Copyright ( c ) 2012 - 2014 Martin Sustrik All rights reserved .
Copyright ( c ) 2013 GoPivotal , Inc . All rights reserved .
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) ,
to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation
the rights to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense ,
and / or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom
the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
# include "../nn.h"
# include "../transport.h"
# include "../protocol.h"
# include "global.h"
# include "sock.h"
# include "ep.h"
# include "../aio/pool.h"
# include "../aio/timer.h"
# include "../utils/err.h"
# include "../utils/alloc.h"
# include "../utils/mutex.h"
# include "../utils/list.h"
# include "../utils/cont.h"
# include "../utils/random.h"
# include "../utils/glock.h"
# include "../utils/chunk.h"
# include "../utils/msg.h"
# include "../utils/attr.h"
# include "../transports/inproc/inproc.h"
# include "../transports/ipc/ipc.h"
# include "../transports/tcp/tcp.h"
# include "../transports/ws/ws.h"
# include "../transports/tcpmux/tcpmux.h"
# include "../protocols/pair/pair.h"
# include "../protocols/pair/xpair.h"
# include "../protocols/pubsub/pub.h"
# include "../protocols/pubsub/sub.h"
# include "../protocols/pubsub/xpub.h"
# include "../protocols/pubsub/xsub.h"
# include "../protocols/reqrep/rep.h"
# include "../protocols/reqrep/req.h"
# include "../protocols/reqrep/xrep.h"
# include "../protocols/reqrep/xreq.h"
# include "../protocols/pipeline/push.h"
# include "../protocols/pipeline/pull.h"
# include "../protocols/pipeline/xpush.h"
# include "../protocols/pipeline/xpull.h"
# include "../protocols/survey/respondent.h"
# include "../protocols/survey/surveyor.h"
# include "../protocols/survey/xrespondent.h"
# include "../protocols/survey/xsurveyor.h"
# include "../protocols/bus/bus.h"
# include "../protocols/bus/xbus.h"
# include "../pubsub.h"
# include "../pipeline.h"
# include <stddef.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <time.h>
# if defined NN_HAVE_MINGW
# include <pthread.h>
# elif defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
# define gmtime_r(ptr_numtime, ptr_strtime) gmtime_s(ptr_strtime, ptr_numtime)
# endif
# if defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
# include "../utils/win.h"
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
/* Max number of concurrent SP sockets. */
# define NN_MAX_SOCKETS 512
/* To save some space, list of unused socket slots uses uint16_t integers to
refer to individual sockets . If there ' s a need to more that 0x10000 sockets ,
the type should be changed to uint32_t or int . */
CT_ASSERT ( NN_MAX_SOCKETS < = 0x10000 ) ;
/* This check is performed at the beginning of each socket operation to make
sure that the library was initialised , the socket actually exists , and is
a valid socket index . */
# define NN_BASIC_CHECKS \
if ( nn_slow ( s < 0 | | s > NN_MAX_SOCKETS ) ) { \
errno = EBADF ; \
return - 1 ; \
} \
if ( nn_slow ( ! SELF . socks | | ! SELF . socks [ s ] ) ) { \
errno = EBADF ; \
return - 1 ; \
struct nn_global {
/* The global table of existing sockets. The descriptor representing
the socket is the index to this table . This pointer is also used to
find out whether context is initialised . If it is NULL , context is
uninitialised . */
struct nn_sock * * socks ;
/* Stack of unused file descriptors. */
uint16_t * unused ;
/* Number of actual open sockets in the socket table. */
size_t nsocks ;
/* Combination of the flags listed above. */
int flags ;
/* List of all available transports. */
struct nn_list transports ;
/* List of all available socket types. */
struct nn_list socktypes ;
/* Pool of worker threads. */
struct nn_pool pool ;
/* Timer and other machinery for submitting statistics */
struct nn_ctx ctx ;
struct nn_fsm fsm ;
int state ;
struct nn_timer stat_timer ;
int print_errors ;
int print_statistics ;
/* Special socket ids */
int statistics_socket ;
/* Application name for statistics */
char hostname [ 64 ] ;
char appname [ 64 ] ;
} ;
/* Singleton object containing the global state of the library. */
static struct nn_global SELF = { 0 } ;
/* Context creation- and termination-related private functions. */
void nn_global_init ( void ) ;
static void nn_global_term ( void ) ;
/* Transport-related private functions. */
static void nn_global_add_transport ( struct nn_transport * transport ) ;
static void nn_global_add_socktype ( struct nn_socktype * socktype ) ;
/* Private function that unifies nn_bind and nn_connect functionality.
