* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//#define uthash_malloc(size) iguana_memalloc(&coin->RThashmem,size,1)
//#define uthash_free(ptr,size)
# include "iguana777.h"
# include "exchanges/bitcoin.h"
struct iguana_hhutxo * iguana_hhutxofind ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint8_t * ubuf , uint16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind )
struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo ; uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( spent_unspentind ) + sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) ] ;
memcpy ( buf , ubuf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( spent_unspentind ) ] , ( void * ) & spent_hdrsi , sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) ) ;
memcpy ( buf , ( void * ) & spent_unspentind , sizeof ( spent_unspentind ) ) ;
HASH_FIND ( hh , coin - > utxotable , buf , sizeof ( buf ) , hhutxo ) ;
return ( hhutxo ) ;
struct iguana_hhaccount * iguana_hhaccountfind ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint8_t * pkbuf , uint16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_pkind )
struct iguana_hhaccount * hhacct ; uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( spent_pkind ) + sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) ] ;
memcpy ( buf , pkbuf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
memcpy ( & buf [ sizeof ( spent_pkind ) ] , ( void * ) & spent_hdrsi , sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) ) ;
memcpy ( buf , ( void * ) & spent_pkind , sizeof ( spent_pkind ) ) ;
HASH_FIND ( hh , coin - > utxotable , buf , sizeof ( buf ) , hhacct ) ;
return ( hhacct ) ;
int32_t iguana_utxoupdate ( struct iguana_info * coin , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , uint32_t spent_pkind , uint64_t spent_value , uint32_t spendind , uint32_t fromheight )
static struct iguana_hhutxo * HHUTXO ; static struct iguana_hhaccount * HHACCT ; static uint32_t numHHUTXO , maxHHUTXO , numHHACCT , maxHHACCT ;
struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo , * tmputxo ; struct iguana_hhaccount * hhacct , * tmpacct ;
uint8_t pkbuf [ sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) ] ;
uint8_t ubuf [ sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) ] ;
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( spent_hdrsi ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) ] ;
if ( spent_hdrsi < 0 )
if ( coin - > utxotable ! = 0 )
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > utxotable , hhutxo , tmputxo )
HASH_DEL ( coin - > utxotable , hhutxo ) ;
coin - > utxotable = 0 ;
if ( coin - > accountstable ! = 0 )
HASH_ITER ( hh , coin - > accountstable , hhacct , tmpacct )
HASH_DEL ( coin - > accountstable , hhacct ) ;
coin - > accountstable = 0 ;
if ( HHUTXO ! = 0 )
free ( HHUTXO ) ;
maxHHUTXO = numHHUTXO = 0 ;
if ( HHACCT ! = 0 )
free ( HHACCT ) ;
maxHHACCT = numHHACCT = 0 ;
return ( 0 ) ;
//printf("utxoupdate spenthdrsi.%d pkind.%d %.8f from [%d:%d] spendind.%u\n",spent_hdrsi,spent_pkind,dstr(spent_value),fromheight/coin->chain->bundlesize,fromheight%coin->chain->bundlesize,spendind);
if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , ubuf , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind ) ) ! = 0 & & hhutxo - > u . spentflag ! = 0 )
printf ( " hhutxo.%p spentflag.%d \n " , hhutxo , hhutxo - > u . spentflag ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( numHHUTXO + 1 > = maxHHUTXO )
maxHHUTXO + = 1000000 ;
HHUTXO = realloc ( HHUTXO , sizeof ( * HHUTXO ) * maxHHUTXO ) ;
hhutxo = & HHUTXO [ numHHUTXO + + ] ; //
memset ( hhutxo , 0 , sizeof ( * hhutxo ) ) ;
memcpy ( buf , ubuf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
HASH_ADD ( hh , coin - > utxotable , buf , sizeof ( buf ) , hhutxo ) ;
if ( ( hhacct = iguana_hhaccountfind ( coin , pkbuf , spent_hdrsi , spent_pkind ) ) = = 0 )
if ( numHHACCT + 1 > = maxHHACCT )
maxHHACCT + = 1000000 ;
HHACCT = realloc ( HHACCT , sizeof ( * HHACCT ) * maxHHACCT ) ;
hhacct = & HHACCT [ numHHACCT + + ] ; //calloc(1,sizeof(*hhacct));
memset ( hhacct , 0 , sizeof ( * hhacct ) ) ;
memcpy ( buf , pkbuf , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
HASH_ADD ( hh , coin - > accountstable , buf , sizeof ( buf ) , hhacct ) ;
//printf("create hhutxo.%p hhacct.%p from.%d\n",hhutxo,hhacct,fromheight);
hhutxo - > u . spentflag = 1 ;
hhutxo - > u . fromheight = fromheight ;
hhutxo - > u . prevunspentind = hhacct - > a . lastunspentind ;
hhacct - > a . lastunspentind = spent_unspentind ;
hhacct - > a . total + = spent_value ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t iguana_alloctxbits ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
static int64_t total ;
if ( ramchain - > txbits = = 0 )
int32_t tlen ; uint8_t * TXbits = ( uint8_t * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > TXoffset ) ;
tlen = ( int32_t ) hconv_bitlen ( ramchain - > H . data - > numtxsparse * ramchain - > H . data - > txsparsebits ) ;
ramchain - > txbits = calloc ( 1 , tlen ) ;
memcpy ( ramchain - > txbits , TXbits , tlen ) ;
total + = tlen ;
//char str[65]; printf("alloc.[%d] txbits.%p[%d] total %s\n",ramchain->H.data->height/coin->chain->bundlesize,ramchain->txbits,tlen,mbstr(str,total));
return ( tlen ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
void iguana_volatilesalloc ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
if ( ramchain ! = 0 & & ramchain - > H . data ! = 0 )
if ( ramchain - > allocatedA = = 0 )
ramchain - > A = calloc ( sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) , ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds + 16 ) ;
ramchain - > allocatedA = sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds ;
if ( ramchain - > allocatedU = = 0 )
ramchain - > Uextras = calloc ( sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) , ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents + 16 ) ;
ramchain - > allocatedU = sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr ! = 0 )
memcpy ( ramchain - > A , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( int32_t ) + sizeof ( bits256 ) ) , sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds ) ;
munmap ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr , ramchain - > debitsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > debitsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > debitsfilesize = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ! = 0 )
memcpy ( ramchain - > Uextras , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( int32_t ) + sizeof ( bits256 ) ) , sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents ) ;
munmap ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr , ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = 0 ;
} else printf ( " illegal ramchain.%p \n " , ramchain ) ;
void iguana_volatilespurge ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
if ( ramchain - > allocatedA ! = 0 & & ramchain - > A ! = 0 )
free ( ramchain - > A ) ;
ramchain - > A = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > allocatedU ! = 0 & & ramchain - > Uextras ! = 0 )
free ( ramchain - > Uextras ) ;
ramchain - > Uextras = 0 ;
ramchain - > allocatedA = ramchain - > allocatedU = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr ! = 0 )
munmap ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr , ramchain - > debitsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > debitsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > debitsfilesize = 0 ;
if ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ! = 0 )
munmap ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr , ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize ) ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = 0 ;
ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = 0 ;
int32_t iguana_volatilesmap ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
int32_t iter , numhdrsi , err = - 1 ; char fname [ 1024 ] ; bits256 balancehash , allbundles ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s%s/accounts/debits.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , iter = = 0 ? " ro/ " : " " , coin - > symbol , ramchain - > H . data - > height ) ;
if ( ( ramchain - > debitsfileptr = OS_mapfile ( fname , & ramchain - > debitsfilesize , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ramchain - > debitsfilesize = = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * ramchain - > A ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds )
ramchain - > from_roA = ( iter = = 0 ) ;
numhdrsi = * ( int32_t * ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr ;
memcpy ( balancehash . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) ) , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ;
memcpy ( allbundles . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + sizeof ( balancehash ) ) , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ;
if ( coin - > balanceswritten = = 0 )
coin - > balanceswritten = numhdrsi ;
coin - > balancehash = balancehash ;
coin - > allbundles = allbundles ;
if ( numhdrsi = = coin - > balanceswritten & & memcmp ( balancehash . bytes , coin - > balancehash . bytes , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( allbundles . bytes , coin - > allbundles . bytes , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) = = 0 )
ramchain - > A = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > debitsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s%s/accounts/lastspends.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , iter = = 0 ? " ro/ " : " " , coin - > symbol , ramchain - > H . data - > height ) ;
if ( ( ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr = OS_mapfile ( fname , & ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize , 0 ) ) ! = 0 & & ramchain - > lastspendsfilesize = = sizeof ( int32_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) + sizeof ( * ramchain - > Uextras ) * ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents )
numhdrsi = * ( int32_t * ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr ;
memcpy ( balancehash . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) ) , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ;
memcpy ( allbundles . bytes , ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + sizeof ( balancehash ) ) , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ;
if ( numhdrsi = = coin - > balanceswritten & & memcmp ( balancehash . bytes , coin - > balancehash . bytes , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) = = 0 & & memcmp ( allbundles . bytes , coin - > allbundles . bytes , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) = = 0 )
ramchain - > Uextras = ( void * ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > lastspendsfileptr + sizeof ( numhdrsi ) + 2 * sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
ramchain - > from_roU = ( iter = = 0 ) ;
err = 0 ;
} else printf ( " ramchain map error2 balanceswritten %d vs %d hashes %x %x \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , numhdrsi , coin - > balancehash . uints [ 0 ] , balancehash . uints [ 0 ] ) ;
} else printf ( " ramchain map error3 %s \n " , fname ) ;
} else printf ( " ramchain map error balanceswritten %d vs %d hashes %x %x \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , numhdrsi , coin - > balancehash . uints [ 0 ] , balancehash . uints [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( err = = 0 )
break ;
iguana_volatilespurge ( coin , ramchain ) ;
return ( err ) ;
