* Copyright © 2014 - 2018 The SuperNET Developers . *
* *
* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// LP_transaction.c
// marketmaker
bits256 LP_privkeyfind ( uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] )
int32_t i ; static bits256 zero ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < G . LP_numprivkeys ; i + + )
if ( memcmp ( rmd160 , G . LP_privkeys [ i ] . rmd160 , 20 ) = = 0 )
return ( G . LP_privkeys [ i ] . privkey ) ;
//for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// printf("%02x",rmd160[i]);
//printf(" -> no privkey\n");
return ( zero ) ;
int32_t LP_privkeyadd ( bits256 privkey , uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] )
bits256 tmpkey ;
tmpkey = LP_privkeyfind ( rmd160 ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( tmpkey ) ! = 0 )
return ( - bits256_cmp ( privkey , tmpkey ) ) ;
G . LP_privkeys [ G . LP_numprivkeys ] . privkey = privkey ;
memcpy ( G . LP_privkeys [ G . LP_numprivkeys ] . rmd160 , rmd160 , 20 ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// printf("%02x",rmd160[i]);
//char str[65]; printf(" -> add privkey.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,privkey));
G . LP_numprivkeys + + ;
return ( G . LP_numprivkeys ) ;
bits256 LP_privkey ( char * symbol , char * coinaddr , uint8_t taddr )
bits256 privkey ; uint8_t addrtype , rmd160 [ 20 ] ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( symbol , taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , coinaddr ) ;
privkey = LP_privkeyfind ( rmd160 ) ;
return ( privkey ) ;
bits256 LP_pubkey ( bits256 privkey )
bits256 pubkey ;
pubkey = curve25519 ( privkey , curve25519_basepoint9 ( ) ) ;
return ( pubkey ) ;
int32_t LP_gettx_presence ( int32_t * numconfirmsp , char * symbol , bits256 expectedtxid , char * coinaddr )
cJSON * txobj , * retjson , * item ; bits256 txid ; struct iguana_info * coin ; int32_t height = - 1 , i , n , flag = 0 ;
if ( numconfirmsp ! = 0 )
* numconfirmsp = - 1 ;
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettx ( " LP_gettx_presence " , symbol , expectedtxid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = jbits256 ( txobj , " txid " ) ;
if ( jobj ( txobj , " error " ) = = 0 & & bits256_cmp ( txid , expectedtxid ) = = 0 )
if ( numconfirmsp ! = 0 )
* numconfirmsp = 0 ;
if ( numconfirmsp ! = 0 & & coinaddr ! = 0 & & ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 & & coin - > electrum ! = 0 )
//char str[65]; printf("%s %s already in gettx (%s)\n",coinaddr,bits256_str(str,txid),jprint(txobj,0));
if ( ( retjson = electrum_address_gethistory ( symbol , coin - > electrum , & retjson , coinaddr , expectedtxid ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( retjson ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( retjson , i ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , jbits256 ( item , " tx_hash " ) ) = = 0 )
height = jint ( item , " height " ) ;
//printf("found txid at height.%d\n",height);
if ( height < = coin - > height )
* numconfirmsp = ( coin - > height - height + 1 ) ;
break ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
//printf("got %s history height.%d vs coin.%d -> numconfirms.%d\n",coin->symbol,height,coin->height,*numconfirmsp);
flag = 1 ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( flag ) ;
bits256 LP_broadcast ( char * txname , char * symbol , char * txbytes , bits256 expectedtxid )
char * retstr , * errstr ; bits256 txid ; uint8_t * ptr ; cJSON * retjson , * errorobj ; struct iguana_info * coin ; int32_t i , totalretries = 0 , len , sentflag = 0 ;
coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ;
memset ( & txid , 0 , sizeof ( txid ) ) ;
if ( txbytes = = 0 | | txbytes [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return ( txid ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( expectedtxid ) = = 0 )
len = ( int32_t ) strlen ( txbytes ) > > 1 ;
ptr = malloc ( len ) ;
decode_hex ( ptr , len , txbytes ) ;
expectedtxid = bits256_calctxid ( symbol , ptr , len ) ;
free ( ptr ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
//char str[65]; printf("LP_broadcast.%d %s (%s) %s i.%d sentflag.%d %s\n",i,txname,symbol,bits256_str(str,expectedtxid),i,sentflag,txbytes);
if ( sentflag = = 0 & & LP_gettx_presence ( 0 , symbol , expectedtxid , 0 ) ! = 0 )
sentflag = 1 ;
if ( sentflag = = 0 & & ( retstr = LP_sendrawtransaction ( symbol , txbytes , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( is_hexstr ( retstr , 0 ) = = 64 )
decode_hex ( txid . bytes , 32 , retstr ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , expectedtxid ) = = 0 | | ( bits256_nonz ( expectedtxid ) = = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( txid ) ! = 0 ) )
sentflag = 1 ;
expectedtxid = txid ;
else if ( ( retjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( errorobj = jobj ( retjson , " error " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( jint ( errorobj , " code " ) = = - 27 ) // "transaction already in block chain"
txid = expectedtxid ;
sentflag = 1 ;
else if ( ( errstr = jstr ( retjson , " error " ) ) ! = 0 & & strcmp ( errstr , " timeout " ) = = 0 & & coin ! = 0 & & coin - > electrum ! = 0 )
if ( totalretries < 4 )
printf ( " time error with electrum, retry.%d \n " , totalretries ) ;
totalretries + + ;
i - - ;
} else printf ( " broadcast error.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("sentflag.%d [%s] %s RETSTR.(%s) %s.%s\n",sentflag,txname,txbytes,retstr,symbol,bits256_str(str,txid));
free ( retstr ) ;
if ( sentflag ! = 0 )
break ;
sleep ( 3 ) ;
if ( sentflag ! = 0 )
return ( expectedtxid ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
bits256 LP_broadcast_tx ( char * name , char * symbol , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
bits256 txid ; char * signedtx ;
memset ( txid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( txid ) ) ;
if ( data ! = 0 & & datalen ! = 0 )
signedtx = malloc ( datalen * 2 + 1 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( signedtx , data , datalen ) ;
txid = bits256_calctxid ( symbol , data , datalen ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " %s <- dont sendrawtransaction (%s) %s \n " , name , bits256_str ( str , txid ) , signedtx ) ;
# else
txid = LP_broadcast ( name , symbol , signedtx , txid ) ;
# endif
free ( signedtx ) ;
return ( txid ) ;
int32_t iguana_msgtx_Vset ( uint8_t * serialized , int32_t maxlen , struct iguana_msgtx * msgtx , struct vin_info * V )
int32_t vini , j , scriptlen , p2shlen , userdatalen , siglen , plen , need_op0 = 0 , len = 0 ; uint8_t * script , * redeemscript = 0 , * userdata = 0 ; struct vin_info * vp ;
for ( vini = 0 ; vini < msgtx - > tx_in ; vini + + )
vp = & V [ vini ] ;
if ( ( userdatalen = vp - > userdatalen ) = = 0 )
userdatalen = vp - > userdatalen = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . userdatalen ;
userdata = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . userdata ;
} else userdata = vp - > userdata ;
if ( ( p2shlen = vp - > p2shlen ) = = 0 )
p2shlen = vp - > p2shlen = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . p2shlen ;
redeemscript = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . redeemscript ;
redeemscript = vp - > p2shscript ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . redeemscript = redeemscript ;
if ( msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . spendlen > 33 & & msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . spendscript [ msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . spendlen - 1 ] = = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIG )
need_op0 = 1 ;
printf ( " found multisig spendscript \n " ) ;
if ( redeemscript ! = 0 & & p2shlen > 33 & & redeemscript [ p2shlen - 1 ] = = SCRIPT_OP_CHECKMULTISIG )
need_op0 = 1 ;
//printf("found multisig redeemscript\n");
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . vinscript = script = & serialized [ len ] ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . vinscript [ 0 ] = 0 ;
scriptlen = need_op0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < vp - > N ; j + + )
if ( ( siglen = vp - > signers [ j ] . siglen ) > 0 )
script [ scriptlen + + ] = siglen ;
memcpy ( & script [ scriptlen ] , vp - > signers [ j ] . sig , siglen ) ;
scriptlen + = siglen ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . scriptlen = scriptlen ;
if ( vp - > suppress_pubkeys = = 0 & & ( vp - > N > 1 | | bitcoin_pubkeylen ( & vp - > spendscript [ 1 ] ) ! = vp - > spendscript [ 0 ] | | vp - > spendscript [ vp - > spendlen - 1 ] ! = 0xac ) )
for ( j = 0 ; j < vp - > N ; j + + )
if ( ( plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen ( vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey ) ) > 0 )
script [ scriptlen + + ] = plen ;
memcpy ( & script [ scriptlen ] , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey , plen ) ;
scriptlen + = plen ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . scriptlen = scriptlen ;
if ( userdatalen ! = 0 )
memcpy ( & script [ scriptlen ] , userdata , userdatalen ) ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . userdata = & script [ scriptlen ] ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . userdatalen = userdatalen ;
scriptlen + = userdatalen ;
//printf("USERDATALEN.%d scriptlen.%d redeemlen.%d\n",userdatalen,scriptlen,p2shlen);
if ( p2shlen ! = 0 )
if ( p2shlen < 76 )
script [ scriptlen + + ] = p2shlen ;
else if ( p2shlen < = 0xff )
script [ scriptlen + + ] = 0x4c ;
script [ scriptlen + + ] = p2shlen ;
else if ( p2shlen < = 0xffff )
script [ scriptlen + + ] = 0x4d ;
script [ scriptlen + + ] = ( p2shlen & 0xff ) ;
script [ scriptlen + + ] = ( ( p2shlen > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
} else return ( - 1 ) ;
msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . p2shlen = p2shlen ;
memcpy ( & script [ scriptlen ] , redeemscript , p2shlen ) ;
scriptlen + = p2shlen ;
len + = scriptlen ;
if ( ( 0 ) )
int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , script [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <-script len.%d scriptlen.%d p2shlen.%d user.%d \n " , len , scriptlen , p2shlen , userdatalen ) ;
return ( len ) ;
int32_t iguana_interpreter ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * logarray , int64_t nLockTime , struct vin_info * V , int32_t numvins )
uint8_t * script , * activescript , * savescript ; char * str ; int32_t vini , scriptlen , activescriptlen , savelen , errs = 0 ; cJSON * spendscript , * item = 0 ;
script = calloc ( 1 , IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) ;
savescript = calloc ( 1 , IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE ) ;
str = calloc ( 1 , IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE * 2 + 1 ) ;
for ( vini = 0 ; vini < numvins ; vini + + )
savelen = V [ vini ] . spendlen ;
memcpy ( savescript , V [ vini ] . spendscript , savelen ) ;
if ( V [ vini ] . p2shlen > 0 )
activescript = V [ vini ] . p2shscript ;
activescriptlen = V [ vini ] . p2shlen ;
activescript = V [ vini ] . spendscript ;
activescriptlen = V [ vini ] . spendlen ;
memcpy ( V [ vini ] . spendscript , activescript , activescriptlen ) ;
V [ vini ] . spendlen = activescriptlen ;
spendscript = iguana_spendasm ( activescript , activescriptlen ) ;
if ( activescriptlen < 16 )
continue ;
//printf("bitcoin_assembler ignore_cltverr.%d suppress.%d\n",V[vini].ignore_cltverr,V[vini].suppress_pubkeys);
if ( ( scriptlen = bitcoin_assembler ( coin , logarray , script , spendscript , 1 , nLockTime , & V [ vini ] ) ) < 0 )
//printf("bitcoin_assembler error scriptlen.%d\n",scriptlen);
errs + + ;
else if ( scriptlen ! = activescriptlen | | memcmp ( script , activescript , scriptlen ) ! = 0 )
if ( logarray ! = 0 )
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " error " , " script reconstruction failed " ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( str , activescript , activescriptlen ) ;
if ( logarray ! = 0 & & item ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " original " , str ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( str , script , scriptlen ) ;
if ( logarray ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( item , " reconstructed " , str ) ;
jaddi ( logarray , item ) ;
} else printf ( " scriptlen mismatch.%d vs %d or miscompare \n " , scriptlen , activescriptlen ) ;
errs + + ;
memcpy ( V [ vini ] . spendscript , savescript , savelen ) ;
V [ vini ] . spendlen = savelen ;
free ( str ) ;
free ( script ) ;
free ( savescript ) ;
if ( errs ! = 0 )
return ( - errs ) ;
if ( logarray ! = 0 )
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " result " , " success " ) ;
jaddi ( logarray , item ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
bits256 iguana_str2priv ( char * symbol , uint8_t wiftaddr , char * str )
bits256 privkey ; int32_t n ; uint8_t addrtype ; //struct iguana_waccount *wacct=0; struct iguana_waddress *waddr;
memset ( & privkey , 0 , sizeof ( privkey ) ) ;
if ( str ! = 0 )
n = ( int32_t ) strlen ( str ) > > 1 ;
if ( n = = sizeof ( bits256 ) & & is_hexstr ( str , sizeof ( bits256 ) ) > 0 )
decode_hex ( privkey . bytes , sizeof ( privkey ) , str ) ;
else if ( bitcoin_wif2priv ( symbol , wiftaddr , & addrtype , & privkey , str ) ! = sizeof ( bits256 ) )
//if ( (waddr= iguana_waddresssearch(&wacct,str)) != 0 )
// privkey = waddr->privkey;
//else memset(privkey.bytes,0,sizeof(privkey));
return ( privkey ) ;
int32_t iguana_vininfo_create ( char * symbol , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , uint8_t * serialized , int32_t maxsize , struct iguana_msgtx * msgtx , cJSON * vins , int32_t numinputs , struct vin_info * V )
int32_t i , plen , finalized = 1 , len = 0 ; struct vin_info * vp ; //struct iguana_waccount *wacct; struct iguana_waddress *waddr; uint32_t sigsize,pubkeysize,p2shsize,userdatalen;
msgtx - > tx_in = numinputs ;
maxsize - = ( sizeof ( struct iguana_msgvin ) * msgtx - > tx_in ) ;
msgtx - > vins = ( struct iguana_msgvin * ) & serialized [ maxsize ] ;
memset ( msgtx - > vins , 0 , sizeof ( struct iguana_msgvin ) * msgtx - > tx_in ) ;
if ( msgtx - > tx_in > 0 & & msgtx - > tx_in * sizeof ( struct iguana_msgvin ) < maxsize )
for ( i = 0 ; i < msgtx - > tx_in ; i + + )
vp = & V [ i ] ;
len + = iguana_parsevinobj ( & serialized [ len ] , maxsize , & msgtx - > vins [ i ] , jitem ( vins , i ) , vp ) ;
if ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . sequence < IGUANA_SEQUENCEID_FINAL )
finalized = 0 ;
if ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendscript = = 0 )
/*if ( iguana_RTunspentindfind(coin,&outpt,vp->coinaddr,vp->spendscript,&vp->spendlen,&vp->amount,&vp->height,msgtx->vins[i].prev_hash,msgtx->vins[i].prev_vout,coin->bundlescount-1,0) == 0 )
vp - > unspentind = outpt . unspentind ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendscript = vp - > spendscript ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendlen = vp - > spendlen ;
vp - > hashtype = iguana_vinscriptparse ( coin , vp , & sigsize , & pubkeysize , & p2shsize , & userdatalen , vp - > spendscript , vp - > spendlen ) ;
vp - > userdatalen = userdatalen ;
printf ( " V %.8f (%s) spendscript.[%d] userdatalen.%d \n " , dstr ( vp - > amount ) , vp - > coinaddr , vp - > spendlen , userdatalen ) ;
} */
memcpy ( vp - > spendscript , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendscript , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendlen ) ;
vp - > spendlen = msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendlen ;
_iguana_calcrmd160 ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , vp ) ;
if ( ( plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen ( vp - > signers [ 0 ] . pubkey ) ) > 0 )
bitcoin_address ( symbol , vp - > coinaddr , taddr , pubtype , vp - > signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , plen ) ;
if ( vp - > M = = 0 & & vp - > N = = 0 )
vp - > M = vp - > N = 1 ;
/*if ( vp->coinaddr[i] != 0 && (waddr= iguana_waddresssearch(&wacct,vp->coinaddr)) != 0 )
vp - > signers [ 0 ] . privkey = waddr - > privkey ;
if ( ( plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen ( waddr - > pubkey ) ) ! = vp - > spendscript [ 1 ] | | vp - > spendscript [ vp - > spendlen - 1 ] ! = 0xac )
if ( plen > 0 & & plen < sizeof ( vp - > signers [ 0 ] . pubkey ) )
memcpy ( vp - > signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , waddr - > pubkey , plen ) ;
} */
return ( finalized ) ;
int32_t bitcoin_verifyvins ( void * ctx , char * symbol , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , int32_t height , bits256 * signedtxidp , char * * signedtx , struct iguana_msgtx * msgtx , uint8_t * serialized , int32_t maxlen , struct vin_info * V , uint32_t sighash , int32_t signtx , int32_t suppress_pubkeys , int32_t zcash )
bits256 sigtxid ; int64_t spendamount ; uint8_t * sig , * script ; struct vin_info * vp ; char vpnstr [ 64 ] ; int32_t scriptlen , complete = 0 , j , vini = 0 , flag = 0 , siglen , numvouts , numsigs ;
numvouts = msgtx - > tx_out ;
vpnstr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
* signedtx = 0 ;
memset ( signedtxidp , 0 , sizeof ( * signedtxidp ) ) ;
//printf("bitcoin_verifyvins suppress.%d numvins.%d numvouts.%d signtx.%d privkey.%d M.%d N.%d\n",suppress_pubkeys,msgtx->tx_in,numvouts,signtx,bits256_nonz(V[0].signers[0].privkey),V[0].M,V[0].N);