It returns the ID of the newly created endpoint . */
static int nn_global_create_ep ( int32_t s , const char * addr , int32_t bind ) ;
/* Private socket creator which doesn't initialize global state and
does no locking by itself */
static int nn_global_create_socket ( int32_t domain , int32_t protocol ) ;
/* FSM callbacks */
static void nn_global_handler ( struct nn_fsm * self , int32_t src , int32_t type , void * srcptr ) ;
static void nn_global_shutdown ( struct nn_fsm * self , int32_t src , int32_t type , void * srcptr ) ;
int32_t nn_errno ( void ) { return nn_err_errno ( ) ; }
const char * nn_strerror ( int32_t errnum ) { return nn_err_strerror ( errnum ) ; }
static void nn_global_add_transport ( struct nn_transport * transport )
if ( transport - > init )
transport - > init ( ) ;
nn_list_insert ( & SELF . transports , & transport - > item , nn_list_end ( & SELF . transports ) ) ;
static void nn_global_add_socktype ( struct nn_socktype * socktype )
PNACL_message ( " add socktype %p -> %p \n " , socktype , & SELF . socktypes ) ;
nn_list_insert ( & SELF . socktypes , & socktype - > item , nn_list_end ( & SELF . socktypes ) ) ;
PNACL_message ( " added socktype %p -> %p \n " , socktype , & SELF . socktypes ) ;
void nn_global_init ( void )
int32_t i , rc ; char * envvar , * addr ;
if ( SELF . socks ! = 0 ) // Check whether the library was already initialised. If so, do nothing
return ;
# if defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
WSADATA data ;
/* On Windows, initialise the socket library. */
rc = WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD ( 2 , 2 ) , & data ) ;
nn_assert ( rc = = 0 ) ;
nn_assert ( LOBYTE ( data . wVersion ) = = 2 & &
HIBYTE ( data . wVersion ) = = 2 ) ;
# endif
PNACL_message ( " nn_global_init \n " ) ;
nn_alloc_init ( ) ; // Initialise the memory allocation subsystem
nn_random_seed ( ) ; // Seed the pseudo-random number generator
// Allocate the global table of SP sockets.
SELF . socks = nn_alloc ( ( sizeof ( struct nn_sock * ) * NN_MAX_SOCKETS ) + ( sizeof ( uint16_t ) * NN_MAX_SOCKETS ) , " socket table " ) ;
alloc_assert ( SELF . socks ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NN_MAX_SOCKETS ; i + + )
SELF . socks [ i ] = NULL ;
SELF . nsocks = SELF . flags = 0 ;
PNACL_message ( " do getenv \n " ) ;
envvar = getenv ( " NN_PRINT_ERRORS " ) ; // Print connection and accepting errors to the stderr
SELF . print_errors = envvar & & * envvar ; // any non-empty string is true
envvar = getenv ( " NN_PRINT_STATISTICS " ) ; // Print socket statistics to stderr
SELF . print_statistics = envvar & & * envvar ;
SELF . unused = ( uint16_t * ) ( SELF . socks + NN_MAX_SOCKETS ) ; // Allocate the stack of unused file descriptors
alloc_assert ( SELF . unused ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NN_MAX_SOCKETS ; i + + )
SELF . unused [ i ] = NN_MAX_SOCKETS - i - 1 ;
PNACL_message ( " list init \n " ) ;
// Initialise other parts of the global state.
nn_list_init ( & SELF . transports ) ;
nn_list_init ( & SELF . socktypes ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
PNACL_message ( " transports init \n " ) ;
// Plug in individual transports.
nn_global_add_transport ( nn_tcp ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
PNACL_message ( " socktypes init \n " ) ;
// Plug in individual socktypes
nn_global_add_socktype ( nn_pair_socktype ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
PNACL_message ( " nn_xpair_socktype init \n " ) ;
nn_global_add_socktype ( nn_xpair_socktype ) ;
PNACL_message ( " did nn_xpair_socktype init \n " ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
PNACL_message ( " do pool init \n " ) ;
nn_pool_init ( & SELF . pool ) ; // Start the worker threads
sleep ( 1 ) ;
PNACL_message ( " do FSM init \n " ) ;
nn_fsm_init_root ( & SELF . fsm , nn_global_handler , nn_global_shutdown , & SELF . ctx ) ; // Start FSM
PNACL_message ( " ctx init \n " ) ;
nn_ctx_init ( & SELF . ctx , nn_global_getpool ( ) , NULL ) ;
PNACL_message ( " timer init \n " ) ;
nn_timer_init ( & SELF . stat_timer , NN_GLOBAL_SRC_STAT_TIMER , & SELF . fsm ) ;
PNACL_message ( " do FSM start \n " ) ;
nn_fsm_start ( & SELF . fsm ) ;
PNACL_message ( " special sockets init \n " ) ;
// Initializing special sockets.
addr = getenv ( " NN_STATISTICS_SOCKET " ) ;
if ( addr ! = 0 )
SELF . statistics_socket = nn_global_create_socket ( AF_SP , NN_PUB ) ;
errno_assert ( SELF . statistics_socket > = 0 ) ;
rc = nn_global_create_ep ( SELF . statistics_socket , addr , 0 ) ;
errno_assert ( rc > = 0 ) ;
} else SELF . statistics_socket = - 1 ;
addr = getenv ( " NN_APPLICATION_NAME " ) ;
if ( addr ! = 0 )
strncpy ( SELF . appname , addr , 63 ) , SELF . appname [ 63 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// No cross-platform way to find out application binary. Also, MSVC suggests using _getpid() instead of getpid(), however, it's not clear whether the former is supported by older versions of Windows/MSVC.