int32_t iguana_spentflag ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t * spentheightp , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , int32_t height )
uint32_t numunspents ; struct iguana_hhutxo * hhutxo ; struct iguana_utxo utxo ;
uint8_t ubuf [ sizeof ( uint32_t ) + sizeof ( int16_t ) ] ;
* spentheightp = 0 ;
numunspents = ( ramchain = = & coin - > RTramchain ) ? ramchain - > H . unspentind : ramchain - > H . data - > numunspents ;
memset ( & utxo , 0 , sizeof ( utxo ) ) ;
if ( spent_unspentind ! = 0 & & spent_unspentind < numunspents )
if ( ramchain - > Uextras ! = 0 )
utxo = ramchain - > Uextras [ spent_unspentind ] ;
else if ( ( hhutxo = iguana_hhutxofind ( coin , ubuf , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind ) ) ! = 0 & & hhutxo - > u . spentflag ! = 0 )
utxo = hhutxo - > u ;
printf ( " null ramchain->Uextras unspentind.%u vs %u hdrs.%d \n " , spent_unspentind , numunspents , spent_hdrsi ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
printf ( " illegal unspentind.%u vs %u hdrs.%d \n " , spent_unspentind , numunspents , spent_hdrsi ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( utxo . fromheight = = 0 )
printf ( " illegal unspentind.%u vs %u hdrs.%d zero fromheight? \n " , spent_unspentind , numunspents , spent_hdrsi ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* spentheightp = utxo . fromheight ;
if ( height = = 0 | | utxo . fromheight < height )
return ( utxo . spentflag ) ;
else return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t iguana_volatileupdate ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t incremental , struct iguana_ramchain * spentchain , int16_t spent_hdrsi , uint32_t spent_unspentind , uint32_t spent_pkind , uint64_t spent_value , uint32_t spendind , uint32_t fromheight )
struct iguana_account * A2 ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ; struct iguana_utxo * utxo ;
if ( ( rdata = spentchain - > H . data ) ! = 0 )
if ( spentchain - > allocatedA = = 0 | | spentchain - > allocatedU = = 0 )
iguana_volatilesalloc ( coin , spentchain ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " volatilesalloc.[%d] " , spent_hdrsi ) ;
if ( incremental = = 0 )
if ( spentchain - > Uextras ! = 0 & & ( A2 = spentchain - > A ) ! = 0 )
utxo = & spentchain - > Uextras [ spent_unspentind ] ;
if ( utxo - > spentflag = = 0 )
utxo - > prevunspentind = A2 [ spent_pkind ] . lastunspentind ;
utxo - > spentflag = 1 ;
utxo - > fromheight = fromheight ;
A2 [ spent_pkind ] . total + = spent_value ;
A2 [ spent_pkind ] . lastunspentind = spent_unspentind ;
return ( 0 ) ;
printf ( " spent_unspentind[%d] in hdrs.[%d] is spent fromht.%d %.8f \n " , spent_unspentind , spent_hdrsi , utxo - > fromheight , dstr ( spent_value ) ) ;
} else printf ( " null ptrs.[%d] u.%u p.%u %.8f from ht.%d s.%u \n " , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , dstr ( spent_value ) , fromheight , spendind ) ;
else // do the equivalent of historical, ie mark as spent, linked list, balance
double startmillis = OS_milliseconds ( ) ; static double totalmillis ; static int32_t utxon ;
if ( iguana_utxoupdate ( coin , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , spent_value , spendind , fromheight ) = = 0 )
totalmillis + = ( OS_milliseconds ( ) - startmillis ) ;
if ( ( + + utxon % 10000 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " ave utxo[%d] %.2f micros total %.2f seconds \n " , utxon , ( 1000. * totalmillis ) / utxon , totalmillis / 1000. ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
printf ( " iguana_volatileupdate: [%d] spent.(u%u %.8f pkind.%d) double spend? at ht.%d [%d] spendind.%d \n " , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , dstr ( spent_value ) , spent_pkind , fromheight , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , spendind ) ;
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , spent_hdrsi , 0 ) ;
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , fromheight / coin - > chain - > bundlesize , 0 ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
uint32_t iguana_sparseadd ( uint8_t * bits , uint32_t ind , int32_t width , uint32_t tablesize , uint8_t * key , int32_t keylen , uint32_t setind , void * refdata , int32_t refsize , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
static uint8_t masks [ 8 ] = { 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 } ;
int32_t i , j , x , n , modval ; int64_t bitoffset ; uint8_t * ptr ; uint32_t * table , retval = 0 ;
if ( tablesize = = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_sparseadd tablesize zero illegal \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( 0 & & setind = = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
for ( i = n = 0 ; i < tablesize ; i + + )
bitoffset = ( i * width ) ;
ptr = & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] ;
modval = ( bitoffset & 7 ) ;
for ( x = j = 0 ; j < width ; j + + , modval + + )
if ( modval > = 8 )
ptr + + , modval = 0 ;
x < < = 1 ;
x | = ( * ptr & masks [ modval ] ) > > modval ;
if ( x ! = 0 )
printf ( " %s " , bits256_str ( str , * ( bits256 * ) ( refdata + x * refsize ) ) ) , n + + ;
printf ( " tableentries.%d \n " , n ) ;
//if ( setind == 0 )
// ramchain->sparsesearches++;
//else ramchain->sparseadds++;
if ( 0 & & ( ramchain - > sparsesearches % 1000000 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " [%3d] %7d.[%-2d %8d] %5.3f adds.(%-10ld %10ld) search.(hits.%-10ld %10ld) %5.2f%% max.%ld \n " , ramchain - > height / ramchain - > H . data - > numblocks , ramchain - > height , width , tablesize , ( double ) ( ramchain - > sparseadditers + ramchain - > sparsesearchiters ) / ( 1 + ramchain - > sparsesearches + ramchain - > sparseadds ) , ramchain - > sparseadds , ramchain - > sparseadditers , ramchain - > sparsehits , ramchain - > sparsesearches , 100. * ( double ) ramchain - > sparsehits / ( 1 + ramchain - > sparsesearches ) , ramchain - > sparsemax + 1 ) ;
if ( width = = 32 )
table = ( uint32_t * ) bits ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tablesize ; i + + , ind + + )
if ( ind > = tablesize )
ind = 0 ;
if ( ( x = table [ ind ] ) = = 0 )
//if ( ++i > ramchain->sparsemax )
// ramchain->sparsemax = i;
if ( ( retval = setind ) ! = 0 )
//ramchain->sparseadditers += i;
table [ ind ] = setind ;
} //else ramchain->sparsesearchiters += i;
return ( setind ) ;
else if ( memcmp ( ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) refdata + x * refsize ) , key , keylen ) = = 0 )
if ( setind ! = 0 & & setind ! = x )
printf ( " sparseadd index collision setind.%d != x.%d refsize.%d keylen.%d \n " , setind , x , refsize , keylen ) ;
//if ( ++i > ramchain->sparsemax )
// ramchain->sparsemax = i;
//ramchain->sparseadditers += i;
return ( x ) ;
bitoffset = ( ind * width ) ;
if ( 0 & & setind = = 0 )
printf ( " tablesize.%d width.%d bitoffset.%d \n " , tablesize , width , ( int32_t ) bitoffset ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tablesize ; i + + , ind + + , bitoffset + = width )
if ( ind > = tablesize )
ind = 0 ;
bitoffset = 0 ;
x = 0 ;
if ( width = = 32 )
memcpy ( & x , & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] , 4 ) ;
else if ( width = = 16 )
memcpy ( & x , & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] , 2 ) ;
else if ( width ! = 8 )
ptr = & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] ;
modval = ( bitoffset & 7 ) ;
if ( 0 & & setind = = 0 )
printf ( " tablesize.%d width.%d bitoffset.%d modval.%d i.%d \n " , tablesize , width , ( int32_t ) bitoffset , modval , i ) ;
for ( x = j = 0 ; j < width ; j + + , modval + + )
if ( modval > = 8 )
ptr + + , modval = 0 ;
x < < = 1 ;
x | = ( * ptr & masks [ modval ] ) > > modval ;
else x = bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] ;
if ( 0 & & setind = = 0 )
printf ( " x.%d \n " , x ) ;
if ( x = = 0 )
if ( ( x = setind ) = = 0 )
//ramchain->sparsesearchiters += (i+1);
return ( 0 ) ;
//else ramchain->sparseadditers += (i+1);
if ( width = = 32 )
memcpy ( & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] , & setind , 4 ) ;
else if ( width = = 16 )
memcpy ( & bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] , & setind , 2 ) ;
else if ( width ! = 8 )
ptr = & bits [ ( bitoffset + width - 1 ) > > 3 ] ;
modval = ( ( bitoffset + width - 1 ) & 7 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < width ; j + + , x > > = 1 , modval - - )
if ( modval < 0 )
ptr - - , modval = 7 ;
if ( ( x & 1 ) ! = 0 )
* ptr | = masks [ modval ] ;
else bits [ bitoffset > > 3 ] = setind ;
if ( 0 )
for ( x = j = 0 ; j < width ; j + + )
x < < = 1 ;
x | = GETBIT ( bits , bitoffset + width - 1 - j ) ! = 0 ;
//if ( x != setind )
printf ( " x.%u vs setind.%d ind.%d bitoffset.%d, width.%d \n " , x , setind , ind , ( int32_t ) bitoffset , width ) ;
//if ( i > ramchain->sparsemax )
// ramchain->sparsemax = i;
return ( setind ) ;
else if ( memcmp ( ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) refdata + x * refsize ) , key , keylen ) = = 0 )
if ( setind = = 0 )
ramchain - > sparsehits + + ;
else if ( setind ! = x )
printf ( " sparseadd index collision setind.%d != x.%d refsize.%d keylen.%d \n " , setind , x , refsize , keylen ) ;
if ( i > ramchain - > sparsemax )
ramchain - > sparsemax = i ;
return ( x ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
uint32_t iguana_sparseaddtx ( uint8_t * bits , int32_t width , uint32_t tablesize , bits256 txid , struct iguana_txid * T , uint32_t txidind , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
uint32_t ind , retval ;
//char str[65]; printf("sparseaddtx %s txidind.%d bits.%p\n",bits256_str(str,txid),txidind,bits);
ind = ( txid . ulongs [ 0 ] ^ txid . ulongs [ 1 ] ^ txid . ulongs [ 2 ] ^ txid . ulongs [ 3 ] ) % tablesize ;
if ( ( retval = iguana_sparseadd ( bits , ind , width , tablesize , txid . bytes , sizeof ( txid ) , txidind , T , sizeof ( * T ) , ramchain ) ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
if ( txidind ! = 0 & & retval ! = txidind )
printf ( " sparse tx collision %s %u vs %u \n " , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , retval , txidind ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
uint32_t iguana_sparseaddpk ( uint8_t * bits , int32_t width , uint32_t tablesize , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , struct iguana_pkhash * P , uint32_t pkind , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain )
uint32_t ind , key2 ; uint64_t key0 , key1 ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// printf("%02x",rmd160[i]);
//char str[65]; printf(" sparseaddpk pkind.%d bits.%p\n",pkind,bits);
memcpy ( & key0 , rmd160 , sizeof ( key0 ) ) ;
memcpy ( & key1 , & rmd160 [ sizeof ( key0 ) ] , sizeof ( key1 ) ) ;
memcpy ( & key2 , & rmd160 [ sizeof ( key0 ) + sizeof ( key1 ) ] , sizeof ( key2 ) ) ;
ind = ( key0 ^ key1 ^ key2 ) % tablesize ;
return ( iguana_sparseadd ( bits , ind , width , tablesize , rmd160 , 20 , pkind , P , sizeof ( * P ) , ramchain ) ) ;
int32_t iguana_ramchain_spendtxid ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint32_t * unspentindp , bits256 * txidp , struct iguana_txid * T , int32_t numtxids , bits256 * X , int32_t numexternaltxids , struct iguana_spend * s )
uint32_t ind , external ;
* unspentindp = 0 ;
memset ( txidp , 0 , sizeof ( * txidp ) ) ;
ind = s - > spendtxidind ;
external = ( ind > > 31 ) & 1 ;
ind & = ~ ( 1 < < 31 ) ;
//printf("s.%p ramchaintxid vout.%x spendtxidind.%d isext.%d ext.%d ind.%d\n",s,s->prevout,ind,s->external,external,ind);