for ( vini = 0 ; vini < msgtx - > tx_in ; vini + + )
if ( V - > p2shscript [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & V - > p2shlen ! = 0 )
script = V - > p2shscript ;
scriptlen = V - > p2shlen ;
script = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . spendscript ;
scriptlen = msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . spendlen ;
spendamount = LP_outpoint_amount ( symbol , msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . prev_hash , msgtx - > vins [ vini ] . prev_vout ) ;
sigtxid = bitcoin_sigtxid ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , serialized , maxlen , msgtx , vini , script , scriptlen , spendamount , sighash , vpnstr , suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( sigtxid ) ! = 0 )
vp = & V [ vini ] ;
vp - > sigtxid = sigtxid ;
for ( j = numsigs = 0 ; j < vp - > N ; j + + )
sig = vp - > signers [ j ] . sig ;
siglen = vp - > signers [ j ] . siglen ;
if ( signtx ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( vp - > signers [ j ] . privkey ) ! = 0 )
siglen = bitcoin_sign ( ctx , symbol , sig , sigtxid , vp - > signers [ j ] . privkey , 0 ) ;
//if ( (plen= bitcoin_pubkeylen(vp->signers[j].pubkey)) <= 0 )
bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey , vp - > signers [ j ] . privkey ) ;
sig [ siglen + + ] = sighash ;
vp - > signers [ j ] . siglen = siglen ;
/*char str[65]; printf("SIGTXID.(%s) ",bits256_str(str,sigtxid));
int32_t i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < siglen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , sig [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " sig, " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " SIGNEDTX.[%02x] siglen.%d priv.%s \n " , sig [ siglen - 1 ] , siglen , bits256_str ( str , vp - > signers [ j ] . privkey ) ) ; */
if ( sig = = 0 | | siglen = = 0 )
memset ( vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey , 0 , sizeof ( vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey ) ) ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " no sig.%p or siglen.%d zero priv.(%s) \n " , sig , siglen , bits256_str ( str , vp - > signers [ j ] . privkey ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( bitcoin_verify ( ctx , sig , siglen - 1 , sigtxid , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey , bitcoin_pubkeylen ( vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey ) ) < 0 )
int32_t k ; for ( k = 0 ; k < bitcoin_pubkeylen ( vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey ) ; k + + )
printf ( " %02x " , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey [ k ] ) ;
printf ( " SIG.%d.%d ERROR siglen.%d \n " , vini , j , siglen ) ;
flag + + ;
numsigs + + ;
/*int32_t z; char tmpaddr[64];
for ( z = 0 ; z < siglen - 1 ; z + + )
printf ( " %02x " , sig [ z ] ) ;
printf ( " <- sig[%d] \n " , j ) ;
for ( z = 0 ; z < 33 ; z + + )
printf ( " %02x " , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey [ z ] ) ;
bitcoin_address ( tmpaddr , 0 , 0 , vp - > signers [ j ] . pubkey , 33 ) ;
printf ( " <- pub, SIG.%d.%d VERIFIED numsigs.%d vs M.%d %s \n " , vini , j , numsigs , vp - > M , tmpaddr ) ; */
if ( numsigs > = vp - > M )
complete = 1 ;
} else if ( signtx ! = 0 )
printf ( " bitcoin_verifyvins cant without privkey \n " ) ;
iguana_msgtx_Vset ( serialized , maxlen , msgtx , V ) ;
cJSON * txobj = 0 ; //cJSON_CreateObject();
* signedtx = iguana_rawtxbytes ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , txobj , msgtx , suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ;
* signedtxidp = msgtx - > txid ;
return ( complete ) ;
int64_t iguana_lockval ( int32_t finalized , int64_t locktime )
int64_t lockval = - 1 ;
if ( finalized = = 0 )
return ( locktime ) ;
return ( lockval ) ;
int32_t iguana_signrawtransaction ( void * ctx , char * symbol , uint8_t wiftaddr , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , int32_t height , struct iguana_msgtx * msgtx , char * * signedtxp , bits256 * signedtxidp , struct vin_info * V , int32_t numinputs , char * rawtx , cJSON * vins , cJSON * privkeysjson , int32_t zcash )
uint8_t * serialized , * serialized2 , * serialized3 , * serialized4 , * extraspace , pubkeys [ 64 ] [ 33 ] ; int32_t finalized , i , len , n , z , plen , maxsize , complete = 0 , extralen = 100000 ; char * privkeystr , * signedtx = 0 ; uint32_t sighash ; bits256 privkeys [ LP_MAXVINS ] , privkey , txid ; cJSON * item ; cJSON * txobj = 0 ;
maxsize = 1000000 ;
memset ( privkey . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( privkey ) ) ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 & & rawtx [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & ( len = ( int32_t ) strlen ( rawtx ) > > 1 ) < maxsize )
serialized = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
serialized2 = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
serialized3 = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
serialized4 = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
extraspace = malloc ( extralen ) ;
memset ( msgtx , 0 , sizeof ( * msgtx ) ) ;
decode_hex ( serialized , len , rawtx ) ;
if ( ( txobj = bitcoin_hex2json ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , & txid , msgtx , rawtx , extraspace , extralen , serialized4 , vins , V - > suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("back from bitcoin_hex2json (%s)\n",jprint(vins,0));
} else printf ( " no txobj from bitcoin_hex2json \n " ) ;
//printf("call hex2json.(%s) vins.(%s)\n",rawtx,jprint(vins,0));
if ( ( numinputs = cJSON_GetArraySize ( vins ) ) > 0 )
//printf("numinputs.%d (%s) msgtx.%d\n",numinputs,jprint(vins,0),msgtx->tx_in);
memset ( msgtx , 0 , sizeof ( * msgtx ) ) ;
if ( iguana_rwmsgtx ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , 0 , 0 , serialized , maxsize , msgtx , & txid , " " , extraspace , extralen , vins , V - > suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) > 0 & & numinputs = = msgtx - > tx_in )
memset ( pubkeys , 0 , sizeof ( pubkeys ) ) ;
memset ( privkeys , 0 , sizeof ( privkeys ) ) ;
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( privkeysjson ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( privkeysjson , i ) ;
privkeystr = jstr ( item , 0 ) ;
if ( privkeystr = = 0 | | privkeystr [ 0 ] = = 0 )
continue ;
privkeys [ i ] = privkey = iguana_str2priv ( symbol , wiftaddr , privkeystr ) ;
bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , pubkeys [ i ] , privkey ) ;
//if ( bits256_nonz(privkey) != 0 )
// iguana_ensure_privkey(coin,privkey);
//printf("after privkeys tx_in.%d\n",msgtx->tx_in);
for ( i = 0 ; i < msgtx - > tx_in ; i + + )
if ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . p2shlen ! = 0 )
char coinaddr [ 64 ] ; uint32_t userdatalen , hashtype , sigsize , pubkeysize ; uint8_t * userdata ; int32_t j , k , type , flag ; struct vin_info mvin , mainvin ; bits256 zero ;
memset ( zero . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( zero ) ) ;
coinaddr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
sigsize = 0 ;
flag = ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . vinscript [ 0 ] = = 0 ) ;
type = bitcoin_scriptget ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , & hashtype , & sigsize , & pubkeysize , & userdata , & userdatalen , & mainvin , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . vinscript + flag , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . scriptlen - flag , 0 , zcash ) ;
//printf("i.%d flag.%d type.%d scriptlen.%d\n",i,flag,type,msgtx->vins[i].scriptlen);
if ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . redeemscript ! = 0 )
//for (j=0; j<msgtx->vins[i].p2shlen; j++)
// printf("%02x",msgtx->vins[i].redeemscript[j]);
bitcoin_address ( symbol , coinaddr , taddr , p2shtype , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . redeemscript , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . p2shlen ) ;
type = iguana_calcrmd160 ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , 0 , & mvin , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . redeemscript , msgtx - > vins [ i ] . p2shlen , zero , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < mvin . N ; j + + )
if ( V - > suppress_pubkeys = = 0 )
for ( z = 0 ; z < 33 ; z + + )
V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . pubkey [ z ] = mvin . signers [ j ] . pubkey [ z ] ;
if ( flag ! = 0 & & pubkeysize = = 33 & & mainvin . signers [ 0 ] . siglen ! = 0 ) // jl777: need to generalize
if ( memcmp ( mvin . signers [ j ] . pubkey , mainvin . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , 33 ) = = 0 )
for ( z = 0 ; z < mainvin . signers [ 0 ] . siglen ; z + + )
V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . sig [ z ] = mainvin . signers [ 0 ] . sig [ z ] ;
V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . siglen = mainvin . signers [ j ] . siglen ;
printf ( " [%d].signer[%d] <- from mainvin.[0] \n " , i , j ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < n ; k + + )
if ( V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . siglen = = 0 & & memcmp ( mvin . signers [ j ] . pubkey , pubkeys [ k ] , 33 ) = = 0 )
V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . privkey = privkeys [ k ] ;
if ( V - > suppress_pubkeys = = 0 )
for ( z = 0 ; z < 33 ; z + + )
V [ i ] . signers [ j ] . pubkey [ z ] = pubkeys [ k ] [ z ] ;
//printf("%s -> V[%d].signer.[%d] <- privkey.%d\n",mvin.signers[j].coinaddr,i,j,k);
break ;
//printf("type.%d p2sh.[%d] -> %s M.%d N.%d\n",type,i,mvin.coinaddr,mvin.M,mvin.N);
if ( i < V - > N )
V - > signers [ i ] . privkey = privkey ;
if ( i < numinputs )
V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . privkey = privkey ;
plen = bitcoin_pubkeylen ( V - > signers [ i ] . pubkey ) ;
if ( V - > suppress_pubkeys = = 0 & & plen < = 0 )
if ( i < numinputs )
for ( z = 0 ; z < plen ; z + + )
V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey [ z ] = V - > signers [ i ] . pubkey [ z ] ;
finalized = iguana_vininfo_create ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , serialized2 , maxsize , msgtx , vins , numinputs , V ) ;
//printf("finalized.%d ignore_cltverr.%d suppress.%d\n",finalized,V[0].ignore_cltverr,V[0].suppress_pubkeys);
sighash = LP_sighash ( symbol , zcash ) ;
if ( ( complete = bitcoin_verifyvins ( ctx , symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , signedtxidp , & signedtx , msgtx , serialized3 , maxsize , V , sighash , 1 , V - > suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ) > 0 & & signedtx ! = 0 )
/*int32_t tmp; //char str[65];
if ( ( tmp = iguana_interpreter ( ctx , cJSON_CreateArray ( ) , iguana_lockval ( finalized , jint ( txobj , " locktime " ) ) , V , numinputs ) ) < 0 )
printf ( " iguana_interpreter %d error.(%s) \n " , tmp , signedtx ) ;
complete = 0 ;
} else printf ( " interpreter passed \n " ) ; */
} else printf ( " complete.%d \n " , complete ) ;
} else printf ( " rwmsgtx error \n " ) ;
} else printf ( " no inputs in vins.(%s) \n " , vins ! = 0 ? jprint ( vins , 0 ) : " null " ) ;
free ( extraspace ) ;
free ( serialized ) , free ( serialized2 ) , free ( serialized3 ) , free ( serialized4 ) ;
} else return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( txobj ! = 0 )
free_json ( txobj ) ;
* signedtxp = signedtx ;
return ( complete ) ;
char * iguana_validaterawtx ( void * ctx , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_msgtx * msgtx , uint8_t * extraspace , int32_t extralen , char * rawtx , int32_t mempool , int32_t suppress_pubkeys , int32_t zcash )
bits256 signedtxid ; cJSON * item , * vins , * vouts , * txobj , * retjson , * sobj ; char * scriptsig , * signedtx ; uint32_t sighash ; int32_t sigsize , slen , height , finalized = 1 , i , len , maxsize , numinputs , numoutputs , complete ; struct vin_info * V ; uint8_t * serialized , * serialized2 , scriptbuf [ 256 ] ; int64_t inputsum , outputsum ; struct iguana_msgvout vout ;
char * symbol ; uint8_t wiftaddr , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS ;
height = coin - > longestchain ;
symbol = coin - > symbol ;
wiftaddr = coin - > wiftaddr ;
taddr = coin - > taddr ;
pubtype = coin - > pubtype ;
p2shtype = coin - > p2shtype ;
isPoS = coin - > isPoS ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
inputsum = outputsum = numinputs = numoutputs = 0 ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 & & rawtx [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( ( strlen ( rawtx ) & 1 ) ! = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" rawtx hex has odd length \" } " ) ) ;
memset ( msgtx , 0 , sizeof ( * msgtx ) ) ;
if ( ( txobj = bitcoin_hex2json ( symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , & msgtx - > txid , msgtx , rawtx , extraspace , extralen , 0 , 0 , suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
maxsize = ( int32_t ) strlen ( rawtx ) ;
serialized = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
serialized2 = malloc ( maxsize ) ;
if ( ( vouts = jarray ( & numoutputs , txobj , " vout " ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numoutputs ; i + + )
if ( iguana_parsevoutobj ( serialized , maxsize , & vout , jitem ( vouts , i ) ) > 0 )
outputsum + = vout . value ;
if ( ( vins = jarray ( & numinputs , txobj , " vin " ) ) > 0 )
V = calloc ( numinputs , sizeof ( * V ) ) ;
len = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numinputs ; i + + )
if ( V [ i ] . M = = 0 )
V [ i ] . M = 1 ;
if ( V [ i ] . N < V [ i ] . M )
V [ i ] . N = V [ i ] . M ;
item = jitem ( vins , i ) ;
if ( strcmp ( jstr ( item , " txid " ) , " b19ce2c564f7dc57b3f95593e2b287c72d388e86de12dc562d9f8a6bea65b310 " ) = = 0 & & jint ( item , " vout " ) = = 1 )
V [ i ] . spendlen = 25 ;
decode_hex ( V [ i ] . spendscript , V [ i ] . spendlen , " 76a91459fdba29ea85c65ad90f6d38f7a6646476b26b1688ac " ) ;
msgtx - > lock_time = 0 ;
V [ i ] . amount = 2746715 ;
strcpy ( V [ i ] . coinaddr , " 19Cq6MBaD8LY7trqs99ypqKAms3GcLs6J9 " ) ;
V [ i ] . suppress_pubkeys = 0 ;
decode_hex ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . prev_hash . bytes , 32 , " b19ce2c564f7dc57b3f95593e2b287c72d388e86de12dc562d9f8a6bea65b310 " ) ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . prev_vout = 1 ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . sequence = 0xffffffff ;
sobj = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( sobj , " hex " , " 76a91459fdba29ea85c65ad90f6d38f7a6646476b26b1688ac " ) ;
jadd ( item , " scriptPubKey " , sobj ) ;
printf ( " match special txid B \n " ) ;
V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . privkey = G . LP_privkey ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendscript = V [ i ] . spendscript ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . spendlen = V [ i ] . spendlen ;
if ( ( sobj = jobj ( item , " scriptSig " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( scriptsig = jstr ( sobj , " hex " ) ) ! = 0 )
slen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( scriptsig ) > > 1 ;
if ( slen < = sizeof ( scriptbuf ) )
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . scriptlen = slen ;
msgtx - > vins [ i ] . vinscript = scriptbuf ;
decode_hex ( scriptbuf , slen , scriptsig ) ;
if ( ( sigsize = scriptbuf [ 0 ] ) > = 70 & & sigsize < 76 )
memcpy ( V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . sig , scriptbuf + 1 , sigsize - 1 ) ;
V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . siglen = sigsize - 1 ;
V [ i ] . hashtype = scriptbuf [ 1 + sigsize - 1 ] ;
if ( scriptbuf [ sigsize + 1 ] = = 33 )
memcpy ( V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , & scriptbuf [ sigsize + 2 ] , 33 ) ;
uint8_t rmd160 [ 20 ] ; char rmdstr [ 42 ] ;
calc_rmd160 ( rmdstr , rmd160 , V [ i ] . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , 33 ) ;
printf ( " RMD160.%s \n " , rmdstr ) ;
} else printf ( " sigsize.%d unexpected \n " , sigsize ) ;
inputsum + = V [ i ] . amount ;
if ( msgtx - > vins [ i ] . sequence < IGUANA_SEQUENCEID_FINAL )
finalized = 0 ;
sighash = LP_sighash ( symbol , zcash ) ;
complete = bitcoin_verifyvins ( ctx , symbol , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , height , & signedtxid , & signedtx , msgtx , serialized2 , maxsize , V , sighash , 0 , V [ 0 ] . suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ;
msgtx - > txid = signedtxid ;
/*cJSON *log = cJSON_CreateArray();
if ( iguana_interpreter ( ctx , log , 0 , V , numinputs ) < 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " interpreter rejects tx " ) ;
else complete = 1 ;
jadd ( retjson , " interpreter " , log ) ; */
jadd ( retjson , " complete " , complete ! = 0 ? jtrue ( ) : jfalse ( ) ) ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
free ( signedtx ) ;
free ( V ) ;
free ( serialized ) , free ( serialized2 ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("got txid.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,txid));
msgtx - > inputsum = inputsum ;
msgtx - > numinputs = numinputs ;
msgtx - > outputsum = outputsum ;
msgtx - > numoutputs = numoutputs ;
msgtx - > txfee = ( inputsum - outputsum ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
void test_validate ( struct iguana_info * coin , char * signedtx )
char * retstr ; uint8_t extraspace [ 8192 ] ; int32_t mempool = 0 ; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ;
