0 )
activenxt = IGUANA_NXTADDR ;
if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " exit " ) = = 0 )
printf ( " getchar and then exit \n " ) ;
getchar ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " orderstatus " ) = = 0 )
retstr = InstantDEX_orderstatus ( json , sequenceid , iQ . s . quoteid ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " cancelorder " ) = = 0 )
retstr = InstantDEX_cancelorder ( json , jstr ( json , " activenxt " ) , jstr ( json , " secret " ) , sequenceid , iQ . s . quoteid ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " openorders " ) = = 0 )
retstr = InstantDEX_openorders ( json , IGUANA_NXTADDR , juint ( json , " allorders " ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " tradehistory " ) = = 0 )
retstr = InstantDEX_tradehistory ( json , juint ( json , " firsti " ) , juint ( json , " endi " ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " withdraw " ) = = 0 )
retstr = InstantDEX_withdraw ( json ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " balance " ) = = 0 )
if ( exchange ! = 0 & & exchange - > issue . trade ! = 0 )
if ( exchange - > issue . balances ! = 0 )
if ( exchange - > balancejson ! = 0 )
free_json ( exchange - > balancejson ) , exchange - > balancejson = 0 ;
exchange - > lastbalancetime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( ( exchange - > balancejson = ( * exchange - > issue . balances ) ( & exchange - > cHandle , exchange ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( coinstr = jstr ( json , " base " ) ) ! = 0 )
retstr = ( * exchange - > issue . parsebalance ) ( exchange , & balance , coinstr ) ;
else retstr = jprint ( exchange - > balancejson , 0 ) ;
} else retstr = clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" balances null return \" } " ) ;
} else retstr = clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no balances function \" } " ) ;
} else retstr = clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find exchange trade or balances function \" } " ) ;
printf ( " %s ptr.%p trade.%p \n " , exchangestr . buf , exchange , exchange ! = 0 ? exchange - > issue . trade : 0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " allorderbooks " ) = = 0 )
retstr = prices777_allorderbooks ( ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " allexchanges " ) = = 0 )
retstr = jprint ( exchanges_json ( ) , 1 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " lottostats " ) = = 0 )
retstr = jprint ( InstantDEX_lottostats ( ) , 1 ) ;
/* else if ( strcmp(method.buf,"tradesequence") == 0 )
//printf("call tradesequence.(%s)\n",jsonstr);
int32_t dotrade , numtrades ; struct prices777_order trades [ 256 ] ; struct pending_trade * pend ;
dotrade = juint ( json , " dotrade " ) ;
retstr = InstantDEX_tradesequence ( 0 , 0 , 0 , & numtrades , trades , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( trades ) / sizeof ( * trades ) ) , dotrade , activenxt , secret , json ) ;
if ( dotrade ! = 0 )
pend = calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( * pend ) ) ;
pend - > dir = iQ . s . isask = = 0 ? 1 : - 1 , pend - > price = iQ . s . price , pend - > volume = iQ . s . vol , pend - > orderid = iQ . s . quoteid ;
pend - > tradesjson = json ;
pend - > type = ' S ' ;
pend - > timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " PendingQ " , & Pending_offersQ . pingpong [ 0 ] , & pend - > DL , 0 ) ;
} */
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " makebasket " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( prices = prices777_makebasket ( 0 , json , 1 , " basket " , 0 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
retstr = clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" basket made \" } " ) ;
else retstr = clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt make basket \" } " ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " peggyrates " ) = = 0 )
//if ( SUPERNET.peggy != 0 )
// retstr = peggyrates(juint(json,"timestamp"),jstr(json,"name"));
//else retstr = clonestr("{\"error\":\"peggy disabled\"}");
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " LSUM " ) = = 0 )
sprintf ( retbuf , " { \" result \" : \" %s \" , \" amount \" :%d} " , ( rand ( ) & 1 ) ? " BUY " : " SELL " , ( rand ( ) % 100 ) * 100000 ) ;
retstr = clonestr ( retbuf ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " placebid " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( method . buf , " placeask " ) = = 0 )