if ( s - > prevout < 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( s - > external ! = 0 & & s - > external = = external & & ind < numexternaltxids )
//printf("ind.%d X.%p[%d]\n",ind,X,numexternaltxids);
* txidp = X [ ind ] ;
return ( s - > prevout ) ;
else if ( s - > external = = 0 & & s - > external = = external & & ind < numtxids )
* txidp = T [ ind ] . txid ;
* unspentindp = T [ ind ] . firstvout + s - > prevout ;
return ( s - > prevout ) ;
return ( - 2 ) ;
struct iguana_txid * iguana_txidfind ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t * heightp , struct iguana_txid * tx , bits256 txid , int32_t lasthdrsi )
uint8_t * TXbits ; struct iguana_txid * T ; uint32_t txidind ; int32_t i ;
struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; //struct iguana_block *block;
* heightp = - 1 ;
if ( lasthdrsi < 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
for ( i = lasthdrsi ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > emitfinish > 1 )
ramchain = ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 ) ? & coin - > RTramchain : & bp - > ramchain ;
if ( ramchain - > H . data ! = 0 )
if ( ( TXbits = ramchain - > txbits ) = = 0 )
if ( coin - > PREFETCHLAG > = 0 )
iguana_alloctxbits ( coin , ramchain ) ;
if ( ( TXbits = ramchain - > txbits ) = = 0 )
TXbits = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > TXoffset ) ;
T = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Toffset ) ;
if ( ( txidind = iguana_sparseaddtx ( TXbits , ramchain - > H . data - > txsparsebits , ramchain - > H . data - > numtxsparse , txid , T , 0 , ramchain ) ) > 0 )
//printf("found txidind.%d\n",txidind);
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , T [ txidind ] . txid ) = = 0 )
int32_t j ; struct iguana_block * block ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < bp - > n ; j + + )
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ j ] ) ! = 0 & & txidind > = block - > RO . firsttxidind & & txidind < block - > RO . firsttxidind + block - > RO . txn_count )
break ;
if ( j < bp - > n )
if ( j ! = T [ txidind ] . bundlei )
printf ( " bundlei mismatch j.%d != %d \n " , j , T [ txidind ] . bundlei ) ;
* heightp = bp - > bundleheight + T [ txidind ] . bundlei ;
//printf("found height.%d\n",*heightp);
* tx = T [ txidind ] ;
return ( tx ) ;
/*for (j=0; j<bp->n; j++)
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ j ] ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " (%d %d).%d " , block - > RO . firsttxidind , block - > RO . txn_count , txidind > = block - > RO . firsttxidind & & txidind < block - > RO . firsttxidind + block - > RO . txn_count ) ;
printf ( " <- firsttxidind txidind.%d not in block range \n " , txidind ) ; */
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " iguana_txidfind mismatch.[%d:%d] %d %s vs %s \n " , bp - > hdrsi , T [ txidind ] . extraoffset , txidind , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , bits256_str ( str2 , T [ txidind ] . txid ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
struct iguana_bundle * iguana_externalspent ( struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 * prevhashp , uint32_t * unspentindp , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , int32_t spent_hdrsi , struct iguana_spend * s , int32_t prefetchflag )
int32_t prev_vout , height , hdrsi ; uint32_t sequenceid , unspentind , now ; char str [ 65 ] ;
struct iguana_bundle * spentbp = 0 ; struct iguana_txid * T , TX , * tp ; bits256 * X ; bits256 prev_hash ;
X = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Xoffset ) ;
T = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Toffset ) ;
//printf("external X.%p %ld num.%d\n",X,(long)ramchain->H.data->Xoffset,(int32_t)ramchain->H.data->numexternaltxids);
sequenceid = s - > sequenceid ;
hdrsi = spent_hdrsi ;
* unspentindp = 0 ;
memset ( prevhashp , 0 , sizeof ( * prevhashp ) ) ;
if ( s - > prevout < 0 )
//printf("n.%d coinbase at spendind.%d firstvin.%d -> firstvout.%d -> unspentind\n",m,spendind,nextT->firstvin,nextT->firstvout);
return ( 0 ) ;
prev_vout = s - > prevout ;
iguana_ramchain_spendtxid ( coin , & unspentind , & prev_hash , T , ramchain - > H . data - > numtxids , X , ramchain - > H . data - > numexternaltxids , s ) ;
* prevhashp = prev_hash ;
* unspentindp = unspentind ;
if ( unspentind = = 0 )
double duration , startmillis = OS_milliseconds ( ) ;
if ( ( tp = iguana_txidfind ( coin , & height , & TX , prev_hash , spent_hdrsi - 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
* unspentindp = unspentind = TX . firstvout + ( ( prev_vout > 0 ) ? prev_vout : 0 ) ;
hdrsi = height / coin - > chain - > bundlesize ;
if ( hdrsi > = 0 & & hdrsi < coin - > bundlescount & & ( spentbp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 )
//printf("%s height.%d firstvout.%d prev.%d ->U%d\n",bits256_str(str,prev_hash),height,TX.firstvout,prev_vout,unspentind);
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
duration = ( OS_milliseconds ( ) - startmillis ) ;
if ( 0 & & ( ( uint64_t ) coin - > txidfind_num % 5000000 ) = = 2000000 )
printf ( " %p iguana_txidfind.[%.0f] ave %.2f micros, total %.2f seconds | duration %.3f millis \n " , spentbp - > ramchain . txbits , coin - > txidfind_num , ( coin - > txidfind_totalmillis * 1000. ) / coin - > txidfind_num , coin - > txidfind_totalmillis / 1000. , duration ) ;
coin - > txidfind_totalmillis + = duration ;
coin - > txidfind_num + = 1. ;
if ( 1 & & coin - > PREFETCHLAG > 0 )
if ( spentbp - > lastprefetch = = 0 )
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , & spentbp - > ramchain , prefetchflag ) ;
spentbp - > lastprefetch = now ;
else if ( ( duration > 10 | | duration > ( 10 * coin - > txidfind_totalmillis ) / coin - > txidfind_num ) & & ( rand ( ) % ( IGUANA_NUMHELPERS > > 1 ) ) = = 0 & & now > = spentbp - > lastprefetch + coin - > PREFETCHLAG )
//if ( duration > 10 && spentbp->lastprefetch == 0 )
//printf("slow txidfind %.2f vs %.2f prefetch[%d] from.[%d] lag.%ld last.%u\n",duration,coin->txidfind_totalmillis/coin->txidfind_num,spentbp->hdrsi,ramchain->H.data->height/coin->chain->bundlesize,time(NULL) - spentbp->lastprefetch,spentbp->lastprefetch);
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , & spentbp - > ramchain , prefetchflag ) ;
spentbp - > lastprefetch = now ;
printf ( " illegal hdrsi.%d prev_hash.(%s) for bp.[%d] \n " , hdrsi , bits256_str ( str , prev_hash ) , spent_hdrsi ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
printf ( " cant find prev_hash.(%s) for bp.[%d] \n " , bits256_str ( str , prev_hash ) , spent_hdrsi ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " external spent unexpected nonz unspentind [%d] \n " , spent_hdrsi ) ;
if ( ( spentbp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) = = 0 | | hdrsi > spent_hdrsi )
printf ( " illegal hdrsi.%d when [%d] spentbp.%p \n " , hdrsi , spent_hdrsi , spentbp ) ;
else if ( unspentind = = 0 | | unspentind > = spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > numunspents )
printf ( " illegal unspentind.%d vs max.%d spentbp.%p[%d] \n " , unspentind , spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > numunspents , spentbp , hdrsi ) ;
else return ( spentbp ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
cJSON * iguana_unspentjson ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t hdrsi , uint32_t unspentind , struct iguana_txid * T , struct iguana_unspent * up , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , char * coinaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 )
" txid " : " d54994ece1d11b19785c7248868696250ab195605b469632b7bd68130e880c9a " ,
" vout " : 1 ,
" address " : " mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe " ,
" account " : " test label " ,
" scriptPubKey " : " 76a9140dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f58488ac " ,
" amount " : 0.00010000 ,
" confirmations " : 6210 ,
" spendable " : true
} , */
//struct iguana_unspent { uint64_t value; uint32_t txidind,pkind,prevunspentind; uint16_t hdrsi:12,type:4,vout; } __attribute__((packed));
struct iguana_waccount * wacct ; struct iguana_txid TX ; int32_t height , ind ; char scriptstr [ 8192 ] , asmstr [ sizeof ( scriptstr ) + 1024 ] ; cJSON * item ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " txid " , T [ up - > txidind ] . txid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " vout " , up - > vout ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " address " , coinaddr ) ;
if ( ( wacct = iguana_waddressfind ( coin , & ind , coinaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " account " , wacct - > account ) ;
if ( bitcoin_pubkeylen ( pubkey33 ) > 0 & & iguana_scriptget ( coin , scriptstr , asmstr , sizeof ( scriptstr ) , hdrsi , unspentind , T [ up - > txidind ] . txid , up - > vout , rmd160 , up - > type , pubkey33 ) ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " scriptPubKey " , scriptstr ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " amount " , dstr ( up - > value ) ) ;
if ( iguana_txidfind ( coin , & height , & TX , T [ up - > txidind ] . txid , coin - > bundlescount - 1 ) ! = 0 )
jaddnum ( item , " confirmations " , coin - > longestchain - height ) ;
return ( item ) ;
struct iguana_pkhash * iguana_pkhashfind ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * * ramchainp , int64_t * balancep , uint32_t * lastunspentindp , struct iguana_pkhash * p , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , int32_t firsti , int32_t endi )
uint8_t * PKbits ; struct iguana_pkhash * P ; uint32_t pkind , numpkinds , i ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; struct iguana_account * ACCTS ;
* balancep = 0 ;
* ramchainp = 0 ;
* lastunspentindp = 0 ;
for ( i = firsti ; i < coin - > bundlescount & & i < = endi ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 & & coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhashfind: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ramchain = ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 ) ? & bp - > ramchain : & coin - > RTramchain ;
if ( ramchain - > H . data ! = 0 )
numpkinds = ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 ) ? ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds : ramchain - > pkind ;
PKbits = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > PKoffset ) ;
P = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Poffset ) ;
ACCTS = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Aoffset ) ;
if ( ( pkind = iguana_sparseaddpk ( PKbits , ramchain - > H . data - > pksparsebits , ramchain - > H . data - > numpksparse , rmd160 , P , 0 , ramchain ) ) > 0 & & pkind < numpkinds )
* ramchainp = ramchain ;
* balancep = ACCTS [ pkind ] . total ;
* lastunspentindp = ACCTS [ pkind ] . lastunspentind ;
* p = P [ pkind ] ;
printf ( " return pkind.%u %.8f \n " , pkind , dstr ( * balancep ) ) ;
return ( p ) ;
} //else printf("not found pkind.%d vs num.%d\n",pkind,ramchain->H.data->numpkinds);
} else printf ( " %s.[%d] error null ramchain->H.data isRT.%d \n " , coin - > symbol , i , bp - > isRT ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
char * iguana_bundleaddrs ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t hdrsi )
uint8_t * PKbits ; struct iguana_pkhash * P ; uint32_t pkind , numpkinds ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; cJSON * retjson ; char rmdstr [ 41 ] ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 & & coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_bundleaddrs: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ramchain = ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 ) ? & bp - > ramchain : & coin - > RTramchain ;