retstr = iguana_validaterawtx ( bitcoin_ctx ( ) , coin , & msgtx , extraspace , sizeof ( extraspace ) , signedtx , mempool , 0 , coin - > zcash ) ;
printf ( " validate test.(%s) \n " , retstr ) ;
char * basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( bits256 * signedtxidp , uint64_t txfee , char * name , char * symbol , uint8_t wiftaddr , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , uint8_t wiftype , void * ctx , bits256 privkey , bits256 * privkey2p , uint8_t * redeemscript , int32_t redeemlen , uint8_t * userdata , int32_t userdatalen , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout , char * destaddr , uint8_t * pubkey33 , int32_t finalseqid , uint32_t expiration , int64_t * destamountp , uint64_t satoshis , char * changeaddr , char * vinaddr , int32_t suppress_pubkeys , int32_t zcash )
char * rawtxbytes = 0 , * signedtx = 0 , tmpaddr [ 64 ] , hexstr [ 999 ] , wifstr [ 128 ] , _destaddr [ 64 ] ; uint8_t spendscript [ 512 ] , addrtype , rmd160 [ 20 ] ; cJSON * txobj , * vins , * obj , * vouts , * item , * privkeys ; int32_t completed , spendlen , n , ignore_cltverr = 1 ; struct vin_info V [ 8 ] ; uint32_t timestamp , locktime = 0 , sequenceid = 0xffffffff * finalseqid ; bits256 txid ; uint64_t value = 0 , change = 0 ; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_mark_spent ( symbol , utxotxid , utxovout ) ;
* destamountp = 0 ;
memset ( signedtxidp , 0 , sizeof ( * signedtxidp ) ) ;
if ( finalseqid = = 0 )
locktime = expiration ;
//printf("bobtxspend.%s redeem.[%d]\n",symbol,redeemlen);
if ( redeemlen < 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
value = 0 ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( coin - > etomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( " ETOMIC " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( 0 ) ;
symbol = coin - > symbol ;
if ( txfee > 0 & & txfee < coin - > txfee )
txfee = coin - > txfee ;
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettx ( " basilisk_swap_bobtxspend " , symbol , utxotxid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( vouts = jarray ( & n , txobj , " vout " ) ) ! = 0 & & utxovout < n )
obj = jitem ( vouts , utxovout ) ;
value = LP_value_extract ( obj , 1 , utxotxid ) ;
//printf("value in vout.%d %.8f (%s)\n",vout,dstr(value),jprint(txobj,0));
free_json ( txobj ) ;
} else printf ( " cant gettx \n " ) ;
if ( value = = 0 )
//printf("basilisk_swap_bobtxspend.%s %s utxo.(%s).v%d already spent or doesnt exist\n",name,symbol,bits256_str(str,utxotxid),utxovout);
return ( 0 ) ;
# endif
if ( txfee > 0 & & txfee < LP_MIN_TXFEE )
txfee = LP_MIN_TXFEE ;
if ( satoshis ! = 0 )
if ( value < satoshis + txfee )
if ( ( value - satoshis ) > 3 * txfee / 4 )
satoshis = value - 3 * txfee / 4 ;
printf ( " reduce satoshis %.8f by txfee %.8f to value %.8f \n " , dstr ( satoshis ) , dstr ( txfee ) , dstr ( value ) ) ;
else if ( value = = satoshis & & ( double ) txfee / value < 0.25 )
satoshis = value - txfee ;
//printf("txfee allocation from value %.8f identical to satoshis: %.8f txfee %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(satoshis),dstr(txfee));
printf ( " utxo %.8f too small for %.8f + %.8f \n " , dstr ( value ) , dstr ( satoshis ) , dstr ( txfee ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( value > satoshis + txfee )
change = value - ( satoshis + txfee ) ;
//printf("utxo %.8f, destamount %.8f change %.8f txfee %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(satoshis),dstr(change),dstr(txfee));
} else if ( value > txfee )
satoshis = value - txfee ;
printf ( " unexpected small value %.8f vs txfee %.8f \n " , dstr ( value ) , dstr ( txfee ) ) ;
change = 0 ;
satoshis = value > > 1 ;
txfee = ( value - satoshis ) ;
printf ( " unexpected small value %.8f vs txfee %.8f -> %.8f %.8f \n " , dstr ( value ) , dstr ( txfee ) , dstr ( satoshis ) , dstr ( txfee ) ) ;
if ( change < 6000 )
satoshis + = change ;
change = 0 ;
if ( destamountp ! = 0 )
* destamountp = satoshis ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
memset ( V , 0 , sizeof ( V ) ) ;
privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
if ( privkey2p ! = 0 )
V [ 0 ] . signers [ 1 ] . privkey = * privkey2p ;
bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , V [ 0 ] . signers [ 1 ] . pubkey , * privkey2p ) ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( symbol , wiftaddr , wifstr , * privkey2p , wiftype ) ;
jaddistr ( privkeys , wifstr ) ;
V [ 0 ] . N = V [ 0 ] . M = 2 ;
} else V [ 0 ] . N = V [ 0 ] . M = 1 ;
V [ 0 ] . signers [ 0 ] . privkey = privkey ;
bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , V [ 0 ] . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , privkey ) ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( symbol , wiftaddr , wifstr , privkey , wiftype ) ;
jaddistr ( privkeys , wifstr ) ;
V [ 0 ] . suppress_pubkeys = suppress_pubkeys ;
V [ 0 ] . ignore_cltverr = ignore_cltverr ;
if ( redeemlen ! = 0 )
memcpy ( V [ 0 ] . p2shscript , redeemscript , redeemlen ) , V [ 0 ] . p2shlen = redeemlen ;
txobj = bitcoin_txcreate ( symbol , isPoS , locktime , coin - > txversion , timestamp ) ;
vins = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( userdata ! = 0 & & userdatalen > 0 )
memcpy ( V [ 0 ] . userdata , userdata , userdatalen ) ;
V [ 0 ] . userdatalen = userdatalen ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , userdata , userdatalen ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " userdata " , hexstr ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " txid " , utxotxid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " vout " , utxovout ) ;
bitcoin_address ( symbol , tmpaddr , taddr , pubtype , pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( symbol , taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , tmpaddr ) ;
if ( redeemlen ! = 0 )
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , redeemscript , redeemlen ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " redeemScript " , hexstr ) ;
if ( vinaddr ! = 0 )
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( symbol , taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , vinaddr ) ;
spendlen = bitcoin_p2shspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
//printf("P2SH path.%s\n",vinaddr!=0?vinaddr:0);
} else spendlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , spendscript , spendlen ) ;
jaddstr ( item , " scriptPubKey " , hexstr ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " suppress " , suppress_pubkeys ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " sequence " , sequenceid ) ;
jaddi ( vins , item ) ;
jdelete ( txobj , " vin " ) ;
jadd ( txobj , " vin " , vins ) ;
if ( destaddr = = 0 )
destaddr = _destaddr ;
bitcoin_address ( symbol , destaddr , taddr , pubtype , pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( symbol , taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , destaddr ) ;
if ( addrtype = = p2shtype )
spendlen = bitcoin_p2shspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
else spendlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
if ( change ! = 0 & & strcmp ( changeaddr , destaddr ) = = 0 )
printf ( " combine change %.8f -> %s \n " , dstr ( change ) , changeaddr ) ;
satoshis + = change ;
change = 0 ;
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , spendscript , spendlen , satoshis ) ;
if ( change ! = 0 )
int32_t changelen ; uint8_t changescript [ 1024 ] , changetype , changermd160 [ 20 ] ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( symbol , taddr , & changetype , changermd160 , changeaddr ) ;
changelen = bitcoin_standardspend ( changescript , 0 , changermd160 ) ;
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , changescript , changelen , change ) ;
if ( ( rawtxbytes = bitcoin_json2hex ( symbol , isPoS , & txid , txobj , V ) ) ! = 0 )
char str [ 65 ] ;
completed = 0 ;
memset ( signedtxidp , 0 , sizeof ( * signedtxidp ) ) ;
//printf("locktime.%u sequenceid.%x rawtx.(%s) vins.(%s)\n",locktime,sequenceid,rawtxbytes,jprint(vins,0));
if ( ( completed = iguana_signrawtransaction ( ctx , symbol , wiftaddr , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , 1000000 , & msgtx , & signedtx , signedtxidp , V , 1 , rawtxbytes , vins , privkeys , zcash ) ) < 0 )
//if ( (signedtx= LP_signrawtx(symbol,signedtxidp,&completed,vins,rawtxbytes,privkeys,V)) == 0 )
printf ( " couldnt sign transaction.%s %s \n " , name , bits256_str ( str , * signedtxidp ) ) ;
else if ( completed = = 0 )
printf ( " incomplete signing suppress.%d %s (%s) \n " , suppress_pubkeys , name , jprint ( vins , 0 ) ) ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
free ( signedtx ) , signedtx = 0 ;
} // else printf("basilisk_swap_bobtxspend %s -> %s\n",name,bits256_str(str,*signedtxidp));
free ( rawtxbytes ) ;
} else printf ( " error making rawtx suppress.%d \n " , suppress_pubkeys ) ;
free_json ( privkeys ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( signedtx ) ;
int32_t LP_vin_select ( int32_t * aboveip , int64_t * abovep , int32_t * belowip , int64_t * belowp , struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t numunspents , uint64_t value , int32_t maxmode )
int32_t i , abovei , belowi ; int64_t above , below , gap , atx_value ;
abovei = belowi = - 1 ;
for ( above = below = i = 0 ; i < numunspents ; i + + )
if ( utxos [ i ] = = 0 )
continue ;
if ( ( atx_value = utxos [ i ] - > U . value ) < = 0 )
//printf("illegal value.%d\n",i);
continue ;
if ( atx_value = = value )
* aboveip = * belowip = i ;
* abovep = * belowp = 0 ;
return ( i ) ;
else if ( atx_value > value )
gap = ( atx_value - value ) ;
if ( above = = 0 | | gap < above )
above = gap ;
abovei = i ;
gap = ( value - atx_value ) ;
if ( below = = 0 | | gap < below )
below = gap ;
belowi = i ;
//printf("value %.8f gap %.8f abovei.%d %.8f belowi.%d %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(gap),abovei,dstr(above),belowi,dstr(below));
* aboveip = abovei ;
* abovep = above ;
* belowip = belowi ;
* belowp = below ;
//printf("above.%d below.%d\n",abovei,belowi);
if ( abovei > = 0 & & belowi > = 0 )
if ( above < ( below > > 1 ) )
return ( abovei ) ;
else return ( belowi ) ;
else if ( abovei > = 0 )
return ( abovei ) ;
else return ( belowi ) ;
//return(abovei >= 0 && above < (below>>1) ? abovei : belowi);
cJSON * LP_inputjson ( bits256 txid , int32_t vout , char * spendscriptstr )
cJSON * sobj , * item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddbits256 ( item , " txid " , txid ) ;
jaddnum ( item , " vout " , vout ) ;
sobj = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( sobj , " hex " , spendscriptstr ) ;
jadd ( item , " scriptPubKey " , sobj ) ;
return ( item ) ;
int64_t LP_hodlcoin_interest ( int32_t coinheight , int32_t utxoheight , bits256 txid , int64_t nValue )
int64_t interest = 0 ; int32_t minutes , htdiff ;
if ( coinheight > utxoheight )
htdiff = ( coinheight - utxoheight ) ;
if ( htdiff > 16830 )
htdiff = 16830 ;
minutes = ( htdiff * 154 ) / 60 ;
interest = nValue * htdiff * 0.000000238418 ;
//interest = ((nValue * minutes) / 10743920);
return ( interest ) ;
uint64_t _komodo_interestnew ( uint64_t nValue , uint32_t nLockTime , uint32_t tiptime )
int32_t minutes ; uint64_t interest = 0 ;
if ( tiptime > nLockTime & & ( minutes = ( tiptime - nLockTime ) / 60 ) > = 60 )
//minutes.71582779 tiptime.1511292969 locktime.1511293505
//printf("minutes.%d tiptime.%u locktime.%u\n",minutes,tiptime,nLockTime);
if ( minutes > 365 * 24 * 60 )
minutes = 365 * 24 * 60 ;
if ( nLockTime > 1536000000 & & minutes > 31 * 24 * 60 )
minutes = 31 * 24 * 60 ;
minutes - = 59 ;
interest = ( ( nValue / 10512000 ) * minutes ) ;
return ( interest ) ;
int64_t LP_komodo_interest ( bits256 txid , int64_t value )
uint32_t nLockTime ; uint32_t tiptime ; int64_t interest = 0 ;
if ( value > = 10 * SATOSHIDEN )
if ( ( nLockTime = LP_locktime ( " KMD " , txid ) ) > = 500000000 )
tiptime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - 777 ;
interest = _komodo_interestnew ( value , nLockTime , tiptime ) ;
return ( interest ) ;
int32_t LP_vins_select ( void * ctx , struct iguana_info * coin , int64_t * totalp , int64_t amount , struct vin_info * V , struct LP_address_utxo * * utxos , int32_t numunspents , int32_t suppress_pubkeys , int32_t ignore_cltverr , bits256 privkey , cJSON * privkeys , cJSON * vins , uint8_t * script , int32_t scriptlen , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout , int32_t dustcombine )
char wifstr [ 128 ] , spendscriptstr [ 128 ] , str [ 65 ] ; int32_t i , j , maxiters , n , numpre , ind , abovei , belowi , maxmode = 0 ; struct vin_info * vp ; cJSON * txobj ; struct LP_address_utxo * up , * min0 , * min1 , * preselected [ 3 ] ; int64_t value , interest , interestsum , above , below , remains = amount , total = 0 ;
* totalp = 0 ;
interestsum = 0 ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( spendscriptstr , script , scriptlen ) ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , wifstr , privkey , coin - > wiftype ) ;
n = 0 ;
min0 = min1 = 0 ;
memset ( preselected , 0 , sizeof ( preselected ) ) ;
for ( j = numpre = 0 ; j < numunspents ; j + + )
up = utxos [ j ] ;
if ( utxovout = = up - > U . vout & & bits256_cmp ( utxotxid , up - > U . txid ) = = 0 )
preselected [ numpre + + ] = up ;
//printf("found utxotxid in slot.%d\n",j);
utxos [ j ] = 0 ;
continue ;
if ( up - > spendheight < = 0 & & up - > U . height > 0 & & up - > U . value ! = 0 )
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettxout ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr , up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout ) ) = = 0 )
up - > spendheight = 1 ;
utxos [ j ] = 0 ;
if ( LP_inventory_prevent ( 1 , coin - > symbol , up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout ) = = 0 )
if ( min1 = = 0 | | up - > U . value < min1 - > U . value )
if ( min0 = = 0 | | up - > U . value < min0 - > U . value )
min1 = min0 ;
min0 = up ;
} else min1 = up ;
} else utxos [ j ] = 0 ;
if ( 0 & & utxos [ j ] ! = 0 )
printf ( " gettxout j.%d %s/v%d (%s) \n " , j , bits256_str ( str , up - > U . txid ) , up - > U . vout , jprint ( txobj , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
} else utxos [ j ] = 0 ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( utxotxid ) ! = 0 & & numpre = = 0 )
up = LP_address_utxofind ( coin , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout ) ;
//printf("have utxotxid but wasnt found up.%p\n",up);
if ( up = = 0 )
value = LP_txvalue ( 0 , coin - > symbol , utxotxid , utxovout ) ;
LP_address_utxoadd ( 0 , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) , " withdraw " , coin , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout , value , 1 , - 1 ) ;
//printf("added after not finding\n");
if ( ( up = LP_address_utxofind ( coin , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout ) ) ! = 0 )
preselected [ numpre + + ] = up ;
printf ( " couldnt add address_utxo %s/v%d after not finding \n " , bits256_str ( str , utxotxid ) , utxovout ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
value = LP_txvalue ( 0 , coin - > symbol , utxotxid , utxovout ) ;
LP_address_utxoadd ( 0 , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) , " withdraw " , coin , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout , value , 1 , - 1 ) ;
if ( ( up = LP_address_utxofind ( coin , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout ) ) ! = 0 )
preselected [ numpre + + ] = up ;
else printf ( " second couldnt add address_utxo after not finding \n " ) ;
if ( dustcombine > = 1 & & min0 ! = 0 & & min0 - > U . value < LP_DUSTCOMBINE_THRESHOLD & & ( coin - > electrum = = 0 | | min0 - > SPV > 0 ) )
for ( j = 0 ; j < numpre ; j + + )
if ( min0 = = preselected [ j ] )
break ;
if ( j = = numpre )
preselected [ numpre + + ] = min0 ;
else min0 = 0 ;
if ( dustcombine > = 2 & & min1 ! = 0 & & min1 - > U . value < LP_DUSTCOMBINE_THRESHOLD & & ( coin - > electrum = = 0 | | min1 - > SPV > 0 ) )
for ( j = 0 ; j < numpre ; j + + )
if ( min1 = = preselected [ j ] )
break ;
if ( j = = numpre )
preselected [ numpre + + ] = min1 ;
else min1 = 0 ;
printf ( " dustcombine.%d numpre.%d min0.%p min1.%p numutxos.%d amount %.8f \n " , dustcombine , numpre , min0 , min1 , numunspents , dstr ( amount ) ) ;
maxiters = numunspents + numpre ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < maxiters ; i + + )
if ( i < numpre )
up = preselected [ i ] ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " preselected[%d]: %s/v%d %.8f \n " , i , bits256_str ( str , up - > U . txid ) , up - > U . vout , dstr ( up - > U . value ) ) ;
below = above = 0 ;
abovei = belowi = - 1 ;
if ( LP_vin_select ( & abovei , & above , & belowi , & below , utxos , numunspents , remains , maxmode ) < 0 )
printf ( " error finding unspent i.%d of %d, %.8f vs %.8f \n " , i , numunspents , dstr ( remains ) , dstr ( amount ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( belowi < 0 | | abovei > = 0 )
ind = abovei ;
else ind = belowi ;
if ( ind < 0 )
printf ( " error finding unspent i.%d of %d, %.8f vs %.8f, abovei.%d belowi.%d ind.%d \n " , i , numunspents , dstr ( remains ) , dstr ( amount ) , abovei , belowi , ind ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
up = utxos [ ind ] ;
