* Copyright © 2014 - 2016 The SuperNET Developers . *
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* the top - level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing . *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement , no part of the *
* SuperNET software , including this file may be copied , modified , propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited . *
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# ifndef H_BASILISK_H
# define H_BASILISK_H
# include "../iguana/iguana777.h"
# define BASILISK_TIMEOUT 3000
# define BASILISK_DEFAULTDIFF 0x1effffff
# define BASILISK_HDROFFSET ((int32_t)(sizeof(bits256)+sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)+sizeof(uint32_t)))
# define INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME (3600*2 + 300*2)
# define INSTANTDEX_PUBKEY "03bc2c7ba671bae4a6fc835244c9762b41647b9827d4780a89a949b984a8ddcc06"
# define INSTANTDEX_RMD160 "ca1e04745e8ca0c60d8c5881531d51bec470743f"
# define TIERNOLAN_RMD160 "daedddd8dbe7a2439841ced40ba9c3d375f98146"
# define INSTANTDEX_BTCD "RThtXup6Zo7LZAi8kRWgjAyi1s4u6U9Cpf"
struct basilisk_rawtxinfo
char destaddr [ 64 ] ;
bits256 txid , signedtxid , actualtxid ;
uint64_t amount , change , inputsum ;
int32_t redeemlen , datalen , completed , vintype , vouttype , numconfirms , spendlen , secretstart , suppress_pubkeys ;
uint32_t locktime , crcs [ 2 ] ;
uint8_t addrtype , pubkey33 [ 33 ] , rmd160 [ 20 ] ;
} ;
struct basilisk_rawtx
char name [ 32 ] ;
struct iguana_msgtx msgtx ;
struct basilisk_rawtxinfo I ;
struct iguana_info * coin ;
cJSON * vins ;
uint8_t * txbytes , spendscript [ 512 ] , redeemscript [ 1024 ] , extraspace [ 1024 ] ;
} ;
struct basilisk_swapinfo
struct basilisk_request req ;
char bobstr [ 64 ] , alicestr [ 64 ] ;
bits256 myhash , otherhash , orderhash ;
uint32_t statebits , otherstatebits , started , expiration , finished , dead , reftime , putduration , callduration ;
int32_t bobconfirms , aliceconfirms , iambob , reclaimed ;
uint64_t alicesatoshis , bobsatoshis , bobinsurance , aliceinsurance ;
bits256 myprivs [ 2 ] , mypubs [ 2 ] , otherpubs [ 2 ] , pubA0 , pubA1 , pubB0 , pubB1 , privAm , pubAm , privBn , pubBn ;
uint32_t crcs_mypub [ 2 ] , crcs_mychoosei [ 2 ] , crcs_myprivs [ 2 ] , crcs_mypriv [ 2 ] ;
int32_t choosei , otherchoosei , cutverified , otherverifiedcut , numpubs , havestate , otherhavestate ;
uint8_t secretAm [ 20 ] , secretBn [ 20 ] ;
uint8_t secretAm256 [ 32 ] , secretBn256 [ 32 ] ;
} ;
struct basilisk_swap
struct supernet_info * myinfo ; struct iguana_info * bobcoin , * alicecoin ;
struct basilisk_swapinfo I ;
struct basilisk_rawtx bobdeposit , bobpayment , alicepayment , myfee , otherfee , aliceclaim , alicespend , bobreclaim , bobspend , bobrefund , alicereclaim ;
bits256 privkeys [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE ] ;
uint64_t otherdeck [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE ] [ 2 ] , deck [ INSTANTDEX_DECKSIZE ] [ 2 ] ;
uint8_t verifybuf [ 65536 ] ;
} ;
struct basilisk_value { bits256 txid ; int64_t value ; int32_t height ; int16_t vout ; char coinaddr [ 64 ] ; } ;
struct basilisk_item
struct queueitem DL ; UT_hash_handle hh ;
double expiration , finished ; cJSON * results [ 64 ] ;
uint32_t submit , basilisktag , numresults , numsent , numrequired , nBits , duration ;
char symbol [ 32 ] , CMD [ 4 ] , remoteaddr [ 64 ] , * retstr ;
} ;
# define BASILISK_KEYSIZE ((int32_t)(2*sizeof(bits256)+sizeof(uint32_t)*2))
struct basilisk_message
struct queueitem DL ; UT_hash_handle hh ;
uint32_t expiration , duration , datalen ;
uint8_t keylen , broadcast , key [ BASILISK_KEYSIZE ] ;
uint8_t data [ ] ;
} ;
struct basilisk_info
//queue_t resultsQ,submitQ;
void * launched ; //portable_mutex_t *mutex;
struct basilisk_item * issued ;