if ( ramchain - > H . data ! = 0 )
numpkinds = ( bp - > isRT ! = 0 ) ? ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds : ramchain - > pkind ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
PKbits = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > PKoffset ) ;
P = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Poffset ) ;
for ( pkind = 0 ; pkind < numpkinds ; pkind + + , P + + )
init_hexbytes_noT ( rmdstr , P - > rmd160 , 20 ) ;
jaddistr ( retjson , rmdstr ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no bundle data \" } " ) ) ;
} return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no bundle \" } " ) ) ;
int64_t iguana_pkhashbalance ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int64_t * spentp , int32_t * nump , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , struct iguana_pkhash * p , uint32_t lastunspentind , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , char * coinaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 , int32_t hdrsi , int32_t height )
struct iguana_unspent * U ; int32_t spentheight ; uint32_t unspentind ; int64_t balance = 0 ; struct iguana_txid * T ;
* spentp = * nump = 0 ;
if ( ramchain = = & coin - > RTramchain & & coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhashbalance: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ramchain - > Uextras = = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhashbalance: unexpected null spents \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
unspentind = lastunspentind ;
U = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Uoffset ) ;
T = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Toffset ) ;
while ( unspentind > 0 )
( * nump ) + + ;
printf ( " %s u.%d %.8f \n " , jprint ( iguana_unspentjson ( coin , hdrsi , unspentind , T , & U [ unspentind ] , rmd160 , coinaddr , pubkey33 ) , 1 ) , unspentind , dstr ( U [ unspentind ] . value ) ) ;
if ( iguana_spentflag ( coin , & spentheight , ramchain , hdrsi , unspentind , height ) = = 0 )
balance + = U [ unspentind ] . value ;
if ( array ! = 0 )
jaddi ( array , iguana_unspentjson ( coin , hdrsi , unspentind , T , & U [ unspentind ] , rmd160 , coinaddr , pubkey33 ) ) ;
} else ( * spentp ) + = U [ unspentind ] . value ;
unspentind = U [ unspentind ] . prevunspentind ;
return ( balance ) ;
int32_t iguana_pkhasharray ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , int64_t * totalp , struct iguana_pkhash * P , int32_t max , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , char * coinaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 )
int32_t i , n , m ; int64_t spent , balance , netbalance , total ; uint32_t lastunspentind ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ;
if ( coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhasharray: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( total = i = n = 0 ; i < max & & i < coin - > bundlescount ; i + + )
if ( iguana_pkhashfind ( coin , & ramchain , & balance , & lastunspentind , & P [ n ] , rmd160 , i , i ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( netbalance = iguana_pkhashbalance ( coin , array , & spent , & m , ramchain , & P [ n ] , lastunspentind , rmd160 , coinaddr , pubkey33 , i , 0 ) ) ! = balance - spent )
printf ( " pkhash balance mismatch from m.%d check %.8f vs %.8f spent %.8f [%.8f] \n " , m , dstr ( netbalance ) , dstr ( balance ) , dstr ( spent ) , dstr ( balance ) - dstr ( spent ) ) ;
//P[n].firstunspentind = lastunspentind;
total + = netbalance ;
n + + ;
//printf("%d: balance %.8f, lastunspent.%u\n",i,dstr(balance),lastunspentind);
//printf("n.%d max.%d\n",n,max);
* totalp = total ;
return ( n ) ;
void iguana_unspents ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * array , int32_t minconf , int32_t maxconf , uint8_t * rmdarray , int32_t numrmds )
int64_t total , sum = 0 ; struct iguana_pkhash * P ; uint8_t * addrtypes , * pubkeys ; int32_t i , flag = 0 ; char coinaddr [ 64 ] ;
if ( coin - > RTramchain_busy ! = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_pkhasharray: unexpected access when RTramchain_busy \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( rmdarray = = 0 )
rmdarray = iguana_walletrmds ( myinfo , coin , & numrmds ) , flag + + ;
addrtypes = & rmdarray [ numrmds * 20 ] , pubkeys = & rmdarray [ numrmds * 21 ] ;
P = calloc ( coin - > bundlescount , sizeof ( * P ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numrmds ; i + + )
bitcoin_address ( coinaddr , addrtypes [ i ] , & rmdarray [ i * 20 ] , 20 ) ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( coin , array , minconf , maxconf , & total , P , coin - > bundlescount , & rmdarray [ i * 20 ] , coinaddr , & pubkeys [ 33 * i ] ) ;
printf ( " %s %.8f \n " , coinaddr , dstr ( total ) ) ;
sum + = total ;
printf ( " sum %.8f \n " , dstr ( sum ) ) ;
free ( P ) ;
if ( flag ! = 0 )
free ( rmdarray ) ;
static inline int32_t _iguana_spendvectorconv ( struct iguana_spendvector * ptr , struct iguana_unspent * u , int32_t numpkinds )
uint32_t spent_pkind = 0 ;
if ( ( spent_pkind = u - > pkind ) ! = 0 & & spent_pkind < numpkinds )
ptr - > pkind = spent_pkind ;
ptr - > value = u - > value ;
ptr - > tmpflag = 0 ;
return ( spent_pkind ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
uint32_t iguana_spendvectorconv ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_spendvector * ptr , struct iguana_bundle * bp )
static uint64_t count , converted , errs ;
struct iguana_bundle * spentbp ; struct iguana_unspent * spentU ; uint32_t spent_pkind ;
count + + ;
if ( 0 & & ( count % 1000000 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_spendvectorconv.[%llu] errs.%llu converted.%llu %.2f%% \n " , ( long long ) count , ( long long ) errs , ( long long ) converted , 100. * ( long long ) converted / count ) ;
if ( ptr - > tmpflag ! = 0 )
if ( ptr - > hdrsi > = 0 & & ptr - > hdrsi < coin - > bundlescount & & ( spentbp = coin - > bundles [ ptr - > hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 )
spentU = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) spentbp - > ramchain . H . data + spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > Uoffset ) ;
if ( ( spent_pkind = _iguana_spendvectorconv ( ptr , & spentU [ ptr - > unspentind ] , spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > numpkinds ) ) ! = 0 )
converted + + ;
else printf ( " illegal [%d].u%u pkind.%u vs %u \n " , ptr - > hdrsi , ptr - > unspentind , spent_pkind , spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > numpkinds ) ;
} else printf ( " illegal [%d].u%u \n " , ptr - > hdrsi , ptr - > unspentind ) ;
errs + + ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} //else printf("[%d] tmpflag.%d u%d %.8f p%u\n",ptr->hdrsi,ptr->tmpflag,ptr->unspentind,dstr(ptr->value),ptr->pkind);
return ( ptr - > pkind ) ;
int32_t iguana_spendvectorsave ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , struct iguana_spendvector * ptr , int32_t emit , int32_t n )
int32_t i , retval = - 1 ; FILE * fp ; char fname [ 1024 ] , str [ 65 ] ; long fsize ; bits256 zero , sha256 ;
if ( ptr = = bp - > ramchain . Xspendinds )
//printf("iguana_spendvectorsave.[%d] ptr.%p Xspendinds\n",bp->hdrsi,ptr);
return ( 0 ) ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < emit ; i + + )
if ( iguana_spendvectorconv ( coin , & ptr [ i ] , bp ) = = 0 )
printf ( " iguana_spendvectorconv error [%d] at %d of %d/%d \n " , bp - > hdrsi , i , emit , n ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/spends/%s.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) , bp - > bundleheight ) ;
vcalc_sha256 ( 0 , sha256 . bytes , ( void * ) ptr , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( * ptr ) * emit ) ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( fwrite ( sha256 . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( sha256 ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( sha256 ) )
printf ( " error writing hash for %ld -> (%s) \n " , sizeof ( * ptr ) * emit , fname ) ;
else if ( fwrite ( ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) , emit , fp ) ! = emit )
printf ( " error writing %d of %d -> (%s) \n " , emit , n , fname ) ;
retval = 0 ;
fsize = ftell ( fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) , fp = 0 ;
if ( iguana_Xspendmap ( coin , ramchain , bp ) < 0 )
printf ( " error mapping Xspendmap.(%s) \n " , fname ) ;
printf ( " created.(%s) \n " , fname ) ;
retval = 0 ;
if ( fp ! = 0 )
fclose ( fp ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<ramchain->numXspends; i++)
// printf("(%d u%d) ",ramchain->Xspendinds[i].hdrsi,ramchain->Xspendinds[i].ind);
//printf("filesize %ld Xspendptr.%p %p num.%d\n",fsize,ramchain->Xspendptr,ramchain->Xspendinds,ramchain->numXspends);
else printf ( " iguana_spendvectors: Error creating.(%s) \ n " ,fname) ;
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t iguana_spendvectors ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp , struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain , int32_t starti , int32_t numblocks , int32_t convertflag )
static uint64_t total , emitted ;
int32_t spendind , n = 0 , txidind , errs = 0 , emit = 0 , i , j , k ; double startmillis ; bits256 prevhash ;
uint32_t spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , now , starttime ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ;
struct iguana_bundle * spentbp ; struct iguana_blockRO * B ; struct iguana_spendvector * ptr ;
struct iguana_unspent * u , * spentU ; struct iguana_txid * T ; char str [ 65 ] ; struct iguana_spend * S , * s ;
//printf("iguana_spendvectors.[%d] gen.%d ramchain data.%p\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->bundleheight,ramchain->H.data);
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 | | ( n = rdata - > numspends ) < 1 )
printf ( " iguana_spendvectors: no rdata.%p %d \n " , rdata , n ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
B = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Boffset ) ;
S = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Soffset ) ;
T = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Toffset ) ;
if ( ramchain - > Xspendinds ! = 0 )
bp - > tmpspends = ramchain - > Xspendinds ;
bp - > numtmpspends = ramchain - > numXspends ;
bp - > utxofinish = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
bp - > balancefinish = 0 ;
//printf("iguana_spendvectors.[%d]: already have Xspendinds[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,ramchain->numXspends);
return ( 0 ) ;
ptr = mycalloc ( ' x ' , sizeof ( * ptr ) , n ) ;
total + = n ;
startmillis = OS_milliseconds ( ) ;
if ( 0 & & strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) = = 0 )
printf ( " start UTXOGEN.%d max.%d ptr.%p millis.%.3f \n " , bp - > bundleheight , n , ptr , startmillis ) ;
//txidind = spendind = rdata->firsti;
starttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
txidind = B [ starti ] . firsttxidind ;
spendind = B [ starti ] . firstvin ;
for ( i = starti ; i < numblocks ; i + + )
if ( txidind ! = B [ i ] . firsttxidind | | spendind ! = B [ i ] . firstvin )
printf ( " spendvectors: txidind %u != %u B[%d].firsttxidind || spendind %u != %u B[%d].firstvin \n " , txidind , B [ i ] . firsttxidind , i , spendind , B [ i ] . firstvin , i ) ;
myfree ( ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) * n ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < B [ i ] . txn_count & & errs = = 0 ; j + + , txidind + + )