utxos [ ind ] = utxos [ - - numunspents ] ;
utxos [ numunspents ] = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < numpre ; j + + )
if ( up = = preselected [ j ] )
break ;
if ( j < numpre )
continue ;
if ( LP_validSPV ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr , up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout ) < 0 )
continue ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( utxotxid , up - > U . txid ) ! = 0 & & LP_allocated ( up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout ) ! = 0 )
continue ;
up - > spendheight = 1 ;
total + = up - > U . value ;
remains - = up - > U . value ;
interest = 0 ;
if ( up - > U . height < 7777777 & & strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " KMD " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( interest = LP_komodo_interest ( up - > U . txid , up - > U . value ) ) > 0 )
interestsum + = interest ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " %s/%d %.8f interest %.8f -> sum %.8f \n " , bits256_str ( str , up - > U . txid ) , up - > U . vout , dstr ( up - > U . value ) , dstr ( interest ) , dstr ( interestsum ) ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " HODLC " ) = = 0 )
if ( ( interest = LP_hodlcoin_interest ( coin - > height , up - > U . height , up - > U . txid , up - > U . value ) ) > 0 )
interestsum + = interest ;
char str [ 65 ] ; printf ( " %s/%d %.8f hodl interest %.8f -> sum %.8f \n " , bits256_str ( str , up - > U . txid ) , up - > U . vout , dstr ( up - > U . value ) , dstr ( interest ) , dstr ( interestsum ) ) ;
//printf("suppress.%d numunspents.%d vini.%d value %.8f, total %.8f remains %.8f interest %.8f sum %.8f %s/v%d\n",suppress_pubkeys,numunspents,n,dstr(up->U.value),dstr(total),dstr(remains),dstr(interest),dstr(interestsum),bits256_str(str,up->U.txid),up->U.vout);
vp = & V [ n + + ] ;
vp - > N = vp - > M = 1 ;
vp - > signers [ 0 ] . privkey = privkey ;
jaddistr ( privkeys , wifstr ) ;
bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , vp - > signers [ 0 ] . pubkey , privkey ) ;
vp - > suppress_pubkeys = suppress_pubkeys ;
vp - > ignore_cltverr = ignore_cltverr ;
jaddi ( vins , LP_inputjson ( up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout , spendscriptstr ) ) ;
LP_unavailableset ( up - > U . txid , up - > U . vout , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) + LP_RESERVETIME * 2 , G . LP_mypub25519 ) ;
if ( remains < = 0 & & i > = numpre - 1 )
break ;
if ( numunspents < 0 | | n > = LP_MAXVINS )
printf ( " total %.8f not enough for amount %.8f \n " , dstr ( total ) , dstr ( amount ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
* totalp = total + interestsum ;
return ( n ) ;
char * LP_createrawtransaction ( cJSON * * txobjp , int32_t * numvinsp , struct iguana_info * coin , struct vin_info * V , int32_t max , bits256 privkey , cJSON * outputs , cJSON * vins , cJSON * privkeys , int64_t txfee , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout , int32_t onevin , uint32_t locktime , char * opretstr , char * passphrase )
static void * ctx ;
cJSON * txobj , * item ; uint8_t addrtype , rmd160 [ 20 ] , data [ 8192 + 64 ] , script [ 8192 ] , spendscript [ 256 ] ; char * coinaddr , * rawtxbytes , * scriptstr ; bits256 txid ; uint32_t crc32 , timestamp ; int64_t change = 0 , adjust = 0 , total , value , amount = 0 ; int32_t origspendlen = 0 , i , offset , len , dustcombine , scriptlen , spendlen , suppress_pubkeys , ignore_cltverr , numvouts = 0 , numvins = 0 , numutxos = 0 ; struct LP_address_utxo * utxos [ LP_MAXVINS * 256 ] ; struct LP_address * ap ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
* numvinsp = 0 ;
* txobjp = 0 ;
/*if ( sizeof(utxos)/sizeof(*utxos) != max )
printf ( " LP_createrawtransaction: internal error %d != max.%d \n " , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( utxos ) / sizeof ( * utxos ) ) , max ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} */
if ( coin = = 0 | | outputs = = 0 | | ( numvouts = cJSON_GetArraySize ( outputs ) ) < = 0 )
printf ( " LP_createrawtransaction: illegal coin.%p outputs.%p or arraysize.%d, error \n " , coin , outputs , numvouts ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( coin - > numutxos < LP_MINDESIRED_UTXOS )
dustcombine = 0 ;
else if ( coin - > numutxos > = LP_MAXDESIRED_UTXOS )
dustcombine = 2 ;
else dustcombine = 1 ;
dustcombine = 0 ;
# endif
amount = txfee ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvouts ; i + + )
item = jitem ( outputs , i ) ;
if ( ( coinaddr = jfieldname ( item ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( LP_address_isvalid ( coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) < = 0 )
printf ( " %s LP_createrawtransaction %s i.%d of %d is invalid \n " , coin - > symbol , coinaddr , i , numvouts ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble ( item , coinaddr ) ) < = 0 )
printf ( " cant get value %s i.%d of %d %s \n " , coinaddr , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
amount + = value ;
//printf("vout.%d %.8f -> total %.8f\n",i,dstr(value),dstr(amount));
printf ( " cant get fieldname.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( ap = LP_address ( coin , coin - > smartaddr ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " LP_createrawtransaction LP_address null? \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
memset ( utxos , 0 , sizeof ( utxos ) ) ;
//char str[65];
if ( onevin ! = 0 )
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettxout ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr , utxotxid , utxovout ) ) ! = 0 )
struct LP_address_utxo U ;
memset ( & U , 0 , sizeof ( U ) ) ;
utxos [ 0 ] = & U ;
utxos [ 0 ] - > U . txid = utxotxid ;
utxos [ 0 ] - > U . vout = utxovout ;
utxos [ 0 ] - > U . value = LP_value_extract ( txobj , 0 , utxotxid ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("add onevin %s/v%d %.8f\n",bits256_str(str,utxotxid),utxovout,dstr(utxos[0]->U.value));
numutxos = 1 ;
printf ( " LP_createrawtransaction: onevin spent already \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( numutxos = LP_address_utxo_ptrs ( coin , 0 , utxos , ( int32_t ) ( sizeof ( utxos ) / sizeof ( * utxos ) ) , ap , coin - > smartaddr ) ) < = 0 )
if ( bits256_nonz ( utxotxid ) = = 0 )
printf ( " LP_createrawtransaction: address_utxo_ptrs %d, error \n " , numutxos ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ignore_cltverr = 0 ;
suppress_pubkeys = 1 ;
scriptlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( script , 0 , G . LP_myrmd160 ) ;
numvins = LP_vins_select ( ctx , coin , & total , amount , V , utxos , numutxos , suppress_pubkeys , ignore_cltverr , privkey , privkeys , vins , script , scriptlen , utxotxid , utxovout , dustcombine ) ;
if ( numvins < = 0 | | total < amount )
printf ( " change %.8f = total %.8f - amount %.8f, adjust %.8f numvouts.%d, txfee %.8f \n " , dstr ( change ) , dstr ( total ) , dstr ( amount ) , dstr ( adjust ) , numvouts , dstr ( txfee ) ) ;
printf ( " not enough inputs %.8f < for amount %.8f txfee %.8f \n " , dstr ( total ) , dstr ( amount ) , dstr ( txfee ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
change = ( total - amount ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
if ( locktime = = 0 & & strcmp ( " KMD " , coin - > symbol ) = = 0 )
locktime = timestamp - 777 ;
txobj = bitcoin_txcreate ( coin - > symbol , coin - > isPoS , locktime , coin - > txversion , timestamp ) ;
jdelete ( txobj , " vin " ) ;
jadd ( txobj , " vin " , jduplicate ( vins ) ) ;
//printf("change %.8f = total %.8f - amount %.8f, adjust %.8f numvouts.%d\n",dstr(change),dstr(total),dstr(amount),dstr(adjust),numvouts);
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvouts ; i + + )
item = jitem ( outputs , i ) ;
if ( ( coinaddr = jfieldname ( item ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble ( item , coinaddr ) ) < = 0 )
printf ( " cant get value i.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( scriptstr = jstr ( item , " script " ) ) ! = 0 )
spendlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( scriptstr ) > > 1 ;
if ( spendlen < sizeof ( script ) )
decode_hex ( spendscript , spendlen , scriptstr ) ;
//printf("i.%d using external script.(%s) %d\n",i,scriptstr,spendlen);
printf ( " custom script.%d too long %d \n " , i , spendlen ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( coin - > symbol , coin - > taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , coinaddr ) ;
if ( addrtype = = coin - > pubtype )
spendlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
else spendlen = bitcoin_p2shspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
if ( i = = numvouts - 1 & & strcmp ( coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) = = 0 & & change ! = 0 )
//printf("combine last vout %.8f with change %.8f\n",dstr(value+adjust),dstr(change));
value + = change ;
change = 0 ;
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , spendscript , spendlen , value + adjust ) ;
printf ( " cant get fieldname.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( change < 6000 )
//adjust = change / numvouts; adjust messes up vout encoding!
change = 0 ;
if ( change ! = 0 )
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , script , scriptlen , change ) ;
if ( opretstr ! = 0 )
spendlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( opretstr ) > > 1 ;
if ( spendlen < sizeof ( script ) - 60 )
if ( passphrase ! = 0 & & passphrase [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
decode_hex ( data , spendlen , opretstr ) ;
offset = 2 + ( spendlen > = 16 ) ;
origspendlen = spendlen ;
crc32 = calc_crc32 ( 0 , data , spendlen ) ;
spendlen = LP_opreturn_encrypt ( & script [ offset ] , ( int32_t ) sizeof ( script ) - offset , data , spendlen , passphrase , crc32 & 0xffff ) ;
if ( spendlen < 0 )
printf ( " error encrpting opreturn data \n " ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} else offset = crc32 = 0 ;
len = 0 ;
script [ len + + ] = SCRIPT_OP_RETURN ;
if ( spendlen < 76 )
script [ len + + ] = spendlen ;
else if ( spendlen < = 0xff )
script [ len + + ] = 0x4c ;
script [ len + + ] = spendlen ;
else if ( spendlen < = 0xffff )
script [ len + + ] = 0x4d ;
script [ len + + ] = ( spendlen & 0xff ) ;
script [ len + + ] = ( ( spendlen > > 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
if ( passphrase ! = 0 & & passphrase [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( offset ! = len )
printf ( " offset.%d vs len.%d, reencrypt \n " , offset , len ) ;
spendlen = LP_opreturn_encrypt ( & script [ len ] , ( int32_t ) sizeof ( script ) - len , data , origspendlen , passphrase , crc32 & 0xffff ) ;
if ( spendlen < 0 )
printf ( " error encrpting opreturn data \n " ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} //else printf("offset.%d already in right place\n",offset);
} else decode_hex ( & script [ len ] , spendlen , opretstr ) ;
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , script , len + spendlen , 0 ) ;
//printf("OP_RETURN.[%d, %d] script.(%s)\n",len,spendlen,opretstr);
printf ( " custom script.%d too long %d \n " , i , spendlen ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( rawtxbytes = bitcoin_json2hex ( coin - > symbol , coin - > isPoS , & txid , txobj , V ) ) ! = 0 )
} else printf ( " error making rawtx suppress.%d \n " , suppress_pubkeys ) ;
* txobjp = txobj ;
* numvinsp = numvins ;
return ( rawtxbytes ) ;
char * LP_opreturndecrypt ( void * ctx , char * symbol , bits256 utxotxid , char * passphrase )
cJSON * txjson , * vouts , * opret , * sobj , * retjson ; uint16_t utxovout ; char * opretstr , * hexstr ; uint8_t * opretdata , * databuf , * decoded ; uint16_t ind16 ; uint32_t crc32 ; int32_t i , len , numvouts , opretlen , datalen ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" cant find coin \" } " ) ) ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
utxovout = 0 ;
if ( ( txjson = LP_gettx ( " LP_opreturn_decrypt " , coin - > symbol , utxotxid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( vouts = jarray ( & numvouts , txjson , " vout " ) ) ! = 0 & & numvouts > = 1 )
opret = jitem ( vouts , numvouts - 1 ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " coin " , symbol ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " opreturntxid " , utxotxid ) ;
if ( ( sobj = jobj ( opret , " scriptPubKey " ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( opretstr = jstr ( sobj , " hex " ) ) ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " opreturn " , opretstr ) ;
opretlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( opretstr ) > > 1 ;
opretdata = malloc ( opretlen ) ;
decode_hex ( opretdata , opretlen , opretstr ) ;
databuf = & opretdata [ 2 ] ;
datalen = 0 ;
if ( opretdata [ 0 ] ! = 0x6a )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " not opreturn data " ) ;
else if ( ( datalen = opretdata [ 1 ] ) < 76 )
if ( & databuf [ datalen ] ! = & opretdata [ opretlen ] )
databuf = 0 , jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " mismatched short opretlen " ) ;
else if ( opretdata [ 1 ] = = 0x4c )
datalen = opretdata [ 2 ] ;
databuf + + ;
if ( & databuf [ datalen ] ! = & opretdata [ opretlen ] )
databuf = 0 , jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " mismatched opretlen " ) ;
else if ( opretdata [ 1 ] = = 0x4d )
datalen = opretdata [ 3 ] ;
datalen < < = 8 ;
datalen | = opretdata [ 2 ] ;
databuf + = 2 ;
if ( & databuf [ datalen ] ! = & opretdata [ opretlen ] )
databuf = 0 , jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " mismatched big opretlen " ) ;
else databuf = 0 , jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " unexpected opreturn data type " ) ;
if ( databuf ! = 0 )
decoded = calloc ( 1 , opretlen + 1 ) ;
if ( ( len = LP_opreturn_decrypt ( & ind16 , decoded , databuf , datalen , passphrase ) ) < 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " decrypt error " ) ;
crc32 = calc_crc32 ( 0 , decoded , len ) ;
if ( ( crc32 & 0xffff ) = = ind16 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " result " , " success " ) ;
hexstr = malloc ( len * 2 + 1 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( hexstr , decoded , len ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " decrypted " , hexstr ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + )
if ( isprint ( decoded [ i ] ) = = 0 )
break ;
if ( i = = len )
memcpy ( hexstr , decoded , len ) ;
hexstr [ len ] = 0 ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " original " , hexstr ) ;
free ( hexstr ) ;
} else jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " decrypt crc16 error " ) ;
free ( decoded ) ;
free ( opretdata ) ;
free_json ( txjson ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
char * LP_createblasttransaction ( uint64_t * changep , int32_t * changeoutp , cJSON * * txobjp , cJSON * * vinsp , struct vin_info * V , struct iguana_info * coin , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout , uint64_t utxovalue , bits256 privkey , cJSON * outputs , int64_t txfee )
static void * ctx ;
cJSON * txobj , * item , * vins ; uint8_t addrtype , rmd160 [ 20 ] , pubkey33 [ 33 ] , tmptype , data [ 8192 + 64 ] , script [ 8192 ] , spendscript [ 256 ] ; char * coinaddr , * rawtxbytes , * scriptstr , spendscriptstr [ 128 ] , blastaddr [ 64 ] , wifstr [ 64 ] ; bits256 txid ; uint32_t locktime , crc32 , timestamp ; int64_t change = 0 , adjust = 0 , total , value , amount = 0 ; int32_t i , offset , len , scriptlen , spendlen , suppress_pubkeys , ignore_cltverr , numvouts = 0 ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
* txobjp = * vinsp = 0 ;
* changep = 0 ;
* changeoutp = - 1 ;
if ( coin = = 0 | | outputs = = 0 | | ( numvouts = cJSON_GetArraySize ( outputs ) ) < = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: illegal coin.%p outputs.%p or arraysize.%d, error \n " , coin , outputs , numvouts ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
amount = txfee ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvouts ; i + + )
item = jitem ( outputs , i ) ;
if ( ( coinaddr = jfieldname ( item ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( 0 & & LP_address_isvalid ( coin - > symbol , coinaddr ) < = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s LP_createblasttransaction %s i.%d of %d is invalid \n " , coin - > symbol , coinaddr , i , numvouts ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble ( item , coinaddr ) ) < = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: cant get value %s i.%d of %d %s \n " , coinaddr , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
amount + = value ;
//printf("vout.%d %.8f -> total %.8f\n",i,dstr(value),dstr(amount));
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: cant get fieldname.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ignore_cltverr = 0 ;
suppress_pubkeys = 1 ;
memset ( V , 0 , sizeof ( * V ) ) ;
V - > N = V - > M = 1 ;
V - > signers [ 0 ] . privkey = privkey ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , wifstr , privkey , coin - > wiftype ) ;
bitcoin_priv2pub ( ctx , coin - > symbol , pubkey33 , blastaddr , privkey , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype ) ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( " KMD " , coin - > taddr , & tmptype , rmd160 , blastaddr ) ;
