171 lines
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function DateTime() {
function getDaySuffix(a) {
var b = "" + a,
c = b.length,
d = parseInt(b.substring(c-2, c-1)),
e = parseInt(b.substring(c-1));
if (c == 2 && d == 1) return "th";
switch(e) {
case 1:
return "st";
case 2:
return "nd";
case 3:
return "rd";
return "th";
this.getDoY = function(a) {
var b = new Date(a.getFullYear(),0,1);
return Math.ceil((a - b) / 86400000);
this.date = arguments.length == 0 ? new Date() : new Date(arguments);
this.weekdays = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
this.months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
this.daySuf = new Array( "st", "nd", "rd", "th" );
this.day = {
index: {
week: "0" + this.date.getDay(),
month: (this.date.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getDate() : this.date.getDate()
name: this.weekdays[this.date.getDay()],
of: {
week: ((this.date.getDay() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getDay() : this.date.getDay()) + getDaySuffix(this.date.getDay()),
month: ((this.date.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getDate() : this.date.getDate()) + getDaySuffix(this.date.getDate())
this.month = {
index: (this.date.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? "0" + (this.date.getMonth() + 1) : this.date.getMonth() + 1,
name: this.months[this.date.getMonth()]
this.year = this.date.getFullYear();
this.time = {
hour: {
meridiem: (this.date.getHours() > 12) ? (this.date.getHours() - 12) < 10 ? "0" + (this.date.getHours() - 12) : this.date.getHours() - 12 : (this.date.getHours() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getHours() : this.date.getHours(),
military: (this.date.getHours() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getHours() : this.date.getHours(),
noLeadZero: {
meridiem: (this.date.getHours() > 12) ? this.date.getHours() - 12 : this.date.getHours(),
military: this.date.getHours()
minute: (this.date.getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getMinutes() : this.date.getMinutes(),
seconds: (this.date.getSeconds() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getSeconds() : this.date.getSeconds(),
milliseconds: (this.date.getMilliseconds() < 100) ? (this.date.getMilliseconds() < 10) ? "00" + this.date.getMilliseconds() : "0" + this.date.getMilliseconds() : this.date.getMilliseconds(),
meridiem: (this.date.getHours() > 12) ? "PM" : "AM"
this.sym = {
d: {
d: this.date.getDate(),
dd: (this.date.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getDate() : this.date.getDate(),
ddd: this.weekdays[this.date.getDay()].substring(0, 3),
dddd: this.weekdays[this.date.getDay()],
ddddd: ((this.date.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getDate() : this.date.getDate()) + getDaySuffix(this.date.getDate()),
m: this.date.getMonth() + 1,
mm: (this.date.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? "0" + (this.date.getMonth() + 1) : this.date.getMonth() + 1,
mmm: this.months[this.date.getMonth()].substring(0, 3),
mmmm: this.months[this.date.getMonth()],
yy: (""+this.date.getFullYear()).substr(2, 2),
yyyy: this.date.getFullYear()
t: {
h: (this.date.getHours() > 12) ? this.date.getHours() - 12 : this.date.getHours(),
hh: (this.date.getHours() > 12) ? (this.date.getHours() - 12) < 10 ? "0" + (this.date.getHours() - 12) : this.date.getHours() - 12 : (this.date.getHours() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getHours() : this.date.getHours(),
hhh: this.date.getHours(),
m: this.date.getMinutes(),
mm: (this.date.getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getMinutes() : this.date.getMinutes(),
s: this.date.getSeconds(),
ss: (this.date.getSeconds() < 10) ? "0" + this.date.getSeconds() : this.date.getSeconds(),
ms: this.date.getMilliseconds(),
mss: Math.round(this.date.getMilliseconds()/10) < 10 ? "0" + Math.round(this.date.getMilliseconds()/10) : Math.round(this.date.getMilliseconds()/10),
msss: (this.date.getMilliseconds() < 100) ? (this.date.getMilliseconds() < 10) ? "00" + this.date.getMilliseconds() : "0" + this.date.getMilliseconds() : this.date.getMilliseconds()
this.formats = {
compound: {
commonLogFormat: this.sym.d.dd + "/" + this.sym.d.mmm + "/" + this.sym.d.yyyy + ":" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
exif: this.sym.d.yyyy + ":" + this.sym.d.mm + ":" + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
/*iso1: "",
iso2: "",*/
mySQL: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
postgreSQL1: this.sym.d.yyyy + "." + this.getDoY(this.date),
postgreSQL2: this.sym.d.yyyy + "" + this.getDoY(this.date),
soap: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss + "." + this.sym.t.mss,
//unix: "",
xmlrpc: this.sym.d.yyyy + "" + this.sym.d.mm + "" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
xmlrpcCompact: this.sym.d.yyyy + "" + this.sym.d.mm + "" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + "" + this.sym.t.mm + "" + this.sym.t.ss,
wddx: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.m + "-" + this.sym.d.d + "T" + this.sym.t.h + ":" + this.sym.t.m + ":" + this.sym.t.s
constants: {
atom: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
cookie: this.sym.d.dddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + "-" + this.sym.d.mmm + "-" + this.sym.d.yy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
iso8601: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc822: this.sym.d.ddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.d.mmm + " " + this.sym.d.yy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc850: this.sym.d.dddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + "-" + this.sym.d.mmm + "-" + this.sym.d.yy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc1036: this.sym.d.ddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.d.mmm + " " + this.sym.d.yy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc1123: this.sym.d.ddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.d.mmm + " " + this.sym.d.yyyy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc2822: this.sym.d.ddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.d.mmm + " " + this.sym.d.yyyy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rfc3339: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
rss: this.sym.d.ddd + ", " + this.sym.d.dd + " " + this.sym.d.mmm + " " + this.sym.d.yy + " " + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss,
w3c: this.sym.d.yyyy + "-" + this.sym.d.mm + "-" + this.sym.d.dd + "T" + this.sym.t.hhh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + ":" + this.sym.t.ss
pretty: {
a: this.sym.t.hh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + "." + this.sym.t.ss + this.time.meridiem + " " + this.sym.d.dddd + " " + this.sym.d.ddddd + " of " + this.sym.d.mmmm + ", " + this.sym.d.yyyy,
b: this.sym.t.hh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm + " " + this.sym.d.dddd + " " + this.sym.d.ddddd + " of " + this.sym.d.mmmm + ", " + this.sym.d.yyyy,
c: this.sym.d.ddddd + " " + this.sym.d.mmmm + ", " + this.sym.t.hh + ":" + this.sym.t.mm
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9 years ago