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( txidind ! = T [ txidind ] . txidind | | spendind ! = T [ txidind ] . firstvin )
printf ( " spendvectors: txidind %u != %u nextT[txidind].firsttxidind || spendind %u != %u nextT[txidind].firstvin \n " , txidind , T [ txidind ] . txidind , spendind , T [ txidind ] . firstvin ) ;
myfree ( ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) * n ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < T [ txidind ] . numvins & & errs = = 0 ; k + + , spendind + + )
if ( 0 & & ( spendind % 5000000 ) = = 2000000 )
printf ( " [%-3d:%4d] spendvectors elapsed t.%-3d spendind.%d \n " , bp - > hdrsi , i , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - starttime , spendind ) ;
u = 0 ;
s = & S [ spendind ] ;
if ( s - > external ! = 0 & & s - > prevout > = 0 )
if ( ( spentbp = iguana_externalspent ( coin , & prevhash , & spent_unspentind , ramchain , bp - > hdrsi , s , 2 ) ) ! = 0 & & spentbp - > ramchain . H . data ! = 0 )
if ( spentbp = = bp )
char str [ 65 ] ;
printf ( " unexpected spendbp: height.%d bp.[%d] U%d <- S%d.[%d] [ext.%d %s prev.%d] \n " , bp - > bundleheight + i , spentbp - > hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spendind , bp - > hdrsi , s - > external , bits256_str ( str , prevhash ) , s - > prevout ) ;
errs + + ;
break ;
if ( convertflag ! = 0 )
if ( coin - > PREFETCHLAG > 0 & & now > = spentbp - > lastprefetch + coin - > PREFETCHLAG )
printf ( " prefetch[%d] from.[%d] lag.%d \n " , spentbp - > hdrsi , bp - > hdrsi , now - spentbp - > lastprefetch ) ;
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , & spentbp - > ramchain , 2 ) ;
spentbp - > lastprefetch = now ;
spentU = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) spentbp - > ramchain . H . data + spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > Uoffset ) ;
u = & spentU [ spent_unspentind ] ;
if ( ( spent_pkind = u - > pkind ) ! = 0 & & spent_pkind < spentbp - > ramchain . H . data - > numpkinds )
memset ( & ptr [ emit ] , 0 , sizeof ( ptr [ emit ] ) ) ;
if ( ( ptr [ emit ] . unspentind = spent_unspentind ) ! = 0 & & spentbp - > hdrsi < bp - > hdrsi )
ptr [ emit ] . fromheight = bp - > bundleheight + i ;
ptr [ emit ] . hdrsi = spentbp - > hdrsi ;
ptr [ emit ] . pkind = spent_pkind ;
ptr [ emit ] . value = u - > value ;
//printf("ht.%d [%d] SPENDVECTOR u%d %.8f p%u\n",ptr[emit].fromheight,ptr[emit].hdrsi,ptr[emit].unspentind,dstr(ptr[emit].value),ptr[emit].pkind);
//printf("(%d u%d).%d ",spentbp->hdrsi,unspentind,emit);
emit + + ;
printf ( " spendvectors: null unspentind for spendind.%d hdrsi.%d [%d] \n " , spendind , spentbp - > hdrsi , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
errs + + ;
break ;
errs + + ;
printf ( " spendvectors: unresolved spendind.%d hdrsi.%d \n " , spendind , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
break ;
memset ( & ptr [ emit ] , 0 , sizeof ( ptr [ emit ] ) ) ;
ptr [ emit ] . hdrsi = spentbp - > hdrsi ;
ptr [ emit ] . unspentind = spent_unspentind ;
ptr [ emit ] . fromheight = bp - > bundleheight + i ;
ptr [ emit ] . tmpflag = 1 ;
//printf("ht.%d [%d] TMPVECTOR u%d\n",ptr[emit].fromheight,ptr[emit].hdrsi,ptr[emit].unspentind);
emit + + ;
errs + + ;
printf ( " spendvectors: error resolving external spendind.%d hdrsi.%d \n " , spendind , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
break ;
if ( txidind ! = ramchain - > H . data - > numtxids & & txidind ! = ramchain - > H . txidind )
printf ( " spendvectors: numtxid.%d != bp numtxids %d/%d \n " , txidind , ramchain - > H . txidind , ramchain - > H . data - > numtxids ) ;
errs + + ;
if ( spendind ! = ramchain - > H . data - > numspends & & spendind ! = ramchain - > H . spendind )
printf ( " spendvectors: spendind.%d != bp numspends %d/%d \n " , spendind , ramchain - > H . spendind , ramchain - > H . data - > numspends ) ;
errs + + ;
if ( errs = = 0 & & emit > = 0 )
emitted + = emit ;
if ( convertflag = = 0 )
if ( bp - > tmpspends ! = 0 )
if ( bp - > tmpspends ! = ramchain - > Xspendinds )
//printf("spendvectors: unexpected tmpspends? or RT [%d] numtmpspends.%d vs emit.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,bp->numtmpspends,emit);
bp - > tmpspends = myrealloc ( ' x ' , bp - > tmpspends , sizeof ( * ptr ) * bp - > numtmpspends , sizeof ( * ptr ) * ( bp - > numtmpspends + emit ) ) ;
memcpy ( & bp - > tmpspends [ bp - > numtmpspends ] , ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) * emit ) ;
bp - > numtmpspends + = emit ;
bp - > tmpspends = myrealloc ( ' x ' , ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) * n , sizeof ( * ptr ) * emit ) ;
bp - > numtmpspends = emit ;
//printf("ALLOC tmpspends.[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi);
ptr = 0 ;
} else errs = - iguana_spendvectorsave ( coin , bp , ramchain , ptr ! = 0 ? ptr : bp - > tmpspends , emit , n ) ;
if ( ptr ! = 0 )
myfree ( ptr , sizeof ( * ptr ) * n ) ;
printf ( " UTXO [%4d].%-6d dur.%-2d [milli %8.3f] vectors %-6d err.%d [%5.2f%%] %7d %9s of %d \n " , bp - > hdrsi , bp - > numtmpspends , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - starttime , OS_milliseconds ( ) - startmillis , spendind , errs , 100. * ( double ) emitted / ( total + 1 ) , emit , mbstr ( str , sizeof ( * ptr ) * emit ) , n ) ;
if ( errs ! = 0 )
exit ( - 1 ) ;
return ( - errs ) ;
int32_t iguana_balancegen ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t incremental , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t startheight , int32_t endheight )
uint32_t spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , txidind , h , i , j , k , now ; uint64_t spent_value ;
struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ;
struct iguana_spendvector * spend ; struct iguana_unspent * spentU , * u ;
struct iguana_txid * T ; struct iguana_blockRO * B ; struct iguana_bundle * spentbp ;
int32_t spent_hdrsi , spendind , n , errs = 0 , emit = 0 ; struct iguana_spend * S , * s ;
ramchain = & bp - > ramchain ;
if ( ( rdata = ramchain - > H . data ) = = 0 | | ( n = ramchain - > H . data - > numspends ) < 1 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
S = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Soffset ) ;
B = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Boffset ) ;
T = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Toffset ) ;
if ( ramchain - > Xspendinds = = 0 & & bp - > hdrsi > 0 )
printf ( " iguana_balancegen.%d: no Xspendinds[%d] \n " , bp - > hdrsi , ramchain - > numXspends ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , ramchain , 0 ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " BALANCEGEN.[%d] " , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
txidind = spendind = rdata - > firsti ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
//printf("hdrs.[%d] B[%d] 1st txidind.%d txn_count.%d firstvin.%d firstvout.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,i,B[i].firsttxidind,B[i].txn_count,B[i].firstvin,B[i].firstvout);
if ( txidind ! = B [ i ] . firsttxidind | | spendind ! = B [ i ] . firstvin )
printf ( " balancegen: txidind %u != %u B[%d].firsttxidind || spendind %u != %u B[%d].firstvin errs.%d \n " , txidind , B [ i ] . firsttxidind , i , spendind , B [ i ] . firstvin , i , errs ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < B [ i ] . txn_count & & errs = = 0 ; j + + , txidind + + )
now = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( txidind ! = T [ txidind ] . txidind | | spendind ! = T [ txidind ] . firstvin )
printf ( " balancegen: txidind %u != %u T[txidind].firsttxidind || spendind %u != %u T[txidind].firstvin errs.%d \n " , txidind , T [ txidind ] . txidind , spendind , T [ txidind ] . firstvin , errs ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
//printf("txidind.%d txi.%d numvins.%d spendind.%d\n",txidind,j,T[txidind].numvins,spendind);
for ( k = 0 ; k < T [ txidind ] . numvins & & errs = = 0 ; k + + , spendind + + )
s = & S [ spendind ] ;
h = spent_hdrsi = - 1 ;
spent_value = 0 ;
spent_unspentind = spent_pkind = 0 ;
if ( s - > external ! = 0 & & s - > prevout > = 0 )
if ( emit > = ramchain - > numXspends )
errs + + ;
spend = & ramchain - > Xspendinds [ emit ] ;
spent_value = spend - > value ;
spent_pkind = spend - > pkind ;
spent_unspentind = spend - > unspentind ;
spent_hdrsi = spend - > hdrsi ;
h = spend - > fromheight ; //bundlei + (spent_hdrsi * coin->chain->bundlesize);
emit + + ;
else if ( s - > prevout > = 0 )
h = bp - > bundleheight + i ;
spent_hdrsi = bp - > hdrsi ;
if ( s - > spendtxidind ! = 0 & & s - > spendtxidind < rdata - > numtxids )
spent_unspentind = T [ s - > spendtxidind ] . firstvout + s - > prevout ;
spentU = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Uoffset ) ;
u = & spentU [ spent_unspentind ] ;
if ( ( spent_pkind = u - > pkind ) ! = 0 & & spent_pkind < rdata - > numpkinds )
spent_value = u - > value ;
//printf("txidind.%d 1st.%d prevout.%d\n",txidind,T[txidind].firstvout,s->prevout);
printf ( " iguana_balancegen [%d] txidind overflow %u vs %u \n " , bp - > hdrsi , s - > spendtxidind , rdata - > numtxids ) ;
errs + + ;
else continue ;
spentbp = 0 ;
if ( spent_unspentind > 0 & & spent_pkind > 0 & & ( spentbp = coin - > bundles [ spent_hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( iguana_volatileupdate ( coin , 0 , & spentbp - > ramchain , spent_hdrsi , spent_unspentind , spent_pkind , spent_value , spendind , h ) < 0 )
errs + + ;
errs + + ;
printf ( " iguana_balancegen: error spentbp.%p with unspentind.%d [%d] \n " , spentbp , spent_unspentind , spent_hdrsi ) ;
if ( txidind ! = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numtxids )
printf ( " numtxid.%d != bp numtxids %d \n " , txidind , bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numtxids ) ;
errs + + ;
if ( spendind ! = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numspends )
printf ( " spendind.%d != bp numspends %d \n " , spendind , bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numspends ) ;
errs + + ;
if ( emit ! = ramchain - > numXspends )
printf ( " iguana_balancegen: emit %d != %d ramchain->numXspends \n " , emit , ramchain - > numXspends ) ;
errs + + ;
//printf(">>>>>>>> balances.%d done errs.%d spendind.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,errs,n);
return ( - errs ) ;
void iguana_truncatebalances ( struct iguana_info * coin )
int32_t i ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > balanceswritten ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 )
bp - > balancefinish = 0 ;
iguana_volatilespurge ( coin , & bp - > ramchain ) ;
coin - > balanceswritten = 0 ;
int32_t iguana_volatilesinit ( struct iguana_info * coin )
bits256 balancehash , allbundles ; struct iguana_utxo * Uptr ; struct iguana_account * Aptr ;
struct sha256_vstate vstate , bstate ; int32_t i , from_ro , numpkinds , numunspents ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_block * block ;
uint32_t crc , filecrc ; FILE * fp ; char crcfname [ 512 ] , str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] , buf [ 2048 ] ;
from_ro = 1 ;
printf ( " volatile init \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > balanceswritten ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) = = 0 | | bp - > emitfinish < = 1 | | bp - > utxofinish < = 1 )
printf ( " hdrsi.[%d] emitfinish.%u utxofinish.%u \n " , i , bp - > emitfinish , bp - > utxofinish ) ;
break ;