V - > suppress_pubkeys = suppress_pubkeys ;
V - > ignore_cltverr = ignore_cltverr ;
change = ( utxovalue - amount ) ;
timestamp = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
locktime = 0 ;
txobj = bitcoin_txcreate ( coin - > symbol , coin - > isPoS , locktime , coin - > txversion , timestamp ) ;
scriptlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( script , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
init_hexbytes_noT ( spendscriptstr , script , scriptlen ) ;
vins = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
jaddi ( vins , LP_inputjson ( utxotxid , utxovout , spendscriptstr ) ) ;
jdelete ( txobj , " vin " ) ;
jadd ( txobj , " vin " , jduplicate ( vins ) ) ;
* vinsp = vins ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvouts ; i + + )
item = jitem ( outputs , i ) ;
if ( ( coinaddr = jfieldname ( item ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( value = SATOSHIDEN * jdouble ( item , coinaddr ) ) < = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: cant get value i.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( scriptstr = jstr ( item , " script " ) ) ! = 0 )
spendlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( scriptstr ) > > 1 ;
if ( spendlen < sizeof ( script ) )
decode_hex ( spendscript , spendlen , scriptstr ) ;
//printf("i.%d using external script.(%s) %d\n",i,scriptstr,spendlen);
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: custom script.%d too long %d \n " , i , spendlen ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
bitcoin_addr2rmd160 ( coin - > symbol , coin - > taddr , & addrtype , rmd160 , coinaddr ) ;
if ( addrtype = = coin - > pubtype )
spendlen = bitcoin_standardspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
else spendlen = bitcoin_p2shspend ( spendscript , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
if ( i = = numvouts - 1 & & strcmp ( coinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) = = 0 & & change ! = 0 )
value + = change ;
change = 0 ;
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , spendscript , spendlen , value + adjust ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: cant get fieldname.%d of %d %s \n " , i , numvouts , jprint ( outputs , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
if ( change < 6000 | | change < txfee )
change = 0 ;
* changep = change ;
if ( change ! = 0 )
txobj = bitcoin_txoutput ( txobj , script , scriptlen , change ) ;
* changeoutp = numvouts ;
if ( ( rawtxbytes = bitcoin_json2hex ( coin - > symbol , coin - > isPoS , & txid , txobj , V ) ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " LP_createblasttransaction: error making rawtx suppress.%d \n " , suppress_pubkeys ) ;
* txobjp = txobj ;
return ( rawtxbytes ) ;
char * bitcoin_signrawtransaction ( int32_t * completedp , bits256 * signedtxidp , struct iguana_info * coin , char * rawtx , char * wifstr )
char * retstr , * paramstr , * hexstr , * signedtx = 0 ; int32_t len ; uint8_t * data ; cJSON * signedjson ;
* completedp = 0 ;
memset ( signedtxidp , 0 , sizeof ( * signedtxidp ) ) ;
paramstr = calloc ( 1 , 200000 + 1 ) ;
sprintf ( paramstr , " [ \" %s \" , null, [ \" %s \" ]] " , rawtx , wifstr ) ;
if ( ( retstr = bitcoind_passthru ( coin - > symbol , coin - > serverport , coin - > userpass , " signrawtransaction " , paramstr ) ) ! = 0 )
//printf("%s signed -> %s\n",coin->symbol,retstr);
if ( ( signedjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( hexstr = jstr ( signedjson , " hex " ) ) ! = 0 )
len = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hexstr ) ;
signedtx = calloc ( 1 , len + 1 ) ;
strcpy ( signedtx , hexstr ) ;
* completedp = is_cJSON_True ( jobj ( signedjson , " complete " ) ) ;
len > > = 1 ;
data = malloc ( len ) ;
decode_hex ( data , len , hexstr ) ;
* signedtxidp = bits256_calctxid ( coin - > symbol , data , len ) ;
free ( data ) ;
free_json ( signedjson ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
free ( paramstr ) ;
return ( signedtx ) ;
char * LP_txblast ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * argjson )
static void * ctx ;
int32_t broadcast , i , num , numblast , utxovout , completed = 0 , numvouts , changeout ; char * passphrase , changeaddr [ 64 ] , vinaddr [ 64 ] , wifstr [ 65 ] , blastaddr [ 65 ] , str [ 65 ] , * signret , * signedtx = 0 , * rawtx = 0 ; struct vin_info V ; uint32_t locktime , starttime ; uint8_t pubkey33 [ 33 ] ; cJSON * retjson , * item , * outputs , * vins = 0 , * txobj = 0 , * privkeys = 0 ; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ; bits256 privkey , pubkey , checktxid , utxotxid , signedtxid ; uint64_t txfee , utxovalue , change ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
if ( ( passphrase = jstr ( argjson , " password " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" need password \" } " ) ) ;
outputs = jarray ( & numvouts , argjson , " outputs " ) ;
utxotxid = jbits256 ( argjson , " utxotxid " ) ;
utxovout = jint ( argjson , " utxovout " ) ;
if ( ( numblast = jint ( argjson , " numblast " ) ) = = 0 )
numblast = 1000000 ;
utxovalue = j64bits ( argjson , " utxovalue " ) ;
txfee = juint ( argjson , " txfee " ) ;
broadcast = juint ( argjson , " broadcast " ) ;
conv_NXTpassword ( privkey . bytes , pubkey . bytes , ( uint8_t * ) passphrase , ( int32_t ) strlen ( passphrase ) ) ;
privkey . bytes [ 0 ] & = 248 , privkey . bytes [ 31 ] & = 127 , privkey . bytes [ 31 ] | = 64 ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , wifstr , privkey , coin - > wiftype ) ;
bitcoin_priv2pub ( ctx , coin - > symbol , pubkey33 , blastaddr , privkey , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype ) ;
safecopy ( vinaddr , blastaddr , sizeof ( vinaddr ) ) ;
safecopy ( changeaddr , blastaddr , sizeof ( changeaddr ) ) ;
privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
jaddistr ( privkeys , wifstr ) ;
starttime = ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numblast ; i + + )
if ( ( rawtx = LP_createblasttransaction ( & change , & changeout , & txobj , & vins , & V , coin , utxotxid , utxovout , utxovalue , privkey , outputs , txfee ) ) ! = 0 )
completed = 0 ;
memset ( & msgtx , 0 , sizeof ( msgtx ) ) ;
memset ( signedtxid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( signedtxid ) ) ;
if ( ( signedtx = bitcoin_signrawtransaction ( & completed , & signedtxid , coin , rawtx , wifstr ) ) = = 0 )
//if ( (completed= iguana_signrawtransaction(ctx,coin->symbol,coin->wiftaddr,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,coin->p2shtype,coin->isPoS,coin->longestchain,&msgtx,&signedtx,&signedtxid,&V,1,rawtx,vins,privkeys,coin->zcash)) < 0 )
printf ( " LP_txblast: couldnt sign blast tx %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) ) ;
else if ( completed = = 0 )
printf ( " LP_txblast incomplete signing blast tx (%s) \n " , jprint ( vins , 0 ) ) ;
break ;
if ( broadcast ! = 0 )
if ( ( signret = LP_sendrawtransaction ( coin - > symbol , signedtx , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " LP_txblast.%s broadcast (%s) vs %s \n " , coin - > symbol , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) , signret ) ;
if ( is_hexstr ( signret , 0 ) = = 64 )
decode_hex ( checktxid . bytes , 32 , signret ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( checktxid , signedtxid ) = = 0 )
printf ( " blaster i.%d of %d: %s/v%d %.8f \n " , i , numblast , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) , changeout , dstr ( change ) ) ;
} else break ;
printf ( " error sending tx: \n \" %s \" null '[ \" %s \" ]' \n " , rawtx , wifstr ) ;
break ;
free ( signret ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " null return from LP_sendrawtransaction \n " ) ;
break ;
} else printf ( " blaster i.%d of %d: %s/v%d %.8f %s \n " , i , numblast , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) , changeout , dstr ( change ) , signedtx ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " error creating txblast rawtransaction \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( txobj ! = 0 )
free_json ( txobj ) , txobj = 0 ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 )
free ( rawtx ) , rawtx = 0 ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
free ( signedtx ) , signedtx = 0 ;
if ( changeout < 0 | | change = = 0 )
break ;
utxotxid = signedtxid ;
utxovout = changeout ;
utxovalue = change ;
// good place to update outputs[] for a fully programmable blast
free_json ( privkeys ) , privkeys = 0 ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " result " , " success " ) ;
jaddstr ( retjson , " blastaddr " , blastaddr ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " broadcast " , broadcast ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " numblast " , numblast ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " completed " , i ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " lastutxo " , utxotxid ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " lastutxovout " , utxovout ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " lastutxovalue " , dstr ( utxovalue ) ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " elapsed " , ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - starttime ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " tx/sec " , ( double ) i / ( ( uint32_t ) time ( NULL ) - starttime + 1 ) ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
char * LP_withdraw ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * argjson )
static void * ctx ;
int32_t broadcast , allocated_outputs = 0 , iter , i , num , utxovout , autofee , completed = 0 , maxV , numvins , numvouts , datalen , suppress_pubkeys ; bits256 privkey ; struct LP_address * ap ; char changeaddr [ 64 ] , vinaddr [ 64 ] , str [ 65 ] , wifstr [ 64 ] , * signret , * signedtx = 0 , * rawtx = 0 ; struct vin_info * V ; uint32_t locktime ; cJSON * retjson , * item , * outputs , * vins = 0 , * txobj = 0 , * privkeys = 0 ; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ; bits256 utxotxid , signedtxid ; uint64_t txfee = 0 , newtxfee = 10000 ;
//printf("withdraw.%s %s\n",coin->symbol,jprint(argjson,0));
if ( coin - > etomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( " ETOMIC " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" use LP_eth_withdraw for ETH or ERC20 \" } " ) ) ;
if ( ctx = = 0 )
ctx = bitcoin_ctx ( ) ;
broadcast = jint ( argjson , " broadcast " ) ;
if ( ( outputs = jarray ( & numvouts , argjson , " outputs " ) ) = = 0 )
if ( jstr ( argjson , " opreturn " ) = = 0 )
printf ( " no outputs in argjson (%s) \n " , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" no outputs specified \" } " ) ) ;
outputs = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , 0.0001 ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
numvouts = 1 ;
allocated_outputs = 1 ;
utxotxid = jbits256 ( argjson , " utxotxid " ) ;
utxovout = jint ( argjson , " utxovout " ) ;
locktime = juint ( argjson , " locktime " ) ;
txfee = juint ( argjson , " txfee " ) ;
autofee = ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) = = 0 ) ;
//printf("LP_withdraw: %s/v%d %s\n",bits256_str(str,utxotxid),utxovout,jprint(outputs,0));
if ( txfee = = 0 )
autofee = 1 ;
txfee = coin - > txfee ;
if ( txfee > 0 & & txfee < LP_MIN_TXFEE )
txfee = LP_MIN_TXFEE ;
} else autofee = 0 ;
suppress_pubkeys = 0 ;
memset ( signedtxid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( signedtxid ) ) ;
safecopy ( changeaddr , coin - > smartaddr , sizeof ( changeaddr ) ) ;
safecopy ( vinaddr , coin - > smartaddr , sizeof ( vinaddr ) ) ;
privkey = LP_privkey ( coin - > symbol , vinaddr , coin - > taddr ) ;
V = malloc ( maxV * sizeof ( * V ) ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
LP_address_utxo_reset ( & num , coin ) ;
privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
vins = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
memset ( V , 0 , sizeof ( * V ) * maxV ) ;
numvins = 0 ;
if ( ( rawtx = LP_createrawtransaction ( & txobj , & numvins , coin , V , maxV , privkey , outputs , vins , privkeys , iter = = 0 ? txfee : newtxfee , utxotxid , utxovout , jint ( argjson , " onevin " ) , locktime , jstr ( argjson , " opreturn " ) , jstr ( argjson , " passphrase " ) ) ) ! = 0 )
completed = 0 ;
memset ( & msgtx , 0 , sizeof ( msgtx ) ) ;
memset ( signedtxid . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( signedtxid ) ) ;
if ( jint ( argjson , " onevin " ) ! = 0 )
V [ 0 ] . suppress_pubkeys = 1 ;
bitcoin_priv2wif ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , wifstr , privkey , coin - > wiftype ) ;
if ( ( signedtx = bitcoin_signrawtransaction ( & completed , & signedtxid , coin , rawtx , wifstr ) ) ! = 0 & & completed = = 0 )
printf ( " incomplete signing \n " ) ;
free ( signedtx ) ;
signedtx = 0 ;
//printf("created V[0].suppress %d\n",V[0].suppress_pubkeys);
if ( ( completed = iguana_signrawtransaction ( ctx , coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > longestchain , & msgtx , & signedtx , & signedtxid , V , numvins , rawtx , vins , privkeys , coin - > zcash ) ) < 0 )
printf ( " couldnt sign withdraw %s \n " , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) ) ;
else if ( completed = = 0 )
printf ( " incomplete signing withdraw (%s) \n " , jprint ( vins , 0 ) ) ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
free ( signedtx ) , signedtx = 0 ;
if ( signedtx = = 0 )
break ;
datalen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( signedtx ) / 2 ;
if ( autofee ! = 0 & & iter = = 0 & & strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) = = 0 )
txfee = newtxfee = LP_txfeecalc ( coin , 0 , datalen ) ;
printf ( " txfee %.8f -> newtxfee %.8f, numvins.%d datalen.%d \n " , dstr ( txfee ) , dstr ( newtxfee ) , numvins , datalen ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvins ; i + + )
item = jitem ( vins , i ) ;
//printf("set available %s\n",jprint(item,0));
LP_availableset ( jbits256 ( item , " txid " ) , jint ( item , " vout " ) ) ;
free_json ( vins ) , vins = 0 ;
free_json ( txobj ) , txobj = 0 ;
free_json ( privkeys ) , privkeys = 0 ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 )
free ( rawtx ) , rawtx = 0 ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
free ( signedtx ) , signedtx = 0 ;
} else break ;
} else break ;
free ( V ) ;
if ( vins ! = 0 )
if ( completed = = 0 & & ( numvins = cJSON_GetArraySize ( vins ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numvins ; i + + )
item = jitem ( vins , i ) ;
LP_availableset ( jbits256 ( item , " txid " ) , jint ( item , " vout " ) ) ;
free_json ( vins ) ;
if ( privkeys ! = 0 )
free_json ( privkeys ) ;
retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
if ( rawtx ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " rawtx " , rawtx ) ;
free ( rawtx ) ;
if ( signedtx ! = 0 )
jaddstr ( retjson , " hex " , signedtx ) ;
if ( broadcast ! = 0 )
if ( ( signret = LP_sendrawtransaction ( coin - > symbol , signedtx , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " LP_withdraw.%s %s -> %s (%s) \n " , coin - > symbol , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) , bits256_str ( str , signedtxid ) , signret ) ;
free ( signret ) ;
free ( signedtx ) ;
if ( txobj ! = 0 )
jadd ( retjson , " tx " , txobj ) ;
jaddbits256 ( retjson , " txid " , signedtxid ) ;
jaddnum ( retjson , " txfee " , txfee ) ;
jadd ( retjson , " complete " , completed ! = 0 ? jtrue ( ) : jfalse ( ) ) ;
if ( allocated_outputs ! = 0 )
free_json ( outputs ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
char * LP_autosplit ( struct iguana_info * coin )
char * retstr ; cJSON * argjson , * withdrawjson , * outputs , * item ; int64_t total , balance , txfee ;
if ( coin - > etomic [ 0 ] = = 0 )
if ( coin - > electrum ! = 0 )
balance = LP_unspents_load ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
else balance = LP_RTsmartbalance ( coin ) ;
if ( ( txfee = coin - > txfee ) = = 0 ) // BTC
txfee = LP_txfeecalc ( coin , 0 , 500 ) ;
balance - = ( txfee + 100000 ) ;
//printf("balance %.8f, txfee %.8f, threshold %.8f\n",dstr(balance),dstr(txfee),dstr((1000000 - (txfee + 100000))));
if ( balance > txfee & & balance > = ( 1000000 - ( txfee + 100000 ) ) )
// .95 / .02 / .02 / 0.005
//halfval = (balance / 100) * 45;
argjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
outputs = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , dstr ( balance / 100 ) * 95 ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , dstr ( balance / 50 ) ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , dstr ( balance / 50 ) ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , 0.0001 ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
jadd ( argjson , " outputs " , outputs ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " broadcast " , 1 ) ;
jaddstr ( argjson , " coin " , coin - > symbol ) ;
//printf("halfval %.8f autosplit.(%s)\n",dstr(halfval),jprint(argjson,0));
retstr = LP_withdraw ( coin , argjson ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" balance too small to autosplit, please make more deposits \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt autosplit \" } " ) ) ;
char * LP_autofillbob ( struct iguana_info * coin , uint64_t satoshis )
char * retstr ; cJSON * argjson , * withdrawjson , * outputs , * item ; int64_t total , balance , txfee ;