# if defined _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (push)
# pragma warning (disable:4996)
# endif
sprintf ( SELF . appname , " nanomsg.%d " , getpid ( ) ) ;
# if defined _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (pop)
# endif
addr = getenv ( " NN_HOSTNAME " ) ;
if ( addr ! = 0 )
strncpy ( SELF . hostname , addr , 63 ) , SELF . hostname [ 63 ] = ' \0 ' ;
rc = gethostname ( SELF . hostname , 63 ) ;
errno_assert ( rc = = 0 ) ;
SELF . hostname [ 63 ] = ' \0 ' ;
static void nn_global_term ( void )
# if defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
int rc ;
# endif
struct nn_list_item * it ;
struct nn_transport * tp ;
/* If there are no sockets remaining, uninitialise the global context. */
nn_assert ( SELF . socks ) ;
if ( SELF . nsocks > 0 )
return ;
/* Stop the FSM */
nn_ctx_enter ( & SELF . ctx ) ;
nn_fsm_stop ( & SELF . fsm ) ;
nn_ctx_leave ( & SELF . ctx ) ;
/* Shut down the worker threads. */
nn_pool_term ( & SELF . pool ) ;
/* Terminate ctx mutex */
nn_ctx_term ( & SELF . ctx ) ;
/* Ask all the transport to deallocate their global resources. */
while ( ! nn_list_empty ( & SELF . transports ) ) {
it = nn_list_begin ( & SELF . transports ) ;
tp = nn_cont ( it , struct nn_transport , item ) ;
if ( tp - > term )
tp - > term ( ) ;
nn_list_erase ( & SELF . transports , it ) ;
/* For now there's nothing to deallocate about socket types, however,
let ' s remove them from the list anyway . */
while ( ! nn_list_empty ( & SELF . socktypes ) )
nn_list_erase ( & SELF . socktypes , nn_list_begin ( & SELF . socktypes ) ) ;
/* Final deallocation of the nn_global object itSELF. */
nn_list_term ( & SELF . socktypes ) ;
nn_list_term ( & SELF . transports ) ;
nn_free ( SELF . socks ) ;
/* This marks the global state as uninitialised. */
SELF . socks = NULL ;
/* Shut down the memory allocation subsystem. */
nn_alloc_term ( ) ;
/* On Windows, uninitialise the socket library. */
# if defined NN_HAVE_WINDOWS
rc = WSACleanup ( ) ;
nn_assert ( rc = = 0 ) ;
# endif
void nn_term ( void )
int i ;
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
/* Switch the global state into the zombie state. */
/* Mark all open sockets as terminating. */
if ( SELF . socks & & SELF . nsocks ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = NN_MAX_SOCKETS ; + + i )
if ( SELF . socks [ i ] )
nn_sock_zombify ( SELF . socks [ i ] ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
void * nn_allocmsg ( size_t size , int type )
int rc ;
void * result ;
rc = nn_chunk_alloc ( size , type , & result ) ;
if ( rc = = 0 )
return result ;
errno = - rc ;
return NULL ;
void * nn_reallocmsg ( void * msg , size_t size )
int rc ;
rc = nn_chunk_realloc ( size , & msg ) ;
if ( rc = = 0 )
return msg ;
errno = - rc ;
return NULL ;
int nn_freemsg ( void * msg )
nn_chunk_free ( msg ) ;
return 0 ;
struct nn_cmsghdr * nn_cmsg_nxthdr_ ( const struct nn_msghdr * mhdr ,
const struct nn_cmsghdr * cmsg )
char * data ;
size_t sz ;
struct nn_cmsghdr * next ;
size_t headsz ;
/* Early return if no message is provided. */
if ( nn_slow ( mhdr = = NULL ) )
return NULL ;
/* Get the actual data. */
if ( mhdr - > msg_controllen = = NN_MSG ) {
data = * ( ( void * * ) mhdr - > msg_control ) ;
sz = nn_chunk_size ( data ) ;
else {
data = ( char * ) mhdr - > msg_control ;
sz = mhdr - > msg_controllen ;
/* Ancillary data allocation was not even large enough for one element. */
if ( nn_slow ( sz < NN_CMSG_SPACE ( 0 ) ) )
return NULL ;
/* If cmsg is set to NULL we are going to return first property.
Otherwise move to the next property . */
if ( ! cmsg )
next = ( struct nn_cmsghdr * ) data ;
next = ( struct nn_cmsghdr * )
( ( ( char * ) cmsg ) + NN_CMSG_ALIGN_ ( cmsg - > cmsg_len ) ) ;
/* If there's no space for next property, treat it as the end
of the property list . */
headsz = ( ( char * ) next ) - data ;
if ( headsz + NN_CMSG_SPACE ( 0 ) > sz | |
headsz + NN_CMSG_ALIGN_ ( next - > cmsg_len ) > sz )
return NULL ;
/* Success. */
return next ;
int32_t nn_global_create_socket ( int32_t domain , int32_t protocol )
int32_t rc , s ; struct nn_list_item * it ; struct nn_socktype * socktype ; struct nn_sock * sock ;
// The function is called with nn_glock held
if ( nn_slow ( domain ! = AF_SP & & domain ! = AF_SP_RAW ) ) // Only AF_SP and AF_SP_RAW domains are supported
if ( nn_slow ( SELF . nsocks > = NN_MAX_SOCKETS ) ) // If socket limit was reached, report error
return - EMFILE ;
s = SELF . unused [ NN_MAX_SOCKETS - SELF . nsocks - 1 ] ; // Find an empty socket slot
// Find the appropriate socket type.