if ( bp - > ramchain . from_ro = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . from_roX = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . from_roA = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . from_roU = = 0 )
from_ro = 0 ;
if ( i ! = coin - > balanceswritten )
printf ( " TRUNCATE balances written.%d -> %d \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , i ) ;
iguana_truncatebalances ( coin ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( allbundles . bytes , & bstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
filecrc = 0 ;
sprintf ( crcfname , " %s/%s/balancecrc.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , coin - > balanceswritten ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( crcfname , " rb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( fread ( & filecrc , 1 , sizeof ( filecrc ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( filecrc ) )
filecrc = 0 ;
else if ( fread ( & balancehash , 1 , sizeof ( balancehash ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( balancehash ) )
filecrc = 0 ;
else if ( memcmp ( & balancehash , & coin - > balancehash , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ! = 0 )
filecrc = 0 ;
else if ( fread ( & allbundles , 1 , sizeof ( allbundles ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( allbundles ) )
filecrc = 0 ;
else if ( memcmp ( & allbundles , & coin - > allbundles , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ! = 0 )
filecrc = 0 ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
if ( filecrc ! = 0 )
printf ( " have filecrc.%08x for %s milli.%.0f from_ro.%d \n " , filecrc , bits256_str ( str , balancehash ) , OS_milliseconds ( ) , from_ro ) ;
if ( from_ro = = 0 )
if ( filecrc = = 0 )
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( allbundles . bytes , & bstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( i = crc = 0 ; i < coin - > balanceswritten ; i + + )
numpkinds = numunspents = 0 ;
Aptr = 0 , Uptr = 0 ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > ramchain . H . data ! = 0 & & ( numpkinds = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numpkinds ) > 0 & & ( numunspents = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numunspents ) > 0 & & ( Aptr = bp - > ramchain . A ) ! = 0 & & ( Uptr = bp - > ramchain . Uextras ) ! = 0 )
if ( filecrc = = 0 )
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , ( void * ) Aptr , sizeof ( * Aptr ) * numpkinds ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , ( void * ) Uptr , sizeof ( * Uptr ) * numunspents ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( allbundles . bytes , & bstate , ( void * ) bp - > hashes , sizeof ( bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) * bp - > n ) ;
crc = calc_crc32 ( crc , ( void * ) Aptr , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( * Aptr ) * numpkinds ) ) ;
crc = calc_crc32 ( crc , ( void * ) Uptr , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( * Uptr ) * numunspents ) ) ;
crc = calc_crc32 ( crc , ( void * ) bp - > hashes , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) * bp - > n ) ) ;
} else printf ( " missing hdrs.[%d] data.%p num.(%u %d) %p %p \n " , i , bp - > ramchain . H . data , numpkinds , numunspents , Aptr , Uptr ) ;
} else crc = filecrc ;
printf ( " millis %.0f from_ro.%d written.%d crc.%08x/%08x balancehash.(%s) vs (%s) \n " , OS_milliseconds ( ) , from_ro , coin - > balanceswritten , crc , filecrc , bits256_str ( str , balancehash ) , bits256_str ( str2 , coin - > balancehash ) ) ;
if ( ( filecrc ! = 0 & & filecrc ! = crc ) | | memcmp ( balancehash . bytes , coin - > balancehash . bytes , sizeof ( balancehash ) ) ! = 0 | | memcmp ( allbundles . bytes , coin - > allbundles . bytes , sizeof ( allbundles ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " balancehash or crc.(%x %x) mismatch or allbundles.(%llx %llx) mismatch \n " , crc , filecrc , ( long long ) allbundles . txid , ( long long ) coin - > allbundles . txid ) ;
iguana_truncatebalances ( coin ) ;
OS_removefile ( crcfname , 0 ) ;
printf ( " MATCHED balancehash numhdrsi.%d crc.%08x \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , crc ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( crcfname , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( fwrite ( & crc , 1 , sizeof ( crc ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( crc ) | | fwrite ( & balancehash , 1 , sizeof ( balancehash ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( balancehash ) | | fwrite ( & allbundles , 1 , sizeof ( allbundles ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( allbundles ) )
printf ( " error writing.(%s) \n " , crcfname ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
printf ( " volatileinit: cant create.(%s) \n " , crcfname ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( coin - > RTheight = coin - > balanceswritten * coin - > chain - > bundlesize ) > coin - > longestchain )
coin - > longestchain = coin - > RTheight ;
iguana_bundlestats ( coin , buf , IGUANA_DEFAULTLAG ) ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ coin - > balanceswritten - 1 ] ) ! = 0 & & ( block = iguana_blockfind ( " init " , coin , bp - > hashes [ bp - > n - 1 ] ) ) ! = 0 )
coin - > blocks . hwmchain = * block ;
return ( coin - > balanceswritten ) ;
void iguana_initfinal ( struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 lastbundle )
int32_t i ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ; bits256 hash2 ; struct iguana_block * block ; char hashstr [ 65 ] ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( lastbundle ) > 0 )
init_hexbytes_noT ( hashstr , lastbundle . bytes , sizeof ( bits256 ) ) ;
printf ( " req lastbundle.(%s) \n " , hashstr ) ;
queue_enqueue ( " hdrsQ " , & coin - > hdrsQ , queueitem ( hashstr ) , 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > bundlescount - 1 ; i + + )
if ( coin - > bundles [ i ] = = 0 | | coin - > bundles [ i ] - > utxofinish < = 1 )
break ;
if ( i < coin - > bundlescount - 1 )
//printf("spendvectors.[%d] missing, will regen all of them\n",i);
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > bundlescount - 1 ; i + + )
if ( coin - > bundles [ i ] ! = 0 )
coin - > bundles [ i ] - > startutxo = coin - > bundles [ i ] - > utxofinish = 0 ;
printf ( " i.%d bundlescount.%d \n " , i , coin - > bundlescount ) ;
if ( coin - > balanceswritten > 1 )
coin - > balanceswritten = iguana_volatilesinit ( coin ) ;
if ( coin - > balanceswritten > 1 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > balanceswritten ; i + + )
//printf("%d ",i);
iguana_validateQ ( coin , coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " i.%d balanceswritten.%d \n " , i , coin - > balanceswritten ) ;
if ( coin - > balanceswritten < coin - > bundlescount )
for ( i = coin - > balanceswritten ; i < coin - > bundlescount ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > queued = = 0 )
//printf("%d ",i);
iguana_bundleQ ( coin , bp , 1000 ) ;
printf ( " iguana_bundlesQ %d to %d \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , coin - > bundlescount ) ;
coin - > origbalanceswritten = coin - > balanceswritten ;
iguana_volatilesinit ( coin ) ;
iguana_savehdrs ( coin ) ;
iguana_fastlink ( coin , coin - > balanceswritten * coin - > chain - > bundlesize - 1 ) ;
iguana_walkchain ( coin , 0 ) ;
hash2 = iguana_blockhash ( coin , coin - > balanceswritten * coin - > chain - > bundlesize ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( hash2 ) ! = 0 & & ( block = iguana_blockfind ( " initfinal " , coin , hash2 ) ) ! = 0 )
_iguana_chainlink ( coin , block ) ;
int32_t iguana_balanceflush ( struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t refhdrsi )
int32_t hdrsi , numpkinds , iter , numhdrsi , i , numunspents , err ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
char fname [ 1024 ] , fname2 [ 1024 ] , destfname [ 1024 ] ; bits256 balancehash , allbundles ; FILE * fp , * fp2 ;
struct iguana_utxo * Uptr ; struct iguana_account * Aptr ; struct sha256_vstate vstate , bstate ;
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
/*for (hdrsi=0; hdrsi<coin->bundlescount; hdrsi++)
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) = = 0 | | bp - > balancefinish < = 1 | | bp - > ramchain . H . data = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . A = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . Uextras = = 0 )
break ;
if ( hdrsi < coin - > balanceswritten | | hdrsi < refhdrsi )
return ( 0 ) ; */
numhdrsi = refhdrsi ;
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( allbundles . bytes , & bstate , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 3 ; iter + + )
for ( hdrsi = 0 ; hdrsi < numhdrsi ; hdrsi + + )
Aptr = 0 ;
Uptr = 0 ;
numunspents = numpkinds = 0 ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > ramchain . H . data ! = 0 & & ( numpkinds = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numpkinds ) > 0 & & ( numunspents = bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numunspents ) > 0 & & ( Aptr = bp - > ramchain . A ) ! = 0 & & ( Uptr = bp - > ramchain . Uextras ) ! = 0 )
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/%d/debits.N%d " , GLOBAL_TMPDIR , coin - > symbol , bp - > bundleheight , numhdrsi ) ;
sprintf ( fname2 , " %s/%s/%d/lastspends.N%d " , GLOBAL_TMPDIR , coin - > symbol , bp - > bundleheight , numhdrsi ) ;
if ( iter = = 0 )
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , ( void * ) Aptr , sizeof ( * Aptr ) * numpkinds ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( balancehash . bytes , & vstate , ( void * ) Uptr , sizeof ( * Uptr ) * numunspents ) ;
vupdate_sha256 ( allbundles . bytes , & bstate , ( void * ) bp - > hashes , sizeof ( bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) * bp - > n ) ;
else if ( iter = = 1 )
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( fp2 = fopen ( fname2 , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
err = - 1 ;
if ( fwrite ( & numhdrsi , 1 , sizeof ( numhdrsi ) , fp ) = = sizeof ( numhdrsi ) & & fwrite ( & numhdrsi , 1 , sizeof ( numhdrsi ) , fp2 ) = = sizeof ( numhdrsi ) & & fwrite ( balancehash . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( balancehash ) , fp ) = = sizeof ( balancehash ) & & fwrite ( balancehash . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( balancehash ) , fp2 ) = = sizeof ( balancehash ) & & fwrite ( allbundles . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( allbundles ) , fp ) = = sizeof ( allbundles ) & & fwrite ( allbundles . bytes , 1 , sizeof ( allbundles ) , fp2 ) = = sizeof ( allbundles ) )
if ( fwrite ( Aptr , sizeof ( * Aptr ) , numpkinds , fp ) = = numpkinds )
if ( fwrite ( Uptr , sizeof ( * Uptr ) , numunspents , fp2 ) = = numunspents )
err = 0 ;
printf ( " [%d] of %d saved (%s) and (%s) \n " , hdrsi , numhdrsi , fname , fname2 ) ;
if ( err ! = 0 )
printf ( " balanceflush.%s error iter.%d hdrsi.%d \n " , coin - > symbol , iter , hdrsi ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
fclose ( fp2 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
fclose ( fp ) , fclose ( fp2 ) ;
printf ( " error opening %s or %s %p \n " , fname , fname2 , fp ) ;
if ( fp ! = 0 )
fclose ( fp ) ;
else if ( iter = = 2 )
sprintf ( destfname , " %s/%s/accounts/debits.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , bp - > bundleheight ) ;
if ( OS_copyfile ( fname , destfname , 1 ) < 0 )
printf ( " balances error copying (%s) -> (%s) \n " , fname , destfname ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