if ( coin - > etomic [ 0 ] = = 0 )
if ( coin - > electrum ! = 0 )
balance = LP_unspents_load ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
else balance = LP_RTsmartbalance ( coin ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " BTC " , coin - > symbol ) = = 0 )
txfee = LP_txfeecalc ( coin , 0 , 1000 ) ;
balance - = ( txfee + 1000000 ) ;
if ( balance < ( satoshis < < 2 ) )
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt autofill balance too small \" } " ) ) ;
if ( balance > satoshis + 3 * txfee & & balance > = ( txfee + 1000000 ) )
argjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
outputs = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , dstr ( satoshis + 3000000 ) ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , dstr ( LP_DEPOSITSATOSHIS ( satoshis ) + 3000000 ) ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , coin - > smartaddr , 0.0001 ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
jadd ( argjson , " outputs " , outputs ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " broadcast " , 0 ) ;
jaddstr ( argjson , " coin " , coin - > symbol ) ;
retstr = LP_withdraw ( coin , argjson ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( retstr ) ;
} else return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" balance too small to autosplit, please make more deposits \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" couldnt autofill etomic needs separate support \" } " ) ) ;
char * LP_movecoinbases ( char * symbol )
static bits256 zero ; bits256 utxotxid , txid ; struct iguana_info * coin ; cJSON * retjson , * outputs , * argjson , * txids , * unspents , * item , * gen , * output ; int32_t i , n , utxovout ; char * retstr , * hexstr ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( coin - > electrum = = 0 )
txids = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
if ( ( unspents = LP_listunspent ( symbol , coin - > smartaddr , zero , zero ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( unspents ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
item = jitem ( unspents , i ) ;
if ( is_cJSON_True ( jobj ( item , " generated " ) ) ! = 0 )
utxotxid = jbits256 ( item , " txid " ) ;
utxovout = jint ( item , " vout " ) ;
argjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
outputs = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
output = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( output , coin - > smartaddr , 0.0001 ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , output ) ;
jadd ( argjson , " outputs " , outputs ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " broadcast " , 1 ) ;
jaddstr ( argjson , " coin " , coin - > symbol ) ;
jaddbits256 ( argjson , " utxotxid " , utxotxid ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " utxovout " , utxovout ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " onevin " , 1 ) ;
if ( ( retstr = LP_withdraw ( coin , argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
txid = jbits256 ( retjson , " txid " ) ;
hexstr = jstr ( retjson , " hex " ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( txid ) ! = 0 & & hexstr ! = 0 )
printf ( " %s -> %s \n " , jprint ( item , 0 ) , hexstr ) ;
jaddibits256 ( txids , txid ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
free_json ( unspents ) ;
return ( jprint ( txids , 1 ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" LP_movecoinbases cant be electrum \" } " ) ) ;
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" LP_movecoinbases couldnt find coin \" } " ) ) ;
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
char * LP_eth_tx_fee ( struct iguana_info * coin , char * dest_addr , char * amount , int64_t gas , int64_t gas_price )
bits256 privkey ;
cJSON * retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
int64_t actual_gas_price = 0 , actual_gas = 0 ;
char privkey_str [ 70 ] ;
if ( gas_price > 0 ) {
actual_gas_price = gas_price ;
} else {
actual_gas_price = getGasPriceFromStation ( 0 ) ;
if ( actual_gas_price = = 0 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" Couldn't get gas price from station! \" } " ) ) ;
cJSON_AddNumberToObject ( retjson , " gas_price " , actual_gas_price ) ;
if ( gas > 0 ) {
actual_gas = gas ;
} else if ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " ETH " ) = = 0 ) {
actual_gas = 21000 ;
} else {
privkey = LP_privkey ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr , coin - > taddr ) ;
uint8arrayToHex ( privkey_str , privkey . bytes , 32 ) ;
actual_gas = estimate_erc20_gas ( coin - > etomic , dest_addr , amount , privkey_str , coin - > decimals ) ;
if ( actual_gas = = 0 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" Couldn't estimate erc20 transfer gas usage! \" } " ) ) ;
cJSON_AddNumberToObject ( retjson , " gas " , actual_gas ) ;
double_t eth_fee = ( actual_gas_price * actual_gas ) / 1000000000.0 ;
cJSON_AddNumberToObject ( retjson , " eth_fee " , eth_fee ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
char * LP_eth_withdraw ( struct iguana_info * coin , cJSON * argjson )
cJSON * retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
cJSON * gas_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( argjson , " gas " ) ;
cJSON * gas_price_json = cJSON_GetObjectItem ( argjson , " gas_price " ) ;
char * dest_addr , * tx_id , privkey_str [ 70 ] , amount_str [ 100 ] ;
int64_t amount = 0 , gas = 0 , gas_price = 0 , broadcast = 0 ;
bits256 privkey ;
dest_addr = jstr ( argjson , " to " ) ;
if ( dest_addr = = NULL ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" param 'to' is required! \" } " ) ) ;
if ( isValidAddress ( dest_addr ) = = 0 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" 'to' address is not valid! \" } " ) ) ;
amount = jdouble ( argjson , " amount " ) * 100000000 ;
if ( amount = = 0 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" 'amount' is not set or equal to zero! \" } " ) ) ;
if ( gas_json ! = NULL & & is_cJSON_Number ( gas_json ) ) {
gas = gas_json - > valueint ;
if ( gas < 21000 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" 'gas' can't be lower than 21000! \" } " ) ) ;
if ( gas_price_json ! = NULL & & is_cJSON_Number ( gas_price_json ) ) {
gas_price = gas_price_json - > valueint ;
if ( gas_price < 1 ) {
return ( clonestr ( " { \" error \" : \" 'gas_price' can't be lower than 1! \" } " ) ) ;
broadcast = jint ( argjson , " broadcast " ) ;
satoshisToWei ( amount_str , amount ) ;
if ( broadcast = = 1 ) {
privkey = LP_privkey ( coin - > symbol , coin - > smartaddr , coin - > taddr ) ;
uint8arrayToHex ( privkey_str , privkey . bytes , 32 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " ETH " ) = = 0 ) {
tx_id = sendEth ( dest_addr , amount_str , privkey_str , 0 , gas , gas_price , 0 ) ;
} else {
tx_id = sendErc20 ( coin - > etomic , dest_addr , amount_str , privkey_str , 0 , gas , gas_price , 0 , coin - > decimals ) ;
if ( tx_id ! = NULL ) {
jaddstr ( retjson , " tx_id " , tx_id ) ;
free ( tx_id ) ;
} else {
jaddstr ( retjson , " error " , " Error sending transaction " ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
} else {
return LP_eth_tx_fee ( coin , dest_addr , amount_str , gas , gas_price ) ;
char * LP_eth_gas_price ( )
cJSON * retjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
uint64_t gas_price = getGasPriceFromStation ( 0 ) ;
if ( gas_price > 0 ) {
cJSON_AddNumberToObject ( retjson , " gas_price " , gas_price ) ;
} else {
cJSON_AddStringToObject ( retjson , " error " , " Could not get gas price from station! " ) ;
return ( jprint ( retjson , 1 ) ) ;
# endif
int32_t basilisk_rawtx_gen ( void * ctx , char * str , uint32_t swapstarted , uint8_t * pubkey33 , int32_t iambob , int32_t lockinputs , struct basilisk_rawtx * rawtx , uint32_t locktime , uint8_t * script , int32_t scriptlen , int64_t txfee , int32_t minconf , int32_t delay , bits256 privkey , uint8_t * changermd160 , char * vinaddr )
struct iguana_info * coin ; int32_t len , retval = - 1 ; char * retstr , * hexstr ; cJSON * argjson , * outputs , * item , * retjson , * obj ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( rawtx - > symbol ) ) = = 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( coin - > etomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( " ETOMIC " ) ) = = 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( coin - > smartaddr , vinaddr ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " ???????????????????????? basilisk_rawtx_gen mismatched %s %s vinaddr.%s != (%s) \n " , rawtx - > symbol , coin - > symbol , vinaddr , coin - > smartaddr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
argjson = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddbits256 ( argjson , " utxotxid " , rawtx - > utxotxid ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " utxovout " , rawtx - > utxovout ) ;
jaddnum ( argjson , " locktime " , locktime ) ;
jadd64bits ( argjson , " txfee " , txfee ) ;
outputs = cJSON_CreateArray ( ) ;
item = cJSON_CreateObject ( ) ;
jaddnum ( item , rawtx - > I . destaddr , dstr ( rawtx - > I . amount ) ) ;
jaddi ( outputs , item ) ;
jadd ( argjson , " outputs " , outputs ) ;
//printf("call LP_withdraw.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0));
if ( ( retstr = LP_withdraw ( coin , argjson ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( retjson = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( obj = jobj ( retjson , " complete " ) ) ! = 0 & & is_cJSON_True ( obj ) ! = 0 & & ( hexstr = jstr ( retjson , " hex " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( len = is_hexstr ( hexstr , 0 ) ) > 16 )
rawtx - > I . datalen = len > > 1 ;
decode_hex ( rawtx - > txbytes , rawtx - > I . datalen , hexstr ) ;
rawtx - > I . completed = 1 ;
rawtx - > I . signedtxid = jbits256 ( retjson , " txid " ) ;
retval = 0 ;
} else printf ( " rawtx withdraw error? (%s) \n " , jprint ( argjson , 0 ) ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
free_json ( argjson ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t basilisk_rawtx_sign ( char * symbol , uint8_t wiftaddr , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , uint8_t wiftype , struct basilisk_swap * swap , struct basilisk_rawtx * dest , struct basilisk_rawtx * rawtx , bits256 privkey , bits256 * privkey2 , uint8_t * userdata , int32_t userdatalen , int32_t ignore_cltverr , uint8_t * changermd160 , char * vinaddr , int32_t zcash )
char * signedtx , * changeaddr = 0 , _changeaddr [ 64 ] ; int64_t txfee , newtxfee = 0 , destamount ; uint32_t timestamp , locktime = 0 , sequenceid = 0xffffffff ; int32_t iter , retval = - 1 ; double estimatedrate ;
//char str2[65]; printf("%s rawtxsign.(%s/v%d)\n",dest->name,bits256_str(str2,dest->utxotxid),dest->utxovout);
timestamp = swap - > I . started ;
if ( dest = = & swap - > aliceclaim )
locktime = swap - > bobdeposit . I . locktime + 1 , sequenceid = 0 ;
else if ( dest = = & swap - > bobreclaim )
locktime = swap - > bobpayment . I . locktime + 1 , sequenceid = 0 ;
txfee = strcmp ( " BTC " , symbol ) = = 0 ? 0 : LP_MIN_TXFEE ;
if ( changermd160 ! = 0 )
changeaddr = _changeaddr ;
bitcoin_address ( symbol , changeaddr , taddr , pubtype , changermd160 , 20 ) ;
for ( iter = 0 ; iter < 2 ; iter + + )
if ( ( signedtx = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & dest - > I . signedtxid , iter = = 0 ? txfee : newtxfee , rawtx - > name , symbol , wiftaddr , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , wiftype , swap - > ctx , privkey , privkey2 , rawtx - > redeemscript , rawtx - > I . redeemlen , userdata , userdatalen , dest - > utxotxid , dest - > utxovout , dest - > I . destaddr , rawtx - > I . pubkey33 , 1 , 0 , & destamount , rawtx - > I . amount , changeaddr , vinaddr , dest - > I . suppress_pubkeys , zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
dest - > I . datalen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( signedtx ) > > 1 ;
if ( dest - > I . datalen < = sizeof ( dest - > txbytes ) )
decode_hex ( dest - > txbytes , dest - > I . datalen , signedtx ) ;
dest - > I . completed = 1 ;
retval = 0 ;
free ( signedtx ) ;
if ( strcmp ( symbol , " BTC " ) ! = 0 )
return ( retval ) ;
estimatedrate = LP_getestimatedrate ( LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ;
newtxfee = estimatedrate * dest - > I . datalen ;
} else break ;
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t basilisk_alicescript ( char * symbol , uint8_t * redeemscript , int32_t * redeemlenp , uint8_t * script , int32_t n , char * msigaddr , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t altps2h , bits256 pubAm , bits256 pubBn )
uint8_t p2sh160 [ 20 ] ; struct vin_info V ;
memset ( & V , 0 , sizeof ( V ) ) ;
memcpy ( & V . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey [ 1 ] , pubAm . bytes , sizeof ( pubAm ) ) , V . signers [ 0 ] . pubkey [ 0 ] = 0x02 ;
memcpy ( & V . signers [ 1 ] . pubkey [ 1 ] , pubBn . bytes , sizeof ( pubBn ) ) , V . signers [ 1 ] . pubkey [ 0 ] = 0x03 ;
V . M = V . N = 2 ;
* redeemlenp = bitcoin_MofNspendscript ( p2sh160 , redeemscript , n , & V ) ;
bitcoin_address ( symbol , msigaddr , taddr , altps2h , p2sh160 , sizeof ( p2sh160 ) ) ;
n = bitcoin_p2shspend ( script , 0 , p2sh160 ) ;
//for (i=0; i<*redeemlenp; i++)
// printf("%02x",redeemscript[i]);
//printf(" <- redeemscript alicetx\n");
return ( n ) ;
char * basilisk_swap_Aspend ( char * name , char * symbol , uint64_t Atxfee , uint8_t wiftaddr , uint8_t taddr , uint8_t pubtype , uint8_t p2shtype , uint8_t isPoS , uint8_t wiftype , void * ctx , bits256 privAm , bits256 privBn , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout , uint8_t pubkey33 [ 33 ] , uint32_t expiration , int64_t * destamountp , char * vinaddr , int32_t zcash )
char msigaddr [ 64 ] , * signedtx = 0 ; int32_t spendlen , redeemlen ; uint8_t tmp33 [ 33 ] , redeemscript [ 512 ] , spendscript [ 128 ] ; bits256 pubAm , pubBn , signedtxid ; uint64_t txfee ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( privAm ) ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( privBn ) ! = 0 )
pubAm = bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , tmp33 , privAm ) ;
pubBn = bitcoin_pubkey33 ( ctx , tmp33 , privBn ) ;
//char str[65];
spendlen = basilisk_alicescript ( symbol , redeemscript , & redeemlen , spendscript , 0 , msigaddr , taddr , p2shtype , pubAm , pubBn ) ;
if ( ( txfee = Atxfee ) = = 0 )
if ( ( txfee = LP_getestimatedrate ( LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) * LP_AVETXSIZE ) < LP_MIN_TXFEE )
txfee = LP_MIN_TXFEE ;
signedtx = basilisk_swap_bobtxspend ( & signedtxid , txfee , name , symbol , wiftaddr , taddr , pubtype , p2shtype , isPoS , wiftype , ctx , privAm , & privBn , redeemscript , redeemlen , 0 , 0 , utxotxid , utxovout , 0 , pubkey33 , 1 , expiration , destamountp , 0 , 0 , vinaddr , 1 , zcash ) ;
LP_mark_spent ( symbol , utxotxid , utxovout ) ;
return ( signedtx ) ;
int32_t LP_swap_getcoinaddr ( char * symbol , char * coinaddr , bits256 txid , int32_t vout )
cJSON * retjson ;
coinaddr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ( retjson = LP_gettx ( " LP_swap_getcoinaddr " , symbol , txid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
LP_txdestaddr ( coinaddr , txid , vout , retjson ) ;
free_json ( retjson ) ;
return ( coinaddr [ 0 ] ! = 0 ) ;
int32_t basilisk_swap_getsigscript ( char * symbol , uint8_t * script , int32_t maxlen , bits256 txid , int32_t vini )
cJSON * retjson , * vins , * item , * skey ; int32_t n , scriptlen = 0 ; char * hexstr ;
//char str[65]; printf("getsigscript %s %s/v%d\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),vini);
if ( bits256_nonz ( txid ) ! = 0 & & ( retjson = LP_gettx ( " basilisk_swap_getsigscript " , symbol , txid , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( vins = jarray ( & n , retjson , " vin " ) ) ! = 0 & & vini < n )
item = jitem ( vins , vini ) ;
if ( ( skey = jobj ( item , " scriptSig " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( hexstr = jstr ( skey , " hex " ) ) ! = 0 & & ( scriptlen = ( int32_t ) strlen ( hexstr ) ) < maxlen * 2 )
scriptlen > > = 1 ;
decode_hex ( script , scriptlen , hexstr ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("%s %s/v%d sigscript.(%s)\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid),vini,hexstr);
free_json ( retjson ) ;
return ( scriptlen ) ;
# ifdef notnow
bits256 _LP_swap_spendtxid ( char * symbol , char * destaddr , char * coinaddr , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t vout )
char * retstr , * addr ; cJSON * array , * item , * array2 ; int32_t i , n , m ; bits256 spendtxid , txid ;
memset ( & spendtxid , 0 , sizeof ( spendtxid ) ) ;
if ( ( retstr = blocktrail_listtransactions ( symbol , coinaddr , 100 , 0 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( array = cJSON_Parse ( retstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
if ( ( item = jitem ( array , i ) ) = = 0 )
continue ;
txid = jbits256 ( item , " txid " ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( txid ) = = 0 )
if ( ( array2 = jarray ( & m , item , " inputs " ) ) ! = 0 & & m = = 1 )
//printf("found inputs with %s\n",bits256_str(str,spendtxid));
txid = jbits256 ( jitem ( array2 , 0 ) , " output_hash " ) ;
if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , utxotxid ) = = 0 )