for ( it = nn_list_begin ( & SELF . socktypes ) ; it ! = nn_list_end ( & SELF . socktypes ) ; it = nn_list_next ( & SELF . socktypes , it ) )
socktype = nn_cont ( it , struct nn_socktype , item ) ;
if ( socktype - > domain = = domain & & socktype - > protocol = = protocol )
sock = nn_alloc ( sizeof ( struct nn_sock ) , " sock " ) ; // Instantiate the socket
alloc_assert ( sock ) ;
rc = nn_sock_init ( sock , socktype , s ) ;
if ( rc < 0 )
return rc ;
SELF . socks [ s ] = sock ; // Adjust the global socket table
SELF . nsocks + + ;
return s ;
return - EINVAL ; // Specified socket type wasn't found
int nn_socket ( int domain , int protocol )
int rc ;
PNACL_message ( " nn_socket flags.%d \n " , SELF . flags ) ;
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( SELF . flags & NN_CTX_FLAG_ZOMBIE ) ) // If nn_term() was already called, return ETERM
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
errno = ETERM ;
return - 1 ;
//PNACL_message("nn_socket flags.%d\n",SELF.flags);
nn_global_init ( ) ; // Make sure that global state is initialised
rc = nn_global_create_socket ( domain , protocol ) ;
if ( rc < 0 )
nn_global_term ( ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
//PNACL_message("did nn_global_init\n");
return rc ;
int nn_close ( int s )
int rc ;
// TODO: nn_sock_term can take a long time to accomplish. It should not be performed under global critical section
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
/* Deallocate the socket object. */
rc = nn_sock_term ( SELF . socks [ s ] ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( rc = = - EINTR ) ) {
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
errno = EINTR ;
return - 1 ;
// Remove the socket from the socket table, add it to unused socket table
nn_free ( SELF . socks [ s ] ) ;
SELF . socks [ s ] = NULL ;
SELF . unused [ NN_MAX_SOCKETS - SELF . nsocks ] = s ;
- - SELF . nsocks ;
/* Destroy the global context if there's no socket remaining. */
nn_global_term ( ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int nn_setsockopt ( int s , int level , int option , const void * optval , size_t optvallen )
int rc ;
if ( nn_slow ( ! optval & & optvallen ) ) {
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
rc = nn_sock_setopt ( SELF . socks [ s ] , level , option , optval , optvallen ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) ) {
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
errnum_assert ( rc = = 0 , - rc ) ;
return 0 ;
int nn_getsockopt ( int s , int level , int option , void * optval , size_t * optvallen )
int rc ;
if ( nn_slow ( ! optval & & optvallen ) ) {
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
rc = nn_sock_getopt ( SELF . socks [ s ] , level , option , optval , optvallen ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) ) {
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
errnum_assert ( rc = = 0 , - rc ) ;
return 0 ;
int nn_bind ( int s , const char * addr )
int rc ;
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
rc = nn_global_create_ep ( s , addr , 1 ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
if ( rc < 0 ) {
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
return rc ;
int nn_connect ( int s , const char * addr )
int rc ;
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
rc = nn_global_create_ep ( s , addr , 0 ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
if ( rc < 0 )
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
return rc ;
int nn_shutdown ( int s , int how )
int rc ;
rc = nn_sock_rm_ep ( SELF . socks [ s ] , how ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) ) {
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
nn_assert ( rc = = 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
int32_t nn_send ( int32_t s , const void * buf , size_t len , int32_t flags )
struct nn_iovec iov ; struct nn_msghdr hdr ;
iov . iov_base = ( void * ) buf ;
iov . iov_len = len ;
hdr . msg_iov = & iov ;
hdr . msg_iovlen = 1 ;
hdr . msg_control = NULL ;
hdr . msg_controllen = 0 ;
return nn_sendmsg ( s , & hdr , flags ) ;
int32_t nn_recv ( int32_t s , void * buf , size_t len , int32_t flags )
struct nn_iovec iov ; struct nn_msghdr hdr ;
iov . iov_base = buf ;
iov . iov_len = len ;
hdr . msg_iov = & iov ;
hdr . msg_iovlen = 1 ;
hdr . msg_control = NULL ;
hdr . msg_controllen = 0 ;
return nn_recvmsg ( s , & hdr , flags ) ;
# ifdef NN_USE_MYMSG
int32_t nn_sendmsg ( int32_t s , const struct nn_msghdr * msghdr , int32_t flags )
int32_t rc , i , nnmsg ; size_t sz ; struct nn_iovec * iov ; struct nn_msg msg ; void * chunk ;
//PNACL_message("nn_sendmsg.(%d) \n",s);
if ( nn_slow ( ! msghdr ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen < 0 ) )
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return - 1 ;
if ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen = = 1 & & msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_len = = NN_MSG )
chunk = * ( void * * ) msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_base ;
if ( nn_slow ( chunk = = NULL ) )
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