sprintf ( destfname , " %s/%s/accounts/lastspends.%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , bp - > bundleheight ) ;
if ( OS_copyfile ( fname2 , destfname , 1 ) < 0 )
printf ( " balances error copying (%s) -> (%s) \n " , fname2 , destfname ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
printf ( " %s -> %s \n " , fname , destfname ) ;
OS_removefile ( fname , 0 ) ;
OS_removefile ( fname2 , 0 ) ;
if ( bp - > ramchain . allocatedA = = 0 | | bp - > ramchain . allocatedU = = 0 )
break ;
printf ( " balanceflush iter.%d error loading [%d] Aptr.%p Uptr.%p numpkinds.%u numunspents.%u \n " , iter , hdrsi , Aptr , Uptr , numpkinds , numunspents ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
coin - > allbundles = allbundles ;
coin - > balancehash = balancehash ;
coin - > balanceswritten = numhdrsi ;
for ( hdrsi = 0 ; hdrsi < numhdrsi ; hdrsi + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ hdrsi ] ) = = 0 )
iguana_volatilespurge ( coin , & bp - > ramchain ) ;
if ( iguana_volatilesmap ( coin , & bp - > ramchain ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error mapping bundle.[%d] \n " , hdrsi ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " BALANCES WRITTEN for %d/%d bundles %s \n " , coin - > balanceswritten , coin - > origbalanceswritten , bits256_str ( str , coin - > balancehash ) ) ;
if ( 0 & & coin - > balanceswritten > coin - > origbalanceswritten + 10 ) // strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 &&
coin - > active = 0 ;
coin - > started = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < IGUANA_MAXPEERS ; i + + )
coin - > peers . active [ i ] . dead = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
# ifdef __linux__
char cmd [ 1024 ] ;
sprintf ( cmd , " mksquashfs %s/%s %s.%d -comp xz " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , coin - > symbol , coin - > balanceswritten ) ;
if ( system ( cmd ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error system(%s) \n " , cmd ) ;
sprintf ( cmd , " sudo umount %s/ro/%s " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol ) ;
if ( system ( cmd ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error system(%s) \n " , cmd ) ;
sprintf ( cmd , " sudo mount %s.%d %s/ro/%s -t squashfs -o loop " , coin - > symbol , coin - > balanceswritten , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol ) ;
if ( system ( cmd ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " error system(%s) \n " , cmd ) ;
# endif
for ( i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i + + )
printf ( " need to exit, please restart after shutdown in %d seconds, or just ctrl-C \n " , 30 - i ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
coin - > balanceswritten = iguana_volatilesinit ( coin ) ;
iguana_RTramchainfree ( coin ) ;
return ( coin - > balanceswritten ) ;
int32_t iguana_spendvectorsaves ( struct iguana_info * coin )
int32_t i , j , n , iter ; struct iguana_bundle * bp ;
if ( coin - > spendvectorsaved > 1 )
return ( 0 ) ;
coin - > spendvectorsaved = 1 ;
n = coin - > bundlescount - 1 ;
printf ( " SAVE SPEND VECTORS %d of %d \n " , n , coin - > bundlescount ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 )
if ( iter = = 0 )
if ( bp - > tmpspends ! = 0 & & bp - > converted ! = 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < bp - > numtmpspends ; j + + )
if ( bp - > tmpspends [ j ] . tmpflag ! = 0 )
printf ( " vectorsave.[%d] vec.%d still has tmpflag \n " , i , j ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
else if ( iguana_spendvectorsave ( coin , bp , & bp - > ramchain , bp - > tmpspends , bp - > numtmpspends , bp - > ramchain . H . data - > numspends ) = = 0 )
if ( bp - > tmpspends ! = 0 & & bp - > tmpspends ! = bp - > ramchain . Xspendinds )
myfree ( bp - > tmpspends , sizeof ( * bp - > tmpspends ) * bp - > numtmpspends ) ;
bp - > numtmpspends = 0 ;
bp - > tmpspends = 0 ;
coin - > spendvectorsaved = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
int32_t iguana_spendvectorconvs ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * spentbp )
struct iguana_bundle * bp ; int16_t spent_hdrsi ; uint32_t numpkinds ; struct iguana_unspent * spentU ; struct iguana_spendvector * vec ; int32_t i , converted , j , n = coin - > bundlescount ; struct iguana_ramchain * ramchain ;
if ( spentbp - > converted ! = 0 )
//printf("[%d] already converted.%u\n",spentbp->hdrsi,spentbp->converted);
return ( - 1 ) ;
spentbp - > converted = 1 ;
spent_hdrsi = spentbp - > hdrsi ;
ramchain = & spentbp - > ramchain ;
numpkinds = ramchain - > H . data - > numpkinds ;
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , ramchain , 0 ) ;
spentU = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) ramchain - > H . data + ramchain - > H . data - > Uoffset ) ;
for ( i = converted = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( ( bp = coin - > bundles [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & bp - > tmpspends ! = 0 & & bp - > numtmpspends > 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < bp - > numtmpspends ; j + + )
vec = & bp - > tmpspends [ j ] ;
if ( vec - > hdrsi = = spent_hdrsi )
if ( vec - > tmpflag = = 0 )
if ( bp - > tmpspends ! = bp - > ramchain . Xspendinds )
printf ( " unexpected null tmpflag [%d] j.%d spentbp.[%d] \n " , bp - > hdrsi , j , spentbp - > hdrsi ) ;
if ( _iguana_spendvectorconv ( vec , & spentU [ vec - > unspentind ] , numpkinds ) ! = 0 )
converted + + ;
printf ( " iguana_spendvectorconv.[%d] error [%d] at %d of %d/%d \n " , spentbp - > hdrsi , bp - > hdrsi , j , bp - > numtmpspends , n ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
else if ( bp - > hdrsi > 0 & & bp - > hdrsi < coin - > bundlescount - 1 )
//printf("iguana_spendvectorconvs: [%d] null bp.%p or null tmpspends\n",i,bp);
spentbp - > converted = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
//printf("spendvectorconvs.[%d] converted.%d\n",refbp->hdrsi,converted);
return ( converted ) ;
void iguana_convert ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t RTflag )
static int64_t total , depth ;
int32_t i , n , m , converted ; int64_t total_tmpspends ; double startmillis = OS_milliseconds ( ) ;
depth + + ;
//printf("iguana_convert.[%d] depth.%d %u\n",bp->hdrsi,(int32_t)depth,bp->converted);
if ( ( converted = iguana_spendvectorconvs ( coin , bp ) ) < 0 )
printf ( " error ram balancecalc.[%d] \n " , bp - > hdrsi ) ;
n = coin - > bundlescount ;
for ( i = m = total_tmpspends = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( coin - > bundles [ i ] ! = 0 )
total_tmpspends + = coin - > bundles [ i ] - > numtmpspends ;
if ( coin - > bundles [ i ] - > converted > 1 )
m + + ;
total + = converted ;
printf ( " [%4d] millis %7.3f converted.%-7d balance calc.%-4d of %4d | total.%llu of %llu depth.%d \n " , bp - > hdrsi , OS_milliseconds ( ) - startmillis , converted , m , n , ( long long ) total , ( long long ) total_tmpspends , ( int32_t ) depth ) ;
depth - - ;
void iguana_RTramchainfree ( struct iguana_info * coin )
printf ( " free RTramchain \n " ) ;
iguana_utxoupdate ( coin , - 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , - 1 ) ; // free hashtables
coin - > RTheight = coin - > balanceswritten * coin - > chain - > bundlesize ;
coin - > RTgenesis = 0 ;
iguana_ramchain_free ( coin , & coin - > RTramchain , 1 ) ;
void * iguana_ramchainfile ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_ramchain * dest , struct iguana_ramchain * R , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t bundlei , struct iguana_block * block )
char fname [ 1024 ] ; long filesize ; int32_t err ; void * ptr ;
if ( block = = bp - > blocks [ bundlei ] & & ( ptr = iguana_bundlefile ( coin , fname , & filesize , bp , bundlei ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( iguana_mapchaininit ( fname , coin , R , bp , bundlei , block , ptr , filesize ) = = 0 )
if ( dest ! = 0 )
err = iguana_ramchain_iterate ( coin , dest , R , bp , bundlei ) ;
else err = 0 ;
if ( err ! = 0 | | bits256_cmp ( R - > H . data - > firsthash2 , block - > RO . hash2 ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
printf ( " ERROR [%d:%d] %s vs " , bp - > hdrsi , bundlei , bits256_str ( str , block - > RO . hash2 ) ) ;
printf ( " mapped.%s \n " , bits256_str ( str , R - > H . data - > firsthash2 ) ) ;
} else return ( ptr ) ;
iguana_blockunmark ( coin , block , bp , bundlei , 1 ) ;
iguana_ramchain_free ( coin , R , 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void iguana_RTramchainalloc ( char * fname , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp )
uint32_t i , changed = 0 ; struct iguana_ramchain * dest = & coin - > RTramchain ; struct iguana_blockRO * B ;
if ( dest - > H . data ! = 0 )
i = 0 ;
if ( coin - > RTheight ! = bp - > bundleheight + dest - > H . data - > numblocks )
changed + + ;
B = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) dest - > H . data + dest - > H . data - > Boffset ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dest - > H . data - > numblocks ; i + + )
if ( bits256_cmp ( B [ i ] . hash2 , bp - > hashes [ i ] ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] , str2 [ 65 ] ; printf ( " mismatched hash2 at %d %s vs %s \n " , bp - > bundleheight + i , bits256_str ( str , B [ i ] . hash2 ) , bits256_str ( str2 , bp - > hashes [ i ] ) ) ;
changed + + ;
break ;
if ( changed ! = 0 )
printf ( " RTramchain changed %d bundlei.%d | coin->RTheight %d != %d bp->bundleheight + %d coin->RTramchain.H.data->numblocks \n " , coin - > RTheight , i , coin - > RTheight , bp - > bundleheight , dest - > H . data - > numblocks ) ;
//coin->RTheight = coin->balanceswritten * coin->chain->bundlesize;
iguana_RTramchainfree ( coin ) ;
if ( coin - > RTramchain . H . data = = 0 )
printf ( " ALLOC RTramchain \n " ) ;
iguana_ramchainopen ( fname , coin , dest , & coin - > RTmem , & coin - > RThashmem , bp - > bundleheight , bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) ;
dest - > H . txidind = dest - > H . unspentind = dest - > H . spendind = dest - > pkind = dest - > H . data - > firsti ;
dest - > externalind = dest - > H . stacksize = 0 ;
dest - > H . scriptoffset = 1 ;
void iguana_rdataset ( struct iguana_ramchain * dest , struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdest , struct iguana_ramchain * src )
* dest = * src ;
dest - > H . data = rdest ;
* rdest = * src - > H . data ;
rdest - > numpkinds = src - > pkind ;
rdest - > numexternaltxids = src - > externalind ;
rdest - > numtxids = src - > H . txidind ;
rdest - > numunspents = src - > H . unspentind ;
rdest - > numspends = src - > H . spendind ;
void iguana_rdatarestore ( struct iguana_ramchain * dest , struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdest , struct iguana_ramchain * src )
* src = * dest ;
* src - > H . data = * rdest ;
src - > pkind = rdest - > numpkinds ;
src - > externalind = rdest - > numexternaltxids ;
src - > H . txidind = rdest - > numtxids ;
src - > H . unspentind = rdest - > numunspents ;
src - > H . spendind = rdest - > numspends ;
void iguana_RThdrs ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t numaddrs )
int32_t datalen , i ; uint8_t serialized [ 512 ] ; char str [ 65 ] ; struct iguana_peer * addr ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numaddrs & & i < coin - > peers . numranked ; i + + )
queue_enqueue ( " hdrsQ " , & coin - > hdrsQ , queueitem ( bits256_str ( str , bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) ) , 1 ) ;