//printf("matched %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid));
if ( ( array2 = jarray ( & m , item , " outputs " ) ) ! = 0 & & m = = 1 & & ( addr = jstr ( jitem ( array2 , 0 ) , " address " ) ) ! = 0 )
spendtxid = jbits256 ( item , " hash " ) ;
strcpy ( destaddr , addr ) ;
//printf("set spend addr.(%s) <- %s\n",addr,jprint(item,0));
break ;
else if ( bits256_cmp ( txid , utxotxid ) = = 0 )
spendtxid = jbits256 ( item , " spendtxid " ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( spendtxid ) ! = 0 )
LP_swap_getcoinaddr ( symbol , destaddr , spendtxid , 0 ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("found spendtxid.(%s) -> %s\n",bits256_str(str,spendtxid),destaddr);
break ;
free_json ( array ) ;
free ( retstr ) ;
return ( spendtxid ) ;
# endif
bits256 LP_swap_spendtxid ( char * symbol , char * destaddr , bits256 utxotxid , int32_t utxovout )
bits256 spendtxid , txid , vintxid ; int32_t spendvin , i , j , m , n ; char coinaddr [ 64 ] ; cJSON * array , * vins , * vin , * txobj ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
// listtransactions or listspents
coinaddr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
memset ( & spendtxid , 0 , sizeof ( spendtxid ) ) ;
if ( LP_spendsearch ( destaddr , & spendtxid , & spendvin , symbol , utxotxid , utxovout ) > 0 )
//char str[65]; printf("%s dest.%s spend of %s/v%d detected\n",symbol,destaddr,bits256_str(str,utxotxid),utxovout);
else if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 & & coin - > electrum = = 0 )
//printf("get received by %s\n",destaddr);
if ( ( array = LP_listreceivedbyaddress ( symbol , destaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( n = cJSON_GetArraySize ( array ) ) > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
txid = jbits256i ( array , i ) ;
if ( ( txobj = LP_gettx ( " LP_swap_spendtxid " , symbol , txid , 1 ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( ( vins = jarray ( & m , txobj , " vin " ) ) ! = 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < m ; j + + )
vin = jitem ( vins , j ) ;
vintxid = jbits256 ( vin , " txid " ) ;
if ( utxovout = = jint ( vin , " vout " ) & & bits256_cmp ( vintxid , utxotxid ) = = 0 )
LP_txdestaddr ( destaddr , txid , 0 , txobj ) ;
//char str[65],str2[65],str3[65]; printf("LP_swap_spendtxid: found %s/v%d spends %s vs %s/v%d found.%d destaddr.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,txid),j,bits256_str(str2,vintxid),bits256_str(str3,utxotxid),utxovout,bits256_cmp(vintxid,utxotxid) == 0,destaddr);
spendtxid = txid ;
break ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
free_json ( array ) ;
/* if ( (retjson= LP_gettxout(symbol,coinaddr,utxotxid,vout)) == 0 )
decode_hex ( spendtxid . bytes , 32 , " deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef " ) ;
printf ( " couldnt find spend of %s/v%d, but no gettxout \n " , bits256_str ( str , utxotxid ) , vout ) ;
} else free_json ( retjson ) ;
return ( spendtxid ) ;
//char str[65]; printf("swap %s spendtxid.(%s)\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,utxotxid));
int32_t basilisk_swap_bobredeemscript ( int32_t depositflag , int32_t * secretstartp , uint8_t * redeemscript , uint32_t locktime , bits256 pubA0 , bits256 pubB0 , bits256 pubB1 , bits256 privAm , bits256 privBn , uint8_t * secretAm , uint8_t * secretAm256 , uint8_t * secretBn , uint8_t * secretBn256 )
int32_t i , n = 0 ; bits256 cltvpub , destpub , privkey ; uint8_t pubkeyA [ 33 ] , pubkeyB [ 33 ] , secret160 [ 20 ] , secret256 [ 32 ] ;
if ( depositflag ! = 0 )
pubkeyA [ 0 ] = 0x02 , cltvpub = pubA0 ;
pubkeyB [ 0 ] = 0x03 , destpub = pubB0 ;
privkey = privBn ;
memcpy ( secret160 , secretBn , 20 ) ;
memcpy ( secret256 , secretBn256 , 32 ) ;
pubkeyA [ 0 ] = 0x03 , cltvpub = pubB1 ;
pubkeyB [ 0 ] = 0x02 , destpub = pubA0 ;
privkey = privAm ;
memcpy ( secret160 , secretAm , 20 ) ;
memcpy ( secret256 , secretAm256 , 32 ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( cltvpub ) = = 0 | | bits256_nonz ( destpub ) = = 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + )
if ( secret160 [ i ] ! = 0 )
break ;
if ( i = = 20 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
memcpy ( pubkeyA + 1 , cltvpub . bytes , sizeof ( cltvpub ) ) ;
memcpy ( pubkeyB + 1 , destpub . bytes , sizeof ( destpub ) ) ;
redeemscript [ n + + ] = SCRIPT_OP_IF ;
n = bitcoin_checklocktimeverify ( redeemscript , n , locktime ) ;
if ( depositflag ! = 0 )
//for (i=0; i<20; i++)
// printf("%02x",secretAm[i]);
//printf(" <- secretAm depositflag.%d nonz.%d\n",depositflag,bits256_nonz(privkey));
n = bitcoin_secret160verify ( redeemscript , n , secretAm ) ;
n = bitcoin_pubkeyspend ( redeemscript , n , pubkeyA ) ;
redeemscript [ n + + ] = SCRIPT_OP_ELSE ;
if ( secretstartp ! = 0 )
* secretstartp = n + 2 ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( privkey ) ! = 0 )
uint8_t bufA [ 20 ] , bufB [ 20 ] ;
revcalc_rmd160_sha256 ( bufA , privkey ) ;
calc_rmd160_sha256 ( bufB , privkey . bytes , sizeof ( privkey ) ) ;
/*if ( memcmp(bufA,secret160,sizeof(bufA)) == 0 )
printf ( " MATCHES BUFA \n " ) ;
else if ( memcmp ( bufB , secret160 , sizeof ( bufB ) ) = = 0 )
printf ( " MATCHES BUFB \n " ) ;
else printf ( " secret160 matches neither \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , bufA [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- revcalc \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , bufB [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- calc \n " ) ; */
memcpy ( secret160 , bufB , 20 ) ;
n = bitcoin_secret160verify ( redeemscript , n , secret160 ) ;
n = bitcoin_pubkeyspend ( redeemscript , n , pubkeyB ) ;
redeemscript [ n + + ] = SCRIPT_OP_ENDIF ;
return ( n ) ;
int32_t basilisk_bobscript ( uint8_t * rmd160 , uint8_t * redeemscript , int32_t * redeemlenp , uint8_t * script , int32_t n , uint32_t * locktimep , int32_t * secretstartp , struct basilisk_swapinfo * swap , int32_t depositflag )
if ( depositflag ! = 0 )
* locktimep = swap - > started + swap - > putduration + swap - > callduration ;
else * locktimep = swap - > started + swap - > putduration ;
* redeemlenp = n = basilisk_swap_bobredeemscript ( depositflag , secretstartp , redeemscript , * locktimep , swap - > pubA0 , swap - > pubB0 , swap - > pubB1 , swap - > privAm , swap - > privBn , swap - > secretAm , swap - > secretAm256 , swap - > secretBn , swap - > secretBn256 ) ;
if ( n > 0 )
calc_rmd160_sha256 ( rmd160 , redeemscript , n ) ;
n = bitcoin_p2shspend ( script , 0 , rmd160 ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<*redeemlenp; i++)
// printf("%02x",redeemscript[i]);
//printf(" <- redeem.%d bobtx dflag.%d spendscript.[%d]\n",*redeemlenp,depositflag,n);
return ( n ) ;
int32_t basilisk_swapuserdata ( uint8_t * userdata , bits256 privkey , int32_t ifpath , bits256 signpriv , uint8_t * redeemscript , int32_t redeemlen )
int32_t i , len = 0 ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( privkey ) ! = 0 )
userdata [ len + + ] = sizeof ( privkey ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( privkey ) ; i + + )
userdata [ len + + ] = privkey . bytes [ i ] ;
userdata [ len + + ] = 0x51 * ifpath ; // ifpath == 1 -> if path, 0 -> else path
return ( len ) ;
/*Bob paytx:
OP_HASH160 < hash ( alice_privM ) > OP_EQUALVERIFY < alice_pubA0 > OP_CHECKSIG
int32_t LP_etomicsymbol ( char * activesymbol , char * etomic , char * symbol )
struct iguana_info * coin ;
etomic [ 0 ] = activesymbol [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( symbol ) ) ! = 0 )
strcpy ( etomic , coin - > etomic ) ;
if ( etomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
strcpy ( activesymbol , " ETOMIC " ) ;
else strcpy ( activesymbol , symbol ) ;
return ( etomic [ 0 ] ! = 0 ) ;
int32_t basilisk_bobpayment_reclaim ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , int32_t delay )
static bits256 zero ;
uint8_t userdata [ 512 ] ; char bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] ; int32_t retval , len = 0 ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , zero , 1 , swap - > I . myprivs [ 1 ] , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript , swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
memcpy ( swap - > I . userdata_bobreclaim , userdata , len ) ;
swap - > I . userdata_bobreclaimlen = len ;
if ( ( retval = basilisk_rawtx_sign ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > wiftype , swap , & swap - > bobreclaim , & swap - > bobpayment , swap - > I . myprivs [ 1 ] , 0 , userdata , len , 1 , swap - > changermd160 , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , coin - > zcash ) ) = = 0 )
//for (i=0; i<swap->bobreclaim.I.datalen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobreclaim.txbytes[i]);
//printf(" <- bobreclaim\n");
return ( retval ) ;
} else printf ( " basilisk_bobpayment_reclaim cant find (%s) \n " , bobstr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
int32_t basilisk_bobdeposit_refund ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , int32_t delay )
uint8_t userdata [ 512 ] ; int32_t i , retval , len = 0 ; char str [ 65 ] , bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , swap - > I . privBn , 0 , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ) ;
memcpy ( swap - > I . userdata_bobrefund , userdata , len ) ;
swap - > I . userdata_bobrefundlen = len ;
if ( ( retval = basilisk_rawtx_sign ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > wiftype , swap , & swap - > bobrefund , & swap - > bobdeposit , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , userdata , len , 0 , swap - > changermd160 , swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , coin - > zcash ) ) = = 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < swap - > bobrefund . I . datalen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobrefund . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobrefund.(%s) \n " , bits256_str ( str , swap - > bobrefund . I . txid ) ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
} else printf ( " basilisk_bobdeposit_refund cant find (%s) \n " , bobstr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
void LP_swap_coinaddr ( struct iguana_info * coin , char * coinaddr , uint64_t * valuep , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen , int32_t v )
cJSON * txobj , * vouts , * vout ; uint8_t extraspace [ 32768 ] ; bits256 signedtxid ; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ; int32_t n , suppress_pubkeys = 0 ;
if ( valuep ! = 0 )
* valuep = 0 ;
if ( ( txobj = bitcoin_data2json ( coin - > symbol , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > longestchain , & signedtxid , & msgtx , extraspace , sizeof ( extraspace ) , data , datalen , 0 , suppress_pubkeys , coin - > zcash ) ) ! = 0 )
//char str[65]; printf("got txid.%s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,signedtxid),jprint(txobj,0));
if ( ( vouts = jarray ( & n , txobj , " vout " ) ) ! = 0 & & n > 0 )
vout = jitem ( vouts , v ) ;
if ( valuep ! = 0 )
* valuep = LP_value_extract ( vout , 1 , signedtxid ) ;
LP_destaddr ( coinaddr , vout ) ;
free_json ( txobj ) ;
int32_t basilisk_bobscripts_set ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , int32_t depositflag , int32_t genflag )
char coinaddr [ 64 ] , checkaddr [ 64 ] , bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , coinaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , swap - > changermd160 , 20 ) ;
if ( genflag ! = 0 & & swap - > I . iambob = = 0 )
printf ( " basilisk_bobscripts_set WARNING: alice generating BOB tx \n " ) ;
if ( depositflag = = 0 )
swap - > bobpayment . I . spendlen = basilisk_bobscript ( swap - > bobpayment . I . rmd160 , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript , & swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen , swap - > bobpayment . spendscript , 0 , & swap - > bobpayment . I . locktime , & swap - > bobpayment . I . secretstart , & swap - > I , 0 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobpayment . p2shaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript , swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , swap - > bobpayment . p2shaddr ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<swap->bobpayment.I.redeemlen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobpayment.redeemscript[i]);
//printf(" <- bobpayment redeem %d %s\n",i,swap->bobpayment.I.destaddr);
if ( genflag ! = 0 & & bits256_nonz ( * ( bits256 * ) swap - > I . secretBn256 ) ! = 0 & & swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen = = 0 )
basilisk_rawtx_gen ( swap - > ctx , " payment " , swap - > I . started , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 1 , 1 , & swap - > bobpayment , swap - > bobpayment . I . locktime , swap - > bobpayment . spendscript , swap - > bobpayment . I . spendlen , coin - > txfee , 1 , 0 , swap - > persistent_privkey , swap - > changermd160 , coinaddr ) ;
if ( swap - > bobpayment . I . spendlen = = 0 | | swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen = = 0 )
printf ( " error bob generating %p payment.%d \n " , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes , swap - > bobpayment . I . spendlen ) ;
sleep ( DEX_SLEEP ) ;
/*for (j=0; j<swap->bobpayment.I.datalen; j++)
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes [ j ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobpayment.%d \n " , swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ; j + + )
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript [ j ] ) ;
printf ( " <- redeem.%d \n " , swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
printf ( " <- GENERATED BOB PAYMENT.%d destaddr.(%s) \n " , swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr ) ; */
LP_swap_coinaddr ( coin , checkaddr , 0 , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes , swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen , 0 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , checkaddr ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " BOBPAYMENT REDEEMADDR MISMATCH??? %s != %s \n " , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , checkaddr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
LP_unspents_mark ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobpayment . vins ) ;
//printf("bobscripts set completed\n");
return ( 0 ) ;
swap - > bobdeposit . I . spendlen = basilisk_bobscript ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . rmd160 , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , & swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen , swap - > bobdeposit . spendscript , 0 , & swap - > bobdeposit . I . locktime , & swap - > bobdeposit . I . secretstart , & swap - > I , 1 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobdeposit . p2shaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , swap - > bobdeposit . p2shaddr ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<swap->bobdeposit.I.redeemlen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobdeposit.redeemscript[i]);
//printf(" <- bobdeposit redeem %d %s\n",i,swap->bobdeposit.I.destaddr);
if ( genflag ! = 0 & & ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . datalen = = 0 | | swap - > bobrefund . I . datalen = = 0 ) )
basilisk_rawtx_gen ( swap - > ctx , " deposit " , swap - > I . started , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 1 , 1 , & swap - > bobdeposit , swap - > bobdeposit . I . locktime , swap - > bobdeposit . spendscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . spendlen , coin - > txfee , 1 , 0 , swap - > persistent_privkey , swap - > changermd160 , coinaddr ) ;
if ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . datalen = = 0 | | swap - > bobdeposit . I . spendlen = = 0 )
printf ( " error bob generating %p deposit.%d \n " , swap - > bobdeposit . txbytes , swap - > bobdeposit . I . spendlen ) ;
sleep ( DEX_SLEEP ) ;
//for (j=0; j<swap->bobdeposit.I.datalen; j++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobdeposit.txbytes[j]);
//printf(" <- GENERATED BOB DEPOSIT.%d (%s)\n",swap->bobdeposit.I.datalen,swap->bobdeposit.I.destaddr);
LP_swap_coinaddr ( coin , checkaddr , 0 , swap - > bobdeposit . txbytes , swap - > bobdeposit . I . datalen , 0 ) ;
if ( strcmp ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , checkaddr ) ! = 0 )
printf ( " BOBDEPOSIT REDEEMADDR MISMATCH??? %s != %s \n " , swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , checkaddr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
LP_unspents_mark ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobdeposit . vins ) ;
//printf("bobscripts set completed\n");
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " bobscripts set cant find (%s) \n " , bobstr ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
void basilisk_alicepayment ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , struct iguana_info * coin , struct basilisk_rawtx * alicepayment , bits256 pubAm , bits256 pubBn )
char coinaddr [ 64 ] ;
alicepayment - > I . spendlen = basilisk_alicescript ( coin - > symbol , alicepayment - > redeemscript , & alicepayment - > I . redeemlen , alicepayment - > spendscript , 0 , alicepayment - > I . destaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , pubAm , pubBn ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , coinaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , swap - > changermd160 , 20 ) ;