sz = nn_chunk_size ( chunk ) ;
nn_msg_init_chunk ( & msg , chunk ) ;
nnmsg = 1 ;
// Compute the total size of the message
for ( sz = i = 0 ; i < msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; i + + )
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
if ( nn_slow ( iov - > iov_len = = NN_MSG ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( ! iov - > iov_base & & iov - > iov_len ) )
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( sz + iov - > iov_len < sz ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
sz + = iov - > iov_len ;
// Create a message object from the supplied scatter array
nn_msg_init ( & msg , sz ) ;
for ( sz = i = 0 ; i < msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; i + + )
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
memcpy ( ( ( uint8_t * ) nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . body ) ) + sz , iov - > iov_base , iov - > iov_len ) ;
sz + = iov - > iov_len ;
nnmsg = 0 ;
nn_assert ( msghdr - > msg_control = = 0 ) ; // cant support msgs until sendmsg()/recvmsg() native to pnacl
rc = nn_sock_send ( SELF . socks [ s ] , & msg , flags ) ; // Send it further down the stack
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) )
// If we are dealing with user-supplied buffer, detach it from the message object
if ( nnmsg )
nn_chunkref_init ( & msg . body , 0 ) ;
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
// Adjust the statistics
nn_sock_stat_increment ( SELF . socks [ s ] , NN_STAT_MESSAGES_SENT , 1 ) ;
nn_sock_stat_increment ( SELF . socks [ s ] , NN_STAT_BYTES_SENT , sz ) ;
return ( int ) sz ;
int32_t nn_recvmsg ( int32_t s , struct nn_msghdr * msghdr , int32_t flags )
struct nn_msg msg ; uint8_t * data ; struct nn_iovec * iov ; void * chunk ; int32_t i , rc ; size_t sz ;
if ( nn_slow ( ! msghdr ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen < 0 ) )
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return - 1 ;
rc = nn_sock_recv ( SELF . socks [ s ] , & msg , flags ) ; // Get a message
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) )
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
//printf("got nn_sock_recv rc.%d\n",rc);
if ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen = = 1 & & msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_len = = NN_MSG )
chunk = nn_chunkref_getchunk ( & msg . body ) ;
* ( void * * ) ( msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_base ) = chunk ;
sz = nn_chunk_size ( chunk ) ;
//PNACL_message("got message -> iov_base.%p sz.%d\n",msghdr->msg_iov[0].iov_base,(int32_t)sz);
else // Copy the message content into the supplied gather array
data = nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . body ) ;
sz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . body ) ;
//PNACL_message("got message -> data.%p sz.%d\n",data,(int32_t)sz);
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; i + + )
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
if ( nn_slow ( iov - > iov_len = = NN_MSG ) )
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( iov - > iov_len > sz )
memcpy ( iov - > iov_base , data , sz ) ;
break ;
memcpy ( iov - > iov_base , data , iov - > iov_len ) ;
data + = iov - > iov_len ;
sz - = iov - > iov_len ;
sz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . body ) ;
nn_assert ( msghdr - > msg_control = = 0 ) ; // cant support msgs until sendmsg()/recvmsg() native to pnacl
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
return ( int32_t ) sz ;
# else
int32_t nn_sendmsg ( int32_t s , const struct nn_msghdr * msghdr , int32_t flags )
int32_t rc , i , nnmsg ; size_t sz , spsz ; struct nn_iovec * iov ; struct nn_msg msg ; void * chunk ; struct nn_cmsghdr * cmsg ;
//PNACL_message("nn_sendmsg.(%d) \n",s);
if ( nn_slow ( ! msghdr ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen < 0 ) )
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return - 1 ;
if ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen = = 1 & & msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_len = = NN_MSG )
chunk = * ( void * * ) msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_base ;
if ( nn_slow ( chunk = = NULL ) )
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
sz = nn_chunk_size ( chunk ) ;
nn_msg_init_chunk ( & msg , chunk ) ;
nnmsg = 1 ;
// Compute the total size of the message
sz = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; + + i )
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
if ( nn_slow ( iov - > iov_len = = NN_MSG ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( ! iov - > iov_base & & iov - > iov_len ) )
errno = EFAULT ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( sz + iov - > iov_len < sz ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
sz + = iov - > iov_len ;
// Create a message object from the supplied scatter array
nn_msg_init ( & msg , sz ) ;
sz = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; + + i ) {
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
memcpy ( ( ( uint8_t * ) nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . body ) ) + sz ,