if ( ( addr = coin - > peers . ranked [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & addr - > usock > = 0 & & addr - > dead = = 0 & & ( datalen = iguana_gethdrs ( coin , serialized , coin - > chain - > gethdrsmsg , bits256_str ( str , bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ) ) ) > 0 )
iguana_send ( coin , addr , serialized , datalen ) ;
addr - > pendhdrs + + ;
void iguana_RTspendvectors ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp )
int32_t lasti ; struct iguana_ramchain R ; struct iguana_ramchaindata RDATA ;
bp - > ramchain = coin - > RTramchain ;
iguana_rdataset ( & R , & RDATA , & coin - > RTramchain ) ;
iguana_ramchain_prefetch ( coin , & coin - > RTramchain , 0 ) ;
if ( ( lasti = ( coin - > RTheight - ( ( coin - > RTheight / bp - > n ) * bp - > n ) ) ) > = bp - > n - 1 )
lasti = bp - > n - 1 ;
if ( iguana_spendvectors ( coin , bp , & coin - > RTramchain , coin - > RTstarti , lasti , 0 ) < 0 )
printf ( " RTutxo error -> RTramchainfree \n " ) ;
iguana_RTramchainfree ( coin ) ;
return ;
//printf("spendvectors calculated to %d\n",coin->RTheight);
bp - > converted = 0 ;
iguana_convert ( coin , bp , 1 ) ;
//printf("spendvectors converted to %d\n",coin->RTheight);
iguana_balancegen ( coin , 0 , bp , coin - > RTstarti , coin - > RTheight - 1 ) ;
printf ( " iguana_balancegen [%d] (%d to %d) \n " , bp - > hdrsi , coin - > RTstarti , ( coin - > RTheight - 1 ) % bp - > n ) ;
coin - > RTstarti = ( coin - > RTheight % bp - > n ) ;
int32_t iguana_realtime_update ( struct iguana_info * coin )
double startmillis0 ; static double totalmillis0 ; static int32_t num0 ;
struct iguana_bundle * bp ; struct iguana_ramchaindata * rdata ; int32_t bundlei , i , n , flag = 0 ; bits256 hash2 ; struct iguana_peer * addr ;
struct iguana_block * block = 0 ; struct iguana_blockRO * B ; struct iguana_ramchain * dest = 0 , blockR ;
if ( ( bp = coin - > current ) ! = 0 & & bp - > hdrsi = = coin - > longestchain / coin - > chain - > bundlesize & & bp - > hdrsi = = coin - > balanceswritten & & coin - > RTheight > = bp - > bundleheight & & coin - > RTheight < bp - > bundleheight + bp - > n & & ( ( coin - > RTheight < = coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height & & time ( NULL ) > bp - > lastRT ) | | time ( NULL ) > bp - > lastRT + 10 ) )
if ( ( block = bp - > blocks [ 0 ] ) = = 0 | | block - > txvalid = = 0 | | block - > mainchain = = 0 )
if ( block ! = 0 )
if ( _iguana_chainlink ( coin , block ) < = 0 )
iguana_blockunmark ( coin , block , bp , 0 , 0 ) ;
bp - > issued [ 0 ] = 0 ;
hash2 = bp - > hashes [ 0 ] ;
//char str[65]; printf("RT[0] [%d:%d] %s %p\n",bp->hdrsi,0,bits256_str(str,hash2),block);
addr = coin - > peers . ranked [ rand ( ) % 8 ] ;
if ( addr ! = 0 & & addr - > usock > = 0 & & addr - > dead = = 0 )
iguana_sendblockreqPT ( coin , addr , bp , 0 , hash2 , 0 ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("check longest.%d RTheight.%d hwm.%d %s %p\n",coin->longestchain,coin->RTheight,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,bits256_str(str,bp->hashes[0]),block);
if ( bits256_cmp ( coin - > RThash1 , bp - > hashes [ 1 ] ) ! = 0 )
coin - > RThash1 = bp - > hashes [ 1 ] ;
bp - > lastRT = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( coin - > RTheight < coin - > longestchain & & coin - > peers . numranked > 0 & & time ( NULL ) > coin - > RThdrstime + 10 )
iguana_RThdrs ( coin , bp , coin - > peers . numranked ) ;
coin - > RThdrstime = bp - > lastRT ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < coin - > peers . numranked ; i + + )
if ( ( addr = coin - > peers . ranked [ i ] ) ! = 0 & & addr - > usock > = 0 & & addr - > dead = = 0 )
//printf("%d ",addr->numRThashes);
printf ( " RTheaders %s \n " , coin - > symbol ) ;
bp - > lastRT = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
iguana_RTramchainalloc ( " RTbundle " , coin , bp ) ;
bp - > isRT = 1 ;
while ( ( rdata = coin - > RTramchain . H . data ) ! = 0 & & coin - > RTheight < = coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height )
dest = & coin - > RTramchain ;
B = ( void * ) ( long ) ( ( long ) rdata + rdata - > Boffset ) ;
bundlei = ( coin - > RTheight % coin - > chain - > bundlesize ) ;
block = iguana_bundleblock ( coin , & hash2 , bp , bundlei ) ;
iguana_bundlehashadd ( coin , bp , bundlei , block ) ;
//printf("RT.%d vs hwm.%d starti.%d bp->n %d block.%p/%p ramchain.%p\n",coin->RTheight,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->RTstarti,bp->n,block,bp->blocks[bundlei],dest->H.data);
if ( block ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( block - > RO . prev_block ) ! = 0 )
iguana_blocksetcounters ( coin , block , dest ) ;
startmillis0 = OS_milliseconds ( ) ;
if ( iguana_ramchainfile ( coin , dest , & blockR , bp , bundlei , block ) = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
if ( GETBIT ( bp - > haveblock , i ) = = 0 )
bp - > issued [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( ( n = iguana_bundleissuemissing ( coin , bp , 3 , 1. ) ) > 0 )
printf ( " RT issued %d priority requests [%d] to unstick stuckiters.%d \n " , n , bp - > hdrsi , coin - > stuckiters ) ;
for ( i = bundlei ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
block = iguana_bundleblock ( coin , & hash2 , bp , i ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( hash2 ) ! = 0 & & ( block = = 0 | | block - > txvalid = = 0 ) )
uint8_t serialized [ 512 ] ; int32_t len ; struct iguana_peer * addr ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " RT error [%d:%d] %s %p \n " , bp - > hdrsi , i , bits256_str ( str , hash2 ) , block ) ;
addr = coin - > peers . ranked [ rand ( ) % 8 ] ;
if ( addr ! = 0 & & addr - > usock > = 0 & & addr - > dead = = 0 & & ( len = iguana_getdata ( coin , serialized , MSG_BLOCK , & hash2 , 1 ) ) > 0 )
iguana_send ( coin , addr , serialized , len ) ;
coin - > RTgenesis = 0 ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( hash2 ) ! = 0 )
iguana_blockQ ( " RTerr " , coin , bp , i , hash2 , 1 ) ;
break ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
} else iguana_ramchain_free ( coin , & blockR , 1 ) ;
B [ bundlei ] = block - > RO ;
totalmillis0 + = ( OS_milliseconds ( ) - startmillis0 ) ;
num0 + + ;
flag + + ;
coin - > blocks . RO [ bp - > bundleheight + bundlei ] = block - > RO ;
coin - > RTheight + + ;
printf ( " >>>> RT.%d hwm.%d L.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld \n " , coin - > RTheight , coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height , coin - > longestchain , dest - > H . txidind , dest - > H . unspentind , dest - > H . spendind , dest - > pkind , dest - > externalind , ( long ) dest - > H . data - > allocsize ) ;
coin - > RTramchain . H . data - > numblocks = bundlei + 1 ;
} else break ;
n = 0 ;
if ( dest ! = 0 & & flag ! = 0 & & coin - > RTheight > = coin - > longestchain )
printf ( " ramchainiterate.[%d] ave %.2f micros, total %.2f seconds starti.%d num.%d \n " , num0 , ( totalmillis0 * 1000. ) / num0 , totalmillis0 / 1000. , coin - > RTstarti , coin - > RTheight % bp - > n ) ;
if ( ( n = iguana_walkchain ( coin , 1 ) ) = = coin - > RTheight - 1 )
printf ( " RTgenesis verified \n " ) ;
coin - > RTgenesis = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
iguana_RTspendvectors ( coin , bp ) ;
} else printf ( " RTgenesis failed to verify n.%d vs %d \n " , n , coin - > RTheight ) ;
if ( dest ! = 0 & & flag ! = 0 )
printf ( " <<<< flag.%d RT.%d:%d hwm.%d L.%d T.%d U.%d S.%d P.%d X.%d -> size.%ld \n " , flag , coin - > RTheight , n , coin - > blocks . hwmchain . height , coin - > longestchain , dest - > H . txidind , dest - > H . unspentind , dest - > H . spendind , dest - > pkind , dest - > externalind , ( long ) dest - > H . data - > allocsize ) ;
return ( flag ) ;
int32_t iguana_bundlevalidate ( struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_bundle * bp , int32_t forceflag )
static int32_t totalerrs , totalvalidated ;
FILE * fp ; char fname [ 1024 ] ; uint8_t * blockspace ; int32_t i , max , len , errs = 0 ; int64_t total = 0 ;
if ( bp - > validated < = 1 | | forceflag ! = 0 )
sprintf ( fname , " %s/%s/validated/%d " , GLOBAL_DBDIR , coin - > symbol , bp - > bundleheight ) ;
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " rb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( forceflag = = 0 )
if ( fread ( & bp - > validated , 1 , sizeof ( bp - > validated ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( bp - > validated ) | | fread ( & total , 1 , sizeof ( total ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( total ) )
printf ( " error reading.(%s) \n " , fname ) ;
total = 0 ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
if ( forceflag ! = 0 )
OS_removefile ( fname , 1 ) ;
if ( forceflag ! = 0 | | ( total = = 0 & & bp - > validated < = 1 ) )
max = sizeof ( coin - > blockspace ) ;
blockspace = calloc ( 1 , max ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bp - > n ; i + + )
if ( ( len = iguana_peerblockrequest ( coin , blockspace , max , 0 , bp - > hashes [ i ] , 1 ) ) < 0 )
errs + + ;
iguana_blockunmark ( coin , bp - > blocks [ i ] , bp , i , 1 ) ;
totalerrs + + ;
} else total + = len , totalvalidated + + ;
free ( blockspace ) ;
bp - > validated = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
printf ( " VALIDATED.[%d] errs.%d total.%lld %u | total errs.%d validated.%d \n " , bp - > bundleheight , errs , ( long long ) total , bp - > validated , totalerrs , totalvalidated ) ;
if ( errs = = 0 & & fp = = 0 )
if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( fwrite ( & bp - > validated , 1 , sizeof ( bp - > validated ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( bp - > validated ) | | fwrite ( & total , 1 , sizeof ( total ) , fp ) ! = sizeof ( total ) )
printf ( " error saving.(%s) total.%lld \n " , fname , ( long long ) total ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
if ( errs ! = 0 )
//printf("would have removed.[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi);
iguana_bundleremove ( coin , bp - > hdrsi , 0 ) ;
return ( bp - > n - errs ) ;
# include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h"
# include "../includes/iguana_apideclares.h"
TWOSTRINGS_AND_INT ( iguana , balance , activecoin , address , height )
int32_t minconf = 1 , maxconf = SATOSHIDEN ; int64_t total ; uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] , pubkey33 [ 33 ] , addrtype ;
struct iguana_pkhash * P ; cJSON * array , * retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( coin ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " address " , address ) ;
if ( bitcoin_validaddress ( coin , address ) < 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " illegal address " ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
if ( bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( & addrtype , rmd160 , address ) < 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " cant convert address " ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
if ( height ! = 0 )
jaddnum ( retjson , " height " , height ) ;
memset ( pubkey33 , 0 , sizeof ( pubkey33 ) ) ;
P = calloc ( coin - > bundlescount , sizeof ( * P ) ) ;
array = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
iguana_pkhasharray ( coin , array , minconf , maxconf , & total , P , coin - > bundlescount , rmd160 , address , pubkey33 ) ;
free ( P ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " unspents " , array ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " balance " , dstr ( total ) ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
# include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"