struct basilisk_value values [ 8192 ] ; int32_t numvalues ;
} ;
void basilisk_msgprocess ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , void * addr , uint32_t senderipbits , char * type , uint32_t basilisktag , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen ) ;
int32_t basilisk_sendcmd ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , char * destipaddr , char * type , uint32_t * basilisktagp , int32_t encryptflag , int32_t delaymillis , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen , int32_t fanout , uint32_t nBits ) ; // data must be offset by sizeof(iguana_msghdr)+sizeof(basilisktag)
void basilisks_init ( struct supernet_info * myinfo ) ;
void basilisk_p2p ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct iguana_info * coin , struct iguana_peer * addr , char * senderip , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen , char * type , int32_t encrypted ) ;
uint8_t * basilisk_jsondata ( int32_t extraoffset , uint8_t * * ptrp , uint8_t * space , int32_t spacesize , int32_t * datalenp , char * symbol , cJSON * sendjson , uint32_t basilisktag ) ;
uint8_t * SuperNET_ciphercalc ( void * * ptrp , int32_t * cipherlenp , bits256 * privkeyp , bits256 * destpubkeyp , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen , uint8_t * space2 , int32_t space2size ) ;
void * SuperNET_deciphercalc ( void * * ptrp , int32_t * msglenp , bits256 privkey , bits256 srcpubkey , uint8_t * cipher , int32_t cipherlen , uint8_t * buf , int32_t bufsize ) ;
uint8_t * get_dataptr ( int32_t hdroffset , uint8_t * * ptrp , int32_t * datalenp , uint8_t * space , int32_t spacesize , char * hexstr ) ;
char * basilisk_addhexstr ( char * * ptrp , cJSON * valsobj , char * strbuf , int32_t strsize , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen ) ;
char * basilisk_standardservice ( char * CMD , struct supernet_info * myinfo , void * _addr , bits256 hash , cJSON * valsobj , char * hexstr , int32_t blockflag ) ; // client side
char * basilisk_respond_mempool ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , char * CMD , void * _addr , char * remoteaddr , uint32_t basilisktag , cJSON * valsobj , uint8_t * data , int32_t datalen , bits256 hash , int32_t from_basilisk ) ;
char * basilisk_addrelay_info ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , uint8_t * pubkey33 , uint32_t ipbits , bits256 pubkey ) ;
void basilisk_request_goodbye ( struct supernet_info * myinfo ) ;
int32_t basilisk_update ( char * symbol , uint32_t reftimestamp ) ;
void basilisk_seqresult ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , char * retstr ) ;
struct iguana_info * basilisk_geckochain ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , char * symbol , char * chainname , cJSON * valsobj ) ;
void basilisk_alicepayment ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct basilisk_swap * swap , struct iguana_info * coin , struct basilisk_rawtx * alicepayment , bits256 pubAm , bits256 pubBn ) ;
void basilisk_rawtx_setparms ( char * name , struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct basilisk_swap * swap , struct basilisk_rawtx * rawtx , struct iguana_info * coin , int32_t numconfirms , int32_t vintype , uint64_t satoshis , int32_t vouttype , uint8_t * pubkey33 ) ;
void basilisk_setmyid ( struct supernet_info * myinfo ) ;
int32_t basilisk_rwDEXquote ( int32_t rwflag , uint8_t * serialized , struct basilisk_request * rp ) ;
cJSON * basilisk_requestjson ( struct basilisk_request * rp ) ;
int32_t basilisk_bobscripts_set ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct basilisk_swap * swap , int32_t depositflag , int32_t genflag ) ;
void basilisk_txlog ( struct supernet_info * myinfo , struct basilisk_swap * swap , struct basilisk_rawtx * rawtx , int32_t delay ) ;
# endif