iov - > iov_base , iov - > iov_len ) ;
sz + = iov - > iov_len ;
nnmsg = 0 ;
/* Add ancillary data to the message. */
if ( msghdr - > msg_control ) {
/* Copy all headers. */
/* TODO: SP_HDR should not be copied here! */
if ( msghdr - > msg_controllen = = NN_MSG ) {
chunk = * ( ( void * * ) msghdr - > msg_control ) ;
nn_chunkref_term ( & msg . hdrs ) ;
nn_chunkref_init_chunk ( & msg . hdrs , chunk ) ;
else {
nn_chunkref_term ( & msg . hdrs ) ;
nn_chunkref_init ( & msg . hdrs , msghdr - > msg_controllen ) ;
memcpy ( nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . hdrs ) ,
msghdr - > msg_control , msghdr - > msg_controllen ) ;
/* Search for SP_HDR property. */
cmsg = NN_CMSG_FIRSTHDR ( msghdr ) ;
while ( cmsg ) {
if ( cmsg - > cmsg_level = = PROTO_SP & & cmsg - > cmsg_type = = SP_HDR ) {
/* Copy body of SP_HDR property into 'sphdr'. */
nn_chunkref_term ( & msg . sphdr ) ;
spsz = cmsg - > cmsg_len - NN_CMSG_SPACE ( 0 ) ;
nn_chunkref_init ( & msg . sphdr , spsz ) ;
memcpy ( nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . sphdr ) ,
NN_CMSG_DATA ( cmsg ) , spsz ) ;
break ;
cmsg = NN_CMSG_NXTHDR ( msghdr , cmsg ) ;
/* Send it further down the stack. */
rc = nn_sock_send ( SELF . socks [ s ] , & msg , flags ) ;
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) ) {
/* If we are dealing with user-supplied buffer, detach it from
the message object . */
if ( nnmsg )
nn_chunkref_init ( & msg . body , 0 ) ;
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
/* Adjust the statistics. */
nn_sock_stat_increment ( SELF . socks [ s ] , NN_STAT_MESSAGES_SENT , 1 ) ;
nn_sock_stat_increment ( SELF . socks [ s ] , NN_STAT_BYTES_SENT , sz ) ;
return ( int ) sz ;
int32_t nn_recvmsg ( int32_t s , struct nn_msghdr * msghdr , int32_t flags )
struct nn_msg msg ; uint8_t * data ; struct nn_iovec * iov ; void * chunk , * ctrl ; struct nn_cmsghdr * chdr ;
int32_t i , rc ; size_t sz , hdrssz , ctrlsz , spsz , sptotalsz ;
//PNACL_message("nn_recvmsg.(%d) \n",s);
if ( nn_slow ( ! msghdr ) )
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( nn_slow ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen < 0 ) )
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return - 1 ;
//PNACL_message("get a message from sock.%d\n",s);
rc = nn_sock_recv ( SELF . socks [ s ] , & msg , flags ) ; // Get a message
if ( nn_slow ( rc < 0 ) )
errno = - rc ;
return - 1 ;
if ( msghdr - > msg_iovlen = = 1 & & msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_len = = NN_MSG )
chunk = nn_chunkref_getchunk ( & msg . body ) ;
* ( void * * ) ( msghdr - > msg_iov [ 0 ] . iov_base ) = chunk ;
sz = nn_chunk_size ( chunk ) ;
//PNACL_message("got message -> iov_base.%p sz.%d\n",msghdr->msg_iov[0].iov_base,(int32_t)sz);
else // Copy the message content into the supplied gather array
data = nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . body ) ;
sz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . body ) ;
//PNACL_message("got message -> data.%p sz.%d\n",data,(int32_t)sz);
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = msghdr - > msg_iovlen ; i + + )
iov = & msghdr - > msg_iov [ i ] ;
if ( nn_slow ( iov - > iov_len = = NN_MSG ) )
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
errno = EINVAL ;
return - 1 ;
if ( iov - > iov_len > sz )
memcpy ( iov - > iov_base , data , sz ) ;
break ;
memcpy ( iov - > iov_base , data , iov - > iov_len ) ;
data + = iov - > iov_len ;
sz - = iov - > iov_len ;
sz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . body ) ;
// Retrieve the ancillary data from the message
if ( msghdr - > msg_control )
spsz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . sphdr ) ;
sptotalsz = NN_CMSG_SPACE ( spsz ) ;
ctrlsz = sptotalsz + nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . hdrs ) ;
if ( msghdr - > msg_controllen = = NN_MSG )
rc = nn_chunk_alloc ( ctrlsz , 0 , & ctrl ) ; // Allocate the buffer
errnum_assert ( rc = = 0 , - rc ) ;
* ( ( void * * ) msghdr - > msg_control ) = ctrl ; // Set output parameters
ctrl = msghdr - > msg_control ; // Just use the buffer supplied by the user
ctrlsz = msghdr - > msg_controllen ;
// If SP header alone won't fit into the buffer, return no ancillary properties
if ( ctrlsz > = sptotalsz ) // Fill in SP_HDR ancillary property
chdr = ( struct nn_cmsghdr * ) ctrl ;
chdr - > cmsg_len = sptotalsz ;
chdr - > cmsg_level = PROTO_SP ;
chdr - > cmsg_type = SP_HDR ;
memcpy ( chdr + 1 , nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . sphdr ) , spsz ) ;
// Fill in as many remaining properties as possible. Truncate the trailing properties if necessary
hdrssz = nn_chunkref_size ( & msg . hdrs ) ;
if ( hdrssz > ctrlsz - sptotalsz )
hdrssz = ctrlsz - sptotalsz ;
memcpy ( ( ( char * ) ctrl ) + sptotalsz , nn_chunkref_data ( & msg . hdrs ) , hdrssz ) ;
nn_msg_term ( & msg ) ;
return ( int32_t ) sz ;
# endif
static void nn_global_submit_counter ( int i , struct nn_sock * s ,
char * name , uint64_t value )
/* Length of buffer is:
len ( hostname ) + len ( appname ) + len ( socket_name ) + len ( timebuf )
+ len ( str ( value ) ) + len ( static characters )
63 + 63 + 63 + 20 + 20 + 60 = 289 */