//printf("%s suppress.%d fee.%d\n",coinaddr,alicepayment->I.suppress_pubkeys,swap->myfee.I.suppress_pubkeys);
basilisk_rawtx_gen ( swap - > ctx , " alicepayment " , swap - > I . started , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 0 , 1 , alicepayment , alicepayment - > I . locktime , alicepayment - > spendscript , alicepayment - > I . spendlen , swap - > I . Atxfee , 1 , 0 , swap - > persistent_privkey , swap - > changermd160 , coinaddr ) ;
int32_t basilisk_alicetxs ( int32_t pairsock , struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t maxlen )
char coinaddr [ 64 ] , alicestr [ 65 ] , alicetomic [ 128 ] ; int32_t retval = - 1 ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( alicestr , alicetomic , swap - > I . alicestr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( alicestr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( swap - > alicepayment . I . datalen = = 0 )
basilisk_alicepayment ( swap , coin , & swap - > alicepayment , swap - > I . pubAm , swap - > I . pubBn ) ;
if ( swap - > alicepayment . I . datalen = = 0 | | swap - > alicepayment . I . spendlen = = 0 )
printf ( " error alice generating payment.%d \n " , swap - > alicepayment . I . spendlen ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > alicepayment . I . destaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > alicepayment . redeemscript , swap - > alicepayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > alicepayment . p2shaddr , swap - > alicepayment . I . destaddr ) ;
retval = 0 ;
//for (i=0; i<swap->alicepayment.I.datalen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->alicepayment.txbytes[i]);
//printf(" ALICE PAYMENT created.(%s)\n",swap->alicepayment.I.destaddr);
LP_unspents_mark ( coin - > symbol , swap - > alicepayment . vins ) ;
if ( swap - > myfee . I . datalen = = 0 )
//printf("%s generate fee %.8f from.%s\n",coin->symbol,dstr(strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ? LP_MIN_TXFEE : coin->txfee),coin->smartaddr);
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , coinaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , swap - > changermd160 , 20 ) ;
if ( basilisk_rawtx_gen ( swap - > ctx , " myfee " , swap - > I . started , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , swap - > I . iambob , 1 , & swap - > myfee , swap - > myfee . I . locktime , swap - > myfee . spendscript , swap - > myfee . I . spendlen , strcmp ( coin - > symbol , " BTC " ) = = 0 ? LP_MIN_TXFEE : coin - > txfee , 1 , 0 , swap - > persistent_privkey , swap - > changermd160 , coinaddr ) = = 0 )
//printf("rawtxsend %s %.8f\n",coin->symbol,dstr(strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ? LP_MIN_TXFEE : coin->txfee));
swap - > I . statebits | = LP_swapdata_rawtxsend ( pairsock , swap , 0x80 , data , maxlen , & swap - > myfee , 0x40 , 0 ) ;
LP_unspents_mark ( swap - > I . iambob ! = 0 ? coin - > symbol : coin - > symbol , swap - > myfee . vins ) ;
//int32_t i; for (i=0; i<swap->myfee.I.datalen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->myfee.txbytes[i]);
//printf(" <- fee state.%x\n",swap->I.statebits);
swap - > I . statebits | = 0x40 ;
printf ( " error creating myfee \n " ) ;
return ( - 2 ) ;
if ( swap - > alicepayment . I . datalen ! = 0 & & swap - > alicepayment . I . spendlen > 0 & & swap - > myfee . I . datalen ! = 0 & & swap - > myfee . I . spendlen > 0 )
//printf("fee sent\n");
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " basilisk alicetx cant find (%s) \n " , alicestr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
int32_t LP_verify_otherfee ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
int32_t diff ; char bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] , alicestr [ 65 ] , alicetomic [ 128 ] ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( alicestr , alicetomic , swap - > I . alicestr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( swap - > I . iambob ! = 0 ? alicestr : bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( LP_rawtx_spendscript ( swap , coin - > longestchain , & swap - > otherfee , 0 , data , datalen , 0 ) = = 0 )
//printf("otherfee amount %.8f -> %s vs %s locktime %u vs %u\n",dstr(swap->otherfee.I.amount),swap->otherfee.p2shaddr,swap->otherfee.I.destaddr,swap->otherfee.I.locktime,swap->I.started+1);
if ( strcmp ( swap - > otherfee . I . destaddr , swap - > otherfee . p2shaddr ) = = 0 )
diff = swap - > otherfee . I . locktime - ( swap - > I . started + 1 ) ;
if ( diff < 0 )
diff = - diff ;
//printf("dexfee verified\n");
else printf ( " locktime mismatch in otherfee, reject %u vs %u \n " , swap - > otherfee . I . locktime , swap - > I . started + 1 ) ;
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( swap - > otherfee . I . ethTxid [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & LP_etomic_is_empty_tx_id ( swap - > otherfee . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
if ( LP_etomic_wait_for_confirmation ( swap - > otherfee . I . ethTxid ) < 0 | | LP_etomic_verify_alice_fee ( swap ) = = 0 ) {
return ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " destaddress mismatch in other fee, reject (%s) vs (%s) \n " , swap - > otherfee . I . destaddr , swap - > otherfee . p2shaddr ) ;
} else printf ( " cant find other coin iambob.%d \n " , swap - > I . iambob ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
int32_t LP_verify_alicespend ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
struct iguana_info * coin ; char alicestr [ 65 ] , alicetomic [ 128 ] ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( alicestr , alicetomic , swap - > I . alicestr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( alicestr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( LP_rawtx_spendscript ( swap , coin - > longestchain , & swap - > alicespend , 0 , data , datalen , 0 ) = = 0 )
printf ( " alicespend amount %.8f -> %s vs %s \n " , dstr ( swap - > alicespend . I . amount ) , swap - > alicespend . p2shaddr , swap - > alicespend . I . destaddr ) ;
if ( strcmp ( swap - > alicespend . I . destaddr , swap - > alicespend . p2shaddr ) = = 0 )
printf ( " alicespend verified \n " ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " verify alicespend cant find (%s) \n " , alicestr ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
/* Bob deposit:
OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_HASH160 < hash ( bob_privN ) > OP_EQUALVERIFY < bob_pubB0 > OP_CHECKSIG
int32_t LP_verify_bobdeposit ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
uint8_t userdata [ 512 ] ; char bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] ; int32_t i , retval = - 1 , len = 0 ; struct iguana_info * coin ; bits256 revAm ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( LP_rawtx_spendscript ( swap , coin - > longestchain , & swap - > bobdeposit , 0 , data , datalen , 0 ) = = 0 )
swap - > aliceclaim . utxovout = 0 ;
swap - > bobdeposit . I . signedtxid = LP_broadcast_tx ( swap - > bobdeposit . name , coin - > symbol , swap - > bobdeposit . txbytes , swap - > bobdeposit . I . datalen ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . signedtxid ) ! = 0 )
swap - > depositunconf = 1 ;
else swap - > bobdeposit . I . signedtxid = swap - > bobdeposit . I . actualtxid ;
memset ( revAm . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( revAm ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
revAm . bytes [ i ] = swap - > I . privAm . bytes [ 31 - i ] ;
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , revAm , 1 , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ) ;
swap - > aliceclaim . utxotxid = swap - > bobdeposit . I . signedtxid ;
memcpy ( swap - > I . userdata_aliceclaim , userdata , len ) ;
swap - > I . userdata_aliceclaimlen = len ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobdeposit . p2shaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , swap - > bobdeposit . p2shaddr ) ;
basilisk_dontforget_update ( swap , & swap - > bobdeposit ) ;
//int32_t i; char str[65]; for (i=0; i<swap->bobdeposit.I.datalen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobdeposit.txbytes[i]);
//printf(" <- bobdeposit.%d %s\n",swap->bobdeposit.I.datalen,bits256_str(str,swap->bobdeposit.I.signedtxid));
//for (i=0; i<swap->bobdeposit.I.redeemlen; i++)
// printf("%02x",swap->bobdeposit.redeemscript[i]);
//printf(" <- bobdeposit redeem %d %s suppress.%d\n",i,swap->bobdeposit.I.destaddr,swap->aliceclaim.I.suppress_pubkeys);
memcpy ( swap - > aliceclaim . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . redeemscript , swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ) ;
swap - > aliceclaim . I . redeemlen = swap - > bobdeposit . I . redeemlen ;
memcpy ( swap - > aliceclaim . I . pubkey33 , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > aliceclaim . I . destaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
retval = 0 ;
if ( ( retval = basilisk_rawtx_sign ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > wiftype , swap , & swap - > aliceclaim , & swap - > bobdeposit , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , userdata , len , 1 , swap - > changermd160 , swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , coin - > zcash ) ) = = 0 )
/*int32_t i; for (i=0; i<swap->bobdeposit.I.datalen; i++)
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobdeposit . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobdeposit \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < swap - > aliceclaim . I . datalen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > aliceclaim . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- aliceclaim \n " ) ; */
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . ethTxid [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & LP_etomic_is_empty_tx_id ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
if ( LP_etomic_wait_for_confirmation ( swap - > bobdeposit . I . ethTxid ) < 0 | | LP_etomic_verify_bob_deposit ( swap , swap - > bobdeposit . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
return ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
return ( LP_waitmempool ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr , swap - > bobdeposit . I . signedtxid , 0 , 60 ) ) ;
} else printf ( " error signing aliceclaim suppress.%d vin.(%s) \n " , swap - > aliceclaim . I . suppress_pubkeys , swap - > bobdeposit . I . destaddr ) ;
} else printf ( " verify bob depositcant find bob coin (%s) \n " , bobstr ) ;
printf ( " error with bobdeposit \n " ) ;
return ( retval ) ;
int32_t LP_verify_alicepayment ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
struct iguana_info * coin ; char alicestr [ 65 ] , alicetomic [ 128 ] ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( alicestr , alicetomic , swap - > I . alicestr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( alicestr ) ) ! = 0 )
if ( LP_rawtx_spendscript ( swap , coin - > longestchain , & swap - > alicepayment , 0 , data , datalen , 0 ) = = 0 )
swap - > bobspend . utxovout = 0 ;
swap - > bobspend . utxotxid = swap - > alicepayment . I . signedtxid = LP_broadcast_tx ( swap - > alicepayment . name , coin - > symbol , swap - > alicepayment . txbytes , swap - > alicepayment . I . datalen ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > alicepayment . p2shaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > alicepayment . redeemscript , swap - > alicepayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > alicepayment . I . destaddr , swap - > alicepayment . p2shaddr ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( swap - > alicepayment . I . signedtxid ) ! = 0 )
swap - > aliceunconf = 1 ;
basilisk_dontforget_update ( swap , & swap - > alicepayment ) ;
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( swap - > alicepayment . I . ethTxid [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & LP_etomic_is_empty_tx_id ( swap - > alicepayment . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
if ( LP_etomic_verify_alice_payment ( swap , swap - > alicepayment . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
return ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
return ( LP_waitmempool ( coin - > symbol , swap - > alicepayment . I . destaddr , swap - > alicepayment . I . signedtxid , 0 , 60 ) ) ;
//printf("import alicepayment address.(%s)\n",swap->alicepayment.p2shaddr);
return ( 0 ) ;
} else printf ( " verify alicepayment couldnt find coin.(%s) \n " , alicestr ) ;
printf ( " error validating alicepayment \n " ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
Bob paytx :
OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_HASH160 < hash ( alice_privM ) > OP_EQUALVERIFY < alice_pubA0 > OP_CHECKSIG
int32_t LP_verify_bobpayment ( struct basilisk_swap * swap , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen )
uint8_t userdata [ 512 ] ; char bobstr [ 65 ] , bobtomic [ 128 ] ; int32_t i , retval = - 1 , len = 0 ; bits256 revAm ; struct iguana_info * coin ;
LP_etomicsymbol ( bobstr , bobtomic , swap - > I . bobstr ) ;
if ( ( coin = LP_coinfind ( bobstr ) ) ! = 0 )
memset ( revAm . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( revAm ) ) ;
if ( LP_rawtx_spendscript ( swap , coin - > longestchain , & swap - > bobpayment , 0 , data , datalen , 0 ) = = 0 )
swap - > alicespend . utxovout = 0 ;
swap - > alicespend . utxotxid = swap - > bobpayment . I . signedtxid = LP_broadcast_tx ( swap - > bobpayment . name , coin - > symbol , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes , swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen ) ;
if ( bits256_nonz ( swap - > bobpayment . I . signedtxid ) ! = 0 )
swap - > paymentunconf = 1 ;
memset ( revAm . bytes , 0 , sizeof ( revAm ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
revAm . bytes [ i ] = swap - > I . privAm . bytes [ 31 - i ] ;
len = basilisk_swapuserdata ( userdata , revAm , 0 , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript , swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobpayment . p2shaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > p2shtype , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript , swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ) ;
strcpy ( swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , swap - > bobpayment . p2shaddr ) ;
basilisk_dontforget_update ( swap , & swap - > bobpayment ) ;
/*for (i=0; i<swap->bobpayment.I.datalen; i++)
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobpayment.%d \n " , swap - > bobpayment . I . datalen ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < swap - > bobpayment . I . redeemlen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobpayment . redeemscript [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobpayment redeem %d %s %s \n " , i , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , bits256_str ( str , swap - > bobpayment . I . signedtxid ) ) ; */
memcpy ( swap - > I . userdata_alicespend , userdata , len ) ;
swap - > I . userdata_alicespendlen = len ;
retval = 0 ;
memcpy ( swap - > alicespend . I . pubkey33 , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
bitcoin_address ( coin - > symbol , swap - > alicespend . I . destaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , swap - > persistent_pubkey33 , 33 ) ;
//char str[65],str2[65]; printf("bobpaid privAm.(%s) myprivs[0].(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,swap->I.privAm),bits256_str(str2,swap->I.myprivs[0]));
# ifndef NOTETOMIC
if ( swap - > bobpayment . I . ethTxid [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & LP_etomic_is_empty_tx_id ( swap - > bobpayment . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
if ( LP_etomic_wait_for_confirmation ( swap - > bobpayment . I . ethTxid ) < 0 | | LP_etomic_verify_bob_payment ( swap , swap - > bobpayment . I . ethTxid ) = = 0 ) {
return ( - 1 ) ;
# endif
if ( ( retval = basilisk_rawtx_sign ( coin - > symbol , coin - > wiftaddr , coin - > taddr , coin - > pubtype , coin - > p2shtype , coin - > isPoS , coin - > wiftype , swap , & swap - > alicespend , & swap - > bobpayment , swap - > I . myprivs [ 0 ] , 0 , userdata , len , 1 , swap - > changermd160 , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , coin - > zcash ) ) = = 0 )
/*for (i=0; i<swap->bobpayment.I.datalen; i++)
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > bobpayment . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- bobpayment \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < swap - > alicespend . I . datalen ; i + + )
printf ( " %02x " , swap - > alicespend . txbytes [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " <- alicespend \n \n " ) ; */
swap - > I . alicespent = 1 ;
return ( LP_waitmempool ( coin - > symbol , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr , swap - > bobpayment . I . signedtxid , 0 , 60 ) ) ;
} else printf ( " error signing aliceclaim suppress.%d vin.(%s) \n " , swap - > alicespend . I . suppress_pubkeys , swap - > bobpayment . I . destaddr ) ;
} else printf ( " verify bobpayment cant find (%s) \n " , bobstr ) ;
printf ( " error validating bobpayment \n " ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;