return ( InstantDEX_placebidask ( 0 , sequenceid , exchangestr . buf , name . buf , base . buf , rel . buf , & iQ , jstr ( json , " extra " ) , secret , activenxt , json ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( exchangestr . buf , " active " ) = = 0 & & strcmp ( method . buf , " orderbook " ) = = 0 )
retstr = prices777_activebooks ( name . buf , base . buf , rel . buf , iQ . s . baseid , iQ . s . relid , maxdepth , allfields , strcmp ( exchangestr . buf , " active " ) = = 0 | | juint ( json , " tradeable " ) ) ;
else if ( ( prices = prices777_find ( & invert , iQ . s . baseid , iQ . s . relid , exchangestr . buf ) ) = = 0 )
if ( ( prices = prices777_poll ( exchangestr . buf , name . buf , base . buf , iQ . s . baseid , rel . buf , iQ . s . relid ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( prices777_equiv ( prices - > baseid ) = = prices777_equiv ( iQ . s . baseid ) & & prices777_equiv ( prices - > relid ) = = prices777_equiv ( iQ . s . relid ) )
invert = 0 ;
else if ( prices777_equiv ( prices - > baseid ) = = prices777_equiv ( iQ . s . relid ) & & prices777_equiv ( prices - > relid ) = = prices777_equiv ( iQ . s . baseid ) )
invert = 1 ;
else invert = 0 , printf ( " baserel not matching (%s %s) %llu %llu vs (%s %s) %llu %llu \n " , prices - > base , prices - > rel , ( long long ) prices - > baseid , ( long long ) prices - > relid , base . buf , rel . buf , ( long long ) iQ . s . baseid , ( long long ) iQ . s . relid ) ;
if ( retstr = = 0 & & prices ! = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " disablequotes " ) = = 0 )
if ( prices ! = 0 )
if ( strcmp ( prices - > exchange , " unconf " ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cannot disable unconf \" } " ) ) ;
prices - > disabled = 1 ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no prices to disable \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " enablequotes " ) = = 0 )
if ( prices ! = 0 )
prices - > disabled = 0 ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" success \" } " ) ) ;
else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no prices to enable \" } " ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( method . buf , " orderbook " ) = = 0 )
if ( maxdepth < MAX_DEPTH )
return ( prices777_orderbook_jsonstr ( invert , IGUANA_MY64BITS , prices , & prices - > O , maxdepth , allfields ) ) ;
else if ( ( retstr = prices - > orderbook_jsonstrs [ invert ] [ allfields ] ) = = 0 )
retstr = prices777_orderbook_jsonstr ( invert , IGUANA_MY64BITS , prices , & prices - > O , MAX_DEPTH , allfields ) ;
portable_mutex_lock ( & prices - > mutex ) ;
if ( prices - > orderbook_jsonstrs [ invert ] [ allfields ] ! = 0 )
free ( prices - > orderbook_jsonstrs [ invert ] [ allfields ] ) ;
prices - > orderbook_jsonstrs [ invert ] [ allfields ] = retstr ;
portable_mutex_unlock ( & prices - > mutex ) ;
if ( retstr = = 0 )
retstr = clonestr ( " {} " ) ;
if ( retstr ! = 0 )
retstr = clonestr ( retstr ) ;
//else if ( strcmp(method.buf,"tradebot") == 0 )
// retstr = InstantDEX_tradebot(prices,json,&iQ,invert);
//if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf ( " (%s) %p exchange.(%s) base.(%s) %llu rel.(%s) %llu | name.(%s) %llu \n " , retstr ! = 0 ? retstr : " " , prices , exchangestr . buf , base . buf , ( long long ) iQ . s . baseid , rel . buf , ( long long ) iQ . s . relid , name . buf , ( long long ) assetbits ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
char * bidask_func ( int32_t localaccess , int32_t valid , char * sender , cJSON * json , char * origargstr )
struct destbuf gui , exchangestr , name , base , rel , offerNXT ; struct InstantDEX_quote iQ ;
copy_cJSON ( & offerNXT , jobj ( json , " offerNXT " ) ) ;
//printf("got (%s)\n",origargstr);
if ( strcmp ( IGUANA_NXTADDR , offerNXT . buf ) ! = 0 )
if ( bidask_parse ( localaccess , & exchangestr , & name , & base , & rel , & gui , & iQ , json ) = = 0 )
return ( InstantDEX_placebidask ( sender , j64bits ( json , " orderid " ) , exchangestr . buf , name . buf , base . buf , rel . buf , & iQ , jstr ( json , " extra " ) , jstr ( json , " secret " ) , jstr ( json , " activenxt " ) , json ) ) ;
else printf ( " error with incoming bidask \n " ) ;
} else fprintf ( stderr , " got my bidask from network (%s) \n " , origargstr ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" result \" : \" got loopback bidask \" } " ) ) ;