char buf [ 512 ] ;
char timebuf [ 20 ] ;
time_t numtime ;
struct tm strtime ;
int len ;
if ( SELF . print_statistics ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " nanomsg: socket.%s: %s: %llu \n " ,
s - > socket_name , name , ( long long unsigned int ) value ) ;
if ( SELF . statistics_socket > = 0 ) {
/* TODO(tailhook) add HAVE_GMTIME_R ifdef */
time ( & numtime ) ;
gmtime_r ( & numtime , & strtime ) ;
# else
# error
# endif
strftime ( timebuf , 20 , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S " , & strtime ) ;
if ( * s - > socket_name ) {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%s:%s: %sZ 10 %llu:c " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , s - > socket_name , name ,
timebuf , ( long long unsigned int ) value ) ;
} else {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%d:%s: %sZ 10 %llu:c " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , i , name ,
timebuf , ( long long unsigned int ) value ) ;
nn_assert ( len < ( int ) sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
( void ) nn_send ( SELF . statistics_socket , buf , len , NN_DONTWAIT ) ;
static void nn_global_submit_level ( int i , struct nn_sock * s ,
char * name , int value )
/* Length of buffer is:
len ( hostname ) + len ( appname ) + len ( socket_name ) + len ( timebuf )
+ len ( str ( value ) ) + len ( static characters )
63 + 63 + 63 + 20 + 20 + 60 = 289 */
char buf [ 512 ] ;
char timebuf [ 20 ] ;
time_t numtime ;
struct tm strtime ;
int len ;
if ( SELF . print_statistics ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " nanomsg: socket.%s: %s: %d \n " ,
s - > socket_name , name , value ) ;
if ( SELF . statistics_socket > = 0 ) {
/* TODO(tailhook) add HAVE_GMTIME_R ifdef */
time ( & numtime ) ;
gmtime_r ( & numtime , & strtime ) ;
# else
# error
# endif
strftime ( timebuf , 20 , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S " , & strtime ) ;
if ( * s - > socket_name ) {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%s:%s: %sZ 10 %d " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , s - > socket_name , name ,
timebuf , value ) ;
} else {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%d:%s: %sZ 10 %d " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , i , name ,
timebuf , value ) ;
nn_assert ( len < ( int ) sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
( void ) nn_send ( SELF . statistics_socket , buf , len , NN_DONTWAIT ) ;
static void nn_global_submit_errors ( int i , struct nn_sock * s ,
char * name , int value )
/* TODO(tailhook) dynamically allocate buffer */
char buf [ 4096 ] ;
char * curbuf ;
int buf_left ;
char timebuf [ 20 ] ;
time_t numtime ;
struct tm strtime ;
int len ;
struct nn_list_item * it ;
struct nn_ep * ep ;
if ( SELF . statistics_socket > = 0 ) {
/* TODO(tailhook) add HAVE_GMTIME_R ifdef */
time ( & numtime ) ;
gmtime_r ( & numtime , & strtime ) ;
# else
# error
# endif
strftime ( timebuf , 20 , " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S " , & strtime ) ;
if ( * s - > socket_name ) {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%s:%s: %sZ 10 %d \n " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , s - > socket_name , name ,
timebuf , value ) ;
} else {
len = sprintf ( buf , " ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%d:%s: %sZ 10 %d \n " ,
SELF . hostname , SELF . appname , i , name ,
timebuf , value ) ;
buf_left = sizeof ( buf ) - len ;
curbuf = buf + len ;
for ( it = nn_list_begin ( & s - > eps ) ;
it ! = nn_list_end ( & s - > eps ) ;
it = nn_list_next ( & s - > eps , it ) ) {
ep = nn_cont ( it , struct nn_ep , item ) ;
if ( ep - > last_errno ) {
len = _snprintf_s ( curbuf , buf_left , _TRUNCATE ,
" nanomsg: Endpoint %d [%s] error: %s \n " ,
ep - > eid , nn_ep_getaddr ( ep ) , nn_strerror ( ep - > last_errno ) ) ;
# else
len = snprintf ( curbuf , buf_left ,
" nanomsg: Endpoint %d [%s] error: %s \n " ,
ep - > eid , nn_ep_getaddr ( ep ) , nn_strerror ( ep - > last_errno ) ) ;
PNACL_message ( " %s \n " , curbuf ) ;
# endif
if ( buf_left < len )
break ;
curbuf + = len ;
buf_left - = len ;
( void ) nn_send ( SELF . statistics_socket ,
buf , sizeof ( buf ) - buf_left , NN_DONTWAIT ) ;
static void nn_global_submit_statistics ( )
int i ;
struct nn_sock * s ;
/* TODO(tailhook) optimized it to use nsocks and unused */
for ( i = 0 ; i < NN_MAX_SOCKETS ; + + i ) {
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
s = SELF . socks [ i ] ;
if ( ! s ) {
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
continue ;
if ( i = = SELF . statistics_socket ) {
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
continue ;
