You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

379 lines
12 KiB

/* globals jQuery, window, document */
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
// Browser globals
}(function($) {
var methods = {
options : {
"optionClass": "",
"dropdownClass": "",
"autoinit": false,
"callback": false,
"onSelected": false,
"dynamicOptLabel": "Add a new option..."
init: function(options) {
// Apply user options if user has defined some
if (options) {
options = $.extend(methods.options, options);
} else {
options = methods.options;
function initElement($select) {
// Don't do anything if this is not a select or if this select was already initialized
if ($"dropdownjs") || !$"select")) {
// Is it a multi select?
var multi = $select.attr("multiple");
// Does it allow to create new options dynamically?
var dynamicOptions = $select.attr("data-dynamic-opts"),
$dynamicInput = $();
// Create the dropdown wrapper
var $dropdown = $("<div></div>");
$"select", $select);
// Create the fake input used as "select" element and cache it as $input
var $input = $("<input type=text readonly class=fakeinput>");
if ($.material) { $"mdproc", true); }
// Append it to the dropdown wrapper
// Create the UL that will be used as dropdown and cache it AS $ul
var $ul = $("<ul></ul>");
$"select", $select);
// Append it to the dropdown
// Transfer the placeholder attribute
$input.attr("placeholder", $select.attr("placeholder"));
// Loop trough options and transfer them to the dropdown menu
$select.find("option").each(function() {
// Cache $(this)
var $this = $(this);
methods._addOption($ul, $this);
// If this select allows dynamic options add the widget
if (dynamicOptions) {
$dynamicInput = $("<li class=dropdownjs-add></li>");
$dynamicInput.find("input").attr("placeholder", options.dynamicOptLabel);
// Cache the dropdown options
var selectOptions = $dropdown.find("li");
// If is a single select, selected the first one or the last with selected attribute
if (!multi) {
var $selected;
if ($select.find(":selected").length) {
$selected = $select.find(":selected").last();
else {
$selected = $select.find("option, li").first();
// $selected = $select.find("option").first();
methods._select($dropdown, $selected);
} else {
var selectors = [], val = $select.val()
for (var i in val) {
selectors.push('li[value=' + val[i] + ']')
if (selectors.length > 0) {
methods._select($dropdown, $dropdown.find(selectors.join(',')));
// Transfer the classes of the select to the input dropdown
// Hide the old and ugly select
$select.hide().attr("data-dropdownjs", true);
// Bring to life our awesome dropdownjs
// Call the callback
if (options.callback) {
// On click, set the clicked one as selected
$ul.on("click", "li:not(.dropdownjs-add)", function(e) {
methods._select($dropdown, $(this));
// trigger change event, if declared on the original selector
$ul.on("keydown", "li:not(.dropdownjs-add)", function(e) {
if (e.which === 27) {
$(".dropdownjs > ul > li").attr("tabindex", -1);
return $input.removeClass("focus").blur();
if (e.which === 32 && !$("input")) {
methods._select($dropdown, $(this));
return false;
$ul.on("focus", "li:not(.dropdownjs-add)", function() {
if ($":disabled")) {
// Add new options when the widget is used
if (dynamicOptions && dynamicOptions.length) {
$dynamicInput.on("keydown", function(e) {
if(e.which !== 13) return;
var $option = $("<option>"),
val = $dynamicInput.find("input").val();
$option.attr("value", val);
// Listen for new added options and update dropdown if needed
$select.on("DOMNodeInserted", function(e) {
var $this = $(;
if (!$this.val().length) return;
methods._addOption($ul, $this);
$ul.find("li").not(".dropdownjs-add").attr("tabindex", 0);
// Update dropdown when using val, need to use .val("value").trigger("change");
$select.on("change", function(e) {
var $this = $(;
if (!$this.val().length) return;
if (!multi) {
var $selected;
if ($select.find(":selected").length) {
$selected = $select.find(":selected").last();
else {
$selected = $select.find("option, li").first();
methods._select($dropdown, $selected);
} else {
methods._select($dropdown, $select.find(":selected"));
// Used to make the dropdown menu more dropdown-ish
$input.on("click focus", function(e) {
if ($":disabled")) {
$(".dropdownjs > ul > li").attr("tabindex", -1);
$(".dropdownjs > input").not($(this)).removeClass("focus").blur();
$(".dropdownjs > ul > li").not(".dropdownjs-add").attr("tabindex", 0);
// Set height of the dropdown
var coords = {
top: $(this).offset().top - $(document).scrollTop(),
left: $(this).offset().left - $(document).scrollLeft(),
bottom: $(window).height() - ($(this).offset().top - $(document).scrollTop()),
right: $(window).width() - ($(this).offset().left - $(document).scrollLeft())
var height = coords.bottom;
// Decide if place the dropdown below or above the input
if (height < 200 && > coords.bottom) {
height =;
$ul.attr("placement", "top-left");
} else {
$ul.attr("placement", "bottom-left");
$(this).next("ul").css("max-height", height - 20);
// Close every dropdown on click outside
$(document).on("click", function(e) {
// Don't close the multi dropdown if user is clicking inside it
if (multi && $(".dropdownjs").length) return;
// Don't close the dropdown if user is clicking inside the dynamic-opts widget
if ($(".dropdownjs-add").length || $(".dropdownjs-add")) return;
// Close opened dropdowns
$(".dropdownjs > ul > li").attr("tabindex", -1);
if (options.autoinit) {
$(document).on("DOMNodeInserted", function(e) {
var $this = $(;
if (!$"select")) {
$this = $this.find('select');
if ($ {
$this.each(function() {
// Loop trough elements
$(this).each(function() {
select: function(target) {
var $target = $(this).find("[value=\"" + target + "\"]");
methods._select($(this), $target);
_select: function($dropdown, $target) {
if ($".dropdownjs-add")) return;
// Get dropdown's elements
var $select = $"select"),
$input = $dropdown.find("input.fakeinput");
// Is it a multi select?
var multi = $select.attr("multiple");
// Cache the dropdown options
var selectOptions = $dropdown.find("li");
// Behavior for multiple select
if (multi) {
// Toggle option state
// Toggle selection of the clicked option in native select
var $selected = $select.find("[value=\"" + $(this).attr("value") + "\"]");
$selected.prop("selected", $(this).hasClass("selected"));
// Add or remove the value from the input
var text = [];
selectOptions.each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
$input.val(text.join(", "));
// Behavior for single select
if (!multi) {
// Unselect options except the one that will be selected
if ($"li")) {
// Select the selected option
// Set the value to the native select
// Set the value to the input
// This is used only if Material Design for Bootstrap is selected
if ($.material) {
if ($input.val().trim()) {
} else {
// Call the callback
if (this.options.onSelected) {
_addOption: function($ul, $this) {
// Create the option
var $option = $("<li></li>");
// Style the option
// If the option has some text then transfer it
if ($this.text()) {
// Otherwise set the empty label and set it as an empty option
else {
// Set the value of the option
$option.attr("value", $this.val());
// Will user be able to remove this option?
if ($"select").attr("data-dynamic-opts")) {
$option.append("<span class=close></span>");
$option.find(".close").on("click", function() {
// Ss it selected?
if ($this.prop("selected")) {
$option.attr("selected", true);
// Append option to our dropdown
if ($ul.find(".dropdownjs-add").length) {
} else {
$.fn.dropdown = function(params) {
if (methods[params]) {
return methods[params].apply(this,,1));
} else if (typeof params === "object" | !params) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error("Method " + params + " does not exists on jQuery.dropdown");