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71 lines
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71 lines
2.2 KiB
7 years ago
@echo off
rem [ Decker] Automatically download and build depends script for marketmaker.
rem 1. Requires installed CMake for Windows (!)
rem 2. Currently build only 64-bit release versions of .lib and .dll
rem 3. Libraries available: pthreads, nanomsg, curl
@REM Check for Visual Studio
call set "VSPATH="
if defined VS140COMNTOOLS ( if not defined VSPATH (
call set "VSPATH=%%VS140COMNTOOLS%%"
) )
@REM check if we already have the tools in the environment
if exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%" (
goto compile
if not defined VSPATH (
echo You need Microsoft Visual Studio 15 installed
@REM set up the environment
if exist "%VSPATH%..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" (
call "%%VSPATH%%..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
goto compile
echo Unable to set up the environment
rem MSBuild /help
echo Decker will automatically download and build all needed *.dll and *.lib for you ;)
mkdir iguana_depends
mkdir x64\Release
rem --- libsodium ---
if not exist iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\libsodium.lib (
cd iguana_depends
git clone
cd libsodium
cd "builds\msvc\vs2015"
MSBuild libsodium.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=DynRelease /p:Platform=x64
MSBuild libsodium.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=DynDebug /p:Platform=x64
cd ../../..
cd ..
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\libsodium.lib OSlibs\win\x64\release\libsodium.lib
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\libsodium.exp OSlibs\win\x64\release\libsodium.exp
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Release\v140\dynamic\libsodium.dll x64\Release\libsodium.dll
rem mkdir OSlibs\win\x64\debug
rem libs for configuration: Debug stored in OSlibs\win\x64 (check .sln)
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Debug\v140\dynamic\libsodium.lib OSlibs\win\x64\libsodium.lib
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Debug\v140\dynamic\libsodium.exp OSlibs\win\x64\libsodium.exp
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\bin\x64\Debug\v140\dynamic\libsodium.dll x64\Debug\libsodium.dll
mkdir includes\sodium
xcopy /E /Y iguana_depends\libsodium\src\libsodium\include\sodium includes\sodium
copy iguana_depends\libsodium\src\libsodium\include\sodium.h includes\