nn_ctx_enter ( & s - > ctx ) ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" established_connections " , s - > statistics . established_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" accepted_connections " , s - > statistics . accepted_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" dropped_connections " , s - > statistics . dropped_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" broken_connections " , s - > statistics . broken_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" connect_errors " , s - > statistics . connect_errors ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" bind_errors " , s - > statistics . bind_errors ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" accept_errors " , s - > statistics . accept_errors ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" messages_sent " , s - > statistics . messages_sent ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" messages_received " , s - > statistics . messages_received ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" bytes_sent " , s - > statistics . bytes_sent ) ;
nn_global_submit_counter ( i , s ,
" bytes_received " , s - > statistics . bytes_received ) ;
nn_global_submit_level ( i , s ,
" current_connections " , s - > statistics . current_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_level ( i , s ,
" inprogress_connections " , s - > statistics . inprogress_connections ) ;
nn_global_submit_level ( i , s ,
" current_snd_priority " , s - > statistics . current_snd_priority ) ;
nn_global_submit_errors ( i , s ,
" current_ep_errors " , s - > statistics . current_ep_errors ) ;
nn_ctx_leave ( & s - > ctx ) ;
static int nn_global_create_ep ( int s , const char * addr , int bind )
int rc ;
const char * proto ;
const char * delim ;
size_t protosz ;
struct nn_transport * tp ;
struct nn_list_item * it ;
/* Check whether address is valid. */
if ( ! addr )
return - EINVAL ;
if ( strlen ( addr ) > = NN_SOCKADDR_MAX )
/* Separate the protocol and the actual address. */
proto = addr ;
delim = strchr ( addr , ' : ' ) ;
if ( ! delim )
return - EINVAL ;
if ( delim [ 1 ] ! = ' / ' | | delim [ 2 ] ! = ' / ' )
return - EINVAL ;
protosz = delim - addr ;
addr + = protosz + 3 ;
# ifdef NN_USE_MYMSG
if ( strncmp ( " inproc " , proto , strlen ( " inproc " ) ) ! = 0 & & strncmp ( " ipc " , proto , strlen ( " ipc " ) ) ! = 0 & & strncmp ( " tcp " , proto , strlen ( " tcp " ) ) ! = 0 )
PNACL_message ( " only ipc, inproc and tcp transport is supported \n " ) ;
printf ( " only ipc, inproc and tcp transport is supported \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " only ipc, inproc and tcp transport is supported \n " ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
/* Find the specified protocol. */
tp = NULL ;
for ( it = nn_list_begin ( & SELF . transports ) ;
it ! = nn_list_end ( & SELF . transports ) ;
it = nn_list_next ( & SELF . transports , it ) ) {
tp = nn_cont ( it , struct nn_transport , item ) ;
if ( strlen ( tp - > name ) = = protosz & &
memcmp ( tp - > name , proto , protosz ) = = 0 )
break ;
tp = NULL ;
if ( ! tp ) // The protocol specified doesn't match any known protocol
rc = nn_sock_add_ep ( SELF . socks [ s ] , tp , bind , addr ) ; // Ask the socket to create the endpoint
return rc ;
struct nn_transport * nn_global_transport ( int id )
struct nn_transport * tp ;
struct nn_list_item * it ;
/* Find the specified protocol. */
tp = NULL ;
nn_glock_lock ( ) ;
for ( it = nn_list_begin ( & SELF . transports ) ;
it ! = nn_list_end ( & SELF . transports ) ;
it = nn_list_next ( & SELF . transports , it ) ) {
tp = nn_cont ( it , struct nn_transport , item ) ;
if ( tp - > id = = id )
break ;
tp = NULL ;
nn_glock_unlock ( ) ;
return tp ;
struct nn_pool * nn_global_getpool ( )
return & SELF . pool ;
static void nn_global_handler ( struct nn_fsm * myself , int src , int type , NN_UNUSED void * srcptr )
struct nn_global * global ;
global = nn_cont ( myself , struct nn_global , fsm ) ;
switch ( global - > state )
/* IDLE state. */
/* The state machine wasn't yet started. */
switch ( src )
switch ( type )
global - > state = NN_GLOBAL_STATE_ACTIVE ;
if ( global - > print_statistics | | global - > statistics_socket > = 0 )
nn_timer_start ( & global - > stat_timer , 10000 ) ; // Start statistics collection timer
return ;
default :
PNACL_message ( " bad action %d type %d \n " , src , type ) ;
nn_fsm_bad_action ( global - > state , src , type ) ;
default :
PNACL_message ( " bad source %d \n " , src ) ;
nn_fsm_bad_source ( global - > state , src , type ) ;
/* ACTIVE state. */
/* Normal lifetime for global object. */
switch ( src ) {
switch ( type ) {
nn_global_submit_statistics ( ) ;
/* No need to change state */
nn_timer_stop ( & global - > stat_timer ) ;
return ;
nn_timer_start ( & global - > stat_timer , 10000 ) ;
return ;
default :
nn_fsm_bad_action ( global - > state , src , type ) ;
default :
nn_fsm_bad_source ( global - > state , src , type ) ;
/* Invalid state. */
default :
nn_fsm_bad_state ( global - > state , src , type ) ;
static void nn_global_shutdown ( struct nn_fsm * myself , NN_UNUSED int src , NN_UNUSED int type , NN_UNUSED void * srcptr )
struct nn_global * global ;
global = nn_cont ( myself , struct nn_global , fsm ) ;
nn_assert ( global - > state = = NN_GLOBAL_STATE_ACTIVE
| | global - > state = = NN_GLOBAL_STATE_IDLE ) ;
if ( global - > state = = NN_GLOBAL_STATE_ACTIVE ) {
if ( ! nn_timer_isidle ( & global - > stat_timer ) ) {
nn_timer_stop ( & global - > stat_timer ) ;
return ;
int32_t nn_global_print_errors ( ) { return SELF . print_errors ; }